There are only two parties now : traitors and patriots ."

~ Ulysses S . Grant

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Thrustin' Turdhole keeps telling us what Canadians want.

It's never what I want.

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Wasn’t that March, Clif?

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The data suggests that everything is totally fucked up

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old cathedrals were very specifically designed in a geometric way to be resonance chambers. you can find people online who record ambient resonance inside of them. the large pipe organs and singing powered it. the stained glass windows only permitted certain wavelengths of light in, adding to the energetic mix.

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You can be sure, if ET presence ramps up, they won't be positive ET's, because the positive ET's always operate in non-threatening ways. They would never show up if their appearance were likely to cause chaos in any way! So, my 'take', is they WILL be either Military or negative ET's that are part of the military already.

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I was in Maui when Lahaina got burned up by energy weapons. Unbelievable horror.

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Thanks for sharing your observations laced with common sense. As George Carlin said "We have a front row seat at the freak show!"

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UFO'S are a foregone conclusion because I've seen them! My most amazing sighting was 3yrs ago, clear night sky, was lucky spotting it due to it's speed and brief appearance.

It was huge, Crescent shaped, leaving behind a light trail streak, (exactly like Star Trek's go to Warp depiction), multi color tail.

It was low altitude maybe 10k ft, but my "thumb size" arms length, so it was likely a mile in width. Hard saying precisely, but it was enormous. Oregon btw

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Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna

Hare hare

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare hare

This is one of the Sanskrit hymns

There are so many more

But I was taught this one

They say in order to keep “evil” away

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That Sanskrit hymns work this way is "relatively interesting"....? How about infinitely fascinating!!! There's a reason that Sanskrit and Tibetan letters AND phonetics create both visual and auditory mandalas in a incredibly balanced fashion. It is literally anti-mind control, and in it's most potent form, if you ask me. Reciting Sanskrit mantra has massively expedited and streamlined my awakening process and "conspiracy" research in such a profound way it's hard to grasp how unbelievable it is. Sometimes it's almost as if the research is laid out before my feet synchronously like a yellow brick road. And I'm not bragging, because it's not "me" per se, that's doing it, if you catch my drift. I full on support and will shamelessly pimp Buddhist, Hindu, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Pali mantra, from a scientific perspective, without any smidgeon of remorse.

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Greetings humans!

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans

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Hope your dog is doing better.

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"an uninformed public can never be free." - George Washington

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Interesting about Judaiism & sacrifice. Has anyone heard about the red heifer they want to sacrifice? From what I understand rabbis in israel have been searching for years for heifers that meet their criteria, under 3yo, no blemishes, etc. They found 3-4 on a farm in TX and paid to ship them to Israel. I think one has died but havent heard when they plan their barbaric sacrifice.

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