I’m lucky to be surrounded by famers, pipefitters, and electricians. Unfortunately, not all are awake, due to “Union” mindset. I’ve been preparing and prepping mentally, physically, and financially for the last 4 years. I just hope I am prepared enough for whatever happens.
I’m lucky to be surrounded by famers, pipefitters, and electricians. Unfortunately, not all are awake, due to “Union” mindset. I’ve been preparing and prepping mentally, physically, and financially for the last 4 years. I just hope I am prepared enough for whatever happens.
If society collapses in the near future as Clif High suggests,--and I don't doubt that that is a very distinct possibility--trying to predict, as he does, what comes next is folly. There is no way to know in advance how far society will fall and at what point it will start to reorganize. If there is a complete societal collapse then it is unlikely, as he suggests, that power will return to the "Makers/Doers". Without an established supply chain nothing other than simple handheld items would be produced by individuals and that would only occur on an as needed basis. Barter would likely be the only form of exchange, which allows for little more than agrarian production and organization. It seems far more likely that tribalism would take hold and any power and wealth that there is--however that would be defined under such neo-conditions--would flow to the most successful tribe, and specifically its warlord and his henchmen. For the modern human, unaccustomed to such Hobbesian "brutishness", being killed in the nuclear blast would probably be the preferable course.
Deer Hunter comes to mind, even though that midget shitbag De Niro is in it. It is why I do not have any desire for a full-auto weapon. One Shot, ... One Kill. Any gang of marauders would have to be quite large, to continue marauding forward, after watching the first ten near them, fall dead. Risk assessment may be lacking in them, but a rethink may be required for them.
That is why I won't watch the movies again. I prefer to remember them the way I originally saw them. A re-watch would now ruin even the memories.
And I really hope Sir Anthony Hopkins keeps his mouth shut.
Of all the movies I can think of, Awakenings is only one I think I could watch again. And that's only because at the end, he has no choice but to Shut The Fuck Up. lmao
Edit: Wait, what ?? Is John Galt actually typing out an lol ?? And here I thought it would never happen. Thanks John, I needed that. I've been trying, really I have, but it proves to be a habit hard to break.
Yes, well calling out DeNiro as a shmuck threw me off kilter. I so can't stand that drama queen shithead. I used to think I hated Tom Cruise, he doesn't even compare.
Sigh, .... I'm sorry. It was unintentional. I take the blame willingly. hahaha.
It is very difficult to think of a bigger celeb shitbag than DeNiro Kathy Griffin comes to mind, but then again, she's not a celebrity anymore. Bwaaahahahaha.
No doubt you would be able to repel wave after wave John, but once all your booby traps have been sprung and you'd fired off your "million" rounds of ammo, then what? What we are discussing is the collapse of society, not just some new bully in the neighbourhood. Under such conditions, unless someone formed, or were part of, some larger "gang" it is very unlikely that anyone could hold out indefinitely--history has taught us that. Besides, the discussion was regarding the long-term (i.e. the rebuilding of society), potentially multi-generational, not just what people would do in the immediate term.
No, if you re-read the discussion thread from the beginning you will see that what I was arguing is that if society were to break down and did so completely than tribalism would likely take root. You, however, argued that you were going to be able to fabricate whatever you needed or otherwise have the required spare parts. I agreed that that would sustain you for a while, but that eventually you would likely be overrun by some more powerful force; at that point you would be killed, be able to escape to "higher ground", or possibly, if allowed, be able join the invading force. Regardless, at that point, your fabrication operation would no longer sustain you. I wish you well and hope none of this happens,...but if it does, we need to be realistic about it.
Thought experiments. Be as complete with your "self" as possible. Make few enemies. Make many friends. Make lots of good things. Make everyday count. Make thoughts into reality by manifesting what others need. Make more than you take.
Rational and logical. It only takes 3 generations to go from civilization to cave-dwelling, but it takes thousands of years to go from cave to "civilization" once humanity is forced to that shelter. In between is the doer/maker society of limited trading capacity to acquire other doer/maker goods. I do not foresee the utter collapse of society without a real (worldwide & uncontrolled) nuclear war or near-ELE. (Another bout of Elohim occupation could do it but acknowledging their existence isn't gonna collapse everything.) I do see the possibility of roaming bands of thugs and criminals requiring defensive action - we do have an indeterminate number of lawless thugs in the country. I do see opportunistic civil leaders creating a hoarding dictatorship, but on a local scale. In some places like NYC, Chicago, SF, LA, I can see rationing developing into nasty power enclaves. I can see possible months w/out electricity, internet, phone, water, but I do not see the utter collapse of society on this continent - or in Europe.
Did you not start your discourse with "to predict what comes next is folly" and then go on to predict what would come next? ...specifically that John's defenses would eventually run out? This presumes a constant supply of criminals. The life expectancy of those who poach for a living may be quite short. Where there exists no law enforcement, the practice of thievery is punishable at the discretion of those with the momentary upper hand. In countries where theft is punishable by severing the right hand, leaving the thief with only his "ass wiping hand" theft remains quite low.
No, what I said was that it was folly to try to predict what would happen because there is no way of knowing to what degree society would collapse. Clif High argued what would happen regardless of that. I argued that if it were to collapse completely then tribalism (as opposed to what he suggested) would likely take hold--not that it would. The difference is he was trying to tell you what would happen unconditionally; I, on the other hand, was giving a possible scenario contingent upon only one scenario, namely, that society collapses completely.
Can you please cite Clif's prediction that you are saying is unfounded? I have reread his article and I am not sure specifically what you are responding to... Cliff is pretty careful with his statements and there are few, if any, absolutes in what he's saying. Mostly his "predictions" have a logic that is pretty sound, or well qualified as possibilities.
I think there will be shock which will create cohesion and exclusion of radicalism over all, but remember we are already over~run with uncivilized spoilt brats and dangerous murderous marauders, both imported and domestic, & so I think that we will see a quick banding of bodies to form protection blocks with immediate and probably generally lethal retribution for any real or imagined transgressions.
Yessir. I collect 5 gallon buckets which have a million uses. The two things I concentrate on? Springs and wheels; from the doors of appliances and old bicycles. I can probably make them if I had a gun to my head, but it is soooooo much easier to scavenge them now.
"They" are the Archons, overlords, rulers. Look up the secret covenant or watch the latest dollar_vigilante video on bitchute. And it's according to the Nag Hammadi codex.
Although I haven't seen the latest, I have watch several of Berwick's videos, and have read the Nag Hammadi texts. Neither of those represent proof, but regardless, what Clif High was discussing was the collapse of civilization, and if that occurs, regardless of whether or not there are Archons or Anunnaki or some other non-human entity "around" to try to kill us, if there are that would only be one existential threat we'd face--and likely not the most imminent. Nevertheless, yes I agree, survival would be right up there on the list of priorities in the aftermath of a societal collapse.
No, coincidence does not equate to causation. What you say may very well be true,--and I suspect that that is likely the case--but that a lot of people died does not mean that someone (or something) intentionally tried to kill them--for that you need direct proof of the action and the intent.
Actually, numerous testimony and documentation, plus research into the TBW itself and the consequences of getting jabbed have proved that the TBW was meant to kill humans. It's no longer debatable.
After the last 100+ years of globalists and intellectual morons talk about depopulation, and the "Mostly Peaceful" ways in which it has been gone about over the last oh, 80 years, combined with the reduction in birth rates via vaccinations espoused by psycopaths like Gates in recent years, it seems to me that continuing to ask for definitive Proof of actions by individuals, is naive.
Normally, I have extreme issues with how some courts work, or better yet, how they Operate, ..... but on this topic of depopulation plots, I feel I can totally get behind Preponderance for a change. lol
You should watch the most recent Berwick video. "They" have a "secret covenant" in which it is written that "they" believe that "they" are different than "us" (they refer to us as "them") in which it is discussed how "they" will shorten our lives and make us sick and not allow us to realize our potential or who we truly are. It's shocking and interesting.
I try to be stocked up on what I need to survive, but knowing I will not last, all I can hope for is to last longer than some others. And even though I have very limited resources with which to accumulate supplies, I still do it with the core notion that I will be helping my neighbors in whatever way I might be able, in desperate times, purely for the sake of feeling like a human being. I know it would cut my survival duration shorter, but that is secondary.
In the end, if it is to be that we feel the heat, well, I'll have my lawn chair, shades and a cold one, ready for the big flash. In some situations, I feel that ultimate survival, is overrated.
A lot will depend on what part of the nation you're in, and whether city or rural. I live in S. GA in the country near a small town (5-7000 pop.) Construction everywhere. Houses, apt. complexes, offices, stores, fast food. Alternatively, the local Popeye's shut down after being open 6 mos - can't get anybody to work. Lots of work, lots of "help wanted" signs, going out to eat almost as often as ever although prices have gone up. To look at S. GA, you'd never think there was anything going on.
I’m lucky to be surrounded by famers, pipefitters, and electricians. Unfortunately, not all are awake, due to “Union” mindset. I’ve been preparing and prepping mentally, physically, and financially for the last 4 years. I just hope I am prepared enough for whatever happens.
If society collapses in the near future as Clif High suggests,--and I don't doubt that that is a very distinct possibility--trying to predict, as he does, what comes next is folly. There is no way to know in advance how far society will fall and at what point it will start to reorganize. If there is a complete societal collapse then it is unlikely, as he suggests, that power will return to the "Makers/Doers". Without an established supply chain nothing other than simple handheld items would be produced by individuals and that would only occur on an as needed basis. Barter would likely be the only form of exchange, which allows for little more than agrarian production and organization. It seems far more likely that tribalism would take hold and any power and wealth that there is--however that would be defined under such neo-conditions--would flow to the most successful tribe, and specifically its warlord and his henchmen. For the modern human, unaccustomed to such Hobbesian "brutishness", being killed in the nuclear blast would probably be the preferable course.
I research everything, at least I think so. I have no predictions, no plans, contingencies, dozens and dozens of contingencies.
One thing I do 'plan' for is being able to fabricate things I need. What I can't fabricate has spares.
''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe
Yes, and until you are overrun by marauders that should keep you in good stead.
Oooh, negative Nancy, shall I just lay down and die?
Mauraders would be the subject of a few contingencies.
Deer Hunter comes to mind, even though that midget shitbag De Niro is in it. It is why I do not have any desire for a full-auto weapon. One Shot, ... One Kill. Any gang of marauders would have to be quite large, to continue marauding forward, after watching the first ten near them, fall dead. Risk assessment may be lacking in them, but a rethink may be required for them.
LOL! DeNiro is a pathetic asshole. Knowing that wrecks a lot of good movies.
That is why I won't watch the movies again. I prefer to remember them the way I originally saw them. A re-watch would now ruin even the memories.
And I really hope Sir Anthony Hopkins keeps his mouth shut.
Of all the movies I can think of, Awakenings is only one I think I could watch again. And that's only because at the end, he has no choice but to Shut The Fuck Up. lmao
Edit: Wait, what ?? Is John Galt actually typing out an lol ?? And here I thought it would never happen. Thanks John, I needed that. I've been trying, really I have, but it proves to be a habit hard to break.
Yes, well calling out DeNiro as a shmuck threw me off kilter. I so can't stand that drama queen shithead. I used to think I hated Tom Cruise, he doesn't even compare.
Sigh, .... I'm sorry. It was unintentional. I take the blame willingly. hahaha.
It is very difficult to think of a bigger celeb shitbag than DeNiro Kathy Griffin comes to mind, but then again, she's not a celebrity anymore. Bwaaahahahaha.
Cathy Griffin is just pathetic.
Both are a waste of skin.
No doubt you would be able to repel wave after wave John, but once all your booby traps have been sprung and you'd fired off your "million" rounds of ammo, then what? What we are discussing is the collapse of society, not just some new bully in the neighbourhood. Under such conditions, unless someone formed, or were part of, some larger "gang" it is very unlikely that anyone could hold out indefinitely--history has taught us that. Besides, the discussion was regarding the long-term (i.e. the rebuilding of society), potentially multi-generational, not just what people would do in the immediate term.
So lay down and die then. You only need one contingency. That certainly makes it simple. Sucks to be you.
I don't know where you got that from. That is neither what I said nor what I implied.
Did you not just explain to me that resistance was futile?
Have a nice day.
No, if you re-read the discussion thread from the beginning you will see that what I was arguing is that if society were to break down and did so completely than tribalism would likely take root. You, however, argued that you were going to be able to fabricate whatever you needed or otherwise have the required spare parts. I agreed that that would sustain you for a while, but that eventually you would likely be overrun by some more powerful force; at that point you would be killed, be able to escape to "higher ground", or possibly, if allowed, be able join the invading force. Regardless, at that point, your fabrication operation would no longer sustain you. I wish you well and hope none of this happens,...but if it does, we need to be realistic about it.
Thought experiments. Be as complete with your "self" as possible. Make few enemies. Make many friends. Make lots of good things. Make everyday count. Make thoughts into reality by manifesting what others need. Make more than you take.
Make now last forever.
Rational and logical. It only takes 3 generations to go from civilization to cave-dwelling, but it takes thousands of years to go from cave to "civilization" once humanity is forced to that shelter. In between is the doer/maker society of limited trading capacity to acquire other doer/maker goods. I do not foresee the utter collapse of society without a real (worldwide & uncontrolled) nuclear war or near-ELE. (Another bout of Elohim occupation could do it but acknowledging their existence isn't gonna collapse everything.) I do see the possibility of roaming bands of thugs and criminals requiring defensive action - we do have an indeterminate number of lawless thugs in the country. I do see opportunistic civil leaders creating a hoarding dictatorship, but on a local scale. In some places like NYC, Chicago, SF, LA, I can see rationing developing into nasty power enclaves. I can see possible months w/out electricity, internet, phone, water, but I do not see the utter collapse of society on this continent - or in Europe.
So because John didn't EXHAUSTIVELY list his combat contingencies in his post, you derailed the whole discussion with an erroneous assumption?
Grow up and stop thrashing threads, dummy.
Did you not start your discourse with "to predict what comes next is folly" and then go on to predict what would come next? ...specifically that John's defenses would eventually run out? This presumes a constant supply of criminals. The life expectancy of those who poach for a living may be quite short. Where there exists no law enforcement, the practice of thievery is punishable at the discretion of those with the momentary upper hand. In countries where theft is punishable by severing the right hand, leaving the thief with only his "ass wiping hand" theft remains quite low.
No, what I said was that it was folly to try to predict what would happen because there is no way of knowing to what degree society would collapse. Clif High argued what would happen regardless of that. I argued that if it were to collapse completely then tribalism (as opposed to what he suggested) would likely take hold--not that it would. The difference is he was trying to tell you what would happen unconditionally; I, on the other hand, was giving a possible scenario contingent upon only one scenario, namely, that society collapses completely.
Can you please cite Clif's prediction that you are saying is unfounded? I have reread his article and I am not sure specifically what you are responding to... Cliff is pretty careful with his statements and there are few, if any, absolutes in what he's saying. Mostly his "predictions" have a logic that is pretty sound, or well qualified as possibilities.
I explain that in detail in my first post for this Clif High article; it is in response to
Marjorie's original comment.
I was responding to your prediction that John would eventually be "overrun by marauders".
I think there will be shock which will create cohesion and exclusion of radicalism over all, but remember we are already over~run with uncivilized spoilt brats and dangerous murderous marauders, both imported and domestic, & so I think that we will see a quick banding of bodies to form protection blocks with immediate and probably generally lethal retribution for any real or imagined transgressions.
Yessir. I collect 5 gallon buckets which have a million uses. The two things I concentrate on? Springs and wheels; from the doors of appliances and old bicycles. I can probably make them if I had a gun to my head, but it is soooooo much easier to scavenge them now.
Survival is the only thing that matters in the now. Contemplating what comes after the collapse is folly because novelty breeds change.
Contemplating something is not folly--drawing unfounded conclusions from it is.
Survival is the only thing. They're going to try to kill everyone.
Who are "they", and according to whom?
"They" are the Archons, overlords, rulers. Look up the secret covenant or watch the latest dollar_vigilante video on bitchute. And it's according to the Nag Hammadi codex.
Although I haven't seen the latest, I have watch several of Berwick's videos, and have read the Nag Hammadi texts. Neither of those represent proof, but regardless, what Clif High was discussing was the collapse of civilization, and if that occurs, regardless of whether or not there are Archons or Anunnaki or some other non-human entity "around" to try to kill us, if there are that would only be one existential threat we'd face--and likely not the most imminent. Nevertheless, yes I agree, survival would be right up there on the list of priorities in the aftermath of a societal collapse.
Also, the pandemic and the jabs are proof of the plan to kill us. It worked on a large swath of "us" but not me.
No, coincidence does not equate to causation. What you say may very well be true,--and I suspect that that is likely the case--but that a lot of people died does not mean that someone (or something) intentionally tried to kill them--for that you need direct proof of the action and the intent.
Actually, numerous testimony and documentation, plus research into the TBW itself and the consequences of getting jabbed have proved that the TBW was meant to kill humans. It's no longer debatable.
The "vaccine" for covid "19" was patented in 2015. It's a bioweapon as in a "weapon" of war. Casualties of war are intentional.
After the last 100+ years of globalists and intellectual morons talk about depopulation, and the "Mostly Peaceful" ways in which it has been gone about over the last oh, 80 years, combined with the reduction in birth rates via vaccinations espoused by psycopaths like Gates in recent years, it seems to me that continuing to ask for definitive Proof of actions by individuals, is naive.
Normally, I have extreme issues with how some courts work, or better yet, how they Operate, ..... but on this topic of depopulation plots, I feel I can totally get behind Preponderance for a change. lol
You should watch the most recent Berwick video. "They" have a "secret covenant" in which it is written that "they" believe that "they" are different than "us" (they refer to us as "them") in which it is discussed how "they" will shorten our lives and make us sick and not allow us to realize our potential or who we truly are. It's shocking and interesting.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I try to be stocked up on what I need to survive, but knowing I will not last, all I can hope for is to last longer than some others. And even though I have very limited resources with which to accumulate supplies, I still do it with the core notion that I will be helping my neighbors in whatever way I might be able, in desperate times, purely for the sake of feeling like a human being. I know it would cut my survival duration shorter, but that is secondary.
In the end, if it is to be that we feel the heat, well, I'll have my lawn chair, shades and a cold one, ready for the big flash. In some situations, I feel that ultimate survival, is overrated.
That is well measured. You are certainly correct about "ultimate survival;" we are, after all, mortal--what comes after that remains an open question.
Don’t underestimate human ingenuity and creativity. The rebound from the pit can be surprisingly impressive.
Bad news: you'll never be prepared enough.
Good News: with the right mindset, you'll always be prepared enough.
You're going to do just fine and I wish you all the best.
I can do all that, if I couldn't I would be learning how.
be glad you have them......
A lot will depend on what part of the nation you're in, and whether city or rural. I live in S. GA in the country near a small town (5-7000 pop.) Construction everywhere. Houses, apt. complexes, offices, stores, fast food. Alternatively, the local Popeye's shut down after being open 6 mos - can't get anybody to work. Lots of work, lots of "help wanted" signs, going out to eat almost as often as ever although prices have gone up. To look at S. GA, you'd never think there was anything going on.