Great point…..there is no god. It does re enforce how effective it is when you brainwash the subconscious. We want to cling to the possibility that we are going to heaven!
Great point…..there is no god. It does re enforce how effective it is when you brainwash the subconscious. We want to cling to the possibility that we are going to heaven!
Well, I'm not willing to go on record as saying there is no "god". I'm guessing that there probably is some type of Universal Source / Creator Consciousness (that has nothing to do with the human "heaven mythology"). But the issue is that it would necessarily be so vast that our little human minds could not ever begin to comprehend it properly.
That said, I AM 100% sure it's NOT an Annunaki warlord that landed it's spaceship on this rock a few thousand years ago and conned some unsophisticated tribesmen into worshiping it and it's retinue (elohim, igigi, etc.) as the "one and only god and it's angels" :)
Great point…..there is no god. It does re enforce how effective it is when you brainwash the subconscious. We want to cling to the possibility that we are going to heaven!
Well, I'm not willing to go on record as saying there is no "god". I'm guessing that there probably is some type of Universal Source / Creator Consciousness (that has nothing to do with the human "heaven mythology"). But the issue is that it would necessarily be so vast that our little human minds could not ever begin to comprehend it properly.
That said, I AM 100% sure it's NOT an Annunaki warlord that landed it's spaceship on this rock a few thousand years ago and conned some unsophisticated tribesmen into worshiping it and it's retinue (elohim, igigi, etc.) as the "one and only god and it's angels" :)