Cancelled supplement subscriptions (Spike Support/Z Stack), as I no longer trust what may be in them. Thanks to Amazing Polly, who I have been following since the beginning of CON-19.
Attacking ideas is fine, attacking other people who are seeking the truth is not. AP has gotten her ego involved with this one. Many people are able to respectfully disagree about viruses and "germ theory" and yet she bans people on X if they even mention them. Seems AP doesn't want to compete in the arena of ideas, but would rather attack.
Or better yet, just accept the fact that some people have their own opinions? You might even get to the stage that EVERYONE has their own opinion. At this point, any "truth teller" that says they have no idea TWC is playing both sides of the war, is a liar or an idiot. Who says you have to agree with everything she says? Bottom line is she does a LOT of original and valuable research that no one else touches with a ten foot pole. If you're one of the ones that are "seeking truth" take from her what you agree with and move on to the next. I bet not everyone agrees with everything you believe. And as far as getting into a tit for tat tennis match with someone who argues for the sake of it, who the hell has the time for that if they have a large following to read/respond to? If she's putting forth a particular idea she wants people to understand, why would she want to pollute her threads with something that counters completely to her point of view. There are FAR worse than Polly who ban at the slightest disagreement with their opinion (Dr. Jane Ruby for example). She bans for anyone who criticizes some of the hokey products she sponsors or suggests anything that might compete with that product. The woman is a total Btch. Do I stop listening to all her stuff because I was banned? No. I take what I decide is valid and discard the rest. You don't have to agree with Polly. You don't have to like her. And not every content creator is out there to "compete". Some just want to make their points of view known. Clif just ignores people that have radical opinions on things like "germ theory" or flat earth and might call them out as kooks on his podcasts. Bottom line is it's her account/channel/content. If she doesn't want you contributing, then start your own. You can even call her out if that's your thing.
Naaa. You were btching about being banned because AP didn't want to take your bait about "germ theory" and "compete with you in the arena of ideas". Was just explaining to you that some people have better things to do than engage with kooks. Don't take offense if you fall in that category.
Sarah I happen to be personally acquainted with her from very early in scamdemic in Toronto where she showed exactly the kind of person she is. Just like the clip released of Chris Sky going batshit crazy to one of his volunteers on his tour bus!!
I am deeply appreciative of Amazing Polly. Her work has saved our collective bacon repeatedly, and on a very large scale I might add, so if she has some triggers or quirks, I couldn't give a shit. As far as I'm concerned, she can criticize whomever she likes, and yes, make it personal too. This individual is literally irreplaceable.
We all have the right to criticize, but if someone holds themself up as a truth-seeker, then attacking people she disagrees with and getting all upset about it and banning people... well I have the right to say she's avoiding the merits of arguments in favor of attacking people instead. And I don't respect people who do that. I do respect people who can handle a disagreement without lowering themselves.
Sarah, I agree. Unfortunately there are still alot of egos who don't like to consider other peoples thoughts or ideas. We all need to remember that NO ONE person knows it ALL. I believe each one of us has a bit of truth and when we share information a larger picture emerges.
Too many people still want to be told, and led, rather than trust themselves. We all have the ability to find the truth if we let go of fear. I think fear is at the heart of it.
I absolutely agree. I believe that letting go of fear is the number one key. Fear keeps us in a low vibratory reality. When we let go of fear and start trusting ourselves our consciousness begins to expand and new truths come to us. Let our Higher Self be the filter because we innately know what is true, we just need to remember.
you can find her on line. she is a deep digger and has been for a long time.
i've not followed her because she expects everything to be 'bad' and then loves it when she finds that to be true.
i consider her to be a good researcher and pointer to lots of problems. and i dislike her energy about it, as she creates the feeling of endless doom. so, a good researcher for me to begin looking at things. such as twc and pederson's arc project, for example.
I can assure you. She is a psychopathic control freak from hell. I swear to GOD this is the truth. I guarantee it. She is a nasty piece of work. She is a narcissistic bitch from hell in the real world. Away from her clips
Pollyanna in a psycho. Control freak of the highest order! Exactly like Chris Sky! I don't know what it is with Canada truthers but all of us seem to be touched in the head in one way or another.
Perhaps it's because being awake in Canada is very hard on you.. very lonely
Friends stop with the acronyms. Thereβs so many and they are duplicates etc. just write out what you mean. Whatβs the big hurry? Donβt you want to be understood?
Great awakening OK got it. You poor schmucks..better late then never. But I got news for those who woke up after scamdemic.. it takes YEARS YEARS ANDTHEN SOME MORE YEARS before you get a handle on reality.. universe doesn't make it easy! Just know this: we all need each other.. and we need each other to be open minded.. and ready to say: I was wrong. I was victimized..etc etc. Don't let pride keep you from enlightenment.. in the final analysis.. you can die amongst friends as a fighter.. or you can die as a victim slave
The lack of possible revelations if one were to settle for enough in the world of journalism is not beneficial to anyone. Agreed - the public arena is brutal.
What Clif is saying about the money laundering is βRinging Trueβ. Just listened to Jim Willie saying that the CIA is known for laundering Narcotics $$$. What a Bunch of criminals.
I really like Jim Willie on economic and financial stuff; but when he strays into areas outside of his purview, he is no better than some of Kerry Cassidy's whistleblowers.
Hey Woo Crew - Suzirhae's Iphone just blocked her from her Substack account and took away her Substack app. Do any of you have suggestions for a new phone? She is currently using Verizon as a carrier. Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Love you guys. We are Legion. Go Woo Hoo Crew!
" No one will ever trust a politician , a reporter , a doctor , a nurse , a radio station , a newspaper , a scientist law enforcers , or a false church leader , ever again . The old system is dying because it,s based on death , deceit and despair . A new truth based system is rising that will take the place of all these failed rotting system and the corrupt souls who work within it . All thee il system are collapsing because they have to β¦ "
Thanks for covering this, Clif. But I think your characterization of Dore and Westall is a bit harsh. They are actively learning at lightning speed compared to most. You've been doing this since 1963. I've watched Dore since 2018, and watched him wake up incredibly fast over the past 6 years. Yea there was a lot of frustration directed at the screen over how slow he was to get climate scams and whatnot, but for a guy whose career in comedy require he keeps one foot in normie land he's pretty good at giving truth a front seat to his politics.
John, I heard that Manitoba and Saskatchewan First Nations say the provincial government is keeping them in the dark as it privatizes land within their traditional territories. Itβs being given over to the UN...OKA Xina.
Can't wait to see these Russian textbooks, LOL. Not a fan of U.S. textbooks. I wrote 2 chapters for a college textbook published by Pearson Education and found them to be major creeps. Pearson is the same publishing company that gave Obama a sweet book contract in return for printing common core bullshit in our children's textbooks. So disappointed in the U.S. publishers. Money grubbing slime.
For those that do not, know Zev Zelenko originally posted his Protocols for C19 so that ppl could get them and deal with it themselves, this happened B4 TWC came along and Commercialised it , as A P said. Following is a copy of original Protocols By Zev BH
Zelenko Protocol1
Treatment Plan for Patients with Covid-19 symptoms
Prehospital Management
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Twitter: @zev_dr
Fundamental Principles
Treat patients based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, preferably within the first 5 days of
symptoms. Perform PCR testing, but do not withhold treatment pending results.
Risk Stratify Patients
Low risk patient - Younger than 45, no comorbidities, and clinically stable
High risk patient - Older than 45, younger than 45 with comorbidities, or clinically unstable
Treatment Options
Low risk patients - over the counter options:
1. Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days2
2. Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day for 7 days or
Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) 400mg 1 time a day for 7 days4
3. Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
4. Rest, oral fluids and close follow up with doctor
High risk patients
1. Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days
2. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 2 times a day for 7 days
If HCQ not available, Quercetin 500mg 3 times a day for 7 days or
EGCG 400mg 2 times a day for 7 days
3. Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days or
Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days
4. Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
5. Rest, oral fluids and close followup with doctor
Thank you for taking the time to post Dr. Zelenkoβs original protocols. I recall him being quite ill at the time with cancer treatments. May he rest in peace & his family be provided for through the products bearing his name.
Home oxygen is essential, and easily obtained; keep a pulse oximeter on hand, too. Where available, Isoprinosine (dengue fever remedy) works as well as Ivermectin.
Thank God youβre back !πππ¨π¦π¨π¦π¨π¦
I agree thank God you are back!πππ¨π¦π¨π¦π¨π¦
Me too π π
Thank Universe Cliff is back!
Cancelled supplement subscriptions (Spike Support/Z Stack), as I no longer trust what may be in them. Thanks to Amazing Polly, who I have been following since the beginning of CON-19.
Attacking ideas is fine, attacking other people who are seeking the truth is not. AP has gotten her ego involved with this one. Many people are able to respectfully disagree about viruses and "germ theory" and yet she bans people on X if they even mention them. Seems AP doesn't want to compete in the arena of ideas, but would rather attack.
Or better yet, just accept the fact that some people have their own opinions? You might even get to the stage that EVERYONE has their own opinion. At this point, any "truth teller" that says they have no idea TWC is playing both sides of the war, is a liar or an idiot. Who says you have to agree with everything she says? Bottom line is she does a LOT of original and valuable research that no one else touches with a ten foot pole. If you're one of the ones that are "seeking truth" take from her what you agree with and move on to the next. I bet not everyone agrees with everything you believe. And as far as getting into a tit for tat tennis match with someone who argues for the sake of it, who the hell has the time for that if they have a large following to read/respond to? If she's putting forth a particular idea she wants people to understand, why would she want to pollute her threads with something that counters completely to her point of view. There are FAR worse than Polly who ban at the slightest disagreement with their opinion (Dr. Jane Ruby for example). She bans for anyone who criticizes some of the hokey products she sponsors or suggests anything that might compete with that product. The woman is a total Btch. Do I stop listening to all her stuff because I was banned? No. I take what I decide is valid and discard the rest. You don't have to agree with Polly. You don't have to like her. And not every content creator is out there to "compete". Some just want to make their points of view known. Clif just ignores people that have radical opinions on things like "germ theory" or flat earth and might call them out as kooks on his podcasts. Bottom line is it's her account/channel/content. If she doesn't want you contributing, then start your own. You can even call her out if that's your thing.
You seem triggered. You said a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with my comment.
Naaa. You were btching about being banned because AP didn't want to take your bait about "germ theory" and "compete with you in the arena of ideas". Was just explaining to you that some people have better things to do than engage with kooks. Don't take offense if you fall in that category.
I'm not banned, what are you talking about. You really are unhinged.
Sarah I happen to be personally acquainted with her from very early in scamdemic in Toronto where she showed exactly the kind of person she is. Just like the clip released of Chris Sky going batshit crazy to one of his volunteers on his tour bus!!
Are you talking about AP? I wonder why she's like that...
I am deeply appreciative of Amazing Polly. Her work has saved our collective bacon repeatedly, and on a very large scale I might add, so if she has some triggers or quirks, I couldn't give a shit. As far as I'm concerned, she can criticize whomever she likes, and yes, make it personal too. This individual is literally irreplaceable.
We all have the right to criticize, but if someone holds themself up as a truth-seeker, then attacking people she disagrees with and getting all upset about it and banning people... well I have the right to say she's avoiding the merits of arguments in favor of attacking people instead. And I don't respect people who do that. I do respect people who can handle a disagreement without lowering themselves.
Again, I would choose solid content over hurt feelings any day.
Sarah, I agree. Unfortunately there are still alot of egos who don't like to consider other peoples thoughts or ideas. We all need to remember that NO ONE person knows it ALL. I believe each one of us has a bit of truth and when we share information a larger picture emerges.
Too many people still want to be told, and led, rather than trust themselves. We all have the ability to find the truth if we let go of fear. I think fear is at the heart of it.
I absolutely agree. I believe that letting go of fear is the number one key. Fear keeps us in a low vibratory reality. When we let go of fear and start trusting ourselves our consciousness begins to expand and new truths come to us. Let our Higher Self be the filter because we innately know what is true, we just need to remember.
Maybe Polly just prefers talking to people that she considers on the same page with her instead of having to bring beginners up to speed.
Nothing wrong with that. There is something wrong with attacking people on X though.
Who is ap
I believe Amazing Polly
Alex Pones.
Amazing Polly
Never heard of that person
you can find her on line. she is a deep digger and has been for a long time.
i've not followed her because she expects everything to be 'bad' and then loves it when she finds that to be true.
i consider her to be a good researcher and pointer to lots of problems. and i dislike her energy about it, as she creates the feeling of endless doom. so, a good researcher for me to begin looking at things. such as twc and pederson's arc project, for example.
Still love your rose colored glasses, huh?
That's a person?
Sounds like a parrot.
Polly want a cracker?
Ah of course
Thank you
An exchange of ideas strikes me as more productive; competition often produces an array of susceptibilities.
I can assure you. She is a psychopathic control freak from hell. I swear to GOD this is the truth. I guarantee it. She is a nasty piece of work. She is a narcissistic bitch from hell in the real world. Away from her clips
Do you know her personally?
I agree 100%. Discussions have descended rapidly, and our own Clif High is one of the worst.
Yes. Quite the cult of personality here, apparently. So many people are followers, always looking for someone to tell them what to think.
Just heard about AP and Sarah Westall communication. AP didnβt seem to take the suggestion very well that she should dig further into the subject.
AP - Associated Press?
A proper query. I also object to the use of ambiguous abbreviations due to the writer being lazy.
Castigator, love that name, I have a sign at the gate, "Trespassers will be Castigated",
I've had several Cops, Sheriffs stop and tell me I can't do that. I just laugh at them and define Castigate.
LOL! I wonder if the cops/sheriffs mistook the word castigated for castrated? LOL!
They Did.
ArenΒ΄t we having fun? Trespassers will be Castigatored!
amazing polly.
Amazing Polly?
amazing polly
She IS amazing!
Pollyanna in a psycho. Control freak of the highest order! Exactly like Chris Sky! I don't know what it is with Canada truthers but all of us seem to be touched in the head in one way or another.
Perhaps it's because being awake in Canada is very hard on you.. very lonely
Dr. Trozzi is fine. Look him up if you have not.
Thanks! A substack new to me...
Catch her on rumble or BitChute.
She also has her own site....
What is AP? American Press? Alan Parker? Telepathy does not work with me, so I can only be guessing.
Hmmmm π€
(Red f lag. ?)
What is GA? Georgia? General Assembly? Telepathy does not work with me, so I can only be guessing.
Friends stop with the acronyms. Thereβs so many and they are duplicates etc. just write out what you mean. Whatβs the big hurry? Donβt you want to be understood?
Great awakening OK got it. You poor schmucks..better late then never. But I got news for those who woke up after scamdemic.. it takes YEARS YEARS ANDTHEN SOME MORE YEARS before you get a handle on reality.. universe doesn't make it easy! Just know this: we all need each other.. and we need each other to be open minded.. and ready to say: I was wrong. I was victimized..etc etc. Don't let pride keep you from enlightenment.. in the final analysis.. you can die amongst friends as a fighter.. or you can die as a victim slave
Haha. I think you are right. My first thought was "Global Agenda!" Definitely shouldn't written it out!
The lack of possible revelations if one were to settle for enough in the world of journalism is not beneficial to anyone. Agreed - the public arena is brutal.
How do I read Amazing Pollys stuff??
She's good, but IMHO Fall Cabal was the best. RIP JO
me too! me too!
Jane t was wholly responsible for me feeling relieved that there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
am dying to know where you will reincarnate next time around ..π€
I am naturally suspic of the truth of her death β¦ did the DS interfere with her neurons I wonder β¦ they can do that with ease β¦
PS I fell for this company because of Dr. Peter McCollough's endorsement.
No, but if you've purchased either the hydroxychloroquine or the ivermectin, do some research before you start taking those.
LOL "do some research" from the person posting links from
Global Healing Center & Brighteon
Now you all are picking on Dr. Z?
What do you know that we apparently don't?
What Clif is saying about the money laundering is βRinging Trueβ. Just listened to Jim Willie saying that the CIA is known for laundering Narcotics $$$. What a Bunch of criminals.
I really like Jim Willie on economic and financial stuff; but when he strays into areas outside of his purview, he is no better than some of Kerry Cassidy's whistleblowers.
But he rarely strays outside his purview. I like him lots!
Yeah, I hear you. Iβm going to have to go on my gut and the entire Iran Contra Affair as my backup on this one! Cheers!π
Kind of like the mediocre move the Beekeeper.
Hello Woo Crew! Have a happy and stay out of the DRAMA! Love you guys!ππ₯°π
The ride never ends!
As the song goes,β the road goes on forever and the party never ends. β
Me? Never!!π
Hey Woo Crew - Suzirhae's Iphone just blocked her from her Substack account and took away her Substack app. Do any of you have suggestions for a new phone? She is currently using Verizon as a carrier. Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Love you guys. We are Legion. Go Woo Hoo Crew!
" No one will ever trust a politician , a reporter , a doctor , a nurse , a radio station , a newspaper , a scientist law enforcers , or a false church leader , ever again . The old system is dying because it,s based on death , deceit and despair . A new truth based system is rising that will take the place of all these failed rotting system and the corrupt souls who work within it . All thee il system are collapsing because they have to β¦ "
Time for people to start trusting themselves, and stop looking to false "authority".
Thanks for covering this, Clif. But I think your characterization of Dore and Westall is a bit harsh. They are actively learning at lightning speed compared to most. You've been doing this since 1963. I've watched Dore since 2018, and watched him wake up incredibly fast over the past 6 years. Yea there was a lot of frustration directed at the screen over how slow he was to get climate scams and whatnot, but for a guy whose career in comedy require he keeps one foot in normie land he's pretty good at giving truth a front seat to his politics.
I spend time working out ways to take out the local 5G.
John, I heard that Manitoba and Saskatchewan First Nations say the provincial government is keeping them in the dark as it privatizes land within their traditional territories. Itβs being given over to the UN...OKA Xina.
A Million BB-Gun March?
I was considering a slightly higher calibre, but OK.
Me tooπ
I have a message for all bleeding heart jews.
I am a born catholic, I have no issue calling out pedo priests or vatican bank criminals⦠you name it. I would burn it all down.
So my dear jew friend⦠man up ! Woman up ! Put your pants on. You have a lot of bad jews to call out on your end.
If you dont call them out, what do you expect me to think of you ??
Can't wait to see these Russian textbooks, LOL. Not a fan of U.S. textbooks. I wrote 2 chapters for a college textbook published by Pearson Education and found them to be major creeps. Pearson is the same publishing company that gave Obama a sweet book contract in return for printing common core bullshit in our children's textbooks. So disappointed in the U.S. publishers. Money grubbing slime.
scoring for pearson
stolen work: counter never matched my production
wrote to renee hr spoke to her on the phone
said she would ask IT to check my stats
'nothing there'
min wage is not enough
you have to score 100+papers a day
for free
Yippee! Itβs been an interesting week and hearing Clifβs analysis is a great way to end the week!
For those that do not, know Zev Zelenko originally posted his Protocols for C19 so that ppl could get them and deal with it themselves, this happened B4 TWC came along and Commercialised it , as A P said. Following is a copy of original Protocols By Zev BH
Zelenko Protocol1
Treatment Plan for Patients with Covid-19 symptoms
Prehospital Management
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Twitter: @zev_dr
Fundamental Principles
Treat patients based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, preferably within the first 5 days of
symptoms. Perform PCR testing, but do not withhold treatment pending results.
Risk Stratify Patients
Low risk patient - Younger than 45, no comorbidities, and clinically stable
High risk patient - Older than 45, younger than 45 with comorbidities, or clinically unstable
Treatment Options
Low risk patients - over the counter options:
1. Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days2
2. Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day for 7 days or
Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) 400mg 1 time a day for 7 days4
3. Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
4. Rest, oral fluids and close follow up with doctor
High risk patients
1. Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days
2. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 2 times a day for 7 days
If HCQ not available, Quercetin 500mg 3 times a day for 7 days or
EGCG 400mg 2 times a day for 7 days
3. Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days or
Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days
4. Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
5. Rest, oral fluids and close followup with doctor
Additional treatment options. Should be uniquely custom tailored for every patient.
1. Ivermectin 6mg 2 times a day for 1 day5
2. Budesonide 1mg/2cc solution via nebulizer 2 times a day for 7 days6
3. Dexamethasone 6mg 1 time a day for 7 days7
4. Blood thinners (i.e. Lovenox)8
5. Home Oxygen
6. Home IV fluids
Be careful with high dose quercetin. Research has shown it can cause infertility.
Thank you for taking the time to post Dr. Zelenkoβs original protocols. I recall him being quite ill at the time with cancer treatments. May he rest in peace & his family be provided for through the products bearing his name.
Home oxygen is essential, and easily obtained; keep a pulse oximeter on hand, too. Where available, Isoprinosine (dengue fever remedy) works as well as Ivermectin.
The biggest nuggetβs here that got lost in TWC are. HAARP tower destroyed. And where the UN may headquarter their troops. Good to know. Thanks.
Those blue helmets are perfect for target practice.
Iβm pretty sure theyβre not going to want to be in Utah, lol!
TWC - The [Elohim] Worship Cult
But, but, it has "wellness" in its name. That's good, right?? ππ₯΄
Correction: Date is March 8th, not Feb. lol
For those unfamiliar with Amazing Polly, or as some say, "AP," she has channels on Rumble ( and Bitchute.