Thanks for sharing your affiliate link to this product. Is there any evidence it effectively removes aluminum from the body? I did a fairly quick look through there site, and didn't find any.
Thanks for sharing your affiliate link to this product. Is there any evidence it effectively removes aluminum from the body? I did a fairly quick look through there site, and didn't find any.
And Jonathon - you please keep helping with your references; your service to others who are clearly in some distress or fear is a noble cause and effort to help others damaged by the multiple food, cleaning, water & medical toxifying agendas in play.
You're a prince in a pond full of ugly toads with uncertain motives.
I'd look for some peer-reviewed studies on it if you can avoid the standard medical research enterprise that has been revealed over this past 4 years. Also look into ClO2 as you can make it at home for literally pennies a day & it detoxes many metals (not all). Mr. Scraper has what appears to be dozens of links with his affiliate # and that spells skepticism for the claims made, especially when the tiny bottle of the product is $53.
Thanks Rik. I appreciate comment. I did do some research into CIO2 around 10 to 15 years ago. I tried it, and my body intelligence rejected it as not something it wanted. So I moved on from that line of investigation.
Yes, Scraper seems to be rather trigger happy with his/her affiliate link. Each to their own, I suppose. Like you, the $53 price tag, and the excessive marketing hyperbole with a lack of any credible study data, left my uninspired by the product Scraper is so avidly promoting.
Which book are those photos taken from?
The content covered in those particular images happens to be covering exactly what IтАЩm currently writing about in a forth-coming book on true health.
Thanks for sharing your affiliate link to this product. Is there any evidence it effectively removes aluminum from the body? I did a fairly quick look through there site, and didn't find any.
And Jonathon - you please keep helping with your references; your service to others who are clearly in some distress or fear is a noble cause and effort to help others damaged by the multiple food, cleaning, water & medical toxifying agendas in play.
You're a prince in a pond full of ugly toads with uncertain motives.
Good on you, sir...
I'd look for some peer-reviewed studies on it if you can avoid the standard medical research enterprise that has been revealed over this past 4 years. Also look into ClO2 as you can make it at home for literally pennies a day & it detoxes many metals (not all). Mr. Scraper has what appears to be dozens of links with his affiliate # and that spells skepticism for the claims made, especially when the tiny bottle of the product is $53.
Thanks Rik. I appreciate comment. I did do some research into CIO2 around 10 to 15 years ago. I tried it, and my body intelligence rejected it as not something it wanted. So I moved on from that line of investigation.
Yes, Scraper seems to be rather trigger happy with his/her affiliate link. Each to their own, I suppose. Like you, the $53 price tag, and the excessive marketing hyperbole with a lack of any credible study data, left my uninspired by the product Scraper is so avidly promoting.
Which book are those photos taken from?
The content covered in those particular images happens to be covering exactly what IтАЩm currently writing about in a forth-coming book on true health.