I love Cliff and find these casts very entertaining. I even find a few nuggets of truth in some of them. Most times I am left feeling like the content is 5 levels outside of the warning track of my understanding. That or it's just 38.4 mins of my life I will never get back because I spent them listening to the ramblings of a madman. Carry on Cliff. Peace!

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The more you listen to Clif the better you understand!

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careful...that's probably a warning sign.

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Should I heed the warning? and what am I being warned of again?

I have to be careful because these podcasts are disrupting my ignorant bliss.

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Jul 11
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They have been poisoning us for decades. The major food processors are all owned by the same turds that own the pharma companies. Blackrock/Vanguard etc. They are cultivating lifelong customers by making us sick with their treats and then pretending to make us better with their treat-ments. Why do you think they are pushing fat is beautiful and healthy now? It's all a rigged game and it's all for money.

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Armed resistance is duty!

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Your idea got me thinking what if a hive mind isolated itself into separate units . That still had that connection. Honey bees to solitary bees and blends

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I try. Some of his stuff is way too far out there. Specially his worship cult stuff. Talk about off the beaten path. I would love to read his source material.

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And yet, everything else he says occurred because of the El coming to earth and colonizing it. Have you read "The Naked Bible: The truth about the most Famous book in History"? Or any of Paul Wallis's books about "Eden" yet? There is some 'Source' material for you. Or, you could try to read the Old Testament in it's Proto-Hebrew. But you'd have to be like Mauro Biglino to do that!

Clif's calling the Eastern European Khazarians "Elohim Worship Cultists" does make it more complicated, but I think he's right. The people in that area who were conquered by the Anunnaki (Elohim) were brutalized by those Aliens. Kind of like the Europeans brutalized the American Indians when they colonized America. So, they were under control of the Elohim for 1000's of years and there were 100,000's of rules they had to learn and follow daily in order to stay alive and not piss off Yahweh, the name of their alien "GOD". Yahweh was a very fickle god and very quick to anger! If you looked at him wrong you would just be dead! Even Jesus called Yahweh "The Destroyer" in the gospels! El Shaddai! The Destroyer.

Many of the things they learned they wrote down so as not to forget in the Talmud. They still believe and practice what they were told to do way back then. And because after generations of living under these powerful ones, they started worshipping those Alien's and the Rituals they were made to do to make the "God" happy stayed Rituals even after the Anunnaki left!

They never realized they'd been fooled by these aliens and that they were not gods, they were aliens. They have had Stockholm Syndrome for many generations. And their way of behaving now is directly based on how they were treated by the Aliens. And the way they treat us, the Goyim, is how their Tyrant God treated them.

Now, I don't know if all if this is exact or accurate. But you can see why he calls the Khazarians the "Elohim Worship Cults."

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that's some great info. and a great summary of things. Thanks.

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Yes, very good philosophical discussion and a good way to set us straight in our attempts to organize reality.

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check out Ammon Hillman and his translations of the ancient greek based on medical texts, then combine that with biglino's work. the picture it paints is of the EL abusing humans who subsequently continue the abuse on each other.

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They didnt earn the term Namestealers for no reason, i feel that in the end we will find that they did just that , impersonating the Real Elohim .

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I've been working on this subject. It doesn't seem there were aliens, which is weird for me to say because I've seen aliens and ufo's. "Gans" were units of measure for land, with 1 gan equating to about an acre--actually, "acre" probably derives from "iku," another measure of land). And "GN" is a Sumerogram indicating legal ownership status of property, one being the GN-Edin, better known in Assyrian as "nadin" and Babylonian as "iddina." It was the Makhmur canal in the Khabur Valley/Sinjar plain that caused the Umma-Lagash war. They diverted water from the Tigris into the natural terraces lowering off the Zagros mountains, gravity-feeding water to what may be the basis for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (which wasn't necessarily one city, but Babylonia...the Garden of Eden). Yes, it was real, it was Israel (Umm-rahal) and the people who were landowners were called eperu...'Apiru...Hebrew. Papers or books like this are helpful: https://brill.com/previewpdf/book/9789004292895/B9789004292895_004.xml. If you read translations of the Amarna, Ebla and Manana texts, you'll get a clear picture of how a few people amongst the many decided they were too good to dirty their hands in the fields and ganged up on everyone else, forcing them to work and give a portion of their produce to this cabal, like a tax because they seized all the land (GN-ki) and water rights (GN-patum). ALL religions were cooked up by this same cabal/Cybele/Kha-bao/Hebat--all of these words are pronounced the same!--referring to "Bau" which is probably like Hebrew "bat" for daughter, probably meaning the matriarchal hereditary rights amongst the autochthons. Ever wonder why Solomon had 1000 wives? Marriage to the eldest daughter of the chieftain (fara...sounds like Pharaoh, hmm?) made a king, able to command the armed men and steal the land. Nothing is as it seems. We have, at best, 200 years worth of history that has been recycled, regurgitated, repackaged to fill 5000 years of time, of history that was stolen from us. Why? To cover up the inception of the institution of government. I remember asking 'why' when I was a kid: "Why do we pay taxes?" "Why do we let people we don't even know tell us what to do?" If we all knew how very recently this World Order was instituted, with a (faked) back-history written to 'grandfather it in', we'd probably all stick the same finger up in the air and wander off to live our free and happy lives instead of slaving for these bastards. Think about how many lies you've seen talking heads deliver with aplomb, or how many various media you've read filled with astounding untruths. If you've ever wondered why, they're not talking to you; those lies are ON THE RECORD so when we're all dead and gone, future gens have only that to go on. In essence, we (you and me) have only about 100 years worth of verifiable "truth" we can rely on, if that.

Oh, and Julius Caesar was a freaking woman. Look at the coins. Still think you know anything? Shit, with all I 'know', I still don't know a damned thing.

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The struggle is real. The knowing and not knowing and the ever present urge to keep looking, and seeking, and hopefully, knowing something. Then the inevitable wall you hit in a moment of clarity, that the whole damn thing can feel utterly meaningless and leave you staring into your cold coffee cup. Yeah. That's why it's so important to get away from words and concepts and just go sweat in the garden for awhile.

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Great summary of the situation. Thanks 🙏

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I thought it was a good phrase and that it was a reminder that all three major religions are somewhat Elohim worshippers with variables.

I just learned there is a Mohammed rode a flying donkey legend in Islam - what if Muhammad also got to ride on higher tech alien craft? But the oral legend was "flying donkey".

The lesson needed to be learned now is to review the ancient traditions and pick apart any that were trying to normalize baby eating (and child tprture and rape). If your powerful one demanded live sacrifice then it would have to be twisted around in one’s mind to somehow make it "acceptable" or you wouldn't put up with it.

We know have the centuries old cults who did adapt to finding it acceptable and addictive/desirable and kept raising their own children to be part of it.

Clif doesn't seem to be talking about the imminent pole shift, so 🤔 um, that is a big event on the way.

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Read The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino

Here is Clif's reading list.


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Thanks Kenneth!

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1000 thanks for the list!

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My goodness, thank you so much for this link!

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Biglino's "Gods of the Bible" is even better! Much more focused than the interview format, haha. :)

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very nice Thanks!

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I listen to an interview with classicist Ammon Hillman. A lot to unpack.

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Go to his old stuff it’ll help you understand where he’s coming from a bit

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Elohim worship cult: If one postulates that the Bible references to "God" were actually the space alien overlords who conquered humanity in about 9600 BCE, then every religion since their invasion is actually based on space aliens, NOT a spiritual being. Thus: Elohim are not God, the Creator. We (may) have been worshiping dead and gone space aliens through Judaism first, then every religion that followed. This may be simplistic and you may already know this, but sometimes it helps to state the premise under discussion to eliminate misconceptions. Note: Boglino never mentioned space aliens. He translated, exposed an ecclesiastic "coverup," and other people have taken the info to be space aliens.

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Bible, Torah, Koran Thalmud...out there, eh?

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Oh, don't see listening to Clif as lost time. His ramblings open unopened doors in the shadowy corners of your mind, to let stuff out, to let you in. Trying to understand it all is maybe the wrong way to approach it. The magic happens later, maybe even be years later as more woo gets added to the pile.

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The rest of the world is the Mad, mad world as in bathing crazy. Clif usually breaks this science into discreet chunks so it's digestible

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About the said ramblings, red pilling is very complex process. A person needs the ‘’links’’ in their brain to make the new information stick, become relevant, etc…. Clif, with his ‘’ramblings’’ is showing how to think. People need to learn to go deep, pull stuff apart, go where it takes you. These mental exercises open doors, attitudes etc. I could listen to Clif all day long :-)

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Thanks to everyone who posted replies and info to this comment. I am now on a journey.

Mayb that's the warning sign? Cliff?

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The clutter in my house refutes that there is mostly emptiness. Instead, I have multi-mess. lol

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The nuclear theory of the atom was debunked in the late 50's by DB Larson, in his awesome book, "The Case Against the Nuclear Atom". There is no nuke atom is it 100% BS and was protested against since it's inception. My professors told me it was a myth in that fall of 1976 at American River College in Sacramento, Ca. during my Chem 1A class.

Knowing this nuke atom was fake and finding out aids was a hoax by TC FRY, In his book, "The Great Aids Hoax", put me on the path of debunking all of quackademic psyence beginning in 1992. So I have 32 years invested in alternative Electric Universe Model of Creation and I have not had a single person debunk my EUM teaching in the past 22 years since I published my first book "Free Energy and Free Thinking"!


The 9 octaves of Electric Element are geometric crystals of light, not nuke atoms. There are no electron balls of the mythical nuke atoms and electricity is not electron balls from the non-existent nuke atom either.

One step further and I have shown how there is no ether, either! Ether is the ultimate failure of "materialistic reductionism", which is the plague of modern quackademic fizzicks! They can not reduce our Creator to something measurable for their little brain washed minds, so they claim our Creator does not exist and the Universe created itself with a big wank. Vomit bag not included!

Everything in our entire Electric Universe of Motion reduces to Universal Mind which is: dimensionless, motionless, formless, sexless, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent MIND!

There is no place in our Universe where Universal Mind is not present.

Now with all of the many proofs of the Electric Universe Model of Creation, we have a new Science based on Nature which actually explains all of Nature. And, we only need to copy Nature to receive her endless abundance, prosperity, optimum health and a sparkling clean Planet.

Viktor Schauberger was the greatest mind of the 20th Century and he created implosion turbines that would have freed our world form the wicked: energy barons, war mongers, central banking parasites and Big Pharma, mass murdering, subhuman filth.

Humanity now has the keys to reversing the entire: backwards, fuel sucking, war causing, death and disease causing, scarcity creating and word destroying "flames of hell", explosion based slave technologies.

The entire Universe form the electric Galaxies to the 9 Octaves of electric elements and everything in between, is based on IMPLOSION, the exact opposite, as always, of our backwards toxic techs and theories of quackademia. Implosion is the Key to the Universe and now we have the Keys to reverse all of the damage done by the el/khazars and all who serve them and their filthy gawd, Mammon!.

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The important point I am trying to make about my own work was, TC Fry's Book, exposing the Aids hoax was my wake up call. When I realized they were lying about the very foundations of their quackademic pharma hoax and non-existent viruses, I could easily see they were lying about much more than that.

Now I know the truth, just about everything we have ever been taught in the jesuit/khazarian mind control centers called schools, is in fact a purposeful fraud to dumb down humanity and create the current slave system we are living in, controlled by these subhuman parasites.

It is my great Hope that the convoid hoax will be the wake up call for legions of brilliant minds, just like the great aids hoax changed my life. The virus hoax put me on the path of debunking our mind control psyence and distilling the Electric Universe Science that explain how our "Holographic Electric Light Matrix", aka "HELM" works. It is purely the thought projections of Universal Mind into the cubic wave fields of space, via twin opposing electric vortices of light. Universal Mind force which is what we call Electric force!

We as minds, are are all a part of UM, since our Creator dwells within us, not outside us. It is my hope that many people in our world, will likewise have an experience similar to mine and apply their minds, freshly filled with the truth, to all of the problems that face humanity. We as fully awakened, immortal souls, can do miraculous and amazing things to our world, once we expose an remove the evil monsters who own every aspect and vector of our human mind control slavery.

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We are born creative geniuses and the education system dumbs us down, according to NASA scientists

Coert Engels

December 16, 2017

2 min read


THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Assist the resist. See John Taylor Gatto, books and videos .

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How do we actually use our holographic imaginations to create the change. The toltec say its through the assemblage point. There is much more to it then visualization.

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This is one of my favorite topics. I subscribe to Neville Goddard’s method of using the imagination by assuming your wish is fulfilled. One of my favorite personal examples is how I got my current job after being let go from my former one. After the initial shock I had to assume that God/universal mind/source did this to get me into a better one (my thoughts about that role didn’t help as I really didn’t like it).

Anyway what I would do is—when going to sleep—I’d imagine hearing the voice of a friend saying “congratulations!” I’d go about my business looking for gigs, filling out applications while existing on unemployment.

About 4-6 weeks later, a recruiter from a firm REACHED OUT TO ME! and said there was a position I should apply for. I went through several interviews with about seven people and got the offer! When I told my friend she said “congratulations!” As I imagined her saying.

About seven months later that recruiter left the firm and I never got to meet her in person. She served her purpose in this particular scenario. And this turned out to be my best job ever.

I imagine things/outcomes in my mind with the faith that they will manifest in the 3d world. Do they work all the time? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. But you have to believe that you have this power. I also wrote a poem about this called “Imagination: the only Nation” which will give you a broader perspective on the use of this tool. Imagination is the god power within us to use however we want.

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Absolutely loved your poem VP. If you want, I could take some time and put it to Music. I could probably get er done before Christmas, what with all of the work I have to still do finishing my Cabin.

Good News is my recording studio is finally up and running, so when I get some free time, if you care too, we could collaborate. Do you sing? If so I could create the music and have you perform the vocals. This poem needs to reach millions! Beautiful work, dear kindred!

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Calen 1000 thanks for your kind comment and willingness to turn this into a song. That’s really humbling and flattering that you think that much of it. Im not a professional singer by any stretch but in my time I could pull off a kind of Jim Morrison style. If you want to get a sense of my voice, I have a couple of posts reading various poems on my stack.

As far as the poem goes, do you think it can be turned into a song? I mean, I love it of course but it goes all over the place, there’s no rhythm except for the repetitive sound of “-nation” in many of the words, which was deliberate. If you think there’s a song in it, maybe it would be in movements, kinda like MacArthur Park building one emotion/crescendo upon the other? Idk?

Anyway, thanks a million for reaching out. Please let’s keep the conversation going (we can try Substacks DM feature) and go from there. I really appreciate your excitement about this and understanding if you want to prioritize finishing the cabin (that way you don’t have to think about that anymore) and can focus on more fun things.

All the best, VP

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You are welcome VP! Your Poem is Epic and the world needs to hear it. Putting it to music can take it a lot further, since most people do not even read poetry anymore:(

I am super busy finishing up with the construction of my arched metal Cabin and fortifying the land from my goats with new fences, since they wreck a lot of stuff if it is not protected.

This fall I should have some time to work on the music. In the mean time you can here some of my music to get a feel for what I can do. I have a playlist on my odysee channel "Calen Tanner Lightheart:


I can see your poem turned into a rock ballad, something like the title track from my CD "Crooked Trail", song number 6 in the playlist!. And, if you want to sing it that is awesome and would be best if you have the pipes to do it! A gritty Morrison style would work very well with the lyrics!

I can back you on the choruses and we could get a couple of Ladies to balance the vocals as well!

We can "Rock the Nation" with your Imagination behind this poem!!

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WOW HOW COOL IS THAT!!! If Victory doesn't sing, there is a great singer right here on SS, check out this link, She posted the recording within the written post

https://substack.com/home/post/p-144152372 Jacqueline Rendell

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Thank You Kara! I can also sing it and it would be easier for me to do so, since I can lay it all down in my recording studio, when I write the music for it! Of course I need to wait for permission from VP first!!

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Hi Karafree thank you so much for all your wonderful enthusiasm for my poem. Can’t thank you enough! Sure, I’d love it if more people experienced it, (and started imagining those things!) however if it ever gets close to becoming a song, I’d like to sing it myself. No offense to Jacqueline or her abilities. Hope for your understanding, VP

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oh absolutely!!! and of course!!!

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BTW it's my favorite topic too.. HOw often though I forget to practice this on a daily basis, but instead get caught up in the evil stage show. I just went and found your post on imagination nation.. and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

so here is the link if anyone else is interested because, for all the doom and gloom and fear offered in Cliffs forcast... YOUR POEM IS THE GAME CHANGER!!!


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Thanks for the link Kara! You are right. That poem is incredibly brilliant.

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Thanks a million Karafree! 🙏🙏🙏

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absolutely!! I have been listening and reading Neville for 20 years now. Interestingly a few days ago, I really concentrated and started listening to him all over again. So what a synchronicity that you mentioned him to me. live as if. I have been successful as well with using these techniques.. but not with everything and not all the time. Sometimes I see a process unfolding and it requires patience. I have put out a request and am currently practicing the techniques for my stated desire and goal. What I am seeing is small synchronicities. For example I would take your comment as being one of them. Showing me to stay on this method. Very cool! Thank you

I'll check out your Imagination poem.. assuming it's here on SS.

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Just shows that great minds think alike haha.

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Excellent, I was truly born again after I found Neville's work. It has changed my life in so may positive ways and the world I have been creating lately is all taking place thanks to his teachings regarding the correct way to pray before bed.

It works perfectly, because we as mini minds create the same way our Universal Creator creates the entire simulation, which we call our Holographic, Electric Light Universe of Motion, from infinite points and planes of absolute stillness.

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The aids scam and how they manipulated the population was one of my wake up calls,yes big bang is nonesense

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Yep and you were ready for the convoid hoax as well. I tried to warn people even before the latest virus myth started by 5G on the Princess Cruise ship and heavily saturated Wuhan, was sprung on a dumbed down planetary population.

Those of us who knew the truth from the get go were treated like we were the enemy of all mankind, when in fact, the people pushing it are the most evil scum to ever walk the Earth! The persecution of people who are too intelligent to buy the endless mind control filth of the el-ites was off the charts. Never forget what they did to us and never ever forgive these subhuman monsters. They all must be brought to justice an hung for their crimes against humanity and global genocide!

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There are no nuclear weapons. All just one more go at making people live in fear.

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There is no ether? But couldnt we say that Ether, is a term we use to explain the Mind of Creator is ALL and is within. And is everything?

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No, because the so-called ether has dimension, size, shape. Universal Mind is dimensionless, formless, sexless. Ether stand in the way of all electric vortices returning to the dimensionless point of their source, Universal Mind. This is much like the non-existent Planck's length, which the quacks say, nothing can exist smaller than it.

All electric motion begins at dimensionless points of eternal stillness and is expanded to the six faces of the cubic wave fields of space to create the sphere and ring systems we see populating space and which give form to the geometric crystals of electric light in the 9 Octaves of electric elements, which we call matter.

Thank you for the excellent question which was presented with great civility! You are very kind and balanced in your thinking, which I have seen so little of, after being attacked thousands of times by people clinging to their false conceptions of reality based mostly on the quackademic mind viruses they got fed in the heavily rigged schools and the hellywood owned, idiot box..

Many Thanks!

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So, this really explains it well for me. I see what you are saying about the ether becoming a dimension. I tend to think we are in some kind of holographic simulation based on 20 years of investigating reality. I do feel absolutely that we can tap into, or awaken ourselves to our Connection with the Universal Creator, yet we build walls, or follow/hold on to beLIEfs that limit us and close us off to our FOREVER and ALL-WAYS connection. Explaining this about the Ether is a belief that cuts us off from the whole, is what I think you are getting to here. I listened a great deal to David Bohm, which helped me with the Holographic Nature of reality, the Implicate and explicate order, maybe you see that too as confining? The Toltec wisdom and the assemblage point helped me to understand how WE PROJECT our Electro magnetic Light energy OUT onto the "holographic screen of reality" . Our Thoughts/imagination is that very LIGHT ENERGY. I did assume that the Ether was another term for Plasma, the Medium that surrounds us in which our THOUGHTS are reflected off of making what we experience as the material world. I really tried to read Walter and Lao's work, maybe it's time for a revisit. It was very complicated at the time, and I actually think it was you, from yt. that sent me to their work. What is not complicated to understand and practice is Neville's message. Hope to hear back from you on clarifications, of my comment. Thank you!

I had a dream several years ago, A mountain meadow, a wizard, and the unveiling of reality. it's here on my stack if you want to read it. It pointed to a deep coding, and a connection of perception and it's effect. Everything is intricately woven together. Like a magnificent tapestry, with many threads and materials, all unique, but each serves it's purpose in the whole of the tapestry. We even know that this coding is in the water, that the water holds memory, and intelligence.

And yes, I am so aware of course of the parasite invasion that hijacks our perception.

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Looks like you have reached pretty similar conclusion in your own research Kara. Yes, reading all of the Russell's work is a long and laborious task, but I have condensed the core principles in the many videos I published, which I called "Russellian Science". The playlist is on my odysee channel: " Calen Tanner Lightheart", found on the playlist page.

I also exposed the faults in their work, so folks do not get confused by the many revisions and amendments they made to their work over the years. It is around 10 videos long, within the Russellian Science Playlist, they are called the "Critical Corrections Series".

A brilliant man in the UK did a synopsis of all of my work, which was better than anything I could have done myself. He truly gets it to the very last letter and has made it is extremely available to anyone who does not have time to read through the thousands of pages of both the Russell's and my work as well.

This video is promoting the concepts and ideas central to Russell teachings and my work derived from their efforts of the EUM of Creation:

"Free Energy and Free Thinking", the Movement marches on despite me being shut down!:


The synopsis of the man from the UK:


Please feel to ask if you have any questions, I can guide you quickly through this mass of information.

Many Blessings


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I checked out your odysee. Looks very interesting. Will be traveling for the next week, so looks like I have some playlists to listen to while I drive across country. Thank you. I see you have vids on Vortex universe. Have you ever seen the work of Vibes of Cosmos channel? Expanding land masses, reflection of land masses on the surface of what we call the moon?

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Thank you! I think I ran across Vibes of Cosmos a few weeks back. If you have a link, I can check it out to make sure.

A critical point I did not mention when I was responding to your question about the so-called ether is: I forgot to take it to the end conclusion. The point is that we live in a Holographic Electric Light Matrix, aka the "HELM" as I call it.

The idea being kicked around the net lately is that we live in a simulation. This is true, however, the idea that technology is behind this simulation as Tom Campbell claims, is absurd and false.

Matter is an illusion created by fast pulsing electric vortex lights. Clif came up with a number in the trillions of pulses per second and I do not know how reached this conclusion, but the idea is correct and I have no idea what the velocity of these pulses is, but it has to be trillions if not quadrillions or sextillions etc.?

The simulation is created by Universal Mind from absolute stillness and dimensionless-ness as idea is projected electrically from dimensionless points to the 6 faces of the cubic wavefield. All so-called matter from the electric Galaxies to the electric elements, is created the same way, just in different scales and levels of power.

The simulation we live in is from Universal Mind, not some alien technology as is implied. Ether is not a substrate of our Universe which composes, so called matter. Electric Light is all there is and it

is ever changing, while our Creator dwells in the stillness of eternity, being insolated, unchanging and impervious to anything from the Universal simulation in motion!

The Holographic Universe is an illusion, so that Universal Mind can express itself through out eternity and infinity in simulations of motion. This is the Motionless Universe of never changing Cause which creates and controls our Electric Universe of ever changing motions and effects.

I hope that clarifies better what I was expressing before!

Bon Voyage!


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Are you ssgunslinger.. Or a similar name.. I cant remember clearly.. Who used to be on youtube? Your place burned in the Camp fire... Northern CA?... your comment is so familiar.

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Yes, Karafree! I was known as 77Glsinger (Guitar Slinger) on jewtube, before the mongrels there deleted my channel for exposing the convoid hoax. It is Guitar slinger for my handle, but of course I sling guns as well living out here in the mountains by myself. The el-ites burned my ranch to the ground and it has taken me 6 years to finally get 2/3 of the money they owe me and rebuild my Cabin, my orchards and gardens.

Now we survivors are all facing the fight of getting the rest of the money PG and E owe us, because gavin gruesome stabbed us all in the back to keep his butties at PG and E from losing a dime, after they murdered over 1,000 of my friends an neighbors.

The 87 dead number is pure fiction to cover up and save PG and E from their true status as mass murdering scum. I know, because I was forced into FEMA camps for 2 years and heard all of the stories from those who escaped from Paradise as they watched entire convalescent homes burn to the ground with all of the poor old folks murdered.

Gruesom for GITMO 2024!

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How influential was Hermann von Helmholtz to your ideas?

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Some what, however Walter Russell is where I found the core ideas for my distillation of all of the work regrading our Electric Universe of Motion I have been able to find around the globe. I studied Viktor Schauberger for many years and then came upon "The Secret of Light" by Walter Russell and it brought all of Schauberger's work as well as Thunderbolts and a lot of other folks working on the Electric Universe Paradigm.

It took me 10 year to study all of the books written by Walter Russell only to find, there were lots amendments and revisions made by Russell over the 40 years, or so, when he wrote on the EUM of Cosmology, since his first book "The Universal One".

I see several people in the lime light promoting Russell lately and none of them even understand his work, or any of the amendments and revisions he made throughout his life.

I did a "Critical Corrections Series" for Russell's work, to expose a few of the flaws and point folks to the revisions he made and the ones I made regarding the flaws in his own work. Unfortunately, jootube deleted my channel of 13 years and 12 million views, because I exposed the convoid hoax.

I was able to transfer and archive about 850 of my videos on Odysee, so they are there, but the venue is real slow and censored a lot around the globe. If you are interested you can find My "Walter Russell" Playlist on my Odysee channel under, my handle ofr my channel, "Calen Tanner Lightheart".

The critical corrections series is inside that playlist! I would leave a link, but they seem to disappear on many venues these days.

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I am seeing my comments are not being deleted for putting links up on this venue, so here is the link to my Walter Russell Playlist I have on my odysee channel:


The critical corrections series, starts at vid 36!

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Jul 19
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Thanks for the offer, but I am off grid and not on either tele-gram or insta-gram. If you have an email I can communicate that way!

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I'm trying to recall, did Clif say that the mid-July event was just USA, USA centered or world-wide?

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It's world wide Mars conjunct Uranus. Surprising economic war. Shocking war on earth. Brilliant breakthroughs that shock the world. Explosions. Eruptions.

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OR a huge party - don't forget he said it was either going to be "a massive party or nukes flying and bankers dying!"

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Can we have both, but in reverse order?

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Jul 19
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Or NOT !!!

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Actually, there are 2 explanations. First, Clif said it might be a religious experience (to boil it down) for people who see whatever it is via an atmospheric hologram (some will see, others won't). Then, more recently he said it might be a financial meltdown of some sort. Given the GOP nat'l convention occurs then, it could be Trump's VP choice! LOL Often these "intense emotional" situations are more subtle, not "breaking news" stuff.

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Thanks so much. You make it sound very interesting... if we survive it. Hahaha!

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Well it's probably gonna be a bit of everything. That conjunction will take place directly overhead in Washington. And it hits Joe Biden mafioso criminal Sun. So he might conveniently slip in the shower.

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I looked it up, you're right!

"Mars conjunct Uranus at 26°19′ Taurus on July 15, 2024, will cause exciting events. Positive aspects could bring sudden promotion and success, while challenging aspects could bring unexpected danger.

Fixed star Algol at 26°30′ Taurus adds determination, courage and fearlessness but increases the risk of impulsiveness, accidents and aggression. Algol causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence plus, slipping in the shower. This combination could cause sudden assaults, military attacks, explosions and assassinations."

Well, maybe I did a little editing.

God bless all!

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I wish there was a lol emoji for your editing.

The Chinese interpretation of this degree is "piled up corpses" Biden is a low life vengeful killer. Who will he try to take with him as he goes? Or does he really have any power? I'm Irish so my knowledge of us politics is limited

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According to Stefan Burns: Black Moon Lilith has moved into the sign of Libra, creating a Grand Air Trine with Pluto in Aquarius and Sedna in Gemini, creating a blanket of heavy energies many have been feeling while solar activity has been very low.

A Dark Triad is resonating during a quiet Sun 🌘 Pluto, Sedna, Black Moon Lilith Grand Air Trine


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DC Related

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Yes very much so as the conjunction happens on the midheaven of DC. The most powerful point.

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What a relief it isn't Washington State 🔆🍍

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That scene in the movie Independence Day, I think, ... where the capital gets obliterated comes to mind. Maybe it was "Mars Attacks", I can't remember.

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Dick and his Remote viewing team seemed to think it was happening and based here in the USA. Did you watch their Decode on the things they saw? their site is https://futureforecastinggroup.com/ It's not free though, since it's what they do for their living.

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Clif High's 15-16 July Event 🕵️‍♂️⁉️ Remote Viewed!


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Do you know for sure of that website is Clifs? Or a ripoff? It always sounds weird to me.

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Future Forecasting? Thats their website. They recently did some remote viewing on Clif's event and came up with some interesting images. They posted their results on YT, you don't need to go to their website. Interesting though.

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Future Forecasting Group

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Thank you. Excuse me I did understand what you were referring to

From what they see and say looks like a false flag over Washington?

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I am not positive he said USA, seems he stated North America… but there’s so much information to retain.

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When I was small we had a spring on our property. A professor from Emory U discovered a new mushroom species growing near it. (He named it after himself- Huntsonia or something similar). I noticed my grandfather’s reverence for springs and that when ever I’m near one I feel so healed. I wonder if springs are a source of novelty on Earth. Has anyone else had this experience ?

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Scifiotica flowing water has a effect on the body .

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Yes it produces negative ions. I’m thinking that springs are like wombs of the Earth; where Conciousness, water and matter can create …

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I've traveled with friends who treasure spring water so much, they traveled close to minty minutes each way. I think many people travel there regularly to fill up.

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There are many ancient healing springs in UK.2 most famous ones are under Glastonbury torr

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Here is a draft of the book I'm writing about my spiritual techniques and beliefs.


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You are assuming that the "scientists and politicians" are telling the truth of what they know. I personally am beginning to believe these people are parroting what they are told by their donors.

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The Meat Suit is to house the Soul and allow the soul to experience a life - through emotions, touch, feel. Live your life and (follow your journey if you choose too) and complete the experiences and then return home and download it into consciousness and have a soul life. The Soul purpose is to learn and grow....The life might be long or never reach being born....that is the experience enough for the soul....sometimes like Clif you get sent back....it is so much fun....

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Hey Clif, any news on those Moon Etruscans?

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The Elite Romans of high society in their time. Taught their children to speak Etruscan.

So that was the secret language of the uppermost people . Now we use Latin .

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Yes. But I bet the top tier upper echelon, Female Illuminati elite still use Etruscan, since the Etruscan Fasces symbol sits on either side of the lectern in Congress. I'm sure that the Latin thing is just to throw the lower echelon elite a bone, since humans are psychic and recognize when there's something hidden from them. So they bait and switch distract them. Just like they do with us regular folk with all the fake science and whatnot that ...almost looks correct. Just enough to satiate and go back to ignoring the grift.

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Ooooh - very interesting explanation about how the scumbags play with our perceptions/truth/lies!! ☮️. You just summed it up for me in a way that is pretty easy to swallow/share. I often have a very difficult time explaining to normies (and myself, to be fair) how they are able to continue the charades necessary to keep us spell-bound.

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👬💪.... Learn about the best way to use your Mercury/Gemini/Houses and Jupiter/Sagittarius/Houses in astrology and you may find you have an easier time. Harmonize with what you were born with and you'll have ninja level skills 🙏

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Jul 8Edited

LOL - that sounds like one of them thar easier said than done things! I am a Gemini BTW! LOL. Rising Leo, Aquarian Moon. Are you an astrologer?

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Hmm... Very good. I am an intense double stellium Gemini in my first house which means I have Leo in 3rd house of communication, and I have my Moon in Scorpio which means my ego can really blast people out of the water if I'm not careful. But it's very good placements for making influential comments ...IF, of course I keep my integrity and make sure I say things in as factual a way that is possible without losing sight of the fact were in a world war... Houses really matter for how things could be said AND perceived by others.

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Wow - what a powerhouse with a strong core of insight. I need to take a deep dive into houses (probably again). Do you offer astrology services?

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Yes the detective and the reporter, teaming up. I do not offer services unfortunately. I'm still very much a student. But I owe any knowledge I have to Heather Eland and her team at Astrology With Heather. Reasonable prices. Michael Tsarion is also next on my list to study under. He has a course called Taroscopes, also at a very reasonable price compared to most classes out there.

As far as houses go, there is a principle that is strongly upheld by Heather that signs do not equate to houses. On the other hand, Heather has a background in psychology, and my favorite psychological astrologer, Steven Forest, DOES put forth that house DO have the same qualities as signs, so I don't know at this point.

You said you've done a deep dive...? What your opinion on signs and houses?

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Jul 9Edited

Thank you, that's a lot of good information. I've never formally studied, just something I pick up once in awhile. I apparently subscribe to the notion of signs and houses sharing qualities. I've never heard anything to the contrary. Just BTW, I said I "NEED" to do a deep dive, not that I've done it! I have no idea if I ever will. LOL

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Gotcha. Yea, the planets = signs = houses is apparently a modern phenomena (sometimes called the abc method) and, as Heather and others claim, is an oversimplification that may cause issues in readings. I lean more towards this. But still need greater understanding

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Especially in your case since your communications are VERY tied to others there with the 11th house of service to others, and the 7th with business or romantic partnerships

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Yeah, it's kind of complicated. Thank you for sharing that. ❤️

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Mmm,don't forget these illuminati/el worshipers have hijacked everything. Blackett and white,( now both deceased and Blackstock who was reserecting their work)traced the migration of the brits through the coelbren language,to Syria. They emigrated through Turkey,were the trojans( and the trojan war was in Britain ),and were the etruscans.Alot of this modern conspiracy stuff is loaded. Bitter truth ,national socialists,fascists,Japanese and their allies were fighting the elohim wc bankster mafia,we were lied to

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80 going on 81. Just a beginner doing QiGong gathering and moving around energy. Why am I so exhausted though haha. Must be this damnable matterium.

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I was tired all the time until I did carnivore. Two years in my arthritis is much better and now I can eat ice cream once a week , but the sugar really is bad for your legs.

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Me, too, Julie, at 76, not far from 77. Body has never felt so good!

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According to Stefan Burns: Black Moon Lilith has moved into the sign of Libra, creating a Grand Air Trine with Pluto in Aquarius and Sedna in Gemini, creating a blanket of heavy energies many have been feeling while solar activity has been very low.

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Where is Clif???

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I would say someone trying to kill Trump as a big event.... July 15 makes sense they did it a little early but. Another banger.

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Trump shot at PA rally, grazed ear, blood on ear, face, hand, team says doing okay. I call this Clif's "something big". Happened within his time frame July 15 +/- -- key points, images picked up by every camera and cell phone at the rally -- and, yeah, it'll be talked about and analyzed for months & months. Another Clif High BINGO!!!

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Trump shot in PA. This is the emotional release Clif and JC were talking about. Trump is fine thank God.

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I am

I do

I do more

I do a lot more




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I be, I do, I do be, do be do!

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Ahhhh the good ol tobedo's

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Hello Woo Crew! My thoughts on this one are that we are all in the simplest form, Electromagnetic. Psychics are much better at reading people who they know, like and understand as opposed to those that they hate; simply put, the “Law of Attraction”.

What is the largest organism to ever exist on Earth? The solidipes are recognized as the world's largest known organism, but based on its growth rate, the fungus is estimated to be 2,400 years old – and possibly as old as 8,650 years – making it one of the planet's oldest living organisms as well. As fungi grow, they are constantly sensing, learning, and making decisions. Fungi are like polyglots: they both “speak” and understand a wide range of chemical signals. They release and respond to chemicals that float through the air and flow through water.Apr 24, 2023

Stay Woo and work with your own attraction to what you love!

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