Not true! According to Karen Kingston‘s sub stack, the vaccine companies do not have immunity from prosecution because they failed to make a safe and effective vaccine according to the requirements that they had with the US government under President Trump. Although they were given immunity during the emergency time period; according to Karen, they no longer have that immunity, and they are not immune from prosecution. However, the lame stream media want you to believe that because they’re trying to protect their advertising clients. The vaccine has been declared a bio weapon by the US military and the EU parliament amongst others. I say, sue their asses off if you have a case; maybe even try to get a class action put together. If you want to learn more about how to sue them check out Karen Kingston’s Substack. She’s a wealth of information, highly regarded. FREE
What about those of us who are mostly reclusive and don't hang out with vaxxed folks, aren't related to any vaxxed folks, and don't let strange vaxxed people near them when doing the once a month grocery shopping ?? Are there degree's of "Shedded on" ??
Doesn't fraud vitiate any contract or immunity? There is already in the public domain a mountain of evidence of fraud with regard to covid and the jabs.
Yes, but in open court (Jackson vs Pfizer) Pfizer has already admitted that they "delivered the fraud the government ordered." Would that be wilful misconduct if it were done in compliance of their contract with the government?
Well, if they were contracted to produce sludge, .... and then produced said Sludge, ... where's the noncompliance ?? Good thing Crimes Against Humanity has no bearing on their contractual fulfillment, I guess. More than one way to skin a rabid cat ??
Yes, sad but true. The rule of law is not even the pretense it always used to be any more. That's why we can't expect change to come from the top. It's up to us, the grass roots.
I agree, but I fear that "grass roots" has always been a little too weak to stand against such a mountain of corruption... (and a mountain of brainwashed lefty CNN/MSNBC brainwashed sheep)... but not if some fine older vax-injured Patriots start taking some of the most malignant bad guys "off the board"... THAT might start things moving nicely...
You're right about the grass roots. The advantage we have, and upon which we need to capitalize, is our number. "We are many, they are few."
Another problem is that, if a group/organization is formed and shows signs of being effective, it will quickly be infiltrated by law enforcement/FBI in an attempt to neutralize it.
Fortunately, we humans are creative and can be spontaneous and flexible in ways of which the Elohim/Archons/Anunnaki can only dream ;)
Would be nice to see a repeated quote, from many different perps, every time one of those shitbags is taken out. "There Are More Of US, Than There Are Of YOU !!". Just for the globalist shoe-shitting factor. lol
Yes,Lisa and the guardians call it the negative alien agenda and you couldn't dream of the depth of that attack extending to the corruption of mother earth herself,
With our corrupt "justice" and court system currently... I doubt much of anything will be done.
I agree the immunity deal was grossly violated from the start... perhaps some court cases will percolate up... to a point where a major decision to invalidate Big Pharma's immunity will be on the table... but that would mean for SURE bankrupting Moderna... and severely damaging or bankrupting Pfizer and J&J...
I agree nothing will be done by officials and/or the system. It's up to us to take them down. Effective action and change can only come from the grass roots.
Yes, that is such a shitty thing... pushing their poisons on to low-IQ sheep... and disappearing when the SHTF and the sheep start to die or become disabled... low or no blowback...
The Covid death-jabs... the penultimate example...
I anticipate there will be a grass-roots class action suit that will devastate at least one of the pharmas, aided by Fauci's lies, draconian tactics and a lack of empirical testing. But this will not happen, IMO, until after Jan 2025 and maybe not until 2026. It probably won't start in EU; those people are too accustomed to following orders - except for the farmers.
I hope so but doubt it... the corrupt courts would all have to be cleaned up, and Big Pharma OWNS too many politicians and can buy judges like Shitcan Chutkan, Engoron the Moron and Maggot Merchan cheap...
Still, since the immunity agreements were clearly and blatantly corrupt and bogus... there is hope...
Oh, so are all those evil pharma CEOs that don't have immunity from prosecution already in jail? What great news that Bourla and Bancel and Soirot are in jail for life! thanks to Karen. I wouldn't know this otherwise...
The Emergency time period for the vaxx in the USA remains in force until end of year and you can bet it will get extended. Yes, the pharma companies were willing accomplices and knowingly murdered people, but the US Govt is the mastermind behind this genocide.
Western Australia is still in a "state of Emergency"! That order gets renewed every few months by the Chief Health Officer without discusssion. We had our state border closed for 2 years.
True, they don't have immunity because of fraud, but who is going to prosecute? Lawyers that are vaxxed? Will judges who are vaxxed hear the case? Or will it go to a vaxxed state supreme court?
Perhaps it will be vaxxed with an axe to grind ?? Vaxxed lawyer with a dead vaxxed kid. A vaxxed Judge who's vaxxed wife now has Turbo Vaxx Cancer. A vaxxed Supreme Court with too many different examples of Vaxx Harm or death in their orbit. Imagine all the sneers and harsh judgements. Yeah, I know, but it's a nice daydream anyway.
Kingston can be a bit hysterical. Thinks Dr. Malone is out to kill her... went into hiding, either that or she checked into an asylum for a few weeks...
According to her, we are all doomed and soon, vaxxed and unvaxxed... so, as the Hillapig says... "What difference does it make?"
Fact: The only ones that actually received immunity from the Cov19 vaxes were the Vax companies!
Not true! According to Karen Kingston‘s sub stack, the vaccine companies do not have immunity from prosecution because they failed to make a safe and effective vaccine according to the requirements that they had with the US government under President Trump. Although they were given immunity during the emergency time period; according to Karen, they no longer have that immunity, and they are not immune from prosecution. However, the lame stream media want you to believe that because they’re trying to protect their advertising clients. The vaccine has been declared a bio weapon by the US military and the EU parliament amongst others. I say, sue their asses off if you have a case; maybe even try to get a class action put together. If you want to learn more about how to sue them check out Karen Kingston’s Substack. She’s a wealth of information, highly regarded. FREE
Btw, never tested, never Vaxxed.
It is a lovely feeling.
Same here
No you're not,swabbed and vaxxed have shedded to everyone else so we are all infected.
What about those of us who are mostly reclusive and don't hang out with vaxxed folks, aren't related to any vaxxed folks, and don't let strange vaxxed people near them when doing the once a month grocery shopping ?? Are there degree's of "Shedded on" ??
Well Done!
Have you noticed that the "Perps" (Fauci, etc.) of this Pox Upon Humanity are not as Brazenly Confident now as they were when this whole BSFS started?
Hmmm, well I have noticed that none of them is in jail though.......
Check out real raw news . Fake or real it really has some interesting stories
I think that is a parody site... several Trump jurors arrested...??
Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows hanged for treason?
Trump prosecutor Susan "Buffalo" Hoffinger taken to Gitmo for treason...??
Come ON, man!!
Yes, it's all crap. But the "If Only" factor sure turns it into entertaining reading from time to time. lol
THAT is true!
Check out records from Gitmo.. theye all “vacationed “there!!!
Reality to Gabrielle, reality to Gabrielle. Come in, please!
Doesn't fraud vitiate any contract or immunity? There is already in the public domain a mountain of evidence of fraud with regard to covid and the jabs.
I think the term is "willful misconduct". I have a relative that is an expert on product liability.
Yes, but in open court (Jackson vs Pfizer) Pfizer has already admitted that they "delivered the fraud the government ordered." Would that be wilful misconduct if it were done in compliance of their contract with the government?
Well, if they were contracted to produce sludge, .... and then produced said Sludge, ... where's the noncompliance ?? Good thing Crimes Against Humanity has no bearing on their contractual fulfillment, I guess. More than one way to skin a rabid cat ??
Yes, but there is a mountain of fraud in our DOJ and courts, and Big Pharma has massive tentacles... they own most politicians...
Yes, sad but true. The rule of law is not even the pretense it always used to be any more. That's why we can't expect change to come from the top. It's up to us, the grass roots.
I agree, but I fear that "grass roots" has always been a little too weak to stand against such a mountain of corruption... (and a mountain of brainwashed lefty CNN/MSNBC brainwashed sheep)... but not if some fine older vax-injured Patriots start taking some of the most malignant bad guys "off the board"... THAT might start things moving nicely...
You're right about the grass roots. The advantage we have, and upon which we need to capitalize, is our number. "We are many, they are few."
Another problem is that, if a group/organization is formed and shows signs of being effective, it will quickly be infiltrated by law enforcement/FBI in an attempt to neutralize it.
Fortunately, we humans are creative and can be spontaneous and flexible in ways of which the Elohim/Archons/Anunnaki can only dream ;)
Yes, we are well armed too...
I am hoping local LE will be on our side... the FBI certainly will not be.
Would be nice to see a repeated quote, from many different perps, every time one of those shitbags is taken out. "There Are More Of US, Than There Are Of YOU !!". Just for the globalist shoe-shitting factor. lol
Yes,Lisa and the guardians call it the negative alien agenda and you couldn't dream of the depth of that attack extending to the corruption of mother earth herself,
With our corrupt "justice" and court system currently... I doubt much of anything will be done.
I agree the immunity deal was grossly violated from the start... perhaps some court cases will percolate up... to a point where a major decision to invalidate Big Pharma's immunity will be on the table... but that would mean for SURE bankrupting Moderna... and severely damaging or bankrupting Pfizer and J&J...
Big Pharma OWNS a lot of BIG GOV.
I agree nothing will be done by officials and/or the system. It's up to us to take them down. Effective action and change can only come from the grass roots.
And a lot of air time on radio, tv, newspapers and online ads.
Yes, that is such a shitty thing... pushing their poisons on to low-IQ sheep... and disappearing when the SHTF and the sheep start to die or become disabled... low or no blowback...
The Covid death-jabs... the penultimate example...
I anticipate there will be a grass-roots class action suit that will devastate at least one of the pharmas, aided by Fauci's lies, draconian tactics and a lack of empirical testing. But this will not happen, IMO, until after Jan 2025 and maybe not until 2026. It probably won't start in EU; those people are too accustomed to following orders - except for the farmers.
I hope so but doubt it... the corrupt courts would all have to be cleaned up, and Big Pharma OWNS too many politicians and can buy judges like Shitcan Chutkan, Engoron the Moron and Maggot Merchan cheap...
Still, since the immunity agreements were clearly and blatantly corrupt and bogus... there is hope...
Oh, so are all those evil pharma CEOs that don't have immunity from prosecution already in jail? What great news that Bourla and Bancel and Soirot are in jail for life! thanks to Karen. I wouldn't know this otherwise...
My sarcasm meter is pinging. lol
The Emergency time period for the vaxx in the USA remains in force until end of year and you can bet it will get extended. Yes, the pharma companies were willing accomplices and knowingly murdered people, but the US Govt is the mastermind behind this genocide.
Western Australia is still in a "state of Emergency"! That order gets renewed every few months by the Chief Health Officer without discusssion. We had our state border closed for 2 years.
Attorneys don't want to touch it even with 5 feet long pole...
The laws and legal regulations were designed to be so complicated that even lawyrts themselves are lost this labyrinth...
True, they don't have immunity because of fraud, but who is going to prosecute? Lawyers that are vaxxed? Will judges who are vaxxed hear the case? Or will it go to a vaxxed state supreme court?
See the problem?
Perhaps it will be vaxxed with an axe to grind ?? Vaxxed lawyer with a dead vaxxed kid. A vaxxed Judge who's vaxxed wife now has Turbo Vaxx Cancer. A vaxxed Supreme Court with too many different examples of Vaxx Harm or death in their orbit. Imagine all the sneers and harsh judgements. Yeah, I know, but it's a nice daydream anyway.
True... btw, Shibumi is an XLNT book.
Yes, it is. That's why I picked it as my nic!
Kingston can be a bit hysterical. Thinks Dr. Malone is out to kill her... went into hiding, either that or she checked into an asylum for a few weeks...
According to her, we are all doomed and soon, vaxxed and unvaxxed... so, as the Hillapig says... "What difference does it make?"
Katherine Watt is also a great resource.
They do have immunity from vax. However, they do not have immunity from a genetic biological weapon, which is what this was.
Yes, a Key Point to be argued, for Vaccines that were properly researched...
There is No Statute of Limitations for Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide or Murder...
And media. many drs never took et al