I love your writing, your don’t give a shit creative language, you make me laugh out loud even while educating me. Long may you live and continue writing and stuff.

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They are psycopaths and that is what psycopaths do.

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Satan is the father of lies. It’s extraordinary, but even Satanists (WEF, WHO, DOD, CDC and all the other recognizable names in the cabal) fall for the lies.

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Another great article Cliff!!

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Because the WEF, et al, were scammed by their overlords to do the dirty work here in 3D. The overlords knew this would end, but wanted to milk the cow until it died. The WEF (the cow) was never told the truth. They got played.

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My expertise is energy and climate. I have studied climate since 1985 and started publishing in 2002. My co-authors and I published more than 20 years ago that there is no real global warming/climate crisis; it does not exist in reality. We also published that green energy is not green and does not produce much useful dispatchable energy. Nothing has changed since then.

The climate scam and the Covid scam were promoted by the same people with the same objectives: political and financial gain.

See CorrectPredictions.ca for proof.

Regards, Allan MacRae in Calgary

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Why is it that idiots like AOC convert all my energy into an enraged desire to beat her to a pulp? This is clearly a waste on my part

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Informing one's self is energy well spent. Lazy ignorance is a waste of human energy.

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They are arrogant beings. To admit defeat to we mere humans would be catastrophic to their world view.

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Hermetic philosophy states, as does science, that everything vibrates. Dense mater vibrates so slow it appears not to move at all. The highest vibration rate is so high it appears not to move. Fate is a river and free will is the ability to swim.

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Energy is definitely a part of life, it's said we're allocated a specific amount of psychic energy to go through our lives and when exhausted we 'change trains.'

Fktards indeed, and frankly not that awake, they even claim in their naivetè informing us in subtle ways frees them from karmic backlash when actually their mal-intent will crucify them, themselves while the rest of us benefit from, 'the opportunity to overcome.'

Thank you for sharing brother, blessings of joy & inner.sight from an anglo-canadian in the Tipperary Mtns of Ireland.

More talks with Lee Merrick please, that was repeat listening dynamite!


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So..maybe Universe is using the Energy in the Materium to feed the Collapse of the wefers in the classic, needed ..slowly then all of a sudden..you can sorta feel the tsunami/ avalanche picking up speed and widening out..man,I hope so.

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One of your best! Now, please tell me what CERN is really doing.

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Be my valentine!

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Quantum physics says everything, including mass, is expressible as energy...The WEF is a bunch of rich low-grade psychopaths...all they think about is grabbing your stuff...

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