Naaa. You were btching about being banned because AP didn't want to take your bait about "germ theory" and "compete with you in the arena of ideas". Was just explaining to you that some people have better things to do than engage with kooks. Don't take offense if you fall in that category.
Sarah I happen to be personally acquainted with her from very early in scamdemic in Toronto where she showed exactly the kind of person she is. Just like the clip released of Chris Sky going batshit crazy to one of his volunteers on his tour bus!!
You seem triggered. You said a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with my comment.
Naaa. You were btching about being banned because AP didn't want to take your bait about "germ theory" and "compete with you in the arena of ideas". Was just explaining to you that some people have better things to do than engage with kooks. Don't take offense if you fall in that category.
I'm not banned, what are you talking about. You really are unhinged.
Sarah I happen to be personally acquainted with her from very early in scamdemic in Toronto where she showed exactly the kind of person she is. Just like the clip released of Chris Sky going batshit crazy to one of his volunteers on his tour bus!!
Are you talking about AP? I wonder why she's like that...