Jun 14, 2023Liked by clif high

I can confirm doing burst exercises. I use an elliptical machine. My research led me to to follow a 15 second burst (Full Out effort) followed by a 1 min 45 sec recovery ( luxuriously slow). At 66, I’ve lost 8 lbs around my mid section and can now see, as does my wife, 6 pack abs. I’ve been doing 8 rounds, approx 15 min, 3 times per week for just under 2 months.

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Mauro Biglino in his translation of the creation of the Eves story in the Old Testament, states the Adams are pleased with the Eve named Lilith as she wasn't as hairy as the previous ones.☺️. Thank you for sharing your tremendous knowledge.

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Clif, check out Sean OMara MD, JD on twitter and youtube. He talks a lot about sprinting and max effort exercises to burn visceral fat. Also says a keto/carnivore diet is the way to go. Pretty interesting.

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I forgot to mention this in my other comment, but a thought occurred to me about which I haven’t made any conclusion. That is, perhaps Jesus and his divine energy “crisped” as you say the Nephilim DNA that had contaminated humans. When His heart was pierced, blood and water poured out, the water actually being divine energy correlated to His DNA aka blood. There was no term for DNA back then, so it was called blood. Communion is divine energy combined with divine body and blood.

Also, I don’t understand why you believe Christians won’t understand about space aliens, when we know more about them than most. Knowledgeable Christians already know that what you call space aliens are actually demons, and we have known this for thousands of years. Why do you think so much effort has been put into opening interdimensional portals, such as was attempted with the large hadron collider? The demons cannot physically exist in our dimension without a portal being opened, and they can’t do that themselves. If they could open portals and exist here physically, they would have already done that. You yourself heard stories from your father about seeing demonic entities when using red filter goggles. They can’t get through to our dimension, not until GOD allows it.

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Live long, and prosper!

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Back to the garden for me.

All of the issues of the day seem to be power and authority based. I follow my own Star and take note of ALL.

Scary, to have to be responsible for one's own actions, beliefs, emotions, etcetera. Makes one accountable.

There are other worlds than this.

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Keep in mind Soy, Canola, Avocado, Corn and All "Vegetable" Oils are Poison!

Soy Oil and any products containing ANY Form of Soy Reduce Testosterone and Increase Estrogen in Males, Shrinks Testicles. Coining the phrase "Soy Boy"

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I like you Clif, but your opinions are just that and no more factual than anyone else’s. You’ve selected your preferred theories. Maybe have a talk with yourself about why you are so adamant that THE God does not exist. If you want to look at it from simulation game theory, perhaps you got squirreled by a honeypot designed for sci-fi fans such as yourself. BTW, I was really into sci-fi when I was young, but not so much these days.

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I can’t believe you cling to germ theory. They government can show zero isolatio. It’s a psy op. I fell for it for 69 years. It’s a huge fraud.

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If you want to get rid of stored seed oils first stop eating processed foods. Then go on Carnivore Diet for 60-90 days, or forever. Look at the many youtube videos and read the comments!

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I just started taking Bromeline twice/day (500mg). It’s suppose to help with joints, arthritis. WOW, I didn’t know about the tummy stuff! 😉

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Interesting podcast. Regarding gene insertion: Rather than inserting a whole gene, recent research focuses on inserting just the mRNA for a single protein--most of them that relate to neurodegenerative disease measure around 400 amino acids. Fauci's "fake" spike is a good example of mRNA insertion of the necessary material to make one protein. I filed one patent application for an mRNA for tubulin proteins that would make microtubules more stable--hence leading to normalized neuroplasticity, neurotransmission, and transport--all of which are regulated along microtubule tracks. I also have a patent for a nanocapsule that would only release mRNA when it encountered a "diseased" cell. The KM helped me get the latter patent, but they showed no interest in my ideas after that. I continue to pursue my tubulin mRNA idea by giving talks about it. Maybe the KM will steal my idea, which would be okay with me, if they did not alter the idea to become harmful. The KM dominates the NIH so much as to stifle any inventions by non-KM types.

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reminds me of Asimov's Nightfall

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I recall seeing a documentary, how ancient churches, the pyramids and other structures were built on specifics energy lines in earth. There is also our ability to sense each other and just know things. In terms of Christianity, the Catholic Church was infiltrated by the KM. The Orthodox church seems more resilient to infiltration, actually they do their best to prevent infiltration. They don't ordain anyone who is attached to secrete societies. There is no secret doctrine. There is a strong tradition of never changing the teachings of the church or what is moral or not. When people change their moral values, or adopted new practices they fall out of communion with the church. I believe that much of what we have gained these last two, five thousand of years is the from the beneficial influence of both Judaism and Christianity. Care of sick people, charity towards true needs, schooling for everyone, respect cherish and love towards women and children, believe in families, moral code, music, etc. The developing story feels lacking as it seems to skip over the significant contributions and traditions from these religions. I think you can also use the letters for El to mean high/above. Thank you for thinking out loud and sharing!!

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Very interesting, what to hear more.

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Posted paper at J.F.K.'s sicence fair project in sixty two . We were all over this new way at mapping ours then . Thanks for your report .

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