The US gov knows the financial path it has undertaken, is not sustainable, so something will give. Today Japan announced liquidation of 63 billion dollars of UST's and Euro bonds. This means the true number is probably closer to 150-200 billion. This on top of 7 trillion in maturing bond this year that must be paid out. If the USD does not boil over soon and collapse from the inflation, what can only come next will be tyranny, there will not be any new US dollar unless it is backed by gold or silver and cannot be manipulated by central bankster gangsters. My online store already has a banner reading this store will not ever accept any CBDC issued by any .gov central bank.

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23 states in the US already has laws on the books accepting silver and gold as legal tender. In Tennessee's case the state will not accept a CBDC for any reason at all. There are also states such as Louisiana that passed a law not allowing any mandate or law from the WHO or WEF to be valid in that state, Tennessee has a similar measure going through the motions, which in all likelihood will be signed by the governor, so perhaps the states will shun those global institutions , even if the federal government doesn't.

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I know that any time I have any appreciable amount of money I'm desperate to turn it into something else. I wouldn't say it's stressful but it's annoying. Maybe that's the same thing.

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Same. I've just bought a new lawnmower in case the reliable old one packs up. Though.... if chaos comes, will there be anyone doing things like mowing the lawn? Will there be any petrol [gasoline] to power it?? I live in hope! 🤔😅🤣

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That's a useless expense. Tear out the grass, grow sumpn to eat

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Yup, we grow edibles as well. Fruits, salads, vegs, herbs. A lawn is a nice thing and the birds find worms and other critters to eat within it.

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You are not doing the worms, soil or yourself any favors if you are applying herbicides to keep the lawn uniformly sterile. Lawns were incorporated into European and American home plans due to imitating pre-revolutionary French aristocrats social status prerequisite for lawn croquet in their chateau-aka class/Status-signaling, conspicuous consumption . See Thorsten Veblen’s seminal classic “Theory of the Leisure Class”. Free.pdf online. Go native and escape the prison of mental patterns.

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Oh , the class wars, eh...? Who said anything about herbicides or sterile lawn? You did, not me. I don't know anyone who uses herbicides on their lawn. Here in England they are a natural part of landscape. The term is derived from "laundes" which is what the Normans called the open grassy spaces grazed by deer and other animals, in woodland clearings 1,000 years ago. The anti-lawn cult has no place here in England, where grass grows very readily. Many different bird species peck about in the lawn, I see them doing so every day. The mowed off grass is used for mulching to maintain soil moisture around shrubs and added to the compost bins. I think I know more about the topic than you do, tbh! 🤓

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Kate - So funny to read this as I just purchased a reel type push mower thinking the same thing...

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Yea, I know. I'm redoing my kitchen with new floor, paints just so I can park some of my cash into something nice for myself instead of watching it all evaporate away. Got the car all fixed up. Bought new solar lights... and stocked up my pond with fresh new, little red goldfish :-)

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Yep! Solar, enough batteries to be offgrid when mains is out, kitchen/cooking, all important. Our neighbour makes rocket stoves....

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Yes, I have three solar panels on the roof of my shed, powering a deep cycle battery. I used it to power a skillsaw to chop up a hard maple skid that I can then use for firewood. I use it to power the fan in my greenhouse too. I bought a little cook stove a year a year ago. Only used it a couple of times but it's there in case I need it. I bought two 48 pack of batteries from Home Depot about 2 months ago. Then, I got to thinking about solar lights. They can be used to recharge rechargeable batteries, right? Just an idea... Cheers!

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We bring the solar lights on sticks into the house when power is out - plop them in a canning jar or sturdy vase - voila!

Also like the "christmas" candles, battery powered - in winter they are in dark corners of youse to add a fun "bling." One in every room, better than flashlight - tight on the dresser for last-minute safety in the dark.

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Yeah 'cept I guess most have call phone "flashlight" not 2 feet from their head all night . . .

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Aesthetics are nice but necessities are better.

Joe I hope you don’t have to find out what goldfish taste like.

If you have a pond I’d stock it with a fast breeding edible fish or crustaceans. Any freshwater fish is edible I believe.

Seaweed is also highly nutritious & probably won’t get stolen either

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The goldfish are for aestetics only as I find them to be soothing, a kind of stress reliever. I have two greenhouses in my backyard, full of growing foods and more growing around the yard. I did think about stocking with trout fish... maybe in the future, especially if I get a bigger pond. Seaweed is delicious and nutritious and is a good option. Cheers!

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What you wrote had me concerned for you. Sorry I drew that conclusion Joe. You clearly know what you’re doing.

I love goldfish too.

You are blessed to have such resources.

But don’t forget your crops are visible & neighbours will be knocking on your door when hard times hit. Some won’t even ask & they will raid your greenhouse at night.

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Thanks Cam. It's not just people I'm worried about. I have to deal with raccoons, rabbits, skunks, opossum, birds, squirrels, chipmunks, bugs. It never ends haha. Take care.

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Watercress =;-)

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SC government announced they will not accept federal crypto.

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What type will they be eager to accept? Private partnership works around that one.

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Chaos! monetary chaos -Isn’t that the plan though?

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Catherine Austin Fitts claims the plan involves all the money in world. Monetary chaos or simply bankrupt everyone and everything?

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If everyone is rich, no one is rich, would it be similar if everyone was bankrupt?

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I like your thinking. So if everybody’s fucked, then really, nobody’s fucked, right?

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Yes. But then I think of the great depression, even assuming that what I think I know about that is true.

This time we see it coming.

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I have an EXTREMELY hard time imaging that the uber wealthy will be OK with losing all their precious, precious $$$$ and the power that comes along with it.

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They will never, ever go down with the sinking ship. They will keep their WEALTH and hide in their Bunker for 20 years and crawl out again once all the carnage is OVER. That is what they have always done! They never give up, they never surrender and they always WIN because they always back both sides of everything.

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They're all in. They won't be OK with anything that involves them losing control. But they aren't working in the shadows as much as they are used to.

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Belt Road folks are all backing their currency in Gold. Isn't she a Gold vision and not digital/crypto ? They are also offering or testing digital. Choices.

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Note: If the central banksters issued gold backed cbdc and they control the gold then they still maintain control over our lives! A trap that sounds legit!

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No shortage of events likely designed to keep you from looking at the man behind the curtain.

But, yes.

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we see him anyways, his nose pokes the whole world

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I don't think chaos is the plan. It's not really in Russia or China's interest for a disorderly dissolution of the US empire (nobody really wants regional warlords with nukes).

I think the plan is to devalue the US debt as quickly as they can without causing unrest.

Who knows what plans the insurgent elite have, although I think Tom Lluongo has the best analysis on this.

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Japan has finally found it's windshield. Japan has been in this situation since at least 1.22.2010, 14.5yrs for them to "pull it" building 7 style.- It being the financial system. From my archives, this quote is from John Mauldin do a AI chat on him, "Over the next several months, we are going to start to explore various aspects of the end game. Whither Japan? Are they actually, as I think, a bug in search of a windshield? What does that mean for the world? How safe is the euro? Everyone over here seems to think Germany will bail out Greece. A breakup seems unthinkable to the people I've been talking to (so far). But what about Spain? Italy? Can you spell moral hazard?"

It can take moral hazard a long time to get nasty but when it does boy the s**t can run real fast and painful just like a case of food poisoning. The fan is about to get fed 14.5 years worth, lol. I hope you have goggles and not the virtual ones...go all digital please, South Park Carmin will be disappointed at check out.....

I appreciate the solidarity regarding CBDC and I assume everything crypto+AI=GFY...digital-"dig"-"it"-"al" and bury it. Tech is a tool not a lifestyle!

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Japan is a militarily occupied vassal of the US. It does what it is told.

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It will be hard to back a US dollar with gold, IMO, the US no longer has meaningful gold reserves... which is why congress, Treasury and the Fed have refused to allow a full AUDIT of said reserves, since Ike!

No silver reserves, so that's out too.

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Actually, word is that massive amounts of Gold and other assets have been recovered from the globalist enemies of humanity. If true, there are now quintillian's (Thousand Trillions) worth of gold back on US shores !!


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"Word is"?? Where did you get that info? Sounds like some Qanon bullcrap.

No offense...

Odd that the US Treasury, congress and the Fed all have refused an AUDIT of US gold reserves to even verify the 8700 or so tonnes we are supposed to have...

And IF there were "quintillions" in gold in the US... it would quickly become worthless, due to the massive quantities available... it would, DUH, no longer be rare.

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F-0ff, dumbschit loser.

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thanks for being the change J. Gan.....

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Exactly! There is so much information out there to show you that BRICTS and Bretton Woods3 are changing the world for the better if you would like to learn about it, you could go to:


And Or quantumgov.com

And or stellar.org

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In 10 years a LOT of black markets and barter schemes can be developed and established. Thus a portion of the global population will be in a parallel economy "off the government's grid."

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That was my thought. Hopefully, ten years from now, we won't be pretending anymore.

Who knows.

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I'm sure Clif did a podcast a couple of years ago, about getting in stuff [such as car parts] that would become 'unobtainium' as the Chinese ships cease to dock and unload any more, in western countries. Looks as if we are getting very near that time. Got me thinking about what one would really NEED, commonplace things we presently take for granted, if / when SHTF. I put quite high on my list, seeds of edible plants and cashmere sweaters, though thinking about it, neither of these things are to do with Chinese container ships! They could be potential barter, though... 🙂

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Fabric. Basic stuff that they have warped ie yearly fashion/trends. Seeds that grow food(heritage). Skills that can't be taken away. The old ways will come back. Sweet treats.

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Yan - lots and lots and LOTS of yarn - ake yer own cashmere sweaters - better quality yarn and construction =:-]]]

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Just some thoughts

I agree a fractured barter system for goods & services will appear everywhere. But these days a lot of people live in high rise cities. They don’t produce anything like food or goods that will be useful at that time. Most don’t have any skills to provide services of value either. So once they give up their valued possessions for food what next ?.

Theft will be a means of survival for these people.

A new currency needs to be ready to go asap. But how would they distribute it. To do an exchange with the old currency would reward corrupt entities of the old system. The downtrodden will be punished again.

Maybe they should give a chunk of change to everyone. Scrap the old currency entirely without exchange but let them keep their assets, if it’s proven they were part of the deepstate, it gets confiscated.

The elderly & incapable would need a pension

Vital industries will need to be determined & given assistance to remain or become functional too.

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That's what the Soviets ended up doing.

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Currency actually is the problem.

What is currency?

Is it a commodity?

Is it a system of value?

Or is it a system of control.

Actually it is a system of "Behavioral Modification"!

It is a system of control in which the value fluctuates by those who control the money.

That'll be the Jews and Rothschilds.

The problem we have right now... the instability of Society... can be directly attributed to the instability of money through the manipulation installed within the money control structure.

And it is Jews who control the money and control the world.

Showing their true fascist color.

The Jews through the Occupation of the money manipulate society and their aim is WW3.

Fuck that.

Fuck the Jews... they are Nazis and I don't like Nazis.

Peace isn't profitable in the Jewish Mindset and that is a problem.

If Jews don't have enemies they create them... just like they created the Nazis.

How much is your Freedom worth?

How much is peace worth?

Priceless if you ask me.


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It's the Zionists who are NAZIs. Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews.

Zionists hide behind Jews/Jewishness/antisemitism.

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You are right...

But why should I make the difference?

I push it back to them...

Not all Nazis were Germans... and not all Germans are Nazis.

Yet as a German I been treated like a Nazi all my life... even I hate Nazis from the gut.

So I push it back and treat them alike...

It is up to them... not me...

If they don't want to make a difference... they go down together... at their own peril.

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Fair enough. I'm sorry for what you and so many other Germans experience(d).

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Don't be sorry... it made me stronger...

Feel sorry for those believing the shit they are force fed every day.

Don't even be...

Confront them with truth...

that is what I do...

Only the Truth will prevail...

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Bravo, and well said!

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Before I read this article from you, let me thank you as it’s been weeks since I’ve done so for your time, patience and yes love that you demonstrate to us tirelessly. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦♥️

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The biggest problem I see with a CBDC is the headspace of OTHER PEOPLE.

If I go tik a tik a tik, and then hit enter on a computer, how is that "money"?

More importantly, how do I convince the inside of somebody elses head that its money?

For example, say I have a factory that uses a metal called buttfuckium to create widgets, and I have to import it from another country that still uses paper money. Say that the mining and refining of buttfuckium is done in this country, so I am ordering bars of it that are a kilo apiece, and cost 100 units of Their countries money. How do I convince Them that My computer based digity are a currency?

It sounds to Me like You would need 100% global agreement that My tik a tik a tik enter has value, but it just seems like a bluff waiting to be called. Then I would have to shut down My factory for want of buttfuckium. At least when You are bluffing with FRNs, they can be held in the hand.

On a lighter note, are the Mexican and Colombian cartels aware of the plans for a CBDC? Those People tend to be seriously unimpressed with anybody who would cut off Their money flow, which a CBDC absolutely would.

Wouldnt it be a hoot if the Cartels squashed the plans for CBDCs with a "bankers heads in sacks" solution? Just thinking out loud here......................

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The outgoing elites (Elohim worship cult) WANT a CBDC, but they ain't gonna get one IMO. This is because a a US CBDC cuts out the US commercial banks and destroys their trillion-dollar businesses.

Turns out, they don't appreciate that, and instead said "tell you what fuckers, we'll fight you for it" (go look what Jamie Dimon has said recently lol). This is why Powell has been raising rates/keeping them high, because it will destroy the commies in the EU, and the Elohim Worship Cult is much further along in Europe than the US.

The new insurgent elite group doubtless has some plan, but I don't know what they have in mind. I suspect that it will involve devaluing the debt and some sort of partial gold backing (40% is enough to stabilize a currency, or so they say), but that's just a guess.

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Aren't the central banking cartel planning to push the commercial banks into insolvency, from where the commercial banks will be unable to fight?

Mind you, The Fed is itself probably insolvent already, while the federal government is clearly already in a debt trap, which will inevitably lead to a credit/currency collapse sooner or later - sooner, if the BRICS gold-backed trade-settlement currency goes live after the Kazan summit in October. The beta testing has apparently been completed successfully.

IIRC, the Bretton Woods dollar was backed to the tune of about 20% only.

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Yes, but Fed head Powell is working with the US commercial banks. Why? Well, he traces his family back to the Mayflower for starters. IMO he and many oligarchs in the US (and hopefully the West) looked at what the Davos shitbags had planed and said "Fuck no, and fuck all of you, assholes." It's obvious that if you give even a tiny shit about your kids that you don't want them to grow up under full on "luxury" gay communism.

The Fed is insolvent (all debt based currency systems are always insolvent), but as long as everybody plays along, the loan payments keep current, and it keeps working. There will be consolidation of banks, as a lot of smaller banks are FUBAR and will have to be absorbed.

They will get help from the BRIICS nations in an orderly elimination of the USD as the main reserve currency because it's not in anyone's interest for the US to break up and devolve into regional warlords with nuclear weapons.

Tom Lluongo of Gold Goats and Guns has done all the analysis on this, I can't find a flaw in it.

PS Didn't know that about Bretton Woods, thanks. That will make the transition easier (although I think there's a shit-ton more gold out there than is commonly recognized).

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Yes, the numbers on gold are fake/fraudulent - like the numbers on everything else! We live in The Truman Show.

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Don't forget the Mennonite militia ...

those dudes are badass, resisting domination since the 16th c.

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ooh, say more please

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Didn't the mafia of some kind threaten to withdraw all their money from the US over a decision in recent history.? Can't remember what was going on. As much as I think any kind of mafia is an issue. I couldn't help smile they'd held the government over a barrel.

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At least AI didn't write a book, this time :)

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Exactly what do you mean?

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Fair analysis... but this time is quite unique. There was no basically instantaneous global communication infrastructure available in France of the 1960s, so this comparison is bogus. Also - what is happening now - and for the next few years, is a complete undermining of confidence, universally, of 'authorities' - who are being revealed as multigenerational psychopaths who thrive on consuming our children. This means that, for the average person, the calculus is: what can I use, now, to exchange for what I need, now - avoiding the maniacs who want to kill me and my children. These two forces - will press the survivors of this current evolutionary bottleneck quite outside the historic system you describe here. We will get past this - but not on these terms, in this model.

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Excellent points.

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Bartering has been with humans since millenia. There were bartering groups in my home state when I left. It might just become a major form of commerce again if necessary. It will become as someone stated an underground black market.

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I pulled my savings out of the banking system. I invested and hold physical silver.I wouldn't dream of telling people what to do, but get a hold of your assets and savings.

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When I lived in Israel some 50 years ago as an American with a tourist visa, I never could have lasted as long as I did financially without the black market. I was in .my 20s very naive, and for the first month or two religiously used the banks. Once I got over my fear of illegal tender transactions, I enjoyed about a 20% improvement in my transactions. It will not take long for savvy citizens of the world to create their own banking /financial system once they realize the elites have no power other than threat of brute force.

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Hopefully, 10 years from now, we will be emerging from SHTF scenarios and it won't matter.

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10 years? To unravel this financial system problem spanning several millennia? Wish I could be that hopeful.

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I barter every chance I get now. It's fun.

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Trump's plan of #Agenda47

Everything from flying cars, taking vertically off your driveway, to a celebration that happens in every state for one full year, from Memorial Day 2025 to the 4th of July 2026!

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Do Green Shield Stamps still have value?……….A wrinkly generation observation

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What about Luncheon Vouchers? 😅

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People used to take entire family vacations on yellow and green stamps. Perhaps we the peeps decide what has value and what abundance is . . . . the game could be this fun :-)

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That’s a blast from the past!! I had completely forgot them!

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OMG, Clif is a Killjoy, in ten years I'll be in the ground, where's Charlie Ward, he always has good news!

C'mon Mr High, read my lips, "Good News"!

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Granpa, hang in, maybe you will be around!!! and maybe charlie ward really is a crook. i sure don't trust him. His HOPIUM helped a lot in 2020 but the same old schpiel got old and dull and untrustworthy. i don't think we can play pretend any more.

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Keep chugging the C60, Grandpa! We love you!

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They want to crash it then do the forced chaotic replacement, after a large percentage of people are dead from the vaxx (blamed on the crash, nuclear war, and climate change, etc) makes sense. If they want an orderly, logical RV, ten years seems like a good ballpark estimate.

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Indeed. They want / wanted to crash it etc and use all those excuses, as you say, Astro. But can they follow through with their hideous plans? It's my understanding that when Trump won in 2016, it put the kibosh on Killary and the rest pushing on with their mad max horror show. If Clif is correct about the SOC [Self-Organising Collective] thwarting the plans of the E.W.Cult / K.M., bit by bit, could things get right again much sooner, do you think? ? 🤔

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agreed, Astro, this ain't that...and that only worked when citizens felt like being citizens...ie there was a decent reward for being so....no mo.

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Hopefully we will all still be alive and kicking. Contrary to the NWO plan.

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I am hoping President Trump does this.

Gold or silver backed

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IMO, the US no longer has much or any gold reserves... and no silver reserves.

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I think that's why the US wants to go the digital route, while all the gold is going/has gone east and south to BRICS, SCO and EEU.

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Yes, but with no gold... the US currency will still be un-backed fiat... and worthless... soon.

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Yes, just another grift! The US government is already in a debt trap; so the end of the dollar is mathematically only a matter of time and - as you say - probably not much time. Looks like the BRICS summit in Kazan in October will be pivotal?

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Yes, I think it will be... sadly, the US has painted themselves into a corner... economy failing, mass illegal immigration and supporting those filthy parasite lice, huge welfare state even not counting them... no gold in reserves, stock market bloated to the point of a guaranteed shocking collapse... a cabal of corrupt Marxist assclowns running the country with a laughable corpse-like liar/traitor/crook as Front-man... Barry Obongo behind him... lawfare rampant... and willing to do ANYTHING to retain power... radically polarized politics, fed by a totally corrupt lefty media..

And the Neocon scum pushing WAR as the only way out.

And the Joker in the deck is a mass die-off from the Covid death jabs... possible... maybe even likely...

I picked a hell of a time to stop sniffing glue! 🤪

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As usual, you sum it up very well :)

It continues to amaze me that, in the middle of everything you describe, some people continue to invoke the Constitution. Isn't it obvious that the Constitution is no longer applicable/relevant/in force?

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