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Stop screaming...no one reads this. No one.

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Actually at least 62 people read and loved! Why so grumpy Fox Drake?

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Well done Clif. My major fault is not understanding and fully grasping the fact that other people just don't attempt to think for themselves. At all. They have totally 'outsourced' that ability to 'societies' experts' and pick the most entertaining ones to believe. Data and facts mean nothing to them, but my being has wants them to grow in understanding ....

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while your being has wants for "them" to grow in understanding (I feel that way too) , I have found that if I flip those wants to increasing my own understanding and not worry about the rest. Yes its difficult but I think understanding and control exists for the self. The desire for others to see is the trap (social constructs/engineering), as one cannot (should not) control others (thats what DS does). tm just trying to move along knowing what I know and attempting to grow continually myself and prep. Fuck those who dont want to try and think critically for themselves. We cant worry about it. Just identify and use that to navigate your way thru the crowds. Got your garden goin yet? Im trying. Size of a postage stamp but it will produce something at least. Blessings

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Yes the garden is florishing here in Sussex England where I have 10 acre for my 5 horses, and find their dung handy as you woukd imagine. Its been a dry spring here, but rain has just arrived and seeds,potatoes as well as the strawberries are racing ahead....along with the weeds! On the subject of Kerry Cassidy Clif has truned his focus on slandering her....she must be over the target now and enjoying too much attention and certainly a larger and wider more diserning audiance than Clif does! He has now shown his true colours as being Controlled Opposition but none the less quite entertaining! Kerry Cassidy talks about "aliens" as do many others including Clif and David Icke.....and even The Bible!Time Clif woke up and stopped behaving like the controlled oposition that he has NOW become. I have followed him for 2 years now, but all of a sudden he seems to have "Changed".......around the time he stopped making videos???????......has he been threatened of "replaced" ....now he no longer makes videos but sends out contradictory Newsletters???? I smell a rat here and he needs to apologise for all your negative remarks about Kerry Cassidy I think! https://rumble.com/embed/v12lthd/?pub=em0r5

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I have been listening to Clif since 1998. It seems you dont quite grasp understanding of what controlled opposition is. Something which Clif is not. His critiques are from an understanding of logic and true critical thinking. And doesnt ask anything of you. Only a simple warning to keep your eyes open and dont get scammed. Ms. Cassidy is naive and much of her content is click bait. And dont ask me to apologize either. Follow the money.

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The hardest thing I am having to learn is, there is just some people you cannot help. No matter what is presented to them as the truth, they want to stay asleep.

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Yeah and Clif is probably the MOST entertaining of them all......Squash a Bug shall we??

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Man it must suck to spend all that time to write multiple troll posts, and everyone ignores you. So I'll throw you a bone. You're a fucking idiot.

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Horseman goes to the trouble of trolling a Woo master … the irony is funny when you picture some loser dude with a latent obsession pretending he’s not in awe of Clif and intimidated by his intellect and our steady belief in ourselves and intuition. #momsbasementdude 😂

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Time Clif to apologise for all your negative remarks about Kerry Cassidy I think! https://rumble.com/embed/v12lthd/?pub=em0r5

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I get multiple comments to my comments , so you assertion I am Ignored is not factual......you sound like a Bot my friend!

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Not a bot

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Time Clif to apologise for all your negative remarks about Kerry Cassidy I think! https://rumble.com/embed/v12lthd/?pub=em0r5

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Any recommendations on book/books by V. Vernadsky, and R. Sheldrake to flesh out these ideas?

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Vernadsky's writing are available in pdf format online:


Rupert Sheldrake is available on video via YouTube: there is a banned TED talk. His best work, in my mind, is his 1980s book on morphogenetic fields:


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Excellent..thank you

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Oh do I wish it was that easy!!! How about we give the bugs are "Virus" like they did in ID4 the movie?

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Clif, I have followed your work for years and I feel as Marlene Dietrich felt about Orson Welles, she once said, “When I have talked with Orson Welles, I feel like a plant that has been watered”. We feel the same way listening to you. Such a wealth of great knowledge and an expressive and clear way of presenting it to your audience. Keep up your great posts and interviews my fellow Washingtonian!

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so where does the Bug fit in with this "watering"?

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The knowledge Clif gives us leads us to do our own discerning research and learn the truth about the bug. It was never a pandemic. But a way to manipulate the public. A real flu, but more mild than the seasonal flu and the very elderly were the most susceptible. The experimental drug given for it was the end goal since it has been shown to cause great medical harm to the people taking it over time and with multiple injections. More control over we the people.

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Somehow, I don't think that's the "Bug" Horseman was talking about. I think he's talking about the possible Alien, that is bug like, that Clif was saying may have done the DNA changed to Apes that created us humans. I could be wrong,....but who is talking about the corona virus any more? I think the most important thing to talk about really, is the fact that Clif thinks the Grand Solar Minimum may be one of the main drivers of all this Insanity. And in my mind, the Cabal of Globalists is taking advantage of China's problems,....and using them to get their great (not) reset in place. If you watch his past video called Flux Woo,....https://www.bitchute.com/video/6UoprWnLdauS/ you will see how way back in 1957 or so China all of a sudden had a big change in their plans...as if they had learned something from someone and it had really freaked them out. They started doing weird things. Watch the video,....it's kind of freaky. I think that maybe they learned about the coming mini ice age/Grand Solar Minimum and they realized that by the time it got here, 2020, they would have too many people to feed with their land. And this whole fiasco kind of came from that realization. It's a very good video,....tons and tons of very good information. I highly recommend it!!!

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Kerry Cassidy talks aout "aliens" as do many thers including Clif and David Icke.....and even The Bible!Time Clif woke up and stopped behaving like the controlled oposition that he has NOW become. I have followed him for 2 years now, but all of a sudden he seems to have "Changed".......around the timehe stopped making vieos......has he been threatened of "replaced" ....now he no longer makes videos but sends out contradictory Newsletters???? I smell a rat here and he needs to apologise for all your negative remarks about Kerry Cassidy I think! https://rumble.com/embed/v12lthd/?pub=em0r5

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I agree with you apart from the fact Clif is so obviously controlled oposition. Time Clif to apologise for all your negative remarks about Kerry Cassidy I think! https://rumble.com/embed/v12lthd/?pub=em0r5

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Clif, you make a great case for people of all stripes to learn Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV). You get the tools, processes, and methods that helps anyone tap into their inherent 6th sense (Intuition) and 7th sense (psyhcic). Imagine if this discipline was taught as a part of a required elementary school cirriculum? There are more Woo people out there, they just don't know they are. Imagine such a boon of human evolution where no bio-enhancment technology could reach such heights and would naturally surpass any expectations for human advancement.

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That is exactly why they want us injected, chipped, mechanized, controlled, and internetted. They are deathly afraid of human beings reaching their full potential. Funny enough, the nickname bestowed upon me years ago was Sue Woo, which eventually just became Woo. Coincidence? Probably not. Harari and Schwab wax fondly of microchips in brains as an advantage and means of ‘hearing’ others thoughts…we already have this ability, though many are not aware of this (it actually gets really noisy). Their way is enslavement and devolution; not human advancement. We all are natural creators.

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There is no Easter Bunny nor is there a secret space programs involving humans past the Van Allen Belt. I have my own ideas concerning the implementation of these barriers but they are very effective. All the space shuttle operations were way below the first belt. NASA never went to the moon with humans nor could they today. They have admitted this. There are many frauds in the alt media as in the legacy media. It is up to the individual to use discernment and not waste valuable time with Kerry Cassidy et. al.

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Then the firmament is real making the earth a Flat Realm?

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Horseman, Can I ask you a question,....on your profile page, you are following some interesting pages. Like one on Technocracy and Transhumanism and one on Communications and one on Prussia Gate. People call you a troll, but I don't think a troll would bother with things like that. (My hubby said maybe you troll on all those sites! LOL! Maybe you do.)But I don't think you are a troll. A skeptic maybe, but also intrigued. Why would the firmament have to be flat? Why couldn't it be a plasma filled Globe? :)

There is a lot of stuff coming out right now that is so far out I often think "what the hell?". Have you read 'The Naked Bible: The truth about the most famous book in history'? That will make your eye balls pop out! WOW! And I know Clif has some thoughts that are ones I can't even figure out,....like the idea that the planets aren't revolving AROUND the sun, they are really being pulled along behind the Sun as it does whatever Suns do. I've tried to understand this, I've even gone and looked it up,....on www.duckduckgo, so I wouldn't get censored results,.....and even then I really don't understand it when it gets explained. I think as a Grandma, I just don't have the skills to understand it. (I didn't pay much attention in school,....I was always busy drawing horses!) Some people say that the earth is flat,...or that people have never gone to the moon and yet we see pictures from the Rovers as they traverse Mars! Those pictures are showing us that there was life on Mars, and it seems it was humanoid. Which goes with the Legends passed down by our indigenous people; that both Earth, Mars and the Moon were all in a past time Inhabited when Mars was in a better position. That is very exciting! And I hope it's not just all made up, I've been a Trekkie my whole life! My first crush was Mr. Spock!

So, I understand the skepticism.....I'm not sure any of what we have been taught is the truth. I guess I feel like I need more information to believe some of the things Clif believes. He has the details and he knows the facts, but because of limited time, he can't always share the whole idea with us. That's why my hubby isn't sure he believes Clif either. He wants more facts.

I think Clif is like many Wise Beings that have been sent to earth to help us get back to our beginnings. To help us see the truth that has been kept from us for.....I don't know how long! And to encourage us to think, research and grow. Kind of like Buddha or Lao Tzu. Which is really the main reason we are here to begin with.

The Gnostics said in the Gnostic Gospels,...that every religion and every faith is a path that leads to the Divine Center of the Universe. And that there are as many paths as there are people. ( I loved learning that,....because I am a Recovering Catholic. LOL! I chose Wicca to be my path.) They also say that the reason we are all here is to learn and live and then bring that information back to the Divine,....that is how it LIVES. Just like our nerves and cells all talk to each other and send information up to our brains, we do the same thing,.....we give the Divine the ability to Learn and to Live. Isn't that a beautiful way to see the world?

We are all little tentacles soaking up the planet and sending that information back to the Divine Entity that is at the center! YIKES! Maybe we are ameba's we just don't know it! In any event, this journey is a lot of fun,....and I'm old enough at 62 to be glad to have the chance to learn new things! And I'm not fond of people calling others on here people Trolls.

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I am no troll.....I live in England and have 5 horses and 2 dogs. Unjabbed, NEVER once worn a face nappy, social distanced, locked down or EVER done anything the Governement tell me to do. and yes I have read that book as a result of seeing it on Clif High blog.....also kerry casidy "Rebel Gene".......having said that I regard ALL commentators and authors with a HUGH degree of scepetisum, even kerry Cassidy who is probablby the most accurte commentator along with Adam Green, and David Icke....Cliff in my view is Controlled oposition like most of the alternative media such as Mike Adams and Alex Jones....they are all alowed to chatter to allow the likes of me to let off steam, but I see though all that BS.....even though Clif is highly entertaining I take what he says with a "pinch of Wo Woo"....its the English in me afraid.....never trust a broadcaster....not even the BBC, Clif High or Kerry Casidy.....just listen and read what they have to say and use your own intuition to decide what is fact, likely or pure entertaining fiction.....which is much of what Clif High has to say!! LOL

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Yes, I believe the firmament is real and curved as in a globe.

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I don't think I asked you unless you are Horseman. Are you both? Just playing both sides of this conversation?

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I am Horseman from England.......I do not have "beliefs" uless tey are backed with Facts that I can see and expereince!

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Robert, can you post the links to NASA admitting they never went to the moon? I know people say we didn't have the tech to keep the radiation at bay,.....so we couldn't do it. But I've never heard NASA say it's all a FAKE. If it is, why did they pretend? And why did our President, President Trump create Space Force?

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O5dPsu66Kw&ab_channel=SebMenard At 3 minute mark NASA engineer confesses the problems with Van Allen (remember we did all this back in 1969) 3.40 mark also. #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGoXn1vMrjE&ab_channel=SheikYerbouti Buzz Aldren admits twice to cute kid 'we never went' - watch the whole thing it is fun. Read Ralph Rene's "NASA mooned America" - it is on a PDF - Google it. Watch "America's Moon" a 3 hour video on Youtube. The Van Allen Belts were only discovered in 1958. JFK was probably told we could overcome that problem - watch above NASA engineer admit to the problem in 2015. As for Trump that bastard lied about everything. Don't start me in on him. Trump betrayed all who voted for him in 2016. He betrayed the 400 misguided souls still in prison via Jan 6 2020 mess. He could have pardoned them all. The space force - who knows - any thing to waste tax dollars. Certainly not to engage space aliens with millions of years technological advances on humans. One more point I forgot before - humans cannot live in cosmic radiation. The moon has no atmosphere. Read Rene's book on line. That will answer all your questions.

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Wow. I have to remember not to ask you questions! I'll certainly give your links a look, but your hatred of President Trump, your inability to see the WAR he is fighting, along with many others, for the people of this planet, really makes me doubt anything you might say. Thanks any way.

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I answered your question about NASA and Horseman's about the firmament. Apparently someone liked my reply to Horseman. As for Trump so some research and you will see Trump fast tracked the COVID bio-weapon AND remdesivir which to date have killed and maimed millions of innocent individuals. Trump's only fight is his own aggrandizement. Trump and his appointee Jerome Powell are responsible for today's inflation. M2 money supply was increased 27.3% from Feb 1 2020 to Feb 1 2021 to run up the stock market when it crashed 48% in early 2020. Trump made his buddy elite whole at our expense. I intend to post this whole story next time Clif posts a video. Something to look forward to. Trump is not the friend of the American people. He has already killed millions with his "wonderful vaccine" and remdesivir. You need to do some objective research. Clif is wrong these are no white hats in the background going to rescue us. We need to rescue ourselves first of all by being informed.

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I've been watching and following President Trump since he first said he would run for President. Everyone laughed at him and thought he was nuts, but I saw for the first time a man who was simply himself, and for the first time in 60 years I voted.

Up until then it was clear to me that Elections were all rigged and there was no point. I was so thrilled when Trump won in 2016. I felt, like many other Patriots, that finally we were in good hands and our Country was going to be ok. He was everything I'd hoped he would be. He gave us back our Country; having him as our Leader made America strong and respected again, and because of that we the people felt safe again. He meant what he said and he kept his promises. He made we the people feel proud of America again. He gave us something no other president ever tried to do, Energy Independence. Finally we didn't have to beg other nations for fuel! We could even sell some of the extra and bring money back into America. He did many other wonderful things,...but that one meant a lot to me,.....having to fight stupid idiotic WARS over Oil and Gas we had right here on our soil, was so stupid. Such a waste of life for our Soldiers! All to keep the Globalists in POWER with their Petro-Dollar scheme. We hurt so many other countries doing what we did.

We were all shocked that he walked away in 2020 without fighting for himself or us. But I think given the "Climate" at that time, he made the best decision he could make. 50% of the Population had been convinced by EVIL PEOPLE with an agenda, that he was a Russian Spy! I don't understand the stupidity of the masses and how easily they can forget all the good he did for our Country in just 4 years,....the people in this country are so stupid, they cut off their noses to spite their own faces! The liberal fools leapt upon him and tried to tear that good man to shreds!

Through it all, he stood firm, never wavered and was calm. He never urged us to go to war for him,....even though I know that we would if he asked. I was proud of him. And very sad for him too,.....to be treated like garbage after what he tried to do for us. Not to be appreciated for what he had done for our Country? To be constantly attacked for things he didn't do. To have people ASSUME he would betray our country and his people? That he would LIE? The masses are just like Jackals! When they smell blood they go insane.

Bringing our Country back from 8 long miserable years of OBAMA trying to destroy it wasn't cheap or easy. Especially with the persecution and attacks he received every day. I kept telling my husband,....why doesn't he just give up and walk away? I think his never surrendering to the left/Globalists was a very good sign that his heart was in saving this Country. He didn't need the crap he got for 4 years, he had it all; money, fame, power,.... a beautiful family.

The worst part was all the Jackals were the ones who fawned over him before he was president and wanted to spend time with him in his fancy casino's and hotels! They turned on him in such a nasty way it was hard to watch.....So, I know he didn't spend those 4 years fighting for us and our country on a whim to make himself more important. I am sad that you too don't see the man he is, you see him as evil. It's crazy how we attack the successful people in this Country now. In the past, we would have been Proud to have a man like him in America.

So, if you really followed Clif, you would know why President Trump pushed the shots through as fast as he could. I don't need to tell you. You would know it all. So, go do your own research. Watch Clif's other videos, you'll figure all this out.

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The moon landing were 100% fake. It also seems the shuttle program and space stations are also fake. Some claim only satellites are real- others say even those are fake.


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Space Farce, more like it; there is a purposely built-in confusion regarding "space". For NASA, "space" starts at 50 miles out in the air, but von Kármán set his line at about 62 miles. The ISS orbits at some 250 miles, and from time to time must fire its engines to remain there. Why? Because it is subject to atmospheric drag. Note the "atmospheric" - does that sound like "space"? The altitude of 250 miles is not incidental, either; it is near the limit where the astro/cosmonauts are well protected from cosmic radiation by the earth´s magnetic field. Next stop, Van Allen belts, starting at about 400 miles, and protecting the planet from the radiation coming at it from - space. The belts are a zone of death, as they should be, so, hey, Space Force, take me to the moon! We did not have the tech in 1969, and we do not have it now.

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But we had it back when the BUG showed up. LOL!

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It's for the money (steal taxpayer's money on pie-in-the-sky projects and use relatively cheap CGI to fake them).

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I have been watching your videos for about a year and now reading your written posts. I have an appreciation for your willingness to search for the current truth. I have often wanted to comment and usually do not, as for any value to be seen in my comment, there needs to be some back ground. I feel this is a more suitable place to share. I think you may have an appreciation for what I now understand. I had a death experience 16 years ago. Not an NDE, but a death where I went through what people call the light and had the experience of knowing myself outside this set and returning to it. I consciously reincarnated myself into a similar but different physical experience. All human beings are headed for this ability. To live eternally is to navigate life and death consciously. Being born and forgetting who you are is too slow for us now. I was pronounced dead on the scene and was gone 16 minutes. Time is an illusion and I knew that, so I had known I could spend as much “time” away from reality as I desired. I thought I was gone 5 years. I too have always searched deeply into the truth myself, and prior to dying I knew the truth was always a function and the result of the observer’s set of beliefs. Belief precedes all physical experience. As in set theory, once you move beyond what is physical, then the answers here are more easily seen, so much more obvious. As form follows function, and beliefs are always the foundation of function. I understand why alchemy (truer science) is the form we have lost sight and touch of. We needed to lose it, for our evolutionary process, and now it’s time to bring it back in. Of course alchemy cannot properly be understood through the measuring devices of logic and reason. So the dilemma. I think I could be helpful to the future you are creating. I know what the future is and what it can look like, as it is solely based in the reflective nature of the gift we humans have, the ability to imagine, our greatest gift and greatest strength. If you would like to have a deeper conversation, I would welcome you to contact me. My email is rickparis23@yahoo.com. I think you would at least enjoy some of what I’m able to share. I haven’t met anyone yet who has done what I have and has the ability to see it as I do. Reality is so simple and so difficult for most humans to grasp, as it is literally backward how most of humanity is attempting to change. The future is the source of all healing and the future is the true source of our power. I hope to hear from you. Thanks for the quality content. I appreciate your time and attention to detail. Love truly is in the details.

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There are prolly many people interested in what you experienced and how you perceive now and how others might also learn enhanced perception. Ever given thought to becoming a content creator? I think people can't be told too many times at this point that they are powerful Creators. They truly don't know that. We need leaders and teachers to show and tell us. It seems you are on the cutting edge of the new wave and so many people need to be comforted into it - to be baby stepped so they don't even realize they are accepting change. It seems you are someone who is seasoned and could just start by telling your story and talking about how you perceive possible outcomes and how you manifest a desired outcome. It's funny you mention alchemy, because other than History of Western Art classes at University years ago, I have not heard or seen anyone discussing alchemy until recently - like the last 3 weeks - and suddenly it's everywhere! You could talk or write about what you know about alchemy and how it relates to the now. People are hungry for knowledge and understanding about the future, whether they realize it or not. Maybe because fear is driving them to seek new information or because they are excited to evolve, but the need is there.

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I believe much of what you're saying is true, people need leaders, but not in the way we have all come to understand that. I am more a teacher by example, not so much by vocation, although I am often paid for my feedback. I can see now that Alchemy can really only be taught on a one-to-one personal basis, as you have to show them how it works within their own lives, using their specific life experiences as the examples in which to educate. It cannot be taught by content alone or using hypothetical scenarios, it must be an actual situation. One thing to point out which is not yet *known, when you leave this physical plane, it returns to a realm of possibility, as the universe ends when the observer stops observing it in the physical. We all create our Universe's independent of one another. I try to explain it as a big bubble bath in which our different universes touch and slide along each other's during the course of our expression. We share moments and translate those independently of each other. There are no legacies left behind, no family, no solar system etc. When you remove yourself, it all ends, that doesn't mean your version of yourself ends for others.

I don't really worry about inciting change as a goal in people or the world, as much as I'm attempting to open their perceptions for the fun of it. I can see I am a spiritual cartographer in a sensing, as the most conscious person directs and influences the greater consciousness at a more sophisticated level. Knowing what I know is more about cutting a path of consciousness in a world (paradigm) becoming New. Having a physical life and *knowing it is illusionary sometimes brings you into much paradox and contradiction, and i generally enjoy those places very much. I am happy to share with anyone who enters my perception and the big world picture is important, but I don't make it as significant as most. Finding the reflection internally and allowing the world to change around me is where I am working. The phrase "nothing changes until you do" takes on much deeper meaning, as it is profoundly true. I am doing my work to alter the reality for the best, I already know I am winning. :) When people do not know they create their own reality, they generally do grow through pain and struggle. You can only grow a different way when you are able to take full responsibility for your perceptions and alter the methodology one uses to grow. It is much more fun and exciting to grow through love and joy, but you must drop the Past to do so. When i say the "Past", in the simplest of terms it is the patterned way one was taught to think, it is only the original way we were taught, by other's with all their generational limitations. Conscious reality creation is an art form, and becoming an artist is a never ending journey. thank you for your comment and your encouragement.

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Do you recall much from your other experience?

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god i am so glad you are here and communicating in this time. were you not, i would feel so alone in how i know life. thank you, be safe and well. i have a sense that you are a cog in a wheel that is coalescing others, who for whatever reasons and like my 'self', have be un-appropriate-able by those seeking to effectively seduce and control them.

being here in this culmination is really a trip to behold.🐞

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Your document dump this weekend has made it for me. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life due to my disposition and view on the world. Some are coming back and others never will. But, I will forever be a sceptic of the mainstream and continue to devour the woo. I am the Woo, the Woo has become me.

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Clif, is my woo emerging when I dream of slapping Nancy Pelosi and grabbing her loose false teeth out of her mouth?

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Your dream of NP is prophetic. Mine is similar but involves a lavatory and flushing mechanism. Thanks sir/madam

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I can't wait for reality to be brought back into our history books. I've been waiting 30 years and it's going to be a great time.

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I wonder if the Bug will feature?

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The 25% woo sounds like the intuitives (N) of the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Intuitives are 25%, of the population making each of our overall personality typed a small part of the population

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INTJ here, and I love your comment, cheers!🔥

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INFP here ~ thanks for mentioning this

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enfj here, and I reckon you're onto something there. Gut feelings have to be acknowledged more and more

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Den C, even though I have put an almost shameful amount of hours into understanding the Myers/Briggs I have yet to ever guess correctly what anyone has been! That sorta blows my mind. I have tested so many people and I am always super surprised by the result. I have yet to have a person say they do not think their result is accurate! In every case it has helped me to understand a person's motivation and has helped me be a better friend or family member (at least in my mind.... :P I think what has been most curious is my inability to understand the forces driving people's behavior. I've never quite figured out if I am just a really bad observer or if people's desire and intention are that disconnected from their behavior. LMAO! INFP here.

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Teasel. I have studied both Myers Briggs and Enneagram for many years, and I agree it does help one to understand and be more compassionate towards our fellow humans. But we still have to want to!! haaa. Anyway, having said that know ppl who think their results are accurate. I found over the years I have changed a little and am more introverted, although I still get energy from others, but need less of it, so on the fence, so to speak. And as for the P/J side of things, I am more open to spur of the moment decisions, but lean just a little more, towards wanting to know where the lay of the land is, and I like tidiness, but don't get it much, due to living with others that don't give a tinkers!!! funny to talk about all this, and I like it that someone, like you, from another part of the world is in the same sphere. One of these days when travel is easier and more readily available to all, there could be a big symposium, not online either, but face to face, on Myers Briggs and even Enneagram, and we could all meet up. What a hoot.

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Thank you for the reply. That was fun! I've never given consideration to a Myers Briggs symposium, but it sounds like a super great time!! I would come out of my shell for that. lol I understand the MB letters are supposed to be stable over a lifetime, but I too found I drifted farther toward introversion as I aged and finally pegged out! lol That's funny about your tidiness situation! I can soooo relate, however, I am also the one MAKING the mess. Hahahaha. When a person finds themselves annoying as heck, it's hard to blame anyone else for feeling the same way. I'm familiar with the Enneagram only as much as recognizing the name. It really is good to visit with someone about enjoying MB. We seem to be few and far between. I am a psych major and MB was one of the tests we studied in personality psych and were required to take the personality profile as part of the class, but I had first taken the test years before. I'm sorta surprised they taught that one, cuz it seemed to be drifting into the dustbin of history even then.

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Myers Briggs says in their book Type Talk that people do not stay the same through out their life. They change, which makes sense as Change is the one of the Constants in life. We may shift more toward one letter or the other. I'm sure that as you experience life, it changes your perspective and how you gather information, and probably how you judge it. My hubby was an extreme introvert,...now, 50 years later he has become more in the middle, not introverted or extroverted. We have rubbed off on each other I believe. He's changed me and I've changed him.

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that's a shame, about dustbin scenario. I think it would be wise, in our newer world coming, for kids to learn these cool tools at a young age just so they get a handle on how others operate. I didn't do any uni degrees, but have gone towards alternative health regimes. Became a classified homeopath and craniosacral practitioner. All these modalities, especially MB and Enneagram (which BTW you can do the test online to ascertain your number), these have all helped in my work with patients, just understanding with no judgement. In fact it helps us just be better people to each other. Nice to talk to you too about this.

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Interesting. I wonder how many of Clif's followers are both I's and N's.

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My hubby is an INTJ,.....but he's not a follower. I'm the follower of clif,...and I am an ESFP.

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There exisits a shit ton of ego in the woo-world also. This is a warning sign to look for also. Those espousing their IQ or that of others will send me running in the other direction. At the very least, take what they are saying & examine it extensively. Remember, its an information war at its heart.

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The thing is, sometimes you have to use your IQ to get them off your case, when they speak to you like you're an idiot for recognising the metaphysical

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Kerry Cassidy talks aout "aliens" as do many thers including Clif and David Icke.....and even The Bible!Time Clif woke up and stopped behaving like the controlled oposition that he has NOW become. I have followed him for 2 years now, but all of a sudden he seems to have "Changed".......around the time he stopped making vidios?????......has he been threatened or "replaced" ....now he no longer makes videos but sends out contradictory Newsletters???? I smell a rat here and he needs to apologise for all your negative remarks about Kerry Cassidy I think! https://rumble.com/embed/v12lthd/?pub=em0r5

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Quite right, and the "Bug" needs to take note of your comment!

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Not a major issue...but...how about Woo Humans, rather than the " limiting" Woo Guys? Many Thanks and Much Gratitude for your posts, Clif. I look forward to seeing your emails!

Marlena (a woman doing my best to navigate the Woo)

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I think it is worth noting that Cliff begins all of his videos on bitchute the same way. He says, "hello humans."

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What did that mean? you think clif is not human? LOL!

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Well, I was replying to the previous message where Marlena suggested referring to to us here as woo humans rather than woo guys. I pointed out clif's most common video greeting as an example of his use of gender-neutral speech directed at his listeners. But, now that you mention it… 🤔

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Who knows these days! I wish he'd go back to ending his videos with "Live long and prosper!". :) I'm a Trekie. But whatever he is, I'm so glad I found him,....I really need to hear him some times, he has a way of settling my nerves. This mess is very disheartening to me. I only found out about Politics in 2016! Those were a very good 4 years,....then this Election fraud showed me that our whole country is full of Liars and Frauds. And the fraud and lies go back all the way to 2000 years ago, and probably for millions of years. It's very depressing. clif makes me realize that none of that matters,.....we'll get though it and it will be better on the other side. I hope I live long enough!

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Your comment is funny! ...does not take much to make one laugh these days!

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Robert David Steele. What was he all about and what about Cynthia McKinney?

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I never knew Roberts, but his website saved my life. I found Janet Ossebaard's 10 Fall of the Cabal videos and her 22+Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal videos on his site. She, Janet, was the best teacher! I learned to much from her. She did a wonderful job helping me and my hubby to see what was really going on with Bill Gates and the rest of the Elite.

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I feel like Robert tried to free himself from his evils, but just couldn’t shake the years of his CIA indoctrination.

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2 years ago, I stumbled over Robert David Steele's website. If it hadn't been for him, I would not be where I am today,....I'm not sure I would have seen the truth about the Cabal without Janet Ossebaard's videos, "Fall of the Cabal" and "Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal",....which he proudly displayed on his front page. I never would have seen the bigger picture. So, even though he had some weird stuff on his site and he didn't censor it much,.....which I think was good,....I know he was a good man. He just knew a lot more than the rest of us do, and he probably also knew they would take him out.

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Ditto. I was a contributor to Robert's blog. I am actually the one who viewed and wrote the summaries for all of the "Fall of the Cabal" videos. I would find interesting articles and videos and send them to Robert. He did not have time to watch all the videos, so he would ask me to write summaries for his readers. We communicated by e-mail often. I finally met him in person when his bus tour came to Tennessee.

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Wow. That's awesome. I have shared those videos absolutely everywhere I can. So, thank you!

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Indeed a bit like Kerry Casidy, she talks about all that stuff too, but Clif is jealouse she knows so much and he is the only so called "Alternative Broadcaster " who bad mouths another Truthers on the Internet Clif only talks about "The Bug", "the Woo" and "The SOC" and most of the time about other things to distract the ones seeking Truth. Clif has however made a complementary comment once about a fellow countryman of mine.....David Icke who talks about all the things Kerry does ....and more

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Kerry Cassidy is an idiot and a fraud. She brings other idiots and frauds like Kim Goguen, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and others who SUDDENLY showed up in November 2020 right after election theft on her show. Ten years ago Kerry Cassidy was engaging in other nonsense like interviewing the "voyagers" series lady, I forget her name, Donna something. I had never heard of Mel K, Ann Van Der Steel, Michael (I'm from Sirius B) Jaco, Gene Decode etc. until after the November 2020 steal. Which should signal right of the bat that these so called thruthers are anything but, and most probably trolls, criminals and in some cases controlled opposition. Now David Icke, he's an interesting character. But even with Icke, my gut tells me that he disseminates 1 truth and 2 fantasies in everything he speaks of. No wonder he's still alive. Icke speaks in riddles most of the time and speaks of the reptilians also which keeps him and his audience going and engaging in fantasy land and the Khazarian mafia from completely taking him out as he does part of "their" work for them. So Icke knows exactly what he's doing, he gives out just enough information to keep him monetized and his audience hungry for more fantasy, while not completely spilling the "TRUTH."

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So,.....what you do all knowing people think about Max Egan?

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Icke knows and has writen MORE about what he is currenty PERMITTED to talk about, probably because he has been leant on by the KM> his preriouse works are insightful. Kerry Cassidy is probably the most "out there" and contriversial commentar ut most of her info is spot on....try reading her book "Rebel Gene" and you might agree!

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It does seem, at times, that Clif has a fascination, or maybe an obsession, with Kerry Cassidy. I told my significant other that the other day, pondering why keep watching her if he thinks everyone she interviews, is shite??? We all have opinions and most of us Woo folks, already have exercised discernment with most of the Truthers and Patriots out there, who are either questionable on a good day, or just down right objectionable on most days. Seems a tad like beating a dead horse. Maybe Clif is singularly bored, as the Warrior he is, with his current situation, and is looking for someone, anyone, to fight??? He does toss down the gauntlet on a regular basis, does he not? :) Peace!

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He does himself no service by so doing.....he is entertaining though, and about all he is good for considering all his "predictions "over the last 2 years have come to nothing LOL....he need to consult the SOC more and pay less attention to the Bug to understand better the Wo Wo.

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I knew Robert David Steele. They sent Juan O. Savin to "handle" him in order to make sure he followed the narrative, like Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, etc. Early on, he figured out Sacha Stone, Scott Mckay and Leigh Dundas were frauds and banished them from his bus tour. I believe that toward the end, Robert was getting too close to the truth so someone decided to have him taken out. He suddenly developed breathing difficulties, got diagnosed with COVID and put on Remdisivir (against his will) which resulted in his death. How convenient. This is how I know Robert had integrity - he's the "dead guy".

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Ann, the same thing happened to Bill Sardi on Lew Rockwell.com. He was killed too. His brother tried to get him out of the hospital....but they put him on a respirator and refused to let him leave. Broke my heart! Bill was awesome, he even replied to my emails,....and he had a ton of good information to share, much of it medical. The world is a sadder place because the Cabal took these two good men out. :)

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Thanks for sharing this information; I didn’t know. May he RIP.

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Who's the "they"? Want to know who YOU think or know is the "they". Thanks.

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I have no way of knowing, but I suspect a group within a 3 letter agency tasked with controlling the "narrative". Intelligence agencies have a history of discrediting or eliminating troublesome people. Robert knew this well. Of course, these people report to controllers the public never sees. Based on your posts, I can see that you question many of the assumptions that Clif's readers hold. Like you, I do not trust Elena Danaan or Dr. Michael Salla. Some of these people are controlled assets, and others are well-meaning dupes. Keep questioning everything.

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I do Sanskrit translations of Ancient Vedic texts. There are about 20,000 people in India that understand Vedic Sanskrit as of today. Once you do the translations of these texts, which in most cases each page takes about one week or so as some of the grammar and vocabulary of classical (newer) Sanskrit is different from the nuanced older Vedic Sanskrit, the more information you get, the more mind boggling life gets. We in India were told our Hindu civilization (comes from the word Indu or Indus for the river that has now dried up) was barely 5000 years old. When we started dating the texts, specifically the Rig Ved (oldest of the 4 Vedas), the oldest parts of the Rig Ved date back to 22,000 BCE. After this discovery, I question everything, I mean everything. And the people who wrote this stuff put dates in these texts in the form of the polaris or other star positions at that time so you can reverse engineer and work your way back to date the texts precisely. 22,000 BCE is absolutely ancient, and this was the peak of civilization on the Indian subcontinent. So what else do we not know that has been hidden from us for thousands of years? This is why I believe that people like Elena Danaan and Michael Salla are just BS artists, they know very little and are gaslighting people.

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You might find the following video from Cosmic Agency on Andromedans interesting. This YouTube channel changed my life - you need to watch all their videos from the beginning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EriumfJSNAQ

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WOW! That's how I feel when I read The Naked Bible! There is so much that has been done to keep us from knowing our pasts.....it's amazing. But in some ways, it's a relief to know that the bible is nothing more than a history book,....written by men, that was then used to create a Religion meant to control the Masses. That removes all the GUILT that that book has put upon the People for 2000 years! But knowing all the things that have been done in the name of that religion, like the crusades, witch burnings, and on and on and on were all done because of a SCAM? That really hurts!

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I know who I believe they are,.....I believe they are the people who are the World Economic Forum and many more. They are Schwab, Soros, Harari and many more. They are members of a group of families that believe they are the rightful Rulers of this Planet. And for 2000 years they have been working towards that goal. Here is an interesting article about them,...they are the Khazarian Mafia. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/03/10/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

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I know! Cynthia McKinney! ??? Of all this bull shit THAT blew my mind. I'd like to know more too.

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They sure turned the screech-o-meter on Cynthia after she exposed Dyncorp for all the good it did. Since she called bullshit on everything from election fraud, vaccines, and industrialized child sex trafficking, it's hard to imagine that her life wasn't threatened. How did she get in with Sacha Stone??? Stone is as slippery as they come. Was Stone hired to control the oppostion with his New Age brand of grift? My impression of Steele, and I know nothing, was that he seemed altruistic but he's dead. If you go sniffing around note how many of her videos have been scrubbed.

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When I was very young I learned to speak to and listen to my Higher Self. That which is my true mind. It did teach me about Method and technique in may subjects.

I know this is something any Woo Person can do. Just be patient with your self and be humble.

The biggest problem may Woo People encounter is the idea that we are somehow "special" or Chosen.

What we are, are people working in our normal operating system. Nothing more nothing less.

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You wrote;

"A lot of the LARPing Woo People, especially those who are attracted to Kerry Cassidy, betray their fantasy stories as false within the details that they provide. As an instance, one of Kerry’s primary, constantly touted, ‘whistle blowers’, a supposed witness to SSP history unfolding, William Tompkins, has a story that is resting on large piles of lies, fantasy, and misinformation which he contradicts continuously in his story telling, that Kerry thinks is ‘testimony’. Tompkins reports in his interviews with Kerry that he witnessed ‘operatives’ being debriefed wherein they provided documents that were written in Egyptian ‘hieroglyphics’. "

I am startled and disappointed. Tompkins did not write that. He was charged by the Navy with distributing documents from spies in Germany to military and corporate high officials. He wrote that some of the doucments were written in symbols that "...are SIMILAR to Egyptian heriographics." Your characterization of Tompkins as a liar indicates to me that you have not read any of his work, nor confirmed it with Bob Wood, an Aerospace scientist and associate of Tompkins who independently came to similar conclusions as William. Tompkins possessed an eiditic memory, and his life and writing is paragon of honesty and forthrightness. You may be aware that components of craft have similiar writing on structural parts are recorded.

I suggest that you look into the work of Dr. Michael Salla and the writings of Elena Danaan.

James Osbourne Holmes 505-470-4277

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I personally do not trust Elena Danaan

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What did Goguen do?

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What did Gougen do?

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In response to your email, which I quote, are my comments and a question to you.

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James Osbourne HolmesWrites Official Truth ·4 hr ago

You wrote;

"A lot of the LARPing Woo People, especially those who are attracted to Kerry Cassidy, betray their fantasy stories as false within the details that they provide. As an instance, one of Kerry’s primary, constantly touted, ‘whistle blowers’, a supposed witness to SSP history unfolding, William Tompkins, has a story that is resting on large piles of lies, fantasy, and misinformation which he contradicts continuously in his story telling, that Kerry thinks is ‘testimony’. Tompkins reports in his interviews with Kerry that he witnessed ‘operatives’ being debriefed wherein they provided documents that were written in Egyptian ‘hieroglyphics’. "

I am startled and disappointed. Tompkins did not write that. He was charged by the Navy with distributing documents from spies in Germany to military and corporate high officials. He wrote that some of the doucments were written in symbols that "...are SIMILAR to Egyptian heriographics." Your characterization of Tompkins as a liar indicates to me that you have not read any of his work, nor confirmed it with Bob Wood, an Aerospace scientist and associate of Tompkins who independently came to similar conclusions as William. Tompkins possessed an eiditic memory, and his life and writing is paragon of honesty and forthrightness. You may be aware that components of craft have similiar writing on structural parts are recorded.

I suggest that you look into the work of Dr. Michael Salla and the writings of Elena Danaan.

James Osbourne Holmes

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Danaan and Salla are frauds. I listened to them one time and I had to switch them off. Danaan always looks and acts like she will burst out any moment into a "Channel no.5" commercial. When Alex Collier joined this bunch, I started to suspect him as well. Now you have to wonder if Alex Collier was and has been gaslighting everyone since 1994 as an "Andromedan" contactee. That is TBD about Alex Collier as I'm still digesting info on him before I make a final yea or nay on his "claims". Again, question everything and believe nothing. As my dad always puts it firmly: Always reject or accept only with thorough investigation, knowledge, research and a "real" knowing.

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