Thank you Clif for all that you do for us all. Enjoy your holiday break...that's if you get one, :))

I live in a beautiful part of Tasmania right on the West Tamar River...so tranquil here and Nature all around me. I was just watching a pair of mature Eagles souring above my property. I have amazing wildlife here. Many wallabies having a wonderful existence with Pelicans and many other wonderful birdlife and echidnas etc

I thought I would share this with you so you can visialise my surroundings. I have been here since 2003/3004. & now having to sell as I truly cant look after it anymore...my memories live on though. Take care of yourself my Blessing and love are being sent to you as I type here

Love Robyn :))

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Memories are the gold of existence. Continue being blessed.

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Hi Robyn, do you mind if we exchange emails? As my wife and I are looking to buy a property out of town, we are currently in Europe and unsure whether we stay here or return to oz,

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Dec 15Edited
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Thank You Meg for the link!

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Oregon had drone sightings by pilots , Red orbs yesterday

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Check out MRMBB333 on YT... the pilots chatter is pretty kewl.


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i second that; excellent work by mrmbb333;

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Pilots can see forward and to the sides. Passengers can see only to the sides.

People are seeing drones all over the country and all over the world. It isn't just vaxxed people seeing them.

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excellent point; for this is a fact; the bio-weapon is in many CHROMIES; and this brings to question the 10th cranial nerve/11th cn intersection of pineal antenna and vagus nerve antenna; resonance and frequency; tied into Blue Beam; and the cherry on top is the freakin' parasitic frequency; we are witness to all of this and it seems something in THEIR plan has malfunctioned; there is also the soft contact that is happening at the EPN;

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What does it mean: the soft contact that is happening at the EPN,?

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ever present now; soft contact; as if a Viking standing at the shore allowing the fog to dissipate so as not to startle those that are unaware of that Vikings' presence;

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Me too, Mrmbb333 is excellent

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The drones were an attempt at projecting Blue Beam holograms to fake an alien invasion. White Hats disabled them. This is why the Biden Regime is being so non-committal -- they're trying to figure out how to make the holograms work again. Thank you, Space Force!

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Good theory. I happen to think they were sniffing out radiation. Possible dirty bomb on the horizon. AND, Trump's tweet. The two misspelled words were don and shot.....were meant to be don't shoot imo. So the drones are white hat vehicles. Time will tell.

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wow; gets even more intriguing;

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Are covid vax free peeps also spotting these illuminations in the sky? All airline pilots are covid vaxxed.

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Good question. I'm vaxx-free and haven't seen any drones, but I'm not looking either. I'm surprisingly unconcerned by the whole thing. We're living in a totally different reality from the vaxxed commies.

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I have a nephew who didn’t have the vaxx who is now flying for Frontier.

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Indeed -- they lightened up on the mandate. Many fine men lost their jobs as airline pilots because they refused the devil's jab.

One such man is --- check him out --


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What proof do you have for your statement?

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In my earlier post, I forgot to say that what we saw from our deck was (in my opinion) a hologram. The group of orbs were totally stationary, immobile, and I know nothing can do that, not even really high end drones which can hover in still air. Silent, still, hologram fits but I don't know how they projected it up into the sky like that, without any quivering, interference. The air here is very dry in Aug, true, but this was something new, still haven't seen anything quite like it.

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ha ha ha; omg;

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could you PLEAZE!! get me more info on this. I live in SW OR and would love to know if these are what we saw here from our deck, shortly after 9PM, Aug 17, 2016. We always sit there that time of evening and as we are in "the pattern" of a small municipal airport, and hubby is a aviation buff as well as sky watcher, he is a great judge of everything we see overhead, on the horizon, in the heavens. What we saw that night was a triple performance, about 15 min apart, a group of motionless orbs appeared, not quite simultaneously, but almost. Each like a dimmer switch had turned it on, they grew in size and became red on the peripheral edge, dark yellow then yellowish white insides. About 7 of them. The were perfectly motionless, fixed. Not like a balloon, or drones. Whatever it was seemed to me to be about the size of several football fields, maybe 2000 ft higher elevation. My hubby thought they were much larger but further away, in space. I pointed out to him that everything in space is in motion, nothing is perfectly still, and these had zero motion. We never forgot that evening and always thought that whatever it was, we'd hear about it again some day. Someone had this technology a few yrs back (at least) but saving it for a reason (nefarious?) Looks like we're at that point. I believe whatever this is, part of the pentagon's missing budget was spent on it and they're motivated to prevent Trump/WeThePeople from ever gaining power again.

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This sounds like something that people in Phoenix -- 700 miles or so from you -- were seeing the year before.

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/2tybkf/what_are_these_orange_orbsufos_all_over_the/

"when i looked to the south towards i-8 and saw 3 large dull but bright at the same time orange orbs in an upside wide triangle that spand about a mile from end to end over buckeye"

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Which always concerns me when Portland's involved with pushing narratives.... isn't it?

At 2am I saw a half ring of Jupiter bright lights doing a wide arch around the left (I was facing west) side of the full moon. without fingers spread, arms extended, about two hands width from the moon, which made me do a double take, and I was driving. When I got out, what I witnessed wasn't noticeable anymore and I've yet to become willing to risk running into shit while trying to photograph the phenomena. I am a panel member of a gentlemen's live current affairs show that's just gained 5K subscribers in 5 days of returning to daily coverage of the Disclosure topic. And not so much as by choice. Along with what's going on in the news syncs in with what's been happening with me and my experiences, memory recollections, downloads (which I wince writing, not wanting to sound like Johnny Come Wokely marching home, without an arm, without his leg, lookin' to court some widow) ... Steve Mera, a well respected researcher and proponent of "Phenomenology" corroborated the experience when I was able to share a peculiar feeling I've had in times past, a feeling like something unseen and intelligent (even humorous) is initiating me into something important I need to become aware of. High strangeness to be sure when this man with 40 years of uninterrupted investigations into the paranormal and UFO/UAP looks surprised and tells me there's an episode of one of his many lectures he's intentionally not broadcast that they had entitled, "the Initiation"... Humor is my favorite defense against darkness. But I am not sensing anything nefarious. Not me, not yet. Hearing reports from home makes it all the more personal. And for as much knowledge I've accumulated over the last 2-3 years when the collar and leash were placed upon my soul, I still feel the indignity of not knowing enough, which is the exact place someone well versed in possibilities, like Steve Mera, finds himself to be stood at.

Just some thoughts in response to your comment . Thank you!!

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is this a possible 'Initiation' of rite(s); psykhe(soul) rite; author of soul rite; author rite; author-rit(e)y; those that ION-ically elementally rise versus those that are content[ION] with their Chattelship/citizenship of leash and collar; for that presumed and assumed FICTITIOUS Officialdom Authority is non-existent; everyone, everywhere, asking every question; and OFFICIALDOM / AUTHORITIES look all like the 'Actors' they are running around 'on Stage' having forgot their lines and positions; and roles;

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Clif continues to get more attention, along with Courtney Brown. Oh well. https://quislings.substack.com/p/space-drone-attack

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing it's just awesome when ya do. Woo hooo. . AHHHHHHH!

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A Clif High post without Johnny Jo Jo Java slipping in the freshly brewed toasted comments is like a day without Sir Clif

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Hello Michael

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Hello Newman; had to say it;

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Interstital fluids between cells. water is life. water conducts electricity. Biofield extends 6 foot from your center. You are basically a taurus field or an electro magnet. Each atom has a field, even rocks. Everything is energy, energy has a frequency, which creates vibration.

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Thank's Clif!🙏❤️🍻

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There is a device called the DPE. “Defence of Planet Earth” that changes all the towers and HAARP frequencies to where they can’t hurt you. I have one buried in my yard and it’s the smallest model but protects close to 2 miles around me.

If you want to know more. Call Ms Dawson 519-538-2887. Ontario canada

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That’s great. Good luck. I’ve send it to Kennedy

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Orgone generators correct?

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No. More like it created a torsion field

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No. More like grounding

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Dec 17
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Seems to ground everything unnatural

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Dec 21
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The science says it does, but I’m not sure

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Wetiko is a Native American term for a contagious psycho-spiritual disease that causes greed, exploitation, and madness. Paul Levy Wetiko: Healing the 'Mind-Virus' That Plagues Our World.

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Same as 'Wendigo?'

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Yes, I think 'wendigo' is Ojibwe, and 'wetiko' is Cree.

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Am aware of Wetiko

and wary of Wetiko

and am familiar with his work

and I have his first book about Wetiko

Clif and Paul Levy are referencing the same mind virus

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Check out The Telepathy Tapes, by Ky Dickens.

Astonishing research in telepathy amongst folks who have non verbal and low verbal autism.

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And between animals.

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Rupert Sheldrake has done research on pet and human telepathy. Ky Dickens discusses this in episode 6 or 7.

She interviews Rupert Sheldrake in that episode.

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Available at her website by the same name and Spotify and Audible.

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Thanks for this reference.

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Nobody gets out of here alive??!!

Sometimes you make me laugh. Sure I'll try not to sweat it.

Thanks for the historical perspective on the woke virus/ parasite. As well as shocking treatments - my grandmother had many in Ontario in the 40's and 50's coming over to Canada from Ireland in the 30's. It was called " Homewood" in Guelph I was six years old during one of my visits. The idea behind them was that by the time you gained back and remembered who you were that you wouldn't remember the problems that landed you in this hospital. I've asked for the records over the last years to no avail.

I really appreciate you touching basis with your following and all the good points like chaga and our electrical wiring. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦👏👏

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Where I am here in Montana ( 4 miles from MAFB) we’ve had a week of heavy chem trail’s. Earlier in the week homeland security helicopters were circling all dang day.

As always Thanks so much Clif for all you do. Seems like the chaos is getting intense.

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Great podcast. Have read any of Paul Levy’s work on the mind virus he names Wetiko? If you have, what’s your take on it?

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Alan Watts for the high level

Clif High for the nitty gritty

Just along for the ride. We are all one

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thanks Clif, really interesting, You've connected many dots and this makes so much sense. The creatures running the show are truly sick fucks.

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Thanks Uncle Clif.🙏 Just wondering if the Blue Hair crazy’s ever going to come around and see the light?

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We’re finding that lecithin and a certain salt call baja gold keeps the cell membranes very strong and resistant to disease and nano bots

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No it’s organic soy lecithin I find premeire research labs. Best.brand

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There is lecithin made from sunflower oil. CH sez sunflower oil/seed oil ‘no bueno’. I wonder if lecithin from sunflower oil is ok? Anybody know?

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It has been opined that seed oils are not unhealthy as such but for the solvent(s) used to extract them from their matrix. That said, only seeds of food crops should be candidates.

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Dear Cliff, Michael Persinger had examined my device for 15 years and found it to integrate left and right lobes of brain, increasing consciousness, and much more. We used sacred geometry spinning about an axis creating torsion, and gravitational waves with neodymium magnets made into sacred geometric patterns. He spoke of it increasing mindfulness.

Some papers published, but if you’re interested, I can copy and send you the testing on alpha waves and consciousness.

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your LINKs,, Papers, contact info please


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I’m not sure what you want?

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Look at Dr Kim Shallcross patent

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To which?

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You may want to contact this guy. He's quite educated on all subjects scientific. Reaches way beyond the boundaries. MudfossilUniversity


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Thank you. I’ll try. So busy. But I’m interested

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