Good Afternoon Woo Crew! I hope you are having a wonderful day! Remember, don’t steal, the government hates competition! Love you all!

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Woo crewee: you funny Suzi;)

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An oldie, but still applicable.

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Suzirhae 🏆 for 1st comment? CAN NOT VALIDATE. no minutes?????? That's a first

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Is there a contest to be the first to comment? Instead of Swifties are there Cliffies?

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I like that, Clifies Award

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Repeal Smith-Mundt act sign by Obama. Made it a okay for the government to lie to the people. Repeal

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Remember, the police have long had the 'permission' to lie to citizens, but if any of us are caught in a lie to the police, there's a huge price to pay!

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Absolutely! It never should have passed!

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Smith-Mundt? Repeal Hammurabi's Codex that made a unbreakable system of two tier justice that has survived for the last 6,000 years.

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Oh yay! Propaganda became a governmental right to write! 🤬

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I think it is Clif wife's birthday on the 7th December, so please wish this wonderful lady a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY for me, hope she is well.

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Sales people are going to have trouble for sure.

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There are worse things, like trying to hire an defense attorney.

Imagine if the guy trying to fight your case, was like Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar. hahaha. Seems if they are unable to lie, there will be a whole lot of unemployable lawyers.

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When/How you can know...



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They can't let this out to the public. They will HAVE to outlaw it. Literally "for the good of society."

Imagine how using this could impact relationships. Let's say you're arguing with your teen. The teen asks "do you love me?" At that moment, you do not. But answer "yes." It comes up as a lie. And it was at the moment. But when you were not angry, you still love your child. Your teen now believes your love is a lie.

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So you think technology should be hidden from the masses, to protect the feelings of incorrigible teens who regularly piss off their parents. Got it.

I call BULLSHIT !!

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I'm not saying it should be hidden from the masses.

I'm saying that this will have unintended consequences for things like relationships which could have an impact on the social order that would be undesirable for all of us. We could quickly go to a zero trust society in which every single statement we make it analyzed by AI in real time.

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Well, it may indeed have said effects if used ad nauseam in real time. But how to not be keep from the masses, while letting the masses have it ??

Can't be both. I guess if it were to be 100% accurate, then it could be used instead of conventional polygraph, but not be readily available to the general public ?? If it is NOT 100% accurate, then there would be an in-built question as to the accuracy of anything it detects, so wouldn't exactly be trusted anyway. Hmmm, it does seem that there would be a delicate dance involved with its widespread use. OR, people just give up lying all the time.

Think of it like the UK, with 20+ camera's per block, ... who's getting away with crimes when the surveillance is so saturated ?? So people who are paying attention will realize that doing something illegal, is sure to land them behind bars, because camera's everywhere. Same with lies.

While this did not stop the prevalence of camera's everywhere, because "The Common Good, Of Course" and I am sure the lie detector would be the same.

I wonder, .... will the AI lie detector know if someone is lying, ... or just wrong ?? "Mistakenly Convicted" sounds like it could really tilt towards total irony. lol

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Perhaps that is one of the many aspect of sales that I have always HATED!

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Very interesting concept. Thanks for streching my mind again, Clif!

I would like to see some stats on the AI lie detector accuracy.

I am not of the opinion there is at such a thing as 100% truth or 100% lie given the nature of human consciousness. How do we calibrate such an instrument?

In practical terms we could get a truthscope reading then wait a while to see if the statement "turned out to be false" but isn't that still rather subjective?

Interestinger and interestinger....

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Paul hits the nail on the head. Clif is stretching our minds on AI lie detector app. My opinion is techie talk to validate this is wishful foder to whip up the agitated monkey shit slingers. Like the Gov't would allow it even if not BS. We are entitled to our opinions so let ur shit fly flyboy.....

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Current Government can not function without lying. While you are told that lying to a federal law enforcement or intelligence officer is punishable as a felony, on their end of the dialog equation lies are essential to steer the target to a desired outcome, or to introduce a concept that again guides to a desired outcome. You are rarely not led to a conclusion in such sessions without lies.

An AI lie detector on a citizen's phone would first be declared illegal under all conditions, because much of what goes on the politics, intelligence, and law enforcement falls on it's ass on the very first pass.

Entire long term intelligence operations operate by altering perceptions through lies, or omissions tantamount to lies in order to arrive at the desired outcome.

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Definitely -- they rely on "ALTERING PERCEPTIONS" as you say. Anything that will do that, they will use. Psyops within psyops.

Psyop = sticky web of lies

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So Guv has all the rights to lie, but you don't. That doesn't fly for me. In fact, based on the rogues that lie, even to the likes of Congress as they snicker and revel about their lies publicly should tell you something. Ok, ethical or moral bankruptcy is a start, but know that you aren't the problem. The system is hopelessly corrupted and has virtually no value - yet Guv and patriots would tell you otherwise, that hope springs eternal. Just laugh in derision as it reaps its fruit and dissolves into the ether.

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Assume they are always lying.

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....and what a glorious day it will be.....

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Society cannot function without lying.

"Do I look fat in this?"

"Can you tell I've gained weight?"

We all know what questions men will ask; I don't need to go into them.

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Sharry Edwards has had software that detects lying for decades; it isn't, however, based on AI, but rather frequency.

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Wasn't SILVER supposed to be "unobtanium" by now?

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After discovering info on the capabilities of Russia's big nuclear sub, this came to my mind instantly when I heard "Offshore Quake" and "Tsunami". But I had hoped it would be happening to the UK the way I had read about, rather than the USA.

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And the FBI Director nominee wrote Government Gangsters!

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Why the obsession with KC, who cares. Also, you might like the idea of AI deciding on truth but when governments do it, they'll use that as ways to lock us up claiming dangerous misinformation.

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If AI is a programmed device, why couldn't a lie detecting AI be programmed to target certain groups, thoughts, ideas, etc. of the programmers adversaries and automatically have the AI say it is deceptive? How is that not just another form of censorship?? Besides, why are we so eager to dumb ourselves down by letting machines take supremacy over human intelligence? Wouldn't it be wiser to develop one's own skills rather than let some unknown anonymous programming body determine what's real/true for us?

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Agreed. It took me years to hone my intuition and ability to discern, and to listen to my gut and my heart... still working on the latter. I'm not about to let that slip away to be replaced by AI, which I don't trust in the least.

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Exactly! Well said

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Sorry Clif, I usually agree w/ you but you are off base here and missing many important points about the various risks and dangers that an AI lie detector would possess. This is probably because your premise of AI not being able to be conscious is wrong. All matter has consciousness, including metals. This is something that Yogananda & Sri Yuktwesar have written about since some of these metals can be extraordinarily beneficial to humans, while others are absolutely not. AI machines are made from metals that do contain consciousness. In addition, just as humans can become possessed by negative entities or internally assisted spiritual masters that match their frequencies, AI machines can also be possessed or assisted by these same forces. That being said, I am sure you can see now how unwise and dangerous it would be for humanity to rely on AI as a lie detector at this stage of our development, here now just rising out of a very dark age with many minds still in the mire. Lie detecting is something we don't need machines for anyway, many people are intuitive enough to readily pick up on lies...

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Honest government???? That's really hard to imagine. Not only does this imply that the FBI must be either completely eliminated or totally and honestly re-made from the ground up. But the same has to apply to the CIA. Remember what William Casey (former CIA Chief) said? I do! "“We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False." If there ever was a statement that justified the elimination of the CIA, this should have been sufficient shortly after these words were spoken.

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Please tell your AI lie detector buddy not to sell to big corp.

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I would LOVE to have less lies and deception in the world - I'M SO SICK OF THE LIES AND DECEPTION!!!

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I strongly suspect that most of women's 'conversations' shall suddenly become NON-EXISTENT!

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But, doesn't that go for men, too?

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The apostle Paul said: 'All men are liars. But I am not lying!' Somehow this N.T. quote just doesn't quite, 'do it for me.' Perhaps you've heard the expression, 'Empty speech.' Of course, most of us are guilty of that at one time or another. But, my over 7 decades of experience with women does tend to put me in the corner of those who prefer not to have to hear much of what most women seem to want to talk about! I'm a retired Mechanical Engineer and I choose largely to deal with facts and figures.

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