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Nope. Only one God/Jesus. You had better figure that out real soon, or you may get a taste of Hell, too.

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I think u better do some research, we have been indoctrinated to believe this crap. There is so much strife as to all religions. Look at it logically, like George Carlin did. There is a white haired guy in the sky who is puttting fear into you by telling you if you don’t follow him you will burn in hell for all eternity. And there is fire and brimstone in this eternity. But…. Wait…..he loves you.

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Yeah, George Carlin is someone to look up to. He was funny to listen to, but that was all.

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He was a great guy... you sure sound bitter and hateful for one who supposedly lives in the bosom of Jesus' love...

IOW... typical loony "christian".

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Uhhh, I think it's you who sounds bitter and hateful, as you have allowed the evil one to control your thoughts.

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You're an ignorant fool just like all the rest of the bible thumpers

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Would you happen to know when Yahshuahs' birthday was and his date of death?.. 🤔

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I don't believe anyone knows, for sure, as there are different calendars used since Jesus's birth and resurrection. Listen to what Jonathan Cahn has to say about it.

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Cahn is a lowlife grifter and con-artist.

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I don't know about that, but I do know that he is very knowledgeable about Biblical history.

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Typical vicious, hateful lunatic comment.

IF there is a christian hell... YOU will burn in it for SURE.

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Too funny.. we are in hell already. How heavy is that body your carrying around?.. here's one for ya.. how many lives did your savior save from sacrifices?.especially the unborn?. 🤔

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Not MY savior, Kiddo... you must mean the screeching loon Carrie.

I wonder what her "christian" take is on this one:


Loving "god" indeed!!

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You're forgetting that the devil has full reign of this Earth right now. Blame him for all of the bad and evil happening in these end times, not God. We were all given free will. The choices you make are yours. God wants us to use our COMMON SENSE and discernment.

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YOU are forgetting that your beliefs are all based on ancient mythology. You know nothing of "God" or what "his" (lol) intentions are.

"free will"... free to what?? You can spout your own laughable beliefs all day... changes nothing.

Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible"... might wake you up

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Just someone else's opinion. We all will have to answer to God, our Creator for our transgressions while in this life on Earth, whether you choose to believe it or not. Why take a chance?

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No we don't. And stop bullying w/fear-of-gawd porn.

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Biglino and Paul Wallis...also Billy Carson. Mythvision!! All good references

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Programmed much? Anuddah abrahamic bully.

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And we have another rainlet's twat thinking there's only one God. And one Jesus jesus did not exist The way you think he did. actually it can't be proved. He existed at all, so take your mentally defunct Brain and go fuck yourself. The Bible is a pile of crap. It's the greatest bullshit story ever told.

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Hey, don't sugar coat it!! Come right out and tell her what you feel!


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I thought I was being subtle!!

I guess the woke censorship Czar deleted the comment... ah well...

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For decades I have thought of Organized Religion as the worlds oldest long-con. Bad part is that by the time they figure it out, they're dead. Kind of ingenious actually. lol

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It is, it is the greatest story ever told. Jesus is nothing more than a word made up 500 years ago and the Son of God actually means the S UN which is the bright light. The morning Light that comes up and is in the sky for twelve hours because without the sun there would be no you and me. But bible thumpers are so hungry to grab on to The whole line of bullshit and swallow but They will get their rude awakening.And I can't wait to see them all just like The woke left libtards, throwing themselves down on the ground, pounding their fists on the pavement. While screaming Jesus Christ just alive he's real, he's God. He's the king, no, that's not true.

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Your description made me think how embarrassing it must be, to be that person. I think it's a she, a very ugly one with glasses, screaming at the sky, the image everyone has seen a thousand times in the last few years. Eeeks, I'd really hate to be them. lol But seeing tens of millions of them would be another story. Perhaps she/it was just a bit of predictive programming, ?? How benevolent of the globalist fucks, to get us ready for religious folk losing their minds. lmao

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Nice language: shows your high IQ. Guess we will all find out, huh? Hopefully sooner than later.

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