Cliff, are you saying that the Universe has no spiritual connection to us what soever? That we just 'happen' to be in it? So where do souls come from - how are souls created? From what I gather every person has a soul and also a musical note and song embedded in one's 'deeper being.' Especially when peeps have an 'out of the body' or 'ne…
Cliff, are you saying that the Universe has no spiritual connection to us what soever? That we just 'happen' to be in it? So where do souls come from - how are souls created? From what I gather every person has a soul and also a musical note and song embedded in one's 'deeper being.' Especially when peeps have an 'out of the body' or 'near death experience.' What is it that is doing the seeing and the remembering? Just saying ...
You guys talking about us as a musical string. If being human is being a musical string, it would behove us to be the most melodious possible. One vibration in the chorus.
Cliff, are you saying that the Universe has no spiritual connection to us what soever? That we just 'happen' to be in it? So where do souls come from - how are souls created? From what I gather every person has a soul and also a musical note and song embedded in one's 'deeper being.' Especially when peeps have an 'out of the body' or 'near death experience.' What is it that is doing the seeing and the remembering? Just saying ...
You guys talking about us as a musical string. If being human is being a musical string, it would behove us to be the most melodious possible. One vibration in the chorus.
He’s saying that your are intricately entwined with the universe
Does it care what you do ? No it does not as it gave you a free will
Remember universe is a dichotomous creature it has both bad and good within it’s up to us to choose
It’s like the sun shining on the good and the bad. No investment.
MorgueOfficial can explain.. ✔️