There are only two parties now : traitors and patriots ."

~ Ulysses S . Grant

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And Tavistock agents.

You forgot those.

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"There are only two kinds of people:

Those who think there are only two kinds of people...

...and those who don't."

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I have to...

There are ten kinds of people, people who count in binary and people who don't.

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I'm not IT but binary

if you are in math world

is like two dimensional? Like if you get your program, equation, out of order it's nonsense?

The linear two dimensional computation is earthbound.

Have to go t higher dimensional computation.

What I gather from vedic system is that linear 2 dimensional thinking is because we only see two angles. spider, 8. Moebus strip if turned inside out, like a 2ply strip of paper, with the ant on the inside, 2D in dark exposes the observer to everything OUTSIDE - that is zero. Ant on the inside is in the dark. Limited vision.

Krishnamurti/San'a metaphysics conference, ca1973, Bernard Carr explains zero/infinity does not compute with linear math.

Don Hoffman says same thing with amplituhedron - infinite facets-- cube has six - put ce on each surface, how many?

Platnic form of sphere, how many facets? infinity... it's like the froth at he membrane around the OORT cloud. bubbles.

See Hoffman, Deepak Chopra on upgrading math and spirituality b/c math is bound by limitations of HUMAN mind. Dragonfly eyes - 40,000 facets.

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Binary is just a base two number format. We use base ten. It behaves the same as our number system in all respects other than the fact that it only has two digits. This is good for a computer because a transistor is either high or low. A computer boiled down to its essence is a zillion on off switches.

If you get your code out of order you fix it. I write geometry software that functions in three dimensions. You can only see two dimensions on a computer screen. You can still project the illusion of three dimensions with visual cues and perspective.

You can do math in four dimensions but trying to visualise it is nasty.

All of these things you present are math problems, if you can solve them you can write a program to do it. If you can't solve them you're screwed.

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Geek or Nerd?

Ur choice.

Drop down Menu is limited tho.


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Depends who you talk to.

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Depends if u program ur own drop down menu.

Software eats eveything.

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Just watching some State of the Union commentary:

There's *an energy* where they ALL gather ...

...and NOBODY tells the Truth.

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“It is always possible to recognise ‘formatory thinking.’ For instance, formatory centre can count only up to two. It always divides everything in two: ‘bolshevism and fascism,’ ‘workers and bourgeois,’ proletarians and capitalists’ and so on." - P.D. Ouspensky

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Also, more clearly called

"binary thinking".

No Gurdjieff required.

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"In the fight between 'There are two kinds of people, my kind of people and assholes', back the assholes" - Franz Kafka (abridged).

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Speaking of traitors, is anybody else following Mike Gill on The Michelle Moore Rumble channel?

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Mar 8, 2024
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I might try to give her a heads up during her show. Most people don't realize that infiltration is how the game is played. Reminds me of the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011, and the Tea Party movement in 2009, both of which were infiltrated and derailed, despite the fact both had very real legitimate concerns.

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Correction: There are only Two Sides......

GOOD (Humans) vs EVIL (Demons & Zombies).

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There are only two kinds of people now; those who have a Corgi family member and those who don't. ;)

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"Pedos & Patriots" - FIFY

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Grant was a traitor.

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I think that he signed the Organic act didn't he?

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And those who continue to be duped..it isn’t as clear cut as all that..

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Interesting that that quote came from a President that was in office when the US was sold back to England. The organic act of 1871.

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Mar 9, 2024
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"Has anyone seen the video some guy made 7-years ago dissecting his lies and contradictions and talling about clifs power of PERSUASION. It's a vlog, raw, no commercialized effects, and it's eye opening. In 2017 he claims he hates academics and is learning to become a "self-taught" engineer."

Hey Max -

I'll call this post a "turd in the punch bowl" and add ya to my personal "shithead/ignore" list if you let this hang without a link.

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Wow, after all that visceral spewing forth in your post, I have two comments to add. First, you don't have to listen. Second, remember time fluctuates. I don't remember Clif ever giving a concrete date on anything. He is looking at language data sets and predicting what might occur in the future. As I said, nothing in the future is concrete but may shift.

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Mar 8, 2024
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Actually since 1871 its been all shit heads.

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^^^Said the Shithead.

Manage yourself.

Program *yourself*

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It's shitheads all the way down.

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Know your enemy:

Win one battle.

Know yourself...

laugh at ALL

the shitheads.

Time without end.

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"It's shitheads all the way down."

I don't identify as a nihilist.

I don't identify as a shithead.

Life has purpose.

Is it even necessary to step away?

Let the shitheads complicate their own lives.

Holy is simple.

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We are one or we are none

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Thrustin' Turdhole keeps telling us what Canadians want.

It's never what I want.

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I want to see public gallows events featuring Turdo, Freeland and Jagmeet.

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Bread and Circuses! Hang the turds!

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Would I be too psychotic to want to see some heads on stakes

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It was good enough for Vlad the Impaler! It's good enough for us.

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Good enough for VC in the Nam too. Movie "Firebase Gloria" and I was told by the Nam Vets we and they both did it in the jungle where there were no cameras.

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You know why Vlad did it? He also (probably) invented scorched earth. He was under attack by two large powers so his tactic was to illustrate how fucking crazy he was, scaring the shit out of the enemy troops.

OK buddy, you just keep to your little corner of the planet and we'll leave it at that.

Edit: It wasn't putting heads on spikes that Vlad did, it was actual impalement. Stretched a little in using Vlad. Or, more accurately, shrunk.

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Lol so true

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We could sure raise a lot of money for the unfortunate selling tickets to a live event!

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We're all unfortunate. Such an event would alleviate a lot of it.

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What do you mean by "thrustin'"? Something to do with his sexual proclivities?

And yes, what he says & does is never what I want either sigh.

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Yes, close enough. If I think of something more disrespectful I will use it.

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Love it! Ok thx for the clarification. Think away...

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Mar 9, 2024
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The one thing he is good at.

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Wasn’t that March, Clif?

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Two pods and both times “February “


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Maybe not a mistake…

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Good catch. I was so eager to get into the content I didn’t notice.

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I noticed - since I was looking at the date when he said it, but I think it's was just a misspoke. He was distracted with this and that at the beginning of both talks. I dismissed all that. Clif has a lot on his plate - and he's living in la-la land in WA!

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Aren’t the banks supposed to collapse this coming week? Any updates I missed???

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He's allegedly had stalkers lingering around as he shuttled back and forth on his trips to town. Wouldn't surprise me if he's applying a lag time to releasing his material as an opsec measure; believe he once alluded that he might do such a thing.

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Clif has a lot on his plate and a little slip like that is understandable. I don’t recall hearing him say that about Opsec but okay…perhaps he’ll say something more on it in a future talk..

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He posted an episode entitled "Stalkers really bite" or something, and mentioned he'd need to make alterations to his travel schedule and potentially change how he posted his content for protection. It all sounded quite serious, and I remember feeling angered that someone (and we all can tell WHO those someones might be) would threaten this old fellow.

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The data suggests that everything is totally fucked up

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Situation: Normal.

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That checks out. lol

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old cathedrals were very specifically designed in a geometric way to be resonance chambers. you can find people online who record ambient resonance inside of them. the large pipe organs and singing powered it. the stained glass windows only permitted certain wavelengths of light in, adding to the energetic mix.

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I have a past-life memory of being a monk and singing in a cathedral. the resonance created helped the brain to achieve a very exalted and ecstatic state, and often an OBE.

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Interesting just to add

I read somewhere that the great pyramid of Giza’s chambers were designed to resonate with the frequency of the earth. Which emanated out through those air shafts & could be heard from miles away. But doesn’t work anymore since an earthquake. Also Many ancient locations or structures used acoustics such as in South America & Greece.

But in general sacred architecture is used by cultures all over the world to convey hidden meanings. From African grain silo’s that map the stars to the modern louvre in Paris

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I have had a past-life memory of being a young woman/preistess, walking down a passage in a pyramid. I came to a stone wall inside it, I stopped, sang to it, and the wall disappeared. I started to walk through the space and that's all I remember. I was in a very joy-filled state.

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Interesting, we don’t have any modern masters to learn from. Many ancient cultural practices involve singing & dancing to request rain for example The only modern example I’ve read about was an aboriginal elder (forgotten his name) who showed his skills / abilities to author Graham Hancock. Apparently he stood next to a fire & did a little dance & sang a song & then disappeared before everyone’s eyes. Only to reappear a short time later. When Graham asked him how he did this, he said he just hid behind a curtain. It was just a magic trick. It serves no purpose it can’t feed your family. But he did it because it serves to make you think.

This also reminds me of the spiritual pursuit outlined in The Law of One of lifting the veil.

Unfortunately the elder im speaking of died recently. I believe he may have been targeted & killed by the negative side after being exposed to the masses. Father & son researchers Steven & Evan Strong from Our alien ancestors met with him & were trying to understand his spiritual lessons, but they couldn’t grasp what he was trying to teach them before he passed. He was a beautiful loving soul & eagles flew next to the car when he travelled with them, they noted.

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The Mayans used a helmet made of crystal to control the people.

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Won't it be great when we're building stuff like that afaun?

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missed the g. hit the f instead. Happens.

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The echo chamber at Gold Star Studios was a butane tank.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIYGXbqf7Vo

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You can be sure, if ET presence ramps up, they won't be positive ET's, because the positive ET's always operate in non-threatening ways. They would never show up if their appearance were likely to cause chaos in any way! So, my 'take', is they WILL be either Military or negative ET's that are part of the military already.

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I read your name as "Purple Turtle" at first glance 💜 🐢

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My favorite color!

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No way?!?! ...And are you also a turtle?

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Anything's possible! LOL

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OH.... MY.... GAAAWD!!!!!!!!

Does your real name start with a "D"?!!! And is your adopted father a martial arts sensei?!!

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Great point. What do you think of the closest habitable planet to us, Proxima b, of the Alpha Centauri triple star system of constellation Centaurus? Navy whistleblower William Thompson and Robert Sepehr suspect the Vril Society Nazis - that allegedly escaped to Antarctica right before Admiral Byrd attacked them during Operation High Jump - have been in contact and collaboration with them. The quote, "Nordic aliens" or whatever...

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Or project blue beam.

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I was in Maui when Lahaina got burned up by energy weapons. Unbelievable horror.

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How much for Ukraine?

How much for the illegals that violate our laws?

How much for the people of Lahaina?

How much for the people of East Palestine?

This admin. is owned by foreign interests, plain and simple.

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Thanks for sharing your observations laced with common sense. As George Carlin said "We have a front row seat at the freak show!"

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UFO'S are a foregone conclusion because I've seen them! My most amazing sighting was 3yrs ago, clear night sky, was lucky spotting it due to it's speed and brief appearance.

It was huge, Crescent shaped, leaving behind a light trail streak, (exactly like Star Trek's go to Warp depiction), multi color tail.

It was low altitude maybe 10k ft, but my "thumb size" arms length, so it was likely a mile in width. Hard saying precisely, but it was enormous. Oregon btw

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I’ve seen them on 3 occasions in Sydney Australia. I had a fleet on 7 orange balls of light fly in a V formation over my head in 2007 & I saw about 100 at high altitude scattered about in daylight about 1 week before the Sydney Olympics. Plus a single craft when I was a child.

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Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare hare

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare hare

This is one of the Sanskrit hymns

There are so many more

But I was taught this one

They say in order to keep “evil” away

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That Sanskrit hymns work this way is "relatively interesting"....? How about infinitely fascinating!!! There's a reason that Sanskrit and Tibetan letters AND phonetics create both visual and auditory mandalas in a incredibly balanced fashion. It is literally anti-mind control, and in it's most potent form, if you ask me. Reciting Sanskrit mantra has massively expedited and streamlined my awakening process and "conspiracy" research in such a profound way it's hard to grasp how unbelievable it is. Sometimes it's almost as if the research is laid out before my feet synchronously like a yellow brick road. And I'm not bragging, because it's not "me" per se, that's doing it, if you catch my drift. I full on support and will shamelessly pimp Buddhist, Hindu, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Pali mantra, from a scientific perspective, without any smidgeon of remorse.

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Greetings humans!

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans

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Hope your dog is doing better.

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Interesting about Judaiism & sacrifice. Has anyone heard about the red heifer they want to sacrifice? From what I understand rabbis in israel have been searching for years for heifers that meet their criteria, under 3yo, no blemishes, etc. They found 3-4 on a farm in TX and paid to ship them to Israel. I think one has died but havent heard when they plan their barbaric sacrifice.

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They don't pay for ANYTHING. Literally everything they have is paid for by US Zionist gov, probably plenty from UK & EU as well- fucking bloated ticks on the ass of humanity; and their damn GMO ticks etc taking out our pets, to give us even more pain & grief.

Causing pain, trauma & suffering is apparently the only thing that makes their tiny dicks hard. Well, stealing & hoarding everyone else's labor & money, apparently does it too.

RU & Turks fucked up big when they let the scum live, centuries ago, and have been paying for it ever since. Feel pretty confident they (and we) won't make the same mistake this time.

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I show my God my worthiness...

...by killing a creature not myself.

Where, exactly, is the "sacrifice"?

Your wallet?

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Why kill anything? my god says no “sacrifice” of any living thing is needed.

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do you eat Chicken ? or meat ? or fish?

How cruel of you!

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Sanskrit & Hebrew languages are ancient! Interesting point regarding Sanskrit hymns- sound to protect from attacks (mind-control) from the Elohims (STS - Service-to-self entities). The other day, I was listening to a functional medicine doctor (Dr. Rashid Buttar) (If I remember {correctly or incorrectly}) who said that our voice is unique to every individual- even more precise than our fingerprints. Think and feel what this means! 🎶 🎵

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The bank asked me if they could use voice recognition for security.


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Yes! Interesting comment! That our voice cannot be used for 'recognition '. I can't remember what Dr. Rashid Buttar said in regards to our voice - some type of device was used....(an interview on J. Landsman cardiovascular series). Once again, I may not have the correct person who said this, but that comment stayed with me. In çontext that Sanskrit hymns can protect us from 'mind control': I am familiar with the chakras (a Sanskrit teachings !?!), and it sounds like each chakra also has a 'note 🎵 ' 🎶. So 'singing' sends vibration, and certain notes seems to irrate the receiver - hence, their 'message' is void . Freewill is restored. Yes a bit of a convoluted response. {sheesh}. I appreciated your comment, though.

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Yes, o to soma energetics. They have the resonance of each Chakra tuned to a turning fork.

They can be used to heal, yet I tell everyone to do your own research. 👌🙏

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Face recognition doesn't work worth a damn either.

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I shall be looking into these hymn’s. I believe this will be very useful for many now and later of course, as humans expand their awareness. Such a synchronicity Clif mentioning this as I’ve been thinking about it. I know Ancient Egypt in general they used vocals such as hymn, can’t remember what they called it though. Other than voice specific, finger print specific etc. You can throw in the mix that each human has a Geometry specific to their energy field, but that gets real woo woo lol 😀

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Woo Woo Yes: "You can throw in the mix that each human has a Geometry specific to their energy field, but that gets real woo woo lol 😀" Bee Well! I would love to more about this : "I shall be looking into these hymn’s ". How would you go about this ? Do you know any links that you can share with me? . I wouldn't know where to start....Anyhow, as you wrote : Geometry specific to each of us....That is really Part of The Great Mystery of Creator/Creation. That when we are with another-self, we are in a relationship of Creator to Creator - each a unique part of the Law of One. Regarding Sound: I should have taken singing lessons 🤔:) Love your comment!!!! ❤ Share with me if you can ! Bee Well, GoodLife! -Monique

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I think he died recently?

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Yes, Dr. Buttar did 'die (May 18, 2023). The cardiovascular series was a repeat presentation. You should check the Wikipedia entry (Dr. Rashid Buttar). Tsk, Tsk!

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