Well today I would rather scream than whisper in the enemy's ear. I'm in Houston and the weather manipulators sent us Tornados last night. It was all over in 5 minutes. About a quarter of us (1 million customers) have had no power since. No estimate of restorations... Days to weeks. Tomorrow I evacuate. I stocked up on freezer goods and all will now perish. No ice anywhere.

Sorry, its my day to bitch as I sit in my car in the rain to listen to Clif and charge my phone. 😁😬

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Elena, you have every friggin right to bitch! Taking down Texas is another of those bizarre ideas i wouldn't have imagined - til that snow that didn't melt last year...but it's all so damn obvious! Well, keep that phone charged up and no doubt we are next...

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I play 'rain on a car roof' sometimes when I sleep. Is it easing your temperament?

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No, but you made me smile for a few seconds.

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I live to serve.

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God bless you and Houston

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It's not funny, but maybe you can have a BBQ and get to know people better. We all need each other, to get to the other side.

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Great idea but all my neighbors for miles around are in the same boat. One quarter of the city is at a standstill. Highways and stores are closed except Walmart. People don't understand this affected the entire city. It was like a category 2 hurricane that brought the city to its knees in 5 minutes, but the MSM won't tell you that so you'll never see the pics or hear of it.

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Yes, traffic signals will have things snarled, .. if they aren't working. Sticking to back roads with stop signs to get out of town could be tricky too. Freeways will be a joke that looks like 5 lanes of parking lot anyway, so better to avoid them.

My power went out a while back for almost three days. I didn't even open the freezer door and nothing thawed because of the 8 blocks of ice I had in there that looked like frozen gallons of milk. I wouldn't evacuate right away. You never know, it might not turn out to be too long before power is restored. Or at least you can avoid any initial rush of the masses escaping.

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we had a 24hr outage & lost the 'perishable' stuff in the fridge but the freezer was good (filling old 1 gallon milk jugs & freezing them is a novel idea) I used to put them in my work cooler & it would last about 3 days in the Houston summers. Houston WAS ATTACKED!! I watched it develop on HD radar & NO WAY that was a natural occurrence!!

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My spare freezer is outside, on the back patio. The ice blocks looked like frozen Milk, because they were frozen milk. lol It is an older stand-up freezer with three metal shelves that make 4 compartments. The bottom is all chicken bagged, then the 8 milk jugs, then frozen potatoes, then the top shelf stacked solid with chuck roasts. The door also has shelves and right in front of frozen potatoes shelf, was the boxes of broth, also like ice blocks. I was surprised to find almost everything still frozen after 3 days, but I chalked it up to the jugs of milk and being packed solid that helped it maintain its cool. Well, that combined with not opening the freezer at all to check on it, helping to keep the cool IN.

But I think day 4 would have been dicey. Between putting the still solid frozen items into an ice chest and firing up the grill, a Lot. lol

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correct. right as it hit Houston the radar signature chaanged to a spiral bullseye- even that got erased

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yes, no one is talking about chemtrails, weather manipulation, HAARP. The climate change people will never discuss these issues

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Evacuating to where? I would empty the freezer into an ice chest and seal it good. It will keep itself cold for days. Then I'd toss that into the back seat of the car and take it with me.

Short of a portable camping stove, I'd grab a bag of charcoal and fluid anywhere I could find it and look for city parks, ponds, campgrounds or lakes where a built in BBQ grill might be located.

That freezer thawing ordeal is one of my big concerns. Everyone on my cul de sac would eat real good for days.

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See my update below. I'm leaving this morning. No chance I'll stay. 92°+ temps forcasted for a week. The humidity is currently at 96%.

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IIt's that time of the year and the humidity belt spans from the gulf to the border and from the Rockies to the Appalachians so not much hope for relief from humidity, .... but altitude might help. Only problem is Hill Country is a ways off to the west/north, .... but anyplace with electricity would suffice. With any luck the outage is more localized in the city. Any outage in Sugarland, or Richmond, Or Katy etc ??

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I don't know all the outages. Some have been restored. I'm going to League City which survived electricity. It's only an hour by freeway. Thank God those freeways are open. Staying with a friend.

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I once played Frisbee for almost three hours in the middle of the fast lane on I-80 through north Des Moines. That freeway was open too.

Sometimes surface streets are actually faster. I tend to get a peek of the traffic to see how its moving, before heading up an on-ramp. Especially during a mass outflow. I never understood how everyone could have escaping in mind, and then not haul ass, ending in miles and miles of backed up traffic. There was a big hurricane in the Houston area a couple decades ago and I knew people stuck on the highway outbound, Not Moving. Baffling.

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I headed towards the city on southeast side, not out. I've now arrived safely and having my first coffee in 3 days, ah, and with AC to boot.

Still lots of debris everywhere but at least they cleaned off the freeways.

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You can't get the use of a generator for a few hours a day? That would be enough to keep your fridge and freezer viable as long as you don't open them much.

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Not when 1 million other people also need one.

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How awful. 🤗

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Your freezer foods can either be canned or dehydrated. Frozen veg/fruit?.....just let them 'air dry'. Or, you can do canning. Same with meats......can them. If you know others who can, that live close by, enlist them to help. THIS is part of being a prepper! One can also dig a hole in the yard.....big enough for your cooler(s), and store stuff like that. People need to know all of this stuff BEFORE it happens! You can also go and buy a generator, if you can.

My mother said to me the other day, about my 'mini' deep freezer....."Hope we never lose power......that's a lot of waste!". My reply was, I'd have to do a whole lotta canning, 'pretty quick'! lol

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I have traveled out of town now and with my girlfriend who has freezer room so most will be saved.

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Awesome! Good luck to you!

And, there WILL be a 'next time'.....so Prep for it!!

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I prepped a little too much but it required electricity for it to work. Lol. Electricity is needed for everything including canning and drying. So if you live in a large city, a little more than stocking up is required. Time to move into the country. Planning on that in the near future.

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One can do canning outside. A gas grill or other 'gas cookers' (think outdoor Crawfish Boil, Camping cookers/grills). Dehydrating can be done w/o Elec; again....'Air Dry'. There are 'inexpensive' 'portable' solar panels that one can use for all sorts of non-major appliance things.

Mike Adams, (aka The Health Ranger; Natural News; Brighteon/Brighteon.Social), has a great website for ideas and products that are on the market. 'Prep With Mike'. https://prepwithmike.com/ He's tested a lot of things and gives his honest opinion if they are any good, or not. But, yeah....Prepping has to CONTINUE to work, w/o Elec! lol I always say to people.....get in the mindset of living like the Amish/the 'Settlers' to this country; because that IS where we are headed/will end up.

If you don't know him, he is in Tx, too.

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I'm very familiar with Mike. I order from him all the time. I was caught by surprise and was waiting till the Fall/Winter when I plan to move out of the city and do major prep like you are doing. Now we have hurricane season starting June 1. Let's see what other surprises are in store. Lol

I grew up as a Mennonite so I know how to do all of it. We lived on a self sustaining little homestead farm with animals and crops. I thought I was done with all of that. Little did I know. Now the circle rewinds.

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You can't can or dry when you're without electricity. A Houston humid climate does not work for natural drying. It just molds. Please move here for a year so you can find out. You have to think outside of the box. I'm fairly new to Texas climate and boy I've had to throw all my previous ideas out the window. I tried making sour dough and the yeast starter just molded, as an example.

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Update: It's now becoming obvious Houston was hit by a DEW, just like Acapulco. The Houston Chronicle is calling it a "Derecho" which is a swath (up to 240 miles long) of tornado-like storms without the funnels. Winds up to over 100 miles an hour were recorded combined with heavy rain. Just for example, a had an empty 25 gallon garbage can sitting on my enclosed patio after garbage pick-up. The wind blew off the lid and in the brief storm that can was full of rain water.

If interested, you can read about it in this article by the Houston Chronicle.


Outside of Houston, no media seems to be reporting much about it. That is how you know it was a False Flag. Houston has now had its Acapulco.

The city is devastated and a State of Emergency has been declared. Clean up crews have started drifting in from other cities.

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I am getting more news from you than anywhere else and I live in North Texas!

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several of the large transmission towers were blown over in one area outside the city. they're supposed to withstand cat 4 winds. no telling how many pole transformers blew up in the storm's path but I'm betting several hundred were lost.

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That means it will take several days to repair. About 6 months ago they imposed a huge extra tax bill on electricity. About $40 a month in my case. I'm betting odds, they knew this was planned and coming. Corruption.

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What a bummer!

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I was right there with you- I'm 50-60 miles NW, we just got electricity back last night. I spent a lot of time in the car lol.

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You must be north of Cypress. I got mine back later than most. Several trees in our complex came down, snarling the lines.

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Out by Hempstead area in the country, but not country- its a golf course area with a lousy HOA, so no chickens, no large garden plot- but it's my elderly mom's place, I had to move in with her 3 years back when she started going downhill. I lost all my frozen things too. But I did have a good propane flat top griddle and my camping preps so we at least were able to have real coffee and ate pretty good off the grill trying to at least enjoy some of the food before I had to watch the trash man take it all away. My little mini 4patriot solar gen was a waste of money- it wass bearly able to keep 2 cell phones charged.

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OMG, you survived it! I can't imagine with the heat and humidity. I escaped to Seabrook, near League City. They had AC but I came home with many flea bites. They discovered them just before this happened (cat in the house) and had sprayed but some survived and attacked my legs. Lol

At least we all survived the FF Acapulco event.

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This is a truly bitch-worthy topic!!!!! I've been wondering just how bad it's going to be there in Houston. I wish you and all Texans the very best---and a Safe Evacuation.

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We are slowly recovering and I am back home. I got home in the nick of time, arriving 12 hours after the power had turned back on at midnight. I walked into the house and immediately smelled something was wrong ant it was extremely hot. It turns out that when the power surged back on, the self clean oven turned itself on too. It was now brown in color having been at about 800° for 12 hours. I had to turn off the main power box to get it turned off. It took 8 hours to cool the house with AC. The stove is now trashed but thankfully the house didn't burn down. Thank God I got home in time.

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Wow! Elena---thank God indeed. A scary close call. Sending lots of love from Ohio.

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Should barbecue all the beef , I walk around with cooked hamburger patties in my pocket at work in ziplocks , the only thing, if after a couple days I look for mold .

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I do this "whisper campaign towards my nosey neighbor".. 🤣 it works

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Tell me, what dd you do? Say?

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The format is shared above.

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Something is happening everywhere people are going crazy!

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We all feel it Rose 🥀

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It is almost like Universe is holding it's breath! Something big is coming!

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"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." Shakespeare, Macbeth

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beware of whispers in social media...expect to see intended mis-direction.

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May 17·edited May 17

My initiation was set in stone at the early stages of the pandemic. Followed by the dark night of the soul. I am pretty much operating on anything the "ether" wants me to know. I only had 1 request, it had to be vandicated with visible comfirmation. The point of the story is, use every part to remain extremely aware, but use the divine space as a guide, lest we fall for every trickery. Lastly, assume everything is smoke and mirrors until guided out of the maze. You can't do it by yourself, you'll need divine guidance.

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100% discernment is a gift of the divine … and we need all we can get these days

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Discernment comes to those who pray for it as I've been doing for many years.

My latest revelation has been that the theory of pre trib rapture and dispensationalism is disinformation put out by Darby, who was a Mason and worked with Scofield to publish a heretical version of the Bible.

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the difference this time around is that the enemies aren't foreign, they're domestic

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They've been domestic EVERYTIME! Not just this time.

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yes, and ur considered the jihadi

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So, do we get virgins?

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lmao...virgins are boring tho LOL

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Well, you would have to train them.

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Can you train "Crock-a-shit" Crockett???


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LOL! Two problems with that. She ain't no virgin and I don't think she can be trained.

She's in Congress? Doesn't even look Jewish.

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It's all virgin on the ridiculous, isn't it?!

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Meditation is listening to God's whisper , vs prayer is talking to God.

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Just got this via email:

"U.S. Embassy Mexico City

Location: Worldwide

Event: Due to the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations, or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.  The Department of State is aware of the increased potential for foreign terrorist organization-inspired violence against LGBTQI+ persons and events and advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution. "

Actions to Take:

Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists, including Pride celebrations and venues frequented by LGBTQI+ persons."

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This is what I read today, also. I saw it on Just The News with John Solomon. Somebody out there wants the US to get into a WAR with them.

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Seems like an easy fix.

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Thanks for the tip Clif—

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This is a great idea. Also try being ungovernable.

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May 18·edited May 18

I was born that way. It confuses most people.

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LOL! I've been trying that my whole life. It works sometimes, I have lots of practice.

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One need not whisper. The invaders have been brought in by the parasite kind and their whores to disrupt the communities they have been planted in. They are cannon fodder that will be disposes of when they are no longer useful to the parasites. What the parasite whores have not figured out yet is that they will be the next to be disposed of. With this form of degenerate creature once an asset is used up it becomes a liability. Think: a pit and two dogs are dropped into the pit. Bets are made, gamblers win and loose money and the dogs tear each other apart. Once one is dead the owner pulls another dog from is kennels. The winning dog is near dead and the owner shoots it and pulls another dog from his kennel. No point in wasting time money or effort on healing a near dead dog. That is what the invaders are. Nothing more or less, dumb beasts. So with the whores that serve the parasite kind. They think that they will be rewarded, given a chunk of the pie....But they won't.

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Yeah, we know. NCSWIC.

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Be sure to spread it around....It's so simple even a low IQ will see how this will go for them. Which ever side wins, they will be disposed of.

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1) Print off some realistic looking $20 dollar bills on your printer.

2) Give them away to some homeless person. They will be happy.

3) When they try to spend it they'll get busted.

4) Problem solved.

Glad I could help you out on this one.

PS. The idea isn't mine but I can't find the meme anymore. Funny as hell.

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Make sure you clip the printer id. They have those in teeny tiny yellow dots that identify what printer it came from.

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Nah. I'll just use the mother in law's printer when she is away.

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That's sounds like a better idea :-)

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If you have to tell people your joke is funny …

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee

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loose lips sink ships but a whispering campaign can win wars...

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Silver is responding...

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That's not exactly right. Silver may be up 32% since the beginning of the year, but it really means the value of a FRN is down 32%. That's not exactly right either, since they were artificially holding the price of silver down for a long time. The FRN is down 32%, but that may be over several years time.

This is more of an indication that the scam of the Federal Reserve Note is finally collapsing. The dominoes that are about to fall are huge! Time to buckle up!

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Chartists have said that when silver crosses $30 per ounce, there is no resistance to $50. The GSR is way out of wack at ~ 80:1. Historically the ratio has been much lower.

TPTB are obviously lying about inflation. So much is an illusion.

My point was that holding something real rather than an illusurary TP currency will serve you well during a monetary collapse.

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Can you explain? Thank YOU

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Clif has a long standing prediction for the price of silver. If you don't have any it it getting too late.

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HUGE day... Bixy Weir is orgasmic... me too!

Only the start, I believe... still time to jump in... but not much time!

I use SDbullion.com or monumentmetals.com fair and reliable.

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I like moneymetals.com best value and efficient service.

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I've done LOTS of business with SDbullion.com and they beat MM badly on maple leafs and really badly on Mex Libertads... and are around $ .50 better on eagles... they have never given me any problems... but I have never sold anything back to them... that might be interesting...

JMBullion's website is FUBAR... I used to use them, but SDbullion always beats them

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So, do you think Silver will come in?

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Thank you Clif!

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So we are hearing from various sources about June 6. For instance, an effort to try to stop travel on that day. Insurance groups for AirB&B directed not to issue travel insurance to people since they may get to their destination and not be able to get back.

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66 June 6

(consistently being assholes gives them away).

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