I just want to Thank you Clif. I, (and Im sure others) could not make it thru this shit storm without your presence. Even though you're pissed, we love you and grateful you got kicked back over here. You're one heck of Dragon.

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Thank you 😊

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To the moon Alice

Just when we knew aliens use our brains to plug in their computers, now our auras are used to fly their spacecraft.

Damn it I'm putting extra butter on my popcorn 🍿

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And eat garlic eveyday!

There was something to the story of Dracul(a)

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I already put a ton of butter on my popcorn. Extra would be too much.

Butter is good for you.

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I find it hard to believe that all these people esp Clif can't see that DJT is a part of the left/right paradigm by now. I'm wondering what you think of Dr. Shiva??? I thought this interview was particularly interesting.


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I want to believe in him, trust him but w/ finding out late in my life that we've been lied to our whole lives it's difficult(I'm 71). I haven't heard anything yet but I'm always keeping my deciphering antenna up and checking everything.

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Shiva will never win (as I know all this bs is rigged), but I still like the idea of fighting back somehow bc it's all we got and I believe it must stay peaceful like rejection of their mandates, taking them to court and all the other nonviolent ways we can think of. They are pushing so hard for people to vote and they're really pushing for civil war in this country. I'm not sure it's good to vote as I'm starting to see that in itself "gives them the permission via our participation" (they believe our consent) to do all their evil without the karmic repercussions.

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I didn't vote forcthe first time in my 57 years of life last election in Sweden. I don't consent.

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Me either. Sickos and likely possessed by demons! How else can they justify their sick behaviors.

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Yes, I've heard that too, several times, regarding voting, is giving permission through our participation (consent). It's evil thinking on their part. .warped thinking.

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I didn't vote forcthe first time in my 57 years of life last election in Sweden. I don't consent.

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White Dragon Society. Ah yes grasshopper!

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If what you're saying about Capt Mark Richards is correct why is it then that on every one of Kerrys 12 visits she was forbidden to use any form of recording device for the interview, not even a pencil and paper. This is unheard-of ever! She claims to only use memory recall - is she lying?

Answer me that Clif!

I doubt you can nor wish to speak of his father, The Dutchman, who was most certainly an inner cabbal member hence they couldn't kill Mark, that's the deal, take care of your family long after you've departed. If they killed him it'd send shockwaves of doublecross, dishonour and decipt through the ranks of the Elite lieutenants... do the math. Mark has done one 38 years for a crime that commands a 20 year sentence without parole!

I doubt you'll acknowledge this message but I will pass it around!

☘ Blessings of insight.


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They're spicing it up by telling us no recording of these meetings.

Bread and circus!

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This is what is happening while we are distracted!

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I really like her, but so many times she's over my pay grade and I'm not able to manipulate my aura or biofield. Sometimes I can give myself goosebumps, but I can't control any of it for any length of time and certainly am not even close to being able to use it to shift energy. Jeff Berwick says a scientist in mex has come up with an energy device that uses the ether and promotes healing. You can still get it supposedly, but need crypto and it's 10K. It's from tesla's discoveries and has been enhanced.

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Better written version…

If what you're saying about Capt Mark Richards is correct, which I doubt, why is it that on every one of Kerrys 12 visits she was forbidden to use any form of recording the interview, not even a pencil and paper. This is unheard-of ever! She claims to only use memory recall - is she lying?

Answer me that Clif!

I doubt you can nor wish to speak of his father, The Dutchman, who was most certainly an inner cabbal member hence they couldn't kill Mark, that's the deal, take care of your family long after you've departed. If they killed him it'd send shockwaves of doublecross, dishonour and decipt through the ranks of the Elite lieutenants... do the math. Mark has done one 38 years for a crime that commands a 20 year sentence without parole!

I doubt you'll acknowledge this message but I will pass it around!

☘ Blessings of insight.


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I'll answer that,what I know,I was at a talk at probe uk,not sure date, have to find the flyer. Anyway ,I've already put this on here ,Mark Richards wife/girlfriend was on,both days. I attended the Saturday talk,near the end I was sat with Ian r crane,dave Starbuck and my mate Mike,I asked them what they thought,they shook their heads and give it a thumbs down.she was basically saying the alphabets had opened a portal,9 foot aliens were coming through it with Ray guns. Capt mark was fighting them off with a knife and fork.Rarely for me ,I didn't attend the second day,but I asked my mate what it was like,more of the same! So I said ok,what was the end message. That there was a portal in Iran,and the sooner we Invade,the better. Its quite hard to understand sometimes how u are being played

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So grateful🇨🇦

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That guy believes that his birth date as well as the date he created his channel, factors perfectly into what is going on and he points to those two dates as proof. I swear after watching two really long videos, I was pissed abut the 7hours I would never get back. The guy is delusional. Probably spent the last two years in an asylum and is now off his meds again. JMO, of course, it isn't worth much to most.

Although I did get a good chuckle in the first video at 2hrs 20min or so when he said "That's a 17 year delta". Because I always used that number as sort of a joke. Like "I can't wait to see the 17yr delta, it will be epic, hold the line"

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Your joke is epic 😂👌

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It's a bot. Here is info on what they are doing to use now.


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Your audio in this video and the last is low and hard to hear. Just thought you should know.

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Not sure if he knows... but Clif is wearing a lapel mike that isn't plugged-in... or is jacked into a deactivated input... or something. The sound is far too 'roomy' to come from his lapel. What we are hearing is a room mike from a camera or the like.

Hey Clif... route your lapel mike!... you actually took it off and put it back on without a single audible artifact in the recording.

Not criticism... just an audio thing.

Thanks for doin' what you do, Clif.

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Disappointing, I look forward to these.

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I had to make use of headphones, and it came through with the usual clarity.

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Yea.. can't listen in noisy work... guess I will wait...

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I was able to hear it on my laptop.... but not my phone...

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An American Flag, and Dr. Jack Kruse on your wall. A good start!

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Indeed. I was immediately excited when I saw Dr. Kruse's name on the wall, I've been following his material for a while now and its exceptionally interesting and informative. For those of you who haven't been exposed to him before, there are 3 interviews that I can recommend that are still on YT.


This one is one of the most recent and bomb dropping in nature, while the interviewer is a bit...slow lets say, ignore the the two money grabs and sponsorship bits-the guy is just trying to pad his income which I don't hold against him, and just listen to the stream of woo Jack lays out there.

The other two are with Dr Hubermin, the first can be found here still.


Its more about his investigations of the things Clif speaks of based on medical research Dr Kruse had been doing. He blows the minds of the interviewers with his medical insights. All 3 are long and dense, but well worth listening to.

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Thanks! Yes the one with Danny Jones was multiple shells of bombshells..the history laid out and named dropped was impressive. If you're looking for an interview that's not as bombastic, but contains some health tidbits, my wife and I interviewed Dr. Jack back in March: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/kruse

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I just found the new Q decode from Carl who has been spot on. It's long but worth the time!https://rumble.com/v5gw6sl-series-9-14-law-of-war-the-storm-the-wars-against-artificial-intelligence-s.html

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Is anyone having difficulty hearing this or Clif’s last post? Audio is muffled.

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It is quieter than before, but clear

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Yes, volume is very low and reverberant. His lapel mic is clearly not plugged in or working properly.

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As always, zero sound issues here.

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No, everything is fine

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Rudolph Steiner most brillant human. Was killed by cabal 1924. He did a massive amount of work i regards to human make up of carbon and silica and more. Worth lookiing up, he was a master nutritionalist. I myself and a biodynamic farmer based on the last work that Steiner did before he was killed.

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I was introduced to Steiner's work over 40 years as a student of macrobiotics. Never heard he was offed by the kabal, but it makes perfect sense as I always thought he died too young. Was heavily into biodyamic farming when I lived in Olympia Wa and could feel the presence of what you would call faries in my garden--there were areas that simply felt magical. Trying very hard to create a similar feelng in my little plot of land in the high desert of New Mexico. Let two area go completely wild this past year and they are utterly thriving...

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Cliff mentioned that cancers were not even known till about 1920. Rudolf Steiner put a correlation with electricity beginnings and the sicknesses of the human body that followed. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it governor

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Seed oils were introduced to humanity around the end of WWI as a food product when previously they had been an industrial lubricant products like Crisco replaced butter and lard, the primary fats didn't take long for these basically foreign molecules heavy in PUFAs, poly unsaturated fats to go rancid in the body as they piled up and made traffic jams in our arteries. Bur still, people didn't started swelling up and becoming enormous until fake sugars ( high coirn fructose) and totally toxic non-nutritive sweetners made from insecticides ( aspartame) were thtown into the mix.

So heart disease became a thing, diabetes became a common term and obesity became a ways to shorten one's life.

Want to talk about the fucking vegetarian rennet now in 95%of all cheese? It's the latest insidious weapon buried in a pretty wrapper & web of lies about its goodness. Ask Dr Mercola.

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The mega wealthy Corp food conglomerates are greedy sick for profit over health psychopaths. Know where your food comes from is so important. Anything that touches our body is subject to OK will this shit harm me. Sad but true. Still wonder what electricity and human health correlate.

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Thanks for the reminder been meaning to research that ingredient.

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Commiserations to the human race on the way we treat one another.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

Watch-out for @CLIFHIGHOFFICIAL reaching-out to you via Substack as a 'direct message request'. It's not really Clif.

Real Uncle Clif is @CLIFHIGH

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Thanks for sharing this! I got one today too! I will now tell them to go do something politically incorrect!😜

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If what you're saying about Capt Mark Richards why is it that on every one of Kerrys 12 visits she was forbidden to use any form of recording the interview, not even a pencil and paper. This is unheard-of ever! She claims to only use memory recall - is she lying?

Answer me that Clif!

I doubt you can nor wish to speak of his father, The Dutchman, who was most certainly an inner cabbal member hence they couldn't kill Mark, that's the deal, take care of your family long after you've departed. If they killed him it'd send shockwaves of doublecross, dishonour and decipt through the ranks of the Elite lieutenants... do the math. Mark has done one 38 years for a crime that commands a 20 year sentence without parole!

I doubt you'll acknowledge this message but I will pass it around!

☘ Blessings of insight.


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Funny how perps hide inside of things con mucha frecuencia, almost totally camouflaged#escondido,but if you pay attention there’s usually a detail that gives them away. In this case, “official”(officialdom). On X they float around in fake#MAGA#clad profiles but often dressed with some questionable detail or other. Such unnecessary, strange habituals of dishonesty…wtaf

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Thank you. I got duped!

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But I didn't join that club thankfully.

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Does Clif have a crush on Carrie Cassidy?

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Hi Clif, just letting you know some people can perceive auras and not through external technology.

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Would the spirally movement of the planets account for the fibonacci sequence that is present in everything from ancient fossilized sea shells to sunflowers?

I have never seen a real explanation of why it occurs

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Now that's a great question. As above so below. I say yes


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😲 Holy crow! I see that.

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Clif's Khazar Mafia.


Clif on Man in America interview.

35:38 "Khazarian Mafia" are not like the neighborhood Jewish person. They are a Turkic group From Ukraine, Crimea, Western Russia and Kazakhstan, people separate from other Jews.

His postulate is that the "Khazarian Mafia" is genetically based on Homo Capensis NOT Homo Sapiens. This separates regular Jews from the "Khazarian Mafia" in his opinion. Look for the stub of DNA on remnant of the #2 Chromosome in KM. The KM were created BEFORE the creation of Adam and the successful generations of Adam.

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Homo capensis: elongated skull people. Sometimes.

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i did not get this info. thanks, playing catch-up do you happen to know if he has a masterlist of important things somewhere ie: devices and etc. be well

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Nah dude, just look on substack for his regular talks Aether pirates of the Matterium. Clif_High on youtube for his archive and periodically check Clif High on Rumble and Bitchute for ripoff reposts of his stuff.. He's been aroung a minor eon and there's too many interviews to list. ALL are interesting though.

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Somebody deserves credit for posting and curating Clif's intellectual contributions to Universe and Existence.


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Bingo! Next he'll insist aliens live in the moon. Good foder though to sling some dung

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Supposedly the deep throat con tests were to identify KM dna relatives… hope the phuckers killed them all off…

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Oh Clif Yee all Almighty one let me get down on my knees and praise Allah

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Correct, our planets do not move in a heliocentric pattern...it is a HELICAL spiral pattern. That's why genius Walter Russell said, "All motion is curved, and all curvature is spiral". I'll post this article again in case anyone is interested in learning about the formation and dissolution of a planet, as well as how our solar system operates: https://supersonicuniversal.substack.com/p/the-formation-and-dissolution-of

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Jack Kruse? Some of it is right from a certain point of view. I was on his forum for ages. Got a few things out of it, but if Jack Kruse was right about everything, equatorial societies would live twice as long as the rest of us, would have hardly any disease and would have IQ's twice as high as the rest of us, etc, and that simply is not the case. Also, if Jack Kruse was right about everything he wouldn't look like a huge blubbery tub of lard. I mean, I'm five years older than he is, have lived a life of cigareets and whusky and wild wild women for a large part of that and I look about half his age. I eventually left his forum when one day I forgot my password and had to go through a bunch of Jack-Kruse-riddle-me-this bullshit before I could get back in again and I just thought "D'y'know what? I'm fed up with this culty thou-shalt-have-no-other-God-than-Jack-horse-shit-forum and I'm delighted to say that I give up". Sometime afterwards, during the Covid time, a lot of people dumped him like a hot brick when he said.. "I take it as a personal f*cking affront for these f*cking idiots to be out there saying what they're saying [that this pandemic is way overhyped]. I would almost like for this disease to come and visit them and their families." Naturally, those people thought "Why that's exactly the kind of thing an ass-hole would say".

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Asians hate the sun, no air con the heat kills them. Go into a supermarket in se asia and there is little food in there and the real food is either unavailable or double the price of the west. The city environment is not conclusive to life. The condiments and oils everyone uses are cheap nasty rancid poison.

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Half the people walking round my area look like their ass is trying to grow out their mouth.

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Universe Bless You Clif.

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Thanks Clif you are truly gifted and We appreciate you sharing your knowledge 🙏

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Look for the work of Sabrina Wallace re: Human Aura.

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I'm giving Clif only 22% today

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you thought woo was the woo woo you felt warming your being when Clif puts out a new video. AHHHHHHH!

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He's my personal dopamine hit for the day! ;-)

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What tf?

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