Old principle: Credit the Source. Biglino cites Yuval Noah Harari four times for support. Harari is a truly sick, foul advisor to George Soros who advocates mass murder for population reduction and complains about all the 'useless' people in the world. If you want to make your YHWH case, don't use our common enemy as a source.

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Harari also advises Klaus Schwab, from what I understand.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

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More like you are blinded by the truth. Accept the fact that your god is evil. And no he isn’t the Heavenly Father because the Father has no evil in him. Yah has done lots of evil stuff in the Bible if you read the whole Bible with your mind open that is. “He was killing people because they were sinners” some will say. Stop excusing evilness. If Yah is all knowing then he would have made sure evil people were never born if he knew they wouldn’t repent. What type of dad punish his kids in a cruel way?There is no way to justify a cruel punishment unless you are sick in the head. He killed people for complaining. That’s is like a mother shooting her child for complaining. Joshua came to show us that his Father is different from that evil god. Anyone who actual reads the Bible can see how different they are. I do have a theory. Yah is the Father and sometimes the devil pretends to be Yah. But that is a theory. The Bible seem to suggest to Yahweh’s. https://sites.google.com/site/yahwehelohiym/yahweh/two-yahwehs

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The source is Mauro Biglino's book; "The Naked Bible."

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Harari is evil, a WEF Klaus Schwab minion, and a supporter of Transhumanism which I believe is Satanic, but Biglio references him in various contexts, because he is also a famous Jewish academic in many respects. I did not feel that his references were in the context of this discussion about Yahweh nor were they promotions of Harari.

For instance, the first reference Biglio makes to Harari are about claims from Harari's book "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" and they relate to eugenics being performed on animals to cull the uncontrollable animals from the herd to breed in complacency. Biglio was mentioning that because he believed it was analogous to what the Elohim were trying to accomplish in genetically engineering humans.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

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I don't know if I buy your take on drinking the Reset Kool Aid, because that seems to suggest that the Great Reset is just a Psyop and not a real plan. I have been following this plan since the early 90's with Agenda 21 and now Agenda 2030, but it goes back to before that even. Clearly, the NWO even captured the Q Psyop and used that to disseminate propaganda to those followers, but that is how the CIA has always worked, so that is nothing new.

I have actually read your post on Gab before and the Child Ego State concept, I have also heard before from various psychology sources. This hypnotic state you also reference with sales techniques is a result of the use of Command language and it is a simple technique really, that relies on prior conditioning that goes back to our childhood.

It is pretty basic psychology. Parents use this type of language with their children, as do our teachers in school as we grow up, and for many this continues on into adult when following directions from their bosses. Rarely, in these relationships with authority figures are we asked if we will do something, because the ingrained response is usually no if we actually have a choice. So in these authoritative relationships, we are usually told in direct Command Language to do something that usually begins with a call to attention followed by a command.

Listen... do this now!

Pay attention, do this now!

Attention everyone, do this now!

I will tell you what, do this now!

It is usually performed in a very subtle way and spoken in a friendly or respectful manner. You may not even hear the words calling you to attention, but your Subconscious does and reacts accordingly. Conversely, when the commands are barked out or demanded the results are not as effective, because we react very differently or become defensive internally.

This conditioning is consequently lifelong and leads most people to blindly follow directions that come from using Command Language. Granted, like most mind control techniques, it does not work on very strong, independent personalities, truth seekers, and critical thinkers in general (who consequently are usually the people in positions giving the commands in the business world).

I have always thought of this technique as a kind of Jedi Mind Trick and consequently, Command Language has never worked on me even as a child, but I have been able to easily employ it in my personal life and work. The general KM Mind Kontrolle also has not worked on me and I have been baffled by how large masses of the population have deferred to these authoritative DS commands to get in line and follow instructions, without questioning anything.

Like how many of the highly intelligent people I know in the tech business, who have willingly lined up to take an experimental gene therapy for a virus that has a .001% mortality rate. I can't tell you how many times I have told family and friends that the last few years for me have been so surreal, because it is like I am the only one awake watching a bunch of mindless automatons walk around hypnotized.

Sales agents use Command Language for obvious reasons, because it works. When a sales agent asks the customer a closed ended question about a purchase or even something simple like giving up their contact information for a future communication, they will almost always respond with a no without thinking about it. For instance,

Agent: Would you like to give me your email address so I can contact you later with new offers?

Customer: No thanks, I am good! (it is usually an automatic response without thinking)

That is just human nature and people not wanting to be burdened or sold something that they have not sought out on their own.

But if the agent uses Command Language in most cases they will get a very different response. For instance,

Agent: Listen, give me your email address and I will get back to you with new offers when they are available.

Customer: OK, thank you! (response is also automatic and the deferment usually is lasting if not permanent, unless the language is changed)

So, this is just basic Pavlovian conditioning that we have received since we were children and are still susceptible to as adults if we are not made aware of it. I have found that once most people are made aware of this conditioning, it is no longer very effective.

But I guess it is one of the many Mind Kontrolle techniques in the DS playbook. I think their biggest psychological tool is the continuous programming that comes from our CIA Mockingbird media where they create propaganda phrases that we hear over and over again every time we watch the news or go on social media.

Think about how many times you heard BLM/Antifa riots described by the MSM as "peaceful protests" or how many times you have heard the phrase "baseless accusations of election fraud" describing the election coup. For those who adhere to Groupthink, this is the end of the discussion. Anyone who questions the official narrative is a Conspiracy Theorist. Also another brilliant CIA propaganda too to discredit dissenters!

They have used people's trust for the media to constantly program us to believe certain things, which also works in conjunction with government mandates using guilt and urging people to be good citizens and get their shots, or support ridiculous wars that help the DS, but not Americans. I am always baffled when I look on Twitter and see the self-righteous comments with their shot and Ukraine flag emojis next to their handle, just like good little Mind Kontrolled sheep! What is even more crazy is how angrily and passionately they will defend these positions, especially when confronted with facts that run contrary to the narrative!

Cognitive dissonance is real!

On another, but similar note, there have also been possible disclosures that there is an actual technology involved with this mass hypnosis.

Here is an interesting article about that. Not surprisingly, it also mentions that the people least effected by this alleged technology are the same types of people I mentioned above, who seem to be immune to the effects of Command Language.


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Being evil doesn't make one wrong, being good doesn't make one right. Harrai does seem like Dr. evil, but he may actually be right about these things. YHWH did have an obsession with blood sacrifices and BBQ (the smell of burnt offerings calmed him down and soothed his soul). Rational discussion needs to be evidence based and not character centered.

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No, being evil does not make Harari wrong about everything, but being evil calls into question everything he says ('Credit the Source'). Harari has a demonstrated agenda other than the truth (weakening opposition to the Kassarians) and that agenda is served by his YHWH/Elohim claims (which weaken the resistance of people of faith). His statements are clearly self-serving, therefore less credible, and Biglino loses credibility by citing a tainted source without comment. The fact that Elohim is plural is old news among Hebrew scholars. Dennis Praeger points it out in his commentary on Genesis, but he also points out that the related Hebrew verb is singular, leaving the number ambiguous. Clif needs more and better evidence than Biglino. His adoption of an author who relies on the support of the common enemy of humanity makes this one a hard sell.

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How do you expect to learn, if you do not listen to both sides of the issue. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That way they tell you their plans.

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I kept him close--I read him.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

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Please shut up you dunce. Clif is referencing a book imbecile.

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Interesting, no facts to refute any of Clif's statements point by point, only name calling. Point goes to Clif.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

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spot-on; Chabad-Lubavitch is the numerology-obsessed Kabbalist satanic cult that is orchestrating the age-old eschatological / “end-times” legends and beliefs. Bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality stage-play for the globalists


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Thank you for the reference. What strikes me about proponents of the End Times narrative is that, despite the Revelation story of a great battle won by Heaven followed by 1,000 years of peace, End Times people have been convinced that the reward for faith is to be 'raptured' in advance so they don't have to do the nasty fighting, and the punishment for lack of faith is to be forced to fight evil and endure chaos; i.e., resistance is only an imperative for the unworthy, so the faithful might as well sit this one out. That sounds like a psy-op.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

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More like you are blinded by the truth. Accept the fact that your god is evil. And no he isn’t the Heavenly Father because the Father has no evil in him. Yah has done lots of evil stuff in the Bible if you read the whole Bible with your mind open that is. “He was killing people because they were sinners” some will say. Stop excusing evilness. If Yah is all knowing then he would have made sure evil people were never born if he knew they wouldn’t repent. What type of dad punish his kids in a cruel way?There is no way to justify a cruel punishment unless you are sick in the head. He killed people for complaining. That’s is like a mother shooting her child for complaining. Joshua came to show us that his Father is different from that evil god. Anyone who actual reads the Bible can see how different they are. I do have a theory. Yah is the Father and sometimes the devil pretends to be Yah. But that is a theory. The Bible seem to suggest to Yahweh’s. https://sites.google.com/site/yahwehelohiym/yahweh/two-yahwehs

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I agree that Yeshua (Joshua, Jesus) taught that the Jews seriously misunderstood the nature of God and the law. But he also taught that he came to fulfill the law, not to overturn it, and that he was the prophesied Messiah, so if we accept Yeshua's teachings we are also forced to accept some level of validity of the God of the Old Testament. How much we accept is a legitimate textual and theological inquiry, and I have some of my own concerns, but that is not really the point I think matters. The point that matters is that Clif roundly excoriates the Deep State/NWO and the Catholic Church in particular, yet he offers as support for his alien/Elohim theory a Biblical translator who was the darling of the 'captured Catholic Church until he became too controversial for public association (Biglino), who in turn relies on Old Testament exegesis by a truly foul minion of the Deep State/NWO (Harari). At best that is shockingly naive. I can only explain it as raging confirmation bias, and that calls into question Clif's judgment on this question.

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I've read the book and I don't recognize that name.

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Pages 166, 177, 178 (at least on my Kindle version). You can find Harari on YouTube to see his contempt for the 'useless'.

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Thank you! This is important. THIS is what it's all about. Noah Harari is a demon, also.

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You must have a special demon decoder-ring.

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A name like Yuval Noah Harari is easy to remember. Demons should call themselves John Smith or Bill Jones

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Ahhhaha! Yes. I concur.

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I can smell you from here.

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Uh ok.

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Oh yes...Obama's favorite author. I think that is Cattaneo's reference to his book, not Biglino. It's an unconventional format but it's an interview.

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He wrote the book"Sapiens" I believe!

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That is actually the book referenced that I was talking about.

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Thank you!

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Thanks so much for your post and analysis. One wonders why Clif High is so interested in demonstrating that European Jews are not authentic and therefore not really Jews (in his post "the Jewish Question") and now posting something insinuating they crave eating baby bellies. What does he wish to evoke now about Jews?

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How about enlightenment. Lets think about the Palestinians and the atrocities that the "Jews" have inflicted on them in the name of their religion.

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I do, I'm pro Palestinian, anti Zionist. Also aware of how folks use information to cause hate. Invoking a screed by Biglino that glorifies and quotes a globalist eugenicist like Yuval Noah Harari as a source. "Harari is a truly sick, foul advisor to George Soros who advocates mass murder for population reduction and complains about all the 'useless' people in the world. If you want to make your YHWH case, don't use our common enemy as a source." Harari is an enemy to all of man, a Satanist. Everyone should be held to high moral standards, even Clif High, who is now proving he has an agenda to label all Jews and paint them wholesale with a brush that promotes hatred.

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You are right about Harari, but completely off on Biglio IMO. He does quote Harari's book, because even though evil he is a premiere Jewish academic.

But he also quotes him in the context of eugenics.

He uses an example from Harari about how humans used eugenics to create more subdued genetics in livestock and then compares that to what the Elohim were trying to accomplish with humans in Eden. So not exactly glorifying or promoting Harari!

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"Premier Jewish academic".... suckling off of the 'bapho teet', too I see, all the while considering yourself a "premier Christian academic".

It's truly laughable. You "premier academics" do stick together...lol...regardless of underlying intent that is more than obvious.

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Ah, Lisa. I see you are back hurling ad hominem insults with no actual rebuttal arguments. But at this point in the conservation, I would expect no less and no more from you!

I have never presented myself as a premier Jewish or Christian academic! I have a degree in Philosophy and one in Archaeology and all I have said is that I am very well read across most of the major religions and history, because I have always found these topics fascinating, so I have a wide frame of reference on these subjects, mostly from cross comparison analyses.

So, thanks for playing, but I have already said everything I have to say to you, and since you have still not offered anything substantive to the actual conversation, I am moving on!

Have a great day!

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I don't see him pushing hatred only truth. Since when are facts hate. If you want to see hate listen to the racist habad ludavich.

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As it was God's will.

God is top dog. Figured it out yet stooge ?

His circus. His monkey's.

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He is not "insinuating they crave eating baby bellies". That was YHWH that was putting in the order. Being a primitive people, like most humans back then, they followed their "god's" orders.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


It is a real eye opener to the methods they are using to manipulate us.

Once shown to you, you will see it everywhere and know it.

To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

It is free to the world.

This is the Age of Rage and the great deception.

God is an evil alien?

Oh boy.

Yet many will believe it if they think they have secret inside knowledge.

This is how the Woo Woo mind works and the NWO overlords know it.

They have turned Clif into controlled opposition without him being aware of it.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

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May 5, 2022
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The Talmud was completed hundreds of years well before the story of the Kahzarian converts

The Khazars are the latecomers to Jewish History

Nothing to see here


Your creating a mishmash of half truths

Stop expounding on topics you know very little about

And don't be so Haughty

The Bible is by far the most caring and just and loving book ever

for all people

Miricles each step of the way

Clif stop with your LOUD baloney Nonsense

Learn about the Hebrew Bible Codes

Sart learning the Torah!

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Clif is showing us all how unlearned he is on basic historical facts

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

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As a Jew who is completely open to the Truth -- and willing to follow it wherever it may lead -- I find this intriguing. Sadly, I can't read Hebrew, but I know many devout Jews who do. I have to wonder why none of these fluent Hebrew scholars, neither my contemporaries nor through the ages, has ever interpreted the Torah in this way. What makes this one Italian translator's interpretation more credible than the myriad sages who have scrutinized every letter of Torah? It is a little hard to swallow.

Also, even if Mauro Biglino is correct, being someone who gave up on believing in Randomness as the source of all creation years ago, I have to believe that there is a Creator who created even the Elohim. So a misinterpreted Torah would not be the end of the story. There is still room for God, the Creator of the universe.

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Studying Clif's interpretations over the years has often lead me to find alternative inputs that confirm his insights, even inputs he rejects as "bull shit", such as channeling... "because" according to Clif, "they tell you whatever you want to hear to keep you listening to them." Confession, I still listen. There are some channelers, two of whom add much insight to the whole topic of the Elohim. (1) Terry L Brown with Wynn Free and (2) Sam The Illusionist.

It takes years of listening to piece together a fuller picture. As a former USMC fighter pilot in Vietnam conflict I experienced more than one life changing event including an aerial encounter with a giant (2500 to 3500 foot diameter) UFO apparently sent innocently to investigate without being told what it was I was sent to look for. The point being, that turned me into an independent reasoner that drifted over time to observe from the cutting edges and not worry too much about what others said.

Terry L Brown is incarnated here on Earth being a member of the Elohim. Over the years I listened to real time channeling from Terry that makes me love the Elohim social consciousness complex they represent. They do not claim to be Source or God, just founders and creators of our universe. I come to love them very, very much. When they are asked about YHWH they say "YHWH is YHWH. The Elohim are the Elohim"

Sam The Illusionist on the other hand deals with a cross section of several social complex consciousness entities, I won't list here for fear of misquoting Sam. You can follow Sam in some of the free similar ways we follow Clif. I've followed Sam for a few years. What is surprising is all the sources, and channelers seem to cross reference "The Law of One."

There are a few things I have encountered during the past two decades, that causes me to follow the cosmic Christ energy regardless of the teachings of organized religions.

I have chosen to resist for now.

We seem to be being bombarded with complex multi-dimensional energies that none of us fully understand, including Clif. What seems like an evil controlling congregation of war inducing, duplicit US NATO proxy war policy, deep state hubris, corrupted governments, unconstitutional Nazi-dictates by Home Land Security and 3-Letter Agencies, wincing, sniveling corruption of our sons and daughters of the powerful and elite, outrageous stupidity by hapless DC neocon-lobbyists to the point we are totally repulsed by it all…….. may be intentional energy gates purposely placed in our path for the acceleration of our evolution by encouraging each of us to choose.

In other words we seem to be watching a cosmically orchestrated clown show that carry's messages within messages within messages. The purpose being to encourage as many of us to exit the experience of the life by free-will choosing cosmic Christ energy underwriting our consciousness for this reality realm.

Back in our dualistic 3rd dimensional realm here on Earth we are dealing with a most complex and devious global evil called the Khazarian-Mafia [KM] administered by the banking owners of the current private and foreign owned Federal Reserve central Banking System that is crashing. The [KM] is desperate to divert your attention away from mathematically inevitable runaway inflation of an end of life fiat, debt currency dollar, by starting wars.

But there is an entire overlay apparently missed or ignored or rejected by Clif that matters to me, that changes everything right now, even as I end up joining with Clif's fighting spirit.

Scalar Weapons developed by Russia.

Scalar Energy can be dialed up in power for evil or dialed down for humanity's health benefit just like atomic power.

On 04/29/2022 Dutchsinse a video-earthquake reporter with a dogged reputation for reliability, released a Late Lt Col Thomas Beardon (Ret) 1988 presentation “Secret Super Weapons That Drive Disarmament Negotiations” This old video explains everything happening right now, 34 years later.

(just look up Dutchsince for that date) I have the link but posting it may be a no-no.

Bearden was a humble spokesman for the Distinguished Scientists of America, a modest group of scientists that put forward an often unpopular voice. Their science was too disruptive.

Watching the released video is like a kick in the stomach. It is sickening as to the horrors of scalar technologies. These weapons potentially change everything we thought we knew. Even Stalin was afraid of them. What further sickens me is Clif never mentions them and makes me think he needs to comment intelligently on the subject.

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Great comment points. The Reardon video has been put on many platforms now, will be interesting to see who's eyes it opens further.

Alfred Lambremont Webre has a new course starting, you sound like you could be interested: https://omniversity.us/how-interdimensional-quantum-access-time-travel-manipulates-human-events-human-history-and-the-interlife-by-alfred-lambremont-webre/

THE CHRONOGARCHY: How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel Manipulates Human Events, Human History, and the Interlife by Alfred Lambremont Webre

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May 7, 2022 Clif High, [KM] Khazarian-Mafia vs Cathari, Med-Beds https://www.bitchute.com/video/EbpVS6v7C5xg/

The above link is to Clif’s own Bitchute Channel, this morning’s post. I believe my discussion above regarding Beardon’s Paper on Time-mirrored (TM) energy tuning for weapons to healthcare, developed by Russian scientists, is indeed being addressed by Clif in “dojo Cathari” video. Clif’s name for this is Biophotonics. He briefly discusses 15 major Biophotonic bubble center E-dens starting in a geographic area that is today central United States then expanding globally with 15 centers total, one being in Antartica.

Clif elaborates on how med beds will emerge eventually and on an Italian doctor treating gangrene is manipulating magnetic fields to bring coherent light into gangrene tissue to get blood flowing in the tissue again, so the tissue is well enough for the doctor to then operate and the patient eventually heals.

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Yep. I believe the "woodpecker" noise heard in CA and elsewhere in the 80s was the USSRs first clue they had scalar. There were odd communications from the offshore soviet observation ships watching the shuttle liftoff on the 80s right before the explosion too. Scalar? Is HAARP our attempt at scalar?

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I have read so much stuff in my life time about this subject and starting on this book. My personal thoughts are that there is so much history we don't know about. Yes, I believe there is somethings that make humans a special bunch. I think we need to go through this time of KNOWLEDGE before we can make an assessment of anything.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


It is a real eye opener to the methods they are using to manipulate us.

Once shown to you, you will see it everywhere and know it.

To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

It is free to the world.

This is the Age of Rage and the great deception.

God is an evil alien?

Oh boy.

Yet many will believe it if they think they have secret inside knowledge.

This is how the Woo Woo mind works and the NWO overlords know it.

They have turned Clif into controlled opposition without him being aware of it.

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May 4, 2022
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I think it is pretty clear from the translations in The Naked Bible that the Elohim are just beings that came here from somewhere else. IMO that makes them creations of the Source too. Biglio makes the point that even Jesus when referencing his Father, said that you have not met him yet, and that many had met Yahweh for instance, so the God Jesus referred to was different than Yahweh.

I have been studying Gnosticism as well for decades, but one of my takeaways from this book is that the concepts of Gnosticism become more dubious when you realize how they came about philosophically out of the translations.

One example is the word Elohim in the Hebrew Bible. When the Septuagint is created by the 70 and translated the Hebrew into Greek they change the word Elohim, which is plural noun, to Theos which Biglio says was likely an adjective used to indicate qualities of a certain type individuals who had special roles like monitors or guardians. It could also have come from the Greek verb theao or theaomai, referring to the act of observing, according to Biglio.

A further change happened when the Septuagint was translated in Latin and Theos became Deus, which is the first mention technically of a monotheistic God in the Bible, because as Biglio clearly states, there was no mention of a monotheistic God in the OT.

But back to the Gnostic thing. Biglio states that at the time the Hebrew Bible was translated into the Septuagint, the writers were trying to open Jewish writings up to a Greek Hellenistic audience, so they changed the meaning and interpretations of many words and concepts to open it up to Platonic Metaphysics.

It is at this time that words like "Kavod"(which Biglio translates to mean something like a battle aircraft) becomes "doxa"(which means a teaching) and the word "Ruach" (which he translates as meaning possibly a spaceship) becomes pneuma, meaning spirit. He said they also gave free range to the words "soul" and "knowledge" in ways that were consistent with Hellenistic divinities and concepts, but inconsistent with the Hebrew Bible.

Gnosticism and their philosophies were born out of this merger of the Hebrew Bible and Platonic metaphysics from these mistranslations according to Biglio.

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May 4, 2022Edited
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I believe your takeaway is correct. From having studied just about every ancient religion on the planet, I have come to the same conclusions about a control mechanism being perpetrated against humanity, so it is not so important to know all of the facts (because that is impossible), but (1) understand that what is out there as far as recorded religion and history is always full of some profound truth, many facts, propaganda of some kind, and some disinformation, because even though religions have a higher spiritual intent for us, they have always been used by man to control someone. And, (2) beliefs are always Subjective and almost never based on the sole truth of things.

I know studying Epistemology was very eye opening, because just about everything we think we know, if truly analyzed and broken down to a group of facts, relies of some kind of interpretation which is Subjective. That is why they quote Socrates as saying the only thing I know is that I know nothing.

One of the interesting connections made in Biglio's book "The Naked Bible" is that according to his translations, what the Elohim were trying to do to humans in the beginning is very similar to what the Transhumanists, who currently run the world and the WEF, like Schwab and Harari, are trying to do to us now. Transhumanism is a form of eugenics. That is actually why Biglio quotes Harari in his book, not to promote him, but because in Harari's book "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind", he discusses how we used eugenics with livestock.

So, my point is that Beliefs are Subjective, but Truth is Objective. And without knowing all of the facts of everything, we can still interpret and even intuit Objective Truth. So this pattern of control that you are intuiting is part of that Objective Truth IMO.

And thank you for the book recommendation. I saw your earlier post about it and immediately bought it on Amazon. lol

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I do Spanish translation and phrases. Writing was different a long time ago, even just w the Spanish Mexicans Mission era, which is not that long ago comparatively. Sometimes you have to deal w nuances of coy priests or writers trying to tell you what is happening, but indirectly, using words w almost purposeful double meanings lest someone have a need to cover an indiscretion for instance. Like let them lie, but the Priest never quite said that is what happened or did he, it can go either way. It was almost part of a recorder of history’s job to play such word games should the need arise.

Lawyers and newspapers do it now, lying by omission, taking things out of context. At least in the 18th and 19th centuries, and at least in the Spanish Mexican culture, there was more of an art to it.

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I downloaded the book….it’s a LOT to digest, so I’m taking spoonful’s and digesting carefully. But I can feel the truth through the (p)ages. 🤣🤣

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It is good! I bought it immediately after Clif's last podcast where he mentioned it and couldn't put it down and read it straight through. Enjoy!

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May 4, 2022
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No it’s not

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Absolute foolishness. You will read some new book about god. Many of you have never read the actual Bible. You let other men tell you what it’s about or what it really means.

We all will be judged by the Only True God, Yehovah. Or YHVH as some insist on hiding His name. He will judge based on what is written in His book.

Be surprised now and actually read it. If you wait, you will be more than surprised later.

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Always BEing motivated by fear and then pushing 'regret' to others so you can feel 'right' is getting old. Don't you think? YHVH even lost a 'bible' war, being the 'war god', how amazing is that for the 'creator'?? And slavery still ok for girls and women? There is much that MOST bible believers have never read nor digested, just skipped over the contradictions and hard to read parts, and mostly just find what soothes themselves and makes them feel righteous and ok to judge everyone else's perspectives as wrong.

These are the days of EYE opening maturity. PROOF out your beliefs, test EVERYTHING.

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None of the BS matters. Here and NOW does! Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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When you put out LIGHT, and much LOVE, then the world becomes PURE and people can communicate in harmony. The details of how you get to this point, just don't matter, so, in part, I agree with your first sentence, none of the BS matters. Shalom!

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


It is a real eye opener to the methods they are using to manipulate us.

Once shown to you, you will see it everywhere and know it.

To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

It is free to the world.

This is the Age of Rage and the great deception.

God is an evil alien?

Oh boy.

Yet many will believe it if they think they have secret inside knowledge.

This is how the Woo Woo mind works and the NWO overlords know it.

They have turned Clif into controlled opposition without him being aware of it.

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The mind of a fool is like a wheel. It goes around and around.

Give not that which is Holy unto dogs.


Then turn and rend you to pieces...

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The guidance and immeasurable value in the Bible are not in the words on the page. The ORIGINAL INTENT lives in it for those who have spiritual "maturity". If YOU ever read the Bible with a true heart to understand, you would know this. Pearls? Swine?

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We ARE Spiritual BEings with Intuitive Truth within us. The 'true heart' to understand can be the submissive acceptance to swallow that which is written therefore never 'chewing' enough to know the Truth.

If blood sacrifice of innocent beings is your vibe, then you've found your tribe, however, if something doesn't makes sense withIN, then have the brave it takes to walk away from the 'tribe' mind hive thinking.

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Give me a break....so many rude, assumptive twists without even reading the words I wrote. Do you twerk, too? It's sad, yet predictable with your ilk.

For the record, I don't trust your "Intuitive Truth" and I'm going to BE exactly where I AM, who I AM and what I AM. I AM THAT I AM. Reading a historical account doesn't make one a monster...another very broad leap you grant yourself. You have a lot of hot air while using the conjecture of others for ventilation as it is more than obvious that you are no Bible scholar. You only know that you don't want to be part of "mind hive thinking" and yet that's exactly where you are and you are dominated by the very ones that are into "blood sacrifice", you just didn't make the cut...yet. Pearls? Swine?

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Ah Lisa, you need a big hug. You are a soldier of the war god like no other and your fruit must abound? Take a deep breath, it's all going to be okay.

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I'm more careful with myself than that. I'll pass, thank you.

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You are manipulative.

Why do you care what others believe?

What are you hoping to accomplish?

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There are 2 kinds of people that read Clif.

Those who see him as a Guru...

and those who find some of his words interesting but do not let them influence their reality.

It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


It is a real eye opener to the methods they are using to manipulate us.

Once shown to you, you will see it everywhere and know it.

To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

It is free to the world.

This is the Age of Rage and the great deception.

God is an evil alien?

Oh boy.

Yet many will believe it if they think they have secret inside knowledge.

This is how the Woo Woo mind works and the NWO overlords know it.

They have turned Clif into controlled opposition without him being aware of it.

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It's just a "linguistic game" seeped in mysogyny but this time it is masked in the hatred of the feminine component within themselves. They use the "littlino" because of the need for a real puffer to get to the overflowing ego types that sit on the fringe, quietly, mostly because they are afraid someone will make a request of them. I can always get a laugh from Clif's stuff and the sweetness is you never know where the irony is placed or just how amusing it can be.

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Here and now matters! Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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but let's remember the bible was written by men...with egos and I have yet to find an ego-less man...

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I'm well aware and it doesn't change a thing. I wasn't referring to the "original intent" of men.

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From what I can see the original intent of men was, and still is, control. Unless what you mean by intent is purpose of our being.

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Go listen to a Mariah Carey love song and say "God, Most High" to yourself every time she says..."you". It will be a good exercise for you. I'm still NOT talking about men.

That's just it, when you read the Bible the "Love" counter is in/of and through the white of the page. You don't just 'get' that and you certainly don't get near it with doubt. What is in the white of the page is (C)ryptonite to doubt however it's 'busy' contending with your doubt rather than expressing to you.

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I have actually read many versions of the Bible, as well as the Enuma Elish, Atrahasis, Nag Hammadi Texts, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. I also have a degree in Philosophy and Archeaology, so I am pretty well read.

These are not interpretations about Yahweh that Clif has listed in this post. This is what Biglio translated in his interlinear translation which doesn't allow for translations of interpretation.

According to Biglio, the monotheistic version of God in the OT didn't even really appear until the Greek Septuagint when the original Hebrew plural noun "Elohim" was translated into a Greek adjective "Theos" which Biglio says was likely an adjective used to indicate qualities of a certain type individuals who had special roles like monitors or guardians. It could also have come from the Greek verb "theao" or "theaomai", referring to the act of observing, according to Biglio. It wasn't until the Greek "Theos" was translated in the Latin "Deus" that a monotheistic God was presented in the OT.

As you go into further translations like the King James version in English, the original meaning of many of the words gets further from the original meaning. Also beginning with Jerome, many things were added in that never appeared in the original like the Apple.

So, Biglio is clear about the literal translations in Hebrew that 1) there is no mention whatsoever in the OT of a monotheistic God, only a Henotheistic god 2) the literal descriptions of Yahweh in the OT are very different from how Christians portray him for a good reason. Because they were deliberately obscured and outright changed, first in the 4th to 5th century BCE by Jewish and Greek writers (to remove or obscure the barbaric practices like sacrificing your firstborn to Yahweh), and then later by Christian translators and writers who embellished starting with Jerome in the 4th century.

One other thing I noticed about Biglio's translations is that they align very well with the new translations of the Sumerian/Akkadian/Assyrian texts by Anton Parks that also speak of the Garden of Eden and the Elohim, only they are known as the Annuna.

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Many thanks for your analysis. Clif seems to be doing some Jew-jitsu here, enraging the adversary that once again holds open sway today so it will charge and its momentum can be employed to throw it decisively into a wall. The gaps between older texts and newer often expose the latter as apologia, and the gaps are wide enough in the texts above, along with unlaundered loose ends, to abundantly betray Yahweh's motives. But the Jews were hardly the only child-sacrificing genocide-plying bunch of cannibals in service of things satanic. That's where most every tribe comes from, the super-imposed human religion which Moses, Jesus and Mohammed set out to short-circuit or moderate. What's special about the Hebrews is how they preserved it in language, and where the language came from.

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I like your take and your play on words and I think you are spot on! Clif seems to be performing kind of a Hegelian Dialectic smashing inversions together to see what is left after the collision of long held belief structures come together with possible new paradigms. In this case, causing a stir in both Jews and Christians and likely Muslims too by throwing one of the foundational sources of 3 major religions into question.

And you are right about the Jews not being the only tribes that practiced child-sacrificing, genocide, and cannibalism. Even in Biglio's book he mentions that these Elohim were likely the Vedic, Greek, Celtic, and Roman gods and he even named a few Baals who were the Elohim rulers of other tribes like the Canaanites. Anyone who is paying attention, has noticed the giant owls everywhere (Washington DC, Bohemian Grove, Frost Tower in Austin)that represent Moloch, who seems to be a favorite of the KM Elite and their banking cult.

And we know the Celtic Druids and the Germanic priests did it too making sacrifices to these same beings who were in all likelihood the descendants of the original Elohim. It was a world wide thing in those days and long after!

Not to mention in the Americas! The Aztecs were still cutting out hearts when those evil white people arrived from Europe and interrupted their Pre-Colonial Utopia.

You are also correct in that it was the Hebrews who preserved that part of the culture it in written language. The Sumerian texts seem to correlate with stories of Eden and the Flood, but most of the translations so far are stories of their Annuna (Elohim) having power struggles and wars between them. Only a small fraction of the texts have been translated, so that may change in the future and we may find more about their rituals.

The Aztecs, Maya, and Toltecs, did a pretty good job of recording vivid bloody images in pictographs.

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You've convinced me even more than Clif that Biglio's book is a must-read. Anton's work probably too, but there's no time for that now. It has been almost 40 years since deciding my search for those gods had gone far enough. Squaring up to the Annuna required too much sacrifice or maybe it was simple fear, but the evidence was clear and I couldn't stop paying attention. Study human origins from any angle, be it archeology, evolution, DNA or Connla's fairy maiden in her round green hill, you come across those enslaving angels. Only the stones remain to hint at what was before them.

Clif's call to faith requires knowledge and resolve I don't see sufficiently gathered yet, but his core theory and demonstrations about human abilities are right. Will revealing more about their operations really galvanize us? I think he's saying our true nature has always been better than these corrupt old owls would have us believe. Sometimes it's hard to see a path to the breakthrough woos he talks about. But it's good to see the glimmers, as I'm sure you do. Thanks again for your observations.

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One of the things that Anton Parks says is that the Sumerian texts describe multiple human uprisings against the Annuna. And Clif has been bringing this stuff up for a while, but more in the context of things he wants to learn about. I seem to remember multiple times in his podcasts relating that one of the main reasons he was so happy to have survived cancer was that the true human origins were going to finally be revealed.

As someone who has been studying that topic for the last 35 years, I can see more and more of that happening now. Although, Clif seems to suggest that the full reveal will come after the collapse of the Khazarian Mafia! I tend to agree!

I have been following Clif since shortly after the 1/6 events when everyone was deplatformed. I had not heard of him before, but I found many of his takes on things to be very fascinating. Especially his versions of metaphysics and his counters to quantum mechanics.

In my twenties, I had also done a lot of experimentation with psychedelics and so hearing him describe what Terrence McKenna described as the Machine Elves also resonated with some of my experiences, although I had not ever been able to quantify them like he has. As far as the Woo, I had never heard that specific label, but I was familiar with similar concepts and I can say that in the time I have been following, a massive amount of things have come to light, so I am hopeful for the future and very hopeful that he is correct about the fall of the KM!

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Thank you for a precis of a comment but full of essential points!

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1st best thing I've read today.

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I don’t believe that God is judge mental or that he will condemn you to “hell,” that is just another fear tactic!

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God doesn’t condemn anyone to hell. Those who end up there condemned themselves.

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Here and now matters! Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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What is your understanding of this: "Christ consciousness"? Thanks

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This book is about Biglino and the true translation of the Bible. You should read it. It makes a lot of sense and then maybe you won't end up sounding like such a moron.

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This translation is going to be hard for a lot of people, particularly very religious people, because religious beliefs (true or not) are purely Subjective. Truth however, is not! So when Objective truth differs from Subjective religious beliefs, you can either beat your head against the wall, run away from the truth, accuse others of not understanding, or you can adjust your paradigm.

Clif's last podcast about the crisis of faith that many may have as these Objective truths coming out is evident in this Comment section. I am a Christian, but I also know that even with the Gospels (the Foundational books of Christianity) they are not verifiable, were written long after Jesus lived by many people, were written differently for different audiences, and should be studied in that context. You have to start with the Objective truth of things and build your belief paradigms from there. Otherwise, you are building beliefs without a foundation.

So from this book of Biglio's I learned that in the Hebrew Bible, Cain was not the son of Adam, there was no Apple in Eden, there was no Red Sea crossing, Moses was likely an Egyptian, and that there wasn't even a monotheistic God in the OT.

Still, I am OK with that, because my beliefs about God and Jesus have always been subjective and I am open to adjusting my paradigm about what I know.

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The only "moron" here is YOU, over and over, again.

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Why is this comment chain making you so angry that you are resorting to ad hominem attacks? Just curious?

I actually happen to agree a great deal with your original post.

"The guidance and immeasurable value in the Bible are not in the words on the page. The ORIGINAL INTENT lives in it for those who have spiritual "maturity". If YOU ever read the Bible with a true heart to understand, you would know this.

Pearls? Swine? "

But is calling someone a moron reflecting spiritual maturity?

I disagree with your assessment of Intuitive Truth though. I believe it runs contrary to your original statement even.

Everything in your comment that I posted above speaks to an understanding of Intuitive Truth. The guidance that comes "spiritual maturity" and having a "true heart" are the key elements that help us discover Objective truth.

Having a "true heart" and being open to "intuitive truth" are virtually the same thing! They require the same internal spiritual action! You have to be open and feel and sense the experience of it to know that it is Objective Truth. That is using Intuition IMO.

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First, let's be clear no one can "make me feel" anything. My feelings are my choice and I can assure you that none of this content is "making me so angry".

Trying to convict me with your opinions isn't going to leave a mark, either. Perhaps you might go back and read the entire thread and you will understand. Why are you convinced that I am "so angry"? You are heavy with "opinion" without a sound point of view. Go back and read the thread in its entirety. I don't recall giving you an "assessment" of my "intuitive truth" for you to 'disagree' with. You are taking those words out of context as well. You must understand that your opinions don't mean anything to me, especially when you are cherry picking, cutting and pasting for your own narrative.

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So you insult people and call them morons and pricks, etc., when you are not angry? Asking people if they twerk to insult them?

I am not trying to convict you of anything, just making observations based on your language and comments. I have always found that when people don't have an intelligent response they will resort to ad hominem attacks.

And maybe "angry" was the wrong word to describe you and I should have said hostile? And I don't think I am cherry picking anything. Just making observations.

For instance,

"The only "moron" here is YOU, over and over, again."

"Believer you are a suckling plebe."

"You PRICK, I'll speak about whatever I want to speak about."

"He's "uniquely qualified" to be another Vatican minion to confuse simpletons like yourself...a plebe that will follow."

"He LOOKS LIKE A DEMON and given that you are suckling from his man nipple, I guess he's good at it."

"It seems you have sorosis and with a schwab stuck... somewhere."

"You have a lot of hot air while using the conjecture of others for ventilation as it is more than obvious that you are no Bible scholar. You only know that you don't want to be part of "mind hive thinking" and yet that's exactly where you are and you are dominated by the very ones that are into "blood sacrifice", you just didn't make the cut...yet. Pearls? Swine?"

"For the record, I don't trust your "Intuitive Truth" and I'm going to BE exactly where I AM, who I AM and what I AM. I AM THAT I AM."

And, sure seems like you were saying you don't trust "Intuitive Truth!"

I see lots of declarations and exclamations, but no substantive arguments! Just attacks on people you disagree with instead of attacking the argument with an actual rebuttal.

Most of your language and comments are either very insulting or hostile. Maybe these are all just examples of your spiritual "maturity" and it is just over my head, because I am too simple to get your complexities?

For someone who claims to have been studying the Bible in 4 languages, I think you may have missed the point of Jesus' message! Just saying!

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Do you feel better now? Do you feel justified now? Do you feel puffy in the chest after taking your favorites of my comments out of context and judging them by your own self-serving standards? You would really have to repeat the conversations in their entirety to be fair but I know that is not where your tensions are directed. I've been following Clif High for a long time and you can rest assured that everything I've said came straight from my heart. If you are insulted or feel me too hostile for your sensitivities than why now are you renewing your trauma by repeating them? Are you desperate to "clean up" Clif's comment section and muzzle people that YOU don't agree with? Do you think you are going to have an impact with me going forward? Assuredly, I think less of your self-importance now than I did with the other condescending comments you have made to nearly every one of my posts. Don't worry "anonymous person" I love you, I just don't like how you operate and you have much in common with everyone I replied to. By the way, thank you for reaffirming my comments. I'm sure Clif will appreciate you calling me out so vigorously at the peril of renewing your own pain with such thorough screen grabs....lol. Your opinions and rebuttals truly mean less than the cow dung on my work shoes. At least I can scrape the crap off for a meaningful and fruitful purpose. Just saying!

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May 4, 2022
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Truth Destroys Empire Please do.

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Great analogy...lol. It's strange how much "milk toast" Clif attracts, especially as salty as he is. I guess that means he's over his target. I don't always agree with Clif and he's got great content that absolutely shakes the tree.

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just because you don't like what you read, doesn't mean it's not true...this kind of discussion is difficult for most. I grew up catholic but gradually took the road less travelled. I know what I believe and none of this is offensive nor earth shattering. If this upsets you then you haven't been paying attention...

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Saying that you "grew up Catholic" is all that I need to know about you. As if you are doing the world a favor by "taking the road less travelled"...lol. When exactly did you decide to do that? What have you EVER done to rail against the Catholic church for raping children, eating children or encouraging the darkest entities on the planet to blackmail them because they are into the pain?

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YES! Totally agree.

Why do people feel the need to have an opinion about something they are ignorant of?

It is all part of the great delusion predicted by John.

A total falling away.

Your words reveal your spiritual status brother.

It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


It is a real eye opener to the methods they are using to manipulate us.

Once shown to you, you will see it everywhere and know it.

To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

It was given to me by the Holy Spirit.

It is free to the world.

This is the Age of Rage and the great deception.

God is an evil alien?

Oh boy.

Yet many will believe it if they think they have secret inside knowledge.

This is how the Woo Woo mind works and the NWO overlords know it.

They have turned Clif into controlled opposition without him being aware of it.

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Gregg, if god judged... would you not think there would be no living humans, as all are sinners in the eyes of one who judges? Man/woman judges and separates him/herself from god within.

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Well. True. Except for His mercy, we would all be destroyed. He gave us instructions for living through Moses. They are known as the Torah or the Law. It is much more than rules or ‘Do’s and Dont’s’.

Critics (not meaning you) pick out anything that sounds bad by today’s standard.

How many realize Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness ALL come from the Law? One phrase that sums much of it up is “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

Leviticus 19:18 “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord.”

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You're right. Except for his mercy they would be destroyed. Because the OT God is a War God. He's actually one of the Elohim. I know it's hard to swallow.

Like any good Commander in any War, the leadership will lift the soldiers up to keep them in good fighting shape. Mercy is a great tactic at these times.

What I learned from Biglino and others, the Elohim are warring against eachother.. the Old Testament stories are primarily of conquering, pillaging and killing...at the behest of Yahweh. We're reading war stories among the Elohim.

It is Yahweh who instructed Moses to slaughter tribe after tribe, leveling them.

"...kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who is not a virgin."

Afterward, the spoils are divided amongst The Lord and the soldiers--including the virgins. This is not just bad by today's standards. This is just bad.

This is just one example but when we read it we're sure to be confused. This is my God? The God of Moses?

Biglino freed me. The Law, The Lord. Moses. It's just a Commander and troops. Troops...genetically morphed to do the maker's bidding.

It is not Divine. If it is, then who wants a God like that? I didn't.

When I discovered I'd been lied to it gave me my serenity back.

If you read Biglino and you go back and read through the old Testament, it's a much different read and now makes sense.

However, I totally get where you're coming from. I had a really hard time giving up my beliefs in recent years. There's no reason to rush out of what you believe.

Many of us following Clif believe there has been an ongoing deception. The Bible did not escape that method. Moses alliance was with an Elohim not God.

Yahweh...God...Elohim were conflated on purpose. We were tricked. I hate disillusionment but I'll take it over praying to and studying a lie. Besides, I bet the truth about God is much better.

My God doesn't kill all and hand out the Virgins to the soldiers.

Does yours?

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A well contemplated reply... Believer.

Maybe we weren’t ’tricked’, maybe we just forgot who we are. Most are born with no memory of the previous life.

Why? What happens at death when one goes through the light? Is it here one is stripped only to return and find truth all over again?

Something is not right and truth can only be found by personal experience, otherwise one may spend one’s life philosophising about maybes.

The shares by all are great, thank you.

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Thanks Blubody. Peace and Comfort to you.

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So true clif is totally ignorant of the Bible

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Thank you Clif, I encourage everyone to watch your video on FAITH. Thank you for preparing me and others for info which may shatter our beliefs but as you stressed should not impact our FAITH - I want to make sure I come thru "the other side" retaining my FAITH as it truly has been my armor of God in my lifetime.

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Clif I love ya and I will leave only this comment on this my brother. This is complete heretical nonsense.

There I said it. It is an attack on the argument. Not on you or anybody here but I would not be a responsible Christian without saying it.

This guy is straight from a being you probably don’t believe in that was cast from heaven along with a third of the angels a long time ago.

Yahweh is from the same Elohim Godhead as Elohim plural or El … this is satan trying to muddy the waters and we will never agree on this it seems.

I don’t fear people who believe different than me and Chris Jesus (the richest most powerful being in the universe certainly doesn’t either).

Just a reminder to all reading this: every knee will now and every tongue confess that Christ Jesus is Lord.

Ironically this kind of inverse logic is just what the Kazarians use to deny Christ is the Messiah who according to Isaiah 53 must come as a suffering servant before coming a second one time (both times on the Fest of Trumpets or Ross Hashanah

I thank you again, Clif, for all the wisdom you’ve brought my way both for health and wealth but as they say: everyone’s an expert in religion

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I think you nailed it.

The stream of effective propaganda was once housed in the TV.

Now that people are giving that up the NWO has moved it to the internet woo woo arena.

Somehow they influence Clif and he, in turn, influences others.

I am seeing more and more of this God is an evil alien stuff rolling through the grapevine.


It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


It is a real eye opener to the methods they are using to manipulate us.

Once shown to you, you will see it everywhere and know it.

To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

It is free to the world.

This is the Age of Rage and the great deception.

God is an evil alien?

Oh boy.

Yet many will believe it if they think they have secret inside knowledge.

This is how the Woo Woo mind works and the NWO overlords know it.

They have turned Clif into controlled opposition without him being aware of it.

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Doesn’t really matter. Second coming is here and now. Read, please. Use your head AND YOUR Consciousness...

Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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Nope. Jesus is a real person who will return and set up a 1,000 year reign on earth while satan is in the bottomless pit then after the 1,000 years (or millenium) this earth will be destroyed and then the Judgment Seat of Christ for those that believed (faithed) in Him and the White Throne Judgment for everyone else.

Jesus made it clear it will be obvious when he returns and not be in some hidden place. But first will come the 7 year tribulation that comes from God Himself and the grief and agony on this earth will be greater than imaginable now. The church (those belonging to Christ) will be caught away before the Great Tribulation bc God will not smite the body of His Son (that's what the church (not talking about Roman Catholic) represents on this earth) twice ... then the church will come with Jesus to set up the 1,000 year kingdom then satan is released for a season and gets one last group together that will follow him and one last battle before the earth is destroyed ... see, the Bible already let us know that "saving the planet" is futile so see how satanic it is to make saving the planet your religion like the climate priesthood does?

Jesus is real. He is there and I am here. He can be formed in my heart by faith and the Holy Spirit but He is not just some idea. This idea of changing Christianity into Eastern religion relativism is complete heresy just like Gnosticism is heresy. The old classic song "You ask me how i know He live He lives within my heart" is just experiential rubbish Gnosticism that tries to base Christianity on feeling. based on Eastern philosophy that came into Christianity and our education system here in the US from Leipzig into teaching colleges by John Dewey to replace Realism which is as American and Christian as apple pie.

Christianity is based on the fact of the Resurrection. Jesus said there would be only one sign, the sign of Jonah and those 3 days He was dead then was raised and then ascended to heaven 50 days later. Ya see. That's why is was called Pentecost. Penta = 50. Jesus fullfilled all the High Day Sabbaths. There is a weekly sabbath on Saturday (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) and there are 7 High Day Sabbaths through the year. Jesus was born on Feast of Trumpets High Day Sabbatth. That's why there was no room in Jerusalem or Bethlehem bc it's like the SuperBowl and you're looking for a hotel room.

Jesus fulfilled the next High Day Sabbath after the Passover High Day Sabbath, the Feast of First Fruits by raising on Sunday (Saturday Evening) the first Sunday (beginning of the week and thus first fruits) after Passover ... btw Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday. Frea-day Friday is Babylonian add on Good Friday. Why would you call it good? stupid traditions.

on and on I could go ... I don't mean offense to you or anyone but I have to speak plainly what I believe ... false humility is the grandest form of conceit... this is what i believe and it is based on the fact of the resurrection which Paul says our faith (Christian's) is vain if there is no resurrection and we are false witnesses of God ... that's just what i believe ... once a person settles the resurrection, the rest falls into place and I don't need to create a Jesus of my own mind that can't be supported in historical documents

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You sound like Michael Rood.

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Do you follow the Gregorian calendar or do you use a 13 month, 28 day calendar? I am considering switching to the latter.

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Give not that which is holy unto dogs.

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May 4, 2022
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I have studied under a Ph.D theologian from Stanford University (graduated in 1957) and now his wife who knows 26 languages with the rarest private bible collection in the world for over 30 years ... this is amateur hour the likes of Holy Blood, Holy Grail trying to make Jesus and Mary Magdalene have a baby by piecing together (in an ingenius way) a bunch of bullshit that was easily taken apart by my theologian mentor of I'm guessing close to 200 IQ since his wife's is 186 ... please don't respond to me, i mean no disrespect, i don't want to continue ... this group is supposed to the place i come for eyes that see the truth and you all are except for this but bc people are generally unlearned in theology and the true Bible archaeology ... this guy is History Channel level Kazarian bullshit but you're going to think because smart people go along then the smart must be right ... not so, many philosophers like Neitzsche were straight up sent from satan to destroy Christianity ... it never will be destroyed, hopefully the satanic roman catholic church will, though, with it's babylonian pagan add ons to Christianity like Lent and Easter (early Christians celebrated Passover and the Feast of Pentecost, the original High Day Sabbaths of Hebrews because Christ fulfilled what was the type of those days with the Lamb being sacrificed (How did Moses know all those 1500 years earlier that on that same day Messiah (Yahweh become Jesus as a son of Adam) would be sacrificed by His Heavenly Father El for our sins to make the ledger balance bc the Father had said for sin comes death and the only way out even though He has the power to go back on HIs word but to keep His integrity had His Son die for you and me the whole field to get the treasure out and that treasure is those of us called before the worlds were formed (Ephesians 1) to rule and reign with Him throughout eternity ... Now i have absolutely no ill will here and please everybody, no need to respond to me. I've said my peace but i will not back down on this if challenged. Thank you.

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some humans mistake education with intelligence

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When you have to resort to making claims about your mentor's IQ to back up your position, and then follow that with don't comment on my rant against the group of people seeking truth, then you clearly have nothing intellectual to add to the conversation.

I have grown up Christian and still consider myself a Christian, but I studied the OT and the NT in college under notable Jesuit trained PhDs. And even they recognized that as soon as the Septuagint was created, the original meanings of many of the key words and concepts were morphed into Greek philosophy forever. So holding to translations of translations of translations and believing that something like the King James Bible has the true understanding of the Bible is not very realistic.

Knowing these truths about the Hebrew Bible and the subsequent Greek, Latin, and English translations doesn't remove any of my faith in Jesus or God, because for me those things never relied on a book that resulted from thousands of years of the telephone game.

Anyone that has studied theology academically, knows that all of the books in the Bible were copied, rewritten, and rewritten, and almost always redesigned for new audiences, so they would be better received!

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And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.

Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

For many are called, but few are chosen.

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Got that right

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Even self proclaimed institutionalized 'smart' proud people can be mind controlled. They are the ones that teach the next generation to be the same.

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Your mirror must be dusty.

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I'll respond. You're an idiot. Have fun with that over-sized ego of yours.

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Believer you are a suckling plebe.

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I would be more inclined to not dismiss you as a mere fanboi if your handle was "THINKER" rather than "Believer". Just saying...

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My handle doesn't have anything to do with this post. It has to do with my philosophies on the financial system.

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It figures.

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Well played!

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Commenters coming on strongly and being totally committed to their views who then begin to name-call are automatically placed in the discard bin! Certainty and inflexibility are sure signs of insecurity and highlight the commenter's need for approval and inclusion due to their lack of a personal ethic or ideology. Keep the faith and don't let comment clowns get to you. They are too busy advertising their idiocy to listen, anyway!

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That is the second longest sentence I have ever read.

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There is a bizarre website called metallicman that is supposedly run by x-CIA. They have a whole section on the geography of heaven, and have proclaimed that humans are prisoners on earth because of our psychopathic/evil tendencies. We can never leave earth, and instead, keep getting reincarnated time and time again here. There are other places to go, but we keep getting "tricked" into reincarnating on earth. Prisoners. A very anti-Christian viewpoint.

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Regardless of the name of ones beliefs, this concept is and had been discussed in many old tribes of all people's and lands. Farsight remote viewing has a lot of info on this and I am glad to be aware of it. If there are evil forces controlling our world it would make sense for them to create a prison planet, knowing they'll always have a food source (us) personally I believe in a source creator yet it's not allowed to be known here because the controllers. They have infiltrated every word written and created beliefs that lead far from truth, yet there is the Divine spark in us that recognizes truth when we encounter it.

Jesus and the lost books probably contain more truth than has been let out in centuries, just like now the teaching and knowledge is flipped and used against us.

People develop a personal relationship with God / source and reality changes instantly

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lol That sounds like a good way for our captors to blame our captivity on us, so we won't come after them!

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You will not be coming after them. You will sit at your slave made keyboard day after day complaining. It is your destiny.

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Haha! You have no idea who I am or what I am doing. I am certainly not complaining nor do I ever! I have read your theories and seen how you dropped it on every comment. That is your Adult Ego State seeking validation that your Child Ego State theory is correct!

What took you months to figure out (your words) and write a pseudo-intellectual book about on Gab was explained to me 15 years ago in a 5 minute conversation, by a sales manager, who was correct, but not very smart. So sorry, but not revolutionary discovery! But thanks for playing friend!

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OK. So enlighten me. What are you doing? What are you hoping to accomplish when you post what you post?

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Not a Christian, but know my brother Yeshua, the perfect man with the power to prove to you... Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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Yellow card clif, next one and I'm out of here. How in the hell did you think this blasphemous nonsense would pass, among Christian and Hebrew scholars who are presented here? Have you ingested some kind of hard illegal drug?

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I miss the "classic Clif" of the woo and SOC. Not getting so much from post-woo Clif.

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You can find all the ALTA reports here:


If you start being systematic about what Clif has predicted over the years, and maybe think a little critically about his methods... well, draw your own conclusions. I've concluded that he's basically an affable grifter with a short attention span and an endless appetite for weird stuff. Entertaining, but not somebody to take very seriously.

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


It is a real eye opener to the methods they are using to manipulate us.

Once shown to you, you will see it everywhere and know it.

To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

It is free to the world.

This is the Age of Rage and the great deception.

God is an evil alien?

Oh boy.

Yet many will believe it if they think they have secret inside knowledge.

This is how the Woo Woo mind works and the NWO overlords know it.

They have turned Clif into controlled opposition without him being aware of it.

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thanks im reading your post

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Yes I now think a lot less of Clif High ( fake name).

A haughty wild big mouth

With zero true scholarship

A hit or miss kind of guy

Don’t rely on anything he says

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It looks like Clif has drunk the Reset Kool Aid. I have seen a lot of this lately. He is not the only one on the anti-YHWH bandwagon. The NWO is using the conspiracy/woo internet grapevine to disseminate propaganda. They have finally mastered it.

I wrote an excellent primer on applied mind control techniques they are using against us all.

Link here: (The 2 posts pinned to the top are the core)


It is a real eye opener to the methods they are using to manipulate us.

Once shown to you, you will see it everywhere and know it.

To this day no one has even attempted to refute any of it.

If you read it you will KNOW it is truth.

Solid truth.

No conjecture.

It took me months of deep thinking to figure it out.

It is free to the world.

This is the Age of Rage and the great deception.

God is an evil alien?

Oh boy.

Yet many will believe it if they think they have secret inside knowledge.

This is how the Woo Woo mind works and the NWO overlords know it.

They have turned Clif into controlled opposition without him being aware of it.

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I will share your stuff, it seems indeed insightful, but I would rather share a link from substack, I don't like Gab very much for its owner doesn't care about the openly Neo-nazi groups that are created there.

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I have it on substack too. Just look up Harbinger.

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and the Vatican is a trusted source ?

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I think that last comment was in 'jest'...

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Mauro Biglino translated 23 books of the Bible for the Vatican. This man had to translate the Leningrad Codex = version of the Bible that the three main monotheistic religions - Catholic, Jewish and Muslim recognize as the official Bible = from Hebrew, word for word, literally and without any personal interpretation. That is to say, he is not an aspiring cabalist to some conspiracy or a ufologist, since the official body of the Vatican has approved and published at least 17 books. While working on the Bible, he realized that many of the stories in this book were mistranslated, mis-interpreted, mostly on purpose, in order to introduce the notion of an almighty spiritual, infallible god.

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Mauro Biglino looks like a demon, himself. So, you trust the Vatican's approval? That tells me all I need to know about you. Perhaps, Biglino's "translations" are to introduce the notion of a murderous, un-spiritual, fallible drunkard of a "god". The Most High did join the Elohim but when that happened "wine" didn't exist nor did "love" or "compassion". Back then, it was a given and it was not for several epochs of so-called time before "love" was established because it wasn't necessary. The devolution happened over time from the bottom/fallen up and these concepts/words and all that they imply were necessary to describe the protections of the outcome of the free will concept that The Most High brought into existence.

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You sound very confused. Don't speak about Biglino when you're just postulating with no research. His book is like no other as he's uniquely qualified.

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You PRICK, I'll speak about whatever I want to speak about. I have been researching the Bible for years in 4 languages. He's "uniquely qualified" to be another Vatican minion to confuse simpletons like yourself...a plebe that will follow. He LOOKS LIKE A DEMON and given that you are suckling from his man nipple, I guess he's good at it.

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...might want to take a breath, this is just a discussion about a book...

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Why the need to advise me in every thread? Can you not come up with an original thought on your own?

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Buying into anger is almost as bad as buying into fear. Please Read sister! Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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Respectfully, I don't believe those that murdered Christ ate him. I don't believe that "eating the flesh of another" speaks of "perfect love", either. We have to be careful with our words as there are people who murder and eat babies, daily. There were words about an offering that conveyed symbolism rather than a literal, physical offering regarding Christ's "flesh". You don't make this clear in your public statement. I know you are coming from your own 'good'

place, however copying and pasting your message keeps you from really seeing the words in the message you are trying to convey and it continues to muddy the waters. This is exactly why people think "Christians" are crazy. I know what you mean, but others just auto-switch to libel. Since you decided to chide me and make the assumption that I am "buying into anger", I'll return the favor from my 'good' place for the sake of edification.

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Whoa...OK. Good luck to you. Off your rocker.

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...and you're still a Prick without an ounce of discernment.

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Key Word Discernment - Many of these KJV bible trumpeters have not done the inner work or deep dives into roman history or religion history to get the Vatican evil.

Even the Christian MAGA patriots out there exposing the corruption daily (good thing) some with large followers, IE17 comes to mind, preach the bible like its the literal word of Source God. They mimic the dogma without a 2nd thought. The bible offers truths, but not for the sheep or the lazy.

It's coded. Bill Donahue on Y tube decodes bible passages and its hidden meanings. Resonates with Astro Theology thinkers. Worth a listen. Let me know what U think.

Ex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kon_S3Af9Bc&t=130s

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It's my experience that those that get the most triggered are doing the bidding of the Pisces DIVIDE and conquer theme which is held up by the religions. Those days are over. YAHOO!

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Wow! Is that more of your spiritual "maturity" coming out?

Why are you even commenting and insulting people if you haven't actually read the book?

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Is THIS more of your "premier academic authority" in action?

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There you are another fool who believes that you have the right to be the "thread police". My "spiritual maturity" is none of your business and your need for your opinions to matter is laughable. Why don't you stick to your self-aggrandizing and take your bloated sense of responsibility down the line? Nothing you say to me matters. Your opinion means nothing. The difference between us is that I'm OK with that concept and you are not. You are mistaken and grounded in your assumptions.

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It seems you have sorosis and with a schwab stuck... somewhere.

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ha ha pretty funny stuff

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thank for comment, this book could give a track about hat an more... i agree to don't believe 100%, make questions is the way, light & regards for you :)

The book about more secrets:


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thank for comment, this book could give a track about hat an more... i agree to don't believe 100%, make questions is the way, light & regards for you :)

The book about more secrets:


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Thank you!

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Actually, after he translated a number of the minor Prophets, the Vatican publisher had to break ties with Biglio, because his literal translations began to undermine what the Church has been telling us since the 4th century AD.

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“While working on the Bible, he realized that many of the stories in this book were mistranslated, mis-interpreted…” everyone enters into every reading bearing the weight of their own biases, including Biglino. Too many here are willing to abandon THOUSANDS of other translators works in favor of Biglino’s heretical claims. Elohim is mainly used and modified by singular verbs, not as plural, an idiosyncrasy of ancient Hebrew. To assert that Elohim is always referring to a cadre of pseudo gods is to ignore centuries of other understandings. My faith in God, is based on a heart feeling, but He has also shown His reality in current day miracles that I and others have seen and heard with our own eyes and ears. Everyone here needs to understand that God will not be mocked! Just wait… you’ll see for yourself one day…

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thank for comment, this book could give a track about anD more... i agree to don't believe 100%, make questions is the way, light & regards for you :)

The book about more secrets:


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Actually... it's Enlil who will not be mocked. A TRUE GOD would be impervious to mocking. Just wait... you'll see for yourself one day...

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My research suggests that Yahweh and Enlil are one and the same!

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Yes! And Enke...The Serpent, who may have been the good guy.

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and to also maintain the patriarchal position where the church had all the answers

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I'm reading the old testament as well as The Naked Bible. I was very shocked by what I read in Leviticus. I thought I was mis-understanding, but the OT says that the first born males belong to "him" or Yalweh. What does that mean exactly? Well, I guess it depends on how you read it, but if you take it in the context of how other things belong to "him" that means that they are to be sacrificed like the grain offerings, sin offerings etc, on the alter. This is very interesting, especially when we are thinking about the most recent R v. W drama. Are these abortions considered sacrifices for Yalweh? Is there a requirement that a certain number of them need to be sacrificed in order to appease Yalweh? At this point, this has nothing to do with "my body, my choice" and "women's rights." Edit; the bible quote the struck me is actually in the Book of Numbers; Numbers 3:13.

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Same here. While reading The Naked Bible I would check in my primary Bible and there it was. Biglio makes the claim that during the 4th or 5th century BCE, I think, there is a noticeable change in the descriptions and translations about Yahweh, in order to hide or obscure many of the more barbaric practices like sacrificing the first born child to Yahweh! In fact, he says this change happened in religious literature all around the world around the same time.

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The wording, I think, is obscured on purpose. Yalweh is presented as an insatiable and jealous "God" who requires quite a lot of offerings and attention. It reminds me more of a pagan God, or a demon. Seems far more parasitic, as opposed to "Holy" in nature. Makes you wonder how many people have actually read the bible? If I were to read this as an adult, I would say that this is not something that I want to worship.

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If I am remembering this right, I think Biglio talks about the descriptions of Yahweh as sounding almost psychopathic. Growing up, I went to Catholic school for a few years, but I wasn't Catholic. Part of that education was a daily religion class which is where I first started really studying the Bible. Almost immediately, I recognized the contradictions between the god of the OT and the God of the NT and I could not reconcile the paradox.

What was even more frustrating was the answers to my questions from the nuns about the contradiction where they often said the fault lied within the imperfection of man to understand the paradox, because God was perfect. Of course, that imperfection in man began with the Original Sin according to the nuns. I remember telling the nun that I thought that answer was a cop out and a deflection, because they didn't seem to be talking about the same God. One was a jealous God who reigned with fear and took his chosen people to war. And now Biglio's translation says there was no mention of sin or original sin and that was created later by Christian writers.

And the other was a God of love who sacrificed his only Son for us, who said turn the other cheek and love your neighbor. I wasn't buying it! My grandfather and his father were both Methodist ministers and both had degrees in Philosophy as well. So I remember many mornings growing up debating Philosophy and Theology as well, which led me to study Gnosticism. The Gnostic concept of the Demiurge rang a lot more true to me at that point. The Cathars has a similar idea.

When I studied Philosophy in college, and this is also confirmed in Biglio's book, I saw that when the Bible was translated from Hebrew into Greek, that many of the concepts were merged with Platonic Metaphysics, which obviously led to the main ideas in Gnosticism, whre I think they tried to explain things in a more ethereal and metaphysical way, than the original Hebrew accounts intended.

At this point, I agree more with Biglio's translation, primarily because it is almost exactly the same as the translations of the Sumerian/Akkadian/Assyrian texts done by Anton Parks. Those texts also describe the Garden of Eden and beings called the Annuna who were genetically modifying humans to be slaves under a commander named Enlil, who I believe is Yahweh. There is also a similar story that is clearly the story of Noah and the Flood. Since the Sumerian versions were written first, it is clear that the Hebrew stories of the Elohim were just re-tellings of these same stories.

Parks also talks about the change when the Bible was translated in Greek. He shows us how the word "paradise" used by Christians to describe Eden came from the Greek word "paradeisos" which means enclosure which came from a proto-Iranian word meaning walled enclosure. So Christians think of this paradise as meaning this Heavenly garden of beauty and happiness and delight, but the original word just describes a walled enclosure.

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I too studied Philosophy in college; I thought at one time that it was a huge waste of time and not practical in any real-world situation. Philosophy forces you to learn how to think and analyze arguments. I am so thankful for learning how to think critically; this has been incredibly valuable, especially recently.

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I 100% agree! It was one of the best decisions I ever made, because it forces you to use critical thinking and also build good arguments that can be defended. One of the most eye opening areas for me was Epistemology, because it forces you to be able to prove what is actually knowable and what is interpretation based on a set of facts.

Trying to grasp the differences between Foundationalism and Coherentism was equally eye opening because once you start breaking down your beliefs, you will find that many, if not most, are based on false assumptions.

When all of this crazy stuff starting happening in our country, most recognizably after Trump took office, the critical thinking skills really kicked in, because I could the see the media saying things about Trump that didn't seem possible. I had never been a Trump fan or watched his shows, so I didn't really have an opinion about him, but I heard them say he was saying white supremacists were good people from his Charlottesville speech. Everyone I knew was in a sort of Groupthink, all agreeing how awful he was and literally hating him.

So, I went back and found the speech and watched it and realized that they had completely edited the speech, taken his words out of context, and then lied to everyone. Even after being debunked, Brandon still parroted the lie in the debates. So that was my wake up call that something bigger was happening and I started paying attention.

I am also a big history buff and I saw how the once Liberal Democrats were no longer Liberal, but were acting like Marxists inverting definitions and using Stalinist tactics of accusing the opposition of doing exactly what they were doing. I even saw the coup coming a year before COVID and I knew exactly how they were going to do it.

I attribute all of that to the critical thinking skills I learned from studying philosophy!

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Interesting; thanks for sharing. When you think about how much guilt has been weaponized against us, the idea that "original sin" was made up, really jumped out to me. We need to read anything with everything we have, especially our instincts. If I were the devil, I would pepper the truth with lies in order to make people turn away from the truth when they discovered the lies. I don't care if Mary was a virgin. I do care that original sin was a psyop, because of the way that we have seen how guilt has been weaponized against us, whether it be about the environment, or whatever the people in charge want us to feel bad about. This is a pattern and I would not be surprised if the old school manipulators did this on purpose. Instinctively, original sin never made sense to me anyway. I don't believe everything in The Naked Bible, but I absolutely believe that there has been a lot of manipulative fuckery that has been injected into the bible, so we need to use discernment.

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What WE need to do is NOW! READ please. ! Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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Probably herd you the first reading so go peddle those wares on another post somewhere.

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May the 4th be with you.

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The dude on the cover looks like a demon, himself. I'm surprised you would fall for this, Clif. I guess he substantiates your natural mistrust of humanity and therefore his efforts get a "pass", not from me. When you were born, Clif, you were a beautiful, innocent, precious infant and I liken that to the beginning when The Most High joined the Elohim.

There was a purity that devolved over time for the sake of "Free Will". I trust my sources well over this individual that enriched himself working for the Vatican. This time, I think you are both full of shit.

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This post and Clif's "the Jewish Question" were all ways to suggest that European Jews are not "real Jews" and this post suggests that regular Jews who practice the religion sate themselves on baby belly fat. I think Clif is hawking Jew Hate.

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Ok, maybe I agree with the looks of the guy on that book... but I know Yeshua and have alway known Yeshua. We carry the same thing in the Kingdom of Heaven within.... Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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Hey Clif.. The Bible wackos really get irate at you sometimes. I think that they need to be "red-piled". You are trying but you will never convince most of them. I'm going to get the book you suggested, " the Naked Bible" as I'm pretty sure it contains historically accurate references. You know how they say ' when you know, you know', well I just have that feeling about this book. History, true history is hard to come by. I believe that the research would have to go back hundreds of thousands of years to find out what really happened. Even then, we would see that we haven't even scratched the surface of what brought us to where we are.

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Please read... I love you... I KNOW!!! Yeshua, his title given to him: Jesus the Christ told you that God is Love and, the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You! SOOOO as I have done, found that Love WITHIN ME. Which IS GOD! It IS the POWER! Together, we all find Creator/God/LOVE inside and we say to the mountain move, believing: which is emotion and knowledge, that it has happened and it does! Together, we carry the love that Yeshua also carried:OUR father... AND we WILL DO GREATER things than Yeshua. Exactly as he told us. He allowed them to murder him and eat his flesh to show, and tell us of this Love.

Together, we have Christ Consciousness, nothing will stop Pure and perfect love. NO-THING!

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I have encountered much of this info through the years so its no surprise. Being raised Catholic made me very suspicious as a child of the many "faith based" teachings. I think this will be made main stream at the same time as a major push for Transhumanism occurs. People's fear of death without a biblical god will be stoked to make them accept a false promise of longer life with chips. BTW Amazon has already stopped sale of the book. It is suddenly out of print or unavailable. The kindle edition is available but I have heard too many stories of authors of non-fiction being required to edit info. A good starting point for understanding who we really are without "god" is the late Biologist Lyall Watson's The Gift of Unknown Things.

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May 4, 2022
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Indeed. Many who picked up this book believe that this guy is the "author" when the truth is these concepts have been around since before this author was born. As they say, "there is nothing new under the sun". I guess the "policing" of Clif's comments is going to be the new norm all in the name of protecting a guy who continues to make money with other peoples' proclamations. He isn't the "original" dissenter of the written Word with these exact opinions. He's just the only one who so vigorously seeks financial reward. His musings in NO WAY support any kind of strength, fortitude or integrity, going forward. He's probably an atheist trying to get back to the Catholic "cash cow" but arrived too late. The music had stopped and their were no chairs left.

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I bought the book, just have to get to it as I have about 20 other books I need to "Get into" once I'm done the ones I'm reading now......crazy the amount of knowledge in books, if people would only READ........Thanks again Clif. MAY is here.....Let the games begin.......I hope everyone is planning and taking action NOW to be ready for the Food (and goods) shortages starting in the fall? It will be TOO LATE to do anything once its happening. DO IT NOW......while you still can. Procrastination might kill you.....plus get out into the country if you can......the cities will be very very dangerous once people don't have food. People turn into animals withing a week if they don't have food........Lead, water, food......good luck.

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I think your on money

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Whatever you think about this particular perspective on Judaism, the bottom line is that ALL religions have been corrupted. Religion has been used for centuries by the ruling class to control the masses while promoting their own interests. They are full of LIES designed to obscure our true history and keep the people divided.

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It is a good thing that God is not a religion.

Read Traced: Human DNAs Big Surprise by Harvard-trained Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson. Study Traditional and Ancient Chinese and how the story of Creation, the Fall, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, and the Great Migration are easily seen within the Chinese characters. That story lines up almost perfectly with the Hebrew Old Testament Book of Genesis.

Man abuses "religion", but God is there, real, living, and ready to forgive you of all your sin (lifetime) through Jesus Christ, Who is Risen and Alive forever more. All you have to do is turn to Him and ask for His help and healing of your heart and mind.

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