I also found that book to be fascinating. In my workshops, I would demonstrate this level of communication. There have been numerous instances when we would call the ships and they would make their presence known immediately.
I also found that book to be fascinating. In my workshops, I would demonstrate this level of communication. There have been numerous instances when we would call the ships and they would make their presence known immediately.
The Kirlian bio-energetic field of a plant changing when humans think or interact with the living plant? I had a group of pre-teens select three trees in the forest. They were instructed to send thoughts of Love and Gratitude toward one tree, send unkind thoughts to the second tree, and to allow the third tree to be what it was without interference for the entire summer retreat. At the end of the summer, they could visibly see that the first tree was larger and more robust than the other two; that they wanted to repair the stunted growth of the second tree that was withering and dry; and when one of the children fell by the lunch tent crying in pain - the children jumped into action to send Love and Gratitude to that child who instantly stopped crying because the pain was gone in a moment. They did a good job loving that stunted tree back to life before they went home for the summer.
Thanks Lynn, that's a fascinating story and I know someone who has had similar experiences with growing herbs & plants.
It goes to show that while we're largely ensconced in the physical world, the reality is far deeper and on a vast scale. We haven't scratched the surface..
In 2012, I was watching the sunflowers grow outside my window facing the sun - normal. I drew a sunflower for a woman with cancer to lift her spirits, modeling it after one of the sunflowers. Within a matter of days, that sunflower turned to face me from my window. It was a shared brotherhood of bringing beauty and joy for all of us to revel in.
Not even close! The Windsors hail from the Reptilian lineage of not-so-well-endowed shapeshifter crossbreeds. Interlopers and sordid misfits... Charles is no king at all compared to the Stewart line - one of the true Houses of royal bloodlines descended from Sarah and James.
I also found that book to be fascinating. In my workshops, I would demonstrate this level of communication. There have been numerous instances when we would call the ships and they would make their presence known immediately.
Can you expand on that? Thanks!
The Kirlian bio-energetic field of a plant changing when humans think or interact with the living plant? I had a group of pre-teens select three trees in the forest. They were instructed to send thoughts of Love and Gratitude toward one tree, send unkind thoughts to the second tree, and to allow the third tree to be what it was without interference for the entire summer retreat. At the end of the summer, they could visibly see that the first tree was larger and more robust than the other two; that they wanted to repair the stunted growth of the second tree that was withering and dry; and when one of the children fell by the lunch tent crying in pain - the children jumped into action to send Love and Gratitude to that child who instantly stopped crying because the pain was gone in a moment. They did a good job loving that stunted tree back to life before they went home for the summer.
Thanks Lynn, that's a fascinating story and I know someone who has had similar experiences with growing herbs & plants.
It goes to show that while we're largely ensconced in the physical world, the reality is far deeper and on a vast scale. We haven't scratched the surface..
In 2012, I was watching the sunflowers grow outside my window facing the sun - normal. I drew a sunflower for a woman with cancer to lift her spirits, modeling it after one of the sunflowers. Within a matter of days, that sunflower turned to face me from my window. It was a shared brotherhood of bringing beauty and joy for all of us to revel in.
Didnt Prince (now King ) Charles take a lot of stick way back in the 1980s for "talking to his plants"?
Yes, from many of his commoners. Charles was very involved with gardens and many appreciated that interest. I felt that made him a little more human.
Shame he is NOT Human though!
Not even close! The Windsors hail from the Reptilian lineage of not-so-well-endowed shapeshifter crossbreeds. Interlopers and sordid misfits... Charles is no king at all compared to the Stewart line - one of the true Houses of royal bloodlines descended from Sarah and James.
Check this out!!
WOW! I think it's leaning because it's so full and healthy on the side near you! Beautiful picture!