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Ditto, although I do have questions about my meditation practices learned from Paramahansa Yogananda. I truly thought enlightenment was its goal. I'm female so I would never have the opportunity to operate the machine. My confusion on the subject, just makes me think, it ain't all it is cracked up to be.

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As someone who also has used Yogananda's meditation practices, I think the answer lies in the simple answer 'Both.' In other words, things are not 'either.... or.' I notice this with people talking about diets ....... you know, are you a 'vegan or a carnivore or a this or a that.' How about 'all of the above.' I am not sure what Cliff actually is up to either, but I willing to listen and see what nuggets I can pull out for my own existence. I don't need to steer a Vimana, but if something will help me focus better to manifest stuff, it may be worth the effort. These days, I stick to TM meditation just because I find it very simple and effective for me, and very scalable. I will do it for 20 mins, 40 mins, or whatever I have time for or strikes my fancy. The kriya yoga and the pranayama type meditations are very powerful, but actually a little too much stimulation for my nervous system. In the end, it's like selecting clothing ...... what fits, and what style do you prefer.

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Never operate the machine because you are female? Hmmmm. I don't know that written rule. Wonder why it was written. What happened? Females crashed too often? Hopefully time/rules have changed. I feel humans are very capable of everything. That's why the DS have been controlling, poisoning, depoping us. They are afraid of us. Too late. We are reading the manual now.

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Previously, Clif said that if you were circumcised or a female you could not operate the flying machines. There may be more exclusions, I just remember those two.

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He did say there were a very few exceptions. If you have the ability to focus like a laser, no multi-tasking allowed, if you do, you burn the toast! In this instance, I would let a proven, excellent pilot interface.

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DEI - Need Not Apply !!

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Females naturally multi task. I would think male "single mindedness," and also zero imaginative thoughts, would be important if one's mind were part of a machine.

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circumcised? what ... is the foreskin some kind of transmitter? come on ... Plus, the chosen ones would surly want to master mind-machine control.

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Circumscision is a chemical and


trauma for an infant male. The exact impact on infant brain and emotional formation isn't known to me, but the fact that many consider the process 'normal' and of little consequence

seems a bit dull minded to me.

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Very few are circumcised on their eighth day [ when vit. K peaks ], so yes.

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The body is a energy system, try san pedro, the rushing energy can be intense

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Maybe we should discuss what the difference is as I do not know.

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Removal of the foreskin has an effect on the brain. Amongst other things, it makes men more passive.

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WOW. It was a very difficult decision not to circumcise my son. It wasn't uncommon but after the delivery (son born in 1990), it was impossible to count the number of times the nurses came in to let me know that the doctor was there and he could do it. Honestly, I considered it barbaric. I know all the BS about being circumcised. I read the books and literature on both sides. Please respect my opinion. My son was in the top 1% of the nation while at school and currently a Major in the Air Force.

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Thankyou Frances for being a Wonderful Mother.

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Frances -

I made the same decision for my son, and I don't regret it.

I could post a series of links that confirmed my gut feelings about the choice.

They (the videos)have been censored several times, but I'll see if I can locate them to share.

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( unable to attribute):

Effects of circumcision on:

Amygdala, limbic system, emotional and sexual regulation and sexual appetite,

Executive function and decision-making.

Performed neo-natally(from birth to 28 days old)...severe impacts on the extremely early growth of brain structures in infant males.

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Once you alter the human body by allowing other people to change it, you are stuck with the result. While this truism is simple, how many humans ever actually conceive this reality?

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I think he'll need to explain the exclusion again. Something to do with brain wiring?

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the removal of the foreskin didn't allow the brain to mature as the adolescent entered into puberty and beyond as it would had the skin been left in place.

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As the mom of a son, I had to make the decision and opted not to remove the foreskin. I did my homework. But was not aware of this. Thank you.

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I allowed it to be done to my son in ignorance. I told my daughter to not do it, but she ignored me. I have told my son and sent him this info. We shall see what his choice will be after learning this. My Dad was born at home by a midwife, nothing missing there! We need to spread this word far and wide about not doing it anymore. No more male mutilation.

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He didn't explain why, just said the exclusion existed.

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He did in a previous podcast.

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My guess: estrogen and effects on endogenous testosterone (yes women have T too). Male T-formed brains also are different than female brains on multiple levels. Or it could be something as simple as women tend toward emotionalizing context more than men do, or generally have slower response times (T at work).

Disclosure: I am female and do NOT want to fly any vimana or whatever!

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Yea u do!

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U guys think to much without knowing context

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Females don't have penis's!

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I'm not really sure why it was written. They had multiple sexes not just male and female. It was their rule.

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LetтАЩs just let it be stated for the jury that we are talking about тАЬtheirтАЭ versions of this type of tech...and it is the old version!

Who is to say that there arenтАЩt non-parasitic entities out there who have much better versions of this tech, that those in a female body can operate, and that doesnтАЩt rip your mind apart if you get it slightly wrong.

These shit-heads canтАЩt have the best tech going; no f-ing way!!

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The machinery is what you walk around in everyday of your life. Mastering it is a whole other matter. Nothing is outside of oneself. The idea that itтАЩs an external other not of oneself is the deception.

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