In the first paragraph of this post, I am going to assume that Cliff may be referring to Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute who assumes has had some ongoing dialogue with an extraterrestrial. I have watched a few of the Farsight videos on this topic- they seem a little ridiculous, but whatever.

What I do know about Farsight is that they are total trolls for MSM propaganda. Two things come to mind. First, they did a segment back in 2020 on the 'Corona Virus.' This presentation was supposedly a 'deep remote viewing dive' into the entire pandemic (scamdemic). Naturually, the 'deep dive' repeated a lot of MSM chatter at the time - ie, it was an accidental leak from the Wuhan Lab. Naturally, there have been various versions of the story in the MSM. The analysis was superficial and flimsy to say the least. In fact, despite everything that has happened in the 'covid space', Farsight has not ventured into this area since 2020 - especially the vaxx! I guess they don't want to contradict the MSM if there 'viewing' was indeed real. Talking about ET is always safe - who is going to say 'no, that's not what the ETs are saying'!

Second, I track events in the war in Ukraine everyday on multiple forums. As a former Marine officer, I just happen to have an interest. All 'remote viewing' of the Ukraine situation by Farsight concerns the 'Russians' and their 'atrocities' and 'aggressions'. I knew then that their work was BS and just shilling for the MSM. By the way, Farsight did do very good RV work when Dick Allgire and Daz Smith were viewers - I suspect they were not willing to be compromised like the young viewers there now - anyway, just an insight on the extraterrestrial communication thing at Farsight.

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Thank you for sharing the Farsight but, makes alot of sense now

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I thought he was talking about the new video that came out with the sounds from the Orion Sector. They are very interesting! Here is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8GYd-ZuTLw

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He probably is talking about the Orion Sector video but I found it interesting on how Cliff's comments fit in so well with Farsight's 'Talking with Extraterrestrials' series of videos (only available on their Prime site). I don't really know if Cliff is aware of the Farsight work or not, but he is spot on as a valid commentary to their work. Btw, the extraterrestrial that Farsight has been communicating with is named 'Harvey.' I know - 'Whatever' - maybe there is an entity that Farsight is communicating with, I cannot say I know, but it seems to me that it would be very difficult to corroborate this type of communication.

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SPOT on Ram. I am a Crypto Viewing patron and find the work Daz, Dick and especially Edward doing to be fascinating. Having been a US Army intel officer waaay back in the late 20th century (when the Ft. Meade team was active) I was privileged to see the work product by that group. Only decades later upon reading the "Psychic Warrior" book did I learn the source of the reports had been RV as the code word associated with the team reports had stuck with me all the intervening years. I have NEVER like the Far Sight reports, it seems too gimmicky and click-baity to hold my attention. BTW, FWIW, look on You Tube for Edward's work titled "My Ominous Feeling". He was totally tuned in to the entire CV19 virus events in late 2017. Definitely worth the time to seek and watch.

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I used to follow the Farsight Institute years ago....interesting stuff going on there now it seems. Dick is doing crypto viewing now and I still catch that once in a while. He was pretty darn sick with the "China Virus" and it's been a tough time getting back into the swing of things from it. I enjoyed the Farsight back in the old days with him and Daz....

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"Take me to your leader"

Yeah, umm, maybe now isn't the best time....but hey I know a guy named Clif you may want to chat with

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It wont be ‘’Take me to your larder’’ Paddy

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Having started reading Russian literature in high school and still loving it now 65 years later, I guess you could say I'm a Russophile. Can you imagine what might have happened to Russia when Napoleon invaded, if the Russian military at that time was organized like the US military. General Kutuzov exemplifies the value of experience, wisdom, patience, and the power of clear thinking. Russia may yet save the world from the corruption and stupidity of the system the name-stealers have slithered their way into establishing in the West.

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Clifford and all. One of the MOST enlightening books I ever read in the 70's was "The secret Life of Plants". Besides showing life forces after limbs were removed they found that they could cause certain plants to react to thought messages instantly sent from up to 1500 miles with NO time lapse. So, I think that communications with no time lapse is probably possible with distant Aliens and vice versa.

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I also found that book to be fascinating. In my workshops, I would demonstrate this level of communication. There have been numerous instances when we would call the ships and they would make their presence known immediately.

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Can you expand on that? Thanks!

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The Kirlian bio-energetic field of a plant changing when humans think or interact with the living plant? I had a group of pre-teens select three trees in the forest. They were instructed to send thoughts of Love and Gratitude toward one tree, send unkind thoughts to the second tree, and to allow the third tree to be what it was without interference for the entire summer retreat. At the end of the summer, they could visibly see that the first tree was larger and more robust than the other two; that they wanted to repair the stunted growth of the second tree that was withering and dry; and when one of the children fell by the lunch tent crying in pain - the children jumped into action to send Love and Gratitude to that child who instantly stopped crying because the pain was gone in a moment. They did a good job loving that stunted tree back to life before they went home for the summer.

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Thanks Lynn, that's a fascinating story and I know someone who has had similar experiences with growing herbs & plants.

It goes to show that while we're largely ensconced in the physical world, the reality is far deeper and on a vast scale. We haven't scratched the surface..

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In 2012, I was watching the sunflowers grow outside my window facing the sun - normal. I drew a sunflower for a woman with cancer to lift her spirits, modeling it after one of the sunflowers. Within a matter of days, that sunflower turned to face me from my window. It was a shared brotherhood of bringing beauty and joy for all of us to revel in.

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Didnt Prince (now King ) Charles take a lot of stick way back in the 1980s for "talking to his plants"?

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Yes, from many of his commoners. Charles was very involved with gardens and many appreciated that interest. I felt that made him a little more human.

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Shame he is NOT Human though!

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Nov 23, 2022
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WOW! I think it's leaning because it's so full and healthy on the side near you! Beautiful picture!

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I confirm the academic world functions largely to destroy one's capacity for independent thought

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I have come across things that tell me that Aliens are here already, and have been for a long time... or am I totally mistaken?

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There are plenty of artifacts. China, Japan, India, Tibet, Chile, Peru, and more locally - Mesa Verde and the Four Corners region. The Reptilian (Naga of India) feel that Earth is their planet and humans are interlopers.

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I have seen that too but I'm no expert on aliens and it's not something I follow but Clif gives a good read

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Especially about governments and alien communication! However, those that we are aware of with the Nazis was a treaty for global domination while our presidents entered into treaties for technology exchange for human resources. Originally, the Anunnaki settled here to mine Gold and exploited humans for cheap slave labor. But most advanced alien races do not trust people in governments- the word got out about broken promises and ulterior motives. Yet they will talk with you and those without hidden agendas.

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Nov 23, 2022
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I’ve heard that.

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There have been five root races that colonized and called Earth home, so yes, ETs have been here on this planet seeding humanity for a very long time. Homo sapiens and branches are recent by comparison. In fact, these root races have modified the human genome repeatedly across Yugas (vast periods of time in Vedic transcripts).. The Arcturians claim they altered genetics in the Adamic lineage during their visits (Enoch/Metatron/Melchizadec). The Naga crossbred with humans in India and the Asian subcontinent. The Middle Eastern lineages from Sumeria to Egypt offer examples of the alien gods living among mankind. Most people are familiar with the Lemurians and the Atlations (Atlantis). Since Earth, or Terra, is considered to be one of the emeralds of the physical universe for habitation and evolution; it continues to be viewed as an ideal planet for furthering the human experiment by those who seed many planetary bodies with life.

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As always, your words of truth on any subject lets me say Thank you Clif,

you help us in so many ways. Great info, wonderfully intro and a

rare insight you have in what is really going on. it seems lots of stories

are being shared on this subject many sites are saying the same thing.

if there are other online sites we need to add to look into for our research

please share. As always on the edge of my seat when I got Clif mail.

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The problem most humans have, I think, is that they are locked into the Hollywood ideas about what constitutes sentient lifeforms. The diversity and scale of lifeforms on our planet pales in comparison to what the possibilities are in the universe. These constrictions and shackles on our imagination limit what we would expect in any first-encounter. Imagine sentient life in one of the endless combinations of matter we currently know about. Imagine life forms that are 99% gaseous or made of plasma or consciousness, or are microscopically small, or inversely immensely large, or are non-corporeal, or move so incredible fast or slowly as to be imperceptible, or can only be perceived in certain light waves, or are made up entirely of photonic energies and therefore can travel anywhere light travels without the need of spacecraft...etc. Life exists in the forms it exists on this planet because of the conditions on this planet, we need people to be open to the possibility of life existing in an infinite variety before we will see that we may already be visited by these aliens, and they are just waiting for us to develop to finally perceive them in our midst.

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Wonderful explanation for the oxymoron of "Military Intelligence" as well as government.

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The earth is under observation. No one in the universe wants to see the slavery system found here to spread like a cancer to peaceful worlds. Do as you please on this plantation, but once it spreads...it is over. Humans are special but not that special.

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I’ve taken anything Cliff says with a big grain of salt since keeping track of his predictions and the resulting failed timelines he claims.

That said, I’ve found eventually the main points of what he predicts do somewhat appear but mostly not having the impact he claims.

What really made me question if he may in fact be a deep state disinformation agent is when he pushes Zio controlled Trump. You gotta be kidding me Cliff, trying to sell controlled opposition Trumpenstein of the Uniparty!

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Maybe it’s better for us than the alternative

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Same experience as you, with Clif's information. Much of it very informative, many predictions of timelines pretty lame..Big reg flag on Trump-club. To me Trump is very obviously a DS main player of divide and conquer. Have also heard that he's a member of the good ole cabal cult called 'order of the black sun'. There are battling cults; red dragon,..blah blah..They're all jockeying for position for dominance it seems.

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Clif, you're amazing.

We buy your pure sleep, but you give pure awareness away for free.

May the Woo be with us.

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Great article, Clif. But I believe that there are layers deep inside the government where there is intelligent human life.

Sgt. Dan Sherman’s story which he tells in his book “Above Black” is about how the government recruited 3000 pregnant women with psychic ability during the early sixties, and figured that a small percentage of the babies born would end up in the military, plus they would have possibly inherited their mothers’ psychic ability.

Dan Sherman was one of those babies. The military connected with him some 20 years later and brought him into a special ops where they had him translate alien technology which was telepathically communicated to him by an alien, with the aim that they could reverse engineer it.

Also a good read on government creativity and reverse engineering alien technology is Col. Philip J. Corso’s book The Day After Roswell.

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Anyone reading Corsi's book and those with direct knowledge of ET technology know that there are groups within the military who have reverse engineered craft, fiber optics, and even velcro.

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Garbage scow! I love it!

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I like the highly developed paragraph on the inability of government to do anything. Practically poetic.

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The space aliens had lined up Charlie Fraud and Sliman Prick parkz for the first meeting but they couldnt afford the tickets to the tiara and chinless wonder dinner

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Thank You...

Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee, Stay Awesome, Go Away Now, Keep your dick in a vice, See you Tomorrow, God Speed, God Bless

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