Fact: The only ones that actually received immunity from the Cov19 vaxes were the Vax companies!

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Not true! According to Karen Kingston‘s sub stack, the vaccine companies do not have immunity from prosecution because they failed to make a safe and effective vaccine according to the requirements that they had with the US government under President Trump. Although they were given immunity during the emergency time period; according to Karen, they no longer have that immunity, and they are not immune from prosecution. However, the lame stream media want you to believe that because they’re trying to protect their advertising clients. The vaccine has been declared a bio weapon by the US military and the EU parliament amongst others. I say, sue their asses off if you have a case; maybe even try to get a class action put together. If you want to learn more about how to sue them check out Karen Kingston’s Substack. She’s a wealth of information, highly regarded. FREE

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Btw, never tested, never Vaxxed.


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It is a lovely feeling.

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Same here

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No you're not,swabbed and vaxxed have shedded to everyone else so we are all infected.https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/vax-shedding-is-real-and-can-kill

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What about those of us who are mostly reclusive and don't hang out with vaxxed folks, aren't related to any vaxxed folks, and don't let strange vaxxed people near them when doing the once a month grocery shopping ?? Are there degree's of "Shedded on" ??

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Well Done!

Have you noticed that the "Perps" (Fauci, etc.) of this Pox Upon Humanity are not as Brazenly Confident now as they were when this whole BSFS started?

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Hmmm, well I have noticed that none of them is in jail though.......

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Check out real raw news . Fake or real it really has some interesting stories

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I think that is a parody site... several Trump jurors arrested...??

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows hanged for treason?

Trump prosecutor Susan "Buffalo" Hoffinger taken to Gitmo for treason...??

Come ON, man!!

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Yes, it's all crap. But the "If Only" factor sure turns it into entertaining reading from time to time. lol

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Check out records from Gitmo.. theye all “vacationed “there!!!

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Reality to Gabrielle, reality to Gabrielle. Come in, please!

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Doesn't fraud vitiate any contract or immunity? There is already in the public domain a mountain of evidence of fraud with regard to covid and the jabs.

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I think the term is "willful misconduct". I have a relative that is an expert on product liability.

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Yes, but in open court (Jackson vs Pfizer) Pfizer has already admitted that they "delivered the fraud the government ordered." Would that be wilful misconduct if it were done in compliance of their contract with the government?

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Well, if they were contracted to produce sludge, .... and then produced said Sludge, ... where's the noncompliance ?? Good thing Crimes Against Humanity has no bearing on their contractual fulfillment, I guess. More than one way to skin a rabid cat ??

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Yes, but there is a mountain of fraud in our DOJ and courts, and Big Pharma has massive tentacles... they own most politicians...

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Yes, sad but true. The rule of law is not even the pretense it always used to be any more. That's why we can't expect change to come from the top. It's up to us, the grass roots.

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I agree, but I fear that "grass roots" has always been a little too weak to stand against such a mountain of corruption... (and a mountain of brainwashed lefty CNN/MSNBC brainwashed sheep)... but not if some fine older vax-injured Patriots start taking some of the most malignant bad guys "off the board"... THAT might start things moving nicely...

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You're right about the grass roots. The advantage we have, and upon which we need to capitalize, is our number. "We are many, they are few."

Another problem is that, if a group/organization is formed and shows signs of being effective, it will quickly be infiltrated by law enforcement/FBI in an attempt to neutralize it.

Fortunately, we humans are creative and can be spontaneous and flexible in ways of which the Elohim/Archons/Anunnaki can only dream ;)

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With our corrupt "justice" and court system currently... I doubt much of anything will be done.

I agree the immunity deal was grossly violated from the start... perhaps some court cases will percolate up... to a point where a major decision to invalidate Big Pharma's immunity will be on the table... but that would mean for SURE bankrupting Moderna... and severely damaging or bankrupting Pfizer and J&J...

Big Pharma OWNS a lot of BIG GOV.

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I agree nothing will be done by officials and/or the system. It's up to us to take them down. Effective action and change can only come from the grass roots.

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And a lot of air time on radio, tv, newspapers and online ads.

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Yes, that is such a shitty thing... pushing their poisons on to low-IQ sheep... and disappearing when the SHTF and the sheep start to die or become disabled... low or no blowback...

The Covid death-jabs... the penultimate example...

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I anticipate there will be a grass-roots class action suit that will devastate at least one of the pharmas, aided by Fauci's lies, draconian tactics and a lack of empirical testing. But this will not happen, IMO, until after Jan 2025 and maybe not until 2026. It probably won't start in EU; those people are too accustomed to following orders - except for the farmers.

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I hope so but doubt it... the corrupt courts would all have to be cleaned up, and Big Pharma OWNS too many politicians and can buy judges like Shitcan Chutkan, Engoron the Moron and Maggot Merchan cheap...

Still, since the immunity agreements were clearly and blatantly corrupt and bogus... there is hope...

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Oh, so are all those evil pharma CEOs that don't have immunity from prosecution already in jail? What great news that Bourla and Bancel and Soirot are in jail for life! thanks to Karen. I wouldn't know this otherwise...

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My sarcasm meter is pinging. lol

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The Emergency time period for the vaxx in the USA remains in force until end of year and you can bet it will get extended. Yes, the pharma companies were willing accomplices and knowingly murdered people, but the US Govt is the mastermind behind this genocide.

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Western Australia is still in a "state of Emergency"! That order gets renewed every few months by the Chief Health Officer without discusssion. We had our state border closed for 2 years.

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Attorneys don't want to touch it even with 5 feet long pole...

The laws and legal regulations were designed to be so complicated that even lawyrts themselves are lost this labyrinth...

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True, they don't have immunity because of fraud, but who is going to prosecute? Lawyers that are vaxxed? Will judges who are vaxxed hear the case? Or will it go to a vaxxed state supreme court?

See the problem?

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Perhaps it will be vaxxed with an axe to grind ?? Vaxxed lawyer with a dead vaxxed kid. A vaxxed Judge who's vaxxed wife now has Turbo Vaxx Cancer. A vaxxed Supreme Court with too many different examples of Vaxx Harm or death in their orbit. Imagine all the sneers and harsh judgements. Yeah, I know, but it's a nice daydream anyway.

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True... btw, Shibumi is an XLNT book.

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Yes, it is. That's why I picked it as my nic!

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Kingston can be a bit hysterical. Thinks Dr. Malone is out to kill her... went into hiding, either that or she checked into an asylum for a few weeks...

According to her, we are all doomed and soon, vaxxed and unvaxxed... so, as the Hillapig says... "What difference does it make?"

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Katherine Watt is also a great resource.

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They do have immunity from vax. However, they do not have immunity from a genetic biological weapon, which is what this was.

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Yes, a Key Point to be argued, for Vaccines that were properly researched...

There is No Statute of Limitations for Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide or Murder...

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And media. many drs never took et al

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Clif, honey, there is no way that you can describe what to expect after one dies. You can describe your death experience, but that was YOUR experience. Waaaaaay too many people have had documented NDE's and they report a most beautiful experience, so wonderful that many don't want to return to their corporeal body. Many see their dead relatives and resolve earthly issues with them. Sorry dude....I love ya but I ain't buying your after death shyte.

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Clif's an interesting guy but without a doubt he's a massive bullshit artist.

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He winds both truth and fiction together well. Guess it's up to choose and see which places there's stuff between the lines. I am only just listening to this. I've no idea what he's gonna say on the subject, but I daresay from reading I'm likely to continue to hold the views I do.

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How do u know this stuff is fiction. Prove your hypothesis. Where is the proof this is all b.s. nice to say it’s made up but prove it with actual facts and not from the internet deep state crap.

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Erm... You sound angry? Why? Come on Clif spins yarns. There's puzzles to solve in the fiction to find the fact. Didn't say he was spinning just fiction. Read properly before spouting at people. It's not the place to get angst, is it? I thought we all came here as we were of similar character?.Not really sure why you're getting at me.... Or are you just trolling?

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“You live in the image you have of the world. Every one of us lives in a different world, with different space and different time.” (Alejandro Jodorowsky)

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And u would know how….lmao. U guys come and go. Pls go.

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You are the voice of reason it seems lol

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Agree with you totally Chiwawa, I ain't buying it either. Too many to list other unquestionable examples of the other side of life. Cliff very good at telling you about the evil guys, waiting for him to tell us who the good guys are and the strength and value of love.

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If he can't describe it, how is it that others can?

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Excellent Point...

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Maybe he got a little taste of Hell?

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Is that the place that you go if you don't believe the priests of Jesus?

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Most of the "loving" christians will sure tell you that... as they claw your face off...

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Anti-Christian shillery pollutes the entire internet. Satanists despise Christians. You come here to gratuitously insult Christians a then in your next comment cast aspersions on God.

Hmmmm. Who could YOU be here representing? Not much of a mystery.

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Your psychotic hysteria makes you spew lies and hate. Some "christian"... typical though, of you pompous ignorant clowns... viciously attacking anyone that doesn't believe in your laughable mythology.

Clif doesn't buy the "christian" fairy tales either... so why are YOU here on his substack, you vile yeasty loud pig?

As Clif recommends... read Biglino's "The naked Bible"... might wake your big dumb ass up.

And who do you think I represent, Porky?

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There's good and bad in everyone, including "Christians". We are to try and do what's good while on this Earth. Heaven is for real, and so is Hell.

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NONE of us know if heaven or hell is for real... not me... not you. You can believe strongly, even until you turn blue in the face... and many do... but you simply don't KNOW.

I like to think that IF there is a supreme creator/life force, it is not as sadistic and psychotic enough to send any of its own creation to eternal torment in any "hell".

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For anyone who is interested in the actual Christian teaching about Heaven and Hell (as opposed to silly caricatures thereof), here is an excellent essay on that topic:

"The River of Fire" by Dr. Alexander Kalomiros


HINT: It is not what many people think that it is!

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" But why do men hate God? They hate Him not only because their deeds are dark while God is light, but also because they consider Him as a menace, as an imminent and eternal danger, as an adversary in court, as an opponent at law, as a public prosecutor and an eternal persecutor. To them, God is no more the almighty physician who came to save them from illness and death, but rather a cruel judge and a vengeful inquisitor."

I think this is pretty much spot on and has not changed. I am an agnostic/atheist not because I hate "God"... but because I simply cannot believe in a vengeful, psychotic, judgemental deity that sends "his" own creations to eternal torment. I and I do not do "dark deeds".

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My understanding is we all face God. Hell for us, is to be in His presence, wishing to be anywhere else.

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Like going to the principal's office?

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You wish.....!

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No, not the "priests" of Jesus, just God/Jesus.

I certainly don't want to find out!

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What do you expect from a person that trashes the Bible every chance he gets and doesn’t’ believe in either God or the Bible.

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Which god and which Bible. There are many.. 😄

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Nope. Only one God/Jesus. You had better figure that out real soon, or you may get a taste of Hell, too.

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I think u better do some research, we have been indoctrinated to believe this crap. There is so much strife as to all religions. Look at it logically, like George Carlin did. There is a white haired guy in the sky who is puttting fear into you by telling you if you don’t follow him you will burn in hell for all eternity. And there is fire and brimstone in this eternity. But…. Wait…..he loves you.

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Yeah, George Carlin is someone to look up to. He was funny to listen to, but that was all.

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He was a great guy... you sure sound bitter and hateful for one who supposedly lives in the bosom of Jesus' love...

IOW... typical loony "christian".

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Would you happen to know when Yahshuahs' birthday was and his date of death?.. 🤔

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I don't believe anyone knows, for sure, as there are different calendars used since Jesus's birth and resurrection. Listen to what Jonathan Cahn has to say about it.

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Cahn is a lowlife grifter and con-artist.

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Typical vicious, hateful lunatic comment.

IF there is a christian hell... YOU will burn in it for SURE.

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Too funny.. we are in hell already. How heavy is that body your carrying around?.. here's one for ya.. how many lives did your savior save from sacrifices?.especially the unborn?. 🤔

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Not MY savior, Kiddo... you must mean the screeching loon Carrie.

I wonder what her "christian" take is on this one:


Loving "god" indeed!!

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Programmed much? Anuddah abrahamic bully.

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And we have another rainlet's twat thinking there's only one God. And one Jesus jesus did not exist The way you think he did. actually it can't be proved. He existed at all, so take your mentally defunct Brain and go fuck yourself. The Bible is a pile of crap. It's the greatest bullshit story ever told.

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Hey, don't sugar coat it!! Come right out and tell her what you feel!


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I thought I was being subtle!!

I guess the woke censorship Czar deleted the comment... ah well...

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For decades I have thought of Organized Religion as the worlds oldest long-con. Bad part is that by the time they figure it out, they're dead. Kind of ingenious actually. lol

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It is, it is the greatest story ever told. Jesus is nothing more than a word made up 500 years ago and the Son of God actually means the S UN which is the bright light. The morning Light that comes up and is in the sky for twelve hours because without the sun there would be no you and me. But bible thumpers are so hungry to grab on to The whole line of bullshit and swallow but They will get their rude awakening.And I can't wait to see them all just like The woke left libtards, throwing themselves down on the ground, pounding their fists on the pavement. While screaming Jesus Christ just alive he's real, he's God. He's the king, no, that's not true.

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Nice language: shows your high IQ. Guess we will all find out, huh? Hopefully sooner than later.

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He does believe in god…just not the one in the Bible

Iisten, god is literally everything in existence. The Bible “gods” was not that lol

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Thank you. He doesn’t know any more than any other. He is not the last word, though he would like to be.

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Like the many billions of Buddhists, muslims, hindus and agnostics?

Let me guess... bound for hell to suffer in torment for eternity... right?

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Are you referring to me?.. The Kjver's don't read their Bible much. For it says earth was given to Satan.. Earth is hell..

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No, I referred to the nut-roll "religious christian" Carrie.

I agree with you,,, life is shitty... though I don't believe in satan anymore than I believe in any other mythological creature...

We are animals and animals can be vicious... and most often are.

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In 2015 there were remains found dated about 15, 000 yrs ago. They were half human, half Ape.. now if you study the oldest cuneform texts, you'll find the Annunaki, ( some say Elohim) took their DNA and mixed with Ape to eventually form Adamu.. mankind to be slaves..its lengthy, but if people actually seek the truth, they will find it.

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I am not surprised... I actually find that to be a positive... it explains humanity well, and there is no vicious, sadistic "God" waiting to send us to eternal torment... dead is dead and that suits me fine. Life stinks.

We STILL have half human, half apes running around... lots!

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Looks like the sect that is tailing Clif in real life is also haunting his Substack chats. The posts are laced with venom.

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Then why are YOU here, Fatty?

Your vibrator batteries go dead?

YOUR posts have plenty of "venom" and judgement, you pathetic roach... you will burn in hellfire for eternity for that... as you well know...

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very low, bad manners, and there's no hell. are you his stalker?

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Why stick YOUR nose in, Piggy?

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Like I said: Maybe he got a little taste of Hell, instead.

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Your fear is a stench.

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I don't fear, as fear gives satan his power.

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My sky wizard is better than your sky wizard

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near death AINT DEATH so he may be right and it may all be very personal as well...just saying!

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If what you say is true, then Clif did not die completely. He then, only had an NDE since he came back. So, he wouldn't really know would he? His opinions about death simply don't resonate with me due to my own spiritual experiences.

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What do you care?

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Someone had a Near Death Experience, ... and Didn't Die?? Can't "Come Back" if they didn't die, yes ?? Maybe it's just my own perspective, but I figure every NDE involves Death That Didn't Stick. It's still death.

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I've had 3 near death experiences. they are very real.. I didnt see any relatives but I went to the Hall of Records in one experience where there was millions of scrolls of everyones journey, and 'God' spoke to me and told me they werent ready for me yet. :-)

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ANYONE'S take on after-death is pure speculation, AKA bullcrap.

At least Clif admits he is a paranoid schizophrenic... sort of like a warning on his label...

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There's only one way to find out. In the meantime, enjoy the ride. 🙏🏼

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I had a NDE last August after a stomach operation and appendix removal. I had not eaten in 9 days. It changed me forever and I am convinced you are right about individual death experiences. It was so long and intense, most folks can't even listen to the story. A very individual experience, not even churches/pastors want to hear about it.

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We live in a simulation, when he die we are still in that simulation. You're right, Clif experienced his own Sim. I very much believe afterlife /between lives is indivualized.

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Totally agree!! Too many other NDEexperiences out there

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Refused to be Jabbed and never PCR'd... lots of peer harassment for our position tho...

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The people of the past responsible for poisoning water wells, poisoning crops, and coin clipping are the same people doing it today; but today it's called, fluoride, GMOs, and inflation.

Same shit different century; no matter how many times they are kicked out of their host nation(s)....

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Name stealers, poisoners, Satanists.

They won't stop until they are stopped.

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Just wait until we see what the millions of Biden's illegals do when their benefits stop and their EBT cards go dark...

It will make the 'Summer of love" look like a kiddie birthday party.

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A lot of them are on salary in the employ of the UN.

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Welp, if they are supplied with NATO arms, .... they are all still just disposable 5.56 delivery mules, to me.

And likely lesser trained as well. Easy pickin's.

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They're not Biden's when you really learn about the Jews in government(s) and NGOs, but yea, the welfare class and debt class together are going to lose their shit when the economic rug is finally pulled out from under the people.

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Jun 8Edited

I believe the saying goes ... nothing new under the Sun.

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Yes, and coal ash and seed oils and...and...and :(

But I think the "people" doing it are hiding behind Jews/Jewishness/antisemitism. In some ways, the Jews are their victims/patsies.

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You'd be surprised.

Zoom out - Jews warship and cater to the Elohim in a manner that garners them favor, i.e. "God's chosen people". However, the Elohim are not God(s).

Zoom in - The Jews are not the only ones involved in dark psychology and epi-dysgenics.

Go to: gtvflyers.com

Go to: europathelastbattle.net (watch the 10-hour documentary and consider deprogramming)

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THANK you.

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Not vaxed, not one PCR test. Had to file a bk to do it though!!!! F them!!!!!

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GOP Convention is on July 15. Trump slated for jail sentencing on July 11 ... it's being watched worldwide? could be.

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Looks like here is a fly in Maggot Merchan's ointment of corruption and manipulation... a juror appears to have told his cousin he would be voting guilty... BEFOR the trial had ended... who posted some crap on Facebook about it... which is cause for mistrial...

IMO... Merchan was so incredibly crooked and lawless in his behavior, he may be trying to escape repercussions and disbarment via a mistrial.

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I hope it ends the madness of Maggot Merchan... the other Bozo traitor turds seem to have been stymied...

IMO, there is a real possibility that Merchan is doing this to escape what is in store for him for his criminal abuse of the legal system... and until he actually files his judgement and sentence... TRUMP is not convicted and not a felon.

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Well, yes, we're at war and the legal system has been trashed/destroyed, what little credibility it had left eviscerated. I didn't know that about filing judgement/sentence. Interesting and encouraging. But even avoiding conviction when it's on a technicality is not ideal; but, as mentioned, this is war so nothing is ideal. Hopefully another victory for ONI/Trump over CIA/Obama/Biden, etc.

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Love you Clif!

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Respectfully Clif...how do you know? Please share your experiences instead of just telling us like it is so...

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He has gone into his experiences.

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Salutogenic Medicine. Paul Kalnins YouTube. Intense knowledge.

Andrew Kaufman breaks down terrain and germ theory.

What they are using for a germ theory is basically biological energy weapons. They contrive codes as viruses similar to a computer. And they try to hack the energetic frequencies of the immune system’s. But if you are somehow, at a higher frequency with your mind, body and spirit , the virus codes that these evil daemonic motherfuckers continue to try to do you are not normally affected by that so much.

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Spineless pussies on covid mask... Interestingly, I began wearing a Zorro mask and nobody challenged me. Perhaps my Fuck Joe Biden or Fuck Fauci tee shirt discouraged confrontation too, don't know, don't care. Mock fools mercilessly.

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans

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I have a bunch of videos about the Black death and poisoning of the wells that I found a couple years ago. This is the first time I've heard anyone talk about it since.

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I'd like to incl some citable info in my family history if you would please share? thanks

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They're all over bitchute, start with this search: https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=death%20well&kind=video&sort=new

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There were these two girls in my class sick as dogs. That was November before it was officially here.

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I, and another person I know were also very sick that November.

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Yoichi Shimatsu, former investigative reporter - and other titles in his positions - wrote an article (it’s at rense under Yoichi Shimatsu, left column) about some kind of military games in China (?) in October of that year, 2019, and a connection to ____. When I read it, being very sick in November made sense. An odd connection of dots, but they are there. If nothing else, interesting.

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George Webb also wrote a lot about it.

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Loads of people were already sick in the summer of 2019 around Fort Detrick and Fort Belvoir Community Hospital. CDC/Redfield even admitted in testimony to Congress in April 2020 that it was "probably" covid.

Some of those people were on the US team at the Military World Games in Wuhan, China in October 2019. The US team won almost no medals because most of them were too sick to compete.

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These things said, and many others heard and observed, it is highly likely that nearly no one has been exempted from the effects of this bodily invasion. Most likely exposed in one way or another. A very slick operation indeed, has been put in place, methinks. Mitigate however you can, I suppose.

My oldest dog is very sick - she’s nearly 18. I notice her looking around, as if savoring what she’s seeing, probably smelling, as dogs do. Of the many things we can do, that seems to be a beneficial and comforting one. Do that - put those “vibes” into your own personal “standing wave of vibration.” (Clif High). In that way, perhaps they will be carried on ad infinitum - beautiful, peaceful and orderly things.

I don’t know, but it’s as good a story as any other. And slightly comforting.

Thank you, Tirion, for prompting this in me.

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Cool. No doubt we can all learn a great deal from our dogs. They are such a blessing and, to me, quite inspirational - 5th dimensional creatures anchored here in the 3rd. They perceive so much that we can't. May your old lady continue in joy, love and grace. Bless her.

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I caught something back when the Delta variant was going around, it was August of 2021, it hit me quick, One night I had a scratchy throat and I woke up the next morning with a cough and severely sick. I didn't go to the doctor or get a test, Had I done all of that I could have been paid for my time off, yeah no thanks, they would have put me on a respirator, and I would have been toast. 1 out of 32 people that went on a respirator lived, the rest died.

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You would probably also get into any college if you said you were gay, bi, trans +++++ !

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But would you want to if you weren't?

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Maybe, beat them at this stupid game. It's discriminatory to ask personal questions so how would they know? On the other hand I would not dress up in Butch to prove the point!

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I studied Geodesy in the late 70's. It was mostly math, took economics and philosophy electives mostly. No propaganda that I can detect.

School was fun back then, now I think it would be more of an ordeal.

But most of what I know I learned from books, videos and experimentation.

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Commercial A.M. radio was rolled out at the same time the Spanish Flue came. Now tht is interesting.

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Have you seen Frances Leader's work on the role of EMF radiation in sickness?


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now I have. Thank you

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Also electrical power lines every where!!!! If which proves that electricity Dirty electricity is the problem.

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