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Certainly Not. But Gene Roddenberry included one heck of a lot of great information in Star Trek and the Andromeda Series. Maybe you are unaware of the extent to which the Truth can only get Published as Fiction , and Science Fiction assists a lot of Truths to get Published. Frankly, most of my knowledge comes from studying comparative Religions, which led straight into Constitutional Philosophy, with a lot of hands on experience getting my hands dirty, doing hard work. You ? 🤔

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So... Comparative Religions and Constitutional Philosophy led you to know all about the "Specially Trained Priests"... a comprehensive "woo library"... and a "Special Religious Ceremony that was carried out to satisfy the concerns of the gods..."

Oh, yes, and some ditch digging... plumbing... house painting... whatever?

Yo, Clown-boy... knock off the insipid sarcasm and get some help... you are deranged. Savvy?

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