About six months ago I had a experience while asleep.
I was told that we have no name beyond this reality, I am known as 50.00000*****. We are known by our frequency. Very interesting that Clif is talking about this very same topic.
If you want to experience "your frequency," travel or live in another culture. Watch how you interact with people, strangers, and how they respond to you. It's a great way to discover who you really are.
That is what I was told, I had no name in the universe. But I was known by my frequency, it is your fingerprint in the universe. I don't take drugs, all of my experience come while I'm sleeping, mowing the lawn or driving. Clif mentioned six months ago that some people can go into Alfa state while doing mundane task. They are about once a month occurrences and they are very amazing. I don't meditate, these experiences happen for me. Thank you for commenting
No , only thru my dreams and only of my father and it’s only happened 2 times in the 30 years he’s been gone . The only thing I can say about those experiences is that in my dreams every time I would try to get close to him he would push me away and say it’s not my time to be there yet
As far as any other contact specifically I’ve never had
But my spirit does talk to me and guides me thru mostly dreams that’s when most of my downloads come in
It's a Dead Mans Party-Metallica: Now That We're Dead
I will never forget; Two yrs ago, My other brother and I were going to my brother's-(just died) house and as we were was pulling into a Small Small town Brothers Oregon, Now that we are dead came on the radio.
Although he was not drinking, When we arrived, an empty six pack of Dead Guy beer was on the kitchen counter. What a Gruesome site it was
Me too. I just wish he wouldn't throw stones inside his glass house. To wit:
1) Channeling is bogus and people who believe in it are delusional.
2) I took a shit load of psychedelics and unlocked the secrets of the universe.
3) Channeling doesn't give people anything useful.
4) But all my predictions come true so reliably that you can bank on them (LOL)
5) My friend Joe predicted a crash through channeling and he was wrong.
6) Joe did have a crash, when he said it would happen, but not the kind of crash he expected. Thus proving my point that channeling can't predict anything.
Everything Nestle, Lays, Pepsi, Coca-Cola...the list goes on and on. There is a website that lists the exact foods, waters, sodas, even Tropicana orange juice have Senomyx in them.
The self actuating realization that you are a soul carrier of Spirit. The individuated Spirit of First Source. A Soul that is Sovereign and Integral. Responsible for the management of novel experience in horizontal Space time through the Ego and . . . Vertical Space Time through the Sovereign Integral or Soul. This gives a unique expression individually through each Human that’s activated or recognizes the truth of Soul.
It’s like we put up with the drudgery of horizontal spacetime looking for the opportunity to break loose of it, and explore the higher aspects of vertical spacetime. In other words we use the energy of the ego to project the soul journey of unique novelty in higher dimensions. Purifying experience for the expansion of Spirit.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ watching the news and the wife starts yelling at you about cleaning up the yard after a storm. And ya think to yourself , why the hell didn't I buy more mushrooms so I could have stayed in hyperspace longer. AHHHHHHH!
Heya there Clif! I couldn’t find a way to message you this info, so I’m attempting with a comment. Have you heard of the Ani-Kutánî clan of the Cherokee? Something about these folks seems wildly familiar with your talks about the El(ohim) Somehow I went down a rabbit hole re: a rumored “Egyptian temple” found in TN (where I’m from) and that led me to this info about the Cherokee clan: https://www.jstor.org/stable/482712?origin=crossref
Cliff, are you saying that the Universe has no spiritual connection to us what soever? That we just 'happen' to be in it? So where do souls come from - how are souls created? From what I gather every person has a soul and also a musical note and song embedded in one's 'deeper being.' Especially when peeps have an 'out of the body' or 'near death experience.' What is it that is doing the seeing and the remembering? Just saying ...
You guys talking about us as a musical string. If being human is being a musical string, it would behove us to be the most melodious possible. One vibration in the chorus.
Clif have you ever met a Demon, and recognised it as a Demon? I’ve met Two, and almost Married one. The one was a male, who roared into a rest area in Germany in his Mercedes Sports Car, as I was sat on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette outside the toilets and next to my Motorbike. As he was striding purposefully towards the toilets, I saw his eyes and they were shiny Anthracite Black and I thought- Oh you poor Bastard you are in for such a world of hurt - and he stopped dead and stared at me, then turned around and ran back to his car and roared off. The one I almost married was really F*kn Bad news, and is a really long story, but finally I broke the spell she had over me with the Magic Words - I Never Want To See You Again- and her Mask fell off so I could see her really Nasty Malevolence in plain view. I’ve Not Seen Her Since. 👍🌟🌟🌟Bob.
Clif, my man! Yes, a bitchute would be refreshing. Always look forward to seeing you. You’re like the favorite teacher I never had. See, there are a lot of reasons why you are still here in this ‘time’. The Universe is definitely not done with you yet. Wooo Baby!
Remember being young? Elementary school felt like an eternity. Even high school felt like it would never end, yet it was only 4 years. I agree with you all wholeheartedly. In perspective, time moves at lot faster as you get older.
I always felt time passes differently during different moments. An hour in the morning zooms by to quickly, an hour in class could be in stand still, etc.
I think time is maleable. It can move fast, like when you're having fun. Or slow, when things are painful. I was in a car wreck once and everything slowed down to a crawl when it was actually moving extremely fast. It gave me time to think what I should do. I've heard stories of people who were astounded to find a lot of time had passed by the clock when their perception was that a short time had passed. These apparently had nothing to do with "missing time." The reverse was true in other cases where the perception was of a long time time passing when almost no time had passed by the clock. To me this means that duration is subjective. Many feel that time is moving faster now. It's apparently a shared perception of duration moving faster than what's remembered of duration earlier. So, not surprisingly we seem to be able to share a perception and perception is always subjective....although there may be people who don't share the same perception and those who do. There's no big time clock ticking over the universe.
this all makes a lot of sense. I feel as if time moves faster since this whole pandemic deal began about four years ago, for several reasons, none less than all the talk of collapse and thus a mindset that matters need to get done quickly, before any major 'collapse'
or, it all could just be due to getting up there in age.
The operant words are "feel like." It's a perception. Maybe of something that actually exists, say, duration, but each of us may perceive it differently, just as we perceive many things differently from what others may perceive.
Reminds me of DMT experience I had on salvia divinorum...
Your comment I mean.
I was strapping into a roller coaster type ride and looked behind at operators in white lab coats, one male, one female. One said to the other "well I guess he's going for it" and pushed the lever forward and I shot down some tube wormhole with effects like the Millennium Falcon in hyperspace all around me, twisting and turning.
Only completely removed from referential reality here I've ever had. Smoking salvia divinorum. Lasted a few minutes MAYBE.
I’ve tried Salvia before. It’s very heavy hitting like DMT, but I didn’t make it to hyperspace on it. I did however get sucked into my couch as if I were merging into it. The next thing I know I am fearing for my children and I wake up on the floor upstairs by the kids bedrooms. Have no idea how I got upstairs. Crazy experience. FYI… Be very careful with Salvia. You can blackout quickly, fall and hurt yourself. Also, as with me, you can move around and have no idea where you are going or ending up. Stay away from windows and highways, just saying.
Yep, good to have a co-pilot. This reality completely disappears unlike mushrooms or LSD or marijuana (edibles).
I only had the two times, with others. Thought I'd try once by myself, but felt myself being pulled out the back of my body and held on and didn't let it take me.
If we accept the concept of the matterium and its non physical counterparts, please explain to me, explicitly, why the concept of the Elohim (or any other beings outside our experience and comprehension) as demons, is less credible than the concept of these entities as physical aliens?
The interesting thing is that the descriptions of both are pretty much the same especially with the interdimensional beings known as reptilians. Clif denies them, but that means nothing because Clif denies anything he feels like denying. Plenty of people have had dealings with them and they are very much ensconced in history.
But if you look at the descriptions of both demons and interdimensionals you find the commonalities: they can possess, they have a reptile character, they're evil and corrupting, those who exist in this dimension inhabit hot areas underground, they appear and disappear as they choose, they are the opposite of and enemies of the Creator. (I'm not speaking of the old man in the clouds.)
Don’t understand how Clif can deny reptilians since he had a fight with one. Evidently Clif got pushed down by one, got fning angry, got up and rammed this entity with everything he had. Clif describes entity experiencing fear, the only emotion they have. I heard it with my own ears.
Important to mention that I have paid a lot of attention to Clif for a lot of years now, and know he is one heck of a nice guy who really cares about important things passionately. Ok, here comes the BUT- there are things that Clif just doesn’t get the Significance of, such as knowing that he Woo is real, he just doesn’t grasp it that the Woo is entirely Spiritual, and Clif doesn’t get the Spiritual at all. Also the Woo is much, much bigger than Clif thinks, and frankly, all his web bot data despite providing extremely useful insights, is Barely Scratching the Surface of what the Woo really contains. How do I know? By just how Seriously the Ancient Romans took the Subject, with every Community in the Empire sending a Report of all the Woo events in the Community for the past year, the Report Carried by a Community Representative directly to Rome, and in Rome they stayed until all of the Reports had been analysed by teams of Specially Trained Priests who compared their findings with a comprehensive Woo reference library, under the Direct Supervision of the Second most important man in the Empire The Pontiff ! Once the Analysis of the Reports was complete, and according to the findings, a Special Religious Ceremony was carried out to satisfy the concerns of the gods, after which the Community Representatives could return to their Communities, and Reassure them that every correct actions and the right Ceremony had been performed, so all was now well with their World. I immediately grasped the importance, and the time and expense for all this to take place every single year, and implications for the sheer scale of the information gained, and it was a slap in my face that woke me up to just how important the Woo really is, and if you don’t Get The Spirituality of the Woo, then how can you possibly get the Spirituality of Joe the snip, Richard the Woo Woo Dude, Bo Polny, etc, or anyone else for that matter? Because *They* aren’t actually the problem are they. I do think with absolute certainty, that Clif Will indeed end up Getting It.Maybe not in this lifetime though, and I hope to god that he doesn’t try to fly one of those theally Stupid ELohim mind interface flying machines , because Clif will likely fly the Damned thing straight into a loody Star on the opposite side of the damned Galaxy, and we’d miss having him around. That would seriously piss me off tbh. Best Wishes to You All, and especially Clif. Bob in Wales. 🤔👍🌟🌟🌟❤️🏴
Certainly Not. But Gene Roddenberry included one heck of a lot of great information in Star Trek and the Andromeda Series. Maybe you are unaware of the extent to which the Truth can only get Published as Fiction , and Science Fiction assists a lot of Truths to get Published. Frankly, most of my knowledge comes from studying comparative Religions, which led straight into Constitutional Philosophy, with a lot of hands on experience getting my hands dirty, doing hard work. You ? 🤔
So... Comparative Religions and Constitutional Philosophy led you to know all about the "Specially Trained Priests"... a comprehensive "woo library"... and a "Special Religious Ceremony that was carried out to satisfy the concerns of the gods..."
Oh, yes, and some ditch digging... plumbing... house painting... whatever?
Yo, Clown-boy... knock off the insipid sarcasm and get some help... you are deranged. Savvy?
I love it when Clif makes these videos !
About six months ago I had a experience while asleep.
I was told that we have no name beyond this reality, I am known as 50.00000*****. We are known by our frequency. Very interesting that Clif is talking about this very same topic.
If you want to experience "your frequency," travel or live in another culture. Watch how you interact with people, strangers, and how they respond to you. It's a great way to discover who you really are.
I hope your not BSing. Because if your not, yes extremely interesting.
That is what I was told. I don't BS, I'm here to help everyone. Clif brought up the topic and I shared the experience.
Makes sense, Scott, if there’s a “me, you, I” to HAVE a frequency….I can’t say I KNOW, but it’s another of the infinite options.
That is what I was told, I had no name in the universe. But I was known by my frequency, it is your fingerprint in the universe. I don't take drugs, all of my experience come while I'm sleeping, mowing the lawn or driving. Clif mentioned six months ago that some people can go into Alfa state while doing mundane task. They are about once a month occurrences and they are very amazing. I don't meditate, these experiences happen for me. Thank you for commenting
Do you connect with loved ones lost when you go into this state of mind?
Thank you for sharing Scott.
Everything IS frequency. Makes perfect sense.
What do you mean by frequency?
So, you have followed Clif for many years :-)
Electric energy being given off by you
Thanks for explaining. Have you had connections with loved ones that have
No , only thru my dreams and only of my father and it’s only happened 2 times in the 30 years he’s been gone . The only thing I can say about those experiences is that in my dreams every time I would try to get close to him he would push me away and say it’s not my time to be there yet
As far as any other contact specifically I’ve never had
But my spirit does talk to me and guides me thru mostly dreams that’s when most of my downloads come in
Thank YOU for sharing. Glad that you were able to make contact with your Father. Take Care :-)
We are only known by our soul's frequency, like a galatic fingerprint.
ClifGetsHigh, this ones for you
It's a Dead Mans Party-Metallica: Now That We're Dead
I will never forget; Two yrs ago, My other brother and I were going to my brother's-(just died) house and as we were was pulling into a Small Small town Brothers Oregon, Now that we are dead came on the radio.
Although he was not drinking, When we arrived, an empty six pack of Dead Guy beer was on the kitchen counter. What a Gruesome site it was
Me too. I just wish he wouldn't throw stones inside his glass house. To wit:
1) Channeling is bogus and people who believe in it are delusional.
2) I took a shit load of psychedelics and unlocked the secrets of the universe.
3) Channeling doesn't give people anything useful.
4) But all my predictions come true so reliably that you can bank on them (LOL)
5) My friend Joe predicted a crash through channeling and he was wrong.
6) Joe did have a crash, when he said it would happen, but not the kind of crash he expected. Thus proving my point that channeling can't predict anything.
And on and on.
Which foods?
Everything Nestle, Lays, Pepsi, Coca-Cola...the list goes on and on. There is a website that lists the exact foods, waters, sodas, even Tropicana orange juice have Senomyx in them.
Ty.. I found the list.. the only thing out of all of it is my miracle whip.. no more of that✔️
Shared on instagram-watch me get checked by the phuckcheckers🤭
The self actuating realization that you are a soul carrier of Spirit. The individuated Spirit of First Source. A Soul that is Sovereign and Integral. Responsible for the management of novel experience in horizontal Space time through the Ego and . . . Vertical Space Time through the Sovereign Integral or Soul. This gives a unique expression individually through each Human that’s activated or recognizes the truth of Soul.
It’s like we put up with the drudgery of horizontal spacetime looking for the opportunity to break loose of it, and explore the higher aspects of vertical spacetime. In other words we use the energy of the ego to project the soul journey of unique novelty in higher dimensions. Purifying experience for the expansion of Spirit.
Greetings, fellow Wingmaker.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ watching the news and the wife starts yelling at you about cleaning up the yard after a storm. And ya think to yourself , why the hell didn't I buy more mushrooms so I could have stayed in hyperspace longer. AHHHHHHH!
Heya there Clif! I couldn’t find a way to message you this info, so I’m attempting with a comment. Have you heard of the Ani-Kutánî clan of the Cherokee? Something about these folks seems wildly familiar with your talks about the El(ohim) Somehow I went down a rabbit hole re: a rumored “Egyptian temple” found in TN (where I’m from) and that led me to this info about the Cherokee clan: https://www.jstor.org/stable/482712?origin=crossref
Email him clif@halfpasthuman.com
Sabretooth? Logan here.
😉😉 Snikt!
That is really fascinating...the anu kani sound a lot like the Annuki....
Read a good one about giants as well, but I'd have to shake the old noggin out to locate it, as I use my phone and don't save most stuff...
Mud Fossil University on the tube.. he's awesome✔️
Yep, know em.
I was specifically referring to a Cherokee story though...
It's all inner connected.. 😀
Cliff, are you saying that the Universe has no spiritual connection to us what soever? That we just 'happen' to be in it? So where do souls come from - how are souls created? From what I gather every person has a soul and also a musical note and song embedded in one's 'deeper being.' Especially when peeps have an 'out of the body' or 'near death experience.' What is it that is doing the seeing and the remembering? Just saying ...
You guys talking about us as a musical string. If being human is being a musical string, it would behove us to be the most melodious possible. One vibration in the chorus.
He’s saying that your are intricately entwined with the universe
Does it care what you do ? No it does not as it gave you a free will
Remember universe is a dichotomous creature it has both bad and good within it’s up to us to choose
It’s like the sun shining on the good and the bad. No investment.
MorgueOfficial can explain.. ✔️
I think Clif and humans are present now in order to be sane voices at this time.
I've been to hyperspace, and here I thought I was just stoned. If only I knew then what I know now.
No, it's absolutely nothing like being stoned...
Can't really get there smoking, but maybe with enough edibles. Different processes.
No lol
Pot won’t do it
It had to me mushroom or masculine
Or salvia divinorum. But probably ingesting rather than smoking for longevity...
Also ayahuasca, but it kind of keeps you in a more earthly matrix, not cosmic.
I’ve personally never tried that one so can’t say with a fact but I hear it works lol
Ayahuasca I’ve always wanted to try but I would want to do it with a real shaman in the jungle somewhere
I've only smoked it a couple times. Want to get a live plant so I can microdose it.
Ayahuasca I did once in a Santo Daime ritual which was FUCKING WEIRD. Wouldn't recommend that way. Agree on shaman in the jungle.
Have a small bottle in the fridge we've had since our wedding on 6/9/12. Never found the right occasion for it.
See that’s what I don’t want is to be surrounded by strangers high as fuck and feeling weird
The vibes must match
Need to be surrounded by trusted people and people with experience
Not just some clown trying to make money on ppl
As far as not finding the right time I would have to agree with you
Especially if you have children around
How do you know that you've been to hyperspace?
Clif have you ever met a Demon, and recognised it as a Demon? I’ve met Two, and almost Married one. The one was a male, who roared into a rest area in Germany in his Mercedes Sports Car, as I was sat on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette outside the toilets and next to my Motorbike. As he was striding purposefully towards the toilets, I saw his eyes and they were shiny Anthracite Black and I thought- Oh you poor Bastard you are in for such a world of hurt - and he stopped dead and stared at me, then turned around and ran back to his car and roared off. The one I almost married was really F*kn Bad news, and is a really long story, but finally I broke the spell she had over me with the Magic Words - I Never Want To See You Again- and her Mask fell off so I could see her really Nasty Malevolence in plain view. I’ve Not Seen Her Since. 👍🌟🌟🌟Bob.
Clif, my man! Yes, a bitchute would be refreshing. Always look forward to seeing you. You’re like the favorite teacher I never had. See, there are a lot of reasons why you are still here in this ‘time’. The Universe is definitely not done with you yet. Wooo Baby!
Just starting to listen to this now. So, perhaps you touch upon this...
But I have to say, the older I get the more I believe time is not linear --- seems to go by much faster and then much slower in other instances.
maybe just a getting old deal?
I'm an old guy and I too feel time passes faster as I get older. I always assumed most people have the same experience as they get older (?).
i definitely agree. these last few years really seemed to fly by
I agree too. But it might be our Perspective is different when we are older. The end is closer,.....it makes each moment more precious.
Remember being young? Elementary school felt like an eternity. Even high school felt like it would never end, yet it was only 4 years. I agree with you all wholeheartedly. In perspective, time moves at lot faster as you get older.
I always felt time passes differently during different moments. An hour in the morning zooms by to quickly, an hour in class could be in stand still, etc.
I think time is maleable. It can move fast, like when you're having fun. Or slow, when things are painful. I was in a car wreck once and everything slowed down to a crawl when it was actually moving extremely fast. It gave me time to think what I should do. I've heard stories of people who were astounded to find a lot of time had passed by the clock when their perception was that a short time had passed. These apparently had nothing to do with "missing time." The reverse was true in other cases where the perception was of a long time time passing when almost no time had passed by the clock. To me this means that duration is subjective. Many feel that time is moving faster now. It's apparently a shared perception of duration moving faster than what's remembered of duration earlier. So, not surprisingly we seem to be able to share a perception and perception is always subjective....although there may be people who don't share the same perception and those who do. There's no big time clock ticking over the universe.
this all makes a lot of sense. I feel as if time moves faster since this whole pandemic deal began about four years ago, for several reasons, none less than all the talk of collapse and thus a mindset that matters need to get done quickly, before any major 'collapse'
or, it all could just be due to getting up there in age.
The operant words are "feel like." It's a perception. Maybe of something that actually exists, say, duration, but each of us may perceive it differently, just as we perceive many things differently from what others may perceive.
Hyperspace. This should be interesting.
Reminds me of DMT experience I had on salvia divinorum...
Your comment I mean.
I was strapping into a roller coaster type ride and looked behind at operators in white lab coats, one male, one female. One said to the other "well I guess he's going for it" and pushed the lever forward and I shot down some tube wormhole with effects like the Millennium Falcon in hyperspace all around me, twisting and turning.
Only completely removed from referential reality here I've ever had. Smoking salvia divinorum. Lasted a few minutes MAYBE.
I’ve tried Salvia before. It’s very heavy hitting like DMT, but I didn’t make it to hyperspace on it. I did however get sucked into my couch as if I were merging into it. The next thing I know I am fearing for my children and I wake up on the floor upstairs by the kids bedrooms. Have no idea how I got upstairs. Crazy experience. FYI… Be very careful with Salvia. You can blackout quickly, fall and hurt yourself. Also, as with me, you can move around and have no idea where you are going or ending up. Stay away from windows and highways, just saying.
Yep, good to have a co-pilot. This reality completely disappears unlike mushrooms or LSD or marijuana (edibles).
I only had the two times, with others. Thought I'd try once by myself, but felt myself being pulled out the back of my body and held on and didn't let it take me.
John you should reach out to Roger Spar at Mudfossil University. Roger's work needs a larger audience. He is in Connecticut.
If we accept the concept of the matterium and its non physical counterparts, please explain to me, explicitly, why the concept of the Elohim (or any other beings outside our experience and comprehension) as demons, is less credible than the concept of these entities as physical aliens?
The interesting thing is that the descriptions of both are pretty much the same especially with the interdimensional beings known as reptilians. Clif denies them, but that means nothing because Clif denies anything he feels like denying. Plenty of people have had dealings with them and they are very much ensconced in history.
But if you look at the descriptions of both demons and interdimensionals you find the commonalities: they can possess, they have a reptile character, they're evil and corrupting, those who exist in this dimension inhabit hot areas underground, they appear and disappear as they choose, they are the opposite of and enemies of the Creator. (I'm not speaking of the old man in the clouds.)
Don’t understand how Clif can deny reptilians since he had a fight with one. Evidently Clif got pushed down by one, got fning angry, got up and rammed this entity with everything he had. Clif describes entity experiencing fear, the only emotion they have. I heard it with my own ears.
Thanks Clif, always look forward to your take on stuff.. more pop corn
Hi Clif, Thanks for another video.
Important to mention that I have paid a lot of attention to Clif for a lot of years now, and know he is one heck of a nice guy who really cares about important things passionately. Ok, here comes the BUT- there are things that Clif just doesn’t get the Significance of, such as knowing that he Woo is real, he just doesn’t grasp it that the Woo is entirely Spiritual, and Clif doesn’t get the Spiritual at all. Also the Woo is much, much bigger than Clif thinks, and frankly, all his web bot data despite providing extremely useful insights, is Barely Scratching the Surface of what the Woo really contains. How do I know? By just how Seriously the Ancient Romans took the Subject, with every Community in the Empire sending a Report of all the Woo events in the Community for the past year, the Report Carried by a Community Representative directly to Rome, and in Rome they stayed until all of the Reports had been analysed by teams of Specially Trained Priests who compared their findings with a comprehensive Woo reference library, under the Direct Supervision of the Second most important man in the Empire The Pontiff ! Once the Analysis of the Reports was complete, and according to the findings, a Special Religious Ceremony was carried out to satisfy the concerns of the gods, after which the Community Representatives could return to their Communities, and Reassure them that every correct actions and the right Ceremony had been performed, so all was now well with their World. I immediately grasped the importance, and the time and expense for all this to take place every single year, and implications for the sheer scale of the information gained, and it was a slap in my face that woke me up to just how important the Woo really is, and if you don’t Get The Spirituality of the Woo, then how can you possibly get the Spirituality of Joe the snip, Richard the Woo Woo Dude, Bo Polny, etc, or anyone else for that matter? Because *They* aren’t actually the problem are they. I do think with absolute certainty, that Clif Will indeed end up Getting It.Maybe not in this lifetime though, and I hope to god that he doesn’t try to fly one of those theally Stupid ELohim mind interface flying machines , because Clif will likely fly the Damned thing straight into a loody Star on the opposite side of the damned Galaxy, and we’d miss having him around. That would seriously piss me off tbh. Best Wishes to You All, and especially Clif. Bob in Wales. 🤔👍🌟🌟🌟❤️🏴
You get all your knowledge from watching Star Trek?
Certainly Not. But Gene Roddenberry included one heck of a lot of great information in Star Trek and the Andromeda Series. Maybe you are unaware of the extent to which the Truth can only get Published as Fiction , and Science Fiction assists a lot of Truths to get Published. Frankly, most of my knowledge comes from studying comparative Religions, which led straight into Constitutional Philosophy, with a lot of hands on experience getting my hands dirty, doing hard work. You ? 🤔
So... Comparative Religions and Constitutional Philosophy led you to know all about the "Specially Trained Priests"... a comprehensive "woo library"... and a "Special Religious Ceremony that was carried out to satisfy the concerns of the gods..."
Oh, yes, and some ditch digging... plumbing... house painting... whatever?
Yo, Clown-boy... knock off the insipid sarcasm and get some help... you are deranged. Savvy?