OK Clif, I'm 82 and I'm ready! Considering what I'd contribute, I decided I didn't want to do anything 'against' such as 'No more...anything' because I prefer to focus on 'creating'. So I am writing a manual, using creative and collaborative principles to help people BE Joy! They have mostly just forgotten with all the conditioning and all, so it's really a matter of 'remembering'.

It's full of fun and I know you will enjoy it when it's finished. Not 20 years hopefully! How about this year?!

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Love this. Me, too!

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I compose operas and ballets while you endeavour please be entertained for free at www.TheOraclesMusic.com

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So shines a good deed in a weary world...

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My goodness, I am a poet so now the wheels of rhyme are spinning uncontrollably!

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My friend Amy and I have started a Food Sovereignty Project in our community. We're recommending everyone start a neighborhood group with a focus on growing food. Wow, it's even harder now to ask someone to talk to their neighbor because we are so polarized.

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Polarized by design. We all need to remember civility, which is very hard when people think you are crazy for NOT being Injected. We have to remember it was a small group (relatively speaking) that have done this to all humanity. We need to love each other and stop fighting the fight they tell us to fight.

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We think they are crazy to BE injected too. We act like they are idiots. But they are just brainwashed by a DARPA Psyop used on our own Country. I know it, because my two sisters are both smart women and they are all waiting for booster 5. So, I have decided I will love them and treat them exactly the same way I did before this insanity. No more of this division!!! We got so angry at each other over the last 2 years! But now, it's time to stop being angry. We need to start preparing for the Grand Solar Minimum now,....that means learning to grow food. That is what I am concentrating on. Food for any one who comes and needs it. We have covered our whole 25x25 deck with planters so I can garden,...I'm in a wheelchair, and they are beautiful! And full of baby seeds. Now if it would only get warm and stay that way! LOL!

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We have an incredible opportunity to reshape our world. Let’s choose wisely

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We're her in W. Washington and I laughed in agreement when I first heard Uncle Clif mention the coming Ice Age. It's been so cold here I haven't even put out my seeds - keeping the seedlings inside (on a HEAT PAD, LOLOL for the first three weeks).

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As Dr. Malone said "plant Victory Gardens".

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If you can find an old copy of Marion Morash's cookbook "The Victory Garden Cookbook" it's GREAT! One of the challenges (let's hope of BUMPER crops!) is finding ways to use your seasonal bounty. It's an old Knopf book. Worth the search!

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Thank you!! I've been wondering what to use as a guide, on how to utilize my harvest this fall ": )

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I know. I haven't ever canned anything. I think I better learn how!!

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It’s really pretty easy. Some things do not require a pressure canner, you can also get a dehydrator, they’re pretty inexpensive - the list of things you can dehydrate are amazing- then your bounty can go on your pantry shelf - no refrigerator, and longer stable shelf life.

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All sound like good ideas,....I'll check them out!

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Hi Amanda, check out the you tube channel Mary's Nest. It's one that Clif recommended some time ago. Mary shows you how to can veg & meat and how to stock essentials and make bread. She starts with the assumption we don't know anything about it - I've found it very helpful in canning as I'm self-taught and never grew up seeing anyone do it.

Another is Appalachia's Homestead with Patara - I skip over her personal commentaries - but her tips on canning and gardening are very helpful. I've found that homesteading people have lots of good info to share. Last one is Homesteading Family. Caroline makes canning look easy and less intimidating than some channels!

Lastly, here in Alabama our Extension Agents are promoting a Grow One, Give One program in which you grow enough to share with neighbors - it has been wildly successful & very like what you are doing.

Check it out here for helpful how-to videos: https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/products-programs-lawn-garden/grow-more-give-more/

I'm sure your home state extension office has lots of good resources and free assistance to offer, too. Find your closest agent and strike up a friendship with them - they are often an underused resource that many folks don't even know exist. Best of luck!

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Yes, YouTube and local/regional Extension services are GREAT sources. Gardening/growing is such a local thing! Here in Western Washington it's hard to have enough time to fully ripen peppers (I grow Espelettes, a Basque variety that I use for retail products and catering). Our cousins in E. Washington has no problem with that. LOVE the annual Farmers Almanac as well. Of course, with weather changes (aka Uncle Clif's Ice Age) who knows what zigs and zags we'll need to do. We're looking for property up in Sequim, in the shadow of the Olympics, where there's less rain and more sun.

LOVE the idea of "Grow One, Give One, RedBird! Will check it out and see if we have regional program!

During these times of hardship, I keep in mind my Great Aunt Effie - she had a cafe in the lower level of the Pike Place Market during the Great Depression. She fed hungry longshoremen, bringing a ham, turkey and roast down from her home kitchen on Queen Anne every day. She made her fortune during the worst of times, while providing a vital service for those who were still working. She was a major part of my motivation to go into the food business.

Best to ALL- these are exciting times worth EMBRACING! Let's go get 'em!

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That's my dilemma, too. I can cook and freeze anything but canning is my next endeavor.

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And for those bumper crops, you may want to check out investing in a home freeze dryer. There are a ton of facebook groups of people who are freeze drying meat, dairy and veggies so that they retain 95% of their nutritive value and can last for 25 years. Hubby got a bonus last year and we were able to use it to purchase one. I'm not affiliated with them in any way but am so grateful to be putting food away for even longer-term storage because of it. And the snacks we make out of regular fruit and veggies is delish! Here's the website for those interested. https://harvestright.com/home-freeze-dryers/

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Even though everyone in my neighborhood has one acre of very good land in 2 growing seasons, the majority don't want to grow food because it's not their "thing". I always have many extra seed packs and tips to give away when the time comes.

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May 26, 2022
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Thank you. I'd suggest to all that they print these out. If we have a 'Carrington Event', or some stray satellite overhead gets a signal from NK to pop, we'll lose ALL electronic gadgets, computers, cellphones etc., and the data on them.

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Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Soil Food Web idea. Highly recommend. How do we turn dirt into soil, or vis versa? Truly amazing.


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This is important,.....because much of us have ground that isn't fertile,....we have mostly sand and clay. And very little grown on it. So we have been adding something called Compost to it. We are making our own and also buying it for this summer. We get something call Dairy Doo.....it's from doo doo! LOL! But it is also full of worm castings, and other wonderful things. I added to each of my veggies beds and am hoping for a bountiful harvest! Mostly growing Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Peas and Beans,....things I know we love to eat. To us, lettuce and other greens seem like a silly thing to grow because you can't store them and they don't last long after you pick them. So Root veggies seem like the best thing to put in.

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Collards and/or kale are good hearty plants to grow because they can stay in the ground most of the winter, (or all of it, depending on where you live) and provide fresh greens during a time of year where there's a serious lack of them.

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LOL! Where I live the ground freezes down more than 4 feet. Nothing lives up here in Norther Michigan in the winter! I'm lucky if the Trees I plant in the spring survive. It's a cold area, we still have FREEZES in late May. And we have Frosts in the beginning of June. I'm spoiled too, I used to live in NJ, where there almost is no winter any more. This has been eye opening. I'm not looking forward to the Grand Solar Minimum! We'll probably FREEZE OVER with a Ice Sheet! :) https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/the_coming_modern_grand_solar_minimum.html

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Sounds like an "uninhabitable zone to me :) Hope you have a basement and some grow lights. Microgreens are full of nutrition too...

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It does doesn't it! Yes, we have grow lights, at the moment they are over my orchids, but of course we would need Electricity to do anything. If that goes out,.....I'm afraid we'd freeze to death and die! Especially if it gets a lot colder up here during the GSM. I wish Clif would tell us what to expect regarding the GSM. All he's said so far is that ASIA will be having the hardest time. But I don't really understand why.

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Get community groups to buy small freeze dryers. Harvest Rite of something akin. Take all of the meats and cheeses that are about to expire. Dense foods. Freeze dry them.

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Really great idea! Also, how about freeze drying any produce the farmers aren't able to sell and then they can have winter income.

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I tried to sway local 'churches' to do it. So I wrote Harvest Right and they even give discounts to community groups! They took my idea and asked if they could use it for marketing?

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Tell them you'll gladly trade them your idea for a free one of their freeze dryers - so you can give demos to the community groups in your area and increase their sales even more :)

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Wonderful idea. I started writing a business proposal to coordinate greenhouse construction companies, home landscape companies, and knowledgeable organic gardeners in a specified locale to market a "turn your yard into a productive garden" service. However, living in a foreign country, I recognized that I wouldn't be able to bring the service concept to fruition (I, like the previous commenter, am an octogenarian), so left the draft concept description uncompleted.

Based on childhood guidance from my organic gardening enthusiast father (I was always the one who had to pull the weeds, dig the potatoes, clean the chicken coop and "fuel" the compost heaps, pick the okra, etc.) I know how to generate and maintain a productive organic garden. My mother canned all the excess produce (mason jars in a pressure cooker). My sister and I sold some of the vegetables to eager customers in the neighborhood for our pocket money, and the family had bountiful fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the summer.

If anyone is interested in any aspect described (although there must be effective instructions on YouTube or elsewhere on the Internet) or in the draft business concept mentioned, let me know. I'm happy to help.

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Full marks for spelling “vegetables” too.

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The government should provide this as a free service to any citizen requesting it who is willing to complete a minimal course in gardening. IMO it is easier for the government to do this using container gardening using grow bags or a version of laundry baskets (many container growers drill holes in the sides of buckets, the baskets are pre-drilled). This method allows persons to prepare and plant in controlled soil and at the rate they have time for (rather than having to do an entire bed at once). Since they will use city water the government could also either dig wells or subsidize water bills.

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Really good idea Tiger. Problem will be motivating people to get started. Awareness of health benefits and increasing food costs will perhaps be the answer, but as we've seen on a larger scale (e.g."pandemic") a crisis followed up by mass media exploitation (social media sufficient?) accompanied by promulgation of well prepared specific "how to" information will be needed to achieve large scale adoption. Government is good at this in promulgating fear issues, but given the actions they're taking to block the current societal food supply chain, only local governments with genuine "people participation" could get the program started.

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Unfortunately this is IMO like the Noah ark event. In that Noah (the Gardener) is considered a kook in till the rains start flooding everything. Then it's a little late. People will be hungry

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I don't have the resources to coordinate such a thing in the community, but am interested in trying something like this for myself. Can you direct me to what you consider to be the best instructions? Thx.

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Owner, I have got to say that most of what I have learned about gardening has been from YouTube videos. You can search on container gardening and there are a lot to choose from. I would suggest using containers first because you will get good results with grow bags or plastic buckets and potting soil. This way you don't have to visualize an entire garden, just grow a few things you like to eat. I got started because my local farmer had broken her leg and gave me four tomato plants. Now I am growing a lot more but still in containers along the fences because I have bermuda grass, moles, clay soil, and rocks.

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My working professional father had very little time for any family/spare time activity except studying about organic gardening, and executing a well researched plan for establishing and maintaining the garden. The only magazine in our house was Rodale's Organic Gardening. I note that there is now a website devoted to organic gardening:


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One of the things that would help our country would be if EVERYONE had to learn to garden before they could graduate high school. Upon graduation, since the federal government has usurped and accumulated private farmland, and will be likely confiscating the farmland owned by the Chinese CCP, it is my opinion that graduates should be offered their own farmland on which to be independent. Through certain techniques you can grow enough to live on a single acre. If individuals did not have to rely on the System to survive, we would not feel the government needed to redistribute income (i.e., employ Socialism). Independent citizens are necessary to removing the tyrannical power the government gains when it can decide who gets whose money.

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Excellent idea!

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Community radio is a great way to get involved

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Challenge is, do we want people who have been double vaxed, and boosted (BOOSTER SHOT) working with their hands in a community garden? Dr.'s I know say no because of their transmitting (others know of it as shedding) the spike protein and graphene oxide.

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Bring it out in the form of charity. Consider an actual business like proposition, people are to skiddish these days because that is what they want us to be. In order to over come that, consider something I shared with my son. An edible garden arrangement which not only provides food but also street appeal. This way, you bypass the look of just another person looking to change the world... aka another tree hugger and move it into the sphere that they currently understand. you have to break the ice as best you can. this way your appealing to their vanity and serving a valuable purpose at their same time. No harm No foul. Offer discounts to those whom are willing to part with all or some of the food. Your making the light visible to others, through a veil. remember think outside the box. Not in it. The box is what has had most of society sticking their heads in the sand like an ostrich. leaving their arses exposed to be kicked. be an example on the sly, and in the open. Food for thought anyway. Blessed Be,

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Here is an idea for you to consider. one that i have shared with my son. put forth an edible garden arrangement that blossums in such a way as to be floral to take away the sting of growing food. do it in every neighborhood yard and request a small percentage of that food to go to charitable causes like feeding the homeless in shelters or such. The whole world is available to us to contribute to the cause. And it would do very well imho. where there is a will there is a way. keep that in mind. G-d the Father is all we need.

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#1 Declare a moratorium on legislation with recess of all three branches of government.

#2 Take control of media

#3 Deploy military to secure border

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*Get rid of television ( it has the news which poison our minds plus all that other crap that poisons our childrens’ minds )

*Get rid of politicians, something happens to them after they win, they forget all their false promises and work for the party and for themselves.

*Get rid of presidents. The current president is a nightmare come alive and that shoukd teach us a lesson about people like Biden having too much power.

*Most of the federal agencies are corrupt at this point as they have been infiltrated by bad elements who have been trying to take over ( socialists and communists ) for a long time

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As far as the agencies go - at the upper levels, SES type politically appointed folks - yes, they're about 80% in service to something other than the American people. But the majority of the "rank & file" federal employees are typically not - I know because I used to be one - and the goal of my rank & file colleagues & I was public service. So don't tar us all with that brush!!

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I have seen the suggestion that all SES employees be terminated or re-assigned to productive work.

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I think termination would be safest - most of them are not to be trusted to work in actual service to the people.

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Consider just getting rid of commercials (making all tv pay-per-view). We pay for tv anyway through increased purchase price for goods or services that advertise.

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Term limits LIMIT the people! If you have a good Constitutionalist as a rep you would have to put him or her out of office. We like to keep our good reps!

In a republic the BALLOT BOX is supposed to be term limits. Furthermore, term limits have BUILT IN lame duck years where all kinds of mischievous things can and do happen—when they don’t have to face a constituency! Hopefully you now see that term limits is a BAD idea!

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Just like gun control, remove guns out of the hands of the criminals first

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We have laws that deal with criminals. A real criminal will get a gun no matter what. Be careful about getting guns out of criminals—for it always punishs lawful gun owners UNDER THE GUISE of punishing criminals. Putting guns at schools would be a start. Kids in schools have no protection thanks to Bill Clinton taking guns away from schools. Like shooting fish in a barrel!

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The central thought on term limits, IMO, is that no person should be making their living as a legislator, since if they have talent they could make themselves rich outside government service-- that is, service should be temporary since for that period they should have NO private dealings. Right now such service is seen as a way to becoming rich with no talent or work. If legislative service was limited in duration we could implement limits to income...force them to live off what they earn as a legislator, and to impose harsh punishments if they (after service) are found to have income they cannot explain.

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Doesn’t that all go back to electing ethical moral people?

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I suppose, but tell me, how do you discern who is ethically moral? It seems to me there are no end of persons who are good at impersonating whatever we want and then doing whatever they please. What I think might be more effective is reforming law (including the Constitution as necessary) to provide prohibitions, disincentives, and punishments for bad behavior -- with a spotlight on these people so intense that nothing goes unnoticed -- something we could not ask anyone to endure for very long. One thing would be, NO private phone calls. NO private deals. NO unexplainable income. NO lying -- lying in office would be a crime that you are hauled away for, not something that does not bother you until you get a few less votes. It is easier to deter bad behavior by having harsh punishments than it is to detect, prosecute, and incarcerate.

But as far as ethics go, I think we should use mass media to educate and proliferate moral values. When was the last time you heard "always let your conscience be your guide" on tv? The messages on tv should be ethical-moral messages, not commercials, see my free book at https://u1lib.vip/book/19211069/653d58.

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We all know what you said is correct. We all gotta do what we can. Don't count on politicians, most are the problem and caused all this. Clif, you have talked about self organizing collectives for years. I think those will be a major element of the rebuilding. Those collectives may be as small as a few neighbors that organize garden projects, buying clubs, neighborhood watches or building and repairing things (Amish Barn Raising style). Us older folks may have a lot of skill sets to teach others, and have paper books with vital skills and knowledge when the digital world is too censored.

I have often wondered what it would be like if there was no internet and no cell phone systems functioning. People would have to live much like the world was like when I was young. No one would have time for multiple gender identities, pronouns, video gaming as a lifestyle. A lot of what was taught in schools and careers in gender studies and underwater basket weaving would be gone. The survivors would have a re-connection to what was real and mattered.

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The universe definitely put us here at this time….some will accept (✋✋✋) and sadly others will not. As many have said, including Clif…”What a wonderful time to be alive!” Personally I pray I’m around for the awesome ending too!

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We’re graced to watch an ending and a beginning

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I hope to develop my 5 acres into a fabulous little place for people to come for rest and relaxation, to garden and walk in the wood and sleep in a treehouse: Olde Hwy 62 Rustic Retreat. The gardens and greenhouse are for raising organic veggies and fruits, as well as many medicinal plants and beautiful aromatic floral species. Harvesting seeds to perpetuate growth, as well as the nutritious, tasty fruits and veggies for trading, selling, sharing and contributing. I also make candles and soap, which can both make use of the medicinal and floral plants and herbs grown in the greenhouse and gardens. I love to sew as well, with a machine or by hand, and embroidery, etc. This is a dream, of course, but I've already built the greenhouse, installed a new pump for the water well and planted the gardens, stockpiled seeds, etc. Life is going to be different maybe, but it needs to be different. Different may be hard, but its already pretty fucking hard. Pardon my French.

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Well done... a beautiful contribution and legacy. 💖

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Yes Indeedy! I agree with the 1776 constitution idea. New money backed by precious metals. No central bank. No IRS. 90% of gov. Gone.

1776 constitutional laws, In effect. People decide and policemen abide. States decide for states. Feds stay out,not their decision

Thank you Clif

Love you and thanks for your work

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#1..Clear out the House and Senate....they all should go!

#2. Term limits for elected Representatives/Senators

#3..Legal/fair elections...Paper ballots...one day to vote.

#4. Put most of MSM on trial and then jailed.

#5. Build the wall....put a halt on all immigration until we get a handle on what is going on at our borders.

#6. Complete personal medical autonomy. Never again..lockdowns, masking, vaccine mandates.

I could go on and on....but these would be good starters....

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I never thought I’d agree with anything Trump brought to the table... but here I am wanting that wall to be built. And I’m about to start wearing a MAGA hat.

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Good for you! You are guided by truth, not by ideology.

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And limit political contributions severely. No corporate donations and limit the $amount.

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One possible reform is to have only publicly-funded debates with successively-narrowed candidate fields (with secure online voting) like March Madness. In this way there are NO political contributions.

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Term limits LIMIT the people.. suppose you have a rep. That is a constitutionalist, term limits would stop you from voting for him. In a REAL REPUBLIC the ballot box is term limits!!

Furthermore, term limits have a “lame duck” year where all sorts of mischievous things can happen—because they don’t have to face constituents!!! Term limits are an awful idea! As you hopefully can see.

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So how would you get rid of people on the Left and Right like Nancy Pisslosi and the Dem lifers and Turtle McConnell, Mary Lindsey Graham, etc., on the Right? Don't you think people have TRIED to vote them out (witness Gavin Newsome beating--eyeroll--the recall) when they suck but use the machine to keep "winning"?

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That is why we seriously need to focus on cleaning up elections! That is the root. Time people recognize this. Otherwise you are just clipping the bush while the root remains intact—to grow again and again.

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we, need to do more than focus we need to take some kind of action

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This is a PS to a post I just made but not certain it published. Anyway, in addition to the other stuff I just wrote I will personally take on the task of castrating, with no anesthetic, each and every surviving pedophile. There's a lot of them so hopefully I'll have enough years left. Oh, and I'll need several assistants to hold the MFs down.

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That does not work. There are 2 crimes nothing cures but a dirt-nap: pedophilia & arson. You could remove their arms to stop them, but someone then would take care of them in some way. Dirt-naps work.

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Three crimes; sentimentality.

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I tend to agree with you..anyone who has ever touched a child should be castrated..by all means!

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Ya I was thinking the castration should be a little higher say .. neck level.

But that said there is also chemical castration. less people needed and only a gun to the head for incentive.

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Well dear clif, I shall leave the banking up to your expertise (among a plethora of others). I "see" our rather suburban neighborhood just awash with edible green: elderberries in every yard (I am starting "freebies" in pots); figs (ditto), fruit trees in espaliered fences (apple, pear best, stone fruits more cantankerous); herbs trimmed in shapes for fun (thyme ,oregano, lemon balm - after a few years they just take off and plant themselves - if no yard chemicals). We don't need fertilizer - just ferment the weeds and dilute instead.

Maybe others have worm farms in basement too; composting in every back corner; bee "hives" in the plastic bottle like the Russian fellow on YT; sheds converted to house laying hens; hardy kiwis grow up trellises or across fences; arbor sculptures add to the fun - rather like a snowman for summer =-) Red ribbons on the "necks" for seasonal decor. Grafting fruit-bearing onto ornamentals =;-) asparagus . . strawberries . . blue, black berries and rasps . .

Exploring hydroponics and figs/citrus grow indoors in pots (meyer lemon, key lime) - because we are more self-sufficient there is time - time to meet and greet and share and knit and sew and share skills. We dehydrate and can and freeze and neighborhood dinners - sharing commonality instead of differences (of which there remain many). That is my "dream."

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This kind of "daydreaming" is exactly how we initialize and then create our reality, just the way we dream it to be. This is such a beautiful dream! Keep imagining this beautiful reality, and take some small physical steps that are easy to handle, to prompt it along, (plant something, etc.) and the dream will gradually begin to appear. This kind of creating, dreaming is one of the magical talents we humans have, and the bad guys are terrified that we're gonna figure that out. Our ability to dream and create humane realities is the ultimate downfall of the bad guys, and they know it. Now, so do we.

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This is what will happen if they say we can't have a garden or raise chickens. They will go under ground. Many will grow stuff indoors or in unseen places.

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Perfect! Love it!!!

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i have already started. By the life I live and choices I make. First, getting everyone healthy. Clif, you have helped greatly in that. I no longer participate in the kill you slowly medical system. The human body should live to 120 or more. they have been killing us slowly for 100's of years. We are living in the biggest historical shift since the fall of Rome.

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Love this one, Cliff. One of your best ones. Thank you!

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holy shit, clif. I'll be damn near 90 in 20 years. I'll do what I can, while I can for my grands. I've got years and years of ideas in my noggin. I'm looking forward to a fair chance for once.

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I shouldn't have gotten that vasectomy.

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(lol) ok duotronic, that's kinda funny in an off, kinda way : )

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Ah, then you get it. Yeah, that's my kind of humor. Provocative & get you thinking.

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Sounds like a big adventure hope I have enough life left in me to see the fruits.

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I don’t believe the bankers will win. It’s high time the Bad Guys lose, after all these hundreds of years..the Khazarian Mafia and even before is LOSING the battle for the soul of the people.

I really believe that after all is said and done we will get rid of centralized government and all the states will govern themselves with tge people involved, not politicians ..there won’t be two parties as that never worked as it was always one party, not two…

Out self governing will come from a better place ( I hope ) as people have been deceived all their lives!!

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I think we need to get rid of hierarchical governments above the county level, we certainly don't need governments who have a sole ruler over a billion+ people(China).

Local scale governments with limited powers and term limits and leaders who can be recalled at short notice should they step out of line, with appropriate punishments.

I would also like to see the abolition of political parties and the party system in general, whether it's a Republic or a Parlimentary system.

Most of all I would like to see Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Globalism officially outlawed worldwide as a political system and as a political philosophy.

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I want to see a government that is so small that we can meet and pass laws (standards) for our community without the need of a representative. But have representatives up to the county level with very little power. The pyramid of power needs to be turned upside down with the People (Citizens) having the most power & power diminishes as it gets further away from the people

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The only reason for a government beyond the community level is to manage public infrastructure and services. That means fire, police, EMS and utilities like roads, water, power, waste disposal etc. we need specialists who know how to run and support these areas plus local organizations to collect a minimal fee to support these services.

I’m also in favor of privatizing these services with open market competition for service contracts which includes health care and other societal services.

We don’t need levels much higher than county with the exception of a common national defence(military) and people who will safeguard and monitor adherence to the national constitution. We certainly don’t need law makers working 24/7 making useless legislation and we don’t need a national tax authority!

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tdmiller..it's all in YOUR Republic. I want my fellow Americans to GROW a spine. I don't want “small government”. I want MY government,.. and I will exact the precise amount of due diligence to my effect…the EXACT proportion to the government I put up with. No? ;) BTW, what we currently recognize as “gubment…is NOT. (Unless there is some hidden provision giving them Power to operate as a for-profit enterprise. *Hint: there is NOT.)

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I would be ALL FOR big government as long as they stop the For-profit-business- Corporation-Bullsh!t/ EIN tax number.. because that is what we have, currently.

(its hard to talk in terms of government/Jurisdiction when you have to go to a LLC or S-Corpt. Just think— “Burgerking or WalMart” to get a travel passport..hmm :-/

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May 28, 2022
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