Hello Sharonmo, Can you share what you did for detoxing? Presently, I am gathering as much information for my husband and myself to strengthen our health in every way.
Hello Sharonmo, Can you share what you did for detoxing? Presently, I am gathering as much information for my husband and myself to strengthen our health in every way.
There are many people selling supplements for detoxing but I feel very strongly that the best and freshest nutrition is paramount to detoxing as the first and most basic thing. Supplements become a toxin. I went the herbal route. I used Dr Hulda Clark's methods as outlined in her book Cure for All Diseases. She was placed in a Canadian jail for her 30 year efforts and died there.
I believe it. Dr. William F. Koch who accidentally discovered the cause (and cure) for cancer also fled to Mexico after harassment by the thuggish-sounding AMA, but died of poisoning there. 'Thing is, they had to do it twice to actually kill him because he'd inoculated himself and his immune system survived the first go. It's all these associations that guide various trades and professions that are the cabal's hands in the pie, like the AZA forcing zoos to do terrible things to animals they have to comply with to keep their accreditation. They're just evil.
We have been in this war a long time. I used Dr Hulda Clarks research to cure myself of end stage breast cancer, so the information about cancer being an immuno deficiency syndrome has been known since the late 90's. Dr Koch was a hero and knew most likely, as Dr Clark did, that the powers that be would not want his information to go mainstream. The question now is who will join us in helping people and ourselves, become the best versions of ourselves, spreading the word to decrease fear around cancer, cure it in animals and humans and support food freedom, so that we can bring down the CABAL and win this spiritual war? I hope millions of people will.
Thank you Juan! I am not on telegram nor any other platform other than Substack right now. I appreciate your seeing the value in my knowledge and inviting me to your group. If you wish to share what I offer here please do it with my blessing. I put my email in one of my comments but if you would like it let me know. Perhaps I will feel better about joining groups. But as you can see I have no problem sharing what I know and love to hear others ideas also.
They will not admit killing her in jail. But given the CABAL run government in Canada by turdo, and the reason she had to flee to Mexico to have her clinics to help people, I would say putting her, and elderly woman in jail alone killed her.
It takes a lot of dedication (two years of study and changing my whole life to heal and change a death sentence into a life that has fostered vibrant health and life at 70). Chemo does not work nor does radiation. That has much research attached to it and cutting off or out parts of you only is dealing with symptoms of an immuno deficiency and a lifestyle, spiritual, emotional and mental toxicity disease. Cancer was invented by the CABAL and they spread it like peanut butter on bread in the gay community as AIDS, in Africa, and among the drug addict with hep B vax/kill shot, and even among health care workers as the hep B vax kill shot which was required after a "needle stick".
I am a nurse and was one of the few who would work with the AIDS and HIV infected. It was so horrible and the fear porn that went with it was just as bad. That is why I did not let any doctor or the medical community dictate my treatment! I saw how their treatments really worked on my patients and I lost many good friends to it.
LOL If you are going to wiki for facts than you are not doing your own research, you are doing research according to what the CABAL wish you to know. That is ok. But I recommend you find a source that is not owned and operated by those who wish you to believe bullshit!
Do your own work dear godo or you may be led down the wrong path by me or others. Empower yourself! If you depend on others for everything and then you can't believe them that is on you. I am not your momma dear person. I found the info and I used it and it worked. Ask wiki if it has actually done that?
Check out Dr Bryan Ardis -- lots of Rumble. First I thougth he was brilliant, then I trhougth he was nuts, then I came back a few month slater and discovered he had the patents, and FOIAs and journal articles etc. to BACK UP the stuff I thought was crazy... (SO MANY rabbirt trails are fantastic, then idiotic and just crazy, and ... OMG! TRUE! Yah gotta keep digging till you've exhausted the sound parts! Ardis has it! I'm using nictotine patches, my brain fog has disappeared! Other syumptoms have lessened or gone... Who'da thunk it?!?!
Dr Ardis has numerous studies backing his contentions. The Carlos Bragna study is a doozy. 37 different venom peptides found in COVID patients. There is something to nicotine I am sure.
The nicotine receptors that the spike proteins (venom) stick to , prefer nicotine so the man made spikes get pushed off. And your smell comes back . Potatoes and tomatoes have a lot of nicotine
Tomatoes and potatoes are only a small part of getting all the toxic material out of our bodies I am sure of that or Dr. Hulda Clark would not have been killed for her findings on the subject. I used all of her suggestions and they worked well on end-stage cancer which is a form of immune deficiency function due to being totally toxic from everything the Deep State has spread on us. The venoms are varied, in every Pharma drug they push, and Lyme disease (a bioweapon spread by a US bioweapons lab in Main through tick bites first introduced in Russia to make their cows infertile but now infesting all the wild herds in this country and is in all humans) are in all humans those who have studied it extensively have reported, in the form of spirochetes.
As Cliff says, there are many very simple effective ways to get aluminum oxide out of the body but you must have a functioning body (elimination system and immune system). They not excreted from the body because receptors are unavailable for the parasitic demons and venoms, pesticides, and chemtrail toxins to do their work but stored in the body in fat tissue, and glands and joints until they can be removed safely or there are receptor sites to capture them. Eventually you will have to make sure your immune system, excretion systems, are working at top notch to ensure you are not reinfected. Stress turns off your immunity system so that will also need to be addressed. High Cortisol turns off mechanism that allows your immune system to utilize the energy it needs to function. Dr Hulda Clark did her research over a 30 year period and is a hero for her findings and was killed for that contribution to us and why so many others like Mercola, and Northrup, and Merritt are suffering loss of their livelihoods and persecution by Deep State, and so many other doctors and nurses, serious research scientists, like myself have been kicked out of the medical field and education system.
I used Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and other so called "horse medicnes" as my uncle who worked with race horses told me, "horses must be healthy or they are worthless." Yu can make hydroxychloroquine from citrus peels. If yu are interested I will tell yu how as it really has been a God send to have all that I need to detox in an affordable way and without MD permission.
I think it was either Dr Lee Merritt, or the undertaker John OтАЩLooney, who said that a number (10?) of people who died from dementia had their brains analysed in a specific study. Every single brain was occupied by PARASITES. Confirming the view that microscopic parasites are a cause of dementia, as well as cancer tumours. The de-wormers that can cross the blood/brain barrier (including veterinary ones) may be very helpful in this respect, along with methods to mitigate the effects of aluminium, which commenters have contributed to this blog forum. IтАЩve found the тАЬClif High communityтАЭ very helpful over time, so thanks to all, as well as Clif! Dr Lee Merritt posted an amazing and wide ranging blog about parasites and how to deal with them, on her rumble channel The Medical Rebel. It was perhaps a year ago or maybe more.
Yes we are infested with parasites from all of the pharma, food, insect infested with parasites for our enjoyment and so on. Our immune systems are almost at a standstill, our systems who remove toxins from our bodies destroyed, like gut, lungs, skin, kidneys, liver, gallbladder ext which also help us absorb food and nutrients from food.
Parasites eat heavy metals. They are not the cause of dementia, they are concurrent with it. Dementia, ALS, Parkinsons, etc are caused by metals in the brain.
Parasites do not eat heavy metals as far as my extensive studies have indicated. They eat you. But I know that we are toxic with both things and need to eliminate both. If you have research substantiating that parasites eat heavy metals though I am always open to new knowledge regarding healing our bodies and strengthening our immune system.
I've been taught by my grandparents to make Black Walnut tincture and HDCQ from Grapefruit and large orange peels. Simply shred and soak in moonshine. Keep it in the dark and burp the bottles
Best detox protocal: Dr. Robert Morse (who was just removed from Youtube.) His best video I HIGHLY recommend is "The Great Lymphatic System" you might find it on bitchute. Dr. Morse (as in the code) saved my life and I didn't spend a penny. He offers such great advice on the inner healing of the body.
I'm trying out, 10 days in, this new zeolite product from Human Consciousness. It's essentially a consciousness raising product. Will have a better idea in a couple of more weeks but so far I like the idea of the linking with joy on the Hawkins Power vs. Force scale.
This formulation, MasterPeace, looks very promising and along with Pineal Clear from Purium may help with correcting and improving your circadian rhythm, dreams and sleep. Most all zeolite products work mostly in the gastro-intestinal tract. This one goes "everywhere where water goes". Toxins out and marine plasma nutrients in.
I also used many other ways emotionally and spiritually that boosted my immune system and released toxins from my cellular tissue. We store toxins in our cells and that can actually be scientifically verified now. Of course all this needs to be done individually for the imbalances yu and your husband have. It is very much an individual thing depending on symptoms yu may have.
Join us here on Telegram where the info is all FREE!! There you can get everything you'll ever require to understand and execute safely how to detox/cure illness (ALL!!)
I believe Ivermectin 1.87% paste (with all other associated protocols) cures EVERYTHING! Come listen to the hundreds of recorded hours of real people telling their experiences etc. Good Luck
What are you looking for?? EVERYTHING u require is already on there... so why would u say STOOPID words like that Ruth? is it cause you are STOOPID?? STOOPID IS AS STOOPID DOES AND SAYS!
I remember Danny, he was the kindest and most patient person. I never heard him say an unkind work to anyone. I am sure he would be saddened to see that response.
Hello Sharonmo, Can you share what you did for detoxing? Presently, I am gathering as much information for my husband and myself to strengthen our health in every way.
Would really appreciate any insights.
We could all give Clif a hug of appreciation!
There are many people selling supplements for detoxing but I feel very strongly that the best and freshest nutrition is paramount to detoxing as the first and most basic thing. Supplements become a toxin. I went the herbal route. I used Dr Hulda Clark's methods as outlined in her book Cure for All Diseases. She was placed in a Canadian jail for her 30 year efforts and died there.
i did not know that about dr.clark......so sorry to hear
She fled to Mexico first and set up a cli ic. She returned to Canada and was arrested and killed in jail
I believe it. Dr. William F. Koch who accidentally discovered the cause (and cure) for cancer also fled to Mexico after harassment by the thuggish-sounding AMA, but died of poisoning there. 'Thing is, they had to do it twice to actually kill him because he'd inoculated himself and his immune system survived the first go. It's all these associations that guide various trades and professions that are the cabal's hands in the pie, like the AZA forcing zoos to do terrible things to animals they have to comply with to keep their accreditation. They're just evil.
We have been in this war a long time. I used Dr Hulda Clarks research to cure myself of end stage breast cancer, so the information about cancer being an immuno deficiency syndrome has been known since the late 90's. Dr Koch was a hero and knew most likely, as Dr Clark did, that the powers that be would not want his information to go mainstream. The question now is who will join us in helping people and ourselves, become the best versions of ourselves, spreading the word to decrease fear around cancer, cure it in animals and humans and support food freedom, so that we can bring down the CABAL and win this spiritual war? I hope millions of people will.
I know it happens... but wow, that's extreme.
"Cure" is the real 4 letter word.
I think you may benefit aswell from joining our group.. The info on here should be spread far & wide
Thank you Juan! I am not on telegram nor any other platform other than Substack right now. I appreciate your seeing the value in my knowledge and inviting me to your group. If you wish to share what I offer here please do it with my blessing. I put my email in one of my comments but if you would like it let me know. Perhaps I will feel better about joining groups. But as you can see I have no problem sharing what I know and love to hear others ideas also.
Thanks sharonmo for this info, as IтАЩd never heard off her, and her extraordinary work. I couldnтАЩt order her book fast enoughтАж
Thank you Sharonmo,
I will look into Dr. HuldaтАЩs information. ЁЯМ╖
They will not admit killing her in jail. But given the CABAL run government in Canada by turdo, and the reason she had to flee to Mexico to have her clinics to help people, I would say putting her, and elderly woman in jail alone killed her.
IтАЩm glad it worked for you; I know too many for whom it was a failure, and I donтАЩt mean a few here or there, but over many many years.
It takes a lot of dedication (two years of study and changing my whole life to heal and change a death sentence into a life that has fostered vibrant health and life at 70). Chemo does not work nor does radiation. That has much research attached to it and cutting off or out parts of you only is dealing with symptoms of an immuno deficiency and a lifestyle, spiritual, emotional and mental toxicity disease. Cancer was invented by the CABAL and they spread it like peanut butter on bread in the gay community as AIDS, in Africa, and among the drug addict with hep B vax/kill shot, and even among health care workers as the hep B vax kill shot which was required after a "needle stick".
I am a nurse and was one of the few who would work with the AIDS and HIV infected. It was so horrible and the fear porn that went with it was just as bad. That is why I did not let any doctor or the medical community dictate my treatment! I saw how their treatments really worked on my patients and I lost many good friends to it.
not what wiki says...do you have another source?
LOL If you are going to wiki for facts than you are not doing your own research, you are doing research according to what the CABAL wish you to know. That is ok. But I recommend you find a source that is not owned and operated by those who wish you to believe bullshit!
I agree on wiki and I would ignore godo- seems cranky and not following the directives of his own moniker ~> тАЬGo DoтАЭ
lol - if u cant provide links - maybe ur a schill
Do your own work dear godo or you may be led down the wrong path by me or others. Empower yourself! If you depend on others for everything and then you can't believe them that is on you. I am not your momma dear person. I found the info and I used it and it worked. Ask wiki if it has actually done that?
Check out Dr Bryan Ardis -- lots of Rumble. First I thougth he was brilliant, then I trhougth he was nuts, then I came back a few month slater and discovered he had the patents, and FOIAs and journal articles etc. to BACK UP the stuff I thought was crazy... (SO MANY rabbirt trails are fantastic, then idiotic and just crazy, and ... OMG! TRUE! Yah gotta keep digging till you've exhausted the sound parts! Ardis has it! I'm using nictotine patches, my brain fog has disappeared! Other syumptoms have lessened or gone... Who'da thunk it?!?!
Dr Ardis has numerous studies backing his contentions. The Carlos Bragna study is a doozy. 37 different venom peptides found in COVID patients. There is something to nicotine I am sure.
The nicotine receptors that the spike proteins (venom) stick to , prefer nicotine so the man made spikes get pushed off. And your smell comes back . Potatoes and tomatoes have a lot of nicotine
Tomatoes and potatoes are only a small part of getting all the toxic material out of our bodies I am sure of that or Dr. Hulda Clark would not have been killed for her findings on the subject. I used all of her suggestions and they worked well on end-stage cancer which is a form of immune deficiency function due to being totally toxic from everything the Deep State has spread on us. The venoms are varied, in every Pharma drug they push, and Lyme disease (a bioweapon spread by a US bioweapons lab in Main through tick bites first introduced in Russia to make their cows infertile but now infesting all the wild herds in this country and is in all humans) are in all humans those who have studied it extensively have reported, in the form of spirochetes.
As Cliff says, there are many very simple effective ways to get aluminum oxide out of the body but you must have a functioning body (elimination system and immune system). They not excreted from the body because receptors are unavailable for the parasitic demons and venoms, pesticides, and chemtrail toxins to do their work but stored in the body in fat tissue, and glands and joints until they can be removed safely or there are receptor sites to capture them. Eventually you will have to make sure your immune system, excretion systems, are working at top notch to ensure you are not reinfected. Stress turns off your immunity system so that will also need to be addressed. High Cortisol turns off mechanism that allows your immune system to utilize the energy it needs to function. Dr Hulda Clark did her research over a 30 year period and is a hero for her findings and was killed for that contribution to us and why so many others like Mercola, and Northrup, and Merritt are suffering loss of their livelihoods and persecution by Deep State, and so many other doctors and nurses, serious research scientists, like myself have been kicked out of the medical field and education system.
(who'd have thunk ?)
I used Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and other so called "horse medicnes" as my uncle who worked with race horses told me, "horses must be healthy or they are worthless." Yu can make hydroxychloroquine from citrus peels. If yu are interested I will tell yu how as it really has been a God send to have all that I need to detox in an affordable way and without MD permission.
I think it was either Dr Lee Merritt, or the undertaker John OтАЩLooney, who said that a number (10?) of people who died from dementia had their brains analysed in a specific study. Every single brain was occupied by PARASITES. Confirming the view that microscopic parasites are a cause of dementia, as well as cancer tumours. The de-wormers that can cross the blood/brain barrier (including veterinary ones) may be very helpful in this respect, along with methods to mitigate the effects of aluminium, which commenters have contributed to this blog forum. IтАЩve found the тАЬClif High communityтАЭ very helpful over time, so thanks to all, as well as Clif! Dr Lee Merritt posted an amazing and wide ranging blog about parasites and how to deal with them, on her rumble channel The Medical Rebel. It was perhaps a year ago or maybe more.
Yes we are infested with parasites from all of the pharma, food, insect infested with parasites for our enjoyment and so on. Our immune systems are almost at a standstill, our systems who remove toxins from our bodies destroyed, like gut, lungs, skin, kidneys, liver, gallbladder ext which also help us absorb food and nutrients from food.
Parasites eat heavy metals. They are not the cause of dementia, they are concurrent with it. Dementia, ALS, Parkinsons, etc are caused by metals in the brain.
Parasites do not eat heavy metals as far as my extensive studies have indicated. They eat you. But I know that we are toxic with both things and need to eliminate both. If you have research substantiating that parasites eat heavy metals though I am always open to new knowledge regarding healing our bodies and strengthening our immune system.
I've been taught by my grandparents to make Black Walnut tincture and HDCQ from Grapefruit and large orange peels. Simply shred and soak in moonshine. Keep it in the dark and burp the bottles
Best detox protocal: Dr. Robert Morse (who was just removed from Youtube.) His best video I HIGHLY recommend is "The Great Lymphatic System" you might find it on bitchute. Dr. Morse (as in the code) saved my life and I didn't spend a penny. He offers such great advice on the inner healing of the body.
I'm trying out, 10 days in, this new zeolite product from Human Consciousness. It's essentially a consciousness raising product. Will have a better idea in a couple of more weeks but so far I like the idea of the linking with joy on the Hawkins Power vs. Force scale.
This formulation, MasterPeace, looks very promising and along with Pineal Clear from Purium may help with correcting and improving your circadian rhythm, dreams and sleep. Most all zeolite products work mostly in the gastro-intestinal tract. This one goes "everywhere where water goes". Toxins out and marine plasma nutrients in.
I also used many other ways emotionally and spiritually that boosted my immune system and released toxins from my cellular tissue. We store toxins in our cells and that can actually be scientifically verified now. Of course all this needs to be done individually for the imbalances yu and your husband have. It is very much an individual thing depending on symptoms yu may have.
I read some where that what we call viruses are out growing toxins from sick cells
Join us here on Telegram where the info is all FREE!! There you can get everything you'll ever require to understand and execute safely how to detox/cure illness (ALL!!)
I believe Ivermectin 1.87% paste (with all other associated protocols) cures EVERYTHING! Come listen to the hundreds of recorded hours of real people telling their experiences etc. Good Luck
I went to the channel I don't see anything current. I was on it when Danny was still with us.
What are you looking for?? EVERYTHING u require is already on there... so why would u say STOOPID words like that Ruth? is it cause you are STOOPID?? STOOPID IS AS STOOPID DOES AND SAYS!
I remember Danny, he was the kindest and most patient person. I never heard him say an unkind work to anyone. I am sure he would be saddened to see that response.