There are no "Aliens" but there will be lots of "new" manmade phenomenon that will be required in order for the tptb to maintain control over the herd during the fiat collapse.

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Maybe...and maybe not. LOL. Certainty is a trickster ego illusion. Living in the awareness of the present moment...or as Clif calls it...EPN....ever present Now...seems to bring more certainty but not absolute certainty. It's all so wonder-full.

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The only aliens that exist on the planet of the apes are the ones in our head, mind over matter.

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How do you know this? 🤫 the power that were Always told us that this is not real.. there are no off worlders...aliens. However have you noticed that whatever 'they' Have so adamantly told us Is factual...is urning out to be a lie?

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The fake alien invasion has happily started. On my blog here at Substack, I've written it in 3 parts.

I'll place a link to Part 2 here because you will hear a very serious conversation about the alien threat. Next? Below the podcast at the top of the posting, you will then see a video that this was planned for a long time.

America to me seems as divided over the "aliens," as they were about Covid.

Why? Covid was not a pandemic, it was a "plan-demic" as a text.

Here's the link.

Peace and Love to all here.


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Except if you wannna see a real Mindfuck it will be if the manmade alien invasion of conspiracy lore occurs coincident to an actual alien incursion, (nefarious or not)

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hm hm munch munch Kellogs modRNA Super Hero munchy crunchy pop op

dont worry

just eat the crunch and get munch

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Correction. There are aliens. President Eisenhower was the first President to meet face to face with them. Where do you think all this technology our Government uses against us came from ? Do you believe that Trump is just a retarded fool when one of the first actions he took as President was creating the Space Force ? We’re going to need that branch soon I believe.

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there ARE ALIENS, they are crossing over our borders every day!! LOL!! Perhaps Charlie Sheen was onto something??

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Herd is good since they refer to themselves as "Goats". They call their offspring "Kids" not children.

I think we will see the latest in Holographic projection technology.

The highest elevation ASL any rocket has ever gone is 73 miles.

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I doubt you have children.

I call my 3 beautiful adult daughters "kids". It is a term of affection. You twist it ugly.

You have no right to comment on the term if you are not a dad.

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I have four children.

The GOAT Deity is Baphomet, but you probably know that as a Billy goat with three kids.

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The lost tribes of Israel are dwelling in middle earth system and are rising up from sub Antarctica region. They are an army who obey Moses and are Aaronic priesthood ministering Angels. Also in middle earth are immortal resurrected beings from past 7000 year classes who were humans on the upper 7. They are rising after tribulations to inhabit our upper earth system for 1000 years. Then this entire system will be replaced with a celestial orb with only celestial dwellers. Obedience to the Ten Commandments is required for the 1000 year terrestrial civilization. Terrestrial Zion will ascend to become celestial ascending beings aka ministering Angels.

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There ARE aliens here or our higher aspects. "Insert fav term here"

at any rate, that's my current perspective. Not complicating it. They're visitors.

What I'd like to know is 'what system are they from? '

Can we get a' species? ' anything on them?

Everybody has their own perspectives and thats the reality we'll create for ourselves.

some will have the demon experience, others will have positive contacts & learn, grow, experience "the other'. a whole other world.

Make Smart Choices moving in. Its all on you. what you know will save you.

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Well, I’m sure glad you finally settled the issue on whether we are the only living beings in the universe(s). What are your thoughts on Angels. Do you believe they exist, and would they be considered beings? Lastly, if we evolved from apes on this planet, is there any chance that there could be another planet in the universe(s) where a similar evolution is possible? Would they be considered aliens? Appreciate your thoughts.

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The electric field has both positive and negative polarity, so technically there can't be angels without demons and demons without angels. Our interpretations of reality are all a matter of perspective and perception. The cross is the only symbol in the material world that represents balance and harmony. Once you are able to master the right and left hemispheres and stay grounded and balanced you will find inner peace and no longer need to look up into the sky for answers. The Kingdom is within you!

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Do we have to be looking into the sky for answers? I was thinking it was recreational. Anyway, what we call positive and negative in electrical fields doesn't add up to bad and good, angels and demons. Polarity is also perception.

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yes great, we know that but we also know that we share a Galaxy with other life forms. Plus we'll get zero point energy. much better than paying for any energy.

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Here's my thoughts for whatever they're worth:

1.) Darwinian evolution can't be true if we can't find (and we can't) that one species can "turn into" another suddenly with all the simultaneous gene mutations that will allow viability. That's not documented in the fossil record and it's statistically crazy. I think what we call evolution of species could also be called "novelty generation by Consciousness" or something quantum (which is to say the same thing). Whatever you want to call it, it appears to reflect some kind of will by Consciousness to add to its experience. So we didn't evolve from apes. In fact apes were never really considered. Evolutionists believe that we evolved from lemur-like animals further up the evolutionary line. It's all bullshit though. Apparently.

2.) My personal belief is that "angels" are just other-frequency beings of some kind we can occasionally pick up for whatever reason, maybe due to shifts in frequency caused by strong emotions. Who knows? Same for "Reptilians." They both have a place our mythologies,"real" or not. Maybe they're some sort of archetype, whatever that means. But both seem to have become manifest to people on this planet. So under my where-there's-smoke-there's-fire theory of existence, they probably have some kind of reality. I think references in the Bible distort who such beings are and what they do though, in order to fit the EL dogma/story of creation that unfolds there. The "evil" ones, like Satan and the fallen angels from the Bible, pretty much sum up how Reptilians are generally described....they are "fallen," meaning they are self-serving to horrifying extremes and they take reptile form, just as demons are described in religion. Conversely, "angels" are not fallen and may communicate and help at times. In other words, I don't know exactly what angels and demons are, but what's pretty clear to me that they're not the engineered beings in the cosmological drama/dogma of religion. Are they ETs? Depends on how you define extraterrestrial.

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Margaret, I believe what you have expressed is about right, in my estimation.

It seems self-evident to me after seven decades with a severe case of curiosity,

that the 'legends, myths, religious traditions', of these "alien beings" i.e. angels/devils, etc. point to a reality Mankind is slowly beginning to perceive. Curtain Time!

With all the large unidentified drones, UFOs and related that are being reported almost daily. Gotta know that something HUGE is about to astound the Globe.

I'll admit to be a long time skywatcher, since when I first learned of the WOO stuff in the early sixties. I'm hoping to be around to witness "their" formal introduction.

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Maybe in the end all you ever see is your own mind. Individual and collective mind. I've often wondered if our laws of physics are the laws of what we allow ourselves to see. It does seem that we're allowing stuff we haven't allowed before (in the west, in contemporary times) to come in now. Everything from Armageddon to ETs, cultural and financial cataclysms, energy explosions from the heart of the galaxy.....it's all so extreme right now that it does seem like something's gotta give somewhere.

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How does this fit with Werner von Baun's last words:"The very last card they'll play is the UFO card."?

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I find it a bit surprising that so many people are willing to believe that a lying Nazi pos, who's "religious" tenets include "always lie to the goy" & who's career was all about mind-kontrol, human experimentation, torture, abuse & victimization of children (inflicting their Stockholm Syndrome on humanity) & using them as sex slaves to the power elite in government (including our POTUS's & CON artists in CONgress) honey pots for blackmail & ritual murder- had a "come to Jesus moment" on his death bed and said one allegedly true thing. Because someone claims his assistant said so. OK, sure, doesn't sound anything like a psyop at all... FFS!. The existence of leprechauns, fairies, & unicorns is FAR more likely.

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Ja wohl 🦁🚀

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depends who THEY are .... we will see!

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It’s surprising how many just diss this without addressing the evidence or doing some basic research, away from their familiar, comfortable sources. Having studied this for several years and becoming fully awakened to the existence of life outside of our tiny perception, I think Clif’s take is balanced and reasonable. In fact the sooner we get down to discussing and concurring on some basics, the sooner we can make this good future a reality. Don’t we all want that? Peace.

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I think the answers lie beyond the ice wall. Where we are not allowed to go or fly over.

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I firmly accept that the world is round. Otherwise snipers wouldn’t have to adjust for the curvature of the earth on their very long range shots

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The adjustment is for the deceleration of the bullet: as I understood it the further the bullet goes the more height it looses so the adjustment- my observation is /

it amounts to shooting high so the bullet falls on your target.

There’s no curve- my railing looks over the ocean for 10 miles in each direction: theres no curve.

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Cliff is spot on, I believe people just have their definition and perception of "alien" twisted. We automatically think outer space or interdimensional, and we never think "from a distant terrestrial place." This realm is huge and with high technology relatively easy to cloak in. Oceans, deep forests, mountain ranges etc., and desolate places at large. "According to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), an alien is an individual who does not have U.S. citizenship and is not a U.S. national." The media is known for twisting words and twisting perceptions. I personally believe they are Jinn, not aliens.

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Here's the thing... If these phenomena are real, it doesn't require belief. People are right to be skeptical, especially considering all the rhetoric Clif uses around the whole topic.

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Time to ditch the AI. articles Clif. Write your own stuff it’s funnier and a little humour goes a long way.

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Clif uses all the tools at his disposal. He is a techy guy. I personally like the variety he brings to us.

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Yes, too much ChatGPT (or whatever) with its inherent limitations. Fascinating as these dialogues can be at times, they are ultimately sterile. A half-hour clip of Clif slurping his coffee would be more enlightening.

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Exactly. And to be honest AI uses a lot of words to say very little. Most of it we already know. I read the first sentence of each paragraph as a rule as it’s boring as hell. Haha.

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Clif doesn't slurp coffee. He slurps Chaga tea. Get your slurping right lol!

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That was not my comment. Check before you post.

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Good morning Woo Crew! Are you ready for 2025 Bingo? Get your markers ready for Aliens, Crypto and Chaos!! Love you all!

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The news is reporting them now, but as “drones”. The conjecture is they’re advanced human technology, probably from one of the BRICS nations. Having seen several UFO’s over the years I can assure you were not any technology the current understanding of reality supports, it becomes clear we have two different things that can and will be confused with each other. An advanced culture trying to understand and interact with us has a real problem because we’re a hot mess. If I were them I would probably steer clear of us since our first instinct is fear and our first impulse is to destroy and kill.

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2024's hot new Christmas gift: "My Little Droney".

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All part of the demon plan. Next wave of fear is a fake alien invasion, complete with very realistic holograms. I don't believe the people who have been paying attention and are aware of all the lies we've been told, will not fall for such nonsense. An alien is going to have to knock on my door for me to believe. There is no outer space and the majority of people are aware of the truth of our planet. Fear is a powerful tool for control. Used for centuries. It only works when the masses buy into the BS.

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But the people are not afraid. Most people realize that the climate crisis is a hoax. Most people realize that COVID is a hoax. Most people realize that our governments don't tell us the truth about anything. The people are becoming immune to fear-porn.

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There will always be that small percentage of people who are so indoctrinated they will never believe the truth as they are far too comfortable believing the lies. Not everybody will be willing to accept the truth right in front of their face, no matter what proof is given. If it's not said on the news, it can't be true. Those people cannot be saved and will probably implode when things start affecting their lives.

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Ring Camera alien search underway



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There will be no invasion because aliens have been a part of our society for decades. They live amongst us or perhaps on the other side of one of the several ice walls that circle and separate all the lands on this flat surface.

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Oh, okay than; I'll say what I kindly say to all flat-earthers:

'Please send me a selfie when you get to the edge.' ;-)

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If two civilizations meet ultimately one will dominate and eradicate/exterminate the weaker...look how nature/insects function... Making contact and singing kumbayah and high five ing with our new found friends is Star Trek Hollywood bullshit.... America especially as history dictates would be looking to destroy anything "alien" that threatens it's Earth hegemony.

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Come on people. These so called Aliens who supposedly have been here for ages. Or traveled millions of light years away can't seem to find a way to communicate with us? I call BS and that's just for starters. If there is anything it's from here and is dishonest.

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The communication modality chosen has to do with our level of consciousness and up to this point, we are only able to comprehend language, which is quite limiting. Yes, they have been here for ages, for everything in the Universe is connected and frequency determines the perceived reality. We know VERY little about the nature of our world and reality, but we are about to receive a crash course.

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Spot on. Humans don't understand themselves, the being within the body, the comprehension of eternity, or infinity. I look forward to all the possibilities and the future. Hopefully, they (humans) will survive exposure to what's ahead.

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Those who choose to survive will, while others will "opt" out.

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Why did the Pope and John Kerry visit Antartica around the time of Trump's first election? The secret is there, where we are not allowed to visit unrestricted. Or even fly over when supposedly it would be the shortest path.

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Aliens are lat in across the southern border everyday

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Or… this “ugly” civilization aint ours. The alphabet-based language and the measurement-based math can calculations are “abomination”. They are binary, duality based and limits (abundance, nature, God), non-creative, are extractive in service-unto-self, and was implemented as kontrol and for a society to be based on usurious model, and also perhaps their minds are also binary! Humans are tri…, we have an extra, use it!

Analogic is trinary, unlimited abundance, nature, God, creative, are additive and giving, connected to the service-unto-others Great Flow,

A posit: Our digital civilization actually started in Sumer with the change over from “analogic” pictorial graph languages to alphabet based language and measurement-based math calculations from ratios and proportions based on nature such as Fibonacci ratios, the earth’s size and sacred geometric shapes. https://tinyurl.com/thisaint

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Well there is certainly research to suggest at least some are not seeking partnership but invasion, overthrow, and replacement. Maybe that’s where the elite got their open border-replacement idea. 😏

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Can united humans get to them and persuade them to destroy nuclear weapons neutralize and imprison billionaires?

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Bull shit I been looking day and night ….. nada nothing what the gell are you talking about im hopeful i get to apologize to to you

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Sometimes when we stop looking, then what we are searching for magically appears. While walking in the desert of Southern Arizona yesterday I saw a flying metal-like disc, and made the comment, that looks like a "UFO" and as soon as I uttered those words, it vanished into the ether. I have experienced several sightings here in my travels over a number of years.

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Yeah well I live in small town Saskatchewan where the population density is 4.3 square miles per person! So that’s probably why I see nothing

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I travel full time house and creature sitting and I have seen them in very rural locations in Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, and Vermont. As I said before, it happens when we are not looking for.

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If I were searching I would begin in Sasquach Haven.

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You were fooled by a video of balloons (recorded 11 years ago) and a fake CGI video of a UFO flying out of a moon crater, so it's hard to believe anything you say anymore.


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We already have UFOs in our home.

The alien blue light of our phones is beaming us into oblivion, and stealing our children's future:


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Does that mean no WWIII? Well that's a relief... :)

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In previous podcasts where you were a quest or on your own podcast and Substack articles you said there were no friendly aliens. It was the Elohim that were returning.

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Thats fine & dandy , what will happen to this deeply corrupt government & the parasites that run this slavery system ?

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