I’ve unsubscribed from his channel. I get really bad vibes from him. The ladies who left him and formed Maison Jupiter are so positive which really contrasts to his clickbait titles.
Their views are down 90+%, their overall exposure is down even more. Either they got kicked off or they used and left IDK. Their divine feminine isn't balanced. When women talk like that in her explanation video men need to realize that it's all code for something else. Meg stayed, she is the winner and she has this masculine edge on her so she deserves the exposure she gets there.
What better way for a dolt to project an air of authority onto simple minds, than to talk down to them. Oh she must know what she's talking about, she's so uppity about it. lmao Okay, not sure if its funny or just sad, since it does seem to work for her, just enough.
Anatomical Beings, not AI. It’s what was planned for the human species. They are sentient, bio-mechanical, mathematical beings capable of extraordinarily complex calculations, but do not have the emotional depth of a human being. It’s the exopolitical contention we are now entering into, and it would have been our fate were it not for an intervention. Humans will eventually figure it out. Examine where the vax rollout was going and extrapolate.
And that’s the point, the terminology is wrong. So I credit Clif for pointing that out, but he and others are missing what it is that Kerry is pointing out when it’s vitally important that humans understand this.. it’s not floating ai, it’s anatomical beings which are used by ETs to carry out different services. Not all bad, but unfortunately I can tell you from direct experience, these are very powerful beings and humans do Not want to get tangled up with the wrong ones. I will leave it at that. Believe me, this is a major issue, and humans are going to have to get wise to it if they are going to survive.
I wrote another comment above somewhere about how this AI may traverse space using Aether as a source of electricity, something Clif may have overlooked for whatever reason, as it would give a credibility to your point above.
From what can tell, their ontological foundation for technology operates on the basis of what we might refer to as ‘meta-physics’. There is a real energetic component that can be physically perceived by the human body and mind. They use very powerful tele-kinetic forces that can push and pull certain things around. So, yes this technology is so vastly superior to anything publicly known, that most humans would perceive it as ‘spiritual phenomenon’. However, it does seem to work on an ontological basis which includes things such as tele-kinesis, telepathic-communication, inter-dimensional actives, etc. Where do they get the energy for this? How could we possibly know, until we understand the fundamental principles and mechanics of these phenomenon? So, I think Kerry is pointing out something that is important to consider. Although she is not using the same rigorous definitions that would pass for someone who specializes in language or properly defining a problem for computer programming. In my opinion, Clif is correct in that Kerry is not precise with her language. However, she does claim to be an abductee. This is likely why she is interested in the subject and has an intuitive grasp of it. She may experientially know a thing or two about it. Point is, there is a grain of truth in everyone's perspective. Don't miss the forest from the trees (especially on this issue). Read between the lines with Kerry and you will find there are some valid clues to consider.
I very much doubt the 'code' that advanced Ai uses has anything to do with the code contemporary mainstream programmers are aware of. The certifiable genius David Adair would doubtless agree that the Ai he had an experience with was something quite different, just like Capt Mark Richards a sentient craft bering Ai, as does Adair.
You may be interested to hear that even if Richards murdered a man he is still incarcerated after 37 years as opposed to a 20 year maximum without parole. Perhaps the max for murder differs from state yo state? I suggest he was set up. His father The Dutchman was inner cabbal and as with being knighted this is no small thing. One thing it means is your children will be taken care of, protected. Subsequently if they killed Richards it would send shock waves of betrayal down the ranks of Elite lieutenants. He's basically therefore unkillable! They HAD to shut him up so all they could do is publically incarcerate him, be seen to be locked up, indefinitely.
It's so refreshing to listen to your podcasts as intelligent conversation is rapidly becoming extinct on this planet. I have always done my own research and follow like minded folks, like yourself, and take AI as nothing more than an amusement AI is just another mother wefer phase in the dumbing down of the population by making humans more dependent on massive databases still controlled by the few. I was taught to take any and all information "with a grain of salt" and both of my parents were teachers (old school)! It brings to mind Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek series where the alien Vulcan species were the only ones capable of logic, how true today on this planet! Thanks for sharing, staying Woo!
I think it could very well be contagious, just not quickly. Would have to spend a lot of time around Spock and I'm sure it would rub off after a while, .... although Bones did seem a bit reluctant. Or bitter, since Spock had the market cornered. lol
This reminds me of ventriloquism. The dummy only says what the ventriloquist tells him to say, and the misdirection of the ventriloquist creates the illusion that the dummy is real.
You build up a compost bed starting with logs at the bottom, then a layer of smaller branches and twigs, then layer with assorted compost. I've not done it myself, but have read/watched people who have had success and others that dismantled theirs for different reasons - primarily rats! I just use spent duck bedding in layers. The grass snakes sort out the rodents, as do the kestrels, owls, foxes, buzzards and the cats! Edited to add it should break down over time and be very rich in nutrients, but you plant on it from the start.
I like to see the wildlife, good job voles are prolific! My cats just play with the squeaky toys until they stop squeaking and then they aren't interested, whereas one of our neighbour's cats takes her prizes to the picnic table and eats it. Yuk! But she has good manners!
Thanks for the reminder! Some while ago I made a raised bed and filled it with that sort of stuff. Have bought chopped straw and alfalfa pellets [horse feed] to add to it. By next spring, I think it will be top notch for planting hungry stuff like tomatoes, peppers, cucurbits! :)
My sculpted garden beds, that started out as a giant pile of grass that my hubby left in the yard. “Hügelkultur” is a German word that means mound culture or hill culture. A hügelkultur is a sloped and raised planting bed filled with topsoil, wood, and organic materials. German and European people have practiced it as a gardening method for hundreds of years.
So, if it can't accumulate any data,...how does my Cell Phone know what I looked at on my PC or talked about near it the day before and show me links for exactly those things? It is Listening and it's keeping track and using what I said to give me ads that fit exactly what I was talking about. I find that really scary!
I can be 10 feet away from that Android phone and it is still listening and keeping track and acting on what I was saying! I'm not talking about typing on the phone,.....I never use my Smart Phone for Smart stuff, only phone calls. I don't buy anything on it, pay any bills, nothing!
I'm talking about TALKING to someone near the phone and it listening! It's also keeping track of every purchase I make with a credit card on my PC. The cell phone will offer me products just like what I bought on the desktop PC. Everything is talking to everything else behind my back! There really is NO privacy any more with any Electronics in your home! Do you take your Cell in to the bathroom when you take a Shit? I'm sure it's listening and keeping a record! LOL!
What you're seeing is just a lot of observational key data points from various sources (easy to digitize) being collated in a database, cross-referenced with other databases, and then weighted parameters (generated by an AI) applied to it all to offer you your next purchase opportunity.
Yes, your phone is listening to you. Your laptop is listening to you. Both are watching what you type.
YT is taking note of which videos you watch, and how far you get into the video, and if you comment on it. There is a while extra level of computation expended on what you comment on YT.
It's standard data capture practice and business models these days, and the AI stuff is only making it easier to draw inferences, but at the end of the day, its still just databases (albeit much much bigger databases), with a better query language. Not even close to sentient.
Same, I tell it, I know your listening, so piss off....I do not consent to your eaves dropping BS....then I crack up laughing !! If I have anything important I want to say, we go outside where the pond is gurgling !
Do you have a TV or PC ? If 'someone' is interested in you, 'they' can turn on the speaker or use the screen as a camera, even when it's turned off....check out the research x
Not only those electronics. TV, PC, cell phones, "smart" anything including air conditioner, washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove, light systems, security cameras, your car with OnStar, virtually anything electronic. All require batteries or the grid 😉
I made a comment about 15 minute cities being geofenced prisons and got a reply stating it was conspiracy theory tropes and buzzwords, and asked me to detail this mystical surveillance. Face palm. For a moment, .... a very brief moment, I thought about launching into the 10-fold ways they are currently being surveilled already and explaining how it's all going to go down. Then I said "Fuck that, it's too late in the game to waste the time to drag them along" and just agreed with them. "Yeah, it's all just conspiracy theory and buzzword tropes, ... Enjoy". hahaha
For me, I think the deciding factor was them asking me to "describe this surveillance and provide discernment:". Um, sorry pal, Discernment isn't a screwdriver I can loan you. lol
The System in the world is enabled through Corporations (companies) all Trading. I will not go into details here as it is far to involved, but the Simple solution is you take your Name and incorporate it as a LTD Company and make it Dormant, therefore NO other Company (Corporation) can enter your Jurisdiction without breaking Company Corporate Law. You are using the System "they" set up to capture you against "them", Legally and Lawfully.
All the Top elites and those that are acting in the Public Domain have done this. This is why "they" appear beyond prosecution.
Yes,and despite the denials can read your mind. I know they track your purchases,your Internet searches, but this is much deeper,and I'm not the only one to experience this
Is your phone in airplane mode when it's listening, or online? I do most of the stuff on my laptop, and my phone is in airplane mode the entire day except when I need to check the weather or receive a text or something. I haven't noticed any listening or tracking going on like you describe.
I use an old laptop, it doesn't have a camera or a microphone. and my phone generally sits on the dresser for days until it goes dead. I don't have any smart stuff except a TV and that's only because I had to replace it and could not find an un-smart tv, but it hasn't been turned on in months. I did a web search once for Moccasins using my laptop, the next day I was on Facebook and got a lot of Moccasin ads. So it was search based tracking. Then I remembered Firefox folder has a CHROME subfolder, ... I guess Google is baked in. I have no doubt that phones and tv's and laptops so equipped and smart wifi stuff are listening and watching, I'm just saying they have more than a few ways to skin that cat. Abstinence is the only solution.
I agree Clif. My understanding of human nature indicates that a greater part of our personality is unconscious. If we are unaware of how things pop into our awareness, there is no way you can program software if we don't know how we work.
It gets worse. Mid-August 2023, per Bloomberg, "Israel quietly puts AI system at the center of military operations". This might, wink, wink, explain the events which unfolded.
Thanks Clif. I agree about AI only being able to retain information, not real intelligence. But somehow many people believe that this world is an AI based "Simulation". Clearly, not many understand Natural Law and the immense intelligence of Nature and all her incredible creative abilities. Here's an article that may help "Is the Simulation Theory True and What is Behind it's Rising Popularity": https://supersonicuniversal.substack.com/p/is-the-simulation-theory-true-and
And about Kerry Cassidy, it would be best to speak directly with her about these things as I'm sure you'd appreciate the same if someone as popular as you took issue with what you share. We really need to bring the Golden Rule back into the forefronts of our lives if we want to move forward positively. Anyways, thanks again Clif and I'm sure and talk between you two can be arranged if you both are interested...
Let me clarify here an important distinction to make regarding AI. These physical machines are not intelligent on their own, but they can be possessed by low forms of consciousnesses, making them appear intelligent. There are higher forms of technology that can be also be controlled by higher forms of consciousness. That does not mean that AI is truly intelligent, it means that we, as humans, as well as other intelligent beings, have the capacity to send our consciousness into objects and control those objects thereby making them appear intelligent. But the real intelligence is coming from "the ghost in the machine", not the machine itself. The human body with all our organs and chakras, is better than any man-made machine and by far the most powerful, "soft-technology" (coined by Gregg Braden) in the cosmos and has real intelligence integrated into it's very creation. Machines do not have these same capacities on their own but when controlled by various consciousnesses, they can exceed their machine-like capacities.
Thank you Clif for discussing Gesara-Nesara and QFI. Many platforms on Telegram continually push these frauds along with Trump badges, etc. using well known political persons as shills. From the get-go I suspected it was being done using AI. This nonsense reduces the credibility of the true platform holder.
I began responding using 'scam' as a reply, letting the monitors know. It never stopped the barrage of unsolicited mail. Presently I have six platforms and each one is inundated with these fraudsters. I signed on to Telegram because it offered free speech. In light of the 'owners' arrest, it's apparent now, he too is a deep state operative. Our choices for truth on the internet are difficult to find.
By the way I really resonated with: The Universe Provides and Guides⚡️⚡️
Your wealth of information has given my life experience abundant treasures for my inner quest. I'm skipping into my 90's filled with enthusiasm and loving appreciation. ✨️✨️✨️🤗✨️✨️✨️ Observing Goddess , CS
If you notice she, Kerry is always right because she has done this for 20 years,she reminds everyone, and she does not allow different opinions, period. She is rude to anyone questioning her information, she a narcissist straight up, I like a couple of her guests, but can't ever get through her show because she is always right.
Common sense will tell you, and I’m not a computer programmer, that AI is what is programmed into it. I have no fear when it come to AI. Thank you Clif!
Kerry Kassidy says fantastical things and nothing she says makes sense. She puts down everyone. I never watch ANY episodes anyone has with her and never will.
I turn off Jean-Claude when he has Kerry Cassidy on. She looks and sounds drunk, and she talks down to everyone. She's impossible to watch.
She’s a most unpleasant individual, unbearable
Agree. Between Cassidy and tarot cards, I have better things to do than watch JC.
I’ve unsubscribed from his channel. I get really bad vibes from him. The ladies who left him and formed Maison Jupiter are so positive which really contrasts to his clickbait titles.
Their views are down 90+%, their overall exposure is down even more. Either they got kicked off or they used and left IDK. Their divine feminine isn't balanced. When women talk like that in her explanation video men need to realize that it's all code for something else. Meg stayed, she is the winner and she has this masculine edge on her so she deserves the exposure she gets there.
I notice her behavior when she interviews other people, it's bad. She is acting her role very well. I think she is an undercover..
I only know her by reputation.
Same here. I just happened to watch her...once. I turned her off after 10 minutes. Very condescending person.
She has changed alot the last couple of years.
is it her? ... I had to quit watching too -- followed her for years in the all interesting interviews but lately she is off
Heh, not a good trait!
She must have read the book, "How to win friends and influence people", .... but only read the second half. Hahahaha
Neither is descending!
What better way for a dolt to project an air of authority onto simple minds, than to talk down to them. Oh she must know what she's talking about, she's so uppity about it. lmao Okay, not sure if its funny or just sad, since it does seem to work for her, just enough.
What's her reputation?
Ditsy blonde?
Narcissist of the highest order :)
I think her official title from days gone by was "guerilla journalist".
Anatomical Beings, not AI. It’s what was planned for the human species. They are sentient, bio-mechanical, mathematical beings capable of extraordinarily complex calculations, but do not have the emotional depth of a human being. It’s the exopolitical contention we are now entering into, and it would have been our fate were it not for an intervention. Humans will eventually figure it out. Examine where the vax rollout was going and extrapolate.
Agreed, but I would never give this AI BS any sense of credit by Capitalising its name, as if it deserved one's Recognition.
And that’s the point, the terminology is wrong. So I credit Clif for pointing that out, but he and others are missing what it is that Kerry is pointing out when it’s vitally important that humans understand this.. it’s not floating ai, it’s anatomical beings which are used by ETs to carry out different services. Not all bad, but unfortunately I can tell you from direct experience, these are very powerful beings and humans do Not want to get tangled up with the wrong ones. I will leave it at that. Believe me, this is a major issue, and humans are going to have to get wise to it if they are going to survive.
I wrote another comment above somewhere about how this AI may traverse space using Aether as a source of electricity, something Clif may have overlooked for whatever reason, as it would give a credibility to your point above.
From what can tell, their ontological foundation for technology operates on the basis of what we might refer to as ‘meta-physics’. There is a real energetic component that can be physically perceived by the human body and mind. They use very powerful tele-kinetic forces that can push and pull certain things around. So, yes this technology is so vastly superior to anything publicly known, that most humans would perceive it as ‘spiritual phenomenon’. However, it does seem to work on an ontological basis which includes things such as tele-kinesis, telepathic-communication, inter-dimensional actives, etc. Where do they get the energy for this? How could we possibly know, until we understand the fundamental principles and mechanics of these phenomenon? So, I think Kerry is pointing out something that is important to consider. Although she is not using the same rigorous definitions that would pass for someone who specializes in language or properly defining a problem for computer programming. In my opinion, Clif is correct in that Kerry is not precise with her language. However, she does claim to be an abductee. This is likely why she is interested in the subject and has an intuitive grasp of it. She may experientially know a thing or two about it. Point is, there is a grain of truth in everyone's perspective. Don't miss the forest from the trees (especially on this issue). Read between the lines with Kerry and you will find there are some valid clues to consider.
That Jean Claude is possibly the worst grifter on the internet.
He gets info from Clif and has had Clif on as a guest...
So that explains why he's almost always wrong.....
I very much doubt the 'code' that advanced Ai uses has anything to do with the code contemporary mainstream programmers are aware of. The certifiable genius David Adair would doubtless agree that the Ai he had an experience with was something quite different, just like Capt Mark Richards a sentient craft bering Ai, as does Adair.
You may be interested to hear that even if Richards murdered a man he is still incarcerated after 37 years as opposed to a 20 year maximum without parole. Perhaps the max for murder differs from state yo state? I suggest he was set up. His father The Dutchman was inner cabbal and as with being knighted this is no small thing. One thing it means is your children will be taken care of, protected. Subsequently if they killed Richards it would send shock waves of betrayal down the ranks of Elite lieutenants. He's basically therefore unkillable! They HAD to shut him up so all they could do is publically incarcerate him, be seen to be locked up, indefinitely.
Something to think about.
Blessings to you and your wife Clif
It's so refreshing to listen to your podcasts as intelligent conversation is rapidly becoming extinct on this planet. I have always done my own research and follow like minded folks, like yourself, and take AI as nothing more than an amusement AI is just another mother wefer phase in the dumbing down of the population by making humans more dependent on massive databases still controlled by the few. I was taught to take any and all information "with a grain of salt" and both of my parents were teachers (old school)! It brings to mind Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek series where the alien Vulcan species were the only ones capable of logic, how true today on this planet! Thanks for sharing, staying Woo!
I don't think the Vulcans were the only one's capable of logic, ... just the only species strictly bound by it.
Point taken, I would like to believe that it could be contagious but I don't think it can be taught, like common sense.
I think it could very well be contagious, just not quickly. Would have to spend a lot of time around Spock and I'm sure it would rub off after a while, .... although Bones did seem a bit reluctant. Or bitter, since Spock had the market cornered. lol
A star trekker
Simply "Trekie", I believe.
Yes! A fellow trekkie!
This reminds me of ventriloquism. The dummy only says what the ventriloquist tells him to say, and the misdirection of the ventriloquist creates the illusion that the dummy is real.
Good evening Woo Crew! I finished watering the Hugelkultur just in time to catch up with you all! Cheers!
What's that?
You build up a compost bed starting with logs at the bottom, then a layer of smaller branches and twigs, then layer with assorted compost. I've not done it myself, but have read/watched people who have had success and others that dismantled theirs for different reasons - primarily rats! I just use spent duck bedding in layers. The grass snakes sort out the rodents, as do the kestrels, owls, foxes, buzzards and the cats! Edited to add it should break down over time and be very rich in nutrients, but you plant on it from the start.
My cats just love to hunt in my garden! Compost attracts all sorts of creatures!
I like to see the wildlife, good job voles are prolific! My cats just play with the squeaky toys until they stop squeaking and then they aren't interested, whereas one of our neighbour's cats takes her prizes to the picnic table and eats it. Yuk! But she has good manners!
You bury your veg peelings etc in a ditch and then plant on top of it. It feeds the soil, looked into it myself
Thanks for the reminder! Some while ago I made a raised bed and filled it with that sort of stuff. Have bought chopped straw and alfalfa pellets [horse feed] to add to it. By next spring, I think it will be top notch for planting hungry stuff like tomatoes, peppers, cucurbits! :)
My sculpted garden beds, that started out as a giant pile of grass that my hubby left in the yard. “Hügelkultur” is a German word that means mound culture or hill culture. A hügelkultur is a sloped and raised planting bed filled with topsoil, wood, and organic materials. German and European people have practiced it as a gardening method for hundreds of years.
Very good analogy with Dementia. Very interesting to consider memory storage and limits and collapsing of indices. AI in the moment only.
So, if it can't accumulate any data,...how does my Cell Phone know what I looked at on my PC or talked about near it the day before and show me links for exactly those things? It is Listening and it's keeping track and using what I said to give me ads that fit exactly what I was talking about. I find that really scary!
I can be 10 feet away from that Android phone and it is still listening and keeping track and acting on what I was saying! I'm not talking about typing on the phone,.....I never use my Smart Phone for Smart stuff, only phone calls. I don't buy anything on it, pay any bills, nothing!
I'm talking about TALKING to someone near the phone and it listening! It's also keeping track of every purchase I make with a credit card on my PC. The cell phone will offer me products just like what I bought on the desktop PC. Everything is talking to everything else behind my back! There really is NO privacy any more with any Electronics in your home! Do you take your Cell in to the bathroom when you take a Shit? I'm sure it's listening and keeping a record! LOL!
What you're seeing is just a lot of observational key data points from various sources (easy to digitize) being collated in a database, cross-referenced with other databases, and then weighted parameters (generated by an AI) applied to it all to offer you your next purchase opportunity.
Yes, your phone is listening to you. Your laptop is listening to you. Both are watching what you type.
YT is taking note of which videos you watch, and how far you get into the video, and if you comment on it. There is a while extra level of computation expended on what you comment on YT.
It's standard data capture practice and business models these days, and the AI stuff is only making it easier to draw inferences, but at the end of the day, its still just databases (albeit much much bigger databases), with a better query language. Not even close to sentient.
Yes very scary...only solution ? Get rid of it all!
Same, I tell it, I know your listening, so piss off....I do not consent to your eaves dropping BS....then I crack up laughing !! If I have anything important I want to say, we go outside where the pond is gurgling !
I reluctantly use a smart phone for text and calls, I went into the Settings tab and disabled Google completly
I do not even have a phone and these situations happen all the time.
Reading our minds is what it looks like.
Do you have a TV or PC ? If 'someone' is interested in you, 'they' can turn on the speaker or use the screen as a camera, even when it's turned off....check out the research x
Not only those electronics. TV, PC, cell phones, "smart" anything including air conditioner, washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove, light systems, security cameras, your car with OnStar, virtually anything electronic. All require batteries or the grid 😉
I made a comment about 15 minute cities being geofenced prisons and got a reply stating it was conspiracy theory tropes and buzzwords, and asked me to detail this mystical surveillance. Face palm. For a moment, .... a very brief moment, I thought about launching into the 10-fold ways they are currently being surveilled already and explaining how it's all going to go down. Then I said "Fuck that, it's too late in the game to waste the time to drag them along" and just agreed with them. "Yeah, it's all just conspiracy theory and buzzword tropes, ... Enjoy". hahaha
Heh heh. The trolls have been flailing and rage baiting recently like their little furry heads are on fire. Your reply was perfect 😁
For me, I think the deciding factor was them asking me to "describe this surveillance and provide discernment:". Um, sorry pal, Discernment isn't a screwdriver I can loan you. lol
The System in the world is enabled through Corporations (companies) all Trading. I will not go into details here as it is far to involved, but the Simple solution is you take your Name and incorporate it as a LTD Company and make it Dormant, therefore NO other Company (Corporation) can enter your Jurisdiction without breaking Company Corporate Law. You are using the System "they" set up to capture you against "them", Legally and Lawfully.
All the Top elites and those that are acting in the Public Domain have done this. This is why "they" appear beyond prosecution.
When I was a kid the conspiracy was that the TV could watch you, you know those old TV's!
Too long of a reply but taking a shit?
Yes, in the bathroom with your phone...that's what he said!
Yes,and despite the denials can read your mind. I know they track your purchases,your Internet searches, but this is much deeper,and I'm not the only one to experience this
Is your phone in airplane mode when it's listening, or online? I do most of the stuff on my laptop, and my phone is in airplane mode the entire day except when I need to check the weather or receive a text or something. I haven't noticed any listening or tracking going on like you describe.
Needs to be turned off, app permissions to allow tracking etc mean nothing. If it's on it's tracking.
I use an old laptop, it doesn't have a camera or a microphone. and my phone generally sits on the dresser for days until it goes dead. I don't have any smart stuff except a TV and that's only because I had to replace it and could not find an un-smart tv, but it hasn't been turned on in months. I did a web search once for Moccasins using my laptop, the next day I was on Facebook and got a lot of Moccasin ads. So it was search based tracking. Then I remembered Firefox folder has a CHROME subfolder, ... I guess Google is baked in. I have no doubt that phones and tv's and laptops so equipped and smart wifi stuff are listening and watching, I'm just saying they have more than a few ways to skin that cat. Abstinence is the only solution.
They got your iris, your gait or your voice?
My voice from my phone, my gait from the street lamp, but iris, not yet.
I agree Clif. My understanding of human nature indicates that a greater part of our personality is unconscious. If we are unaware of how things pop into our awareness, there is no way you can program software if we don't know how we work.
Ed is the man
Make them all learn to use machine code. That might clear things up.
Yup. That way they'll actually see HOW it works. No Magic.
Do people know that Trump's first executive order was to allow AI to be part of government. We all know it is programmed Clif!
Trump would have too, there is no human intelligence in government!
LOL!!! Maybe he trusts AI more than all the people who stabbed him in the Back last time around!
It gets worse. Mid-August 2023, per Bloomberg, "Israel quietly puts AI system at the center of military operations". This might, wink, wink, explain the events which unfolded.
Here is some very interesting information you should see my friend.
Uh oh
TRUDY. That name
No there is much more at play than the bs of back and fourth nonsense!
Have a look here https://rumble.com/v5e5ytu-biomedical-aim-and-fire-biopython-13.html
I started LMFAO with the AI comparison to a person suffering from increasing dementia. PRICELESS.
Like everything going on in the circus these days. DEMENTED.
Don't forget Monkeys agitated slinging their shit at us
That's not all! Welcome to the Monkey House!
Thanks Clif. I agree about AI only being able to retain information, not real intelligence. But somehow many people believe that this world is an AI based "Simulation". Clearly, not many understand Natural Law and the immense intelligence of Nature and all her incredible creative abilities. Here's an article that may help "Is the Simulation Theory True and What is Behind it's Rising Popularity": https://supersonicuniversal.substack.com/p/is-the-simulation-theory-true-and
And about Kerry Cassidy, it would be best to speak directly with her about these things as I'm sure you'd appreciate the same if someone as popular as you took issue with what you share. We really need to bring the Golden Rule back into the forefronts of our lives if we want to move forward positively. Anyways, thanks again Clif and I'm sure and talk between you two can be arranged if you both are interested...
Too long of a reply or I'd a read it
Let me clarify here an important distinction to make regarding AI. These physical machines are not intelligent on their own, but they can be possessed by low forms of consciousnesses, making them appear intelligent. There are higher forms of technology that can be also be controlled by higher forms of consciousness. That does not mean that AI is truly intelligent, it means that we, as humans, as well as other intelligent beings, have the capacity to send our consciousness into objects and control those objects thereby making them appear intelligent. But the real intelligence is coming from "the ghost in the machine", not the machine itself. The human body with all our organs and chakras, is better than any man-made machine and by far the most powerful, "soft-technology" (coined by Gregg Braden) in the cosmos and has real intelligence integrated into it's very creation. Machines do not have these same capacities on their own but when controlled by various consciousnesses, they can exceed their machine-like capacities.
Tom Campbell, are you shitting on me? That guy is the most, shittiest, liar that ever most, shittiest lied that ever lied.
How do you really feel?
Don't sugar coat it
Think I made that point clear.
Thank you Clif for discussing Gesara-Nesara and QFI. Many platforms on Telegram continually push these frauds along with Trump badges, etc. using well known political persons as shills. From the get-go I suspected it was being done using AI. This nonsense reduces the credibility of the true platform holder.
I began responding using 'scam' as a reply, letting the monitors know. It never stopped the barrage of unsolicited mail. Presently I have six platforms and each one is inundated with these fraudsters. I signed on to Telegram because it offered free speech. In light of the 'owners' arrest, it's apparent now, he too is a deep state operative. Our choices for truth on the internet are difficult to find.
By the way I really resonated with: The Universe Provides and Guides⚡️⚡️
Your wealth of information has given my life experience abundant treasures for my inner quest. I'm skipping into my 90's filled with enthusiasm and loving appreciation. ✨️✨️✨️🤗✨️✨️✨️ Observing Goddess , CS
If you notice she, Kerry is always right because she has done this for 20 years,she reminds everyone, and she does not allow different opinions, period. She is rude to anyone questioning her information, she a narcissist straight up, I like a couple of her guests, but can't ever get through her show because she is always right.
Common sense will tell you, and I’m not a computer programmer, that AI is what is programmed into it. I have no fear when it come to AI. Thank you Clif!
And they can program "bad" information into it use it in a negative way.
Yes they can. 👍
Kerry Kassidy says fantastical things and nothing she says makes sense. She puts down everyone. I never watch ANY episodes anyone has with her and never will.
Now Char