So Cliff, the million dollar question is - after you make the deal with the Deep State - are you going to let the Plebs here on to it, or is this just going to be more esoteric technology hidden from sight? of course, there is a middle path - publish a version in which the wise among us can intuit the missing key(s)? These days, shit just comes to me without me having to search through written material, and I suspect that is true for others on this thread as well - only those type of people find their way here in the first place. In fact, that's how I realized the covid vaxx was deadly and just a deception - I did not read any 'scientific papers' or seek advice from so called 'doctors.' I just knew the shit was for depopulation.

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Btw, get to know your intuition - in the future, you will not have time to read or view the massive content online nor be able to verify its authenticity. Hence, your intuition will be your only guide to groc whats going on around you and who is trying to scam you. During the great covid con, I had a few friends and family members that knew it was a con from the very beginning. They were the exception. Most people thought the entire thing was real. Likewise, most people are totally outgunned on the vaxx. Two of my retired neighbors were complaining the other day of being ill after they took their covid 'boosters'. I did not tell them the truth - they were conned - they would not have understood. They will be dead within 2 years. So folks, get intuitive or get hosed.

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I knew about the vax as soon as I heard them calling this a ‘Pandemic’. Truth is I’m one of the lucky ones, I got to hear Bill Cooper speak for my first time in 1993. Truth was I learned a computer language the year before just to be able to get on the internet back then in 1992, just to read the documents Top Secet documents that Bill Cooper posted back then. He told us then that the government had plans to kill off most of us. Bill Cooper had Q Security Clearance. He was our whistleblower. I saw him speak at least 5 times in the 1990s. So I was ready for the shananagens. His biggest message even though he was the one to show the Zapruder film of JFK. His biggest message was to heck with the UFOs. Our government was what we needed to fear. He also said our government was run by the Illuminati. Idiot me, that was out of my paradigm back then. I didn’t wake up to the Illuminati till I read their publication that came out Feb 2015. Book ILLUMINATIAM The First Testament of the Illuminati. It read like a book to recruit people into the Illuminati. “If you join, jobs will just come to you and money will appear in your account.” I thought then about our bad economy, and thought how many could turn down that offer. Their whole aim was to create their New World Order. That same month I read the book. I was understanding the Clintons were not just pedophiles but Pedovores. Research Cathy O’Brien in YouTube. Find the 4 minute video by searching YouTube for “Vicki 1989 Oprah” , look for a four minute video. It will be amongst the first 4 videos listed. Bottomline these evil descendants and their cohorts are all throughout the US and internationally. They have been planning their New World Order for some time. Papa Bush said in a speech he hoped the NWO would happen in his lifetime. His real last name was Scherff, he was a Nazi in WWII. My mother was in Military Intelligence in WWII, my mother is rolling in her grave. I guess I was a little ahead of most everyone else. We all need to be on our knees praying, repenting and begging God for help. 😁❤️🙏❤️

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Seems you may still have a blind spot your intuition isn't helping with. If, after reading Clif (and others) for a while, you are still "begging God for help", then you must not have come to grips yet with the realization that your Abrahamic "God" was an Elohim/Annunaki.....

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Let's refer to that as the "Creator."

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When I connect to something higher, I talk to the Creator. Personal call without middlemen. In my language creator is synonym to God. Do not mean to hurt anybody’s feelings, this is how I think.

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Lovely. There are a lot of us who speak directly to Source and let that conversation be the meat of our existence.

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or Creatrix :) Either way, the getting on knees and begging part is ridiculous and the mark of a slave mentality...

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I could not agree more! Lifelong objection to that mentality and those actions. Actually, I take it as an indicator of a baby soul mentality. But that's just me.

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I seem to remember early stuff (2005?) from Clif where there was still the idea of a super-EL or some self-aware creative force higher and separate from the Elohim/Annukai/ neocons (hehe). Am I wrong. Was there "new light"? (Anyone, but clarification from Clif would be awesome!!)

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There very likely is - but that level of entity would be so vast & far removed from the likes of us that anything we might attempt to elaborate on about it would just be speculation ...

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True, but what if he/she/it/them/us walked on earth? That would be mindblowing. Just sayin'

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Great point…..there is no god. It does re enforce how effective it is when you brainwash the subconscious. We want to cling to the possibility that we are going to heaven!

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Well, I'm not willing to go on record as saying there is no "god". I'm guessing that there probably is some type of Universal Source / Creator Consciousness (that has nothing to do with the human "heaven mythology"). But the issue is that it would necessarily be so vast that our little human minds could not ever begin to comprehend it properly.

That said, I AM 100% sure it's NOT an Annunaki warlord that landed it's spaceship on this rock a few thousand years ago and conned some unsophisticated tribesmen into worshiping it and it's retinue (elohim, igigi, etc.) as the "one and only god and it's angels" :)

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

Evil Enlil was YHWH, part reptillian Anunnaki. Enki is his half-brother, a very positively oriented master genetisist whose mother is Human and who donated his own DNA to create what I call "Project Human" long ago. I think EArth was named for Enki (Prince EA), who loves us as his own children! He has come to our Solar system, having banished Enlil from EArth, to remove negative aliens. Enki will not, however, take away the Black Hats, the Cabal in our society. That is Our Job. We need to get organized and get on wiith it! STAT. What is coming is Amazing. The Anunnaki are immortals . . .

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That's one version of the story. There are others. The jury is still out as to who or what may *really* have our best interests at heart - as far as actual un-human corporeal entities are concerned....

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Would you care to elucidate?

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Great comment...except the last sentence. No need to get on the knees, praying, bowing down to anyone. When you learn the truth it’s a new day. Go from there. You are a sovereign human. The earth is our mother. Love her and look to Nature for your answers.

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It was like…… I just knew ..things did not add up.

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Exactly! I'll never forget that day of lockdowns on Mar 15, 2020. My youngest daughter messaged me that she was suddenly out of a job working as a waitress as with many others who lost their jobs that day. I was just stunned. However, I knew this was a planned event, not the usual flu season we normally have every year. I had a feeling they were up to something nefarious, which was the coming vaccines, not realizing it was something else, that turned out to be the kill shot. I later found out what COVID-19 stood for - (Certificate Of Vaccine ID 2019). My husband & I, our children & grand-children did not get the shot. Several family members, mostly our cousins and friends did because they were afraid and compliant, believing in our govt, which were all lies. For a long while, we refused to wear the masks until all the stores/doctors offices, etc., required wearing them, so we wore masks that said "Placebo" and many people gave us thumbs up!! We surely got to see how many dumbed-down people were wearing these masks, some still wearing them to this day 3 years later!! Mask wearing doesn't protect you!! Well, I'm hearing evil Bill Gates is planning another pandemic for this Fall? I'm sure he's already got the vaccines lined up ready to go!! Not participating in any of their sick insanity. We don't need vaccines, reason why we have an immune system. Read the book Bechamp or Pasteur? Learned a lot reading this book from the mid-1800's of the Germ Theory. Pasteur was a Plagiarist.

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Oh my

I listened to Bill C in the 90s smart straight brother ...

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Don't worry. I believe all these people that have a problem with the last sentence will repent once they see what is about to happen here on this earth. They will learn that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! God bless!

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It was my grandfather who clued me in as a young kid. Most of my life I’ve been listening closely and always heard the underlying messages. They got me w the childhood vaccines for my kids before I realized and stopped getting my kids them, but I knew this plan as soon as a “novel” respiratory illness was announced where they were going and their intentions. Fortunately, my 4 adult children have heeded the messages I’ve shared over the years, even as I’ve been the occasional embarrassment to them for what I know.

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I have the same set up. Too many fell for the clot shot but what's the point of waking them up ? If humanity can't realise a con then God help us. Like you , most of my family could smell the shit from the deep state but my in laws are sheep. They are fully boosted and the signs of the killer vax are rapidly destroying their health. They are slowing up in many ways. So sad to watch but I tried to warn them . The usual crap came flooding out from their mouths that I was a " conspiracy turd " so fuck them. Yes I know that's harsh but I gave them facts and evidence from decent sources but could I convince them, NO ! Time to make plans for the future. These normies are so thick because they cannot relate the sudden deaths to the vaccine . It's so obvious to us that these evil shits are depopulating but being normal is a danger for our future. To this day, I cannot understand why people fell for the vax . I thought most people were awake but how wrong ( really wrong ) I was .

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You did your job warning them, but fell on deaf ears as they didn't want to believe what you had to say despite showing them real facts and evidence from good sources. My husband & I are baby boomers born in the 50's and were so stunned to see how dumbed down, brainwashed by TV programming/govt lies, ignorant and stupid our society has become. So many are damaged from indoctrinated schooling, RX drugs/street drugs/alcohol, ultra processed foods, etc., that they cannot be helped.

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I knew they weren't awake, but at least not so brainwashed and ignorant is where I am stunned.

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I have many allergies…My intuition told me not to get the Jab..+ I was reading day & night..

Thank God for intuition!

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Look up Dr William Davis. No more Wheat!

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Clif said he would release his work without the key, so that as you say, you will be able to intuit the answer.

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Ditto, although I do have questions about my meditation practices learned from Paramahansa Yogananda. I truly thought enlightenment was its goal. I'm female so I would never have the opportunity to operate the machine. My confusion on the subject, just makes me think, it ain't all it is cracked up to be.

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As someone who also has used Yogananda's meditation practices, I think the answer lies in the simple answer 'Both.' In other words, things are not 'either.... or.' I notice this with people talking about diets ....... you know, are you a 'vegan or a carnivore or a this or a that.' How about 'all of the above.' I am not sure what Cliff actually is up to either, but I willing to listen and see what nuggets I can pull out for my own existence. I don't need to steer a Vimana, but if something will help me focus better to manifest stuff, it may be worth the effort. These days, I stick to TM meditation just because I find it very simple and effective for me, and very scalable. I will do it for 20 mins, 40 mins, or whatever I have time for or strikes my fancy. The kriya yoga and the pranayama type meditations are very powerful, but actually a little too much stimulation for my nervous system. In the end, it's like selecting clothing ...... what fits, and what style do you prefer.

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Never operate the machine because you are female? Hmmmm. I don't know that written rule. Wonder why it was written. What happened? Females crashed too often? Hopefully time/rules have changed. I feel humans are very capable of everything. That's why the DS have been controlling, poisoning, depoping us. They are afraid of us. Too late. We are reading the manual now.

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Previously, Clif said that if you were circumcised or a female you could not operate the flying machines. There may be more exclusions, I just remember those two.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

He did say there were a very few exceptions. If you have the ability to focus like a laser, no multi-tasking allowed, if you do, you burn the toast! In this instance, I would let a proven, excellent pilot interface.

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I concur

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DEI - Need Not Apply !!

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Females naturally multi task. I would think male "single mindedness," and also zero imaginative thoughts, would be important if one's mind were part of a machine.

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circumcised? what ... is the foreskin some kind of transmitter? come on ... Plus, the chosen ones would surly want to master mind-machine control.

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Circumscision is a chemical and


trauma for an infant male. The exact impact on infant brain and emotional formation isn't known to me, but the fact that many consider the process 'normal' and of little consequence

seems a bit dull minded to me.

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Very few are circumcised on their eighth day [ when vit. K peaks ], so yes.

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The body is a energy system, try san pedro, the rushing energy can be intense

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Maybe we should discuss what the difference is as I do not know.

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Removal of the foreskin has an effect on the brain. Amongst other things, it makes men more passive.

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WOW. It was a very difficult decision not to circumcise my son. It wasn't uncommon but after the delivery (son born in 1990), it was impossible to count the number of times the nurses came in to let me know that the doctor was there and he could do it. Honestly, I considered it barbaric. I know all the BS about being circumcised. I read the books and literature on both sides. Please respect my opinion. My son was in the top 1% of the nation while at school and currently a Major in the Air Force.

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I think he'll need to explain the exclusion again. Something to do with brain wiring?

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

the removal of the foreskin didn't allow the brain to mature as the adolescent entered into puberty and beyond as it would had the skin been left in place.

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As the mom of a son, I had to make the decision and opted not to remove the foreskin. I did my homework. But was not aware of this. Thank you.

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He didn't explain why, just said the exclusion existed.

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He did in a previous podcast.

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My guess: estrogen and effects on endogenous testosterone (yes women have T too). Male T-formed brains also are different than female brains on multiple levels. Or it could be something as simple as women tend toward emotionalizing context more than men do, or generally have slower response times (T at work).

Disclosure: I am female and do NOT want to fly any vimana or whatever!

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Yea u do!

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U guys think to much without knowing context

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Females don't have penis's!

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I'm not really sure why it was written. They had multiple sexes not just male and female. It was their rule.

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Let’s just let it be stated for the jury that we are talking about “their” versions of this type of tech...and it is the old version!

Who is to say that there aren’t non-parasitic entities out there who have much better versions of this tech, that those in a female body can operate, and that doesn’t rip your mind apart if you get it slightly wrong.

These shit-heads can’t have the best tech going; no f-ing way!!

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The machinery is what you walk around in everyday of your life. Mastering it is a whole other matter. Nothing is outside of oneself. The idea that it’s an external other not of oneself is the deception.

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I start researching after my BS meter cries out.

When they announced the plandemic, my inner response was, "Now they start their endgame and they won't stop until we all take a shot 2-4 times a year".

About the so-called vaxx:

Everybody with some basic medical sense should have known that programming cells to produce the spike protein, the very spike protein that causes blood clots in infected people, would give the 'vaxxed' people blood clots (never mind all the other toxic and unknown ingredients in those shots).

Thus, from my pov, EVERY doctor who administered them is guilty of negligence; so brainwashed that they didn't even think that far and endangered health and life of their patients. And they can't say they weren't told; yes, we told them, every day but they wouldn't listen.

I sense that those who realize their mistake (more and more each day, I'd day) can't sleep well anymore.

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Unfortunately for me, those that realize are few n far between in my area. Lots of weird stuff with jabbed, but they don't connect the dots. Plus, I live in a BLUE state so I think we got the easier shots.

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Like they could do anything with it! All they can operate is those clunky tr3b's. He's putting it out there to trade with disenfranchised dudes who are no longer being paid.

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At some point, it might be easier than scoring 100 cases of AK-47's in 1992 USSR. lol

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I did not trust this vax right from the start without any other knowledge about it or any other so called flu vax Swine flu or otherwise. I go with my intuition and don't need doctors to tell me. I did not follow the distancing, masks or stupid PCR tests of which Kary Mullins would have been turning in his grave. Perhaps Yoga as a mind tool has become that because we are not living 13000 years ago. If you concentrate hard enough, or phase out, you can get into a state where you are in another dimension and it feels weird and hard to wake up from!

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Part of the "herd mentality" is just this sort of intuitive realizations. I knew it was war, that it was biological warfare, that it was genocide, all within a few minutes. Most terrified I've ever been, and the most pissed. Not even Cuban Crisis was that scary; I was too young to understand fear. Blessedly, most friends and family stayed strong. Unfortunately, my mechanic, who I tried to inform of the risks and failed, is battling Stage 4. I'm waiting for others to announce issues. They'll never admit their own fear is the basis of their deaths.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by clif high

You want a Tic Tac RV!!

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The plans and instruction manual!

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Have you tried any of the recipes?

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Beat me too it! Cliff wants his floating RV! Of course if it becomes a reality, are they really going to let him fly it?

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How could they stop him?

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At some point soon, THEY will have no say in the matter. Fuck 'em.

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" I am Not For Hire, and can’t be bought, nor intimidated, but I am a fair trader, and always respect, and honor, my arrangements with people."

Be careful, Clifster, the type of folks who would /could possibly contact you would be NONE of these things: fair, respectful, nor honorable.

Playing with fire.

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I wish I could like this more than once. Well said.

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I have no doubts about Clif's negotiating abilities nor his ability to recognize a con.

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I am taking you seriously and wishing you godspeed, or whoever's speed you might grok to.

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My teacher Vitvan also wrote commentaries on Patanjali. From his viewpoint man, us guys down here, live in a state of "seeming separation." That is, the constructs of the Cosmos are hierarchical, and fractal organelles within larger fractal organelles of Self similarity. The old "Man is a microcosm of the Greater Macrocosmic design."

Our little minds in default mode see the world as a collection of interacting Objects. Just turn on some more, drop some nervous system filters, and grok that we are cells within an energetic plasma Organism. None of us cells are "separate" except in our reduced bandwidth internal world models.

But the waking consciousness of Joe Six Pack Average Dood is that we are all "individuals," little egos, or Personae (masks) who live in this low res Matrix of the small self. We label this as "Objectifying consciousness." The world as objects, ..rather than holographic interlocking projections from a Higher Mind. Rather, it's all about little ME, and ME getting ahead; ME climbing some Cosmic ladder to Mastership.

This lower objectifying mind sees learning the Key as ME getting to drive a UFO!


You, the little egoic persona, think that "YOU" are reaching up to access some higher knowledge.

Truth is, IT is reaching down to operate through you. "You" are the Lego block chip in ITS Body. You are the cellular expression of ITs Mind projecting ...or radiating like a STAR of Plasma... subsets of smaller self-similar organelles...planets, moons, and the worlds of ANIMA...i.e., animated bodies of congealed waters and minerals....FLESHly vessels.

The Pyramid with the Eye over it is the eloquent expression of this. Put aside ideas of this Pyramid what a-holes who also live in the little-self mindset and think, that Cosmos is empty pitiless void, so their whole game is to grab more bling, and suck out the blood of others so their pathetic little scheming lives can persist a few years longer. Sad crowns on dumbshit kings.

The Eye or Central Mind..or Plasma EL-ectrical STAR at the top, radiates outward, and "downward" into lower, cooler, denser "layers," zones, bandpasses of "matter" (organized plasma as MIND). We current humans are down at the bottom, we are the multitudes living in "seeming separation" in our ME-ME egoic minds... yakkety yack little sacks of fleshly fruit bodies on a Greater Tree...who live out their 3 score and 20, and are soon gone. Gone back to the Cosmic Soil.

The periodicity of these long waves are the Inbreath and Outbreath of the Oversoul, the Great Eye, or the One. We are part of a great Network, think of us as small fruits upon a vast interconnected Tree..or Vine. (ponder the meaning of Di-Vine, or the Christ minded fellow who discovered in himself that "he" was the "Vine." )

We all are part of the Vine...but think we are separate little Me's. When the MIND of the Tree Oversoul reaches down into our level in periodic pulsations, IT draws us UP to IT. To re-member WHO we really are. Go within, go deep and find that Power-to-be-conscious which is the power that ANIMATES you. You are a vessel, a puppet. WHAT then is your electrical core, what Fire?

When the Mind of the Tree touches us, we are drawn up; we become interested in Patanjali's User Manual. The TREE Mind of the Oversoul needs us to tune in, get clear. so that we can co-operate better with ITS Intentions. Your little hopes for ruling the universe in some adolescent fantasy become laughable...and somewhat childishly pathetic...when your eyes start to open to Reality.

We are bees in a Greater Hive Mind...and this is not slavery because the sapiens, the SAP of the Tree that made you means that you are also the Tree! Surrender to your own Higher Self.

Btw, I had dreams about being taken "up" into a UFO; only later did I come to understand that "UFO" is a way my little mind could picture the reality that a Higher Mind (the Eye of the STAR) is activating me in, and I AM, and have ALWAYS been, the very Tree ITSelf.

MotherWEFers and their small ego urges to subsume the world into a Global Oneness, are reflecting a truth, they are agents of Disruption. We may not like it but "God" periodically plows the Garden, or burns out the diseased wood when centuries, millennia, of corruption have gone too far. It's all for a fresh start anew. For the Tree Spring always returns, even after micro-novae EMP and CME erase Earth's hard drive. New Life in new forms arises again and again.

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Small mindedness is its own way of generating intensity.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

I would love to hear how you would explain this to a transhumanist generation living in a metaverse!

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Wow!!!! Your comments are fascinating. Thank you.

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Thank you for the grounding.......

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I have the key to life the universe and everything, maybe I'll tell you later.

(hint ... 42)

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the secret to losing weight is to always be just a tiny bit hungry, but some people just can't hear it...

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I'm just recovering from food poisoning. Fabulous for losing weight.

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Was your name Bruce?

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The minds of the men of the departing Kali Yuga (and of the unfortunate young women who "seek to out do them") are so crippled, they imagine there is "no divinity", and thus go rabbiting off in search of a machine to which they ravenously hope to attach said crippled minds.

Ray Kurzweil

Elon Musk

Yuval Harari

Klaus "the Robot Polisher" Schwab

The list is likely much,much longer...

but I think the conditions on the ground are clear.

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Hot quote, originator " danse":

"The transhumans have only one idea : technology.

We, the chimpanzees of the future, have only one technology : the ideas.

Yet the ideas are more active, faster, more efficient than any technology, they are swifter and more powerful than Internet and the electric power.”…

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the idea of joining your mind with the machine, and being so single-minded about it that you can't even multi-task -- to me that sounds an awful lot (yes, really awful) like Steiner's 8th sphere of Ahriman. no desire to go there. fuck flying a vimana - let's just fly our own energy bodies...

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So true "can't even multi-task." Brilliant!

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Very impressive! Seems perhaps you adapted Mauro Biglino's concept of (deliberate?) mistranslation of ancient languages to instill religious implications to content originally intended to serve much more prosaic purposes? Your interpretation of the Sutra's REAL purposes sounds very exciting. It seems to correspond as well to reports from the UFO researchers claiming that 1) (some of the crashed/recovered) UFOs are controlled by the space aliens using dashboards into which the aliens insert hands/fingers to link their minds to the crafts (think like "FIREFOX movie" 2)Attempts by human test pilots to operate the crafts resulted in some (all?) pilots going insane/dying? Thanks agains for sharing your work with us. Eagerly awaiting your next audio or written update.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

You might like this: The UFO Mystery. Especially Annie Jacobson at 39:26. Unbelievable the extent "they" go to to sell a meme.


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Hi, clif High. Nice piece. Let's just say Yoga was never about putting on a leotard and throwing a few mudras. Enjoying the work. Please keep it coming. Your admirer.

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Imagine being able, through Yoga meditation, to be able to activate and have UFOs appear in front of you that have been buried deep in the earth for thousands of years !!

Your personal "Pegasus" is waiting for you!

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Having learned to meditate with Paramahansa Yogananda's technique (the teacher was world famous), and doing so for over 50 years, I see no UFOs. Foolishly, I thought the goal was enlightenment. And as I mentioned above being a female I would never have been an operator. So Clif opened my eyes to the bible (Naked Bible) and now tossing the truth about meditation. Nothing is sacred any longer. One word . . . WOW

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Many people can do this, have them appear that is. Over and over again.

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Awesome. I love where this is going.

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🤔 hmm ... I like it.

Eager to learn more, Clif!

Also, more Plasma energy info!

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Thank you, Clif! Amazing what you have found and what you are writing and want to complete. I am in awe. I have worked with some very intelligent people in my career. You are on a whole different level. Forward ~

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I have nothing to trade you that would be of interest . However, benefiting from your knowledge by all that want to learn is an act of sharing without expecting recompensation

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Clif... Fascinating. Challenging. Threatening to TPTB.

Be safe!!!

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Here is my guess as to the "secret". Practice of this Sutra allows one to access the Akashic Records in real time. The Akashic Records are the organized Ether reference material of all conscious experience that has, and will, transpire in Universe. Many near death experiencers have accessed these records, as well as observing Souls accessing them. They can be read, watched or experienced mentally. Learn how to fly a spacecraft, or ride a horse, or build a house. It's all there. No charge. You are welcome. Point your consciousness towards these records and you will find them.

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Like when Trinity or Morpheus asked for a download to fly a helicopter of learn Kung Fu in The Matrix.

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Exactly! Good example

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I loved when Neo asked for a complete download of all forms of Karate, Judo, kung fu, jujitsu, Aikido. I'm a big fan of old Bruce Lee movies. Hi-uahh... Lol

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