Let all of us Clif High fans focus our thoughts and prayers and manifest full health and recovery for Clif's spouse and himself and make our thoughts REALITY!

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RemovedAug 3
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This is probably more informative than your tag-tail advertising.

03/02/2023: Funding the Control Grid Part 3: The Food Framework: https://www.coreysdigs.com/food-supply-chain/funding-the-control-grid-part-3-the-food-framework/ https://rumble.com/v2bkg7q-dig-it-180-billions-toward-food-control-framework.html

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From an 89 yo fem fan who learned both about staying healthy, and about chemtrails from Anthony William, The Medical Medium. And selfishly, liking and hoping to keep learning from Cliff for a few more years, I beseech you,Cliff, to connect with Anthony and his work, for good health for both you and your wife. Anthony receives his "woo" through an entity calling itself The Spirit of Compassion.

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Love Anthony Williams, thank you for posting this Mary. You’re an inspiration to me, I just turned 70. 😎

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Hey thanks, Mary.

I didnt know Anthony William either, so i looked for him on YT. Fantastic! The man knows his stuff.

I’m going to get busy with the celery juice.

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Thanks Clif. I've been suspended from X (no reason given) and am able to find current information elsewhere. But not uncle Clif (sigh). Sorry to hear about the Mrs's health challenge and here's my sincere consciousness extension of love and well wishes for you both.

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Let’s manifest health and love to Clif and his lovely wife.

We can do if we set out intentions and prayers.LETS DO IT!!!!👍🙏🤗💕🇨🇦

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Just as was described in ancient texts, any of us can be lifted out of our current 'conscious reality' and helped / allowed to experience ultimate reality, the continuum, the oneness. Are these beings operating 'outside the veil', unlike ourselves? Do they in fact help us with the lifting out? What's the difference between so called 'other dimensions' and 'interconnectedness' (oneness)? The continuum (interconnected one) is factual - and perceivable - reality. A 'dimension' then can only refer to the particular tuning-in or perceiving of a set of specific continuum (example small-large, light-dark, etc) as all specific continuum must intersect. Even here in the materium, as cliff likes to call it, you could not find one thing which is not simultaneosly existing at an intersection of various continuums (it has a size, a vibration, a place in time, a mass, etc etc).

An ability to maintain an active awareness of any one infinite continuum (which is difficult while simultaneously maintaining limitation in 'the materium') to the extent that one could operate effectively therein, necessitates an awareness of this higher consciousness (some of us might say God). As such, a heightened awareness of 'free will' (one's own and others) - meaning, the ability to direct attention from one extreme to its opposite - could not be ignored.

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I've been projecting thoughts that this system of government we all live under is so broken it must be destroyed or it will do nothing but break things. Pretty simple stuff. If we give those mother WEFers one inch, they take the whole yardstick!!!

"Do you think all mothers in labor should have to wear mouth and nose coverings or else?

["hospitals have required mothers to wear masks while in labor, which restricts oxygen during a physically taxing activity which often lasts for many hours. This stipulation is problematic given the care that birthing mothers who are in pain or have faced previous abuse need, as face masks during such an ordeal can cause trauma. "

https://mises.org/wire/how-unscientific-covid-policies-are-harming-birthing-mothers-and-their-newborns ]

Do you think it is acceptable to put drugs in the water supply so more people will "mask up"?

[ "‘Morality pills’ may be the US’s best shot at ending the coronavirus pandemic, according to one ethicist

The article’s author is Parker Crutchfield, an Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, Humanities and Law at Western Michigan University, and his argument can be broken down into four key points:

Wearing masks and social distancing are good for public health

People who refuse to follow these rules are “defectors” who need to be “morally enhanced”

This moral enhancement can be achieved with medication to make people more “empathetic” and “co-operative”

This medication should be compulsory and/or administered secretly via the water supply.

https://off-guardian.org/2020/08/14/the-new-normal-covert-moral-enhancement-for-coronavirus-defectors/ ]


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Hopefully more aware Women are experiencing Home Births, in birthing pools...that is the only way to keep your birthing experience sacred. Hands off AMA doctors! And a cognizant midwife Knows if a transport is needed. Trust Your body, dont sacrifice your body or your baby to 'other peoples' power!

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Every hospital in America can burn down to the ground and we'd all be safer. Those SOCIOPATHIC DOCTORS have sunk their grubby little fingers and stinking teeth into the 'laws' of this nation and have done their best to FORCE innocent victims to allow medical procedures to be done to their own children! I've been onto this since I was in the hospital with my newborn daughter and terrorized by the medical staff NAZIs that they would call the Child Kidnapping GESTAPO on me if I did not let them inject her with a vitamin K shot!!!

Those people need to learn that THEIR SKIN IS IN THE GAME or else they will kill us all!!!!!

"“Many doctors routinely give vitamin K to newborn babies because they have been taught that infants are born with a deficiency of this vitamin, which influences how rapidly the baby’s blood will clot. That’s nonsense, unless the mother is severely malnourished; but most doctors do it anyway. Administration of vitamin K to the newborn may produce jaundice, which prompts the pediatrician to treat it with bilirubin lights (phototherapy). These lights expose the baby to a dozen documented hazards that may require still further treatment and possibly affect him for the rest of his life.”

Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. “How to Raise a Healthy Child…In Spite of Your Doctor” p.46 "


There's more, but I haven't transcribed the religious objection yet...

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The 3rd cause of death in the US is allopathic medicine, eg, conventional medicine. Since the internet, where we can all check out functional medicine actual cures, allopathic doctors seem completely retarded in their approach which is always some form of pharma-cide or surgery, just as they were trained to do by corrupt medical schools. They know nothing about nutrition or the problems caused by all the shit in our food, water and air. NOTHING. My prediction is that conventional medicine won't last another 20 years. No one will go to them.

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it's actually the FIRST CAUSE OF DEATH

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I think you are right. It all starts with the "injectable medication" in babyhood.

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Wouldn't surprise me, but do you have a reference for 1st cause of death?

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Now there's talk about replacing doctors with AI. I wonder what a judge would say about denying medical 'treatment' that was spit out of a computer that has FAKE intelligence.

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Western allopathic medicine is very good at repairs, treating symptoms, and emergency interventions. In the matter of “healthcare” it has almost everything exactly backwards and it should be avoided. No one reaches a true state of health by adhering to the pharmacological model. You don’t have a headache from a lack of a painkiller.

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The thing about medical insurance is that it doesn't pay for functional doctors who are the ones who cure with the nutrition and lifestyle changes that conventional pharma-corrupted medicine knows little about and ignorantly poo-poos. Yet functional medicine cures things conventional doctors say can't be cured....diabetes, Hashimoto's Hypothyroiditis (very common), heart related problems like arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure, osteoporosis, cancer, etc.. Medicare with a supplemental and drug plan costs around $500 a month. One dares not drop it because a car accident or some other physical injury, cancer, bone break, etc, might require uber expensive surgery most couldn't afford. So people get trapped. It's really a ruthless system. Allowing for functional medicine to be paid under Medicare would be an improvement but they will never do that because it shows up conventional medicine and lowers pharma's cut.

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Ruthless is the word for it, that's for sure. That's why I feel we have to be ruthless in our approach to the medical mafia in this country. They must be made an example of.

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Last time I saw my Primary Doc, was in 2016, or 17, can't remember and I have been saying since 2020, the only thing that would find me in a hospital, is a compound fracture or dislocation. I don't worry so much about skull fractures, ... my skull has too much experience and built up a tolerance. lol

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Sad but the vitamins are oral vaccines.

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The vit K shot has lots of other contaminants (probably nanobots nowadays too) besides just the vit K. It's really only theoretically necessary if the baby is circumcised, another horrible thing to do to an infant, let alone a boy, girl, grown man or woman.


“Every generation of doctors has found a new excuse for circumcision, despite the fact that even the American Academy of Pediatrics has advised that “there is no absolute medical indication for circumcision of the newborn.” If your doctor suggests circumcision for your baby boy, ask him why he wants to expose the poor kid to the pain, the possibility of infection and hemorrhage, and the risk of death from surgery that has no medical justification.”

Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. “How to Raise a Healthy Child…In Spite of Your Doctor” p. 49

“Boy babies, shortly after birth, are subjected to a procedure that is a rare example of worthless intervention that little girls escape. The Pediatrician whips out his knife and performs a circumcision—a ceremony that has no legitimacy except as a religious rite. It provides no established medical benefit, is usually done without analgesics before it is safe to do it, and it entails plenty of risks. Next to the usually needless episiotomy performed on women, it is the most frequently performed surgical procedure. Doctors enriched themselves by lopping off the foreskins of nearly 15000000 penises in 1979. Now and then the knife slips and oops! They took the whole thing!”

Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. “Male Practice How Doctors Manipulate Women” p. 191

“It is I, Paul, who am telling you that if you have yourselves circumcised, Christ will be of no benefit to you. “ Paul Galatians 5:2

“As for me, brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case, the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished. Would that those who are upsetting you might also castrate themselves!” Paul Galatians 5: 11-12

“Beware of the dogs! Beware of the evil-workers! Beware of the mutilation!” Paul Philippians 3:2



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Imagine having a boy child in 1990. The nurses came in probably every 2 hours asking if my son needed to be circumcised. There was a group called "No Circ" and I read all the literature. I did not want to circumcise my son. Plus my husband's very first job was in a hospital and his workshop was right next door to where the procedure was done, he swore he would never do that to his son. I always figured, if my son wanted to do it, he could do it as an adult.

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I heartally agree, having had 2 water births back in the 80's. Never wanted to go to hospital after they disagreed with all the desires I had for my birth plan. Stay away as much as you can.

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Some of us aware women have had sacred home births and also sacred hospital births. I had a home birth with my first son and my second was an emergency cesarean. My second birth was attended by my aware homebirth midwife whom I trusted and who guided me through with connection, grace, a bit of mysticism and love. I had no trauma from my medical birth experience, anger that the outcome wasn’t as planned but no trauma. It is possible to use the broken medical system in certain cases and still have a sacred outcome. This requires a complete surrender of the mind and a deep trust in a connected intuition to guide the decision making process.

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Exactly! Attitude is Everything! Thank You for sharing!

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The Free Birth Society:


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RE: " ...this system of government we all live under is so broken it must be destroyed or it will do nothing but break things."

But wait! If one can imagine/utilize consciousness for manifestation in the material world -- then why accept any negative as a choice, in this case a painful breakdown of the existing system in order for it to bring forth an avenue of correction?

Go for it. Use consciousness -- all the way! And in utter humbleness within this great Creation. Even if it is a solution you can't understand, envision, or fathom! One can even choose a Divine solution beyond all comprehension. One can choose to be surprised by something unexpectedly, inexplicably GOOD. Creation is unlimited, and so is everything else within it. Give it free rein in your imaginings.

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I have a hard time with this idea,....because I'm sure there are MILLION of people who try desperately to heal themselves using prayers (Mental Energy) and nothing changes. So, either we are terrible at doing that, or it's not possible for us any more. If it ever was.

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I'm a child at heart. I like destroying things:

"A Child Can Destroy What a ‘Master’ Creates

I am a child of the Most High!!

I know the purpose of life itself

God knows what is in my heart, he is my friend

I have aligned my will with His, so now His will is mine!!!


I like this poem because it has many different layers of meaning.

The first line of the poem is also the title, it is a paraphrased lesson that the Buddha told to the serial killer Angulimala before that serial killer became enlightened.

““If you are intent on killing me, then please grant me one final wish: cut a branch from that tree.”

With a sinister grin, Angulimala swung his sword at the tree, and a large branch fell to the ground.

Buddha then made another request, “Just one more thing: reattach the branch to the tree.”

Angulimala laughed and said: “I can cut, but I cannot reconnect.”

Smiling, Buddha responded, “When all you can do is destroy and not create, you shouldn’t engage in destruction, as it requires no courage and can be carried out even by a child. This branch could be severed by anyone, but only a master can reattach it”.

This statement caused Angulimala to pause and consider the Buddha’s words.

Recognizing the wisdom and compassion within the Buddha, Angulimala decided to abandon his violent ways “


It can have a double meaning for masons as they have a term called ‘master builder.’ I put the term master in quotations because, as a Christian, I am only allowed to called Christ a master."


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They also take a blood sample for DNA purposes.. 🤔

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Those people are disgusting.

Yet, they will not now nor ever admit that their covid shots did any damage even though there was proof from the beginning that the shots monkey around with DNA

"it is an established scientific fact that the engineered nanoparticle technologies in the COVID-19 mRNA injections are gene-editing technologies with known and unknown risks for; integrating non-human DNA into the human genome, transmission of foreign DNA into the germline (genetic mutations passed from parent to child through sperm or egg), passage foreign genes into sperm, embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity, genotoxicity (DNA damage that can lead to birth defects and diseases i.e. cancers), and the potential for horizontal transmission (i.e., shedding) is further confirmed in a June 9, 2023 peer-reviewed publication in the International Journal of Molecular Science;82 "


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I wonder where you live. That’s criminal!

We have no such mandate in Florida for mothers in labor. Outrageous!

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I live in the SUCKER state: Illinois. That mask mandate stuff was way back during the lockdown, I have no idea if it is still being enforced, but we all know that the mad with power world government will do its best to take us back to those times and worse if we just sit on our hands and expect Trump to save us

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Would I be morally bankrupt to imply that For The Common Good, Of Course, that guy Crutchfield's skull should be aerated ??

Going to the doctors or hospitals is increasingly risky, as they are cataloging everyone's data and placing them in categories based on that data collected. It's NOT a good thing. ICD codes have become quite sinister.

Make Midwives Great Again !!!

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Free Birth Society: https://www.freebirthsociety.com/

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Sorry to hear that. I was just listening to the famous psychic in the UK Craig Hamilton-Parker and one of his new predictions (a lot of them have come true over the years) is that X will be censored in the future!

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It’s happening right now to anons.

Seems to indicate a coming purge, just like the previous ones where thousands were thrown off in the run-up to 2018 & 2020 elections.

If it happens again, we ought to shut down our accounts. Create a mass exodus.

Abstaining from X would probably raise the collective frequency. No more getting frustrated, aggravated, or incensed over toxic people.

Perhaps it’s time to exit the battlefield and let the propagandists & fools lie to themselves.

And there’s always Truth Social.

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Not caring one bit about X right now, ..... does this mean I don't have to feel bad about not caring about X in the future? X could blow away in the wind tomorrow and the only way I would notice, is a total lack of alt-media reference to posts there. lol

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Just the other day A Midwestern Doctor tackled the way heart disease is approached in Western Medicine in his SubSrack essay entitled the Great Blood Pressure Scam.He covers a lot of medical territory, but basically the message is Western medicine i not very good at treating cardio issues, most blood pressure meds have so many side effects they do more harm than good and most physicians blindly follow protocol than the individual unique condition

Frequently meds prescribed to treat blood pressure lower the blood flow to the point that oxygen can ot reach all the tissues-- fainting is such a sign. i saw this with my elderly mother.

Lung problems can be a result of blood pressure meds. All western medicine know and practices is drugs, surgery and chemo.

The great blood pressure scam brings up Chinese Med and the way it considers blood statis as a factor in heart disease .

I suggest anyone with a pulse check out this article. I have a background In Chinese med and find myself returning to its ideas more and more as I age-- I am 77 now and had to fight doctors who were over medicating my elderly mother and then later when they tried to force me to take statins.

Having a spouse away in hospital is unbelievably gut wrenching. I am so sorry for your pain Clif.

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Thank you for that information. I follow A Midwest Doctor on X,....I'll give that one a read.

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Things have moved on since Einstein:

“The total number of minds in the Universe is One. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.” - Erwin Schrödinger

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness.” - Max Planck

“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” - Neils Bohr

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Einstein was No Einstein, Gravity Does Not Exist and NASA = Not A Space Agency

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Yes gravity is a lie it’s only an electromagnetic plasmatic universe ions of light. From one light wave 🌊 God sent sailing through the universe and I can actually prove it. ;)

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

Thomas Campbell in his book and on YouBoob fleshes out the "consciousness is fundamental" reality in his book, "My Theory of Everything" (My Big Toe). He's a physicist and has devised and lived "experiments" that resolve all the paradoxes we live with. I'm amazed he is not yet the most recognized man in the world.

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TC may have some interesting ideas. But his theory is just that! A theory and full of glaring problems. Entropy is only getting worse. He seems to be oblivious to this. Donald Hoffman however is someone to look into

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Sorta of yes. Planck is no sort of ref sense he is wrong and so was the double slit experiment. I digress.

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Well OK. No one bats a thousand. But the quoted citations fit the subject matter of the post with a little artistic license, even if it was generated by AI. Einstein did have his mystical side too. Clif keeps talking about the materium, which is precipitated out of the underlying field of consciousness. Semantics generate their own limits.

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Sort of I’d like to add God coded it in a wave … Quantum connections Quantum Physics . Side not how many physicists are in Angela Merlkles family? Who is Alios ?

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Clif, may you and your wife recover from this entangled universe and continue to be a shining light for all of humanity when we need people like you and your wife willing to put it all on the line for of all humanity.

Your insights are changing consciousness with every post.

This world has been dinied our natural progression by beings seeking to see us all repressed for their benefit. This strain on consciousness is like a rubber band, if it doesn't break it is coming back with a force so great everything will change. We are at that point, time to shake up the consciousness and unleash our full potential.

Thank you again Clif, you are a good man and glad to be one of your many friends.


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I am sending you all the love and acceptance that I can muster, with your current situation cliff.

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Thanks, Clif. Prayers to you and your wife.

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Dearest Clif,

Thanks for your Chat:AI prompt and brilliant response from "them"! Perhaps the converse of "Garbage In, Garbage Out" may also be true, ie: "Wisdom In, Wisdom Out." May God and All the Angels Bless your Wife with a Speedy Recovery, and Long, Happy Life from now on...!!! And You as well, our Beloved Friend and Truth Speaker!

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Good tight concise article. Thx

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For some reason, clicking "Like" in comments below does not work. Hopefully this message works.

Clif, I join the others in sending you and the Mrs. lots of love and healing energy. May this episode of your life turn out to be beneficial for both of you.

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Wow, Clif, this is deeply fascinating. I would like to have such skills like 'they' have. Tell us more about it when you get the chance. But what interests me is: if these beings belong to such a higher order than us, why do they want to literally eat us up, kill us and destroy us in such an archaic way?

p.s. I also wish your wife all the best and the quickest possible recovery.

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We are a farm for the negatives, yet protected by the watchers.

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Protection from the Elohim. Can they stop a nuke? That Hawaii alert nuke blew up. Who done it? Some say the aliens

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Inside job. The cabal wants that prime real estate in Lahaina state they zapped it.

Does the legacy media ever discuss Lahaina?

What happened to everybody? What’s been done for the survivors?

BTW: The survivors were to ones who disobeyed traffic control and busted through to safety.

Media silence confirms the perpetrators and cohorts are being protected.

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s/t might be happening there. The Bishop Trust: "The state’s largest landowner, Kamehameha Schools, a charitable trust formerly known as the Bishop Estate, said it’s agreed to contribute a portion of the settlement assuming a final binding agreement is reached."


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the Cabal loves to own and control island property.

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I was not aware it blew up, do you have a source? I was under the impression that it was prevented from blowing up by the benevolents.

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Could be it did not blow up but just didn't activate per the Elohim

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The "Watchers" are the 200 fallen angels who disobeyed God and produced the Nephilim with human women. So I doubt "the Watchers" are protecting us. The Watchers are trapped in this realm and want to make it their own personal realm for production of "loosh"? and a hell realm for the rest of us.

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Those “Watchers” left, and left their minions and bloodline behind!

We have new watchers and they are here to assist, but they are not allowed to get involved.

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I think those Watchers were put in chains in the Abyss, so they're still technically here; however, because they're hampered by being chained up underground, they have to manipulate or possess others to do their wishes.

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Loosh factory,yes cliff is mainly on the ball but nothing explains the full picture. And for anyone who grows spiritually outside the limits,they will send an ambassador to take you down,aliens,or their techno are real,I've met them,it,and it was far from pleasant

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Exactly my question!

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I'm thinking about all the mental manipulation going on with all the media, film we consume, and never understood why it's been pumped out, like slop, for decades. It can't be that it's always about profit, money can't buy what this mental poison has destroyed. I'm wondering now if the purpose is much darker than I ever imagined. I've always been able to see the darkness in movies, and now even in the news, pumping out negativity more and more until now it is the lens through which most see everything. Our minds are being lead down a path, it must have a purpose, so what if this negativity can be amplified, and it can (and does) alter our world. We are seeing wildfires, chaos, assassinations, eruptions, as if this world is a reflection of the internal horrors that have been carefully tended. The media is key to this, and there are some key in that industry who steer the whole ship.

The other physics...

Clif's beautiful mind is like a key to a craft that lets us travel beyond Moitessier's far horizon. I feel like I've been sailing on it all my life but now I know why. Prayers for our sweet Captain and his dear mate

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee and realizing, AHHHHHHH!That sucks.

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Love the day without Cif meme

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You have just three simple choices concerning what existence is:

1) Existence is fundamentally “matter”, as science says. The problem with this is

that no one can define what matter is, and there was no matter prior to the Big

Bang. Therefore, it’s impossible for matter to be the eternal and necessary

substance of existence which obeys the fundamental law of energy: that it can be

neither created (all the energy that exists has always existed), nor destroyed

(none of the energy that has always existed can ever be removed from

existence), only expressed in different ways.

Energy as eternal and necessary Being, the primary order to which basis mind

belongs, can be additionally expressed through temporal and contingent

Becoming, the secondary, derived order to which matter belongs. Mind, as

primary, can express itself materially. Matter, as secondary, cannot express itself

mentally, contrary to the claims of scientific materialism.

Matter is what empiricists place their faith in. It is a wholly misplaced and

irrational faith, practically deranged. Science takes our essence – our mind – and

denies that it actually exists and instead reduces us to nothing but a bizarre

collection of dead, mindless atoms, from which life and mind supposedly

“emerge”. This stands as one of the craziest claims ever made. Rather than

explain what mind is, science fails to explain what matter is, and since it cannot

define matter, it is clueless about mind.

2) Existence is fundamentally non-matter, but its ontology and definition can

never be known. This is where faith and mysticism enter the picture. People talk

of “God” being fundamental, but cannot say what God is made of and cannot

define God in any objective, knowledge-based terms; people say that “nonduality” is fundamental, but cannot say what non-duality is made of and cannot

define what non-duality is in any objective, knowledge-based terms; people say

that “bare awareness” is fundamental, but cannot say what bare awareness is

made of and cannot define bare awareness in any objective, knowledge-based

terms; people say that “cosmic consciousness” is fundamental, but cannot say

what cosmic consciousness is made of and cannot define cosmic consciousness

in any objective, knowledge-based terms; people say that Braham (of Hinduism),

or the Tao (of Taoism), or the dharmakaya (of Buddhism: the unmanifested and

inconceivable from which buddhas arise and to which they return after their

dissolution) is fundamental, but cannot say what any of these things is made of

and cannot define any of these things in any objective, knowledge-based terms,

and invariably refer to them in ways signifying that they can never be known or

defined, hence cannot belong to the order of knowledge and understanding, the

order of reason and logic. Kant’s unknowable noumenon also belongs to this

category, as does most of speculative philosophy.

3) Existence is non-matter and can be exactly defined. We can state precisely

what foundational existence is. It’s ontological mathematics. This allows us to

know and understand everything. Ontological mathematics is what mind actually

is. It’s both the language and substance of mind, and explains everything else,

including matter. An exact formula for it can be provided, and its constituents

(sinusoidal waves) can be exactly defined.

So that’s it. There are no other games in town

wanna know more about ontological mathematics here :


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WoW. OR should I say, Oh My God. And now that had a whole new meaning to me. I'm only on part 5 of this fellow's video series...

I had previously read all that you had written above this video link, and i knew i recognized it. From the website about the book series from Hockney et al.

And now, this video series will save me so much time reading all those books, just to comprehend these incredible ideas.

Então, obrigado meu amigo. OBRIGADO.

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this is a Facebook good of like minded people :


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Great way to put it, as usual, uncle Cliff! Sending you lots of positive healing vibes through the aether!

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2nd best response

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Your reality is totally envisioned for you by them towers you see everywhere - when you carry that tracking device ie Phone or your Tablet or your Smart Tv - you get bombarded with brain absorbing mind fucking waves but one can change their reality is why meditation and reflection is so powerful , but must be done free of the mind fucking devices and distance from one of them Devil Looking Towers so for Cliff did you see the

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