is it me; or are alot of "Design and Method for the generation of electricity" using magnets showing up in social media feeds; it's like these inventions and 'real physics' are being let loose into society; rapidly;

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Yeah and I've memorized a few, just not versed on energy conversion & storage. If that sun's gonna pop, we gotta preserve these systems behind lead or deep underground. Copper melts. (Maj. Ed Dames, Killshot)

Btw, did anyone see them using lasers to move those storms? Look at the eye of the storm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1kBU3VnLGE

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Monkey Werx showed a German company out in the Atlantic seeding,/ modifying.. whatever you call it, to the storm to make it intensify.. 😲

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not using copper that way; copper provides for a smooth stop; easy landing;

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Drilling oil is out, Govts finally releasing electrical engine hidden technologies are in.

Rich oil barons mad. Ha ha ha ......

Shame on hidden technologies being shelved to satisfy the greedy rich assholes pockets.

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2 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

This is where the extra energy comes to defeat the entropy of the activity of the unit.

Verified in other reliable resources. Simply bounce the field and it returns to stasis.

The Kunel patent shows this with a cancellation coil. The subsequent wrappings catch the harmonics down the line.


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Surrounded by Symbolism . Chemtrails purposefully made to me massive X’s in our skies . Twitter changing its name to X, XRP to become a primary transaction utility . No coincidence . X symbolizes the the convergence of toroidal fields of energy .The energy Cliff describes in this post it tapped directly off of such fields.

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I'd better stop doing x for kisses at the end of my letters! No symbolism from me - just love!

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interesting; i wonder what the anti patent number above is about; seems like a co-ordinance maybe;

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Appears to be todays date, followed by some other reference number (perhaps). BUT, someone looked up that number for an actual patent- and I REALLY didn't like what it was for. Excerpt they posted to Clif's replies (twit) is about using your personal devices to anonymously "select" people for treatment of "infectious diseases like COVID". So, could be he wanted to bring attention to THAT patent.

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Good afternoon Woo Crew! 1:11!!

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back at cha and much love;

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That looks really interesting.

What I would really like though, Is a design to capture Aether energy from the roof of my house. Clif mentioned lightning eaters as a new technology that will be developed as part of the New Electronics.

I have seen guys with drones and a copper wire send the drone up a couple hundred feet and attach the copper wire to a device. The differential between the atmosphere at ground level and the atmosphere at two hundred feet appears to be enough to produce a small electric charge. Perhaps to recharge a battery.

Imagine what the differential might be when there is a thunderstorm approaching.

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from what i have heard Uncle Clif say in many past interviews about lightening is that it comes up from the ground and shoots up into the Æther; like one of those plasma globe/balls that when you put your hand on the globe; the plasma comes out of the center to touch your hand;

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As long as it generates more than enough to keep the drone in the air you're laughing!

It does sound like it could be a maintenance headache though.

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If I am going to make this, I will need a better learning experience. The cult did not teach me anything.

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ha ha ha ha; yeah; we gotta wash our brain out first and then go Aerostotal physics instead of GRIT physics;

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Hmm. I do need off grid free energy. Are there diagrams?

Also, I bought a backhoe! I am so happy.

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here is a link showing the Liberty Engine; this channel also has the blueprints/schematics for building it yourself; it is just beautiful to watch as well;

The Liberty Engine Project. (2023, February 8). NUEVO GENERADOR DE ENERGÍA PERPETUA 20KW - ENERGÍA GRATIS PARA SIEMPRE [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDsVwjAN1xc

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Thank you sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar!

I have seen that, I have silver and aluminum. I have access to a lathe and I have a milling machine.

I need a foundry and the metallurgy but it is the most interesting project I've seen so far.

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i have heard Uncle Clif speak on the possibility of the way of 'growing metals'; for that i hope to have that up and growing soon; after all; all is consciousness and these metals predominantly are mined from dirt; now; just to find where i put my 'metal seeds'; ha ha;

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I'm harvesting tomatoes! That worked, let me know when you figure the metal seeds out.

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It’s better to fish for metal in old rivers with a magnet . I used to drag my magnet along the dirt on the side of the road as a kid , and got a lot of metal filings . Prob brake drums worn out.

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u looked into fuelless mag motor...and thank you for this Clifford 🙏

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Why do some people insist on calling him "Clifford"? He seems to have made it clear he wants to be known as "Clif", with ONE "F". Do you know for a fact his name is actually Clifford? That Clif isn't short for Clifton, or something else?

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Zero Point Energy?

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having to do with magnetics; i found this on clif high youtube channel; it is very neat;

magnets and copper;

NightHawkInLight. (2018, January 26). Copper’s surprising reaction to strong magnets | Force Field motion dampening [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sENgdSF8ppA

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Clif hasn't been on YT for years.

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it is an old youtube channel that is still up and running; not deleted; just not being used;

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your attracted to Java like a magnet 🧲 🧲 🧲 🧲 🧲 🧲 .

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Hehehe...yup. Electromagnetic is a misnomer...we exist in a magnetic-electric realm...no magnetic, no electric...upside down backasswards world! Bwahahaha

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“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

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That rings a bell.

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Years ago a neighbor who use to make NEON lights, pulled out a map of his design of a Salt Water Generation Plant. He explained the current/water of the ocean would go into a tube. Once it went in a process then would create pure drinking water and POWER. HE said US Gov wouldn't buy it. So Saudi Arabia bought it and his expertise. This was in the early 90s.

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Thanks for sharing this Clif. Others are working on similar designs. Here's a related quote from "The Formation & Dissolution of a Planet: https://supersonicuniversal.substack.com/p/the-formation-and-dissolution-of

“Electricity is the only force which God makes use of to create this universe. And the only two “tools” God makes use of for creating His universe of matter and motion are two pairs of opposed spiral vortices. One of these opposite pairs meets at apices at wave amplitudes to create spheres of matter and the other opposed pair meets at cone bases upon wave axes to void both matter and motion.”

— Walter Russell

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having to do with copper and magnets;

NightHawkInLight. (2018, January 26). Copper’s surprising reaction to strong magnets | Force Field motion dampening [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sENgdSF8ppA

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I've seen that one too, veery interesting.

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So you could spin it with a wind turbine. Maybe suspend the core with spindles with nonconductive points?

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i do not believe one would need the wind; just the Æther being disguised;

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I lookup that Patent Number I get this Cliffy: Patent 20240928.001 describes a system and method for anonymously selecting subjects for treatment against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen, such as COVID-19, So I dunno what your smoking Cliff...

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VERY funny.

How and where does one look up a patent please?

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Your search engine can take you here: https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/

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