is it me; or are alot of "Design and Method for the generation of electricity" using magnets showing up in social media feeds; it's like these inventions and 'real physics' are being let loose into society; rapidly;
Yeah and I've memorized a few, just not versed on energy conversion & storage. If that sun's gonna pop, we gotta preserve these systems behind lead or deep underground. Copper melts. (Maj. Ed Dames, Killshot)
That batching crazy scientific crowd was wrong about oil comes from dinosaurs. Earth produces it naturally and is constantly replenishing new oil. Oil will be around so tell the climate hoaxers to follow some other fear cult since fear is their DNA
I think the vast majority of them are to muddy the waters in order to make it harder to determine which ones are legit, and to convince the normies that all "free energy" devices are hoaxes.
This is also why they want all the electricity and are forcing everyone to 'go green'. These data centers are insane energy hogs. they used in Lebanon to blow up the electronic devices is going to be a total nightmare for humanity as it allows things that are incorporeal to become manifest...which is how they exploded the pagers, the radios, the baby monitor and several other types of equipment. They are lying when they say they placed explosives into all those devices months beforehand. We will eventually look back on that lie and be in disbelief that we could have ever believed something that dumb. See...they want to use the technology against you but don't want you to know what they are doing for fear of reprisal via the same tech.
Indeed, they want to talk about the Carbon Footprint of plebs running an air conditioner, while totally ignoring Elites private jet flights and data centers, etc which are far FAR worse. It's like mandating the Vaxx for Everyone, but exempting all the politicians, their aids and their family members from same.
It would have been a 6g chip in a replacement battery label - or one of those plastic battery monitoring strips, replace the battery outer sleeve with an identically printed nitrocelulose replacement and thermobaric dust and have the battery ignite the dust inside the nitrocelulose with a coded transmission. The battery is already highly volitile and the constant number of incidents would be explained by a third party making a bomb out of them. The tech is called thin film.
you are on to something here; spot on; this is like THEY are giving us NOTICE of what THEY have done and plan to do to all of us; thus; THEY are acquiring CONsent by our acquiescence; we know what now comes next;
No, I mean military AI like the one that coordinated the assassination attempt on Putin 8 years ago... The JADC2...'the Jade Helm' type. Not the Cassidy type. The kind that is developed at Google's X lab.
"Google X has one major goal: to disrupt complacency in technology by conducting mind-blowing research akin to the breakthrough and classic work once spearheaded by companies like AT&T's Bell Labs.
Think "Manhattan Project". In other words, Google X wants to forever change the world just like the Manhattan Project changed the world by creating the first atomic bomb - or at least that's how Bloomberg BusinessWeek described Google's research lab."
We all can see now how well things like (((the Manhattan project))) really changed peoples lives.
Why not make one? Between hardware and craft stores, all of the materials (and tools/instruments) are available and inexpensive. I plan to, along with Ken Wheeler's idea, though that is far more involved.
oh man; i know one of ya'll said to check out Ken Wheeler; this guy has a great channel and is pleasant to listen to and watch; thanks for whoever suggested this guy; also i have heard Uncle Clif mention this name before; Theoria Apophasis. (2018, July 13). 🔺MAGNETISM LECTURE Part 1 : Preface 🔷 [Video]. YouTube.
Ken is a trip. I remember the first time I saw one of his videos, it was about buying property for bug-out. He reminded me of a cross between tattooed biker/Uncle Fester/Jon Lovitz. But then I watched more of his videos, the guy is really brilliant.
I have seen a couple videos he did on making a magnetic device but I have not seen his older stuff, so of course I clicked your link. And while I was waiting for the page to load, knowing it would be a keeper, I wondered if I had a text file in my Fav's folder. Sure enough there it was, Theoria Apophasis, so I entered the info even before watching it. lol
Edit: Then while watching it (With Yougoob acting poorly), I looked to the right and saw "Part 2" and I get the feeling I am about to be side tracked for a couple hours, but the upside is putting a few more url's into the file.
No respect at all! However, even after the Michelson–Morley experiment, Einstein said an Aether is necessary, e.g., to explain how electromagnetic waveforms appear to propagate through seemingly empty space.
Four for me that seem legit, so far - the most exciting being Clif's and Ken Wheeler's. I have three, myself, that I need to build and test, except I'm busy surviving. For mine, the keys, imo, are shaping and orienting the magnets to isolate/emphasize the magnet poles or align them in one direction.
how will you 'isolate' a wave; are you planning to 'isolate' the cohesion or the repulsion component of the 'wave, pulse & wave, ebb & flow, destruction & materialization';
My ideas, in part, involve shaping and redirecting the orientations of the 'poles' (positive and negative di-electromagnetic vortices), e.g., horseshoe, curved, spiral, "L," "V," can all differ from each other in which direction the 'poles' face. These differing geometries allow one 'pole' of a magnet to be physically oriented away from the vortices/fields of other magnets, allowing asymmetric interaction between the magnets, i.e., so the force vectors of their 'magnetic fields' don't cancel each other out, which is typical. While true isolation is doubtful, I can greatly reduce the interaction of one pole and, thus, emphasize that of the other. There are other approaches, not least what Edward Leedskalnin embodied in his 'perpetual motion holder' in the 20s, and was later used in a certain industry in the 50s-70s. The base ideas have been around since at least the 60s, if you knew to look - and where to look, e.g., the writings of Steinmetz, Leedskalnin, Davis and Rawls, and now, Wheeler. I'd add Jefemenko to that list, though his research was more into Electrostatics than use of permanent magnetics - but it's part of the larger picture.
I have a friend who wants to build this electrical system. Would you have more detailed information, diagrams and lots of graphics on this project? Let me know if you would share more details on your invention.
omg; this is insane; HYDROGEN; from WATER; yeah; per the description on this channel; Stanley Meyer invented an engine that ran on water as fuel. Unfortunately, he died suddenly on March 20, 1998 while dining at a restaurant. His brother claimed that during a meeting with two Belgian investors, Meyer suddenly ran out and said, "They poisoned me." His water motor was hidden, but today we thank him for all his effort and dedication with this video.
Surrounded by Symbolism . Chemtrails purposefully made to me massive X’s in our skies . Twitter changing its name to X, XRP to become a primary transaction utility . No coincidence . X symbolizes the the convergence of toroidal fields of energy .The energy Cliff describes in this post it tapped directly off of such fields.
Appears to be todays date, followed by some other reference number (perhaps). BUT, someone looked up that number for an actual patent- and I REALLY didn't like what it was for. Excerpt they posted to Clif's replies (twit) is about using your personal devices to anonymously "select" people for treatment of "infectious diseases like COVID". So, could be he wanted to bring attention to THAT patent.
Unfortunately, the first video I saw was a rant aimed at detractors, so I thought she might be crazy,... but she mentioned a few things I had previously heard from Alison Macdowell, so I kept listening and watched some of her other videos which were more informational and less ranting. Then she scared the fuck out of me !!! Evil so extreme it nearly defies description.
I am glad that some others have also taken up the topic and explain it in a friendlier way, only because more people might listen if it is told in a less combative way. And now there are some, like Dr Hughes and Nixon that are onto the topic. But sadly, I think most won't believe this level of evil, until it is too late. I might get in trouble for saying this, but Gov and big tech Data Centers will turn into great places for a Tim McVey (sp?) action.
i think the EVENT that Uncle Clif High has spoken about is about to happen; we are being prepared in a timely manner to have had time to think these things through;
What I would really like though, Is a design to capture Aether energy from the roof of my house. Clif mentioned lightning eaters as a new technology that will be developed as part of the New Electronics.
I have seen guys with drones and a copper wire send the drone up a couple hundred feet and attach the copper wire to a device. The differential between the atmosphere at ground level and the atmosphere at two hundred feet appears to be enough to produce a small electric charge. Perhaps to recharge a battery.
Imagine what the differential might be when there is a thunderstorm approaching.
from what i have heard Uncle Clif say in many past interviews about lightening is that it comes up from the ground and shoots up into the Æther; like one of those plasma globe/balls that when you put your hand on the globe; the plasma comes out of the center to touch your hand;
Lightning is 'dielectric breakdown.' The earth and sky act like capacitor plates, in between which is a varying electric field and the atmosphere acts like a dielectric insulator. During lightning storms, positive and negative charge concentrates and the dielectric 'breaks down,' meaning charge jumps from sky to earth or earth to sky depending on which charge is dominant. Another way to say it, is the space between Earth and Sky is a spark-gap, like that in a sparkplug.
After considering what I learned looking into Electroculture, I can imagine mechanisms of effect. Typical chemtrail material is Fly Ash from burning coal. That can be industrially divided into mostly-paramagnetic and mostly-diamagnetic. The paramagnetic fraction can be seeded into clouds to concentrate the Earth's magnetic field, which concentrates the electric field, which acts as a giant antenna for ionosphere charge, which charges a cloud, causing it to release rain droplets. If the diamagnetic fraction is used, then the opposite results: the Earth's magnetic field is diminished in the seeded clouds, diminishing the electric field, and locally reducing charge concentration, dispersing the clouds. There is only so much charge in the Ionosphere, and it goes to the highest-charge counterparts on the Earth, which would tend to grow where clouds concentrate - which can be seeded to make them stronger. Where the charge flows, the winds follow. More or less. Those are my thoughts, anyway.
Best explanation yet that I personally have ever come across! From what I comprehend this is the energy that Nichola Tesla was tapping into. I may be mistaken but I believe it is referred to as tachyon energy. By collecting the static charge and storing this energy in large capacitors and regulating their discharge and ultimately guiding it through a converter I’d bet it is possible to supply the demand of all humanities electrical needs.
One function of these chemtrails seems to be as cloud dispersants (or cloud seeding to concentrate charge to induce rain) - which also disperses electric charge, which affects where and when rain falls and where winds blow, leading to weather control, such as denying rain to, or directing storms at, your enemies. There are patents and installations. The Chinese, in particular, brag about it, not that I think they are alone. Weather manipulation is part of warfare - against whoever 'they' decide to war against.
here is a link showing the Liberty Engine; this channel also has the blueprints/schematics for building it yourself; it is just beautiful to watch as well;
The Liberty Engine Project. (2023, February 8). NUEVO GENERADOR DE ENERGÍA PERPETUA 20KW - ENERGÍA GRATIS PARA SIEMPRE [Video]. YouTube.
i have heard Uncle Clif speak on the possibility of the way of 'growing metals'; for that i hope to have that up and growing soon; after all; all is consciousness and these metals predominantly are mined from dirt; now; just to find where i put my 'metal seeds'; ha ha;
A long while back I saw some videos of a guy growing Silver in a container. I don't remember the specifics, but it sure was interesting. Lemme' go look and see if I saved a url.
Damn, that took way too long to find. I discovered it had been pasted into a file that was not related at all to this topic. Had to create a new file to put it in.
Anyway, here goes:
Basically just turning impure silver and scrap from other processes, into pure silver using chemical reaction and electricity and acid.
Yeah, but after I watched the whole process, I was bummed. It seems it is required to use waste product from refining gold, to grow inexpensive silver crystals. If I could only afford to refine gold, lol
It’s better to fish for metal in old rivers with a magnet . I used to drag my magnet along the dirt on the side of the road as a kid , and got a lot of metal filings . Prob brake drums worn out.
Have you tried to scrap an old clapped out car lately ?? The only stuff that is going to stick to a magnet, ... isn't worth harvesting, ..... unless it is in the shape of something valuable. Civil War cannon balls, old firearms, hood ornament from a 32 Duesenberg SSJ Roadster etc. etc. Of course, if the hood ornament is still attached, then yes indeed, worth harvesting the whole hulk for parts. lol
So, after I watched Ken's magnatism lecture series, I wandered off into youtube purgatory and then I saw this 01/26/2023: 110v & 230v Free Energy Generator with Microwave Transformers - New Method 2023:
It's the same video, but from the previous month, and it has English subs.
It is painful reading the comments on these types of videos. I think the people trying to make electricity really should stop using the term "Free Energy" because it brings forth loads of sciency geeks stating that all that friction from precision sealed bearings and all that resistance from wires and windings would eat up all the electricity and that it would stop the spinning, therefore it can't work. According to their laws of thermodynamics and physics, sure, FREE Energy is not possible by their definition. Whereas I think there is a big difference between Free Energy they way they understand it, ... and Cheap Electricity. Even these devices are not Free Electricity, strictly speaking because of the cost of the device divided by electricity produced over the lifespan of the device, before repair or replacement is required. But it would still be a lot cheaper than paying the power company every month. They should just start labeling the videos, Cheap Electricity, rather than Free Energy, it might keep the eggheads at bay and clean up the comments section substantially. lol
oh yeah; seen this one; this is what got my attention at first and then it as if it started pouring out of now where; the rapid release of all these types of videos on youtube; it is beautiful;
So many people say these devices can't work, and it makes me wonder about the Misinformation, Disinformation, and outright lies censorship agenda. If these do not work, then why are the videos not removed? Oh wait, selective censorship, only removing information that counters Big Brother's lies ??
having to do with magnetics; i found this on clif high youtube channel; it is very neat;
magnets and copper;
NightHawkInLight. (2018, January 26). Copper’s surprising reaction to strong magnets | Force Field motion dampening [Video]. YouTube.
Why do some people insist on calling him "Clifford"? He seems to have made it clear he wants to be known as "Clif", with ONE "F". Do you know for a fact his name is actually Clifford? That Clif isn't short for Clifton, or something else?
My second hand 9 cup Coleman coffee percolator showed up a couple days ago. I don't make coffee very often, usually less than a half dozen times a year. But when I do get a wild hair and want coffee, that's IT, .... I, ..... Must, ..... Have, ..... COFFEE !!! And I will make three pots in a row and mix them up and put it all into reused liquid creamer jugs and stack them in the fridge, and then I'm chugging coffee for several days. When all the quart jugs are gone, ... I am past the Jones. lol I have quite a few big cans of coffee and lots of powdered creamer, and sugar too, for possible barter in the downfall, .... I figure there might be added value in being able ask, .."Want to try some first?" lmao Let me just toss some wood into this old washing machine drum and toss a grate over it and we'll be sippin' soon enough.
Hehehe...yup. Electromagnetic is a misnomer...we exist in a magnetic-electric magnetic, no electric...upside down backasswards world! Bwahahaha
The Liberty Engine Project. (2023, February 8). NUEVO GENERADOR DE ENERGÍA PERPETUA 20KW - ENERGÍA GRATIS PARA SIEMPRE [Video]. YouTube.
Shape and Size: A cylindrical magnet, either solid or hollow, with a length-to-diameter ratio of 3:1. For example, if the diameter is 1 cm, the length should be 3 cm.
Swivel Mechanism: Attached to one end at the center of the circular face, allowing free rotation and swivel. This swivel is made of metal and serves as a conductor for electricity.
***Clarification on Swivel Attachment***
Attachment Point:
The swivel mechanism is affixed to one end of the cylinder magnet, precisely at the center of the circular face.
This means the swivel is connected at the magnet's longitudinal axis but only at one end, allowing the magnet to hang vertically.
Suspension Wire: A heavily insulated copper conductor wire attached to the swivel, with a length 3 to 8 times the length of the cylinder magnet (e.g., 9 cm to 24 cm for a 3 cm magnet). The wire gauge should support the magnet's weight and conduct electricity efficiently.
Non-Conductive Mount: The suspension wire passes through a mount that prevents vertical sliding but allows swinging motion, ensuring the magnet can move freely without electrical interference.
Ring Magnet
Shape and Size: A ring (doughnut-shaped) magnet with an interior diameter 3 to 8 times larger than the cylinder magnet's diameter. Using the earlier example, the interior diameter would be 3 cm to 8 cm.
Depth: The depth at the interior edge is 1/8th the length of the cylinder magnet (e.g., 0.375 cm for a 3 cm long magnet).
Mounting: Positioned horizontally and held rigidly using non-conductive supports to prevent interference with the magnetic fields.
Electrical Connection: A conductive wire connected to the outer edge, serving as the counterpart to the cylinder magnet's swivel wire.
Electrical Wiring
Sufficient gauge to handle the expected electrical load generated by the device.
Proper insulation to prevent short circuits and ensure safety.
Detailed Assembly Instructions
Preparing the Cylinder Magnet
Attach the Swivel: Securely fix the swivel mechanism to one end of the cylinder magnet, ensuring it is perfectly centered to allow smooth rotation.
Connect the Suspension Wire: Attach the heavily insulated copper wire to the swivel, ensuring good electrical contact and mechanical stability.
Thread Through the Mount: Pass the suspension wire through the non-conductive mount that restricts vertical movement but allows swinging or rotational motion.
Setting Up the Ring Magnet
Mounting: Use non-conductive materials to mount the ring magnet horizontally. The supports should hold the magnet firmly without obstructing the interior space.
Positioning: Adjust the height so that when the cylinder magnet is suspended, it hangs into the ring magnet by 1/8th of its length.
Electrical Connection: Attach a conductive wire to the outer edge of the ring magnet at a point that does not interfere with the cylinder magnet's movement. Ensure the connection is secure and insulated where necessary.
Final Assembly
Align the Magnets: Carefully adjust the suspension wire so that the cylinder magnet is centered within the ring magnet's interior diameter, maintaining equal spacing from all sides.
Check Movements: Ensure the cylinder magnet can rotate and swing freely without touching the ring magnet or any supports.
Secure Connections: Verify that all electrical connections are secure and that insulation is adequate to prevent unintended conduction.
Operating the Device
Initiating Motion
Start Rotation or Swing: Gently apply an initial impulse to the cylinder magnet to start it spinning around its axis or swinging within the ring magnet. This can be done manually or using a non-magnetic tool.
Self-Sustained Motion: The interaction between the magnetic fields of the cylinder and ring magnets is intended to sustain and enhance the motion initiated.
Electricity Generation
Magnetic Induction: As the cylinder magnet moves within the magnetic field of the ring magnet, it experiences changes in magnetic flux, inducing an electromotive force (EMF) according to Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction.
Current Flow: The induced EMF causes a current to flow through the conductive path formed by the swivel, suspension wire, and the wire connected to the ring magnet.
Energy Extraction: Connect an electrical load (like a light bulb or a resistor) between the swivel wire and the ring magnet's wire to utilize the generated electricity.
Key Considerations for Optimal Performance
Magnet Strengths
Balance: The strengths of the cylinder and ring magnets should be balanced. A stronger ring magnet may exert excessive force on the cylinder magnet, impeding its motion or causing it to stick. Conversely, a weaker ring magnet might not provide sufficient interaction, leading to unstable or erratic motion.
Adjustment: Modify the depth of the cylinder magnet's insertion into the ring magnet to fine-tune the interaction based on their relative strengths.
Motion Stability
Preventing Oscillation: Excessive swinging or uncontrolled movement can cause mechanical stress and potential breakage. Ensure the initial impulse is moderate and the setup is symmetrical to promote stable motion.
Friction Reduction: Minimize friction at the swivel and suspension points to allow smoother and longer-lasting motion.
Electrical Load Management
Load Matching: The electrical load connected should be appropriate for the amount of electricity generated. Overloading can slow down the magnet's motion quickly.
Monitoring: Use measuring instruments like voltmeters and ammeters to monitor the generated voltage and current, ensuring they remain within safe and functional levels.
In summary, the device aims to utilize the interaction between two permanent magnets and their induced motion to generate electricity. By optimizing the size, strength, and positioning of the magnets, the system is designed to sustain motion and generate electricity for a time after the initial input, making it a novel approach to energy generation.
“Electricity is the only force which God makes use of to create this universe. And the only two “tools” God makes use of for creating His universe of matter and motion are two pairs of opposed spiral vortices. One of these opposite pairs meets at apices at wave amplitudes to create spheres of matter and the other opposed pair meets at cone bases upon wave axes to void both matter and motion.”
Years ago a neighbor who use to make NEON lights, pulled out a map of his design of a Salt Water Generation Plant. He explained the current/water of the ocean would go into a tube. Once it went in a process then would create pure drinking water and POWER. HE said US Gov wouldn't buy it. So Saudi Arabia bought it and his expertise. This was in the early 90s.
Interesting, I have an alternative model for the nature of water and air.
And I think it’s what is missing from the free energy community.
Knowing what air-ether is. Watch out your schooled daze programming doesn’t kick in to dismiss without pondering.
Water is not H2O , read 100 reasons water is not H2O by Peter Peterson, available on smashwords free to download.
Water is an element, inert always the carrier not taking part in reactions. This is why water cycles and distils.
Electrolysis requires TDS total dissolved solids. Pure water is a good insulator, similar value to wood.
The electrolysis current is generated by a salt decomposing, either added or the actual electrode is decomposed. Water is the great decomposer.
Water undoes man’s work. Metallurgy required the replacement of air with a dry air. A super super super dry air. They invented oxygen for this purpose. Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture to the parts per million of water contamination. The only problem is oxygen will cause a fire with red hot metal. The foundry fires raged until they invented nitrogen or black oxygen. Nitrogen is made from oxygen with the addition of carbon soot - synthetic smoke, noncombustible and it gave them super super super dry air without the fires as they pulled and rolled metal.
I link to a brilliant demonstration of this, using a home oxygen concentrator.
Oxygen and nitrogen are manufactured from air, products not constituents of air. As are the rest of the 1% gases.
Water and air are the same element, in different energy states. Air holds more energy than water. Stir a bucket, watch bubbles rise. Movement and temperature increase gives bubbles.
Ocean Waves release masses of bubbles, this is the air we breathe.
A cold front removes energy from air, drops form and fall. Full bubbles or drops are water.
That’s the cycle.
Cold air holds the least moisture.
Cold air is dryer, Eg Mount Everest has 1% humidity.
Planes fly at cruising altitude to take advantage of the cold dry air for more efficient combustion.
There’s more, read my article: We breathe air not oxygen.
Click on my blue icon to read.
I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a FRAUD. Find out what our lungs are really doing.
Hydration not oxygenation under pins our physiology. Hydration equals SALT plus water.
is it me; or are alot of "Design and Method for the generation of electricity" using magnets showing up in social media feeds; it's like these inventions and 'real physics' are being let loose into society; rapidly;
Yeah and I've memorized a few, just not versed on energy conversion & storage. If that sun's gonna pop, we gotta preserve these systems behind lead or deep underground. Copper melts. (Maj. Ed Dames, Killshot)
Btw, did anyone see them using lasers to move those storms? Look at the eye of the storm.
Monkey Werx showed a German company out in the Atlantic seeding,/ modifying.. whatever you call it, to the storm to make it intensify.. 😲
Yes, been following ( In2thinair ) he has been capturing live weather showing the laser shots coming from a type of weather tower,
also Dane has something on it with more information:
not using copper that way; copper provides for a smooth stop; easy landing;
Drilling oil is out, Govts finally releasing electrical engine hidden technologies are in.
Rich oil barons mad. Ha ha ha ......
Shame on hidden technologies being shelved to satisfy the greedy rich assholes pockets.
i believe there will still be oil that is required for certain outcomes; diesel is still required for certain projects;
You are ridiculous. "Drilling oil is out"
That batching crazy scientific crowd was wrong about oil comes from dinosaurs. Earth produces it naturally and is constantly replenishing new oil. Oil will be around so tell the climate hoaxers to follow some other fear cult since fear is their DNA
I think the vast majority of them are to muddy the waters in order to make it harder to determine which ones are legit, and to convince the normies that all "free energy" devices are hoaxes.
(I have a podcast, and I’m gonna shill it until I get 1000 subs: Sorry, but it ain't gonna shill itself...)
It would take an AI to keep up with suppressing the technology and killing them all...
They're sure working on that, at break-neck speed. 09/28/2024: Why the Explosive Rush To Build Data Centers? - Peak Prosperity:
This is also why they want all the electricity and are forcing everyone to 'go green'. These data centers are insane energy hogs. they used in Lebanon to blow up the electronic devices is going to be a total nightmare for humanity as it allows things that are incorporeal to become manifest...which is how they exploded the pagers, the radios, the baby monitor and several other types of equipment. They are lying when they say they placed explosives into all those devices months beforehand. We will eventually look back on that lie and be in disbelief that we could have ever believed something that dumb. See...they want to use the technology against you but don't want you to know what they are doing for fear of reprisal via the same tech.
Indeed, they want to talk about the Carbon Footprint of plebs running an air conditioner, while totally ignoring Elites private jet flights and data centers, etc which are far FAR worse. It's like mandating the Vaxx for Everyone, but exempting all the politicians, their aids and their family members from same.
It would have been a 6g chip in a replacement battery label - or one of those plastic battery monitoring strips, replace the battery outer sleeve with an identically printed nitrocelulose replacement and thermobaric dust and have the battery ignite the dust inside the nitrocelulose with a coded transmission. The battery is already highly volitile and the constant number of incidents would be explained by a third party making a bomb out of them. The tech is called thin film.
you are on to something here; spot on; this is like THEY are giving us NOTICE of what THEY have done and plan to do to all of us; thus; THEY are acquiring CONsent by our acquiescence; we know what now comes next;
good question; i believe we are seeing the Intent and Motive; especially back this up with what Kiki has shared;
do you mean the kind of AI that Kerry Cassidy talks about; the one that has black goo and will eat your liver;
No, I mean military AI like the one that coordinated the assassination attempt on Putin 8 years ago... The JADC2...'the Jade Helm' type. Not the Cassidy type. The kind that is developed at Google's X lab.
"Google X has one major goal: to disrupt complacency in technology by conducting mind-blowing research akin to the breakthrough and classic work once spearheaded by companies like AT&T's Bell Labs.
Think "Manhattan Project". In other words, Google X wants to forever change the world just like the Manhattan Project changed the world by creating the first atomic bomb - or at least that's how Bloomberg BusinessWeek described Google's research lab."
We all can see now how well things like (((the Manhattan project))) really changed peoples lives.
maybe soon Uncle Clif will speak on this; thanks for the link;
Hopefully he will show us a working model?
Why not make one? Between hardware and craft stores, all of the materials (and tools/instruments) are available and inexpensive. I plan to, along with Ken Wheeler's idea, though that is far more involved.
and sell it on Temu...I'll be checking
oh man; i know one of ya'll said to check out Ken Wheeler; this guy has a great channel and is pleasant to listen to and watch; thanks for whoever suggested this guy; also i have heard Uncle Clif mention this name before; Theoria Apophasis. (2018, July 13). 🔺MAGNETISM LECTURE Part 1 : Preface 🔷 [Video]. YouTube.
Ken is a trip. I remember the first time I saw one of his videos, it was about buying property for bug-out. He reminded me of a cross between tattooed biker/Uncle Fester/Jon Lovitz. But then I watched more of his videos, the guy is really brilliant.
I have seen a couple videos he did on making a magnetic device but I have not seen his older stuff, so of course I clicked your link. And while I was waiting for the page to load, knowing it would be a keeper, I wondered if I had a text file in my Fav's folder. Sure enough there it was, Theoria Apophasis, so I entered the info even before watching it. lol
Edit: Then while watching it (With Yougoob acting poorly), I looked to the right and saw "Part 2" and I get the feeling I am about to be side tracked for a couple hours, but the upside is putting a few more url's into the file.
this truly is the Age of Aquarius; a beautiful outpouring of knowledge from very neat people; enjoy; and take notes;
In case anyone else wants to see magnetism lecture.
07/12/2018: Theoria Apophasis. MAGNETISM LECTURE Part 1 Preface:
07/12/2018: MAGNETISM LECTURE Part 2: Current View on Magnetism :
07/13/2018: MAGNETISM LECTURE Part 3: Lines of Force:
07/13/2018: MAGNETISM LECTURE Part 4: What defines a magnet?:
07/15/2018: MAGNETISM LECTURE Part 5: Polarity, Icommensurability:
07/15/2018: MAGNETISM LECTURE Part 6: Magnetism:
He Really does not have any respect for Einstein. lol
No respect at all! However, even after the Michelson–Morley experiment, Einstein said an Aether is necessary, e.g., to explain how electromagnetic waveforms appear to propagate through seemingly empty space.
This is where the extra energy comes to defeat the entropy of the activity of the unit.
Verified in other reliable resources. Simply bounce the field and it returns to stasis.
The Kunel patent shows this with a cancellation coil. The subsequent wrappings catch the harmonics down the line.
but is anything really ever in stasis; thanks for the pdf; very interesting;
Solid state electric generator patent (Steven Mark):
if the wire were woven such as a double helix; imo; might be refreshingly thrilling;
oh man; those are some great channels; woooo; thanks for sharing; wow;
Four for me that seem legit, so far - the most exciting being Clif's and Ken Wheeler's. I have three, myself, that I need to build and test, except I'm busy surviving. For mine, the keys, imo, are shaping and orienting the magnets to isolate/emphasize the magnet poles or align them in one direction.
how will you 'isolate' a wave; are you planning to 'isolate' the cohesion or the repulsion component of the 'wave, pulse & wave, ebb & flow, destruction & materialization';
My ideas, in part, involve shaping and redirecting the orientations of the 'poles' (positive and negative di-electromagnetic vortices), e.g., horseshoe, curved, spiral, "L," "V," can all differ from each other in which direction the 'poles' face. These differing geometries allow one 'pole' of a magnet to be physically oriented away from the vortices/fields of other magnets, allowing asymmetric interaction between the magnets, i.e., so the force vectors of their 'magnetic fields' don't cancel each other out, which is typical. While true isolation is doubtful, I can greatly reduce the interaction of one pole and, thus, emphasize that of the other. There are other approaches, not least what Edward Leedskalnin embodied in his 'perpetual motion holder' in the 20s, and was later used in a certain industry in the 50s-70s. The base ideas have been around since at least the 60s, if you knew to look - and where to look, e.g., the writings of Steinmetz, Leedskalnin, Davis and Rawls, and now, Wheeler. I'd add Jefemenko to that list, though his research was more into Electrostatics than use of permanent magnetics - but it's part of the larger picture.
Hi Cliff,
I have a friend who wants to build this electrical system. Would you have more detailed information, diagrams and lots of graphics on this project? Let me know if you would share more details on your invention.
omg; this is insane; HYDROGEN; from WATER; yeah; per the description on this channel; Stanley Meyer invented an engine that ran on water as fuel. Unfortunately, he died suddenly on March 20, 1998 while dining at a restaurant. His brother claimed that during a meeting with two Belgian investors, Meyer suddenly ran out and said, "They poisoned me." His water motor was hidden, but today we thank him for all his effort and dedication with this video.
The Liberty Engine Project. (2023, December 26). Lo Mataron por Inventar ESTO!!! [Video]. YouTube.
Free energy from Zero Point Energy
8.3K views · 7 years ago...more
Surrounded by Symbolism . Chemtrails purposefully made to me massive X’s in our skies . Twitter changing its name to X, XRP to become a primary transaction utility . No coincidence . X symbolizes the the convergence of toroidal fields of energy .The energy Cliff describes in this post it tapped directly off of such fields.
I'd better stop doing x for kisses at the end of my letters! No symbolism from me - just love!
interesting; i wonder what the anti patent number above is about; seems like a co-ordinance maybe;
Appears to be todays date, followed by some other reference number (perhaps). BUT, someone looked up that number for an actual patent- and I REALLY didn't like what it was for. Excerpt they posted to Clif's replies (twit) is about using your personal devices to anonymously "select" people for treatment of "infectious diseases like COVID". So, could be he wanted to bring attention to THAT patent.
And suddenly Sabrina seems less crazy, yes ??
that gal is spot on; Sabrina has eye popping information;
Unfortunately, the first video I saw was a rant aimed at detractors, so I thought she might be crazy,... but she mentioned a few things I had previously heard from Alison Macdowell, so I kept listening and watched some of her other videos which were more informational and less ranting. Then she scared the fuck out of me !!! Evil so extreme it nearly defies description.
I am glad that some others have also taken up the topic and explain it in a friendlier way, only because more people might listen if it is told in a less combative way. And now there are some, like Dr Hughes and Nixon that are onto the topic. But sadly, I think most won't believe this level of evil, until it is too late. I might get in trouble for saying this, but Gov and big tech Data Centers will turn into great places for a Tim McVey (sp?) action.
oh my god; it is a coordinance; Tia Loca; you are correct and followed the bread crumbs;
i think the EVENT that Uncle Clif High has spoken about is about to happen; we are being prepared in a timely manner to have had time to think these things through;
oh my god; it is a coordinance; Tia Loca; you are correct and followed the bread crumbs;
That looks really interesting.
What I would really like though, Is a design to capture Aether energy from the roof of my house. Clif mentioned lightning eaters as a new technology that will be developed as part of the New Electronics.
I have seen guys with drones and a copper wire send the drone up a couple hundred feet and attach the copper wire to a device. The differential between the atmosphere at ground level and the atmosphere at two hundred feet appears to be enough to produce a small electric charge. Perhaps to recharge a battery.
Imagine what the differential might be when there is a thunderstorm approaching.
from what i have heard Uncle Clif say in many past interviews about lightening is that it comes up from the ground and shoots up into the Æther; like one of those plasma globe/balls that when you put your hand on the globe; the plasma comes out of the center to touch your hand;
Lightning is 'dielectric breakdown.' The earth and sky act like capacitor plates, in between which is a varying electric field and the atmosphere acts like a dielectric insulator. During lightning storms, positive and negative charge concentrates and the dielectric 'breaks down,' meaning charge jumps from sky to earth or earth to sky depending on which charge is dominant. Another way to say it, is the space between Earth and Sky is a spark-gap, like that in a sparkplug.
beautiful 'breakdown'; makes one think about how those chemtrails fit into this equation; THEY are messing with The Æther Sparkplug;
After considering what I learned looking into Electroculture, I can imagine mechanisms of effect. Typical chemtrail material is Fly Ash from burning coal. That can be industrially divided into mostly-paramagnetic and mostly-diamagnetic. The paramagnetic fraction can be seeded into clouds to concentrate the Earth's magnetic field, which concentrates the electric field, which acts as a giant antenna for ionosphere charge, which charges a cloud, causing it to release rain droplets. If the diamagnetic fraction is used, then the opposite results: the Earth's magnetic field is diminished in the seeded clouds, diminishing the electric field, and locally reducing charge concentration, dispersing the clouds. There is only so much charge in the Ionosphere, and it goes to the highest-charge counterparts on the Earth, which would tend to grow where clouds concentrate - which can be seeded to make them stronger. Where the charge flows, the winds follow. More or less. Those are my thoughts, anyway.
Best explanation yet that I personally have ever come across! From what I comprehend this is the energy that Nichola Tesla was tapping into. I may be mistaken but I believe it is referred to as tachyon energy. By collecting the static charge and storing this energy in large capacitors and regulating their discharge and ultimately guiding it through a converter I’d bet it is possible to supply the demand of all humanities electrical needs.
One function of these chemtrails seems to be as cloud dispersants (or cloud seeding to concentrate charge to induce rain) - which also disperses electric charge, which affects where and when rain falls and where winds blow, leading to weather control, such as denying rain to, or directing storms at, your enemies. There are patents and installations. The Chinese, in particular, brag about it, not that I think they are alone. Weather manipulation is part of warfare - against whoever 'they' decide to war against.
i appreciate your explanation; spot on;
As long as it generates more than enough to keep the drone in the air you're laughing!
It does sound like it could be a maintenance headache though.
Cliff also mentioned the Tesla turbine steam powered mini generator. I would like to here more on this build:)
Have you looked at what the electroculture guys use?
i am using those in my garden;
Hmm. I do need off grid free energy. Are there diagrams?
Also, I bought a backhoe! I am so happy.
here is a link showing the Liberty Engine; this channel also has the blueprints/schematics for building it yourself; it is just beautiful to watch as well;
The Liberty Engine Project. (2023, February 8). NUEVO GENERADOR DE ENERGÍA PERPETUA 20KW - ENERGÍA GRATIS PARA SIEMPRE [Video]. YouTube.
Thank you sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar!
I have seen that, I have silver and aluminum. I have access to a lathe and I have a milling machine.
I need a foundry and the metallurgy but it is the most interesting project I've seen so far.
i have heard Uncle Clif speak on the possibility of the way of 'growing metals'; for that i hope to have that up and growing soon; after all; all is consciousness and these metals predominantly are mined from dirt; now; just to find where i put my 'metal seeds'; ha ha;
A long while back I saw some videos of a guy growing Silver in a container. I don't remember the specifics, but it sure was interesting. Lemme' go look and see if I saved a url.
Damn, that took way too long to find. I discovered it had been pasted into a file that was not related at all to this topic. Had to create a new file to put it in.
Anyway, here goes:
Basically just turning impure silver and scrap from other processes, into pure silver using chemical reaction and electricity and acid.
07/05/2018: Silver Refining Pure Silver Crystal Part 1of3:
07/07/2018: Silver Refining Pure Silver Crystal Part 2of3:
09/05/2018: Silver Refining Pure Silver Crystal Part 3of3:
03/19/2023: How To Build And Operate Your Own Silver Cell:
12/29/2017: Silver Refining How To Make Electrolyte For The Silver Cell:
04/05/2023:: Melting 22lbs Cement Silver To Feed The Silver Cell:
03/22: Silver Cell Crystal Growth Day 3:
03/24/2023: Silver Cell Crystal Growth Day 5:
04/03/2023: Fifty Ounces of Silver From My Silver Cell Day 15:
12/17/2022: Lets Melt Some Silver Bars:
love it; wo; thanks a ton;
Yeah, but after I watched the whole process, I was bummed. It seems it is required to use waste product from refining gold, to grow inexpensive silver crystals. If I could only afford to refine gold, lol
So no chance of Clif's $600 silver if they can "grow" it in a lab. 🤡
I'm harvesting tomatoes! That worked, let me know when you figure the metal seeds out.
ha ha; you got it;
It’s better to fish for metal in old rivers with a magnet . I used to drag my magnet along the dirt on the side of the road as a kid , and got a lot of metal filings . Prob brake drums worn out.
i wonder if we could hook a magnet-dragnet metal detector behind a plane and see what would stick;
Have you tried to scrap an old clapped out car lately ?? The only stuff that is going to stick to a magnet, ... isn't worth harvesting, ..... unless it is in the shape of something valuable. Civil War cannon balls, old firearms, hood ornament from a 32 Duesenberg SSJ Roadster etc. etc. Of course, if the hood ornament is still attached, then yes indeed, worth harvesting the whole hulk for parts. lol
Also check out the thunderstorm generator..
That was interesting, thanks.
So, after I watched Ken's magnatism lecture series, I wandered off into youtube purgatory and then I saw this 01/26/2023: 110v & 230v Free Energy Generator with Microwave Transformers - New Method 2023:
It's the same video, but from the previous month, and it has English subs.
ha ha; youtube purgatory; checking this out now;
It is painful reading the comments on these types of videos. I think the people trying to make electricity really should stop using the term "Free Energy" because it brings forth loads of sciency geeks stating that all that friction from precision sealed bearings and all that resistance from wires and windings would eat up all the electricity and that it would stop the spinning, therefore it can't work. According to their laws of thermodynamics and physics, sure, FREE Energy is not possible by their definition. Whereas I think there is a big difference between Free Energy they way they understand it, ... and Cheap Electricity. Even these devices are not Free Electricity, strictly speaking because of the cost of the device divided by electricity produced over the lifespan of the device, before repair or replacement is required. But it would still be a lot cheaper than paying the power company every month. They should just start labeling the videos, Cheap Electricity, rather than Free Energy, it might keep the eggheads at bay and clean up the comments section substantially. lol
oh yeah; seen this one; this is what got my attention at first and then it as if it started pouring out of now where; the rapid release of all these types of videos on youtube; it is beautiful;
So many people say these devices can't work, and it makes me wonder about the Misinformation, Disinformation, and outright lies censorship agenda. If these do not work, then why are the videos not removed? Oh wait, selective censorship, only removing information that counters Big Brother's lies ??
Good afternoon Woo Crew! 1:11!!
back at cha and much love;
If I am going to make this, I will need a better learning experience. The cult did not teach me anything.
ha ha ha ha; yeah; we gotta wash our brain out first and then go Aerostotal physics instead of GRIT physics;
Zero Point Energy?
having to do with magnetics; i found this on clif high youtube channel; it is very neat;
magnets and copper;
NightHawkInLight. (2018, January 26). Copper’s surprising reaction to strong magnets | Force Field motion dampening [Video]. YouTube.
Clif hasn't been on YT for years.
it is an old youtube channel that is still up and running; not deleted; just not being used;
using magnetics;
u looked into fuelless mag motor...and thank you for this Clifford 🙏
Why do some people insist on calling him "Clifford"? He seems to have made it clear he wants to be known as "Clif", with ONE "F". Do you know for a fact his name is actually Clifford? That Clif isn't short for Clifton, or something else?
It's not his real name anyway....
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your attracted to Java like a magnet 🧲 🧲 🧲 🧲 🧲 🧲 .
My second hand 9 cup Coleman coffee percolator showed up a couple days ago. I don't make coffee very often, usually less than a half dozen times a year. But when I do get a wild hair and want coffee, that's IT, .... I, ..... Must, ..... Have, ..... COFFEE !!! And I will make three pots in a row and mix them up and put it all into reused liquid creamer jugs and stack them in the fridge, and then I'm chugging coffee for several days. When all the quart jugs are gone, ... I am past the Jones. lol I have quite a few big cans of coffee and lots of powdered creamer, and sugar too, for possible barter in the downfall, .... I figure there might be added value in being able ask, .."Want to try some first?" lmao Let me just toss some wood into this old washing machine drum and toss a grate over it and we'll be sippin' soon enough.
“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
That rings a bell.
Hehehe...yup. Electromagnetic is a misnomer...we exist in a magnetic-electric magnetic, no electric...upside down backasswards world! Bwahahaha
Woo Crew; check this out; freaking so Hyper;
The Liberty Engine Project. (2023, February 8). NUEVO GENERADOR DE ENERGÍA PERPETUA 20KW - ENERGÍA GRATIS PARA SIEMPRE [Video]. YouTube.
Components Needed
Cylinder Magnet
Shape and Size: A cylindrical magnet, either solid or hollow, with a length-to-diameter ratio of 3:1. For example, if the diameter is 1 cm, the length should be 3 cm.
Swivel Mechanism: Attached to one end at the center of the circular face, allowing free rotation and swivel. This swivel is made of metal and serves as a conductor for electricity.
***Clarification on Swivel Attachment***
Attachment Point:
The swivel mechanism is affixed to one end of the cylinder magnet, precisely at the center of the circular face.
This means the swivel is connected at the magnet's longitudinal axis but only at one end, allowing the magnet to hang vertically.
Suspension Wire: A heavily insulated copper conductor wire attached to the swivel, with a length 3 to 8 times the length of the cylinder magnet (e.g., 9 cm to 24 cm for a 3 cm magnet). The wire gauge should support the magnet's weight and conduct electricity efficiently.
Non-Conductive Mount: The suspension wire passes through a mount that prevents vertical sliding but allows swinging motion, ensuring the magnet can move freely without electrical interference.
Ring Magnet
Shape and Size: A ring (doughnut-shaped) magnet with an interior diameter 3 to 8 times larger than the cylinder magnet's diameter. Using the earlier example, the interior diameter would be 3 cm to 8 cm.
Depth: The depth at the interior edge is 1/8th the length of the cylinder magnet (e.g., 0.375 cm for a 3 cm long magnet).
Mounting: Positioned horizontally and held rigidly using non-conductive supports to prevent interference with the magnetic fields.
Electrical Connection: A conductive wire connected to the outer edge, serving as the counterpart to the cylinder magnet's swivel wire.
Electrical Wiring
Sufficient gauge to handle the expected electrical load generated by the device.
Proper insulation to prevent short circuits and ensure safety.
Detailed Assembly Instructions
Preparing the Cylinder Magnet
Attach the Swivel: Securely fix the swivel mechanism to one end of the cylinder magnet, ensuring it is perfectly centered to allow smooth rotation.
Connect the Suspension Wire: Attach the heavily insulated copper wire to the swivel, ensuring good electrical contact and mechanical stability.
Thread Through the Mount: Pass the suspension wire through the non-conductive mount that restricts vertical movement but allows swinging or rotational motion.
Setting Up the Ring Magnet
Mounting: Use non-conductive materials to mount the ring magnet horizontally. The supports should hold the magnet firmly without obstructing the interior space.
Positioning: Adjust the height so that when the cylinder magnet is suspended, it hangs into the ring magnet by 1/8th of its length.
Electrical Connection: Attach a conductive wire to the outer edge of the ring magnet at a point that does not interfere with the cylinder magnet's movement. Ensure the connection is secure and insulated where necessary.
Final Assembly
Align the Magnets: Carefully adjust the suspension wire so that the cylinder magnet is centered within the ring magnet's interior diameter, maintaining equal spacing from all sides.
Check Movements: Ensure the cylinder magnet can rotate and swing freely without touching the ring magnet or any supports.
Secure Connections: Verify that all electrical connections are secure and that insulation is adequate to prevent unintended conduction.
Operating the Device
Initiating Motion
Start Rotation or Swing: Gently apply an initial impulse to the cylinder magnet to start it spinning around its axis or swinging within the ring magnet. This can be done manually or using a non-magnetic tool.
Self-Sustained Motion: The interaction between the magnetic fields of the cylinder and ring magnets is intended to sustain and enhance the motion initiated.
Electricity Generation
Magnetic Induction: As the cylinder magnet moves within the magnetic field of the ring magnet, it experiences changes in magnetic flux, inducing an electromotive force (EMF) according to Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction.
Current Flow: The induced EMF causes a current to flow through the conductive path formed by the swivel, suspension wire, and the wire connected to the ring magnet.
Energy Extraction: Connect an electrical load (like a light bulb or a resistor) between the swivel wire and the ring magnet's wire to utilize the generated electricity.
Key Considerations for Optimal Performance
Magnet Strengths
Balance: The strengths of the cylinder and ring magnets should be balanced. A stronger ring magnet may exert excessive force on the cylinder magnet, impeding its motion or causing it to stick. Conversely, a weaker ring magnet might not provide sufficient interaction, leading to unstable or erratic motion.
Adjustment: Modify the depth of the cylinder magnet's insertion into the ring magnet to fine-tune the interaction based on their relative strengths.
Motion Stability
Preventing Oscillation: Excessive swinging or uncontrolled movement can cause mechanical stress and potential breakage. Ensure the initial impulse is moderate and the setup is symmetrical to promote stable motion.
Friction Reduction: Minimize friction at the swivel and suspension points to allow smoother and longer-lasting motion.
Electrical Load Management
Load Matching: The electrical load connected should be appropriate for the amount of electricity generated. Overloading can slow down the magnet's motion quickly.
Monitoring: Use measuring instruments like voltmeters and ammeters to monitor the generated voltage and current, ensuring they remain within safe and functional levels.
In summary, the device aims to utilize the interaction between two permanent magnets and their induced motion to generate electricity. By optimizing the size, strength, and positioning of the magnets, the system is designed to sustain motion and generate electricity for a time after the initial input, making it a novel approach to energy generation.
Thanks for sharing this Clif. Others are working on similar designs. Here's a related quote from "The Formation & Dissolution of a Planet:
“Electricity is the only force which God makes use of to create this universe. And the only two “tools” God makes use of for creating His universe of matter and motion are two pairs of opposed spiral vortices. One of these opposite pairs meets at apices at wave amplitudes to create spheres of matter and the other opposed pair meets at cone bases upon wave axes to void both matter and motion.”
— Walter Russell
thanks Cliff how about a couple of sketches of this magnetic device....
Years ago a neighbor who use to make NEON lights, pulled out a map of his design of a Salt Water Generation Plant. He explained the current/water of the ocean would go into a tube. Once it went in a process then would create pure drinking water and POWER. HE said US Gov wouldn't buy it. So Saudi Arabia bought it and his expertise. This was in the early 90s.
Interesting, I have an alternative model for the nature of water and air.
And I think it’s what is missing from the free energy community.
Knowing what air-ether is. Watch out your schooled daze programming doesn’t kick in to dismiss without pondering.
Water is not H2O , read 100 reasons water is not H2O by Peter Peterson, available on smashwords free to download.
Water is an element, inert always the carrier not taking part in reactions. This is why water cycles and distils.
Electrolysis requires TDS total dissolved solids. Pure water is a good insulator, similar value to wood.
The electrolysis current is generated by a salt decomposing, either added or the actual electrode is decomposed. Water is the great decomposer.
Water undoes man’s work. Metallurgy required the replacement of air with a dry air. A super super super dry air. They invented oxygen for this purpose. Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture to the parts per million of water contamination. The only problem is oxygen will cause a fire with red hot metal. The foundry fires raged until they invented nitrogen or black oxygen. Nitrogen is made from oxygen with the addition of carbon soot - synthetic smoke, noncombustible and it gave them super super super dry air without the fires as they pulled and rolled metal.
I link to a brilliant demonstration of this, using a home oxygen concentrator.
Oxygen and nitrogen are manufactured from air, products not constituents of air. As are the rest of the 1% gases.
Water and air are the same element, in different energy states. Air holds more energy than water. Stir a bucket, watch bubbles rise. Movement and temperature increase gives bubbles.
Ocean Waves release masses of bubbles, this is the air we breathe.
A cold front removes energy from air, drops form and fall. Full bubbles or drops are water.
That’s the cycle.
Cold air holds the least moisture.
Cold air is dryer, Eg Mount Everest has 1% humidity.
Planes fly at cruising altitude to take advantage of the cold dry air for more efficient combustion.
There’s more, read my article: We breathe air not oxygen.
Click on my blue icon to read.
I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a FRAUD. Find out what our lungs are really doing.
Hydration not oxygenation under pins our physiology. Hydration equals SALT plus water.
Getting salty is required to think clearly.
Just saw your comment. Thx!