That is what I was told, I had no name in the universe. But I was known by my frequency, it is your fingerprint in the universe. I don't take drugs, all of my experience come while I'm sleeping, mowing the lawn or driving. Clif mentioned six months ago that some people can go into Alfa state while doing mundane task. They are about once a month occurrences and they are very amazing. I don't meditate, these experiences happen for me. Thank you for commenting
No, at least it has not happened yet. There are connections at times with family and extended family members. I see events from a position of ceiling looking down. Those events could be past events that I was not there or future possible events. These connection events are quite rare for me.
That is very normal, as we go through time the energy within each of us grows and the Earth too, reaches us from galactic center energy. Those events will continue to be more and more common.
Makes sense, Scott, if there’s a “me, you, I” to HAVE a frequency….I can’t say I KNOW, but it’s another of the infinite options.
That is what I was told, I had no name in the universe. But I was known by my frequency, it is your fingerprint in the universe. I don't take drugs, all of my experience come while I'm sleeping, mowing the lawn or driving. Clif mentioned six months ago that some people can go into Alfa state while doing mundane task. They are about once a month occurrences and they are very amazing. I don't meditate, these experiences happen for me. Thank you for commenting
Do you connect with loved ones lost when you go into this state of mind?
No, at least it has not happened yet. There are connections at times with family and extended family members. I see events from a position of ceiling looking down. Those events could be past events that I was not there or future possible events. These connection events are quite rare for me.
One more thing. I have experienced feeling sometimes that I'm in a place that I was in, before it was happening.
That is very normal, as we go through time the energy within each of us grows and the Earth too, reaches us from galactic center energy. Those events will continue to be more and more common.
Thanks for the reply, Scott. Reason that I asked: My Brother, 65, passed on 9/5/23. His son insisted he take
the COVID JAB. He died suddenly while taking a nap in
the afternoon. You know that died suddenly thing. He took the JAB over a year ago. Just found out yesterday
from one of his co-workers that he wasn't doing well.
She saw the decline in him. He even told her that he
figured if was from the JAB. I can't believe that his son who lived with his Father didn't see the decline. We live
5 hours away. No matter what, we would've
been there to help him. I hadn't seen him in 3 years.
Now, I feel no closure. After he passed, I was in the
kitchen and could have sworn I heard the door open.
Thought it was my husband. It wasn't. I wish that he
would send more signs. Another thing did happen.
We were born and raised near Pittsburgh, PA. He was
a BIG Steeler and Penguins fan. I was driving home and
as I pulled in back of this car the plate said
Pittsburgh Pens. I have never seen a sign in the back
of a car. Usually, it's in the front and the license
plate in the back. If you get any other vibes, please
let me know. My email address is:
Thank YOU and take cared +
Lynn I will respond to you by email on this topic.
Thanks so much, Scott. Really appreciate it :-)
Lynn, I just sent you a email.