If you are fighting cancer, be sure to monitor your Ph level. If it favors the acid side, take 1 tsp of sodium bicarbonate mixed in water twice daily on an empty stomach. Get alkalized to fight cancer.

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Use a clean Bi Carb (the supermarket brands like Arm & Hammer are ok for cleaning, but have been tested & contain a laundry list of contaminants & are industrially manufactured). Look for deep mined, water extracted. The USA is one of the main producers. Bulk food health stores often carry this - ask them to check the label. Or Superior Soda is a good brand but more $. Also take in between meals as you don't want to neutralise stomach acid when you've just eaten, or just about to eat.

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Wow It just so happens that my partner regularly suffers from indigestion after diner. He takes organic bicarb with lemon juice - after diner - to get relief. Your thoughts please ?

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Adding my two sense...I learned that indigestion could be a sign of weak stomach acid. You can test by taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice with meal to see if that helps. If it does, it indicates low acid strength and bicarb should be taken between meals. Also, eating protein portion of meal first provides strongest stomach acid for digesting proteins. If that doesnt help, person may want to try a liver/gall bladder flush(remove gall stones) that may be blocking or interfering with bile/pancreatic secretions which are important for digesting fats & proteins.

Dr Hulda Clark has methods in her books for safe liver/gall stone flush...earliest method uses apple cider only for a day(softens gall stones/clear intestines&bowels); repeat second day if bowels aren't empty. That's important! Upon waking take 1/4 c EVO and 1/4 c. Lemon juice, to stimulate bile release. Lie down and stay still until you get urge to evacuate your bowels. May feel some trickling in lower liver area(stones being purged) You should see small floating "stones" in toilet if you passed any. You can repeat process until no or only a few stones are passed.

Dr C also has a newer method using Epsom salts in her latest book(2008), but never tried that method.

Good luck and hope this helps.

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So many thanks to you Colleen for your reply. I have passed on your info, just one question please: what does EVO stand for ?

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EVO = Extra Virgin Olive oil

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If you were to add Maple Syrup to that concoction in a marriage, that fungus you call "cancer" would uptake the syrup - eradicating the problem.

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I don't have cancer. I feel confident in my prevention technique. But good to know.

My question though is doesn't "cancer" like sugar?

Dr. Lee Merrit says cancer is actually parasites. That is why some have successfully treated their cancers with antiparasitics.

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Yes I do believe most cancers are caused at root by highly protected parasites in a few forms like bacteria and virus(?) if that truly is a thing.

Nature has given us ways to disarm these space invaders!

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While agreeing, conditionally, I want to point out that bacteria are very pH dependent, becoming what ever they become depending entirely on the acidity or on the opposite side, alkalinity. Someone, Rife? did a lot of work on this, charting the morphing of various 'animalcules' in both directions from neutral.

My other point is that so long as we don't lose sight of the proper/original meaning of 'virus', which is poison, then whenever one 'catches' a virus, then one can forensically figure just how they got poisoned.

Suspect aerosols, treatments, like termite, moth, spider, contaminated food, gasses, exhausts, cleaning products, low oxygen environments, injections, gassing off new products/furniture to name a few.

The last one particularly, some people here in Australia were poisoned recently by new bed linen apparently saturated in Formaldehyde! Made for a speedy product recall.

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LOL - "beliefs" from a clown who still BELIEVES in 'viruses'


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Oh please, molecular biology has been crafting pathogens for decades, including what you might call a virus. Get down with some credible research on the "spike protein" and prions. Being foolish is one thing, being a fool is quite another and often becomes a chronic condition.

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Virrago - Hmmm....I don't think you've been listening to what I've put down, pal - but seems you've lost the plot 😉

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I think that the idea is like a "trojan horse " approach , in that cancer sees sugar says " Om nom nom " opens the door and gets a dose of nice Baking soda instead = )

Have treated what looked like skin cancer on an my old white cat in a similar way. Made a paste of molasses and baking soda slathered it on ( cat hated me ) and the lump dropped off.

Molasses was my substitute for sugar cane juice ,which I was told by an old gentleman years ago was a favourite treatment of the Australian aborigines for skin cancer back in the day .I added baking soda to the paste because I knew cancer hates alkaline . : )

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There are lots of inexpensive, do it yourself remedies for what we call "cancer." Rick Simpson cured his Basil Cell Carcinoma "cancer" with cannabis oil. He made the movie Run From The Cure.

My dad was diagnosed with skin cancer that his doctor wanted to surgically remove. I made cannabis oil and he spread in on the area. He never got the surgery which was my objective.

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I make a new, improved version of RSO which I call 'Cannabis Paste' - and have been teaching others this for years...it's here in my SS somewhere - but good for you!

This, ingested, is the #1 method of counteracting the culling effects of having used "health care" laden with killer secret agents - once you finally decide to quit.

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Brilliant !! Love the way your mind works...great methodology !....x

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Again, this total SCAM you call "cancer" is simply our of control FUNGUS encouraged by the accumulation of genocidal 'Secret Ingredients' tucked into everything labeled "health care"

Yes. Fungus likes "sugar" - among other things.

This is why people do just as I suggested to you.

Educate yourself, there's plenty of testimony about it from all over the world - since the internet and before.

Love Dr Tenpenny but unfortunately, she hasn't put this together yet - not sure she ever will.

Knowledge is power.

Get yourself some Litmus paper and stop the harmful addition of something you clearly don't need for something that doesn't exist -

UNLESS you document an acidosis condition through your paper testing.

If, you must - smh!

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Ok, I was unfamiliar with the uptake mechanism. Thanks for clearing it up for me.

I have type II diabetes and recently learned from Dr. Sircus and others that diabetes is an acid balance issue. So I started taking baking soda to deal with that.

I am educated on the fraud that is cancer. Also the fraud that is virology.

A radiologist told me once that all her "cancer" patients tested acid.

Did you know about the diabetes acid connection, or did you learn something tonight too?

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2nd thing Kenneth - Don't ever claim their bullshit fake science diagnoses with claims of any sort like

"I have..."

You're IN a spiritual battle, pal.

Quantum physics was proven last decade.

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I get it. And it is best we name the Jew's responsibility in our for profit out of control deadly medical system.

Have you read Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins?

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What have you "learned" Kenneth - you're STILL referring to this scam they named 'cancer' as though its a


Diabetes ANOTHER one!

Are there ANY you've missed???

Any idea what that HBP "medicine" DOES to a man 😉

STOP engaging with moronic quacks engaged in conducting genocide they call "practicing medicine" - and ALL of your "issues" will come to an end.

Did you HEAR me explaining about the 'Secret Ingredients'?

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I put quotes around "cancer." I know it is a scam, but everyone is familiar with the term. Everyone knows they have parasites, but not that many know what cancer really is.

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Sorry, Lee Merritt - her too.

They're missing the plot, so far

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DR. Merritt only began waking up to the medical matrix since COVID. That is when she started questioning our reality. You might cut her some slack. Waking up is a journey, not a destination. She is definitely trying, which is more than we can say for most sheeple.

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You're falling for ANOTHER medical scam James?

Even after I've taken the Time to explain it to you!

Need me to draw you a picture?


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PS - Which part of UPTAKE is it that seems hardest to comprehend?

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Nov 26
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Fungus, and yeast are living organisms - some may refer to as "parasites"

We wouldn't have eyelashes, if we didn't have parasites.

The OCD sickos think they're "the problem" and should all be eradicated.

They're clueless about the

'Secret Ingredients'


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Cancer feeds on sugar, any sugars!

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From Warburg till the present, a metabolic issue.


There is a long interview with Prof. Seyfried on utube, and quite informative.

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Not at all "metabolic" - apparently you DON'T KNOW Warburgs work, huh???

I rediscovered it myself when I came to the same conclusion he did - 15 years ago

I speak only from Experience.

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To my humble knowledge the measure in case of fighting an existing cancer is three teaspoons per day.... otherwise 1 tsp sholud be sufficient... anyway, the ph-level should be 7,4 or higher...thus the cancer shouldn´t be able to survive...

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Thanks Clif, the only thing we lack is a reliable source of uncontaminated supplements.

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Check out Ingrid's bioethica.com and all of her other sites which can be found there. Amazing and I have purchased products from her for years. Great info too!

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Thanks Terri, I don't have a great deal of confidence with Amazon's sources!

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How could anyone trust amazon?

Been boycotting them forever.

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What would you consider the risk to going for the cheapest supplements on Amazon?

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"Made in China."

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From the same country that brought us the "Wuhan Virus".

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Old X-Files fan, "Trust No One", especially in this day and age.

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Agreed. Finding reliable sources that aren’t contaminated with the same toxins found in the convid j abs is almost impossible. View “all” products via dark field microscope at 200x magnification.

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Clif sells his Pure Sleep product at Purebulk.com. I have bought his product and it is excellent. He worked with the people at Purebulk.com in the formulation. They sell other supplements including berberine and many many others.

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Me 2

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All respect to Clif...

These substances, while great, cannot hold a candle to proven Cancer KILLERS, Fenbendazole/Mebendazole (prescription form and better), Artemisinin, Ivermectin, Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) and B17 Amygdalin (bitter apricot)...

Nitazoxanide is very likely one too, but less proven... IV high-dose vitamin C...

Aspirin, in proper doses is an effective treatment, but can be problematic...

IMO, one can come up with a multi-substance therapy that would be VERY effective. I personally would never do chemo or radiation.

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Diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma in 2021,

I refused chemo, but accepted an immune treatment of Rituxan.

I addition, I ordered ivermectin and took 24mg/day for a few weeks, took a week off and did another course. Also started taking medical mushrooms, turkey tail, Chagas, cordyceps.

Started alkalizing with bicarbonate, and lemon/lime water.

Pray and visualization.

A lymph node in the neck has been reduced in size by half, and several tiny PET scan spots have disappeared to date.

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BRAVO!! I salute you!

I would add fenbendazole to the protocol, just to be sure!

Well done!

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If you see this , can I ask how much you weigh ? I'm just trying to verify the ivermectin dose. ( For myself , I weight 50 kg ( 8 stone) Not many people actually say exactly what they took , so this info help . Thank you .

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If I had to pick one it's fenbendazole. FloridaSharkman on Truth social or www.FloridaSharkman.org or Www.contrabandcures.com then FSM Protocol is very good. He posts all the research too and is almost as smart as Clif. Clif is on another planet smart.

You can get fenbendazole in non prescription everywhere. The cheapest is Safe-Guard Swine Dewormer 1.8%. FloridaSharkman likes the Safe-Guard Suspension liquid fenbendazole in 1000 ml or gallon which is more expensive.

Fenbendazole blocks the microtubles in cancer cells blocking the uptake of glucose aka sugar. It starves cancer or tapes it's mouth shut.

Florida Sharkman protocol B mixes up fenbendazole, doxycycline and ivermectin. Generally 2 weeks of one then 2 weeks of another. Berberine 1200 to 1500 mg daily

is a constant.

I think Clif did fenbendazole and ivermectin with the others he mentioned in the article.

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I think I would too... I am trying to get Mebendazole, which is the prescription form and a little better... I would add a few others if I had cancer... no reason not to...

I think Doxy is good... but I think good old tetracycline is safer...

Berberine is great, but it gives me side effects... I may try again.

I take fenben a few times/month as a preventative, I take Ivermectin a few times a month as well. I'll take CDS every day for a week once in a while... all this mostly to prevent issues with chem-trails, shedding, and potential cancer.

I think it is important to take a liver protector, milk thistle works or a good combo supp.

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Thanks Clif :)

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Budwig protocol Ivermectin-Fenbenzadole (Joe Tippen protocol DSMO

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Is there a protocol like the Joe Tippen method for prevention?

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When my wife was battling depression, Schisandra Berry kept coming up in the literature - it balances all five elements in TCM, thus minimal hormonal impact. Thank you for sharing your love and wisdom Clif!

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Some native Australian medicines to note: Gumbi Gumbi (member of the Pittosporum family - grows all along the Great Dividing Range). Got rid of a tumour off my 14yo Lab x in 3 weeks - even the wholistic Vet was amazed. A friend's husband is full blood indigenous - when I asked him about it, he said they've been making tea with it for as many generations as anyone can remember. He said "who wants cancer?"

Fruit of the Blushwood tree - only grows in the Atherton Tablelands far north QLD - University studies done since 2015 - kills cancer cell in 5 hours. Stupid TGA regulations mean after harvesting it has to be shipped to the US to process, then it can come back to Australia as products. Just saw some of the first bottles last week. Some people with 'turbo cancers' are now using it. I'll keep you all posted.

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Thank you fellow Aussie. Make Australia Healthy Again, I shall be looking out for your posts

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join Dirt Road Discussions telegram channel.. and learn how to cure all cancers... ALL DISEASES KNOWN!! with IVERMECTIN 1.87% HORSE PASTE!! And lemon juice and water... home made HCQ drink (300 year old recipe!) ; add in all other protocols of his for cancers... ie- Apple/onon hot drink ; Apricot seeds - we have cured my wife's breast cancer with this... nothing else... only the DRD's protocols... and mainly Ivermectin 1.87% paste (not the pills!!) But don't take my word for it... go and listen to the thousands of testimonies on the chats....

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PS - ALL FREE... No donations!!Nothing!! Just spread the word!!! Get your Medical Freedom back!! Be In Control....

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All free! I agree, people have asked me for cancer help and I've made many of the recommendations outlined here and followed up with get your pH balance right and if you research cancer cures, run away from those that want to charge. Why pay, when there are so many genuine people who give away their info for free?

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing your government is a cancer and should be eliminated. AHHHHHHH.!

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paul stametz gave his mother turkey tail and chaga while she battled cancer in her 90's

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I have two big jars of turkey tail, lion's mane and chaga from Paul's on line store.

I mix it into most everything I eat or drink.

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clif, some nice information. I have been looking more into silicon. This seems to be much more crucial for health than what I understood and has implications regarding cancer. It's a critical component that acts with Vit D and Vit K2. I've read your earlier post that the higher your vit d is the less likely to get ill and it seems that silicon is crucial for proper absorption of calcium and vit d. 1 in 5 people with cancer have issues with calcium absorption. I think the other critical mineral that needs consideration is selenium.

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After 1) damage to my right side vestibular (balance) nerve from a cell phone’s radiation down my ear canal waveguide (I knew the instant it happened), 2) surgical removal of the resulting tumor and then another surgery that removed my auditory nerve, 3) a hearing aid for my left ear’s hi-freq loss (age?) I opted to wear a 4) X-over aid (a microphone and microwave transmitter in the right aid) so I’d be able to hear some (in the left) from my right side. I knew the theoretical risk but not til now have I seen the risk quantified.

10 y later I developed a headache on the right side (I never get headaches). I removed the X-over aid and by morning the ache was gone. I put that X-over aid back on and 15 min later the ache returned. That’s proof of MW causation. And it’s quantified to a decade of daily microwatt exposure.

I have read that low level MW radiation long term can cause cancer, and since I don’t even want an oncologist looking at me – especially at my brain (heck, they use radiation to cure?!?! cancer), I decided to treat myself (off-label) with an anti-parasitic: IVM or Fenbendazole.

Versus death by BC or doctor, what’s to lose?

IVM is a lot more $ now ($3 /tablet) than a y ago, so I found a source of Fenben 444 mg (~ $1/cap), and started treating myself: 1 capsule /d 3 d on 4 off (sort of a parasite protocol). After a couple months I started tapering off the # days on. In another month I’d tapered off completely. The last week on, I felt a little kidney pain so I switched to IVM.

BC apparently cured.

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Check out India Mart, you can buy most anything. NO rx required.

I get my ivermectin there.

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I did check India Mart... How do you do it ? (Ordering, freight charges and especially customs ! Isn't Ivermectin stopped at customs in AU ?

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Get horse paste at feed and fodder store. Just get the simple variety, not the one with additives which are strictly for horses only. There are dosing charts on the internet. For me it was one click on the plunger but I'm a light weight. And, yeah, 4 on, 4 off, 4 on and stop. I found Mebendazole more efficacious. That's easily available here in Australia as an over the counter called Vermox, pinworm treatment for children. Only difference I can figure between Meben and Feben, is the dose strength. Feben is stronger.

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Hey fellow Aussie 😊 I have done the horse paste LOL One click everyday though until empty. A few weeks after I did it again, etc. Just for detox really. I have been saving valuable info on fighting cancer for those around me who took the shots, just in case:

- they might need it.

- they might actually do it !

Thank you for the info about Vermox and Pinworm 😊

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IMO and in my experience, all cancer is a subconscious choice. Change the subconscious mind and it no longer needs to continue creating the dis-ease.

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I think there is certainly an aspect of subconsciousness in cancer formation, I think it's a legitimate excuse to suicide for some, eg, my brother in a loveless marriage. His diagnosis was my catalyst back in 84 for a deep dive into cancer cures starting with Hulda Clark.

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I believe it is a subconscious or unsubconscious thing too. As in dying from a "broken heart" rather than from the cancer it developed.

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Thank you so very much for your generosity of time and energy in supporting us all. May God bless you!! 💛🙏🏻🌼

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I wish Scott Bennett had succeeded in his battle with pancreatic cancer. Any opinion about methylene blue or red light therapy? God bless you, Cliff. Thank you for all the guidance and hope as we fight off the globalist onslaught.

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Pancreatic enzymes and daily coffee enemas did the job for me

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