I can confirm doing burst exercises. I use an elliptical machine. My research led me to to follow a 15 second burst (Full Out effort) followed by a 1 min 45 sec recovery ( luxuriously slow). At 66, I’ve lost 8 lbs around my mid section and can now see, as does my wife, 6 pack abs. I’ve been doing 8 rounds, approx 15 min, 3 times per week for just under 2 months.
Awesome! Congratulations & thanks for sharing!!! I’ve been hearing about this type of exercise but not as specific as you just detailed. I’m 69 years young & so inspired by your story. ✌️❤️
I’m 72. Just added HIIT to my daily routine. Also elliptical. 1 minute warm-up, 30 second burst, 1 minute recovery pace, repeat. So currently 3 bursts. Plan to work up to 6 bursts. Just started about a week ago, so no results yet. Hoping a six pack is lurking.
I agree that high intensity interval training (HIIT) is known to be very beneficial... at 66, it is a bit much for me... but I hope to bring more of it into my workouts. A little at a time at first! I have one bad knee, which is problematic...
I hear you. Knee issue would be problematic. Cliff’s example was a burst of crunches. I would conclude any exercise you can perform at maximum intensity for a short burst would work. I’d lean into large muscle groups that utilize the most oxygen and effort. Chest and back muscles come to mind after legs. Just a thought….
Good tips... btw, I am keeping the knee under some control by using DMSO on it almost daily... I'm hoping it gives some other benefits too, as it is quickly and deeply absorbed... Serrapeptase helps too... this "getting old" stuff is for the damn birds! 😧
You keep at that workout and you will not have a knee problem anymore. Just go slow like you are doing and watch the pain and problem disappear. Good luck. We can do anything we put our minds to. We are powerful!
thanks! In my case, it is a bone spur that broke off... I am hoping that my natural processes will dissolve it, the Docs really didn't want to do surgery, unless it became unbearable (and it did for a while)... or causes the knee to become non-functional.
The Flying Finns perfected this with Paavo Nurmi 100 years ago it was still around in the 70s when I ran track in High School… Our school team crushed everybody in distance events… largely because of that method.
Mauro Biglino in his translation of the creation of the Eves story in the Old Testament, states the Adams are pleased with the Eve named Lilith as she wasn't as hairy as the previous ones.☺️. Thank you for sharing your tremendous knowledge.
I found an interesting little book - available as a free pdf - The Story of Adam and Eve by Chan Thomas. It wasn't actually about them, but about worldwide cataclysms, but he starts off with a very lucid and logical explanation of the Eden situation. Thomas researched thoroughly for 20 yrs. before publishing, and earned a Doctorate in some religious category along the way. You might find it interesting.
After reading the supposedly unredacted version of that book I still don't know why anything it would have been redacted. Maybe the Aftermath chapters or maybe his criticism of the DS?
That book has been in the consciousness for about 3 years now. Interesting timing eh? But yes a few of the Tartaria researchers have referenced it and the fact the CIA band it and removed content before releasing it. Again very suspicious and interesting
How about the one conspiracy theory that trumps them all? The end of the world! Actually, the World will still be here and after some turmoil will carry on as usual minus 95% of humanity.
In the late 1940's the US military undertook a series of studies which culminated with a report that made all participants gasp with shock, of course, the report was never made public, however, a version was published with much of the facts skewed which more or less debunked the findings. Fast forward to the early 60s and a man by the name of Chan Thomas wrote a book called "The Adam and Eve Story" using the very same facts that were skewed in the first, which upon publication was promptly redacted by the CIA! The first book which skewed and misled was written by Charles Hapgood and had a forward by Albert Einstein who spent the remaining years of his life looking for the mechanism that would unlock the Earth's crust from the mantle but he never found it, unfortunately, the book wasn't published until after Einstein's death and he never saw the book which totally misleads and misdirects!
However now with evidence from anonymous NASA and climate scientists and Earth's tumultuous history, a horrific picture emerges which tells of a reoccurring disaster of, literally, Earth-shattering proportions! It explains the anomalous ruins scattered across the globe and shows how magnificent civilizations like Mu and Atlantis met their demise, It's the story of Earth's 230 million-year journey around our Galaxy and how at various points on that journey the Earth is subjected to a total cleansing/rebirth (you choose). Every 12,000 years the Earth passes through a Galactic electromagnetic wave which affects our Sun and causes what is known as a Micronova, this is driven ultimately by the accretion of dust (think of an electrostatic duster wiped across a dusty surface) which has been pushed out along the wave from the galactic centre, over time this builds to form a semi-hardened crust which at a certain point is blown off. As you can imagine none of the planets within our solar system can escape this and the innermost planets i.e. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars suffer the most, it's preceded by the weakening of the Solar System's magnetic field which is already happening. The Suns Micronova is the key that unlocks the crust when this enormous electromagnetic force hits the Earth and disrupts the bonds that hold it all in place, and that is when the Chan Thomas version of events comes into play (see "The Adam and Eve Story"). Can you survive this? Some can and will but preparations need to be made now. And who knows perhaps that's why certain governments are building underground bases at an alarming rate. Unfortunately for those in them, they won't survive the following deluge.
When will this happen? The consensus is 2030 to 2040.
Here are the main steps outlined in chilling detail:-
Step 1
Owing to the accretion of massive amounts of galactic dust as we pass through what scientists are calling the galactic wave, our sun reaches critical mass. It blows away this accretion sending huge amounts of molten debris in all directions, many of which will hit the earth.
Step 2
Debris (meteorites) some the size of a building pummel the earth
Step 3
A tremendous electromagnetic pulse hits the earth unlocking the crust from the mantle (thereby solving one of the last problems Einstein struggled with before his death)
Step 4
Having unlocked the crustal plates are now free to move which they do forcing all the oceans to move in the opposite direction! Picture a three-mile-high tsunami rampaging across the land ( for an idea of the aftermath take a look at the "Eye of the Sahara")
Step 5
"The Slosh-Back" is what they are calling it, as the oceans rush back into their oceanic depressions
Step 6
Those unlucky enough to be left alive crawl from their shelter and survey what's left of their civilisation, much the same, I imagine as did those survivors from MU and Atlantis! On the bright side, all of those so-called leaders, politicians, the WEF, the WHO and all their hangers-on who rushed into the underground bases they have been building using money stolen from us are gone! Ground to paste under the unbelievable forces unleashed when the crust moved and the sun stayed still in the sky for a week. As the months and years pass, those unlucky souls left to pick up the pieces gradually bring back civilisation and all that happened slowly becomes history and then legend and eventually........................... A conspiracy theory!
Luckily, as mentioned above, far greater minds than mine have been hard at work anonymously for many years finding pieces of the vast jigsaw puzzle that is the hidden history of our planet.
feel free to ask for evidence and as many questions as you can think of (they have already been asked and answered) here:-
The Suspicious0bservers YouTube channel has "all" of the accumulated evidence and is available below in the Disaster playlist.
Thank you. Most interesting. I shall investigate, of course. It's always fascinating where the journey leads me. What I don't know boggles my mind. Besides, it's a relaxing diversion from the war. (Actually, it is the crux of the war, from a certain point of view (which sounds like something Obi One Kenobi has said! LOL), but I still have to let the dogs out to pee.)
Even though it is a patent, you can use that information for your own personal use as you like! Of course there is no patent for making chlorine dioxide that matters.
Yes, and he says that in 2052 it's the Return of the Seven Kings- the return of the Annuna "Gods". Along with two other cyclical events in 2040 and 2046. All three happening together doesn't happen very often. Here's the vid- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySYIhUjpuhI (please don't shoot the messenger, I find all sorts of things fascinating, doesn't mean I believe them)
Holy Fucking Shit. Just watched that video about exactly this - dang, man. Definitely puts things in perspective. Given my age, I'm not likely to be around to see it, but others will. Wonder if this was what Ra meant when he spoke of a "harvesting."
BTW, I heard a soundbyte that Saturn's rings were - disappearing? Fading? Dissipating? You get the picture. Isn't that interesting.
Clif, check out Sean OMara MD, JD on twitter and youtube. He talks a lot about sprinting and max effort exercises to burn visceral fat. Also says a keto/carnivore diet is the way to go. Pretty interesting.
Saladino has some good videos on Youtube... he does a modification of Keto/carnivore, apparently with good success... Georgi Dinkov is another interesting guy... lots of meat, dairy, fruit... almost no veggies.
However, neither recommends stressful exercise... an opinion I disagree with.
I also watch Dr Carnivore. He surfs-- sometimes for hours at a time and although in his mid forties, looks at least ten yrs younger. Ever try surfing? It's not for couch potatoes and running into the ocean carrying your board is not exactly easy. He eats plenty of raw dairy including butter and lots of fruit-- he lives in Costa Rica where an all meat diet would be very heating.
Yes, I have watched much of his stuff... I lift weights, and IMO, his physique is more muscular than what surfing would bring... he does admit to "body exercises (isometrics?)... yes, I surfed, I went to San Diego State... lots of fun and yes, pretty good, not great, exercise.
His bloodwork is scary... VERY high cholesterol, triglycerides, small particle, etc... however, like him, I believe that dietary cholesterol is not the trigger for heart disease... inflammation is... and insulin resistance... he gets a lot of bloodwork, often. Interesting guy.
Doctors receive almost no nutritional education so following their advice is quite risky. Dr Eric Berg, a chiropractor and Dr Ken Berry seem to offer the best nutritional advice on you tube (along with Dr Joseph Mercola) they have studied nutrition and understand the body's biochemistry. They get a lot of feedback from patients, so it isn't theoretical.
I fully agree... with my long term gut issues (started as my brother got sick and later died, stress was off the charts)... I researched all sorts of diets... and YES, so many are in direct opposition to each other! One is a white rice, veggies, no oil diet, interesting but REALLY??
Keto, Mediterranean... carnivore... Atkins... Paul Saladino and Georgi Dinkov are VERY interesting guys... lots of grass-fed meat ($$, if you can find any but hamburger), raw or organic dairy ($$$), good fats, fruits, almost no veggies... sugar, honey, no-additive ice cream... Jeeze!!!
I'm still trying to work it out. I agree, most grain-based carbs have to go, IMO, some white rice is ok... some oatmeal is too... maybe! 😳
Try some fennel seed. I use a pepper grinder to grind a portion (they work well for grinding herbs an such), maybe a tbs or so, and then drink it down with water or whatever. I have as yet to have it not work for long term stomach problem relieve. And no, I make nothing from this except maybe good karma, which I can use all I can get. YMMV
I seem to have a little problem with cow milk too... I read that many develop lactose sensitivity, if not lactose intolerance later in life... maybe that's it... I prefer oat milk, but be careful... I had not realized most of it has seed oils added! Especially the 'Creamy" versions... my fave, Chobani extra creamy has rapeseed oil as the #2 ingredient!! DOH!
I drink vanilla Blue diamond almond milk now, the 80 calorie version... or their coconut/almond. 40 calorie... no seed oils
Lactose Intolerance is a symptom of calcium deficiency. I completely resolved my husbands SEVERE lactose intolerance with Marine Grade Coral Calcium. Started with; 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Took a long time, but he experienced gradual improvement. When he could eat ice-cream without ANY problems, we cut back to 1 with breakfast and 1 with dinner. He has NO signs of lactose intolerance now.
I recommend: MXM ESSENTIAL FORMULA Coral Pure Calcium
I get no kickback for this, I have used it for over 20 years with excellent results and want others to reap the benefits too!
Interesting! Did your husband get his calcium levels checked via a blood test first?
I worry some about calcium supplementation, as it can be a big factor in coronary clogging issues... but if a calcium deficiency was verified... that's great that you solved it and the lactose intolerance too! I would still recommend adding vitamin K2 to the mix, to make sure the extra calcium will not become a problem... I prefer the Mk-4 version, many prefer the Mk-7... but that gives me heart palpitations...
I'm not sure I have lactose intolerance, I understand that if one has that, taking on lactose/dairy in any decent amount will lead quickly to cramping, gurgling and the trots. I do not get that. Raw dairy has a lot of histamine, pasteurized does not... so still working on it...
BTW: You triple posted your comment... might go back and delete two of them. Thanks again!
We did not have his blood tested before starting the calcium. His levels recently test normal and his arteries are clear.
I had come across a book that showed and discussed a lot of studies and research, probably 30 years ago (my how time has flown), and there was the briefest mention of lactose intolerance. I was already using this product and started him on it. It was a wonderful surprise when it starting improving the problem. And yes, the symptoms are bloating, cramping, and "trots"...LOTS of "trots".
It starts with over consumption of dairy and will progress, as happened with him, to ANY dairy in the smallest amount triggering the symptoms. I had to read every label for ANY dairy, including whey. This was all resolved with the calcium!
Vitamin K is in another supplement that we take, so that's covered.
BTW... just an FYI... I remember reading somewhere that calcium hydroxyapatite was the form of calcium that is by far the best to supplement with... not sure if true... but it may be...
Thanks... IMHO, supplements in the "oxide" form are the least absorbable... but the calcium content seems ok...
Lots of alternatives on Amazon that might be better deals, magnesium is a must with calcium as you know... but you may supplement that separately... ditto D3...
I think taking K2 with calcium is also a must... I like the Mk-4 type...
If you have known ancestry, you might consider a diet similar to what your forebears ate. Although I was raised on a more or less American diet, my ancestry is coastal Scandinavian -- when I eat more fish, rye bread, beets, carrots, eggs, beef & dairy, I feel better and lose weight. However, wheat breads & fruit pack on pounds and edema. Veggies & salads provoke a visceral resistance from me. Our deep ancestral diets are probably closer to paleo (meat, veg, little fruit, no grain). Asian and middle eastern ancestry probably can eat rice and wheat without negatives, since those are ancestral. It's likely that each person has their own little niche diet that resonates with your own inherited cellular function -- hence, diet doctors recommending polar opposite diets that all "work", but not for everyone!
Interesting take... I am mostly English, Scots and Irish... each have pretty different ancestral diets...
I am sort of leaning towards a diet that is based on avoidance of histamine, as I seem to have issues with that... both food and some pollens... I would do a food allergy test... but have been told that unless one has a really serious allergy to something, it is not accurate... it does not capture sensitivity vs allergy...
Frustrating. but I don't mind a simple diet, meat, low phylate veggies, oats, low histamine fruit... mozzarella... I love eggs... but they are iffy...
I'm trying Methylene blue... hoping it balances my system... so far so good...
Lactose Intolerance is a symptom of calcium deficiency. I completely resolved my husbands SEVERE lactose intolerance with Marine Grade Coral Calcium. Started with; 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Took a long time, but he experienced gradual improvement. When he could eat ice-cream without ANY problems, we cut back to 1 with breakfast and 1 with dinner. He has NO signs of lactose intolerance now.
I recommend: MXM ESSENTIAL FORMULA Coral Pure Calcium
I get no kickback for this, I have used it for over 20 years with excellent results and want others to reap the benefits too!
Lactose Intolerance is a symptom of calcium deficiency. I completely resolved my husbands SEVERE lactose intolerance with Marine Grade Coral Calcium. Started with; 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Took a long time, but he experienced gradual improvement. When he could eat ice-cream without ANY problems, we cut back to 1 with breakfast and 1 with dinner. He has NO signs of lactose intolerance now.
I recommend: MXM ESSENTIAL FORMULA Coral Pure Calcium
I get no kickback for this, I have used it for over 20 years with excellent results and want others to reap the benefits too!
I forgot to mention this in my other comment, but a thought occurred to me about which I haven’t made any conclusion. That is, perhaps Jesus and his divine energy “crisped” as you say the Nephilim DNA that had contaminated humans. When His heart was pierced, blood and water poured out, the water actually being divine energy correlated to His DNA aka blood. There was no term for DNA back then, so it was called blood. Communion is divine energy combined with divine body and blood.
Also, I don’t understand why you believe Christians won’t understand about space aliens, when we know more about them than most. Knowledgeable Christians already know that what you call space aliens are actually demons, and we have known this for thousands of years. Why do you think so much effort has been put into opening interdimensional portals, such as was attempted with the large hadron collider? The demons cannot physically exist in our dimension without a portal being opened, and they can’t do that themselves. If they could open portals and exist here physically, they would have already done that. You yourself heard stories from your father about seeing demonic entities when using red filter goggles. They can’t get through to our dimension, not until GOD allows it.
Yep... Although there was probably a historical person doing at least a couple of travels between the Middle East and Asia, you can see that persons grave in Shrinagar :-)
It is VERY easy to spin a story that is then attached to a person like that when psyops is part of your culture and traditions...
I doubt you would be "jumping straight back into the next womb". There is probably something like the long sleep Clif describes, or the full life review described by Dannion Brinkley, who had something like 4 or 5 NDE.
Might be the case for some, but others clearly keep popping up here after a short while.
Got some "film reel" experiences myself that came during meditation, then lots of stuff coming back kinda as regular memories. Some of these match historical data, which actually is quite common for research in the field...
I stopped thinking in linear terms concerning time and incarnations.
That came with the memory of an incarnation in the 17th-18th century, from where I jumped 'back' 900,000 years.
I didn't go through the reincarnation recycling machine though but returned straight to over-soul.
From there/here, any time and any place are accessible, and I spend most of the 'last almost a million years' as a wanderer through our universe, incarnated in many systems. Came to earth only a few times, never as a modern day human, mostly as an elemental from the Devic kingdom.
So yes, I take it that there is a resting period. But from my pov, you can die now, rest and 're-organize' for a thousand years of earth time, and incarnate again around the same time you died the last time.
As I perceive it, there are actually a few 'me's incarnated right now on our planet, different expressions of my over-soul, more or less similar to me.
If you haven't, check out the Michael info and L/L Research "Law of One." Both are online sources but also publish. Both sources will provide interesting lines of inquiry and cogitation. Can't say anything is gospel (after all, there is Boglino), but the premises definitely expand one's viewpoint and they aren't mutually exclusive. Law of One, for instance, said some 15-20 yrs ago there would be a "harvesting" of souls. We seem to have just witnessed the beginning - 7 mil. dead worldwide. We get WWIII, it'll be more.
I met this dude on the street in Boulder, CO years ago who thought if we collected all of the "chicken" bones thrown away by KFC customers that we could build a mountain of them and just walk off into space and escape. Closest thing I got.
Except for the WOO I tune into... But it would get a little bit off thread for most of this gang.
Interesting. Can one encounter the woo? At will? Or is this a reference for unexplained events or un recognized events? I am going to listen to all videos from cliff, I already know i will haha. I started researching ancient societies as well. Mostly the aztecs and the mayans because of general geography. I am starting to see the connections cliff talks about in his videos. Especially this one with the people popping up in south America, potatoes being gene spliced. A lot of creation stories from South America are about the gods giving them corn. Pretty fly for a white guy.
I am glad there is a source for this type of information! I am not prescribed to any beliefs but I want to go deeper into these topics to discover what I see as truth. Thanks for your reply! ✌️ ☮️ 🕊
I highly recommend FB ones first, as he stays more on topic when interviewed.
My favorite Bitchute one is Yule Woo. I dig the obfuscated history revealed.
Psychotropic and psychedelic substances put one in touch with the WOO. But experience depends upon grounding and balance...
The most WOO individual, while still being believable that I've run across on the WWW is Matias de Stefano. I'm still catching up as I don't have Gaia, so I'm watching Aubrey Marcus interviews. The latest one on their Egyptian adventure is mind expanding.
Oh, and Matias has shared that South America will be the new leader or example for the world...
Keep in mind Soy, Canola, Avocado, Corn and All "Vegetable" Oils are Poison!
Soy Oil and any products containing ANY Form of Soy Reduce Testosterone and Increase Estrogen in Males, Shrinks Testicles. Coining the phrase "Soy Boy"
Even if it wasn't a bit iffy, avocado oil is like olive-oil in that it's often heavily diluted by cartels looking to make money by substituting cheaper oils into the blend. And there's really no way to tell if you have a counterfit oil without a lab.
I'd say yes. Peanut oil weights in at roughly 35% to 40% linoleic acids (omega-6) this is the PUFA faction of the oil and is way too high for my liking. There are varieties that have higher oleic acid fractions (something more like olive oil) but I'd still be really cautious about using a lot of it.
Botany: avocado is a FRUIT. Not a seed and not a vegetable. Its oil is drawn from the flesh around the seed, and NOT from the itself. The SEED is the big "stone" in the middle. THAT is the bit, the "seed" you would plant in order to grow a new plant; not the oily flesh which surrounds it, which is edible and from which the oil is drawn.
But... you make a decent point... natto can be good... but it can also be VERY bad. From online:
"According to Tsai et al. (2007), the concentrations of histamine and spermidine in natto samples from Japan and Taiwan were higher than those of other histamine-forming bacteria (BAs). Histamine intolerance is a risk factor for people who eat a GAPS diet or a low-carb diet, enjoy gourmet foods, or have been swept up in the current fermented foods fad.1 Foods like aged beef, ripe cheeses, salami, sauerkraut, red wine, and natto can all be quite high in histamine.13 A provocation test with commercial natto caused systemic eruption and pectoralgia about 9 hours after ingestion, and the patients' plasma histamine level was elevated during the anaphylactic event. Recent studies have shown that the anaphylaxis caused by natto is of late-onset and can be considered one of IgE-mediated allergic reactions.2 Regulations have been established for maximum allowable levels of histamine in fresh fish and enzymatically ripened fish products."
So... if you have NO problems with histamine... I do... head on and enjoy your natto!! (Most find it to be gag-worthy)
I take Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase for their clot busting properties to reduce the blood clot in my right leg which I got from my chronic lymphoctyic leukemia (CLL). They both work very well to reduce the leg swelling from the leg blood clot and keep the clot under control. They might even help for the poor folks who took the clot shots?
I am not sure that BOTH nattokinase and lumbrokinase are necessary... but then again... why not? I combine lumbrokinase with serrapeptase, and that combo (high doses of lumbrokinase while I had the above knee to ankle clot, and I used the very expensive Boluoke brand)... wiped out the clot in 2.5 months. I think serrapeptase is a very useful addition to either... or maybe both...
I'm sorry to hear about your CLL... I am not familiar with that, but you might find this interesting... I would certainly follow it if I had any form of cancer!!
I would also consider methylene Blue and black seed oil, and probably high dose IV vitamin C... Hydrogen therapy is very interesting too... Dr. Sircus has some info on that...
Yes, I don't take both at the same time. It's one or the other, whichever I have.
Thanks for the info on serrapeptase, which I will investigate too.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia is the least serious form of leukemia, and most people die with it than from it, so it is the one you want to have if you're going to have one!
I didn't even know I had it until one of my blood tests showed a high white and lymphocyte cell count. I have been treating it with herbal supplements with great success, so that my white and lymphocyte counts are are totally under control since 2017. No other treatment is needed so far.
Since my lymphocyte count is higher than normal, that makes my lymph system higher than normal too so I have had almost no infections since 2017.
The bad part is that the higher white blood cell count clots my veins more than normal.
Normal WBC is around 3500, and mine has been around 17000, which is manageable with the herbal treatments. I learned a LOT about hematology since 2017!
I also do use black seed oil in cooking and orally, but haven't tried methylene blue yet. I also use EDTA for routine chelation of heavy metals.
It sounds like we are both herbal chemists who treat ourselves as everyone should. Be your own doctor, since the other doctors can't be trusted anymore.
I've done a lot of reading on various health topics... but seem to have only scratched the surface on alternative meds/cures... I find it so interesting, and most of the Big Pharma/MD world so corrupt... like all other big operations, Politics, DOJ, FBI, CIA, courts... jeeze...
EDTA is good stuff... I chose to go with Zeolite, the specific one I use is Pure Body Extra... very easy to use, just 3-4 sprays into the mouth 3X/day... pricey though... I used to use bentonite clay... I may alternate...
Methylene Blue is the foundation/base source of HCQ... I also take Ivermectin once a month...
I've been following Dr. Mercola and voraciously reading much about other natural treatments too.
As soon as I found out I had CLL I committed to treating it naturally, and credit Chris Wark and the Bollingers for that first inspiration to never use allopathic medicine.
Regular table sugar is not the devil... it is far better than any ultra processed sugar like high fructose corn syrup... or any artificial sweetener, including stevia... both Dinkov and Saladino agree... they are worth exploring... they follow the Ray Peat school of thought on diet...
Agreed! All those factory-made processed foodstuffs - not really food. CHemicals. If people only knew where aspartame came from! Or what hotdogs and chicken nuggets were made of! Eckkkk! My diet may be bland, but it lacks most poisons. I make an exception for chocolate. Dark chocolate.
No, it is not poison at all... actually pretty healthy... compared to canola, corn, cottonseed, etc... the concern is mainly the destruction of certain areas to harvest it.
I switched to lard. I was surprised to find a very clean, non-odorous, tasteless lard at my grocery store. Cheap too. It looks like Crisco. (Maybe it is?) It comes packaged like butter-wrapped in paper like a long cube then boxed in cardboard packaging. It tastes ok when cooking with it, but I use it sparingly, otherwise the food gets too greasy.
Olive Oil is the best for us, while Coconut and Avocado Oils are 2nd & 3rd Best/Least Worst of all the oils.
I normally only cook with Butter or Bacon Lard/Grease, Occasionally use Avocado oil because of it's High heat / burn point. Olive is actually good for us just Not for cooking or at least Not in High heat
Some don't like them... I think they are both great and use both... (EV olive oil more than coconut, which I prefer for cooking) sparingly, as the fat content is obviously high...
Jeeze, we have to be able to use SOME oils, right?
A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals is a good idea... especially containing carbs... minimizes the insulin spike.
I like you Clif, but your opinions are just that and no more factual than anyone else’s. You’ve selected your preferred theories. Maybe have a talk with yourself about why you are so adamant that THE God does not exist. If you want to look at it from simulation game theory, perhaps you got squirreled by a honeypot designed for sci-fi fans such as yourself. BTW, I was really into sci-fi when I was young, but not so much these days.
Many "Christians" are triggered by truth. read 'The Naked Bible' (Biglino) and see how you have been conned into becoming a frightened and somewhat pompous rabbit.
How very "christian" of you... you spew venom and hate... you are pathetic in your delusions and fear. If there were a Satan... he would live in your bowels.
Ah. Well, I'll try to bear up under your criticism.
Pompous fake-religious are far more hypocritical than I could ever be, IMO... pointing it out the delusions and hate behind one's comments is nothing I would be ashamed of.
It would be a stretch to call it that, certainly it is sarcastic. So were I to post a note to him saying that it was wrong to post sarcasm you could call me a hypocrite. Please note that I did not do that.
Space aliens are the demonic offspring (Nephilim) of Satan.
The Lord of the Earth.
That was until Jesus's death & resurrection after 3 days in Hades confronting Satan. Jesus then took back the Tablets of Destiny Satan laid claim to after the Fall of Adam & Eve for the eating of the Tree of Knowledge. (Good & Evil).
If you want to get rid of stored seed oils first stop eating processed foods. Then go on Carnivore Diet for 60-90 days, or forever. Look at the many youtube videos and read the comments!
My first wife made me do dinner over again once because there was no meat. I thought that was hilarious and complied. (I'm always the cook, I like to cook.)
I’m working on that right now! I’ve been on Bromeline for about two weeks. I take one in am and pm. I also exercise, intermit fast, and use very little alcohol if any. I totally changed my habits-the hardest part! I had cancer last August, and I really had to be honest with myself about taking responsibility for my own health, especially when I let it slide for years. A combination of many things works best. I definitely notice a difference!
These things definitely take more than two weeks to see results, so if you do in the future, keep us informed. WRT your cancer, this is worth looking in to, especially the comments. https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/fenbendazole/ Just as a way to keep a recurrence from happening.
Interesting podcast. Regarding gene insertion: Rather than inserting a whole gene, recent research focuses on inserting just the mRNA for a single protein--most of them that relate to neurodegenerative disease measure around 400 amino acids. Fauci's "fake" spike is a good example of mRNA insertion of the necessary material to make one protein. I filed one patent application for an mRNA for tubulin proteins that would make microtubules more stable--hence leading to normalized neuroplasticity, neurotransmission, and transport--all of which are regulated along microtubule tracks. I also have a patent for a nanocapsule that would only release mRNA when it encountered a "diseased" cell. The KM helped me get the latter patent, but they showed no interest in my ideas after that. I continue to pursue my tubulin mRNA idea by giving talks about it. Maybe the KM will steal my idea, which would be okay with me, if they did not alter the idea to become harmful. The KM dominates the NIH so much as to stifle any inventions by non-KM types.
I recall seeing a documentary, how ancient churches, the pyramids and other structures were built on specifics energy lines in earth. There is also our ability to sense each other and just know things. In terms of Christianity, the Catholic Church was infiltrated by the KM. The Orthodox church seems more resilient to infiltration, actually they do their best to prevent infiltration. They don't ordain anyone who is attached to secrete societies. There is no secret doctrine. There is a strong tradition of never changing the teachings of the church or what is moral or not. When people change their moral values, or adopted new practices they fall out of communion with the church. I believe that much of what we have gained these last two, five thousand of years is the from the beneficial influence of both Judaism and Christianity. Care of sick people, charity towards true needs, schooling for everyone, respect cherish and love towards women and children, believe in families, moral code, music, etc. The developing story feels lacking as it seems to skip over the significant contributions and traditions from these religions. I think you can also use the letters for El to mean high/above. Thank you for thinking out loud and sharing!!
DO NOT include the pyramids at all in this post. There is another upside down Pyramid underneath the large Giza Pyramid including a large pool of water. Below that is a city that can hold over 100-500,000 people approx.
All Churches have been infiltrated not one has been missed. There are so many because they tried to make a Church that was not taken over. They learned that the KM would take over all of them.
Research takes a lot of time, one cannot look at what they agree with only, they must look at everything to verify what they found just now is accurate. You want several sources not connected in anyway to verify a lead you found. You are taking a bit to much literally in your post.
Churches are all corrupt, they only pretend to help the needy. I believe your making opinions assumptions based on incomplete facts, overall your post was okay but thinking that some Churches are good is a misnomer, from uninformed people. Religion has always been about control, there are ONLY 3 religions in the world. Hinduism Buddhism etc. are all lifestyles not religions at all, only spirituality and consciousness. The BIBLE was not about religion is was a detailed chronical about human history 777 books and we only see 68
I can confirm doing burst exercises. I use an elliptical machine. My research led me to to follow a 15 second burst (Full Out effort) followed by a 1 min 45 sec recovery ( luxuriously slow). At 66, I’ve lost 8 lbs around my mid section and can now see, as does my wife, 6 pack abs. I’ve been doing 8 rounds, approx 15 min, 3 times per week for just under 2 months.
Awesome! Congratulations & thanks for sharing!!! I’ve been hearing about this type of exercise but not as specific as you just detailed. I’m 69 years young & so inspired by your story. ✌️❤️
I’m 72. Just added HIIT to my daily routine. Also elliptical. 1 minute warm-up, 30 second burst, 1 minute recovery pace, repeat. So currently 3 bursts. Plan to work up to 6 bursts. Just started about a week ago, so no results yet. Hoping a six pack is lurking.
I agree that high intensity interval training (HIIT) is known to be very beneficial... at 66, it is a bit much for me... but I hope to bring more of it into my workouts. A little at a time at first! I have one bad knee, which is problematic...
I hear you. Knee issue would be problematic. Cliff’s example was a burst of crunches. I would conclude any exercise you can perform at maximum intensity for a short burst would work. I’d lean into large muscle groups that utilize the most oxygen and effort. Chest and back muscles come to mind after legs. Just a thought….
Good tips... btw, I am keeping the knee under some control by using DMSO on it almost daily... I'm hoping it gives some other benefits too, as it is quickly and deeply absorbed... Serrapeptase helps too... this "getting old" stuff is for the damn birds! 😧
You keep at that workout and you will not have a knee problem anymore. Just go slow like you are doing and watch the pain and problem disappear. Good luck. We can do anything we put our minds to. We are powerful!
thanks! In my case, it is a bone spur that broke off... I am hoping that my natural processes will dissolve it, the Docs really didn't want to do surgery, unless it became unbearable (and it did for a while)... or causes the knee to become non-functional.
I have a 4 year old undisciplined granddaughter. HIIT for undetermined amount of time followed by God knows when it will happen again.
HAH!! She'll keep you young and fit...
Weekends in the asylum will do you no harm!
The Flying Finns perfected this with Paavo Nurmi 100 years ago it was still around in the 70s when I ran track in High School… Our school team crushed everybody in distance events… largely because of that method.
Mauro Biglino in his translation of the creation of the Eves story in the Old Testament, states the Adams are pleased with the Eve named Lilith as she wasn't as hairy as the previous ones.☺️. Thank you for sharing your tremendous knowledge.
I found an interesting little book - available as a free pdf - The Story of Adam and Eve by Chan Thomas. It wasn't actually about them, but about worldwide cataclysms, but he starts off with a very lucid and logical explanation of the Eden situation. Thomas researched thoroughly for 20 yrs. before publishing, and earned a Doctorate in some religious category along the way. You might find it interesting.
Thanks for that very interesting suggested reading, and here is the most intact version of it that I have found so far.
Its audiobook is here too:
Enjoy all!
Yes, why did the CIA redact it? It seems that the author was involved with them in some way, and that's how they took it over?
Yes, that looks like what I found.
After reading the supposedly unredacted version of that book I still don't know why anything it would have been redacted. Maybe the Aftermath chapters or maybe his criticism of the DS?
I'd have to know the timeframe of the redaction to guess at the motivation , but I would not think criticism would be it. More likely tech.
That book has been in the consciousness for about 3 years now. Interesting timing eh? But yes a few of the Tartaria researchers have referenced it and the fact the CIA band it and removed content before releasing it. Again very suspicious and interesting
How about the one conspiracy theory that trumps them all? The end of the world! Actually, the World will still be here and after some turmoil will carry on as usual minus 95% of humanity.
In the late 1940's the US military undertook a series of studies which culminated with a report that made all participants gasp with shock, of course, the report was never made public, however, a version was published with much of the facts skewed which more or less debunked the findings. Fast forward to the early 60s and a man by the name of Chan Thomas wrote a book called "The Adam and Eve Story" using the very same facts that were skewed in the first, which upon publication was promptly redacted by the CIA! The first book which skewed and misled was written by Charles Hapgood and had a forward by Albert Einstein who spent the remaining years of his life looking for the mechanism that would unlock the Earth's crust from the mantle but he never found it, unfortunately, the book wasn't published until after Einstein's death and he never saw the book which totally misleads and misdirects!
However now with evidence from anonymous NASA and climate scientists and Earth's tumultuous history, a horrific picture emerges which tells of a reoccurring disaster of, literally, Earth-shattering proportions! It explains the anomalous ruins scattered across the globe and shows how magnificent civilizations like Mu and Atlantis met their demise, It's the story of Earth's 230 million-year journey around our Galaxy and how at various points on that journey the Earth is subjected to a total cleansing/rebirth (you choose). Every 12,000 years the Earth passes through a Galactic electromagnetic wave which affects our Sun and causes what is known as a Micronova, this is driven ultimately by the accretion of dust (think of an electrostatic duster wiped across a dusty surface) which has been pushed out along the wave from the galactic centre, over time this builds to form a semi-hardened crust which at a certain point is blown off. As you can imagine none of the planets within our solar system can escape this and the innermost planets i.e. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars suffer the most, it's preceded by the weakening of the Solar System's magnetic field which is already happening. The Suns Micronova is the key that unlocks the crust when this enormous electromagnetic force hits the Earth and disrupts the bonds that hold it all in place, and that is when the Chan Thomas version of events comes into play (see "The Adam and Eve Story"). Can you survive this? Some can and will but preparations need to be made now. And who knows perhaps that's why certain governments are building underground bases at an alarming rate. Unfortunately for those in them, they won't survive the following deluge.
When will this happen? The consensus is 2030 to 2040.
Here are the main steps outlined in chilling detail:-
Step 1
Owing to the accretion of massive amounts of galactic dust as we pass through what scientists are calling the galactic wave, our sun reaches critical mass. It blows away this accretion sending huge amounts of molten debris in all directions, many of which will hit the earth.
Step 2
Debris (meteorites) some the size of a building pummel the earth
Step 3
A tremendous electromagnetic pulse hits the earth unlocking the crust from the mantle (thereby solving one of the last problems Einstein struggled with before his death)
Step 4
Having unlocked the crustal plates are now free to move which they do forcing all the oceans to move in the opposite direction! Picture a three-mile-high tsunami rampaging across the land ( for an idea of the aftermath take a look at the "Eye of the Sahara")
Step 5
"The Slosh-Back" is what they are calling it, as the oceans rush back into their oceanic depressions
Step 6
Those unlucky enough to be left alive crawl from their shelter and survey what's left of their civilisation, much the same, I imagine as did those survivors from MU and Atlantis! On the bright side, all of those so-called leaders, politicians, the WEF, the WHO and all their hangers-on who rushed into the underground bases they have been building using money stolen from us are gone! Ground to paste under the unbelievable forces unleashed when the crust moved and the sun stayed still in the sky for a week. As the months and years pass, those unlucky souls left to pick up the pieces gradually bring back civilisation and all that happened slowly becomes history and then legend and eventually........................... A conspiracy theory!
Luckily, as mentioned above, far greater minds than mine have been hard at work anonymously for many years finding pieces of the vast jigsaw puzzle that is the hidden history of our planet.
feel free to ask for evidence and as many questions as you can think of (they have already been asked and answered) here:-
The Suspicious0bservers YouTube channel has "all" of the accumulated evidence and is available below in the Disaster playlist.
EDIT: this video has just been released, it's a synopsis of the above:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j635Cv2aOlA&t=11s
Thank you. Most interesting. I shall investigate, of course. It's always fascinating where the journey leads me. What I don't know boggles my mind. Besides, it's a relaxing diversion from the war. (Actually, it is the crux of the war, from a certain point of view (which sounds like something Obi One Kenobi has said! LOL), but I still have to let the dogs out to pee.)
You might find this interesting too, and it is one of the few good uses of google.
I did not know that they had these other specialized databases which are very useful.
I also like this link too.
Even though it is a patent, you can use that information for your own personal use as you like! Of course there is no patent for making chlorine dioxide that matters.
Check out Archaix you tube channel. 2046 for the west
Yes, and he says that in 2052 it's the Return of the Seven Kings- the return of the Annuna "Gods". Along with two other cyclical events in 2040 and 2046. All three happening together doesn't happen very often. Here's the vid- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySYIhUjpuhI (please don't shoot the messenger, I find all sorts of things fascinating, doesn't mean I believe them)
Holy Fucking Shit. Just watched that video about exactly this - dang, man. Definitely puts things in perspective. Given my age, I'm not likely to be around to see it, but others will. Wonder if this was what Ra meant when he spoke of a "harvesting."
BTW, I heard a soundbyte that Saturn's rings were - disappearing? Fading? Dissipating? You get the picture. Isn't that interesting.
This seems to confirm what Clif says about the Khazarians?
Check out the many other links on that site too. It's a gold mine!
The most striking thing is that Khazaria is what is now the Ukraine.
Here is another great reference source too.
Clif, check out Sean OMara MD, JD on twitter and youtube. He talks a lot about sprinting and max effort exercises to burn visceral fat. Also says a keto/carnivore diet is the way to go. Pretty interesting.
Saladino has some good videos on Youtube... he does a modification of Keto/carnivore, apparently with good success... Georgi Dinkov is another interesting guy... lots of meat, dairy, fruit... almost no veggies.
However, neither recommends stressful exercise... an opinion I disagree with.
I also watch Dr Carnivore. He surfs-- sometimes for hours at a time and although in his mid forties, looks at least ten yrs younger. Ever try surfing? It's not for couch potatoes and running into the ocean carrying your board is not exactly easy. He eats plenty of raw dairy including butter and lots of fruit-- he lives in Costa Rica where an all meat diet would be very heating.
Yes, I have watched much of his stuff... I lift weights, and IMO, his physique is more muscular than what surfing would bring... he does admit to "body exercises (isometrics?)... yes, I surfed, I went to San Diego State... lots of fun and yes, pretty good, not great, exercise.
His bloodwork is scary... VERY high cholesterol, triglycerides, small particle, etc... however, like him, I believe that dietary cholesterol is not the trigger for heart disease... inflammation is... and insulin resistance... he gets a lot of bloodwork, often. Interesting guy.
Doctors receive almost no nutritional education so following their advice is quite risky. Dr Eric Berg, a chiropractor and Dr Ken Berry seem to offer the best nutritional advice on you tube (along with Dr Joseph Mercola) they have studied nutrition and understand the body's biochemistry. They get a lot of feedback from patients, so it isn't theoretical.
You beat me to it! Dr. Berg is the source to research BEFORE seeing a drug dealer for the pharma companies
He’s also a Scientologist 🤷🏻♀️
I fully agree... with my long term gut issues (started as my brother got sick and later died, stress was off the charts)... I researched all sorts of diets... and YES, so many are in direct opposition to each other! One is a white rice, veggies, no oil diet, interesting but REALLY??
Keto, Mediterranean... carnivore... Atkins... Paul Saladino and Georgi Dinkov are VERY interesting guys... lots of grass-fed meat ($$, if you can find any but hamburger), raw or organic dairy ($$$), good fats, fruits, almost no veggies... sugar, honey, no-additive ice cream... Jeeze!!!
I'm still trying to work it out. I agree, most grain-based carbs have to go, IMO, some white rice is ok... some oatmeal is too... maybe! 😳
A source for grass fed meat is Wild Pastures.
Thx! Prices not TOO outrageous... similar to local stores... I wonder what delivery is?
Try some fennel seed. I use a pepper grinder to grind a portion (they work well for grinding herbs an such), maybe a tbs or so, and then drink it down with water or whatever. I have as yet to have it not work for long term stomach problem relieve. And no, I make nothing from this except maybe good karma, which I can use all I can get. YMMV
thanks, that's a good idea!
I seem to have a little problem with cow milk too... I read that many develop lactose sensitivity, if not lactose intolerance later in life... maybe that's it... I prefer oat milk, but be careful... I had not realized most of it has seed oils added! Especially the 'Creamy" versions... my fave, Chobani extra creamy has rapeseed oil as the #2 ingredient!! DOH!
I drink vanilla Blue diamond almond milk now, the 80 calorie version... or their coconut/almond. 40 calorie... no seed oils
Lactose Intolerance is a symptom of calcium deficiency. I completely resolved my husbands SEVERE lactose intolerance with Marine Grade Coral Calcium. Started with; 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Took a long time, but he experienced gradual improvement. When he could eat ice-cream without ANY problems, we cut back to 1 with breakfast and 1 with dinner. He has NO signs of lactose intolerance now.
I recommend: MXM ESSENTIAL FORMULA Coral Pure Calcium
I get no kickback for this, I have used it for over 20 years with excellent results and want others to reap the benefits too!
Interesting! Did your husband get his calcium levels checked via a blood test first?
I worry some about calcium supplementation, as it can be a big factor in coronary clogging issues... but if a calcium deficiency was verified... that's great that you solved it and the lactose intolerance too! I would still recommend adding vitamin K2 to the mix, to make sure the extra calcium will not become a problem... I prefer the Mk-4 version, many prefer the Mk-7... but that gives me heart palpitations...
I'm not sure I have lactose intolerance, I understand that if one has that, taking on lactose/dairy in any decent amount will lead quickly to cramping, gurgling and the trots. I do not get that. Raw dairy has a lot of histamine, pasteurized does not... so still working on it...
BTW: You triple posted your comment... might go back and delete two of them. Thanks again!
We did not have his blood tested before starting the calcium. His levels recently test normal and his arteries are clear.
I had come across a book that showed and discussed a lot of studies and research, probably 30 years ago (my how time has flown), and there was the briefest mention of lactose intolerance. I was already using this product and started him on it. It was a wonderful surprise when it starting improving the problem. And yes, the symptoms are bloating, cramping, and "trots"...LOTS of "trots".
It starts with over consumption of dairy and will progress, as happened with him, to ANY dairy in the smallest amount triggering the symptoms. I had to read every label for ANY dairy, including whey. This was all resolved with the calcium!
Vitamin K is in another supplement that we take, so that's covered.
BTW... just an FYI... I remember reading somewhere that calcium hydroxyapatite was the form of calcium that is by far the best to supplement with... not sure if true... but it may be...
MXM doesn't post the ingredients label... which is a bit concerning... price seems to be OK though...
Per Each Softgel;
Vitamin A (as palmitate) 1000 U
Vitamin C (as ascorbal palmitate) 26 mg
Vitamin D3 667 IU
Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocotheryl succinate) 20 IU
Calcium (from 492 mg of coral calcium) 177 mg
Magnesium (from 492 mg coral calcium / magnesium oxide) 88 mg
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 5 mg
Copper (as copper oxide) 1 mg
CoraMax (marine coral calcium) 492 mg
Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Glycerin, Water, Beeswax, Soy Lecithin, and Zinc Oxide.
Hope that helps.
Thanks... IMHO, supplements in the "oxide" form are the least absorbable... but the calcium content seems ok...
Lots of alternatives on Amazon that might be better deals, magnesium is a must with calcium as you know... but you may supplement that separately... ditto D3...
I think taking K2 with calcium is also a must... I like the Mk-4 type...
If you have known ancestry, you might consider a diet similar to what your forebears ate. Although I was raised on a more or less American diet, my ancestry is coastal Scandinavian -- when I eat more fish, rye bread, beets, carrots, eggs, beef & dairy, I feel better and lose weight. However, wheat breads & fruit pack on pounds and edema. Veggies & salads provoke a visceral resistance from me. Our deep ancestral diets are probably closer to paleo (meat, veg, little fruit, no grain). Asian and middle eastern ancestry probably can eat rice and wheat without negatives, since those are ancestral. It's likely that each person has their own little niche diet that resonates with your own inherited cellular function -- hence, diet doctors recommending polar opposite diets that all "work", but not for everyone!
This is what oera Linda says, 3 root peoples eat diff diets. Interesting.
Fryan - n euro cows milk and meat
Finn asian -
L. African -
I can't recall details but Kat the fryan blog has an article.
Interesting take... I am mostly English, Scots and Irish... each have pretty different ancestral diets...
I am sort of leaning towards a diet that is based on avoidance of histamine, as I seem to have issues with that... both food and some pollens... I would do a food allergy test... but have been told that unless one has a really serious allergy to something, it is not accurate... it does not capture sensitivity vs allergy...
Frustrating. but I don't mind a simple diet, meat, low phylate veggies, oats, low histamine fruit... mozzarella... I love eggs... but they are iffy...
I'm trying Methylene blue... hoping it balances my system... so far so good...
Lactose Intolerance is a symptom of calcium deficiency. I completely resolved my husbands SEVERE lactose intolerance with Marine Grade Coral Calcium. Started with; 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Took a long time, but he experienced gradual improvement. When he could eat ice-cream without ANY problems, we cut back to 1 with breakfast and 1 with dinner. He has NO signs of lactose intolerance now.
I recommend: MXM ESSENTIAL FORMULA Coral Pure Calcium
I get no kickback for this, I have used it for over 20 years with excellent results and want others to reap the benefits too!
Lactose Intolerance is a symptom of calcium deficiency. I completely resolved my husbands SEVERE lactose intolerance with Marine Grade Coral Calcium. Started with; 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Took a long time, but he experienced gradual improvement. When he could eat ice-cream without ANY problems, we cut back to 1 with breakfast and 1 with dinner. He has NO signs of lactose intolerance now.
I recommend: MXM ESSENTIAL FORMULA Coral Pure Calcium
I get no kickback for this, I have used it for over 20 years with excellent results and want others to reap the benefits too!
I forgot to mention this in my other comment, but a thought occurred to me about which I haven’t made any conclusion. That is, perhaps Jesus and his divine energy “crisped” as you say the Nephilim DNA that had contaminated humans. When His heart was pierced, blood and water poured out, the water actually being divine energy correlated to His DNA aka blood. There was no term for DNA back then, so it was called blood. Communion is divine energy combined with divine body and blood.
Also, I don’t understand why you believe Christians won’t understand about space aliens, when we know more about them than most. Knowledgeable Christians already know that what you call space aliens are actually demons, and we have known this for thousands of years. Why do you think so much effort has been put into opening interdimensional portals, such as was attempted with the large hadron collider? The demons cannot physically exist in our dimension without a portal being opened, and they can’t do that themselves. If they could open portals and exist here physically, they would have already done that. You yourself heard stories from your father about seeing demonic entities when using red filter goggles. They can’t get through to our dimension, not until GOD allows it.
Current biblical Christianity is nothing more than manipulative mythology.
Read Biglino, as Clif suggests.
Yep... Although there was probably a historical person doing at least a couple of travels between the Middle East and Asia, you can see that persons grave in Shrinagar :-)
It is VERY easy to spin a story that is then attached to a person like that when psyops is part of your culture and traditions...
A beautiful idea.
Live long, and prosper!
Back to the garden for me.
All of the issues of the day seem to be power and authority based. I follow my own Star and take note of ALL.
Scary, to have to be responsible for one's own actions, beliefs, emotions, etcetera. Makes one accountable.
There are other worlds than this.
I doubt you would be "jumping straight back into the next womb". There is probably something like the long sleep Clif describes, or the full life review described by Dannion Brinkley, who had something like 4 or 5 NDE.
Might be the case for some, but others clearly keep popping up here after a short while.
Got some "film reel" experiences myself that came during meditation, then lots of stuff coming back kinda as regular memories. Some of these match historical data, which actually is quite common for research in the field...
I stopped thinking in linear terms concerning time and incarnations.
That came with the memory of an incarnation in the 17th-18th century, from where I jumped 'back' 900,000 years.
I didn't go through the reincarnation recycling machine though but returned straight to over-soul.
From there/here, any time and any place are accessible, and I spend most of the 'last almost a million years' as a wanderer through our universe, incarnated in many systems. Came to earth only a few times, never as a modern day human, mostly as an elemental from the Devic kingdom.
So yes, I take it that there is a resting period. But from my pov, you can die now, rest and 're-organize' for a thousand years of earth time, and incarnate again around the same time you died the last time.
As I perceive it, there are actually a few 'me's incarnated right now on our planet, different expressions of my over-soul, more or less similar to me.
Yeah, its all accessible... Although for me personally its very scattered across a few thousand years at most :-)
Mind pervades everything, always!
If you haven't, check out the Michael info and L/L Research "Law of One." Both are online sources but also publish. Both sources will provide interesting lines of inquiry and cogitation. Can't say anything is gospel (after all, there is Boglino), but the premises definitely expand one's viewpoint and they aren't mutually exclusive. Law of One, for instance, said some 15-20 yrs ago there would be a "harvesting" of souls. We seem to have just witnessed the beginning - 7 mil. dead worldwide. We get WWIII, it'll be more.
I met this dude on the street in Boulder, CO years ago who thought if we collected all of the "chicken" bones thrown away by KFC customers that we could build a mountain of them and just walk off into space and escape. Closest thing I got.
Except for the WOO I tune into... But it would get a little bit off thread for most of this gang.
Clif High is like PG woo. Possibly PG-13.
How do I learn more about what cliff talks about? I am just learning this information and want to go deeper! What exactly is a woo?
He's has a multitude of videos on Bitchute, but they're not edited or indexed.
He did some with Forum Borealis, which is on all platforms, but YouTube is easiest for those.
The "woo" as he refers is all the mystery or unexplainable or belief system shattering subconscious.
I've always been into woo, but mainly in the ancient civilizations department.
There is also Wu Wei, but that would take more time and space than we have here. Or less.
Interesting. Can one encounter the woo? At will? Or is this a reference for unexplained events or un recognized events? I am going to listen to all videos from cliff, I already know i will haha. I started researching ancient societies as well. Mostly the aztecs and the mayans because of general geography. I am starting to see the connections cliff talks about in his videos. Especially this one with the people popping up in south America, potatoes being gene spliced. A lot of creation stories from South America are about the gods giving them corn. Pretty fly for a white guy.
I am glad there is a source for this type of information! I am not prescribed to any beliefs but I want to go deeper into these topics to discover what I see as truth. Thanks for your reply! ✌️ ☮️ 🕊
Probably the most genuine way to engage the WOO is if one can develop their lucid dreaming and then translate that awareness into waking life.
Have fun exploring!
I highly recommend FB ones first, as he stays more on topic when interviewed.
My favorite Bitchute one is Yule Woo. I dig the obfuscated history revealed.
Psychotropic and psychedelic substances put one in touch with the WOO. But experience depends upon grounding and balance...
The most WOO individual, while still being believable that I've run across on the WWW is Matias de Stefano. I'm still catching up as I don't have Gaia, so I'm watching Aubrey Marcus interviews. The latest one on their Egyptian adventure is mind expanding.
Oh, and Matias has shared that South America will be the new leader or example for the world...
Start with his white board illustrated Bitchute Channel https://www.bitchute.com/clif_high/ Scroll down to the 2021 and 2022 videos especially ones talking about the war we're engaged in. Just click around to the ones with a title that attracts you and see what you think. Here's a good one to start with, We're All Playing American Woolette - Explorer's Guide to Scifi World 05/22/21 https://www.bitchute.com/video/FURSVkAPPnnh/ Dinner With Trump 03/21/22 https://www.bitchute.com/video/iecFq6fkRpGB/ World War WEF https://www.bitchute.com/video/OaEBRIcfcGd2/ 11/28/22
I'm on bitchute now. Thank you for this link. Good to see him speak when he talks very nice.
Thank you!
Keep in mind Soy, Canola, Avocado, Corn and All "Vegetable" Oils are Poison!
Soy Oil and any products containing ANY Form of Soy Reduce Testosterone and Increase Estrogen in Males, Shrinks Testicles. Coining the phrase "Soy Boy"
Nooooo not Avocado,.....it’s not from a seed. 😳
Even if it wasn't a bit iffy, avocado oil is like olive-oil in that it's often heavily diluted by cartels looking to make money by substituting cheaper oils into the blend. And there's really no way to tell if you have a counterfit oil without a lab.
My stupid question for the day...is peanut oil a seed oil? I use very little.
I'd say yes. Peanut oil weights in at roughly 35% to 40% linoleic acids (omega-6) this is the PUFA faction of the oil and is way too high for my liking. There are varieties that have higher oleic acid fractions (something more like olive oil) but I'd still be really cautious about using a lot of it.
Ava Janes Avocado Oil is pure, proven, grown, harvested by highly conscious and aware people.
Yes! That's the only one I use. I don;t fry or saute much- mostly I use Avocado oil to make salad dressing.
O Yes it is! Big Seed
No it isn't. It's a fruit. The SEED is the STONE in the middle. 🤓
Well, in this I learned something! Thank you
I thought Avocado oil, like most was made from the Seed, come to find it's made from the pulp.
In any event, Avocado & Olive oil are the only two I use although very very very little of either.
Coconut is best health wise. Good fat.
Actually, butter, ghee, tallow and lard are healthier... though coconut oil is not bad...
What about hemp hearts?
Botany: avocado is a FRUIT. Not a seed and not a vegetable. Its oil is drawn from the flesh around the seed, and NOT from the itself. The SEED is the big "stone" in the middle. THAT is the bit, the "seed" you would plant in order to grow a new plant; not the oily flesh which surrounds it, which is edible and from which the oil is drawn.
Soy is also a problem for women with estrogen-receptive cancer, as I understand.
Soy is bad for everyone in all forms... even organic, non-GMO... which is rare.
Unless fermented !!!!
Some soy truths:
But... you make a decent point... natto can be good... but it can also be VERY bad. From online:
"According to Tsai et al. (2007), the concentrations of histamine and spermidine in natto samples from Japan and Taiwan were higher than those of other histamine-forming bacteria (BAs). Histamine intolerance is a risk factor for people who eat a GAPS diet or a low-carb diet, enjoy gourmet foods, or have been swept up in the current fermented foods fad.1 Foods like aged beef, ripe cheeses, salami, sauerkraut, red wine, and natto can all be quite high in histamine.13 A provocation test with commercial natto caused systemic eruption and pectoralgia about 9 hours after ingestion, and the patients' plasma histamine level was elevated during the anaphylactic event. Recent studies have shown that the anaphylaxis caused by natto is of late-onset and can be considered one of IgE-mediated allergic reactions.2 Regulations have been established for maximum allowable levels of histamine in fresh fish and enzymatically ripened fish products."
So... if you have NO problems with histamine... I do... head on and enjoy your natto!! (Most find it to be gag-worthy)
Thanks for that interesting data.
I take Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase for their clot busting properties to reduce the blood clot in my right leg which I got from my chronic lymphoctyic leukemia (CLL). They both work very well to reduce the leg swelling from the leg blood clot and keep the clot under control. They might even help for the poor folks who took the clot shots?
I am not sure that BOTH nattokinase and lumbrokinase are necessary... but then again... why not? I combine lumbrokinase with serrapeptase, and that combo (high doses of lumbrokinase while I had the above knee to ankle clot, and I used the very expensive Boluoke brand)... wiped out the clot in 2.5 months. I think serrapeptase is a very useful addition to either... or maybe both...
I'm sorry to hear about your CLL... I am not familiar with that, but you might find this interesting... I would certainly follow it if I had any form of cancer!!
I would also consider methylene Blue and black seed oil, and probably high dose IV vitamin C... Hydrogen therapy is very interesting too... Dr. Sircus has some info on that...
GL to you!
Yes, I don't take both at the same time. It's one or the other, whichever I have.
Thanks for the info on serrapeptase, which I will investigate too.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia is the least serious form of leukemia, and most people die with it than from it, so it is the one you want to have if you're going to have one!
I didn't even know I had it until one of my blood tests showed a high white and lymphocyte cell count. I have been treating it with herbal supplements with great success, so that my white and lymphocyte counts are are totally under control since 2017. No other treatment is needed so far.
Since my lymphocyte count is higher than normal, that makes my lymph system higher than normal too so I have had almost no infections since 2017.
The bad part is that the higher white blood cell count clots my veins more than normal.
Normal WBC is around 3500, and mine has been around 17000, which is manageable with the herbal treatments. I learned a LOT about hematology since 2017!
I also do use black seed oil in cooking and orally, but haven't tried methylene blue yet. I also use EDTA for routine chelation of heavy metals.
It sounds like we are both herbal chemists who treat ourselves as everyone should. Be your own doctor, since the other doctors can't be trusted anymore.
Glad to hear you have things under control...
I've done a lot of reading on various health topics... but seem to have only scratched the surface on alternative meds/cures... I find it so interesting, and most of the Big Pharma/MD world so corrupt... like all other big operations, Politics, DOJ, FBI, CIA, courts... jeeze...
EDTA is good stuff... I chose to go with Zeolite, the specific one I use is Pure Body Extra... very easy to use, just 3-4 sprays into the mouth 3X/day... pricey though... I used to use bentonite clay... I may alternate...
Methylene Blue is the foundation/base source of HCQ... I also take Ivermectin once a month...
Well... we do more than most, eh?
I've been following Dr. Mercola and voraciously reading much about other natural treatments too.
As soon as I found out I had CLL I committed to treating it naturally, and credit Chris Wark and the Bollingers for that first inspiration to never use allopathic medicine.
Cinchona bark is also a good source of HCQ and quinine.
I'll look them over... but I agree with you an avoiding allopaths...
You know, I've never cared for anything to do with soy. I'd have to add that sugar is the next worst thing anyone eats.
Yes. "White Death" my mother used to call it.
LOL! That's severe, and prophetic.
Regular table sugar is not the devil... it is far better than any ultra processed sugar like high fructose corn syrup... or any artificial sweetener, including stevia... both Dinkov and Saladino agree... they are worth exploring... they follow the Ray Peat school of thought on diet...
Agreed! All those factory-made processed foodstuffs - not really food. CHemicals. If people only knew where aspartame came from! Or what hotdogs and chicken nuggets were made of! Eckkkk! My diet may be bland, but it lacks most poisons. I make an exception for chocolate. Dark chocolate.
There are plant oils that are not made of seeds; olive, coconut, and avocado come to mind.
Palm oil?
Palm oil is pure poison
No, it is not poison at all... actually pretty healthy... compared to canola, corn, cottonseed, etc... the concern is mainly the destruction of certain areas to harvest it.
Even fermented soy? Don't the Chinese and the Japanese consume only fermented soy to avoid the Soy Boy issues?
I switched to lard. I was surprised to find a very clean, non-odorous, tasteless lard at my grocery store. Cheap too. It looks like Crisco. (Maybe it is?) It comes packaged like butter-wrapped in paper like a long cube then boxed in cardboard packaging. It tastes ok when cooking with it, but I use it sparingly, otherwise the food gets too greasy.
Absolutely... Have avoided it all for years, but of course trace amounts and even worse can be hard to avoid completely, especially when traveling.
I also suspect that a lot of other chemicals are present in all our drinking water here in Asia...
What I understand is;
Olive Oil is the best for us, while Coconut and Avocado Oils are 2nd & 3rd Best/Least Worst of all the oils.
I normally only cook with Butter or Bacon Lard/Grease, Occasionally use Avocado oil because of it's High heat / burn point. Olive is actually good for us just Not for cooking or at least Not in High heat
Clarified butter is also good, you can make your own or buy Ghee. I also clarify bacon grease to eliminate water and particulates for frying.
Some don't like them... I think they are both great and use both... (EV olive oil more than coconut, which I prefer for cooking) sparingly, as the fat content is obviously high...
Jeeze, we have to be able to use SOME oils, right?
A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals is a good idea... especially containing carbs... minimizes the insulin spike.
beef tallow; or, most things taste great cooked in bacon grease
True! Good point... lard is also healthy...
where can you purchase beef tallow? My mother was a good cook and she always saved bacon oil in the fridge.
I like you Clif, but your opinions are just that and no more factual than anyone else’s. You’ve selected your preferred theories. Maybe have a talk with yourself about why you are so adamant that THE God does not exist. If you want to look at it from simulation game theory, perhaps you got squirreled by a honeypot designed for sci-fi fans such as yourself. BTW, I was really into sci-fi when I was young, but not so much these days.
I like you but.... is a typical shill response.
Did't you learn that everything before a 'but' is negated?
Btw, I've never heard Clif say that there is no God, no divine force, no source creator.
He just states that the El are not God but ETs that messed with humanity.
He uses "Universe" as a placeholder there, I don't think he ever defines it.
Many "Christians" are triggered by truth. read 'The Naked Bible' (Biglino) and see how you have been conned into becoming a frightened and somewhat pompous rabbit.
No offense.
How very "christian" of you... you spew venom and hate... you are pathetic in your delusions and fear. If there were a Satan... he would live in your bowels.
I detect a touch of hypocrisy in that.
Oh? How so?
You complain about venom and hate and then offer some up yourself.
Ah. Well, I'll try to bear up under your criticism.
Pompous fake-religious are far more hypocritical than I could ever be, IMO... pointing it out the delusions and hate behind one's comments is nothing I would be ashamed of.
But I'll pray for you. 😉
Unless you are so enlightened that you know all, how can you say that one person's opinion is no more factual than the next person's?
Where does he say that no gods exist? Pretty sure I would remember that.
Grats on weaning yourself off of sci-fi, that heinous twister of minds.
That comment was a bit venomous and hateful... no? 😉
It would be a stretch to call it that, certainly it is sarcastic. So were I to post a note to him saying that it was wrong to post sarcasm you could call me a hypocrite. Please note that I did not do that.
Hmmmmm... me thinks you may have too much time on your hands... consider Origami or Haiku?
And maybe I should "Abide" more... ?
Actually I'm working out in my shed. Trying to get a motorcycle running. This is just an excuse to take a break.
Classic Triumph, I hope? Norton?
BTW: Ukraine war update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69UEVfSBWEY
Classic BMW. https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.14d505abcf60a9d738625cd96639ae27?rik=qpe4IJd2EWf8qg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
Douglas McGregor, I like him. I'll watch it later.
Space aliens are the demonic offspring (Nephilim) of Satan.
The Lord of the Earth.
That was until Jesus's death & resurrection after 3 days in Hades confronting Satan. Jesus then took back the Tablets of Destiny Satan laid claim to after the Fall of Adam & Eve for the eating of the Tree of Knowledge. (Good & Evil).
How about the other way around?
Lucifer is an ET that got hijacked by AI (from my pov) when he and his 'fallen angels' entered a quarantined part of this (or a neighboring) universe.
His son Satan / Marduk is earth-bound and took the reigns when Lucifer left.
The Nephilim, Marduk's ET-human offspring, are the guys the Bible talks about.
Can the conditioned Christian mind allow itself to consider that perspective of the story?
Not saying that one is absolutely true and the other isn't.
But this righteousness of Bible-believing Christians that are in total cognitive dissonance of other viewpoints annoys the crap out of me.
LOL!! What a load of horse manure!
Ever hear the story of Zeus and Apollo? Peter Pan? Those are good ones too!
Read Biglino, as Clif recommends... you won't sound so goofy.
I can’t believe you cling to germ theory. They government can show zero isolatio. It’s a psy op. I fell for it for 69 years. It’s a huge fraud.
If you want to get rid of stored seed oils first stop eating processed foods. Then go on Carnivore Diet for 60-90 days, or forever. Look at the many youtube videos and read the comments!
I’ve been on carnivore diet for years/
My first wife made me do dinner over again once because there was no meat. I thought that was hilarious and complied. (I'm always the cook, I like to cook.)
Good girl! And smart!
BIG TIME! https://youtu.be/8ctDyQDIWAc
Very interesting!
I just started taking Bromeline twice/day (500mg). It’s suppose to help with joints, arthritis. WOW, I didn’t know about the tummy stuff! 😉
Question- did you have any tummy flab before you took the Bromeline? If so, did it go away? Asking for a friend with tummy flab ;-)
I’m working on that right now! I’ve been on Bromeline for about two weeks. I take one in am and pm. I also exercise, intermit fast, and use very little alcohol if any. I totally changed my habits-the hardest part! I had cancer last August, and I really had to be honest with myself about taking responsibility for my own health, especially when I let it slide for years. A combination of many things works best. I definitely notice a difference!
These things definitely take more than two weeks to see results, so if you do in the future, keep us informed. WRT your cancer, this is worth looking in to, especially the comments. https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/fenbendazole/ Just as a way to keep a recurrence from happening.
I’m a step ahead…I bought some awhile back. I did some reading and fired on it! Thank you!😉
Thanks, valuable info, will try myself!
Interesting podcast. Regarding gene insertion: Rather than inserting a whole gene, recent research focuses on inserting just the mRNA for a single protein--most of them that relate to neurodegenerative disease measure around 400 amino acids. Fauci's "fake" spike is a good example of mRNA insertion of the necessary material to make one protein. I filed one patent application for an mRNA for tubulin proteins that would make microtubules more stable--hence leading to normalized neuroplasticity, neurotransmission, and transport--all of which are regulated along microtubule tracks. I also have a patent for a nanocapsule that would only release mRNA when it encountered a "diseased" cell. The KM helped me get the latter patent, but they showed no interest in my ideas after that. I continue to pursue my tubulin mRNA idea by giving talks about it. Maybe the KM will steal my idea, which would be okay with me, if they did not alter the idea to become harmful. The KM dominates the NIH so much as to stifle any inventions by non-KM types.
reminds me of Asimov's Nightfall
I recall seeing a documentary, how ancient churches, the pyramids and other structures were built on specifics energy lines in earth. There is also our ability to sense each other and just know things. In terms of Christianity, the Catholic Church was infiltrated by the KM. The Orthodox church seems more resilient to infiltration, actually they do their best to prevent infiltration. They don't ordain anyone who is attached to secrete societies. There is no secret doctrine. There is a strong tradition of never changing the teachings of the church or what is moral or not. When people change their moral values, or adopted new practices they fall out of communion with the church. I believe that much of what we have gained these last two, five thousand of years is the from the beneficial influence of both Judaism and Christianity. Care of sick people, charity towards true needs, schooling for everyone, respect cherish and love towards women and children, believe in families, moral code, music, etc. The developing story feels lacking as it seems to skip over the significant contributions and traditions from these religions. I think you can also use the letters for El to mean high/above. Thank you for thinking out loud and sharing!!
Also, hard to quantify but real is the beneficial contributions of prayers.
DO NOT include the pyramids at all in this post. There is another upside down Pyramid underneath the large Giza Pyramid including a large pool of water. Below that is a city that can hold over 100-500,000 people approx.
All Churches have been infiltrated not one has been missed. There are so many because they tried to make a Church that was not taken over. They learned that the KM would take over all of them.
Research takes a lot of time, one cannot look at what they agree with only, they must look at everything to verify what they found just now is accurate. You want several sources not connected in anyway to verify a lead you found. You are taking a bit to much literally in your post.
Churches are all corrupt, they only pretend to help the needy. I believe your making opinions assumptions based on incomplete facts, overall your post was okay but thinking that some Churches are good is a misnomer, from uninformed people. Religion has always been about control, there are ONLY 3 religions in the world. Hinduism Buddhism etc. are all lifestyles not religions at all, only spirituality and consciousness. The BIBLE was not about religion is was a detailed chronical about human history 777 books and we only see 68
66. Numbers are significant.
Very interesting, what to hear more.
Posted paper at J.F.K.'s sicence fair project in sixty two . We were all over this new way at mapping ours then . Thanks for your report .