Well said! I have done some videos about this natural state of being and how to free yourself from "voluntary servitude" under the 14th amendment. Two simple pages filed with the National Secretary of State in Washington, D.C. changes your citizenship status from a "citizen of the US" or "US citizen" who is enslaved under the 14th amendment to a state National citizen. (Small 's'-not a corporation) that operates under the law of the land, not their maritime law. You are now out of their jurisdiction. They cannot arrest you for crimes without a victim, force medical procedures on you such as vaccinations, send you to FEMA camps, kidnap your children, or violate your true Constitutional Rights. I am setting up a website with literature that you can download. www.governmentslavery.com
Kim www.orsja.org ARTICLE I Section 1. It is an individual thing that you must do yourself, no one can do it for you and you cannot do it alone. Keep on keepin on.
Thank you for the link! Brilliant! I thought I was alone here. I had a court case that I put to the test. I served Notice upon the judges that they have no legal, notarized, written oath of office on file with the Secretary of State as their own laws require. That means they are impersonating judges. I opened my letters to the court with "I am Kim Delayne Paddock, a woman born on terra firma under God's common law." This takes me out of their maritime law system. I attached a Fee Schedule for violations which includes violation of due process under color of law: $150,000.00 per occurrence. Conspiring to violate rights under color of law, same cost. It's a long list.
I cross examined a judge in open court about his lack of a legal oath of office and more. "Are you operating under maritime law, yes or no?" His answer: "We are not." Diversionary tactics. I asked him more questions that he was obviously not comfortable with including "Are you a Mason?" which he refused to answer. They will not make a ruling on my case. They reschedule it and then nothing happens again. Watch some of my recent videos including "No Legal Oath of Office in this Satanic Government", "Slavery Under the 14th Amendment-How to Free Yourself" and my interview with International Attorney Todd Calendar on Vaxchoice or on my channel under Kim Paddock on Bitchute or Rumble.
As for forcing anyone to do anything, that would not be me. God gave us all free will and the only ones forcing anything is this fake government. God Bless.
A legal system that's been created to fraudulently manipulate and diminish us and to strip the fruits of our labor becomes apparent in all the fakery here. There's the secret imposition of a fake persona, fake laws, fake jurisdiction, fake rights of the oppressors and no rights, or even existence, of the Natural Man. Something's wrong with the nose that doesn't catch the stench of (alien) parasite capture here, although a fake press was also created so you won't. The parasite always finds places it can hide to fake out and attack its prey unawares. You don't know what's happening until your hind legs are sticking out of its maw.
Not doing that...just pointing out that the good don't necessarily get the good. Sometimes they should be more informed and stand up for themselves better. We didn't get where we are by doing that.
Good question. From what i know from reading and listening to Natives, i would venture to say, aspects of the synopsis, yes, yet for Natives an emphasis of being one piece of the puzzle they call, in simplistic English, All The Relations i.e. trees, rivers, birds, clouds, etc. And also simply being with the Earth, listening to the Earth, whether walking or not.
I believe that's why Native Americans don't do well in American culture because there they're cut off from the context of the Natural Man. We don't do well either, we just don't know it and think our culture is advanced. If you go into any city, and the bigger the city the more this is so, you feel an electric energy that also feels oppressive. Little is natural there and concrete and asphalt cuts you off from the earth. Inner cities don't have natural dirt but some kind of grey grime that lines the streets. Culture evolves in a way that amps those conditions. They're fast but overstimulating, gritty and somehow unsatisfying. They generate a sort of cynicism that I think is damaging to the soul. If you go out to some of the western reservations and stand in pristine nature, the forests or deserts among mountains and mesas, you will feel the difference. It feels like freedom and deep connection at the same time. Not surprising that a person accustomed to that feels unhinged in a city. A way of life that looks to "civilized" eyes like lacking ambition or organization is one that values the calm of the earth itself, and so has failed to fuck up its environment with the opposite.
Thoughtful comment, Margaret, also Natives espouse "natural law", where as the US system of domination runs on man-made laws. And many Natives do not consider themselves "American" as they've been here long before there was an "America", so "Native American" is a term of assimilation.
The US system is based on British common laws/rights enshrined in the ancient Usages of Britain. They were considered the inalienable rights to which every Briton was born and of which no human legislation could deprive him. Sadly, as with everything else, this has been corrupted and we have forgotten our history.
It's complicated. The Navajo a long time ago simply referred to themselves as dineh, "the people." The word Navajo is a Spanish term. In ordinary conversation now, they most often refer to themselves as "Indian." Hmmm. I lived out there for years and never heard anyone use the terms "Native Americans" or "Natives" in conversation. The did use "Navajo." I used Native American because that's what most in mainstream culture understand. What word would you like me to use?
i still hear people say Dine'. And yes, many Nations' names translate as "the people, the human beings". Up to you what words, am just sharing what i've learned and think is more accurate and respectful but it's not an absolute as "Indian" gets said a lot, yet as John Trudell said "We’re not Indians and we’re not Native Americans. We’re older than both concepts. We’re the people, we’re the human beings." i typically say/write: Native Peoples/Nations or Original Peoples/Nations. and those are generics as each Nation has their name for themselves, like you cited, often different than what they're called.
Gnostic scriptures were in tune with nature. Male/Female rights were in balance. Vatican took those books and way of life and imposed a different Patriarchal mindset.
Yeah supposedly a huge library underground at Vatican with, ahem, god knows what kind of books, probably a lot of them like what you mention. John Trudell spoke about that "patriarchal mindset" quite succinctly, 2.5 minutes
Clif on fire. These last posits are all I can accept as reality. Thank you Clif, for being a voice for our movements that don't make sense to others. You make it seem that we that walk this path are almost same. Haha
Well, said Cliff! In your previous article where you’re preparing for your lawsuit, can’t you just file an affidavit of distinguishment? This distinguishes you from your statutory person great at your birth from your natural man or living man. I’m sure the lawsuit was against your statutoryperson corporation to corporation. I belong to inalienable university.com which shows you how to live in private versus in public.
So it looks like the top dogs that override everybody else are the county sheriff's now. Well that sounds just dandy and they can tell the Feds to piss off. I kinda like that
Hendrix was a mind-image maker in addition to an extraordinary guitarist. My personal fave that demonstrates both skills, All Along The Watchtower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLV4_xaYynY (For anyone born too late who may have missed him.)
The unexamined life amid the programmed distractions has led us into this situation of artificiality and growing dystopia. Time to restore what is natural and meaningful.
Nicely framed Clif! What I find interesting and amusing is that we must use complex language in order to elucidate what is in reality a very simple and natural state of being. Example: a deer or a bear, a tree, a paramecium, all living entities within what you label the ‘ontology’ (i just say God); none of these creatures feel the need to legally establish or explain or defend their natural existence. Only humans are this neurotic (collectively). Further, its interesting how people will still misunderstand the state of being, which is inherently free, by attempting to apply legal means in order to establish their so-called ‘freedom’ or ‘liberty’, which is bananas. I shouldn’t need to explain why writing letters and filling out affidavits and forms and submitting them to ‘legal authorities’ in order to obtain ‘freedom’ is so fucked up. AND… people are out there (i see some in the comment fields here) who will charge a fee to instruct people how to ‘obtain their free status’ or whatever. Again, human neurosis. If we continue to imprison ourselves mentally within the collective construct of human society and legal containment field, then of course, we have chosen enslavement over the real freedom that is always extant, that always is, reality, God (Ontology).
When you realize how fake it all is.. that all your own effort lead to your own end.. Better make a change, dont fund your killers, talk truth even if that hurts. Be kind and helpful, assist other in their change. Those who will not see, let them be. Invest in the people and skill you need..
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing that when Lewis and Clark were traveling through the Columbia gorge they named rooster rock, cock rock, but they could write it on the maps as cock rock so they named it 🐓 🐔 🐓. Yes natural men indeed. In fact I believe any day of the week there is some old geeser flaunting his rooster over there. Might even be Lewis or Clark. Some thing never change. AHHHHHHH!
I believe he is imbued with information that the Woo crew need. How to reframe repurpose ourself. We can measure success using our abilities to control conquer self selections. Root cause of most self improvement setbacks is diet for me. Fasting perpetuates a love of food with consistent self denial 🙂
Oh here you go again with another big fancy word technosphere. Yeah I had to look it up and it basically means that our society is one big concrete shopping mall like George Carlin iterated. Disgusting consumerism and the Indians would just look at our big old concrete jungles today and shed a tear
Well said! I have done some videos about this natural state of being and how to free yourself from "voluntary servitude" under the 14th amendment. Two simple pages filed with the National Secretary of State in Washington, D.C. changes your citizenship status from a "citizen of the US" or "US citizen" who is enslaved under the 14th amendment to a state National citizen. (Small 's'-not a corporation) that operates under the law of the land, not their maritime law. You are now out of their jurisdiction. They cannot arrest you for crimes without a victim, force medical procedures on you such as vaccinations, send you to FEMA camps, kidnap your children, or violate your true Constitutional Rights. I am setting up a website with literature that you can download. www.governmentslavery.com
Kim www.orsja.org ARTICLE I Section 1. It is an individual thing that you must do yourself, no one can do it for you and you cannot do it alone. Keep on keepin on.
Thank you for the link! Brilliant! I thought I was alone here. I had a court case that I put to the test. I served Notice upon the judges that they have no legal, notarized, written oath of office on file with the Secretary of State as their own laws require. That means they are impersonating judges. I opened my letters to the court with "I am Kim Delayne Paddock, a woman born on terra firma under God's common law." This takes me out of their maritime law system. I attached a Fee Schedule for violations which includes violation of due process under color of law: $150,000.00 per occurrence. Conspiring to violate rights under color of law, same cost. It's a long list.
I cross examined a judge in open court about his lack of a legal oath of office and more. "Are you operating under maritime law, yes or no?" His answer: "We are not." Diversionary tactics. I asked him more questions that he was obviously not comfortable with including "Are you a Mason?" which he refused to answer. They will not make a ruling on my case. They reschedule it and then nothing happens again. Watch some of my recent videos including "No Legal Oath of Office in this Satanic Government", "Slavery Under the 14th Amendment-How to Free Yourself" and my interview with International Attorney Todd Calendar on Vaxchoice or on my channel under Kim Paddock on Bitchute or Rumble.
As for forcing anyone to do anything, that would not be me. God gave us all free will and the only ones forcing anything is this fake government. God Bless.
Kim what state are you on?
I have a domicile in Ontario Oregon
Please join us on Skype. ron.vrooman1; Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly.
or 503 641 8375 ronvrooman38@aol.com
A legal system that's been created to fraudulently manipulate and diminish us and to strip the fruits of our labor becomes apparent in all the fakery here. There's the secret imposition of a fake persona, fake laws, fake jurisdiction, fake rights of the oppressors and no rights, or even existence, of the Natural Man. Something's wrong with the nose that doesn't catch the stench of (alien) parasite capture here, although a fake press was also created so you won't. The parasite always finds places it can hide to fake out and attack its prey unawares. You don't know what's happening until your hind legs are sticking out of its maw.
All the best of every good fotune for the good.
....or not...
Is it stupid to speak and write against your own best interests?
Not doing that...just pointing out that the good don't necessarily get the good. Sometimes they should be more informed and stand up for themselves better. We didn't get where we are by doing that.
The last sentence could be the collective you or all of us.
Pointing out the obvious to this group is not front of mind thinking.
62.5% of the population will not speak truth to the de facto. Leave them alone.
Spend your energy on the small % that always moves the chains.
Find or form your Jural Assembly on your state or territory.
Love this synopsis! Thank you Clif. I've danced on the perimeter of a Natural vs Unnatural human for a few years now. This makes it so clear.
Did the Indians fit this Natural Man synopsis?
Good question. From what i know from reading and listening to Natives, i would venture to say, aspects of the synopsis, yes, yet for Natives an emphasis of being one piece of the puzzle they call, in simplistic English, All The Relations i.e. trees, rivers, birds, clouds, etc. And also simply being with the Earth, listening to the Earth, whether walking or not.
I believe that's why Native Americans don't do well in American culture because there they're cut off from the context of the Natural Man. We don't do well either, we just don't know it and think our culture is advanced. If you go into any city, and the bigger the city the more this is so, you feel an electric energy that also feels oppressive. Little is natural there and concrete and asphalt cuts you off from the earth. Inner cities don't have natural dirt but some kind of grey grime that lines the streets. Culture evolves in a way that amps those conditions. They're fast but overstimulating, gritty and somehow unsatisfying. They generate a sort of cynicism that I think is damaging to the soul. If you go out to some of the western reservations and stand in pristine nature, the forests or deserts among mountains and mesas, you will feel the difference. It feels like freedom and deep connection at the same time. Not surprising that a person accustomed to that feels unhinged in a city. A way of life that looks to "civilized" eyes like lacking ambition or organization is one that values the calm of the earth itself, and so has failed to fuck up its environment with the opposite.
Thoughtful comment, Margaret, also Natives espouse "natural law", where as the US system of domination runs on man-made laws. And many Natives do not consider themselves "American" as they've been here long before there was an "America", so "Native American" is a term of assimilation.
The US system is based on British common laws/rights enshrined in the ancient Usages of Britain. They were considered the inalienable rights to which every Briton was born and of which no human legislation could deprive him. Sadly, as with everything else, this has been corrupted and we have forgotten our history.
Interesting. Also, the legal system still shaped by the doctrine of Christian discovery and domination, from the papal bulls of the 1450s and more.
It's complicated. The Navajo a long time ago simply referred to themselves as dineh, "the people." The word Navajo is a Spanish term. In ordinary conversation now, they most often refer to themselves as "Indian." Hmmm. I lived out there for years and never heard anyone use the terms "Native Americans" or "Natives" in conversation. The did use "Navajo." I used Native American because that's what most in mainstream culture understand. What word would you like me to use?
i still hear people say Dine'. And yes, many Nations' names translate as "the people, the human beings". Up to you what words, am just sharing what i've learned and think is more accurate and respectful but it's not an absolute as "Indian" gets said a lot, yet as John Trudell said "We’re not Indians and we’re not Native Americans. We’re older than both concepts. We’re the people, we’re the human beings." i typically say/write: Native Peoples/Nations or Original Peoples/Nations. and those are generics as each Nation has their name for themselves, like you cited, often different than what they're called.
Gnostic scriptures were in tune with nature. Male/Female rights were in balance. Vatican took those books and way of life and imposed a different Patriarchal mindset.
Yeah supposedly a huge library underground at Vatican with, ahem, god knows what kind of books, probably a lot of them like what you mention. John Trudell spoke about that "patriarchal mindset" quite succinctly, 2.5 minutes
"The Earth Was the Mother (Continued)"
Clif on fire. These last posits are all I can accept as reality. Thank you Clif, for being a voice for our movements that don't make sense to others. You make it seem that we that walk this path are almost same. Haha
*almost sane
I'm glad you clarified that
Pants on fire.. .🌞 🔥
Well, said Cliff! In your previous article where you’re preparing for your lawsuit, can’t you just file an affidavit of distinguishment? This distinguishes you from your statutory person great at your birth from your natural man or living man. I’m sure the lawsuit was against your statutoryperson corporation to corporation. I belong to inalienable university.com which shows you how to live in private versus in public.
Jeffery it is not about money it is about A Constitutional republian form of government in the de jure this year 2024.
Just when I thought de jure was gone, here we are again.
In fact and in deed !! Oregon is done. We need several more ARTICLE I Section 1. www.orsja.org
Yeah plus it just rains too much here in Oregon and the berries and variety are really overrated. Except for the salmon Berry
stop by www.orsja.org while on Oregon we fit good with the rain and my berries are good. WE have no salmon berries. Tell me more.
Lightfoot as in Gordon or other as in a tribe?
Welsch Irish Druid - Lightfoot. Carrier of the light by foot. Fast on my feet spreading the word and light for times before pigeon carrier
Un do your Legal Person and become a Man or Woman on the Land
So it looks like the top dogs that override everybody else are the county sheriff's now. Well that sounds just dandy and they can tell the Feds to piss off. I kinda like that
Thank you Clif!
Kudos Clif....remember "I am".. add nothing to that... and you will avoid your trickster ego.
Good luck.
Um..."ego" means "I."
"I Am" Reminds me of the Chicago song I'm a man . Terry Seth on guitar 🎸 jimmy Hendrix's idol on guitar skills. ahhh the 70's
Hendrix was a mind-image maker in addition to an extraordinary guitarist. My personal fave that demonstrates both skills, All Along The Watchtower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLV4_xaYynY (For anyone born too late who may have missed him.)
TERRY KATH. nor Terry Seth...
Terry Kath, and I agree, he was great.
Kath not Seth. Geeez had a Monday fart.....Thanks
Remiss I was. Weather better? Electrical back on?
The unexamined life amid the programmed distractions has led us into this situation of artificiality and growing dystopia. Time to restore what is natural and meaningful.
Good morning Woo Crew! Great Minds will continue to congregate and create new opportunities! Cheers!
Nicely framed Clif! What I find interesting and amusing is that we must use complex language in order to elucidate what is in reality a very simple and natural state of being. Example: a deer or a bear, a tree, a paramecium, all living entities within what you label the ‘ontology’ (i just say God); none of these creatures feel the need to legally establish or explain or defend their natural existence. Only humans are this neurotic (collectively). Further, its interesting how people will still misunderstand the state of being, which is inherently free, by attempting to apply legal means in order to establish their so-called ‘freedom’ or ‘liberty’, which is bananas. I shouldn’t need to explain why writing letters and filling out affidavits and forms and submitting them to ‘legal authorities’ in order to obtain ‘freedom’ is so fucked up. AND… people are out there (i see some in the comment fields here) who will charge a fee to instruct people how to ‘obtain their free status’ or whatever. Again, human neurosis. If we continue to imprison ourselves mentally within the collective construct of human society and legal containment field, then of course, we have chosen enslavement over the real freedom that is always extant, that always is, reality, God (Ontology).
Humans are the only beings that pay to live on this planet.
I second that elucidate
When you realize how fake it all is.. that all your own effort lead to your own end.. Better make a change, dont fund your killers, talk truth even if that hurts. Be kind and helpful, assist other in their change. Those who will not see, let them be. Invest in the people and skill you need..
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing that when Lewis and Clark were traveling through the Columbia gorge they named rooster rock, cock rock, but they could write it on the maps as cock rock so they named it 🐓 🐔 🐓. Yes natural men indeed. In fact I believe any day of the week there is some old geeser flaunting his rooster over there. Might even be Lewis or Clark. Some thing never change. AHHHHHHH!
You really stepped it up on this one john. Good job
I believe he is imbued with information that the Woo crew need. How to reframe repurpose ourself. We can measure success using our abilities to control conquer self selections. Root cause of most self improvement setbacks is diet for me. Fasting perpetuates a love of food with consistent self denial 🙂
Just making sure you're still awake
If you are on Oregon contact me. ronvrooman38@aol.com www.orsja.org
I can feel it Cliff, big sigh of relief. Be true to thy self. Thank you
Looks good in print…the reality starts when “they” come to your door or stop you for a traffic citation…
I'm THERE, bro.
In, OH SO MANY ways.
Adios you piece of shit Technosphere. You've haunted us far too long.
Oh here you go again with another big fancy word technosphere. Yeah I had to look it up and it basically means that our society is one big concrete shopping mall like George Carlin iterated. Disgusting consumerism and the Indians would just look at our big old concrete jungles today and shed a tear
Arguelles via de Chardin...
I also "lovingly" refer to the realm we're in as Tardleheim in the Norse way of things. Maybe we can raise the bar.
I heard one of your songs from your artist and the line that caught me was a good man don't make out with whores
That's a great one. Take it to heart.
I also make it HURT. Step up to the plate. 😉
Discovered that song in a great movie. The Amateurs.
Google says there's no such word tardleheim
Fuck Google. Get a room.
I replaced Midgard with it. I made it up. Used the OTHER side of my brain a little...
Well we all have our idiosyncrasies. That's right - count em. 6 sylable word Einstein
Then you had to go and throw EINSTEIN in there, making me want to question your sources...