I would like to say you ARE known throughout the world, Clif. And I thank you for your bold service to humans !!! Thank You 🙏🏼

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China Has plans for world domination


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“Nonetheless, Germany was defeated in utter shame, along with its ally, Japan. Why? We reached some conclusions at the study meetings of the Politburo, in which we were searching for the laws that governed the vicissitudes of the big powers, and trying to analyze Germany and Japan’s rapid growth. When we decide to revitalize based on the German model, we must not repeat the mistakes they made.”

They’re already making mistakes . . .

They, the collective, will not succeed. They will succumb to the will of the People.

This was all Created by The Khazarian Mafia which is too greedy, too careless, too self-absorbed and they may be clever but they are not smart . . .

None of what they create is lasting. Yes. We go through the hell they perpetrate upon humanity.

We will end it all, once enough People wake up.

We are close.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

I think so, as well. And no, they are not smart at all. Since Enlil has been banished from our solar neighborhood, they are more like a headless snake-puppet, thrashing about with no puppet master.

Meanwhile, We The People have more numbers coming awake daily. When the tipping point has been reached, up (or off) We go!

Each morning, I seem to feel more positivity and an absence of fear.

The physical nearness of Enki and the Galactic Federation of Planets stationed here now in our Solar system may be causing my up-beat feeling.

Or, I may be totally responsible for my own optimism, in which case, yay me.

Yes. We are close.

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You cant say NO to Dr. David Martin.

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I love Dr David Martin!!

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Yes! But Dr David Martin Believes in God !

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Clif simply calls God "Universe"...some say "Creator"....even "Oversoul".....same same.

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According to Dolores Cannon, God is the "Source" !!!

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It seems that I may be one of the reluctant first wavers that Dolores spoke about. Still not sure about that yet.

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Ok, I frequently go back to the entity Seth channelings by Jane Roberts to look at things simply because he was so brilliant, very similar to Bashir today. What Seth said was that "God" is not simply the Universe in a panthiestic way, but is a mega consciousness with what we might call a distinct personality. You could say that we all exist within that personality. It's like nested dolls, one larger consciousness encompassing another which is in turn encompassed by a larger one, etc, on and on to infinity, which is God. He also said God is not some force so huge that he doesn't know exactly who you are, precisely because you are him being manifest as you. (Using 'he' here because our language doesn't work without a reference to sex of some kind and the neutral 'it' doesn't really capture things.) So "God" knows when the swallow falls because he is the swallow. He's not impersonal, which I think the idea of 'universe' generally is . Some use the term universe because they want to avoid the idea of a personal God, believing that idea raises up the old man in the sky idea of God, but I don't think either concept is accurate. He's not the old man in the sky and he's not impersonal either. We do often communicate with "other" closer entities within the chain of doll boxes and we might call them guides, oversoul, and so on. That's my understanding anyway.

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I believe the true God, creator of all, has no name. The moment we give it a name or a label, we also give it limitations.

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That's even better!

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That would be very interesting! That I have to hear!!

But, Dr. Martin famous?

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Dr. Martin is the one who finally uncovered the truth about the covid saga. His speech at the European Union conference in May had more than 4 billion viewers. He loves people. Every single time he gives an interview he is coming up with mindblowing information.

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I've been listening to him for many years and he is invaluable with his knowledge! He has the 'paper' trail ... the numbers of the Patents, the proof of premeditated harm!

I think he is FAMOUS ... but, not sure how popular?

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He does not care about being popular. He is an authentic individual.

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Dr. Martin is amazing. Love that man.

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The aha moment for me was when Senator Dr. Scott Jensen (MN) told us on youtube in April 2020 that he was in receipt of a letter from a hospital (I've forgotten if it was a hospital or a CDC spokesperson). During that video he read portions of the letter, which instructed him to indicate a C19-related death on each death certificate in order that the hospital receive around $35000 per dead patient. I was so relieved to know what all the fuss was about! (btw, Dr. Jensen was removed from his senate seat for being honest.)

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Mr Bow Tie said his address to the European Parliament had 4 BILLION views ...

One third did not get shafted, the abusers are dead, we are feeling the end of it.

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Your listeners told him that he would benefit by connecting with you. 😉

Also, how do you know that when military mobilizes that it’s good military and not bad military?

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Watched beyond mystic earlier, brilliant input Cliff

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I'm not the biggest fan of Jean-Claude, but I've known of Joe, Bix, and Clif for soooo long that I watched for a while anyway. Sounds like I need to make an exception and listen again. Thanks for the input.

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I tend to fast forward past JC's product pushes....

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Clif talked about his experiments with shungite- less than 48 hours later Jean-Fraud has his grift crew selling shungite (at a "discount", of course). He really has no shame that guy, reinforces my opinion of sociopathic grifter.

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What a frigging a'hole!!!!

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They've all got to make a living somehow if they are to continue to make videos, so it's just a fact of life these days.

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Sure... keep believing that (& parroting for them). If you haven't seen through that sociopathic coven crew of grifters by now, you probably won't, even when they get exposed. If they could get your $$$ out of you without making videos, they would. The videos are solely to promote the over-priced products- took 'em 2 days to start selling shungite, after Clif discussed his experiments with it. They are just disgusting. Thank God, I only wasted two years of my time & money on them, could have been worse.

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Shungite works. JC works hard. I was putting a bit of shungite between my laptop and a Electromagnetic radiation detector a couple years ago and it blocks everything out. One can buy shungite magnets also and put them on the car or smart meter. Never put tinfoil over your smart meter also.

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I wouldn't know. I don't pay much attention to these particular people and never have, nor do I know what they sell and have never bought from them, contrary to what you accuse me of with zero knowledge. In fact I don't pay for much to be honest. But I understand the principle of providing content and asking for money or having advertising since people make a living that way. I don't begrudge them, in fact some of the best content producers are mostly behind a paywall and advertise products. But your tone and anger at me for stating what I did is unwarranted, so get your panties out of a wad.

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Maybe you shouldn't have weighed in, then. We are talking about a very specific set of people, not in general about worthwhile content producers, like Clif and Mark Crispin Miller and Greg Hunter, who all offer their work without a fee. And if I had money, I would want to buy more Pure Sleep and from all of Greg's great sponsors. All of it is practical and QUALITY.

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They could get REAL JOBS. I'm a freelance book editor, about to, I hope, be hired for a second job in a fkn convenience store. My industry is fking me over: ageism and the reality that I had a classical education and the freaks now in places of power in my industry display their disdain for me and those editors like me and favor their equally subliterate a'hole freelancers who are unbalanced, self-absorbed, and selfish.

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While I sympathize with your situation, the hard reality is things are changing and it's apparently dog eat dog out there in many places as they do. I've been hit by it too. I wrote and illustrated several children's books inspired by folktales from various countries. I have elementary teaching credentials and a fine arts degree, among other professional experiences. I'm not bragging, just trying to demonstrate that like you I had classical training. I know what a good children's book is, having taken professional training in it and having read probably thousands of books to children over a long career. I couldn't find a publisher for one reason...the books were said not to be "exciting" enough. While I was complemented by the publishers on the text and illustrations, they were all tasked with finding books that mimic the flash and continuous hard action of computer games. That's just not how it is with traditional folk tales.

I also wrote a book for adults that did get published but the publisher provided no editorial or promotion services. They wouldn't hire a person like you!! This was not a self-published book, but involved a smaller publisher. It seems that it's no-go with a big publisher unless it can be guaranteed of big sales...like by a Killery Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, or by sensationalist celebrities, etc. Small publishers won't put out one more dime than they have to for people like you and me. It's a shame and it doesn't contribute to the world, but there it is. People like David Icke make a go of it by self-publishing, but they already have a name from much work put in during long careers. I guess we just have to adjust to the way it is by exploiting the niches. The internet provides many opportunities not available in the classic age. Things have gone off the rails, but that always creates opportunities if we can find them. Best of luck.

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Clif is THE ONLY reason I will watch any of that grift crew now. 2 years wasted watching all their programs was more than enough, the finally got so blatant with the grifting and self promotion even I had to wake up to their bullshit, when they pulled that "OMG, Scamnine has been banned from YT, we can't even say her name on the show & oh, by the way, send more money so we can put food on the table for our families"- yet there she was all over YT on all her other grift buddies's shows every day. Virtually EVERY day. Put food on their table alright- plus stays at fancy hotels, dining out at fancy restaurants- while masking up to do it (hypocrites), purchasing land, new cars, jewelry, remodeling their home(s), taking trips- and they put it right in your face. Sad that so many just keep sending money they don't have.

Saw a lot of people who were on small fixed incomes and wanted to keep following her when she went to her own PAID website but c/not afford to. The grifters attitude was "well, it's only the price of a cup of coffee, if you can't afford to give us that much for everything we do doe you, then bye-bye". Maybe they can afford $5 cups of coffee (from that woke Tom Horton's that hosed the Trucker Convoy, no doubt) but most of us have more brains than money- thankfully- and won't pay some woke jackass corporation $5 for nasty coffee.

And of course it was just a "coincidence" that her new website was all set up and ready to go at the same time "YT" took down her channels. Bullshit. SHE shut down her YT channels (so far, I have seen nothing to convince me otherwise, and plenty that affirms that opinion), then went on everyone else's, whining and crying about her lost income & begging: here's my buy me a coffee, here's my new PAID channel; tripled the price of her "tarot lessons", BM tripled their yearly pass (I suppose all the new grifters they added to the crew need their cut). Truly disgusting sociopaths, to be so charismatic & believable, yet so greedy and self-serving.

OK, the rant is done. The shit boiled back up after having to look at those pukes last night- but at least Clif did most of the talking and Jean Fraud can't dictate the answers he wants to hear with Clif, like he does with his coven crew of grifters. Won't surprise me one bit, if down the road they turn out to part of the clown club- or [KM][DS] minions (same diff, I suppose). For now, just stereotypical sociopathic grifters. Also wouldn't hurt my feelings if I was wrong about all of that, either. Is what it is. We'll see soon enough.

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JC is cool but that Janine is bonkers but no grifter!

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As I've mentioned, I first head Clif in 2004, on Coast to Coast AM radio. I accidentally tripped onto one of Joe's vids circa 2008-09, and I don't recall how I first heard of Bix. I never joined Road to Roota, and I don't remember Snippy getting money-grubbing until he met, as you say, lmao, Jean-Fraud (who wouldn't answer my question as to why he always wears the same black shirt). J-C and his bevy of young, attractive women was/is a turnoff. The whole thing with Janine, too, wherein all her begging got her her first house at 60. Still waiting for mine at 68 (if I make it to 10/5). At least Joe is generous. Maybe to the wrong people, but that's his choice and decision. He has a shit-ton of money, but it seems he got it legitimately from trading crypto. Bix got his the same way and from being in the banking industry.

My problem with Bix (and that Libra [me]-Cancer [Bix] square aspect, as in I literally loved-hated my Cancer mother, who my late, great brother w/Down syndrome referred to as "the Beast) is that his judgment about people is way off. He idolized that POS Charlie Lee, who fucked over his LTC investors hugely. I can't believe Bix even wrote songs in praise of LTC. He's married to an Aries (also a square aspect), so I was shocked she didn't slap him silly for honoring a d.bag. But my wonderful opposite sign, Aries, is known for their guilelessness, so I give her a pass.

My motto, especially as I am in the process of picking up a second job at a FL convenience store, is never give money to people who have more money than you. I do sacrifice the $5/month for Mark Crispin Miller because he gives much more than $5's worth of time, effort, info and is also being fucked over by his industry, as I am by mine.

Clif never asked for anything. He has decency and shame. He worked hard, was smart about crypto, and has prospered, God bless. I bought his PureSleep once or twice but just can't afford it. Look at all the insights he offers freely. I'll never understand his association or Joe's with Jean-Fraud (I like that so much!!!!), but it's really none of my business and I don't understand the boys' club shit, anyway.

I understand how your wrath boiled back up. Glad you were able to let fly!!!! I had to watch the show over the course of two days. If you want to watch a lovely psychic card reader, I suggest Alison Janes Prescott. She's in England, married an acquaintance of mine who lives in Siesta Key, FL, about 20 miles from me. He still runs the In5D channel he started in 2008. Saw Ali on FB, recognized her as his soul mate, went to England to meet her, they married, and the govt is giving her a hard time just to visit here. She's not a ho or a murderer or a POS, so of course they won't accommodate her. Anyway, she UNDERsells herself constantly. You can catch her, if interested on Psychically channel or In5D channel on YT or Rumble, as she and Gregg Prescott are finally making their way to the freer platform.

Love you, Tia, and you are anything but loca! #Sane

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It was excellent - one of the best!

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Oh wow! Going over now. TY.

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Ross, I cant find <Beyond Mystic>. Which month was it, do you remember?

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You looked really good on the show last night glad your well. Just found out i have cancer on my liver. I do not drink. I eat what I grow. I do not get it. Any ways people out in Clif land do not get sick because no one cares much anymore. Everything takes forever obviously we know why but I am going to win this like Clif did.....

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I beat cancer by eating a handful of apricot kernels every morning. Obviously avoid chemicals, vaccines etc. Note improvements within two weeks.

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For others who might no know, this is a famous cure, early promoted by G Edward Griffin, the author of The Creature of Jekyll Island. The active agent in the apricot kernels is apparently Vitamin B17 which can be bought by itself, although I'd prefer the whole form since there are often synergistic agents in that. I'm glad to hear you say it worked for you. when I got the apricot kernels they were explained to be a preventative too. Good stuff.

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Also Chlorine Dioxide Solution/CDS (Clif has a BIG blind spot on this, proving he is not nearly infallible)... Fenbendazole... Ivermectin...

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It's hard to comprehend the evil of a medical establishment that would suppress life saving information in order to make a buck, but there it is.

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I agree... but after the big Covid SCAM and deadly "vaccine" push... as well as the use of ONLY Remdesivir in hospitals for Covid patients... and as you say, the demonetization (ongoing) of Ivermectin, HCQ, etc...

It IS hard to imagine the horrific agendas they are pushing... depopulation? Massive health crisis/massive Big Pharma profits? Lockdowns/Corrupt/rigged elections/permanent power? New world order stuff?

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Absolutely. The scope is truly horrifying.

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It's the parasitic greed mentality world we all live in. I try to be apart from it. Most of our energy is robbed and wasted just by the very system we are seemingly slave to. But still universal laws exists and what we give we get back and this includes every thought.

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To have been enslaved as we have been would take a victim mentality surely. I think this takes several forms...being attracted to incarnate into the Kali Yuga, which I think is an arena for victim/victimizer exchanges and a lot of violence. It also takes the form of not taking responsibility to NOT be slaves, meaning allowing our country to get in this shape, and earlier allowing monarchies and other such tyrannies going back. But maybe most importantly ...attracting the BUG, which appears to be a denizen of the 4th dimension and is our particular victimizer here. Victim/victimizer is like a key in a lock. That's at the bottom of it. That's who's controlling things behind the scene. The dawn of the silver age helps because as it goes those kinds of energies will not be able to exist here. Right now we're still at the thin edge of the silver age and we have to work to keep our energies high in order to deal with the Bug, later it will be natural I think and will eventually become unnecessary. If you look at the yugas as places for different energies to prevail they allow different experiences. Maybe on our long way around the wheel of ages we get to try every sort of gradation of experience. I'm glad the Kali Yuga is gone and getting more and more remote.

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I stocked up on sodium chlorite, fenbendazole and ivermectin at good prices.

Hopefully, it will come in very handy. I also got lots of potassium iodide just in case things go nuclear...

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Xlnt!! Well done!

I have been using CDS instead of MMS, as it has fewer side effects... BUT, if it hits the fan, CDS may not be available so I bought a good amount of MMS2 (CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE), which is REALLY strong stuff... but good to have in reserve... no mixing either. I will start taking some apricot kernels or a B17 product occasionally, and stock up.

I have been taking Lugol's iodine for some time, recently switched to nascent iodine... IMO, both are worthy... I recommend taking one or the other regularly.

Look into methylene blue... great stuff!

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Thanks for that great info!

I've been eating ground apricot kernels for a while to treat my leukemia, and it seems to be working great! My blood tests have shown greatly reduced white blood cell counts, so I ignore the negative propaganda about it. No negative side effects.

Although, I am also taking other anti-cancer herbal supplements so I haven't been able to isolate the one doing the most good.

I'm looking into methylene blue now.

I am gladly my own guinea pig with natural substances, and I won't be their guinea pig with their synthetic bioweapon poisons.

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The liver is the seat of anger in Chinese medicine.

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Anger eats oneself

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Negative emotions, each linked to one of the "Five Elements" energetic system, occur when the functions of that element are frustrated. Liver and Gall Bladder are in the Wood Element, responsible for growth and development, get-up-and-get. Derailment of those functions can cause anger and frustration which, when chronic, can damage the organs. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a very advanced energy medicine, not just a folk medicine, and understands the cause of disease is ultimately negative emotions. I have a great deal of admiration for the Chinese people, however they have always fallen prey to brutal suppression and horribly cruel masters, witness the CCP and thousands of years of emperors, yet they created a beautiful traditional culture.

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Not wrong, but also a very simplified way of seeing the inner/Ying Wood element...

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Yeah, laetrile was hunted down and hounded into a deep cave by "Big Pharma" (this was LONG before they were even called that! Like late 1960s or so?) It's HARD getting safely away from Big Pharma and Big Hospital -- the Canada Board of Meds (or something) OFFICIALLY write on one of their 'directions to doctors and hospitals' that if a patient was under general anesthesia for something, you should just inoculate them with the poison-vaxxx (THEY didn't call it!) WHILE the patient was UNCONSCIOUS!!! (IF I ever let them knock me out and they did that -- I WOULD come back by later and SHOOT THEM! As Clif has said: if they come after with that hypodermic -- they are TRYING TO KILL YOU so kill them first!!

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What is it Vit K. I heard a hand full a day and one will never get cancer

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EEK!!! NO NO! You can overdose and do DAMAGE to yourself with too much K!! I always recommend LOTS of vitamin D (I take 20-30,000 IU every couple days) - but ONLY take the amount of K2 (& K1) ON THE LABEL!

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Check out Floridasharkman on Truth! Protocol that is what Cliff used and Gregg Phillips to cure cancer. Fenbendazole!

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Fenbendazole and several other items like the apricot kernels and carnavora cured my cancer.

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Clif used fenben? I can't recall him mentioning that. I know that Tippins guy has a website with almost every kind of info about how it works/worked for him- fenbendazole.org

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Look into parasite protocol. Most cancer is parasites. I started my journey with”dirt road discussions “ on telegram. 🙏

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Seek out the Parasite Protocols via Florida Sharkman on Truth Social and recently on Twitter. Great well researched information on human parasites and how to get of them.

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Dr Lee Merritt has a lot of stuff -- and a lot of discussion -- about parasites and how to treat yourself -- as she always asks: have you ever had to worm your dog or your cat? Then YOU have worms too!

(Funny, it's been Pharma who has been pushing the "America is the ONLY First World country that doesn't have parasites...

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Absolutely, you shall overcome the disease. There are several very good cures for cancer out there; the ones I prefer simply use frequency to destroy the bugger. DO your research, DON'T listen to the many quacks out there. Bonne chance!!

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You're so right. I'd go with people we you personally know of who have had success, like Clif and others. Or doctors online who run successful functional medicine clinics on cancer. Advertising these days isn't very honest and they will take an iffy connection and blow it up to infinity to sell something. I had seen collagen wildly advertised as a major bone builder for osteoporosis, but when I listened to a video by a doctor who runs successful clinics for osteoporosis reversal he said there are only a few studies that show a tenuous connection. In fact, he said what was more important was taking as much magnesium as you can. He saved me $40+ bucks for a month's supply of collagen I intended to buy right away and keep taking.

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I'm sorry to hear about your prognosis. I had a scare with lung cancer which turned out to be just a benign nodule. But in research, I found a man who had weeks left to live, he hear about treatment and within a couple of months he was cured. Here's his info:

Joe Tippens Dog Dewormer Cancer Treatment

https://laurasmercantile.com › joe-tippens-dog-dewor...

Joe Tippens is best known for treating his small cell lung cancer with a dog dewormer called fenbendazole, CBD oil and curcumin.

I purchased all the ingredients, even had my niece buy cbd oil in CA and ship to me...it's illegal to purchase in my state. Best of luck in your treatments! Barbara

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Please look into fenbendazole: start with the video on the Joe Tippens Protocol. That was five yrs ago -- when Mayo Clinic said he'd be dead within a couple months! (Small cell lung cancer throughout his body!) Since he first posted -- there are lots of folks who've looked into it; reporting their successes (and of course some failures).

There's a website fenben.com (I think?) -- Joe used the dog paste (actually, cat, dog, goat, horse cow, paste -- but hey! I got through covid with horse paste so *I* sure won't throw stones!!) but you can now get it in pill form. Some actual medical studies going on with it too. (In fact, Joe was IN a study -- he ended up on placebo -- but the study mgrs said he could take whatever he wanted (he asked, before taking fenben.) He was ALSO the only person who SURVIVED the study!

LOTS of folks reporting their progress and so on. Dr Lee Merritt (of covid/parasite fame -- well, if you follow those sorts of things...) takes it in rotation with ivermectin and nitazoxanide. (I do now too...)

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People get cancer all the time, don't put any fear into it instead use the excitement to learn something, change something.

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Also, fenbendazole.org is a very good resource

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Clif put a protocol he used up on his twitter the other day- I think it's also in the images part of his feed, on the right side of the page. I've never had to deal with it, but I'd suggest getting away from any doctors that want to recommend chemo and pharma- so many better & natural remedies out there now. Not sure if you can still find his YT's about cancer, check clifhighvideos.com & see if they have them linked. The site is a compilation of Clif's work going back decades, searchable.

Been seeing a lot of people getting results with diet combined with fenbendazole, ivermectin, MMS & other things. Most stress the importance of using things that will detox the dead cells out of your system as you kill them off- bentonite clay, DE, activated charcoal. various herbs, spices, foods. Just gotta find the protocol that kills the crap. Since they've lied to us about everything, you've probably been thinking you were eating all the right stuff & doing all the right things- when the opposite was true. Check out Carnivore Aurelius, and perpetualhelath.co (not dot com). Both of these guys have incredible knowledge about health & well-being. Much luck, I hope you find the answers you need.

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Oh not good... But SO much more knowledge out there about what can work these days!

There is disinfo too of course, and anyway biochemistry and especially treatment is quite an individual thing...

Turn the whole thing into as open a process as you can, weigh and test any info, work on it continuously as it goes along, that approach is what I'd do at least. Good luck!

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A lot of funny fence sitters out there. Even supposedly "heavy hitters".

Fuck em.

Don't want to be labelled this or that. Don't want to offend sensibilities. Still playing DS games in the System.

Fuck all that. No more pulling punches, but still plenty of compassion and such.

Those are some HEAVY noggins asphyxiating in the HOT sand. I'm going to keep my eyes open for heads actually exploding.

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Heads exploding could be fun. Should one start wearing PPE to keep brain bits off? :)

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Good idea. Safety first.

Having finished The Watchmen again last night, perhaps they'll resemble Rorschach ink blots and we can have fun naming them like clouds...

Or commenting like on fireworks.

Keep a safe distance!


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This is one of the only places my comments aren't banned - The Sword of Truth cuts deep.

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Some have recently shown that gravity does not exist. Magnetism exists. Things either fall to the earth or not, based on buoyancy, not gravity.

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Heard recently that a certain couple were gassed during the haulocost. They were pregnant, and their child, had it been born, would have made jets obsolete during our lifetime. as well as explaining gravity (and yes, it is to be used, not taken for granted as we still do). The K mafia had its feces consolidated long before the common era.

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Ya, things fall down because that's down!

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April 3 next year? Is it related to the total solar eclipse April 8? The totality travels across the US from the SW to the NE.

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Clif, I am so grateful that Universe threw you back.

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It certainly makes the novelty theory stronger! ;-)

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I watched Cliff on the Beyond Mystic show too! Very interesting information so if you regularly listen to Cliff you’ll want to hear it!

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I love the woo! 👁️ I'm in the woo world too.

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I recommend this lady's channel--very interesting info about how the authorities have hijacked our biofield (aka aura) to hack into our physical bodies. https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f

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Thanks for sharing the clue.

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What really burns my toast is the USA has been funding the damned Khazarian mafia behind our backs.

So We The People are being made to suffer financially because Nancy, Chuck, creepyjoe and that entire lot have sent BILLIONS to their favorites in Ukraine! Our physical infrastructure needs repair, yata yata . ..

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Its been going on for even longer back in Europistan...

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023

I have an acquaintance in Cairo who tells me that the military is controlling the country. Unspoken openly, but known by all. The military has taken over major businesses and competes with others in each industry, getting all the major contracts for itself.

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The Egyptian military or the US military??

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