I always felt time passes differently during different moments. An hour in the morning zooms by to quickly, an hour in class could be in stand still, etc.
I think time is maleable. It can move fast, like when you're having fun. Or slow, when things are painful. I was in a car wreck once and everything slowed down to a crawl when it was actually moving extremely fast. It gave me time to think what I should do. I've heard stories of people who were astounded to find a lot of time had passed by the clock when their perception was that a short time had passed. These apparently had nothing to do with "missing time." The reverse was true in other cases where the perception was of a long time time passing when almost no time had passed by the clock. To me this means that duration is subjective. Many feel that time is moving faster now. It's apparently a shared perception of duration moving faster than what's remembered of duration earlier. So, not surprisingly we seem to be able to share a perception and perception is always subjective....although there may be people who don't share the same perception and those who do. There's no big time clock ticking over the universe.
this all makes a lot of sense. I feel as if time moves faster since this whole pandemic deal began about four years ago, for several reasons, none less than all the talk of collapse and thus a mindset that matters need to get done quickly, before any major 'collapse'
or, it all could just be due to getting up there in age.
The operant words are "feel like." It's a perception. Maybe of something that actually exists, say, duration, but each of us may perceive it differently, just as we perceive many things differently from what others may perceive.
Just starting to listen to this now. So, perhaps you touch upon this...
But I have to say, the older I get the more I believe time is not linear --- seems to go by much faster and then much slower in other instances.
maybe just a getting old deal?
I'm an old guy and I too feel time passes faster as I get older. I always assumed most people have the same experience as they get older (?).
i definitely agree. these last few years really seemed to fly by
I agree too. But it might be our Perspective is different when we are older. The end is closer,.....it makes each moment more precious.
I always felt time passes differently during different moments. An hour in the morning zooms by to quickly, an hour in class could be in stand still, etc.
I think time is maleable. It can move fast, like when you're having fun. Or slow, when things are painful. I was in a car wreck once and everything slowed down to a crawl when it was actually moving extremely fast. It gave me time to think what I should do. I've heard stories of people who were astounded to find a lot of time had passed by the clock when their perception was that a short time had passed. These apparently had nothing to do with "missing time." The reverse was true in other cases where the perception was of a long time time passing when almost no time had passed by the clock. To me this means that duration is subjective. Many feel that time is moving faster now. It's apparently a shared perception of duration moving faster than what's remembered of duration earlier. So, not surprisingly we seem to be able to share a perception and perception is always subjective....although there may be people who don't share the same perception and those who do. There's no big time clock ticking over the universe.
this all makes a lot of sense. I feel as if time moves faster since this whole pandemic deal began about four years ago, for several reasons, none less than all the talk of collapse and thus a mindset that matters need to get done quickly, before any major 'collapse'
or, it all could just be due to getting up there in age.
The operant words are "feel like." It's a perception. Maybe of something that actually exists, say, duration, but each of us may perceive it differently, just as we perceive many things differently from what others may perceive.