I think people are exhausted and they're sick of all the death, war, lies and bullshit so they're just ignoring the drones. I'm sick of it, and I've been on the woo path for 40 years.

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I tend to agree--we have been deceived, manipulated, traumatized to the point where we are numb. The Christmas consumerism trumps the alien card and I am not surprised. People just want to get on with their lives.

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It's good to be aware of all this shit, there is no point in worrying about it overly much. I just do what I can to prepare and that's kinda fun.

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Social media has explained the drone phenomena and the gaslighting from many angles.

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Stop fear mongering because the Asian firm pumping out these drones was financially backed by Blackrock Elohim Worship Cult Satanist Larry Fink

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They havnt gone anywhere. See them every night here.

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Well f*** I haven't seen a goddamn thing in Sacramento here so I think it's a bunch of b*******

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you live in one small space of the world. It is happening in many different countries... I live in the valley and haven't seen any either, but that doesn't mean they are gone

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I'm just not buying into the fear psyop.

We have a choice....that's our power

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Why is talking about it fear mongering? We all see things through a different lense so I wouldn’t assume Clif is trying to make anyone fearful.

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CA getting hit now. Like Lahaina. I hope they don't move up the coast. Different Psyops everywhere. N. Carolina. Not good. I think shortly you will begin to see.

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It's happening all over. I live in the middle of nowhere in WV and I've been seeing wild stuff recently.

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So because you personally haven't noticed it, it's not real? Have you seen the 1000's of vids daily? I've seen 2 anomalies where I live since this started. Idiocracy was a real life documentary about you.

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Loveit! Good one !👍

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Still seeing them drones?

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Jan 4Edited

Yes, saw one in northwest AR after being skeptical. Also saw a large white light (similar to the "spotlight" description, but far away) that was gone after a few minutes (I was driving)

This was 8 hours ago

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You never see anything..just swear alot...

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Let's all sing then "Ahve Maria Ahve Maria"

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Aww how nice...I think maybe it wasn't meant to be nice..regardlwss..Merry Christmas ,all in good fun in the comments..Wishing you and yours the best@ you Ole grouch 😁🎄☮️

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Southern England.....nothing.

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So.... you can't watch the sky 24/7

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No drones Jeromy. Anomalies you saw are LSD ptsd

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As I've said numerous times,I've been seeing lights/drones for 17 years. There's one here now,they've been absent for a good while but reappeared over my boat,middle England,and there's one over this house now,am in North east for christ mass

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You sure you're not in with the Elohim worship culturian Mafia puppet regime

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I know where I stand with source. It sounds like you should focus more of your time on your inner world than point fingers at satanists and jews. its easy to blame. its hard to take responsibility for yourself.

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That's truly hilarious and hypocritical as you're the one pointing fingers now aren't you you dumbass

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Where did they go?

Back to the Hangar for a ReCharge?

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Where did you see that!? Can you share a link so I can read it too? I haven't seen that on X yet.


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Substack video. A drone malfunctioned and firm who made it backed and financed by BlackRock satanic Larry Fink Elohim Worship Cult ... also connected to both Trump assassination attempts. He aldo bought millions of homes at foreclosure courthouse steps in 2012. Bottom feeder scumbag... very powerful Jew

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Elohim? You are one seriously confused person!! LOL Elohim refers to the creators of all life throughout the universe. haha I am NOT religious either.. wow

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You need to rethink that statement and go and listen to some Mauro Biglino, who translates the ancient texts more precisely shall we say. Elohim are the Anunnaki slave masters.

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So some guy no one has heard of publishes a bible and says he did a way better job translating, trust me bro.

And you just buy it? Why would you think that it's the real deal? Just because there are issues with the Bible as we know it doesn't mean some random guys translation is on the money. Where is the proof? Evidence?

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I believe there is the good and the bad, from what I've been told, read, etc....🤍

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Yes, I seen that about China and their technology.

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Asian firm on drone but don't think it was China... not sure

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No they're not gone, people are still seeing them

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I don’t think so, beyond our capabilities. Cheers

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They are not gone and they didn't come from an Asian firm. Obviously you haven't been paying the slightest bit of attention to the situation.

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MSM failed on the drone fear psyop once Trump exposed 😳 the puppet Biden ploy to do whatever it takes to thwart Trimps inauguration. The new fear psyop to control the sheeple is the "Bird Flu", which a whistle blower article said it was developed here in the US gain of function bio-lab research center in Georgia. Get with the program Wolfey as the drones are so yesterday's news.

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I agree with you. I have seen too many videos about robots taking over. This is just another example of government overreach and corruption. They can’t stop poking the bear.

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i agree.

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lol! Amen!

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Keep up the great comments. 68 likes says we love you

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What drones

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Have you seen this video from our ex pres that is still in charge imho paired with both the weird Al song from 2017 called "Christmas at Ground Zero" and the vatican opening 5 portals in the Sigil of Lucifer on Christmas Eve (using their actual long and lats and drawing out the lines in them? If what I believe is coming happens on Christmas, their exhaustion will fade away quickly and turn to fear.


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Hey, it’s Catholic churches all over the world in less than 24 hours!

I was raised as a good Catholic in Massachusetts with Cardinal Law all the major religions send their leaders to Israel to be vetted by Rabbis !

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Population statistics show white ethnic groups as a minority In America 2060. Most people are too distracted to care at all. our way of life will be ruined in the next 30 years. And our grandparents would be turning over in their graves at the multicultural cesspool that awaits us. Trump and Elon already revealed their plans to import millions of more migrants. They distract us by appearing to make big changes, but fundamentally they plan to replace us within our own nation. We need to unlearn the brainwashing, they've instilled so much guilt into whites through media and education that they'll destroy us through diversity and no one will realize until the pot is boiling.

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Trump and Elon are importing more migrants? Do you have proof of that? I have not see that....please share it if you actually have it.

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Where are you getting your information ?

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The WEF and UN have been telling us that we need migrants work force, due to our native birthrates being low... This is happening all over Europe and America simultaneously. It's diabolical.

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Big surprise! For the past ten decades your FDA, in chahoots with Big Food and Big Pharma ( or perhaps it was still little pharma back then have been degrading the entire food supply,ruining farmland, turning robust farm animals into drugged, bloated creatures -- along with out vaxxed pets and succeeded in turning childhood into a nightmare of illnesss & disease.

They have made it normal to have at least one chronic disease as you turn forty be it diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, gout, so for every year you are alive, someone in a white coat is going to take a percentage 😃

They know, the purveyors of your medical needs, how much they can fuck up your genes with a bit of radiation here, a smidgen

of ultrasound there, a quick few jabs with a needle as soon as you leave your mothers' womb-- they know tricking your mother into giving you some dead,nutrient lacking formula instead of her wonderful breastmilk is truly criminal, but humans are dumb and they fall for it . So now embrace this totally artificial holiday, designed for you to spend as much money as possible until you feel the spirit in your empty wallet and toast the new year! Just remember rabies shots are full of mercury and dogs live only half as long as they used to and cost four times as much to care for as they did ten years ago. Learn to say no for christs sake!

How could the outer space guys be any worse than Fauci? Or Bill Gates? When we have lying pieces of crap running our country and doling out genocide like it's a prize---fearing invaders seems a tall order.

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I totally agree with everything you just said. And it is heart breaking. But at least we know now what they have been doing. I don't think my daughter will ever vax her kids again, ever. And I certainly won't VAX my dogs ever again unless they threaten to kill them if I don't. Then I won't have a choice. Hopefully the insanity coming will keep those cruel, stupid, evil fuckers too busy to even think about my dogs ever again!

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That was awesome and I agree. My first thought after reading was, "Yeah, threaten me with a good time". Aliens and fear seems pointless after even a skim coat of comparison.

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I agree with everything you said, but the original comment I posted was to examine why we are becoming a minority in our own nations and who's doing it.

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No, we have millions of workers on the sidelines who need jobs. I do not mean fast food jobs either. Close A L L fast food restaurants, they only exist to poison people. Many jobs will be needed to support the mass deportations. Government will be forced to become smaller, or suffer implosion and collapse. The fiat currency will fail.

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The millions of "workers" that we have funneled into this country have greatly increased the demand for housing, driving up the price of it, and greatly reduced the wages paid. I am a union carpenter, and it is sometimes a struggle to do my work, simply because of all of the migrants, (mostly illegals) that have taken over the construction jobs. The complicated things, we still do, and we do a lot of fixing and repairs to the efforts of the new workers, but we need to get rid of all of the excess so that the wages paid will attract the American workers. The Laxy Americans will either learn to fish or cut bait in a hurry. Did you know that after the great earthquake in San Francisco in 1906 that the demand for carpenters was so great that a good carpenter there was making as much as a lawyer? You get the hell out of our way and all of the wages would rise and then our technology would kick in and we would make our own "stuff" again, it would be better than everyone else's and a greater value and the world would be beating their doors down trying to get it; at our price.

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China does own most, if not all of the American farms especially around military bases..

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So you're saying the WEF and UN are controlling Trump and Elon?

Don't think so!

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Elon was a Young Global Leader with the WEF starting in 2008. https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/711547

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A lot of people made appearances there, including Vivek, but that doesn't mean they part of the WEF. I went to Greece a few times (it's really nice), but I'm def not Greek!

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DO not discount that the WEF has backed and installed politicians around the globe just the same as the khazarian mafia has installed central banks in countries across the globe. These WEF implants are there only to advance the WEF agenda of man-made pandemics, stockpiling of biogenetic weapons, depopulation, limitations on free speech, advancing censorship and control of information.

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No, he wasn't someone who just made an appearance, he is part of the Young Global Leader program, there is a difference. You can see the list for yourself, those are considered members, not people who were just hanging out. That aside, I hope you enjoy your holiday.

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Have you seen what a chameleon Musk is? If you go look at what he was saying a few years ago, he has done a 180. He’ll say whatever he needs to say to propagandize the masses and make them like him.

Trump…he is owned somewhat by the Zionists (they bailed him out of bankruptcy) so it’s hard to believe he’ll really go against them. We’ll see.

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I will leave that one open ended. This mess we are in is so deep, we don't know who is controlled opposition.

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There is only one building on the top of mount Herman and it's th UN headquarters.

The 2012 Olympics opening ceremony told the history of this significance. The controllers of humanity come up out of the mountain and teach the innocent people how to industrialize their world as they control them

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Terrifying threat of 'underpopulation' is laid bare as it's revealed how 75% of nations are facing baby busts by 2050 and the West will be left 'reliant on migrants' - triggering 'staggering social change'


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After the last 4 years who the heck believes any computer modeling "studies"?

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Let's see, if you make it financially very difficult or impossible to afford to have children, and at the same time use the media and propaganda to make young couples not to want or have children, then you will have less children. Hey, we could also make abortion very easy to get and also encourage the fathers to not take any responsibility for their actions, we could mandate lethal injections that would sterilize both the men and women, we could start a bunch of wars that would kill our young men; and women now, (the best first of course) and at the same time, we could make those same people pay for all of the other peoples of the world new children. That would work just fine.

Guess what, the opposite will work too! Pay the full bill for married couples to have as many children as they can have (American couples in America), stop paying for single mothers to have children and make the deadbeat dads responsible for what they procreate, clean up our food and get rid of the big pharma and all of their poisons, get rid of the FED and all of the funny money that is paying for all of the wars, and last but not least, have a bunch of short rope parties for the treasonous politicians. Yeah, that might work.

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Well, I thought I read that the jab sterilizes people. It has also created horrible birth defects. So, add that to the mix and it is devastating. Also, unvaxxed don't want to marry a vaxxed. Those that have done this to humanity obviously want to remove humans from this planet.

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NOTHING is what it seems or is made out to be. One out of three people in 1900 were white. Now it is about 1 out of 15, and a lot of them are either sterile, past childbearing age or gender confused. We are being invaded, poisoned, murdered, downgraded and replaced; oh, and we are being given the bill for it all too. The stated objective for the sect or families or whomever it is that is actually running things is to rule over a slave population of about 500 million for the whole world. That means that they have to kill about 8 or 9 billion people. THAT IS A BIG JOB!!! If they can alter the birth rate and be patient, a lot of them will simply die off, and that is happening. Hey, some wars, some pandemics real or created, natural or un-natural disasters, poison food and water and control of all energy would not be a bad way to do it either. WHEN we finally get fed up and start to try, convict, and have short rope parties for a few million of them, THEN they might get the idea that we don't agree. The best defense is self-defense, and I don't care if we use clubs, knives, rope or guns to do it, dammit, it is way past time. This has NOTHING to do with race, gender, sexual preference or age either. The powers that be want to wipe out 95% of us and that is 95% of all of us. Thank about that the next time you see factions arguing or bitching at each other.

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Your comment is spot on.

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Jan 10Edited
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We have been at zero population growth since 1971 going negative now

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Ha good question

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Are you talking to me?

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You can say what you want about the white folks, but they sure are gullible. We bend over backwards so as not appear racist, but at some point, in time, the men have to have large enough Cahoones to tell everyone else to get the hell out and go back to their own cultures. We don't share our women, we don't share our land, and we don't share our knowledge. If we are so damn racist and bigoted you would think that they would want to stay away. Instead, we have to erect fences and such to keep them out. If a country doesn't have a border, then it isn't a country.

Hey, why is it that none of the bleeding hearts that want to share OUR country with all of the rest of the world don't open their own homes to everyone else. It is an individual choice and not something that can be delegated to everyone. Soon enough, if made to pay for their own soft heartedness, the idiots would go bankrupt and die of starvation.

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I wondered why Trump never mentioned that hobama brought in 15 mil illegals. He only mentioned obiden.. 🤔

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I think you are delusional.

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Goodvthing i will be here for that...don't believe it anyway. Hogwash!

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No Leonardo DiCaprio said it best he said that the Italians the Irish everybody that wasn't White EnglisH, including all the ethnicities, that the whites owned the United States and everybody else are just visitors IN THEIR COUNTRY....

Hollywood movie said so that's proof of the propaganda pudding 🍮

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I have given up on most people including my family. If people continue to stick their heads in the sand, there is no sense in even talking to them. If these igits keep getting boosters and refusing to see what the hell happened over these last 4 years, then drones mean nothing to them. They probably think the government is just looking out for our safety or some shit like that! I woke up this morning thinking I must be in some kind of simulation because there is freakin' no one who seems to be concerned about anything. I don't think they will ever wake up even though there is so much evidence looking them straight in the eye!

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See my comment Truman show ‘cue the drones, scare the crap out of them, we need the energy!

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just this week i ran into an uber driver..an 80 yr old woman,,, and one of the first things she said to me is "..what do you think of all these drones?"

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Most of us figgered its just another con job.

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Finally, the most accurate and best comment to this fear psyop that Trump debunked as Biden up to his tricks

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Sounds like maybe Trump ends the Fed in February, which triggers a deep state Blubeam-type response.

Interesting times, for sure. I'm glad I bought a ticket.

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How do you know this is not continuing horseshit now that the old horseshit is wearing thin?

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Well said!

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Dec 23
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It only bothers me because it is essentially the same setup (woo) as the last setup (judaism). There is some sort of 'priest class' that people need to submit to in order 'find the will of God'. As someone I follow on GAB summarized it:

"At EAP we believe that religion is a communiqué that is written between the individual and God(s) and no one else, over the term of their lifetime. It cannot be shared, translated, communicated or imposed on others due to its complex and personal nature which involves the most subtle play of the material world in every aspect of your experience over trillions of moments that make an individual experience with your God(s) in the material environment.

Sharing this 'religion' would take the entire lifetime of minute experiences that are sole perspective of the observer and could never be related with accuracy or understanding by someone outside the observer. As such, we welcome all religions and faiths as long as people understand and respect that it is your own subjective experience and not something that should or could be imposed on another individual.

You are not a guide/teacher of anyone outside of your own experience and communication with God(s). As such we have no faith or creed or religious institution that we will be affiliated with since our primary concern is the preservation of the genetics, culture and civilization rather than the interference, manipulation or control of a personal experience that is derived between that person and their God(s).

In other words, we believe exclusively that God(s) is the teacher, guide, and head of all individuals and their own personal and subjective experience."

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The herd is not in motion, damn! I can't imagine what it's going to take to get them to move their collective ass. But I live in the hope of seeing that day.

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Not even the aliens can stop the Christmas consumerism model.

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My holiday paradigm is changed already so I am soothed by listening to Madrigal Christmas music and Handel's opera treatment of the Old Testament, Messiah.

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Even if the 'herds' move, it won't be because they are awake,....they'll just be reacting to what the Cabal is doing to herd them. I don't think they are any different from a flock of Sheep with border collies herding them.....they just react to stimulus, they don't actually think or learn anything. But that may be how it's always been,.....most people are NPC's, just going about doing the job they were programmed to do. That's not a bad thing really either, it frees up the rest of us to have more fun! :)

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I think the Cowboys had a trick into freaking out the cattle herd into a stampede. What the hell was that little trick up their sleeve?

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fire and lightening.

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Three times is the charm! Love you all!❤️😘😍🥰

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I worked for the Usps here in northern Michigan and I go to a major city quite regularly. No one at my local post office of at least 100 employees are talking about that this drone issue and no one at the main post office of thousands of workers in a major city that has over half 1 million people is talking about it. There’s only one guy that’s into conspiracies that he always comes up and talks to me about everything at our local post office in a town of 20,000. And I’m an overnight truck driver driving from point a to B. No one talks about it at the truck stops either. I think most people are quite literally drones themselves, and they are just like pre-programmed zombies at this point in history, but if you broach the subject with them, they would be able to at least possibly intelligently recognize that these and then start taking place, but that’s about it. But I have a degree in journalism that I never used instead I went into trucking when I graduated. But I have an intense interest as a media junkie and everything. I’m also an experiencer and contacteeI have interacted with UFOs for over a decade. 😇🌟🖖

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Christmas consumerism trumps the alien card. Somehow I am not surprised, people just want to get on with their lives. They are tired of being f**ked with.

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And in reality, that's how it's supposed to be! We're here to live our lives, not play stupid games with political LIARS all our lives! I'm sick of it too. And after 4 years old it, I'm not sure what I'd do if it all just went away and I could go back to just enjoying living. PTSD probably! LOL!

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Happy Christmas

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Merry Christmas you %('ofzidaudsn

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Merrÿ Christmas and a fantastic new year Cliff, müch love 💗 I love yoür input ☺️🤗💗

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You do know Yeshua most likely wasn't born in December ... It's a lie

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Dec 23
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Lost, pal? Take a wrong turn in Albuquerque? Here is the thing about bible-thumpers that is hard to understand. Why are you here? Why waste one precious second of your life trolling people who have zero interest in your jesus/grit take, will never have any interest in your jesus/grit take, and do so in a condescending ugly way? Not very jesus-like but then again maybe you are just an ugly troll using any handy nonsense, like a troll does. Yeah thats it

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Oh, you again, Anthony. Sad Sally. Mad Margaret. Everyone has an opinion and a belief system, and they aren’t all matching yours. Ego does not align with your beliefs so drop the ego dude. Clif is very spiritual, but maybe not matching your fantasy.

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Larry Fink up to his demigod shit again.

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LOL! You should do a MEME with AI of that and post it on X! That would be funny!

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thanks --- I'm in here for my sanity which is deteriorating like everything else

If i went on X i would be disappeared.

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There is a drone that has been hovering in place about 15 miles (ca. 24 km) south of me. Same spot. Never moves. I suggested that just below it, on the earth's surface, is a farm with a newborn baby, his parents, three astrologers and a little kid playing the drums.

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Have a Great Holiday, Clif!

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