For a smart guy you're pretty dumb. You believe covid is real,look into some old medical books on coronaviruses,they are variations of the common cold,so,you never had covid because that actual virus was never isolated in a lab ever. Stop saying you had covid it's a lie,plus how would you know you had it unless you took a covid test whic…
For a smart guy you're pretty dumb. You believe covid is real,look into some old medical books on coronaviruses,they are variations of the common cold,so,you never had covid because that actual virus was never isolated in a lab ever. Stop saying you had covid it's a lie,plus how would you know you had it unless you took a covid test which from day 1 produced false positives. Is someone controlling and paying you now? Do they have long noses? Elongated skulls and attached earlobes?
Oh shut up. You people who can't read between the lines, or get his vernacular or humor just need to STFU until you do. NOT ONE of you whiny tit dopes knows more than him, so stop trying to prove you do. You don't, & you never will. Accept your limitations & work to expand them before you criticize people you will never excel over.
I agree with him, viruses do not exist, but I'm not sure what Clif actually said. He did say he got it but also that the science is bullshit, so I don't know what he said.
We've sort of applied the label "covid" to strange, weird symptoms that don't fit what we have experienced with other ailments. I had something a couple years back that was unlike anything I'd ever felt - thought I might be having a stroke! But how would one diagnose and label it if there isn't a slide, test tube or petri dish in the world (verified) with a control sample of the "dissease"? Or if there isn't even a reliable test, if you knew what you were looking at?
My immediate reaction was twofold: 1st off, in 2019-20, it was a toxic biological weapon of unknown provenance. We WERE attacked. Second, later, some weird reaction to (and this makes sense from a certain point of view - sorry, didn't mean to quote Obi One Kenobi) stress. Clif said it: he'd been attacked, was under duress because of it, his wife became very ill, and subsequent (psychic, mental, emotional) disturbance to his balance. Makes perfect sense. Weird physical reaction occurs. Even someone as grounded as Clif would react. We give up and say, "Okay, I had covid." Good thing he knows how to treat such invasions.
LOL! I suppose, but it is something of a gaslighting to give the nod to viruses, particularly someone like Clif who is very succinct in what he says. I learn the occasional new word from him.
It's the shedding of the bioweapon that gives everyone affected what is commonly referred to as Covid. Easier to just refer to that occurrence with a word for it.
Mullis exposed the impossibility of using the PCR test for Covid. I have always wondered why nobody ever talks about it. Seems odd to me.
Yes, John, but that is the preferred method of testing by the medical community. Just keep cranking up the cycles until it's winner winner chicken dinner.
i agree....using covid gives credence. Use the term bio weapon, shedding or could be just a flu. This does gives me critical thinking about validity of cliff.....keep mind and eyes open. Crypto is planned controlled narrative. It was designed by Thomas and Elon. View boyd and his confirmed back story...
I highly recommend the work of Dr. Sam & Mark Bailey if you want to see the extensive evidence that shows this to be true. Dr. Sam also contributed to the groundbreaking book VIRUS MANIA. It's about the terrain of one's physiology, not some contagious virus that makes people sick. Ex Pfizer doc, Michael Yeadon has also spoken out extensively about this. Here's a quote from Dr. Sam regarding VIRUS MANIA:
“Pasteur finally became aware of all of this, quoting Bernard’s dictum —“the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything”—on his deathbed. But Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), known as the father of chemotherapy, adhered to the interpretation that Robert Koch preached: i.e. that microbes were the actual causes of disease. For this reason, Ehrlich, who his competitors called “Dr. Fantasy,“ dreamed of “chemically aiming” at bacteria, and decisively contributed to helping the “magic bullets” doctrine become accepted, by treating very specific illnesses successfully with very specific chemo-pharmaceutical preparations. This doctrine was a gold rush for the rising pharmaceutical industry with their wonder-pill production. “But the promise of the magic bullet has never been fulfilled,” writes Allan Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard Medical School.[11]"
Fuck Dr Sam. She is just another sellout grifter from NZ. NZ biggest YT channel, if she wasn't a 2 faced witch her channel would have been deleted and she would have faced jail. She will push whatever gets her attention and makes her money. You know she was a TV presenter? You know she pushed mammograms right up until when the pandemic started?
For a smart guy you're pretty dumb. You believe covid is real,look into some old medical books on coronaviruses,they are variations of the common cold,so,you never had covid because that actual virus was never isolated in a lab ever. Stop saying you had covid it's a lie,plus how would you know you had it unless you took a covid test which from day 1 produced false positives. Is someone controlling and paying you now? Do they have long noses? Elongated skulls and attached earlobes?
Oh shut up. You people who can't read between the lines, or get his vernacular or humor just need to STFU until you do. NOT ONE of you whiny tit dopes knows more than him, so stop trying to prove you do. You don't, & you never will. Accept your limitations & work to expand them before you criticize people you will never excel over.
I agree with him, viruses do not exist, but I'm not sure what Clif actually said. He did say he got it but also that the science is bullshit, so I don't know what he said.
We've sort of applied the label "covid" to strange, weird symptoms that don't fit what we have experienced with other ailments. I had something a couple years back that was unlike anything I'd ever felt - thought I might be having a stroke! But how would one diagnose and label it if there isn't a slide, test tube or petri dish in the world (verified) with a control sample of the "dissease"? Or if there isn't even a reliable test, if you knew what you were looking at?
My immediate reaction was twofold: 1st off, in 2019-20, it was a toxic biological weapon of unknown provenance. We WERE attacked. Second, later, some weird reaction to (and this makes sense from a certain point of view - sorry, didn't mean to quote Obi One Kenobi) stress. Clif said it: he'd been attacked, was under duress because of it, his wife became very ill, and subsequent (psychic, mental, emotional) disturbance to his balance. Makes perfect sense. Weird physical reaction occurs. Even someone as grounded as Clif would react. We give up and say, "Okay, I had covid." Good thing he knows how to treat such invasions.
LOL! I suppose, but it is something of a gaslighting to give the nod to viruses, particularly someone like Clif who is very succinct in what he says. I learn the occasional new word from him.
Clif doesn't even know what the fuck he says, year to year OR day to day. LULZ
Wow such an exceller you are
It's the shedding of the bioweapon that gives everyone affected what is commonly referred to as Covid. Easier to just refer to that occurrence with a word for it.
Mullis exposed the impossibility of using the PCR test for Covid. I have always wondered why nobody ever talks about it. Seems odd to me.
What's to say? PCR is not a Covid test, the inventor said so and Covid doesn't exist anyway.
Yes, John, but that is the preferred method of testing by the medical community. Just keep cranking up the cycles until it's winner winner chicken dinner.
Heh, yup.
i agree....using covid gives credence. Use the term bio weapon, shedding or could be just a flu. This does gives me critical thinking about validity of cliff.....keep mind and eyes open. Crypto is planned controlled narrative. It was designed by Thomas and Elon. View boyd and his confirmed back story...
Shut up. You'll learn more if you do.
Hi Human, I don't think Clif is dumb but you are correct that the "covid virus" does not exist. I wrote about this in an article titled, How Nocebo Effects Fuel False Pandemics -
I highly recommend the work of Dr. Sam & Mark Bailey if you want to see the extensive evidence that shows this to be true. Dr. Sam also contributed to the groundbreaking book VIRUS MANIA. It's about the terrain of one's physiology, not some contagious virus that makes people sick. Ex Pfizer doc, Michael Yeadon has also spoken out extensively about this. Here's a quote from Dr. Sam regarding VIRUS MANIA:
“Pasteur finally became aware of all of this, quoting Bernard’s dictum —“the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything”—on his deathbed. But Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), known as the father of chemotherapy, adhered to the interpretation that Robert Koch preached: i.e. that microbes were the actual causes of disease. For this reason, Ehrlich, who his competitors called “Dr. Fantasy,“ dreamed of “chemically aiming” at bacteria, and decisively contributed to helping the “magic bullets” doctrine become accepted, by treating very specific illnesses successfully with very specific chemo-pharmaceutical preparations. This doctrine was a gold rush for the rising pharmaceutical industry with their wonder-pill production. “But the promise of the magic bullet has never been fulfilled,” writes Allan Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard Medical School.[11]"
I believe the covid bio weapon exists. Come on you dumbasses
Fuck Dr Sam. She is just another sellout grifter from NZ. NZ biggest YT channel, if she wasn't a 2 faced witch her channel would have been deleted and she would have faced jail. She will push whatever gets her attention and makes her money. You know she was a TV presenter? You know she pushed mammograms right up until when the pandemic started?
Yes, I am aware of her TV presentation years and that she, along with many of us, used to believe the lies of Big Pharma. We've all done wrong things in the past and thankfully many have become more aware, it's how we learn. We can either stay resentful about this or we can recognize it as a natural aspect of human evolution. I love Dr. Sam, and am so grateful for her work. If you have a personal gripe with her, you can also contact her directly as she's on substack and just released this excellent interview with Christine Massey "Don't Trust Public Health":
Sage Hannah on Substack has done a good job shining some sanitizing uv rays on the Bailey's machinations and role reading dissidents into the script.
Oh say ye