>it is weapons, and ammunition, and the willingness to use them that makes men free.

Words to live by.

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It is wisdom that makes it possible to know WHEN to use them though, and not all people who have weapons and ammo are WISE.

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Klaus and all the "W" organizations are all Satanic Khazarian blood family crime syndicates. Period.

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United Nations as well I believe

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Vatican of the Catholic Church may be the most EVIL of all. Their Evil goes back a very long way.

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Klaus Schwab is just a front man who controls nothing. He is of the same ilk as Tedross who just got the WHO treaties shoved up his ass by the rest of the world. Notwithstanding the USA and Chairman Biden of course. But does anyone take the USA government seriously anymore? It is a crime syndicate that wants to murder its own children. Tedross, Schwab, Pedo Joe are anachronisms the world is leaving behind. The Khazarian Mafia is finished and will soon occupy the dustbin of history. This is indeed an amazing time to be alive. Infinite good will vanquish infinite evil.

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If the WEF/Cabal/KM are so confident of victory why did they need 5000 Swiss troops, thousands of Swiss police and the Swiss Air Force to enforce a no fly zone over Davos?

Is it a coincidence that Davos, Switzerland has symbolic similarities to another place? Say Hitler's Berghof residence during his Nazi reign where he planned his conquest of Europe and the rest of the world.

Their annual gloatfest looks more like a gathering of panicked and desperate Nazis in 1944 trying to plan their "Battle of the Bulge" (WHO pandemic treaty) to gain victory.

They've already suffered their D-Day(the Ukraine special operation which crippled their operations).

The KM are going down but like in the gangster movies of the 1930s they’re not going down without a fight and they’ll die trying to achieve their Great Reset.

The more propaganda they push out about their ‘success’ on the MSM the more desperate they look.

Some people have taken the black pill and think we’ve already lost to the KM, this is exactly the kind of psychological warfare the KM uses to win their battles.

It’s why that cesspool Twitter was so important to them and when Musk came in and looks to either take it away from them or trash it that takes away one of their main weapons of psychological warfare. It also caused them to implement their Ministry of Truth plan a lot earlier than they expected.

The Ukraine war really hurt the KM badly, like a kick in the balls kind of pain, they’ve lost their main base of operations and their treasury, why do you think they’re openly stealing $40 billion in front of the whole world?

It’s going to be painful for the average person during this cleanup phase but the KM are being systematically cornered and defeated. The MSM has lost so much influence that they’re basically a joke for most people and not a source of info and programming of their minds.

And no I’m not high on hopium, I’m personally still nervous about what the KM is going to do to average people trying to get by during these times, their Pox pandemic is falling flat and they’ll try to bring back quarantines, lockdowns and forced vaccinations. This time they’re getting a very different response.

In Canada, we managed to scare their WEF puppet Trudeau so badly he went into hiding for a week, we scared him with trucker’s horns, children’s bouncy castles, street hockey, cookouts and hottubs, in response it took him 3 weeks to find enough blue shirted thugs and the use of basically financial Martial Law to defeat the protestors, even that blew up in his face.

People need to realize this is not a kinetic war we are in, the KM are numerically very small but they’re very well versed in psychological and spiritual warfare.

It’s why they’re attacking people’s thinking and belief systems to weaken them.

It’s also why they’re afraid of the Mass Awakening which is now taking place, they know they’ve truly lost when people are no longer buying into their fearmongering and psychological tricks.

The Cabal have only as much power as you give them! both psychologically and spiritually.

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Can you keep on speaking please? You help so much, pulling it all together like that,...you remind me of Clif. Thank you.

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I hope you are right. I hope that we have ACTUAL people and Organizations fighting this on our side,....I listen to Dave at X-22 Report, although not as much as I used to,.....I used to have faith that there was a PLAN. Now I am starting to wonder if there ever will come that time when the White Hats, the SOC, the Patriots decide enough is enough and it's time to ACT. I sure hope this whole idea that we believe in isn't just another PSYOP. The Elohim in Charge here may well have known, just like the Builder of the Matrix knew after a few tries that people needed a "Cause" to fight for or they were miserable. Could we be living in a Matrix? I don't mean the little gel filled bubbles,...I mean the battles we are fighting, the new information we are getting,.....the idea that we are fighting against Transhumanism......are those all planted for us to find? Like a Treasure Hunt? Could some PSYOP help Clif's Algorithm along, pushing certain words to the front and increasing their frequency? How do we know that we aren't, on both sides, in a PSYOP?

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May 28, 2022
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That was beautifully said! :)

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Always respect South Africa! Best regards!

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Ammo and fearlessness. I will not die on my knees. Nope not this bitch. Klaus will not succeed because to many HUMANS are waking the hell up. The increase in self defense protection is proof of that, It is a race to the finish line and I for one will finish. Klaus will be stuck at the gate with a unruly plan that will not dope soap everyone. Hard times are ahead ( I know) which will not be at the hands of the elite. It will be at the hands of the Sun. I invite the Suns point of view in this matter.

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You are right. The Grand Solar Minimum is going to have the last word. But,....you do realize that they Elites already have that plan finished? They have all built GIGANTIC Deep underground BUNKERS. Stock Piles of food and generators,.....huge glorious rooms that look like castles are safely underground where the Elite and their few chosen servants will live until the bad weather passes. It's going to be us, with no Energy Independence that will starve and freeze. That has been a part of their plan since they read the Stars and learned of the coming Mini Ice Age. I think as Clif has said in his video FLUX WOO,....that the whole plan to destroy and kill the people of the United States is because the CCP needs the USA inorder to keep it's people fed during the GSM. They can not do it without our land. This is why it is the CCP that has been put in place as our Jailors. And they too are fighting for their lives, because if they cannot feed their masses, then they will lose control over them completely. Go watch FLUX WOO, it was one of the best I've watched.

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I am aware of the underground fortresses. I know this planet has been wared over for eons and the "contract" for enslavement is up. Life Source has interrupted the culling of the earth, the anticipated vacuum that awaits "freedom of will" and the de-evolution of the human species. We are not alone and never have been. We are loved beyond measure. The elite can run and hide HOWEVER they are tagged as we are tagged, they are known as we are known. I am persuaded that whoever survives the collateral damage of the elite, The Sun doing its cleansing, will move into a new paradigm but the elite will not. I was told many years ago to prepare and I have. What happens on the surface of the Earth, in the Earth and above the Earth the elite cannot escape. Those that have loved this planet/nature will be guarded by it. I see it as the end of the "Old Empire" and rising of profound possibilities of the future. I think the grid will be compromised which lends to a whole new set of problems however freed minds come up with some fantastic ideas and possibilities. Count me in. I agreed to be here at this time and the future is NOW. Now how much fun is that?

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English for me. Hell if I or my family will be a slave to Klaus or any a$$hole that is a politician. I really believe, Klaus and all his tyranny groups will go down, and at that point, will go to hell. I believe what is going on now, is our military is kicking ass and Trump will call checkmate. We win, not these evil bastards.

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Here Here!!!!

God wins

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Concur with your expressed sentiment. However, the words are Hear Hear! as in "listen to this wisdom!"

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I stand corrected ❣️🙏❣️

With God all things are possible

Hear! Hear!

May we all be filled with His Spirit 🙏❣️🙏

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Come on God! Get here NOW

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I'm not sure our Military has even noticed that we have been overthrown by another Country yet! The CCP/Globalists. Certainly, there is no evidence that they have,....if you have found some, please post the links here,....I would love to see some actual proof they really know what's going on.....even our President doesn't seem to actually be aware of the real War we are fighting,.....he talks all the time about how Russia wouldn't have attacked Ukraine if he were in power. Well, if that's true, then the Biolabs would still be cranking out Bioweapons. And Klaus the Louse would still have his Money Laundering going strong. So, what's really going on in our President's head? Does he really KNOW about the WAR against the KM? Does he see the bigger picture? When will he stand up and explain all this to the Common People so they too get on the same page? Time is getting shorter and shorter! We only have 5-7 years to get our shit together for the Grand Solar Minimum or millions will starve and freeze to death. We don't have endless years to get this done!

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Maybe not proof, but perhaps some of the evidence Patel Patriot brings forward does ostensibly paint a picture of an organized response. If I were mounting a response to these evil soul suckers, I’d certainly shroud it from my enemy at all costs. But... there are signs that the resistance is mounting. I do believe that people need to see the evil in action in order to wake up. We must collectively feel the pain and then see the root cause for ourselves. To reference Jordan Maxwell, the MSM Holly Wood magic wand has cast its spell too deep over decades. Most of my friends who are asleep, I simply lay out “seeds” once in awhile. Sometimes they wither and are not taken in, but once in awhile they sprout. Once these “truth seeds” sprout, they will be ready for “fertilizer”. That’s where we come in.

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The Grand solar minimum is a point in the solar cycle as is the solar maximum in 2025, some are predicting the next maximum will bring about disastrous solar flares which may generate a Carrington level event which will cripple our civilization.


The mini ice age has been predicted since the 70s, I remember a lot of news coverage about it and people were worried because of the harsh winters in the US/Canada in 1979.

I personally do not worry about prognostications about doom and apocalypse in either direction(solar min or max).

Variability in the Sun extrapolated years in the future is about as reliable as predicting earthquakes years in advance.

This paper "predicts" based on trending that we'll have another Maunder Minimum in the 2040s!


Needless to say it's not universally accepted by all solar scientists.



Plus which we seem to forget that greenhouse agricultural technologies have advanced immensely, to the point of where if we really wanted to we could use hydroponics to offset much of a global famine which might ensue from crop failures.

I live by the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy slogan "Don't Panic" it's served me well in remaining calm through these turbulent times.

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What is shown in public on the MSM and what is actually happening behind the scenes are two very different things.

One example Putin hands a soccer ball to Trump in a press conference in 2018 saying basically the ball is in your court.


What do you think that means?

Also Trump's not in control?

Read the Devolution Series by Patel Patriot, I think you'll feel differently after you are done. Beware, it's now up to 22 parts and 4 appendices and is VERY detailed but it lays out all the evidence that Trump is still in control along with the military behind the scenes.


There are some videos by a YT'er called Bonfire Guy, he lays out some compelling observations about what Trump was up to in 2017-2018.


You should watch the other videos on his channel though he's been silent for a year now the material is still relevant.

Remember, Silence does not equal inaction...

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I have to disagree with you. I see Klaus and all his evil followers ready to go over the cliff. Trump became our President because he understood if someone like him did not step in, our country would of been taken over by the globalists. As much as we would like to see proof of everything going on, we are in a war, and therefore not everything that is happening needs to be revealed to us common people. Believe me, I want to know that we are winning. After all, when Biden was called President, I could not sleep for days. Now, from research, and listening to people that seek the truth, I am in a good place knowing the evil bastards are just about done. Also, a lot of what is shown to us is a show , much like wrestling. Example, Russia defeating Ukraine is a big win, yet most think Russia is going to get us.

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I have made a 180. Used to think I was blue. Now I see blue/red, no difference really. I love freedom. Our second amendment rights, which before you began educating me, I thought superfluous, are the only rights these days that we still seem to have under our Constitution. Tyranny is knocking at our front, back and side doors. We CANNOT let it in, even if that means I need to enroll my daughter and myself in gun ownership classes that include target practice.

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Brief correction, it's not "our" Constitution, it was THEIRS, the guys who signed it. Read the Preamble carefully. It created a corporation the Colonies, re-branded as 'States' or 'Commonwealths', themselves separate 'nations', needed to take care of interstate business (and interface with other overseas nations). Most of them were attorneys and therefor members of the Crown (corporation) Temple. Listen to Vyzygoth's 6 interviews and 2 follow-up Q&A with The Informer, before YT closes yet another channel: RUAI

It's the individual State constitutions that matter. The federal constitution's Bill of Rights only protected those of the people in D.C. - not ours.

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Ok. I remember this from something Clif posted. thanks.

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Go for it now. Before they CANCEL our 2nd Amendment of our Constitution. They keep setting up school shootings because they know that kids dying will make the Parents scream for more gun control. And they care nothing for the Collateral Damage. Nothing.

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One of the most despicable and disgusting of all the khazarian name stealers


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Ha,ha. You hit the nail on the head Cliff. Klaus & these other bent wristed waifs know, they have to pry our weapons from us, but only from our dead cold hands! I ignore them mostly, because it will be them & their McMansions which we’ll be coming for first. I hope Klaus & “corn stalk,” his side kick Yury “pumpkin head” have a deep hole in the ground to hide in. Because if it’s pushed to its limits many of us will be riding & hell will be riding with us, Lawl 😂💪🏻

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Spiritually, a voided name-stealer leading a bunch of name-stealing mechanical avatars. They treat humans as machines because they are machines themselves. Time to go in and take care of that factory.

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So we kill them. It's pretty simple and they seem to think we won't, for some reason.

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Eye for an eye. Life for a life. All these dipshits will pay with their life.

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I think perhaps some of us will pay that price, too.

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Since they will use NATO and UN troops to slaughter the resistance,...I'm sure millions of us will die. That's what happened in Venezuela, I'm sure it will be the same here. The only way we will WIN is if Space Force really is working behind the scenes for us and our exiled PRESIDENT. I don't see any proof that they are.

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I would be careful about extrapolating ‘local’ events to an international scale.

Venezuela is not the US, not the least of which 100 million Americans owns 400 million guns. No amount of UN troops would overcome that, not even the full militaries of China or Russia could overcome that level of armed resistance, they would lose so many troops that it would not be a worthwhile endeavour to undertake.

In Canada, Trudeau tried to stop and eliminate the trucker convoy who were armed with horns, bouncy castles and hottubs, it took him 3 weeks to find the needed number of police thugs and Emergency powers to do so.

The military refused to intervene and the local cops didn’t crackdown either, in the end the resistance was strengthened and grew they were not defeated in the sense that they were eliminated.

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The battle stations have been up since at least the early 80's, and likely long before. I met a guy who worked at Hughes laser back then. He built the laser comm's the stations used.

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Yes, they used Jan 6th as an example of what will happen if we actually revolt and fight back. What do you think all the FEMA camps are set up for? For you and me.

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It’s possible they let Jan 6th happen and documented it from every angle. Just like the 2000 Mules video footage. Think that was luck or happenstance they have HD cameras at that many locations? Not likely.

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That's exactly what happened. Used as a 'flushing out' the game tactic. That's why we need to live where there are no cameras, and don't drag cell phone tracking devices with us all day long. Easier to grow your own food there, as well. D.C. is controlled by Congress. Read Article 1, sec 8, clause 17 of their CON-stitution. The people out in the foreign jurisdictions, called 'States', have NO Rights when they go to D.C. They are considered 'citizens' (read a LEGAL dictionary definition of that term) and are subject to the (unratified) 14th amendment, which only grants 'civil' rights, not Natural Rights - big difference ( = no 'speedy trial'). Those guys were walking into a trap.

Ever notice each comment has its own number? THAT can be used, too.

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Rights do not come from documents or veterans. Rights are not taken away by documents or veterans.

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My question is are these so called WEF people like Klaus and top government people actual people that live an everyday normal life other than their political “job”? It appears to me that Biden,Pelosi,Inslee, etc aren’t people like you and me. If they were, wouldn’t someone have taken them OUT by now? Especially the creep Jay Inslee who try’s to dictate the people of WA.

P.S. I visited the Sand Dunes in Coos Bay, Oregon this last week and every other UTV had a FUCK BIDEN or Let’s Go Brandon flag waving from their machine. It was reassuring!!!

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No, I don't think they are 'actual people', not anymore. They may once have been, long ago, before the darkness captured and consumed them. As far as why they haven't been taken out yet - I can only assume that their great wealth and powerful 'mafia' connections allows them to employ many layers of security around them at all times, only some of which are human. If it were as simple as a lone sniper popping a hole between their eye sockets, one would have expected it to have happened already. Who knows - maybe no one who has those skills for hire is willing to work against the meanest mafia on this rock. Sure do wish a few enterprising ex special forces folks would step up and take their best shot though....

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Ever read Unintended Consequences by John Ross?

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No, why?

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I think everything you just said is true. And so do I.

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You ask a good question. But I think they are the ones will all the real power right now. They are the ones who put a fence around OUR capital and arrested us for going there. What real power do we have? I'm sure they are listening to every word we say every where we say it, censored or not.

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Not 'our' capitol. That's the 'United States' corporation's HQ. Ours (America), is still in Philadelphia.

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Das grösste Problem des Menschen ist sein Unwissen hinsichtlich der Schöpfung und deren Gesetze und Gebote.

The greatest problem of man is his ignorance of Creation and its laws and regulations.


Saturday, February 3rd, 1945

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Agree with you Sfath. If the respect of Creation is innate in each of us, we will have zero drug and alcohol and W Medicine on this planet. LH

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and remember, our Country was fought for & created by a small group of very dangerous men…time to get in the battle or get out of the way…

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Klauswitz. hilarious

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Isn’t this guy technically also a useless eater? What the heck has he done to contribute to the world? Who the hell raised this demon?

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Klaus the Louse thinks he's a Khazarian GOD. He believes that all the KM have a special GENE that they got from their Creators....that puts them above the rest of us humans. I think the KM really do believe this,.....that is why they have been unstoppable for 2000 years.

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I would like to know when one of these smart “politicians/world leaders” attend an event and poisons all of them. That will be my hero! Do we need James Bond or Tony Stark b/c we are basically living in a very bad scripted movie? Come on Melinda you’ve got to still have access to this scum bag! Take him out

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Every time they go to DAVOS or Geneva,....someone way up in outer space needs to nuke them from obit. It's the only way to be sure.

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Who knows, it may come to that, but they won’t use nukes. It’d likely be direct energy weapons (DEW). They have tech far beyond what the public sees, on both sides. The big problem is that the elite have enough brainwashed and willing collaborators spread throughout society and in complete control of their number one weapon, the MSM. As long as that exists, they’ll spin everything to maintain control over the brainwashed masses. Taking out Davos, I think we’d just be taking out the “store managers” rather than the owners. Again... holly wood is used for magic wands. But wands are wood, and wood can burn. That said... I agree with your sentiments.

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As for taking out Davos, yes it’s mostly middle management at that gloatfest, only this year they’re not gloating, in fact they’re very worried and it shows. Fortifying Davos this year with 5000 Swiss troops along with a no-fly zone is a dead giveaway about the level of fear on behalf of the WEF.

They can make any number of pronouncements, declarations and policy releases they want but their powers to implement them are very limited as compared to previous years.

The true heads of the Cabal are known to Trump and the white hats, Trump even made a statement addressing this, he stated there are names there you would not recognize who are the prime backers of the Cabal.

Destroying the Davos meeting would only eliminate a bunch of mid-level talent, which the Cabal can replace with new talent in a few days.

Their greatest weakness is in their mid level stooges like the bought and paid for political class, they’re not easily replaced as it takes time to get them prepped and voted in or installed.

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Their main weapon is failing, the MSM as Cliff has already stated in some interviews is practically dead. How many people actually believe the MSM any longer?, how many actually pay attention to their narratives?

These shootings in NY and TX, as horrible as they are have barely moved the needle in public sentiment.

Look at the Monkeypox fearmongering the MSM is trying to drive and you see mostly yawns from the public.

CNN+ is a sign of things to come and the Cabal are panicking badly because of Elon Musk focusing on Twitter and shining a big spotlight on all the vermin and roaches inhabiting that company.

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Sounds like we need to destroy the Main Stream New companies.

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That's what I reference in comments above. The problem is who's in control of those.

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