No , only thru my dreams and only of my father and it’s only happened 2 times in the 30 years he’s been gone . The only thing I can say about those experiences is that in my dreams every time I would try to get close to him he would push me away and say it’s not my time to be there yet
As far as any other contact specifically I’ve never had
But my spirit does talk to me and guides me thru mostly dreams that’s when most of my downloads come in
Electric energy being given off by you
Thanks for explaining. Have you had connections with loved ones that have
No , only thru my dreams and only of my father and it’s only happened 2 times in the 30 years he’s been gone . The only thing I can say about those experiences is that in my dreams every time I would try to get close to him he would push me away and say it’s not my time to be there yet
As far as any other contact specifically I’ve never had
But my spirit does talk to me and guides me thru mostly dreams that’s when most of my downloads come in
Thank YOU for sharing. Glad that you were able to make contact with your Father. Take Care :-)