Stay well, thanks for your time, I always look forward to hearing from you, your opinion matters to me

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i would love to hear Uncle Clifs' intel on the continued Abductions and Hybridization program that millions are going through; as well as the Hybrids that are among us; i believe it is possible that the EL-liens have recently increased the use of their weapons; i can smell it; it smells like the stench of ruin on their greedy souls; is this what THEY are putting in the CHEMTRAIL solution;

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Check out Timothy Alberino book BIRTHRIGHT. He is a UFO investigator. He went to Peru to investigate the face peelers.

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Alberino is a good investigator BUT... he wears a Christian lens in term of interpretation and perception. He hasn't broken through the glass ceiling yet.

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Wrong use of the term "glass ceiling"

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Did you understand what he meant? 'Nuff said.

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I "understand it was an anti-Christian comment. There is no context for "glass Ceiling" there...'Nuff said'

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Hu-brids.. 😲

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You got part of it. Basically these invaders use us for a long time and want to create a synthetic world They cannot stand nature sun all we like and needin the biological form

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It does seem that way, doesn't it, Michaela! The most obvious thing is trying to get rid of CO2; whoever these aliens are, they apparently need an atmosphere adjustment to thrive here, and are getting these dumbasses to go along with them.

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they can't handle nor manipulate the vagus nerve and all that nerve incorporates into the hormones;

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Yes they can through nano tech

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which nano tech and how; do you have any sources you can share as reference;

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David A Hughes on substack has a good compilation. Vagus verve is an area for entry by even simple mis folded proteins such as Prions. They have the tech to invade CNS pathways already I just covered content on N3 Technology & Dr. James Giordano speaking at Modern War institute lecture series.

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No one KNOWS any of this for sure.

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those with first-hand knowledge and eye witness account;

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What is the hybridization program?

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This is what some idk angels beings were trying to convince me that it was okay to genetically modify humans. That God did it so they can do it.

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Which god modified humans? Aren't you a little concerned about and ang-el trying to convince you of something? Just curious. Not trying to mess with you.

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I just had this really weird experience after I did some UCC paperwork and sent it in and then it was like I was jettisoned to the heavenly realm and I was quickly told all the things the angels had been doing. It was seen any a lady in my weekly group who said you have a woman and a man around you and during that time I felt kinda rushed and that I had no emotions over all that they had been doing like yea. I can see why but then when she saw them we told them to leave me alone and they have not been back. I have coming into real sovergnity. I am a seer tho. Anyway. This was in may. They accused Jesus to me and I just said I reserve the right not to make any contracts with anyone until I can fully hear the truth.

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Hello Woo Crew! Great timing as usual! I just sat down from picking pumpkins! Love you all!

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hmm ... don't think I have picked a pumpkin -- maybe long ago -- do they just twist off the plant -- how does one pick a pumpkin? These have to be smaller ones --rite.👀

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Yes, I am picking the small cooking pumpkins and sharing them with my coworkers. They tear off at the joints, but a small knife will come in handy for the Blue Hubbard, Lakota and Pink Banana winter squash that grows very large.

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Clif is such a breath of fresh air, love these chats with us, really appreciate the time he takes with these lectures. Feels like a loving, kindly and deeply wise grandfather passing on a lifetime of knowledge to us, his spiritual family. For what it's worth, Kerry C has the same effect on me. 🤣

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I don't find Kerry's aura very attractive, frankly.

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something sad about her.

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Exactly. she looks like her dog just died or something; it makes her aura quite dark

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No not Kerry for me...Cliffy yes!

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I met and had dinner once with Kerry and the late Jim Marrs and others in Phoenix years ago. I found her entirely sympathetic and kind. Not once did I find her disingenuous or snooty. It was only one meeting, but she showed me she was a genuine caring soul during that evening.

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Oh, I do think she is genuine, I don't think any of us dispute that, not even Clif. But his observation on how she conducts herself in interviews is pretty accurate. I watched a lot of them in the past, and they were valuable, but at some point one moves on. That is the way.

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I agree; I don't doubt she is well meaning and kind; just not a very trustworthy source because she trusts sources that are dubious. There are many like that; you can take what you will from them and leave the rest aside. Caveat auditor!

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Her obsession with Juan OSavin being JFK Jr is something I cant listen to anymore, if anything he is manipulating her for more smokescreen. Dont really listen to him anymore either, no proof. Thats what I love about Cliff. He cares about accuracy.

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and transparency. As for 107, he seems to be a genuine insider somehow but he tends to go on shows I don't listen to anymore, like Cassidy and Nino Rodriguez that tend to kind of idolize him. Now, I've heard they think that Vance is JFK Jr. in disguise. If he were alive and around, now would sure as hell be the time to resurface, don't ya think?

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She has apparently changed over the last 4 years, idk why.

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Maybe alcohol. I recently turned her channel on and was shocked at how her eyes drooped and her marked sadness was aging her. It was very apparent. I've noticed this with chronic depression and/or alcohol or drug addiction. Hers looks either chronic depression or alcohol to me. Just an opinion.

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It's also a sign of spirit possession or overinfluence by a not so friendly entity; in her line of work she may have picked one up somewhere and maybe isn't aware of it, or it could just be fear eating away; she was on w/ Jean-Claude the other day, which I didn't watch, but it popped up today on Rumble so I turned it on and couldn't watch more than a couple of minutes; she is in Greece on Santorini and she just seemed so sad and fearful somehow even on that sun drenched paradise.

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Sort of ....become the rabbit hole kind of a situation. This is what happens when you overlook the path to Yahweh. We all can pray for her in this thread and if more than one prays together in HIS name it could be transformative. I have witnessed before with a very angry and lost teacher at one of the schools my kids attended. One icy morning 5 women bunched in a car and prayed for this teacher (because our kids were around her!) and within a year this woman had transformed, stopped yelling and became the Teacher of the Year that following year. (All of us women felt a part of this somehow. We never mentioned it, but the looks we shared on occasional meetings spoke volumes.) I will commit to pray for Kerry's happiness and salvation for a week. Will anyone else? And see what happens, in Yahweh's name only!

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Go for it. We rarely know what effects our actions have, but with intention, they are effective. Thanks!

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I love that Cliff differentiates between what we KNOW & what others want us to believe based on their egoic opinions!

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Gawd!!! Not more Kari Kassidy!

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She is a human, one of US and even Clif acknowledges we need to respect each other or we are like those who are not teaching or being positive. Why did you dismiss Kerry who has been a good human being with the wrong knowledge and perspective in your opinion?

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Clif dabbles in the Controlled Opposition bunch, and Kerry Cassidy is just one. Anyone who has EVER rubbed elbows with Pedo Pimp Chuck Ward, the guy who ADMITTED pimping young girls for Jimmy Saville and he admitted to running money and assets for billionaires. If Kerry EVER connects with PedoWard, she is far more than suspect. She may be a delightful human, but her path with these evil disinfo charmers makes her manifestly suspect, both as to her intellect and her discernment.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. 👍🏻

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Charlie Ward is just another click-seeking con artist playing the no-technical-ability, zero integrity, mind-fuck, alt media game. He has some how convinced a lot of stupid people that he is some kind of an expert in something or other. His own son I believe regards him as the fucktard he most certainly is.

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I absolutely agree. What disturbs me, and this applies at some level to Clif, is that there are dozens of Controlled Oppositioners that regularly engage Chuckie Ward, but Clif and others ignore that they do and engage them anyway. People like Mel K, Simon Parkes, the streetfighter, and many more. And he references people like Benny Full-of-Shit-ford, and Jean Claude (where he appears, at times) Juan-Oh-Effing-Seven and Kerry and more. While he sometimes notes that he discounts them, he keeps referencing them. What is profoundly disconcerting is that he still occasionally references Phil Godlewski, who is a former CIA operative fool still claiming to believe in the Q-Tardian BS. The guy has a huge following of Hopium-addicted idiots that believe in Q-Tardia 7 years after "Trust the Paln" was first offered.

What also frustrates me about Clif is that, while his info is informative, and about 1/3rd of it novel and thought provoking, another third, like Aliens spraying Chemtrails, is off the wall silly, and the final info is dubious at best, and dark at worst.

Examples of his dark allusions include references to improvements if Trump is elected (as a card carrying Zionist linked to Rothschild bankers, Epstein and Roy Cohn, how is he OK?) and to his hints that the "Good" will prevail or that the Fed is going down and some vague new currency source will take its place or that the Kali Yuga is now about over so all will be well, as if by magic. These allusions are patently misleading, unfounded and perhaps even deceptive. I find it hard to believe that Clif is unaware that he is misleading his audience.

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As Lionel Anderson just put on a video.no one gets it all right,were all swimming in this madness.Yes trump is not the answer,but in this sheep pen you got 2 choices,u pick the one who is telling you your going to get shit or you pick the one you can at least hold accountable for his promises! As for the chemtrails,I've always wondered,I've watched them for over 20 years,where do all the planes come from,unmarked,100s in a week? If this is an alien" construct" then of course they can be responsible

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By co-opting to the "Punch and Judy" show, where you get to pick Dummy No. 1 or Dummy No.2, you are just fooling yourself. The Reason you are given Drumpf vs. Cameltoe is precisely because they are BOTH operated from the same set of puppet strings. They look different, because they are MEANT to look different.

You are apparently suggesting a vote for Trump is the better choice. Drumpf stopped not a single war, removed fewer than 25 troops, in four years, failed to build even 10% of the Wall, failed to lower the debt or the deficits, let his generals and advisors run him, closed the JFK files he campaigned to disclose, ignored Assange, funded 5G during the lockdown, gave billions, moved to Jerusalem and handed over the Golan to Isahell, and is the self-professed Father of the Jab. In addition, he not only did zero to drain the Swamp, he appointed Acosta, Bolten, Pompeo, Barr, his Rothschild Banker Ross and many more, and even kept Mnuchin from Obummer. What is it you feel you can hold him accountable for this time?

Did he have fewer (But still millions of them) illegals? yes. But he is campaigning now to have as many as before, just legally. What difference would that make?

Did he open up oil transport and drilling? Yes, to his credit. But if that is your basis for voting, with the Gaza conflict in Drumpf's sights, and Ukraine fomenting for global war, go for it. I voted for 40 years, but no more. I just don't want the stain of the failures on my hands.

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You cannot hold Trump accountable for his promises, for the past or in the future. He is trying to invoke Noahide laws for anti-semitism(whateverthatis) ffs!

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When I began listening to podcasts in around 2020, Ward was one of the first I tuned into, but soon I began to be suspicious: he went from starting his podcast to like 4 million subscribers in 3 months; that was a red flag. And his kid starting off each one w/ "Jesus loves you" despite his mother being a Muslim, and Ward's oft-repeated claim, "I'm not the savior, I'm just Charlie" got to be off-putting. As awareness grows you shed these types in due time.

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Exactly my experience too!

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Mel K, Simon Parkes & even Streetfighter (ever since Sacha Stone had a chat with him) are all worthless propogandists imo.

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I agree, Charlie Ward is a master manipulator & a criminal. Cannot stand to look at his face, instant revulsion. And he is NO Christian!

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How does Clif know she does. He may be wrong! One thing Clif did warn us about is placing someone as our AUTHORITY because we need to do our own research. Have you spoken to Kerry or are you placing Clif as your authority which he warns about. Kerry is right until proven by you she is not.

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You don't know that and there are very very few who can Actually see auras, perhaps a poor choice of words. Lol

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How do you know I'm not one of them?

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I don't but intuit you are not but then we all colour our intuition by our own ego so really I don't know but for the fact that most who say are not. Hugs x

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You are correct, sir! I don’t see anything like colors or whatever; it’s more of a feeling you get when you look at someone or are in their presence.

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Maybe with all the DUMBs, they're UNDERGROUND?...

So many layers. So much obfuscation.

Time to PSY UP OR SHUT UP. Who wants to be a Power Ranger? Maybe with better outfits?... Less GAY? 😉😉😉

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Hmmm, I’m not sure that you can make the “Power Rangers” less gay?!!😜

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Voltron and G-Force were kinda cool

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Everybody copied that shtick.

Neon Genesis Evangelion took it to the NEXT LEVEL.

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True... True...

And I'm not really a fan, BUT the array of colors! Just kidding, it was more the combonoric effect I was looking for. If enough people can MOSTLY get their shit together. THEN, when we do come together, we can accomplish INCREDIBLE things. But not so much individually for awhile with the shifting of energies and focus.

GESTALT. More Than Human.

That's a book by Theodore Sturgeon.

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09/11/2024: (2002 Audio Book 8hrs 11min)) Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE NSF/DOC sponsored report . Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation 2002: https://rumble.com/v5elq79-326859237.html

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have considered that the original reference is 'Five Faces of Siva' (pancha-mukhalinga) which would later give rise to Wu Xing theory and its various correlates.

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Not so familiar with that belief system myself.

Although I'm an outrageous dancer and Kin 88 planetary star of the Tzolkin. So, I'm down with Siva.

🔥 🔥 🔥

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Since you apparently are aware of the Mayan calendar, have you read any of Carl Johan Calleman's books on that? He has got it down! He's the one that said that after 2012, the 9th wave of consciousness would entail no more secrets and hidden info, and that certainly seems to be coming true! I tried to figure out what my Mayan "personality" is but it was too complicated. I'm not math-inclined unfortunately.

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I'm a bit familiar with him, from around that time. Mostly Jose Arguelles though. And Ian Xel Lungold.

I got my avatar name from combining my signs from their two systems or counts, although monkey is my analog kin in the Tzolkin. I still have my little pocket calculator from 25 years ago I use.

Sounds about right, with all the redundancy. And Arguelles had similar notions of cycles winding down and up. We had been just a skipping repeating record from '87 to '13, now it's jumping all over the place.

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. . . and according to the late Phil Schneider there are a lot of D.U.M.B.S. ... that's what I like about Clif, just when I thought I'd heard it all ... priceless! Aliens posing as aircraft geo-engineering!! ... what next?? We've all been M.K. Ultra'd from birth and in pods like the Matrix perhaps?! 😳 Sadly I think nothing would really suprise me at this point. 😂 that's just cray cray!

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The best offering from Alexandra Bruce, rider of the woo woo fringey fringe line.

Yes, and the map of them is a bit disturbing, accurate or not. Says there's an access to the network in Delta, CO only 20 minutes away from me! I've wondered about trying to find it...

Some are quite obvious here in the mountains. Friend of a friend drives trucks and had taken some loads into underground bases. She shared a few photos he'd snapped.

MK'd from birth I am! Mother's name is Mary Kay.

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Hey neighbor! I'm less than 20 minutes from Delta. Do you notice how many times people are saying "Did you hear that huge boom!" on the Delta message boards? No one ever answers that question, do they? I figure it's from underground blasts to enlarge the spaces. My dogs are all on alert today, but then the Trap Club is usually pretty active on Sundays. Or it's a bear moving through. Our apples are about ripe so they should be cruising through. Be safe out there!

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And with the AB comment, I meant her book Philadelphia Experiment Murder about Phil Schneider and with Glen Pruitt interview.

Back then she was more WOO, now she's more woo woo. At least she likes Clif High. Curious about Splintering Babylon, but honestly that kind of shit is coming out everywhere all over the place, so nobody has a monopoly or exclusive on it.

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See what you started, Starmonkey? LOL

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Clifford Carnicom knows where the Chem Trail planes fly in and out of... Evergreen Airport (C.I.A.) is one of them. He also discovered that the samples he has been able to gather from more places than I can count (rainwater, snow runoff, etc..) all pretty much contain elements of Fly Ash. Fly Ash used to have to be disposed of in a very elaborate manner so as not to pollute. The cost of it was prohibitive. There is always more than one "purpose" for their sick actions against humanity. You might also reach out to the former weatherman who first raised the issue and lost his job and almost everything else, Dane Wiggington ~ he might be able to tell you where he believes those Chem Trail bases are...

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What amazes me is that we can figure out that they're chem trailing us and that it's bad and can tell our gov reps we don't want those, and yet SOMEONE keeps giving the order to do it. I wish someone would hunt down whoever that is and make them stop giving the order or paying for it (Gates?) or something. We're learning all about a lot of bad things they're doing and yet someone keeps doing it: the pilots fly the planes; the workers load the chemicals on the planes, etc etc.

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My youngest son and I volunteered to assist with Travel accommodations for Guest Speakers at a 9/11 Truth Conference in Phoenix AZ right after that whole debacle. We had a group of pilots that called themselves Pilots For Truth. They had collectively spent thousands of hours and untold sums of money to trace these planes and three things they pretty much agreed upon: 1.) The planes had at one time been used commercially and had been repurposed and painted entirely white without legible markings for identification. 2.) They believed that some of them were remote operated, i.e. Drones. 3.) They also all agreed that this could not be happening without our own government and our own military being complicit. It could NOT HAPPEN without their knowledge, approval and involvement.

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And even more convincing, every pilot stated that it would be impossible to fly a large airliner at high speed at that low level of altitude and have any control over it, plus it couldn’t go that fast because of the air pressure at that altitude (that’s why they fly at 35K ft.)

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Aha! Thanks for the info. This bears out my suspicion regarding an all-white, unmarked, large plane l saw recently parking up in a large international airport. l mentioned it earlier in these comments.

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I do not know if Pilots for Truth are still a group or not, last time I was in contact with them was around 200-2006. But those guys are a wealth of knowledge. We picked up about half a dozen videos (DVD's) from that event and several manuals, sat around on breaks and just shared information around a large gathering area and we could not believe how long that program has been in effect, if everything they had to say was truthful, and I have no reason to doubt they were being forthright. My point in stating all this is that they were a gold mine of data and info related to this subject matter. Many were Private Pilots so they were not under any NDA's or "Top Secret" orders not to disclose. They might still be a valuable resource for anyone seeking more data.

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I've heard the W. European trail planes are flying from an island off N. Africa and spraying in the Atlantic letting prevailing winds blow them inland. This is from two pilots interviewed incognito by Richad Vobes on his channel, it's still up! Very interesting and not particularly dubious but one must discern.

I have heard nothing from a researcher years ago that showed pictures of the interior of planes fitted out with chemical tanks, of course it may just be me and sure all that could be orchestrated for appearances.

Wasn't Trump photographed in a plane with tanks instead of seats . . . I remember that!

God knows where the American planes are taking off from, could be anywhere, European to, or perhaps Clifs lateral thinking is the truth of the matter and it's those nasty sky barsards! 😂💫🌟 That's Clifs name for the Anunaki/Elohim when he spoke of the Nummo.

As for Kerry, again, sure she has a look of a cloud over her head, overdoes the lipstick a bit but probably has passengers, dis-incarnate suicide victims latching on, it's epidemic these days.

One lady I do know who could actually see was Filis Fredrick and gives a rare lecture on the subject, Demystifying Death. . . She was quite something and stated she couldn't understand why anyone would want to be psychic, she had terrible problems with it growing up... careful what we ask for ehh!

Best regards.


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Indeed! Reminds me of Clif’s once saying that you shouldn’t seek enlightenment because knowing what’s really going on is a terrible burden and rather distressing; seek rather liberation. And I DO think that the war on carbon is an alien-inspired, weaponized, activity; why the hell would we want to get rid of an element we can’t live without? Only if some alien species that must find it noxious somehow wants it gone or minimized.

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I can understand why folk might get distressed but then a little knowledge is dangerous. I stopped going down certain rabbit holes 20 years ago upon good advise. Really, when one gets to see thd Game from a holistic perspective I have the conviction that it would all make sense. What was that expression of Christ in the gospel of Thomas, "If it were not for a blade of grass creation could not exist." Something to ponder perhaps.

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"Distressed" was my word; I can't recall exactly how Clif put it as it was a long time ago when he was still doing videos w/ the whiteboard and all, but it was basically "be careful what you wish for" kind of thing.

I think Thomas also has something like, "the kingdom is all around you yet men do not see it." We have to work to "connect dots" because something prevents us from seeing the big picture all at once apparently. I believe that lack is one of the things that will go away in the new era we're entering; I guess we'll see.

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For me Meher Baba ticked all the boxes, His life was a mystery in 44 years of silence, incomparable. He also stated that Bliss surrounds us but we are mostly unable to perceive it because of identification with body and mind... something like that.

He also stated that each time the Avatar of the Age appears as the Christ or any number of personalities through history He brings with Him a gift for that time. Apparently the gift of Christ was reason and the gift Baba brought was intuition. After pondering this for decades now it seems that when the intuitive faculty really takes hold in everyday life that all the machinations of the nefarious on every level will just fall away like so much chaff. Lies will become self evident and society as a whole will look to the subtler realities of life and mostly abandon the scintillating pleasures that are utterly unforfilling

I have studied His life all my life and realize God needs no propaganda and when He periodically takes form His voice is like that of the voice in the wilderness until little by little gains strength and eventually reverberates in the hearts and engulfs those longing for the truth like a wave...


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yes , seeking endless information and realisation gets maddening after a while.

I would say liberation is already the case for everyone and everything. It would have to be so.

Personally I'm foggy on that being reality, but plenty of openings have happened. Enough that I don't mind being in a veiled state. That is a good enough start.

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re discarnate entities - I suspect they are around and collect around living people.

I was penetrator by a couple balls of nastiness years ago. I was drifting in light sleep at the time. I couldn't find any physical traces upon waking. Just residual panick. I don't know if they were discarnate remnants of dead people hanging around the flat. My partner back then said previous tenants did heroin etc in that apartment. We were redecorating it for new tenants.

I met a woman years ago at an events venue where I worked, she said i had dead ghosts trying to use my throat chakra to get back to source. She said she cleared them. I don't remember if I noticed a difference afterwards.

in my human design system studies I found a breakdown of how various discarnate entities maybe encountered and perceived. Good way of looking at this subject if interested.

Apparently the personality "crystal " is let go from the brain within 72 hours of physical death. It may not rejoin the huge bundles of said "crystals" in high atmosphere. Sometimes an earth bound group of crystals floats past and collects it. Thus we may meet groups of ghosts ...whether they appear to us as dead people, demons, collective entities, gods or aliens.

Those earth bound ghost bundles can have 1000's of crystals, generating various effect on observers and environment.

Maybe I will contemplate the entities using me to return to their source...see what happens.

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Correcting my above comment- ideally the personality completes it's Bardo process and IS collected into a large bundle high above earth's surface. Often that process is disturbed by moving or opening the body after death.

in that case the personality will not resonate to its "home bundle " frequency. Then it may become part of a rogue earth bound bundle.

That's all According to revelations through Ra uru hu (aka Robert Alan Krackower) called the human design system.

There is another "crystal " that sits just below the personality crystal. The body crystal sits in the middle of the brain around pineal gland. Upon physical death it moves downwards and exits the body and goes back into the big body crystal bundle under the earth's surface.

BTW the personality crystal normally hovers just above the pituitary gland, at scalp height.

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InPower.org has a notice of liability that we have sent out into the world and it is having an affect. It is in the UCC language which is higher than the constitution.

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Well of course the CIA is behind this s***

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You NAILED it!

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Fly ash works great in cement for pools or dams...

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It's also pretty rough on the sinuses. And lungs. Notice how many people have that issue.

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I was going to say that, Evergreen is in Southern OR isnt it? I started researching chemtrails in 2011 when they started making me very sick! I seem to remember it was private air svc from S. Oregon.

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I cant remember but this is what AI stated: Evergreen Field Airport

Located in Vancouver, Washington, Evergreen Field Airport (FAA LID: 59S) was a public-use airport that operated from 1944 to 2006. The airport covered an area of 68 acres and featured two runways: 10L/28R with an asphalt pavement and 10R/28L with a turf surface.


Established in August 1944, Evergreen Field was initially owned by Roy C. Sugg, who received a permit from the Clark County planning commission. In 1945, Sugg sold the airport to Wally Olson, who operated it until its closure in July 2006. During its operational years, the airport was home to the Northwest Antique Airplane Club (NWAAC) and hosted the Evergreen Fly-In since 1964.

Airport Details

Location: 5 miles east of Vancouver’s central business district

Elevation: 312 ft (95 m) AMSL

Owner: Olson Family Trust

Type: Public airport

Notable Events

The airport was sold for $15 million to a developer in 2007, but the $215 million redevelopment deal fell through.

After Olson’s death in July 1997, his family continued to operate the airport until its closure in 2006.

No Longer in Operation

Evergreen Field Airport ceased operations in 2006 and is no longer an active airport. However, its rich history and nostalgic value continue to be celebrated through the stories and memories of those who flew in and out of the airport during its operational years

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There are good and bad aliens as with everything. There are currently missing 380,000 children from the USA alone Clif just told you who took them and where. The bad reptile aliens took them to sell and eat. The good Aliens are here fighting the bad ETs because we are there families that have been brought here against our wills, this is a prison planet with consciousness recycling. So is-be's can not leave this solar system, This is being rectified slowly, as you may imagine the resistance to the liberation of the food supply of the bad ETs is great. Our governments are in league with the bad ETs. 🙂 there is much more to know.

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That doesn't make sense. We abort MILLIONS of children a year on this planet,....if the Alien's wanted to eat them, they wouldn't be shoving Abortion down the Liberal's Throats! I think most of the abducted Children are taken by really SICK humans,....seems we have a huge PEDO class on this planet.

I think what the aliens really need is WATER. And in order to get it, they are negotiating with the Worst Humans on the planet,....and giving them what they want in exchange for unlimited Water.

Water is the most Precious thing we have on Planet Earth. Every other planet is dry. None are like Earth,....blue and green. Our planet really is a Jewel in this Solar System at least. Maybe in the Galaxy, we don't know yet.

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Your first sentence sums up a lot: "It doesn't make sense." We're in bizarro world until sci-fi world appears or is created or whatever happens.

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Foetuses do not have the required amount of adrenochrome or fear but I do sort of get what your saying. Lol

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Agree 100% with you Defender of Freedom. Your statement makes much more sense.

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Interesting the human herd culling subject... I'll keep it short. . . James Casbolt and others have spoken of octapods as big as a VW bug having feeding frenzies, specifically during the Paradise Fires. Casbolt was instructed to execute one in St Ives, Cornwall, UK. by MI5. I think the now murdered Spears spoke of same in an interview by Bases or Kerry Cassidy with Casbolt.

Capt M.Richards spoke of Ankor Wat being emptied of over a million folk in two days by same. They were mind controlled to think there was no water and when weakened carted off to God knows where as food.

There are numerous sightings of these beings but I think most children are abducted by the nefarious on this planet primarily for their blood, humans and others involved. What happens behind closed doors. I studied thus for years until I was told there are some things I was not being asked to look at, so I don't anymore. Deep and personal experience. Remember, these were not always children and we are all responsible for selfish actions in past lives that harmfully inpact others, just saying.

Blessings of insight


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Is that the same as the 'V' for visitor scenario?

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The governments admitted to releasing chemtrails, but made excuses about how they are doing for the good of the planet, etc.... So, unless you are willing to admit the governments are working with (or covering for) the "aliens", then you are in error about alien ships doing the chemtrailing. But I agree Greer is probably doing psyop stuff because he always says the aliens are all wonderful, refusing to even consider there could be bad aliens. And Greer even thinks we went to the moon, despite obvious evidence that is not true. So Greer has no credibility.

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We probably did go- but as to when, how & what happened, they won't tell us. That's why they had to get Kubrick & others to put together a big fairy tale to satisfy the public- and keep those BILLIONS per year flowing to the NASA Nahzees & their sick programs & experiments on humans. Very little space shit done at NASA- but lots of trauma based MK Ultra programming, especially of children via STA & more.

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I don't understand why the government admitting chem trails is only with evil intent if aliens are real.

Makes no sense to me. There is ample evidence that the chemtrails are harmful, that western governments are compromised and that they do not represent us. No aliens required.

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IF there IS a space alien agenda, the guv would be subject to them. Could be either way, admittedly.

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I'm reminded of the old Twilight Zone episode where the aliens came to earth and gave us a book titled "To Serve Man," and everyone believed they were here to help us and were all excited; then at the end the main character's friend is boarding their ship to go with them, when the main character runs up to the boarding platform just as his friend is entering the ship, and screams, we've translated their book "To Serve Man". IT'S A COOKBOOK!!!! LOL

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Reminds me of the movie Real Men with John Ritter and Jim Belushi. Government wanted to trade with the aliens, aliens said they could have the solution for fixing, ..... everything, ...... OR The Really Big Gun (Weapon that could easily destroy the entire planet) for a single glass of water.

But it this CERN alternate reality, the Aliens will trade their future war tech, or the solution to , ... Evertyhing, ... but only IF the Government removes ALL the carbon, effectively pre-terraforming for the aliens to use it for themselves.

A Kissinger's "Win-Win" for the aliens. lol

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If the "aliens" are working with government then they're dumber than one could imagine. Politicisans and bureaucrats have got to be some of the most doltish characters around. But they are good actors, and that is what matters, to suck so many people in.

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OF COURSE the government is working with non-human entities and they've been doing this for decades (no surprise here!) so you're looking for a conspiracy where there isn't any and Clif is probably onto something.

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Why are people still paying taxs and not talking about how they can stop? They are being funded by everyone.

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I actually agree with you; we shouldn't be paying taxes to our government when they don't care about our interests and we're not being represented by them.

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Right. I am longing for everyone to seek others who will do this but the conversation never goes to this. We need solutions but if all that is being talked about is speculation or dread about what's going on, then we're not building anything new.

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Right, I stopped paying them after 9 eleven. For every dollar a patriot spends on fighting tyranny they pay thousands to buy the rope that hangs them.

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I want to send you my heartfelt appreciation for taking the trouble to not pay taxes. Same here, I was on the cash economy for over ten years. I wish more people would be fed up and start looking to do this. It would have an enormous effect beause it would say to government "we're not going to support you anymore" And I bet they would be aating out of our hands if we did that, trying to win us back over. But we must never go back.

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And I appreciate you Denise. I have been strictly cash or btc for twenty two years. It was often inconvenient, and took some courage, but far less than the patriots of 1776 who risked everything including life for the chance of a real life of liberty instead of chattel slavery. If everyone would just resist in the clever ways that creative individuals have to deprive these thieves and parasites of our blood and toil their fraud would inevitably collapse.

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Kudos again. Yes it is inconvenient but that is because nobody else is doing it! If they were, we could exchange and transact with them. But they only do things for (banker's) money and so they remain tethered and we remain on the outskirts tryting to stay on our liferaft. I think more people will look for alternatives but I wish they would hurry up! Thanks for putting a smile on my face today!

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I have been

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There's a great little video on voo toob called War Castles, Sgt Robert Horton. Describes the Admiralty Laws which ensure we're all under the cosh. Very well worth watching. Clif also did a video partly about the same subject in 2022, l rewatched it recently on clifhighvideos.com, "2022.09.02 Narradigm Investigations Law". Very interesting!

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Several well known ufo disclosure people think Greer is CIA, I heard it with my own ears.

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I think so too. Greer is NOT stupid. If he is so high up in the "food chain" that the US government listens to him, then how does he NOT know the moon landing was bullshit? So, seems he is trying to psyop for some nefarious reason about aliens are ALL good and only evil deep state tech explains anything negative about UFOs. So, if a fake alien attack happens then sows more fear, panic, doubts, confusion, etc.... since some "truthers" will "KNOW" it is human tech but unable to convince very many. Cause more division etc, because other "truthers" will "KNOW" it is so-called bad aliens and more lack of unity. Then perhaps "good" aliens chase them off, or do an open contact situation so the "devil can appear as an angel of light" kind of thing and more directly deceive, etc.... many narratives and contingencies they could play out, depending on where they can take human consciousness. I used to be convinced open contact would happen literally and wrote a fiction account about it here https://www.writepharmaparablepublishing.com/p/just-the-facts-maam but now, with expanded consciousness, I can see almost an infinite variety of possibilities.

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I think the Aliens are not working alone. Probably Gates and the WEFers are the hired help

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You're suggesting that Gates is human?

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At one time perhaps. Not for a while now; and Zuck? What a clone!

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Loving these insights, Clif!

Thank you.

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Could WOKE & DEI philosophies be part of the attack? Thank you, Clif! (I had to stop the recording to see if the dog was barking in my yard or yours - LOL).

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Nah, Woke and DEI is just standard Cultural Marxism, .... the tyranny that keeps people distracted from what is really going on.

Owe, ... My Neck !!! hahaha

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that happens to me too when I wear airpod ear buds which create a surround sound effect.

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LOL, I did the same thing; his audio is like surround sound!

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Thanks for the heads up. Will start listening to it now lol

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Alien incapacitating weapons have been used against humans for decades - we are told they are vaccines.

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the aliens are using us in a study for how to get our immune systems to accept an alien parasite.

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Oh I heard of the black eye club

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Well - highly stimulating and thought provoking as always. One major flaw in it all is the assumption of all assumptions and that is the assumption that it is "aliens" from "outer space" that are attacking us. What if there is no such thing as aliens? What if outer space were nothing like what we've been told? What if planets and stars are nothing like what we've been told? All of it is story.

Now please don't pillory me for saying this but to me it looks like stories that come out of the perspectives of the male mind. Males are "outward -seeing" and cook up these fantastical stories (such as religions, elaborate and not so elaborate myths, etc. In fact all the interprestions of almost eveyrthing come through the eyes of the gents. Men have ezxternal genitals and immediate necessities (ie: ejaculation) and this is a big part of how male thinking comes about.

But I see humans doing it to humans, don't you? Who pushes the jabs? Who pushes the masks? Who drops the bombs? Who indoctrinate our children?

It's very intersting though that aliens are a possibility but really they are not likely. Stabbing at aliens as a reason for what's going on is a bit like stabbing at a god for creation. It's just a story. The reason they are not visible could very well be because they don't exist. Or it could be that a sort of elins does exist but it exists within in and uses humans to do their dirty work. I think that is much more likely though I would never dismiss the possibility of outside aliens. However if their technology is so advanced, why do they need slaves?

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Not necessarily slaves, more like playing with little live dolls, or army men. A few of the Twilight Zone episodes addressed the same idea, I’m pretty sure, in different ways. More intelligent or advanced beings, or just bigger in size, toying with the fun little people.

Or, raised as food - snacks or whatever.

On the other hand, it could very well be that all of it IS story.

I’ve heard it said that the mind is a meaning machine - point it at anything and it will give it meaning and story.

Ain’t we got fun?

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What is the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

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yes, but "what does it all mean"?

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Well, in the story of the mind as meaning machine, it means what we “think” it means. There are lots of other stories about what it means. Maybe “we’re” just supposed to pick one. I really don’t know and I suspect there are few who do know. There are stories about its meaning that I like more than others - but again, who really knows? And what are we, really? Does it even really matter?

Sorry - there just is not a definitive answer at this point in our civilization - that’s what Clif explores so beautifully.

…and maybe that’s it - the meaning - the exploration.

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I agree with your sentiment!

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About 10 years ago, someone I know went to a Steven Greer conference. What she said about it made me think he's propaganda at a minimum or was evil, worst case.

There were guards there and the doors were locked -- no one allowed to leave or enter once Greer started speaking. She said no one was allowed to disagree with him after he spoke, or they would be quickly taken out of the room.

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interesting factoid, thank you. I don't listen to Steven Greer, and, as usual, I don't know why that is, but, your insight could be why.

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I wouldn't give two shits who it was,..... I WOULD be allowed to leave when I damn well pleased, .... or there would be a very, VERY large Scene. lol

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Wouldn’t the Government have sent up Fighter Jets 🛩️ years ago to shoot down the chemtrailers if that were the case ? Besides I have seen a picture of Angela Merchal inside a Chemtrail Tanker ✈️ inspecting all blue 44gallon plastic containers full of the chemshit. She had a Stupid insane look 👀 on her face 😜 I think she said “dus is goot”. The men around her looked Airforce.

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No, guv would not sent up fighter jets, or anything else. Somehow they are captive, too. Or what they think is benefitting.

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There IS the disconnect from our former reality...

The effect on the nervous system and memory could make a new reality more plausible.

Be better if enough of us were awake enough for critical mass and we could help direct it though. Who knows what others may decide for us.

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We probably only need a few percent of us to do that, but the more the merrier.

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yes I think that is happening ..memories wiped one way and another. Like it always was just faster and faster.

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End of an Era.

And what does inhibit or promote the cross-communication between the halves of the brain? What will facilitate it more? Pineapples?

When leaving a world behind for another one, we have to drop our baggage and leave pretty much everything behind. Just like death and rebirth! There's a reason we forget. Most of it isn't relevant to our new lives. Would just distract or confuse us.

But the lessons we learn and take to heart and live by alter our DNA and are carried on, not lost. Have to engage and apply.

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I'm ready to do new things, create a new trajectory. But I don't know of anyone else who truly is, though many say they are.

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Not sure how many varieties of reality will emerge...

Much is based on FREQUENCY, so I find that individual approach to dynamic balance necessary before attempting things together. People need to bring as much of their WHOLE Selves to the table as possible. I'm currently focusing on that more through recommendations by CH and others.

New Earth is my destination if possible. Done with most of the old one, and I can even be MORE done, depending.

You have suggestions? Recommendations? It's true, "humanity" won't survive or be able to fix ANY of its problems without The Village.

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