Citizens on patrol. Make sure you know how to safely handle your firearm and what the law is on "carry" where you are. Certain cities and areas are no gun zones. If you choose, get a concealed carry permit and know the law. Hollywood is NOT a good teacher of how to handle or use weapons or of self defense per applicable laws. Don't be stupid!!!

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I suspect at that point no citizen will care a snap about what their corrupted government has to say about gun laws.

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I didn't realize we cared now. jk

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Kiki what does this mean. Kiki I have been preparing for 20 years I care, my whole family think I am crazy. I grew all my food and raised chickens here in Diamond Bar county Calif. It was the dam hardest thing I have ever done. It was harder then working two full time jobs for three years after the 2008 planned financial crash just to keep my home. Now in the middle of this I have to sell my home because after 50 years of working I may not get my retirement check. Plus I want to buy land and grow food and teach folks soil prep, what kind of chickens to buy depending on their area. I have to do something. Before I retired I competed three Permaculture classes, met people from all over the world brilliant minds all wanting to help.

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Also at that point there will not be any po-po arresting law abiding citizens for armed carry even if current laws prohibit them. And even if some of the more corrupt po po do start trying to arrest individuals for concealed carry it will not turn out well for them and they will stop because of the potential consequences.

I suspect, at least the red state governors, will issue decrees, and state govt's will pass laws allowing for open and concealed carry.

That is of course if any of this happens. Q states no civil unrest. Clif definitely describes civil unrest.

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Yeah, not a 'fan' of 'Q' the jewish Qahal ('our democracy' meaning the private jewish government that rules in our nation now rather than OUR Republic) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/qahal#:~:text=Noun,European%20Jewish%20community)%20quotations%20%E2%96%BC ...people who think that they can just 'rely on others' rather than creating their own future are going to die. Period. I don't need or want someone to 'rescue me' from the jews, particularly NOT the jews themselves since that is ridiculous. Being alive means that you chart your own future rather than simply passively accepting whatever plans the jews have for us through 'Q' or their sayanim democracy. https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Sayanim

Lol...I mean, who do you think the deep state actually is if not MOSSAD subversion of our Republic and its borders.

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Q is software . Used bY the ghosts of our CIA contractors & all the other governments. Q captures the communications between all the players. “Receipts” and foreshadowing are the outputs of this software : it’s basically like a combination of a keystroke logger but so much more plus virus protection session replay of all network traffic

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Based on the evidence I have collected, it is the deep state jewish government.

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You’re correct with a twist… Pegasus software is Q software . Israeli co CALLED NSO GROUP owns it. They are missed controlled with the thin layer of plausible deniability for govt control blame. It’s so thin it’s mocking in it’s tone. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSO_Group

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Q says there will be Martial Law...in certain areas. Probably like the blue cites and states that have been totally corrupted.

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You know, when I hear 'Q' I hear Harari the fag speaking. To me this whole jewish agenda about how humanity has no more free will and how they will just program us like machines since we no longer have the capacity to make decisions for ourselves (aka 'there will be no civil war' because humanity is no longer alive and can no longer display will) is all bullshit. But it takes actual WILL to resist their WEF agenda (and of course they play both sides, they have been doing that since before the Bible was written). As I always say, you can have God OR you can have jews (and q's) but you can't have both.

If you buy either the Qahal's ('Q') words and agenda or the WEF you will lose your Godhood. I hope you can see what is wrong with their reasoning. https://youtu.be/oMxTYt43_xU

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Exactly! When the SHTF there will be no such thing as a no gun zone, and ANYthing the corrupted government says will be ignored.

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So just to be clear, it will not be a good investment to buy Alec Baldwin's book, "All You Need to Know about Guns" ?

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When the People have no right to "keep and bear arms"...


My Dad fought and killed Nazis; Klaus Schwab's Dad WAS a Nazi.

Tennessee welcomes guns, guitars, gold, God and all the variety of genders across today's 'progressive' spectrum, both of them...

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And like responsible gun operation, please observe proper guitar operation. Fretboard dive-bombs, machine gun shredding & forged heavy metal power chords in the hands of some kid with a Les Paul and a Marshall Stack on 10 will do some serious damage.

Follow the example of Tennessee's Mr. Guitar, Chet Atkins, or here....


(At 6:20, skilled operators only!)

Then there's this pretender here, ha!...


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Is China safe for Americans now. My daughter is a teacher there. At least the airports have reopened.

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If I was over there, I’d be heading for home ASAP.

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I don't know how things are now, I was last there in early 2018.

Best regards to you and your daughter.....

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🤔 I was looking for some land to buy in the mountains…

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Or you could pick a really obscure county where not much goes on in the normal course of things. I found such a place in S. GA 12 years ago. Lots of crops and cattle. Rent, RE and taxes cheap. Mountains are lovely, but "hiding in plain sight" works, too.

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Many fine spots, I wish you success

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Citizens On Patrol.


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I appreciate all you do Mr. Galt! Thanks!

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The same COPS that enforced mask mandates and killed people on January 6th or are we talking different cops?

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Community cops I think

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Yes, a clever acronym with a touch of pun.

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Shut the motor of the world. My favorite book.

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Florida is nice this time of year. (Allways)

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It's not the KM/Deep State which will kill more innocents during this period of turmoil, it's the untrained and unthinking idiots who have guns but no common sense or ability to think but plenty of ability to panic.

The problem in the US is that many states don't require proof of firearms training before being allowed to purchase a weapon.

In Canada before you can get any type of firearm you have enroll and pass a firearms safety course to acquire a firearms permit.

The best course of action is to find an veteran who served and understands how to properly organize such patrols and understands leadership.

A sage word of advice: If you have a gun but have never been trained to use it, stay home! for the same of everyone around you!

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Hi Gary. Suggesting untrained citizens with guns will kill more innocents than the KM is enough to stop reading your mouth dribble. Have you got any fckn clue how many innocents have been killed in just the past 2 years? Obvioysly not. Let me help....millions globally. While nobody with a brain would disagree that you should be trained to use a firearm, there's absolutely no fckn untrained individual or even group of individuals unskilled with guns who could kill millions of people in 24 months you fckn moron.

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this reply is also for GRY; You both have good points, although Laura was unnecessarily abusive in her response- a drawback of free speech, and anonymous inet communications is that we don't even try to filter ourselves & just let our emotions rule.

But guess what- I doubt that this debate is going to make an iota of difference. That same attitude of letting emotions rule our words and actions will no doubt happen in some areas with some people- and neither of you is going to have any effect whatsoever on that by arguing about it. Unfortunate but, I believe, true. We already have half the country acting like insane, blood-thirsty zombies. So I just hope that those who are not trained to be cooler heads under stress will stay home and protect themselves and their loved ones. They would be fools to go out looking for trouble- but we know that the world has no shortage of fools, even without the information that is coming out, and will be. Maybe we al just take a few breaths and think about what and how we our going to handle our own situations- none of has the ability to control anyone else's reaction to what is coming, so why try to put your rules of conduct on it?

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Tia Loca...beautifully stated!

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Thanks for commenting on Laura's unfortunate language. TBS, I am reminded of the "Purge" movies. The propensity for real "unlawful" (thugs, BLM, local criminals) to take advantage of situations which normies with an agenda could create. Joining a mob never appealed to me. Always, I have run mental scenarios about threats I might face. What weapons do I have? Where are they? Knives, that lamp, iron skillet, throw a cat. Etc. Now, more than ever. Athletes mentally review their actions before performing and doing so makes a difference in success. I would urge people think ahead and be mindful of their situation, resources and limitations.

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Normally I don't bother to respond to insults however in this case you need to take a pill and calm down.

Millions killed globally won't justify one innocent death, period.

An untrained gun owner on a patrol gets jittery in the dark and shoots first and asks questions later, doesn't think twice about where that bullet is going.

They may miss their target, whatever it is, and isn't aware of a residence in the path of that round.

That round then hits a home and might kill someone who has nothing to do with any activities.

Just because we're at war is no excuse for a "do what you want" attitude that you seem to be trying to justify.

There will be enough misery without adding to it with a Wild West attitude of shoot first and ask questions later.



Professional soldiers/vets and police are trained to handle the stress and fear and they're the types who need to step up and lead, otherwise you'll see these stories pop up in the hundreds.

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I could comment on the professionals but I wont. I love my brothers and sisters equally. In the middle of the night when the wolves come calling the training begins. There is a reason a magazine holds more than 5 rounds and its not because of peoples ability to shoot straight.

Three rules.

1- Clean them often.

2 - Never look down the business end.

3 - Only aim at what you intend to destroy.

Nerves, mistakes and worse happens to all people regardless of training. Don't be a victim period.

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It is comforting just thinking about the millions and millions of guns in the hands of Americans and how it's the one thing stopping a Chinese occupation....that's why these filthy politicians and "leaders" can't stop talking about gun control...it's why they want to cancel our Constitution..

No matter what unconstitutional laws get passed no man or woman should ever relinquish their guns and ammo....because there is only one reason the government wants that to happen...

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Right. We aren't giving up our guns. My Husband came from

Communist Hungary years ago and became a US citizen along

with his Mother. His Father's construction business was nationalized

3 times. The third time he died of a heart attack. The Communists

came to his Grandparents' Farm and gave them 24 hours to get out.

Luckily, they had an apartment to go to in Budapest. Don't wait on

the Republicans to save us. They are too busy with their going nowhere hearings.

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The words warm my heart. Gun skills can be taught. Gun rights are never returned. That said one should be aware that technology has moved along at a rapid pace. Drones are a huge problem right now. Also Spot K9s are turning up in the most random of places. Make no mistake that this is the time to be watching, not acting.

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Oh, Debbie ... "it's the one thing stopping a Chinese occupation." Do you not have a better grip on geopolitics, and global logistics, or even sound military strategy ? Where did you get the idea that the government in China has ANY interest in occupying the United States, in any physical capacity (and guns only work against 'physical capacity'), You live in a country that has, for my entire 68 years and before, made it their stated intent to seed, then increase, then protect, their commercial interest all over the earth. All Over The Earth. The Chinese are clever, both in business and in strategy. They will not plan, or even need, to "occupy" the USA - they will trade their way into a position where they are dominant - and that's the fair rules of the game. The unfair rules of the game of building military bases in other peoples countries and using tools like IMF, and World Bank, and UN, to dominate and control other countries. Please, stop with the China Booga Booga. The balloon was not a weapon.

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I would add a number 4. You are responsible for your decisions and the consequences of your actions.

I had a friend from years ago who was a vet and became a cop.

We had long discussions about some of these moral and ethical issues surrounding military service and becoming a cop.

The one thing he impressed upon me.

A gun isn't a toy and it's not an extension of your ego, it's a weapon which can visit death onto your target, keep that in mind.

He took his training very seriously and had no patience for "yahoos and Rambos", he saw more than a few both in the military and in the police force and was disgusted by it.

When I make mention of these points above it's mostly from him.

I used to go target shooting in the 80s, when I was on the range with him he was like the unofficial range master, if he saw you goofing off or not taking safety seriously he would let you know in no uncertain terms what you were doing wrong.

So I had it drilled into me about gun safety and responsibility, plus the moral and ethical responsibilities which come with gun ownership.

Side note: I once saw him kick a couple of idiots who were shooting 9mms on the range, they clearly weren't taking things seriously and he went over to them and warned them about this behavior and actions.

They told him to f-off and mind his own business, he then takes out his police ID and tells them they're done for the day, even though he was off duty he wasn't off duty...

So he ended up kicking complete strangers off the range.

He once said, gun ownership is a privilege society extends to you under the assumption that you're a responsible person, just as a drivers license is a privilege and you're held accountable for your actions behind the wheel.

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Yes, but the Right of Self Defense has nothing to do with 'privilege'. It is born with you and stays until you are dead. It is an integral part of simply being born here...as far as innocents go, there is no one 'innocent' who is creeping around my place in the middle of the night. We have criminals on every side including but not limited to the government that is currently plundering every last thing of value in this nation. Would you blame someone who fired on you if you were creeping around their kids window in the middle of the night? That isn't innocent behavior...if you are waiting to find out what is innocent about someone stalking you in the middle of the night on your own property, you are probably going to end up dead.

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Fair points for sure. But I will say that society is not going to be so friendly for much longer. The range is a good place to learn the basics. Hunting is a better option. Then you gauge the result of your actions and if its for you. As for the Yahoos and the Rambo's, they find their own way and path. Personally if someone is serious then NVG is the way to go for what may be coming.

Open carry is the worst mistake this country can make right now. CCW is nothing more than a driving license. Neither makes a skilled person behind the drivers seat. As for citizens they will find their way. Seems there will be little choice in the matter unless this ship changes course.

You can always regret your actions but failure to act may cost you your life.

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#4 is all guns are loaded, always. Treat them as such! and #5 keep your finger off the trigger unless ready to fire after #3 is cleared.

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Worthy additions.

I would add that its good practice to learn how to clear a malfunction. Perhaps equal to if not more important than target practice. In a perfect world we assume everything works. In reality a malfunction always comes when you really don't want one.

Clearing such issues efficiently are one of the best use of an owners time. (Please use training ammo for this purpose. Many accidents have occurred practicing such techniques with live rounds)

Once proficient then you can consider adding dummy rounds to your mags for live practice.

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You would not believe how such common sense points escape many people who supposedly should know better.

I recall seeing many such instances of careless handling on the gun range and the range master having to remind people all the time!

Once another shooter was nonchalantly waving his pistol around while talking to his friend, you could see his friend trying to tell the guy to exercise weapon control and point the pistol down to the ground.

The range master saw this and instantly booted the guy out and banned him for a month (private range).

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#4 is all guns are loaded, always. Treat them as such! and #5 keep your finger off the trigger unless ready to fire after #3 is cleared.

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Yes, OK. It wasn't necessary to be rude. It's not my norm. I apologize. But suggesting anyone could possibly murder more people than the KM or their DS is absurd. I mean, how many centuries do we want to go back to tally that number? It is highly unlikely untrained strangers to firearms will be charging the way in citizen patrols. Equally unlikely toddlers will be running around outside power plants, factories and warehouses at night (the preferred time of day for saboteurs). If this is of great concern, start a firearms training group in your area. I had a boyfriend years back who was a very seasoned hunter and killed his best friend in a hunting accident. When guns come out, there are no guarantees, no matter how well trained everyone is. And no, I don't subscribe to the "do whatever you want" attitude. I'm not a politician.

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No one could murder more than the jews have murdered. As I have said before, 200 million dead at their hands in the 20th Century alone. Many of them had been voluntarily disarmed because taking away peoples Right to Self Defense is the very first act of genocide...it is a lot like making it illegal, as Stalin did before the mass murder in Russia, of 'committing antisemitism' (the official state penalty was death for being 'anti-semitic')...noticeably not 'anti-Khazarianism'...just saying...

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Turns out the KMJews really are the "chosen people"...chosen by Satan to carry out death and destruction to all and anything good an/or Godly.

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For some strange reason the KM and DS always seek approval to kill us. Its almost like some crazy contract that we do not know about. Wars, division and disease all gifted to us with our need of approval. Take the vaccine. Would have been so easy for them to just mandate it. But its been offered. Under duress yes. Black mailed in some cases but never forced.

Makes me wonder if that is the price of our soul. They cannot take it we have to agree to a social contract before they can claim the prize.

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As for guns. I would sooner have and not need than need and not have.

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Pertinent stmt about "selling our souls." We are all rebels and "free thinkers," or we wouldn't be on this channel! Truth is, we're preaching to the choir. Hotheads and gungho egos aren't going to listen when they finally wise up. Vigilance and a strong sense of suspicion

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I think Clif alludes to the ‘normies’ waking up. Some at least and any actions, guns or otherwise will not be necessarily done rationally. There lies the nasty time he talked about before getting to the repair. As you suggest up there it will not always pay to be out of doors in the firing range.

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I don’t think it’s going to matter by this stage. It’s going to be get rid of these WEFFERS or be beaten In Australia we aren’t allowed guns unless with a licence. However it doesn’t stop you from fighting back

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In Canada it was the same until Trudeau decided ALL firearms must go.

Luckily he bit off more than he could chew, he took on the natives, the hunters and the rural folks who live in remote areas over hunting rifles and turned the aboriginal vote against him.

They pushed back so hard that even members of his own party indicated they would vote against their own party’s legislation, something rarely done in Canada.

Even some of the provinces have indicated they will not help enforce this bill if it were passed.

The WEFers are counting on a completely disarmed population which is never going to happen now in Canada.

I don’t think the western countries are as completely helpless as they had hoped for.

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I think they had to rush everything. Look at their bungling of COVID.

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This is true. That is why all of a sudden world war is a possibility. That or the alien card.

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That's good news about Canada as they have had a hard time. I have relations there and always wondered how they are doing in all this upheaval. I think they were maybe approving the government at one time but that may be different now when they see what has happened there. I'm always afraid to ask . I hope we are not as helpless as the WEFFERs thought. It's a scary prospect if we are. (helpless)

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Think Guerrilla Warfare .....you can still do LOTS of significant damage without a gun....resist and retaliate ....

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All hypothetical and speculative.

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The way to win this is by global peaceful non compliance and turning your back on them and their systems. And keep trying to warn people about what is going on even if they think you are nuts and throw insults which we have had for the last 3 years. Violence and swearing walks right into what they want. The evil behind all this cannot cope with goodness. They also cannot cope with being ignored either. They are 100 % reliant on compliance and consent of humanity. They have planned for anger and violence so don't walk into it. Yes I agree we are all angry at the loss and what they have done but anger solves nothing. Strategic peaceful moves does a hell of a lot.

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I mostly disagree with you. Educate yourself on what a tacit agreement is. This is why they tell us what they are doing and this is the "legal" framework with which we get hoodwinked. For decades, perhaps centuries. I'll tell you what I tell my adult child "ignore me and I'll fix myself and go away, said no problem EVER". This "problem" we have now should have been WIPED from the planet a few times already. Here we are, it having grown larger than we may be able to overcome. Let Ohio know that they should have ignored the enemy HARDER. If you want to know how effective the "new age, peace, love and light" method is against the baby rapists and muderers will be, go into the woods and try to hug a black bear. Yes, you should love thy neighbour. Yes, you should hope. But those are not the "tools", those are the "reasons" you'll need the tool box to begin with.

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Negative emotions are what the enemy uses and manipulates.

They are masters of deception, illusion and lies, they also understand and use fear and anger as weapons to intimidate and demoralize.

What Clif and others are trying to tell us and which seem to go unheard by most is that this war is a spiritual and psychological war.

Already there have been millions of casualties but 99% of them didn’t die from bullets or bombs or even the bioweapon, they died instead from the effects of psychological warfare designed to have them commit suicide by injection.

They died believing the lies and illusions thrown up to induce fear and anger and finally to wear down their guard and submit to the death shots.

It’s understandable that most people want a physical target to aim at, the majority of people are not equipped to fight a war purely of the mind and spirit.

It’s also predictable that the enemy will try and turn us against each other, they will sacrifice their lower level members first to use as justification for a more extreme crackdown on dissent.

This war will gradually get more and more physical as they can’t maintain or seem to win the psychological war.

The evil will eventually need to be dealt with physically, there cannot be any compromise on their eventual punishment.

Their particular crimes warrants ‘dis-incarnation’, what we call physical death but really their essence will be sent back to pay their karmic debt, and that is a process which for what this enemy has done, will be a long and dreadful experience which makes death look palatable.

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Having a bad day Laura?

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I’m of the opinion that the highly trained gun users, like veterans, police, reservists, will become the leaders of these groups and do the training before an individual is allowed to participate.

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I wish Clif would speak more on the thousands of Thai assassins that are supposed to be coming to go after Pfizer and all the DOD and all the evildoers who delivered the death shots (those shots put the Thai princess in a coma).

Not only do we need these Thai assassins we need ex military trained as snipers to get busy taking these WEF'ers out...I am no advocating violence by the average Joe who decides to carry his gun to protect substations and cattle...the dirty, filthy trash running the US Federal Government would just love to go after Americans trying to protect us...ASSASSINS ARE THE ONLY ANSWER TO THIS PROBLEM...they can take a man out from quarter mile away....the target will never know what hit him...Merrick Garland won't be able to send his Brown Shirts Jack Booted FBI out to gun an American down because they will never know who did it...an assassin makes the hit and disappears.

These monsters who have declared war on us are not going to stop as long as they feel safe and right now they feel very safe, they believe with the entire military and FBI and CIA and DOJ posed to crush anyone who speaks up or rises up is ironclad protection for them.

But if those THAI assassins would show up and start taking them down one by one that will put the fear into them...imagine a team of assassins in one day taking out the top of the CDC, NIH, FBI, Gates, Fauci, etc.,....whoa! And a couple of top names in the MSM must be targeted as well - they must know they are on a hit list because they decided to take part in tricking the American people into taking those shots with their lies and fake stories. The WEF'ers never could have accomplished this genocide without their help. Take one or two out and all of a sudden maybe all those commies running our country won't feel confident in continuing their attack on Americans....

One thing is for certain now - THERE ARE NO WHITE HATS, THERE IS NO "GOOD" MILITARY...THERE IS NO POLITICIAN ON OUR SIDE...OUR BORDER IS WIDE OPEN BECAUSE ALL THOSE POLITICIANS WANT TO SEE AMERICA DESTROYED and that is the only reason BiDUNG is spending tens of billions in bringing them in here...

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Complete and utter bullshit. There will be no Thai assassins. Lol.

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Your comment showed up as a response to me, but I didn't post the comment about Thai. But you're right.

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But it would be such a beautiful thing...especially if they came in across BiDUNG's the wide open southern and then took him out...now that would be some awesome justice....

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We all know what and why this is happening. We're all working to effect change within the rule of law, until we get to the point where there is no law. From the start, everyone awake feared civil war would be necessary and are vastly relieved that it hasn't. Those of us here, commenting, knew our minds, knew we would not be swayed, knew we would resist, knew our souls were intact.

Clif's talking about lynch mobs. They may hang the right person, or they may be as bad as BLM and ANTIFA in Portland and Milwaukee. Let's hope it only gets bad enough to scare the bejesus out of liars and WEFers. I can't argue against destroying Dominion machines, running woke school boards out of town on a rail, public stocks on the DC Mall (wouldn't that be a hoot!), public shaming. Mobs don't have a brain cell among them, and the big ugly is going to take lives.

I would suggest caution in stating violent suggestions on any internet platform. They are implied, and everyone has had the same ideas over the past 3 yrs. I got a tremendous cardio workout yelling at the TV until I deleted it! There's been many a scenario run thru our minds. Voicing it is unnecessary. (We need an acronym for that, like WYKYK and WWG1WGA!) STM! (Shoot the motherf**ker!)?

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There is no rule of law...that's the problem- in case you haven't noticed every thing is broken here in America ....I am not advocating violence I am just saying I like to think about Thai assassins coming in and cleaning them out....mob violence will only produce more dead good Americans..but deadly foreign assassins...now you're talking! Also, Clif's page isn't the only place I read about them...

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I am not keen on ANY foreigners murdering people on our soil even if they are here for 'a good cause'.

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Well, what we have now are so called 'American" military and government agencies mass murdering us......even still pushing death shots on children. I would welcome any help from any country that would stealthily come in and dispose of these monsters...

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I think the devil we know needs to be disposed of by us to keep from inviting in the devil we don't know. :)

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The "U.S government" and their corporate State of State franchises have no authority to regulate Americans' ownership or handling of arms.

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We civilians need that, and the training is available at a reasonable cost all over the Country there are instructors listed on the link, I plan to take it this summer. It is called the Appleseed Project and you can look them up online and on Youtube. https://appleseedinfo.org/

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Back when BLM was running through peoples neighborhoods and Antifa was creating Chad a great man created a movement called American Contingency.


I was the Chicago Chapter Leader. This movement gained traction. Serious traction. Ex Military, Veterans, Leos, Marksmen, field medics etc...

All members were vetted to prevent idiots and right wing extremists from joining. Purpose was to serve the community blah blah blah. Intel, weapons training the whole nine yards.

It wasn't much longer than nine months into it than the left leaning MSM decided to label us as a paramilitary movement against the government. Mike tried to correct this labelling. Even had CNN come to his compound in Salt Lake to meet him and some of his trainers. They spun the interview and the training as a right wing extremist group. Mike Glover had been responsible for training government branches prior to the groups creation. That was his business as the founder of fieldcraft survival.

Anyhow I digress. Following the election of 2020 and the now infamous J6 false flag we found ourselves infiltrated. Glowies, undercover feds and such had become imbedded within the group. The next thing we knew Mikes financial accounts had been frozen for both American Contingency and Fieldcraft his survival training business. Next came the freezing of his mothers bank accounts. Things were rapidly shutdown and the group pretty much disbanded. (Estimated

group size was 50k)

A few months later new people took over from Mike. Nobody that had been involved in the creation or been previously involved. Strangers selected to take over. Most of us went on with our lives and that was that.

Had a few visits from the glowies but only inquiries. At the end of the day they knew what we were. They new our purpose. Overthrowing governments was not on our list. Helping the communities and working with the local sheriffs as a form of reserve community response team was the goal.

I still stay in contact with a few brothers from the group but for the most part it became clear that our government looks on such groups with a less than favorable light.

If you go to the DHS.GOV website and look for the Threats to America memos and alerts you will find the most bizarre and disgusting list for what they consider the biggest threat to America.

DVEs according to Homeland Security are most likely to be:



Believe the 2020 election was stolen

Support the 2A

Anti Vaccine

Untrusting of government

Black (Christian 2A, election questioning anti vaccine)

Trump supporters


Belong to a Militia.

Ham Radio Users

I forget the other warning signs but the Alert still remains in affect to this day.

Not saying any organization is a bad idea. The constitution and 2A specifically was designed to use 'WE THE PEOPLE' to protect America. Just be aware that any group organizing successfully is also a target of the government. They don't like or trust militias.

Walk softly with eyes open. Many of the false flags such as the plot to kidnap the Michigan Governor were the results of infiltration and manipulation of the more extreme people that join these groups with the intent to demonize any groups.

Stay frosty. Peace out.

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That is exactly why I never sought to join any of those types of groups Gary. I started researching the elites seriously in 1998 and that was when I started finding all the books like William Cooper, David Icke, and hearing Alex Jones, Jeff Rense and all the other patriot hosts and sites, like afpn.org ect. It is all infiltrated and worse yet, most of the 'militia' groups are started by the moles hired by the elites, regardless of the agency behind it. I'm not ex-military so I don't have some of that know how that the average Veteran has, but in my hippie days I was part of the Peace movement as a young and not too critical thinking leftist at that point. But I also knew some local mercenaries and the leader of our Peace center turned out to be FBI cointelpro. He knew I sniffed him out as a fraud but that was all, I wasn't sophisticated enough yet to see him as a cop, just as a complete phony. My brothers were military so I had some slight exposure that way, but that was it. Ron was never deployed, but my oldest brother Dick was in Vietnam for two terms at the Da Nang Marine Airbase as a hydraulics mechanic. However, I grew up in the streets so I wasn't a complete airhead. I was also in the draft, but they reached my number 213, otherwise I would have probably gone over myself, and stepped on the first poison frog or whatever. I was too naive to become a draft dodger, but I had one friend who did that. However, I was scared shitless of being drafted in any case, I was a chicken still for sure back then. So I think it will all be individuals resisting like Clif says, because we are already in the Police State. They can monitor anything you do at all. Anything. The things that are going on now are far worse than Orwell could have imagined. The vax is a cyborg conversion. They plan on having a population of slaves, plain and simple. All the people who took the vax are carrying DARPA hydrogel which bonds permanently to your tissues, and harbors nanobots like Bill Gates' Quantum Dots/Luciferase or Q-dots for short. Q-dots are the weird blend of metallic and biological synthesis, and the videos that circulated last year of the woman who fell over dead in a nail salon, and another one, and now the circling sheep and a straight line of cows along side of a road out West or Midwest that I saw yesterday are Beta testing their ability to control a biological organism. they will want to get the masses to believe it is 'aliens' controlling these things no doubt. But Karen Kingston is exposing all of this technology so stay up with her substacks and interviews on Greg Hunter and his USAWatchdog site. The Luciferase/Q-dots are activated by LED lights,5G blades, or even lasers. They can also be switched to become transparent under a microscope as well., or to change colors, like LED lights. now think about the 'new and cool' LED tattoos people were trying out the last few years.. Willing street testing.., paid for by the victim, no less. You can get most of the details in Karen Kingston's October interview with Greg Hunter at this link, it is an awesome interview and she has dome more interviews since then, but who can keep up with everything? I'm retired and even I can't keep up with it all, so I cherry pick what I think is the most important stuff to know and what to do to be ready for it. But even before Karen Kingston Celeste Solum and Deborah Tavares have been warning about Hydrogel and all the other techno slavery programs they are running on us all. I had a kidney stone removed so I was forced to take a PCR test in 2020, so I have some of the damn vaxx in me also, because another great doctor named Lorraine Day, has shown that the PCR fake tests were just another way of vaccinating people as well, like they do to cattle, through the nostrils. So now I take what Cliff recommends, Bromelain and NAC., plus Boron, which a blogger named Dana Ashlie discovered from a former HAARP contractor who was himself infected after exposing them, he takes it because Borax/Boron helps prevent nano replication. I'll post that link for you also. . I've been into nutrition since my 20's anyway, due family health issues. That's probably what saved me so far, but who knows what the future holds? We are being depopulated in every possible way they can come up with, have no doubts about that at all. Their own survival depends on it and they know it. You must have heard that they are even trying to create lettuce infused with mRNA to control us, and that will spread to other crops if it succeeds. But I do think God will intervene in all this. I'm not religious generally except that I know God does exist, because i have experienced it directly a few times, and it was something you never forget. Not a belief system like it is for most people, I was part of it for a brief period of time, and I also experienced real Deja Vu, the heavy kind, not the small stuff we all get now and then, and I had some of that just the day before yesterday as well.

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So much of what you have said I can confirm without hesitation. The hardest part is that we as human beings do not want to believe what is happening. Solid copy on anything organized. While the glowies dont necessarily target the entire group as a whole they do identify the more fringe youngsters. Then they honey pot them into some stupid and reckless action. Its really not as hard as people think. Lots of frustrated people out there just waiting for someone to push them in the right direction.


I will add that I am following Karens work. There is nothing I can dispute that she has bought to light as of yet. In fact 25 years in the industry I can say that the DOD and United Nations military complex is the only way that this could have happened. To quote her 'Pfizer did not deceive the government. Pfizer provided the deception the government requested'.

Dots to Dots:

Secret societies are great at keeping secrets. It does us all some good to understand that not everyone is involved in everything. There are many groups that hitched the ride on the covid train. Many secret society types with their own specific agenda. All they need to connect them all is the same destination.


I cannot deny there is an afterlife. Like you I have a personal experience or two that supports this belief. Like you I no longer subscribe to any particular religious group. Its sobering but must be said. If we are to believe that our nations are all being controlled by silent partners and the mockingbird media then it goes without saying. We cannot trust any books that install dogma in the population.

A curious thing to take note of is how similar many of the scriptures in religions are. All of them end with the human race not fighting against the demonic. That we are in some way going to be saved and all we need do is wait. Sounds a lot like the Qannon storm story.

Stay Safe, Stay Frosty and I appreciate your input.

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Here are the links, Karen Kingston https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-ai-bioweapon-from-infection-to-injection-karen-kingston/ Dana Ashlie, A Solution they Don't Want You to Know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V1U_hnxEjo And this one will tell you who really runs the world, (Leuren Moret and Prof Hamamoto, UC Davis) pair this one up with the video from Dr John Coleman on his book "The Committee of 300" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndUJl6aNsMA John Coleman's overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsbZ3AdFxSM

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Yes, but the Constitution is your carry and own permit. Every American needs to learn the basics of the legal system and how to use the courts WITHOUT A LAWYER. It doesn't take law school to do that, just a couple weeks of study, contrary to what we've been taught. - just like you should be able to change the tires or oil on your car.

If you can't defend your rights in court, you have none. That's why these Unconstitutional laws are being "obeyed", because people don't know any better. "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison 1803, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176

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Fuck the courts. Guns won't matter when the mob lynches

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There are other types of weapons, anything can be one

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The mind being the single most powerful.

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yes and yes to Gary

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The thing is when it gets to that stage I don’t know if Clif means legally !

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Feb 15, 2023
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Move where? This is happening everywhere the WEF has a hold which is just about all western civilization....Many countries are already worse than America -

We need silent, underground help from Thailand and maybe even Russia...all those fighting age men being welcomed into our country illegally could just as well be a fighting army working with the American people to fight this monster government that is run by traitors determined to collapse America for their Bolshevik foreign masters - British Pilgrims Society, China, WEf'ers....

Do you know why the WEF and America give China a free pass on all the Chinese pollution as if the "Climate Change" hoax is caused by everyone BUT CHINESE? It's because China is already a communist totalitarian hell hole....which is what they want for us...China is the model they want to impose...

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I live in Thailand and most people still dont question the vax. Horribly it was forced on almost all schoolchildren...with the consent of their parents. There is no way 1000s of angry men are coming that way. But there is a small group who are hoping to take legal action. By the way one of the young lads who was rescued from the cave a couple of years ago has now died suddenly in England. He was young and fit and around 18 years old.

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Not 1000 "angry men", 1000 highly trained and skilled assassins...they can just walk in across our wide open southern border - remember our present government/military HATES America and have said and demonstrated that they will never protect America from invasion...so the door is wide open...it would be so wonderful if 1000 trained assassins walked in and went to work..it would be beautiful karma...our government thinks only drug traffickers, child sex traffickers and gang members are coming in by the millions to prey on the Americans they hate so much...my fantasy is that the Thai assassins are for real and will walk in and start cleaning out these mass murderers in our government (evidently it was the DOD and Pentagon that worked with Pfizer on the genocide injections) ....but also it wasn't just Clif that said about the assassins - I read about them on other sites as well...

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Feb 17, 2023
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That is good...I hope it stops them taking any more. I wish they would turn on the politicians, doctors, government officials that forced them on them.

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That is good...I hope it stops them taking any more. I wish they would turn on the politicians, doctors, government officials that forced them on them.

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We all know. It's one aspect of the war. It's why we're here, listening to Clif. And these issues are just the tip. It's global. It's deeper than we know. It's worse than we know. We hope we will never find out just how bad, because what has been done, for centuries, is enough to make the human race weep forever.

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It will not go not for months or take months; the news will spread a lot faster than you imagine.

Why was it imperative that Elon Musk buy Twitter when he did?

Why was this a huge blow to the WEFers?

Much more damaging than the simple revelation of the #TwitterFiles.

According to this paper it only takes as little as 8 "rounds" of communications to reach tens of millions of "nodes". Think of rounds as "retweets", and nodes not only as single users but groups who could do the retweeting.

If you have a technical background this paper is rather interesting.

Why Rumors Spread Fast in Social Networks



" So is our view correct that social networks ease the spread of information (“rumors”), and if so, what particular properties of social networks are the reason for this? To answer these questions, we simulate a simple rumor spreading process on several graphs having the structure of existing large social networks.

We see, for example, that a rumor started at a random node of the Twitter network in average reaches 45.6 million of the total of 51.2 million members within only eight rounds of communication. "


The CCP balloon story is a lot more literal than people imagine.

Recall the popular idiom "The Balloon has gone up".


This was a clear signal for the sabotage campaign to begin but not by the CCP alone, whom the Biden admin claims are the sole perpetrators.

Already Tucker Carlson is mentioning this on FOX, and millions of normies are already going WTF?

So the spread is already starting and my bet is there are patriots whom are already prepared ahead of time.

I surmise that the SOC(white hats) already mapped out a scenario going this way and have counter measures in place.

I personally don't believe this will lead into the fall of the Republic or a Mad Max scenario, though things will get stressful at certain points.

Remember, panic and chaos are the goals of the enemy, if that doesn't happen but people awaken in the millions, this is the worst case scenario for the WEF.

So the main point to keep in mind, this is all news to normies, this is NOT NEW to those who are already awake, this is in fact a confirmation of a part of the playbook the KM uses and which has been expected for quite sometime.

These series of events confirm that the KM/WEF are in their terminal stages of power, they are losing and badly and this is a desperate play to push their agenda ahead no matter the cost.

So don't panic, and don't fear what's ahead because that's exactly what the enemy wants you to do.

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This seems like a bombshell news day. I think you're right.

I guess the thing to do now is to work on gearing up normies.

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I can't wait to watch your biweekly recap. Thx John Galt.

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😑 5 YEARS of the big ugly and TEN more years till it’s fixed? We’re going to lose a ton of the population by then.

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Clif isn't really quoting a fixed in cement timeline, he did mention this year will be the worst of it but by Fall there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Next year will be different but he doesn't mention how.

The 10 years rebuilding can be anything, I don't think it will be like the decade of rebuilding in post WW2 Europe.

It's will probably be 10 years of reorganizing the government, law enforcement and judicial systems plus the financial systems.

But there are many factors which could extend or shorten this, at one point Clif did mention it might take 40 years for clean everything up, which I'm doubtful of.

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I understand. It has just been such a long road to even get here and see so many normies still asleep that I can see how it could take another 5 years to wake them. And that’s frustrating.

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In any civil war (which is probably the wrong name for an invasion and attempted genocide) only 10% of the nation, historically, has ever done any of the fighting. We have way more than that now.

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I hope your correct! I would imagine liberals are mostly cowards too.

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We do. We have reached a critical mass that will not support the jewish Qahal or their subversion of our Republic. This means, as Machiavelli advised that they have to kill us all if they would rule over the rubble. I am waiting to see them try it, though their subversive means are beyond most of the normies, they are starting to become aware that the only 'future' this nation has is planned total genocide of the White population (and a lot of collateral damage that is not White as well. I have, in the past, been anti-cartel but at least the Cartels murder the politicians so that they can do as they will...and you have to respect that since they are still ALIVE and surviving and not dead. At least they are looking out for our own interests and not reliant on foreigners.

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Agree. I think it’s even less than 10%. Just not so sure the “way more” are really ready to use their guns against fellow citizens, even if they are woke. Lol

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lmao...if they are shooting their fellow citizens they are shooting the wrong people.

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Lol I know. But there could be woke idiots peppered in.

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In 5 years... most of the normies will be dead. Those dull sheep mostly ran to get jabbed and boosted.

Ah well... gene pool improvements can be hard to watch.

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Many aren’t libtards though. They’re just trusting people who were duped. While I relish the thought of the morons taking themselves out of the gene pool and competing for Darwin Awards, there are unsuspecting good people in the mix.

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True... I should be more kind... true... many trusted their doctors, who are now mostly tools of Big Pharma... trusted the media... thought the death-jabs were traditional vaccines...

I sometimes go overboard... as I believe that liberals, even those who are decent people... are responsible for this country being on the brink of collapse, maybe on the brink of nuke war... all unnecessary but for corrupt political agendas.

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Well, you’re not wrong that it’s mostly libtards who got us here. 😏

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I think it would take a good 400 years or more to purge all of the worthless and slave behaviors from humanity or return them to optimal health and fitness (mental and physical). When you have ingested poison for so long as a species there is no instant recovery. 40 years would be an instant recovery IMO. Too much of our species and culture is tied up in slavery to ever hope that it would be less than the pre-requisite 400 years to recover from the last 6,000 years of mind pollution.

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Feb 15, 2023
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66% vaxxed... supposedly...

that's a TON of dead and maimed right there... and not many years out...

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Waaaay more in countries without a constitution to protect them.

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No, I don't agree... Russia, China... did not use mRNA death-jabs... I'm not sure about India... Africa mostly refused them... Europe took the clot-shots, Canada too... but they have something similar to our Constitution... OUR Constitution, which is ignored by the corrupt current administration... protected no one... Neither did Europe's or Canada's... remember all the mandated jabs?

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It protected them from being forcibly jabbed like they were in Australia and New Zealand. Sure, they would have lost their jobs but those people are getting their jobs back now as well as settlements for violations of their rights. And I don’t think 66% is accurate. I don’t believe anything from the media or anyone “official.”

People around the world are dying from the vaccines big time. More countries mandated them than didn’t.

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I again disagree... making people get jabbed or lose their job, or not be able to travel, or dine out, or get a transplant, or visit a sick relative is FORCE. No, only a limited number are getting their jobs back and VERY few are getting any compensation... and how do you compensate a person who is now facing a high likelihood of death of major medical problems for life?

You don't believe the CDC's 66% number fine... what information do you have that contradicts that? The NY Times says 71%.

Which countries MANDATED/FORCED the mRNA type "vaccines" that I didn't mention?

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A few hangings is minimal when you consider what they have done to us

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Guillotines are would speed the process , the French had one good idea for dealing with the parasites.

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the French also did another great thing. They assassinated all their Royalty.

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I credit my French ancestry for making me reject the jabs, Dad always said that the freedom of others stopped at the end of my nose. And I have a big nose! ps-smells count. Death by smells, horrid.

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They were/are still stockpiled in Georgia, courtesy of ob am A care. E978 O Care billing code...legalized death by guillo tin e. Trying to speed OUR process.

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Heh, read that and caught myself thinking about what I have that I could use to make one.

No problemo.

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Hello humans, hello humans!

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Financial war to be waged as well.

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Feb 15, 2023
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the S in Brics is already taken: South Africa! One of the original 5 founders, sorry... Brazil - Russia- India - China and South Africa.

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So many Vaxiddents in our area of Central Wa the auto body repair shops are out 90 days before they can even start the repair.

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In Ontario Canada (Toronto area) many wrong way drivers on highways. Never seen b4, and now almost daily.

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Feb 15, 2023
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You're right!!!

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Always in March when sh*t goes down. Beware the Ides of March. What's not being talked about I find are the 5G satellites, which can take out Earth and us very quickly.

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The chemtrails are also continuing heavier than ever.

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I suggest Elana Freeland's books "Under an Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown" (2018) and "Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment has been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology" (2021)

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Feb 15, 2023Edited
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It is pretty well established that Juan is working for DARPA...he is not a good guy...his job is to release videos everyday telling us that there is a plan to restore the Republic and keep all the Patriots from doing anything...JUAN was on site when the FBI gunned down that rancher in cold blood...he admitted to being there...he started out over two years ago saying Trump was coming back in April in that year and the lies just kept on rolling from then on...he also never got on board alerting people to the death shots until he couldn't pretend to not know they were death shots any longer - very late in the game....people need to know that... the evidence is too convincing - Juan is not a good guy...only this communist government could afford to have him drive around the country staying in fancy hotels, driving fancy cars while making 2 videos a day about what the "white hats and good military" are doing...a lot of the "alt" media personalities are really just CIA, DOD, DARPA employees...don't forget he kicked off his appearance on the scene by trying to infer he was JFK Jr....as if....what a fraud he is!

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Feb 16, 2023
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It’s a real psyop.

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Someone suggested -- combining what appears to be 'shooting' (fighting) ON the moon; plus two .... craft ... of some sort, hanging out by the sun and another one making its way toward the sun; and the increase lately in alleged UFO/UAPs.... the chem trails are actually camouflage smoke! It's protecting US from whatever is going on "up there."

No opinion one way or the other on it.... Just a ... note in passing...

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5G towers are popping up like weeds everywhere! There are so many and more folks aren’t questioning why their cellular connection isn’t any better, in fact mine is glitchier than ever.

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I thought 5G was short range.

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Hi John, thanks for your comment. Space X and others are currently using CBand, which operates at about 4 Ghz, and is about 40% more powerful than our WiFi routers. These satellites also use 5G phase-array tech, or beamforming, millimeter waves with frequencies from 10 GHz to 80 GHz, just like 5G antennas on earth. Beamforming is a laser that gets pointed to satellite enabled phones, towers, and small cells on streetlights.

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The company I retired from put up 24 satellites two months later. I could have played with satellites. Oh well. The client for the project I was working on turned out to be Raytheon. Definitely time to retire.

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Then we know who to enlist to help us play with them (:

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More like I know who to enlist. But still a good point.

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And Raytheon should yell you all you need to know.

This is an excellent discussion on 5G – Microwave as a weapon

In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich conducts an exclusive interview with Barrie Trower, one of the best known experts in the field of microwave radiation and frequencies, which have been researched and used as weapons in intelligence agencies since the early 1950s. Barrie Trower, a former career soldier in the Royal Navy and intelligence officer with MI5 and MI6 is a scientist and has also been a university lecturer. His knowledge in the field of microwave and 5G radiation is of considerable explosive nature and he feels obliged to bring it to the public, which, just like other whistleblowers, has already put him in life-threatening situations.


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Thanks for sharing. Barry Trower definitely was a wake up call for me back in 2019. You can tell he knows what he's talking about, and cares by the tone of his voice. IMO

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Trower is so knowledgable. More people should hear what he has to say. I just can’t believe almost no one is questioning why we are seeing so many of these towering microwave monstrosities being erected everywhere.

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Telegram. That roadblock keeps hitting me.

I downloaded Telegram for Linux, fired it up and it required me to use my cellphone to take a screenshot. I actually now have a Linux phone but I haven't activated it and I'm not sure I will. Plusses are that it isn't iOS or Android but it is still a tracking device via cell towers.

Sites that require a smart phone number are off limits to me. And vice versa.

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This is what I see when my browser tries to open a Telegram link.


Scan From Mobile Telegram

1. Open Telegram on your phone.

2. Go to Settings > Devices > Link Desktop

3. Scan this image to log in.

Or log in using your phone number.

There is no technical reason to block my computer from accessing Telegram without a smart phone number. All other reasons are nefarious.

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March 21/22 Spring Equinox.

Actual New Year.

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BTW, don't expect large formations of foreign soldiers in uniform to pop up in your neighborhood.

This isn't like the movie Red Dawn and things aren't going to go that way.

Most likely these young military aged men are organized sabotage teams, they won't be setup for major confrontations and won't want to engage openly as that could compromise their "behind the lines" mission.

These saboteurs will have no flag or clear allegiance they are in fact most likely private contractors, ie mercenaries hired by the WEF.

No country in the world would openly risk sending identifiable soldiers into such a mission and risk open war with the West(especially with nukes on the line).

Under the International Laws of War any such soldier caught would be classified as a spy and subject to summary execution.

So these people aren't just going to be from China, or Russia or even NK, Iran etc.

They are probably mercs and mercs know what will happen to them if they're caught.

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Nice place to be, listening on Substack! Blessing Clif

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I'm always happy to see a Clif Link in my in box.

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Yup. Definitely a highlight.

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So tedious. I ALMOST care about The Herd.

Definitely won't give a DAMN about any "I told ya so". It will be more like a HIGHLY cynical "really?" And "ya don't say?"...

Too late. Moving on for the most part.

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You should care about them. I care about them. With exceptions as you have noted.

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I know, I know...

On a BASIC level, of course I do. But everybody has to do their own time.

We may be "in this together" (sort of), but we're all having different (POSSIBLY unique) experiences.

One can only be responsible for themselves.

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Feb 15, 2023
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Or turn the "war" into a DANCE. Which it is anyway.

Some are better dancers than others. Most of the players we see lack style and grace.

Square pegs and round holes.

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Long live the SOC NZ. Half the special forces left, 300 left in NZ due to the MIQ shit. They now work for us. We got the wicked witch!!!!!!!

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The soyboy who has replaced the horse face cunt in NZ seems even worse though.

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Chris Hipkins is a Ant!!!!!!!

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Bailiwick just published a blog here on Substack that contains a bunch of EU documents. I haven't read it all yet, I just looked at the bottom document in the list. It outline measures for the closing of borders "within" regions of the EU for health purposes.

Interesting title """European Commission regulations implementing the global pharma-military kill box"""


Lotta EU legislature documents in there, maybe pick one and read it.

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The 2012 data was thrown out because is made no sense but it turns out to be correct now. Maybe go over this one is a vid Cliff. How could data collected in 2011 predict the craziness of what is happening now? Seems impossible.

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And what other data suffered the same fate?

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Holy Chit! But as much as I hate to say it, it makes sense!

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