Hey Clif, I am a beekeeper. As far as I am concerned all of my honey is curative. The honeybee goes to a flower and collects the nectar. You say that going to this Black Seed Oil ?? incorporates that item into the honey. You are correct in that, however, unless you have an entire field, 5 miles in circumference, that the bees are going to and that you harvest that honey immediately after the plant stops blooming, you cannot call that honey pure to the black seed oil. It will certainly have that nectar in the honey, but you cannot guarantee that the honey bee did not go to some other flower in the mean time. Bees forage from 3-5 miles. If your patch of flowers is not at least that size, you do not know where the bees have gone.
In Spring where I live, we have a Tulip Poplar Tree that blooms for quite an extended time. When I see the frames full of dark thick rich honey, I am of the assumption that it is Tulip Poplar honey, but I cannot advertise it that way because immediately after the Tulip Poplar is done blooming, clover it right there for the bees to forage on.
This is also why there is no such thing as organic honey!! You have no idea where that bee went in the 5 miles radius and with all the chem trailing and poisoning going on, the only one that can claim organic honey is that individual with an organic farm for at least a 5 mile radius!!! Even then you must factor in the chem trails.
All pure raw honey is medicinal. I eat a teaspoon every morning. Honey is also alkaline. Cancer does not do well in an alkaline environment.
I LOVE being a Beekeeper. It is the most fascinating work that I have ever done.
The bees this year worked my basil , rosemary , oregano , broccoli flowers , numerous flowering shrubs and plantings like never before - huge swarms - where I could hear them before seeing them - they like the no chemical used anywhere
Do you think the bees from neighboring areas might have gotten in on the harvest? In our area, even though we garden organically, we used to have wild honey bees and their close relations, trichogramma wasps and hornets. This year, despite living in a protected area and having a high percentage of neighbors who garden organically, we only saw bumblebees and hornets. I have siblings who are anaphylactic on bees, but I am the only gardener among us, and have never been stung by honeybees. I have a feeling working hives might be pushing my luck. I am going to increase my plantings of flowers and herbs next year, and hope for more bees.
There where so many bees all summer in the garden and the herb and flower planting areas that I'm thinking of getting a beehive started as I eat honey every day and the real stuff has gotten pretty pricey
We had a serious increase in pollinators of all kinds when we planted various perennial companion flowers and herbs in the gardens and under the trees. We've also been using electroculture concepts, meaning copper wires wrapped garden stakes or copper pipes to stake trees and plants, and the results have been amazing. We also amend the soil with humic shale. We use no chemicals on the plants or soil.
This is good advice. I do have diverse flowers/pollinating type the bees usually love. But alas still not many. There gardens around me, no doubt us glyphosate sprays. Grrrr!!! I do use electro culture as well and have some sticks ready to place around the garden very soon. Thanks for your tips.
Just Youtube and Bitchute it. It is everywhere. This past year, Deep South Homestead experimented with it on their program. I use it. I have sandy loom, and nothing grows here, so I use it to defeat it. Also have a chem buster with lots of copper in the dirt. My Oak trees are far greener and fuller than those anywhere around me.
my neighbor has put some up the last two years...not heard them gushing about the results tho...maybe the Cu is protecting us all from the Cell tower behind our houses....
I started with CultivateElevate.com and chased around information on orgone and cloud buster guy (whose name has escaped) and Information on making orgonites. Information on "sacred geometry" is helpful but a broad approach. I'm using the ratios of the fibonacci spiral to make a spiral Olathe the top of my copper wired garden stakes. The spiral needs to turn clockwise in the northern hemisphere toward the soil. The energy mores in the direction of clockwise, in the northern hemisphere. The geometry of the energy movement is simple, but I haven't seen it addressed many places. I've just figured it out by drawing diagrams and bending wire. These lots of information of you look. Apologies for my pathetic typing.
You might enjoy the pdf Making a Perone Hive. I found it when researching using the golden mean to make bee hives. Perhaps you.might like to try building hives this way. It creates an environment gor healthier, more productive hives. I have also questioned using sugar water to over winter the hives. Corn syrup used to maKe the sugar water that contains Btx corn will kill the bees. Btw, I just searched bee hives and golden mean and found the Perone information.
Have you seen black bees, exacrly like a honey bee but black. I researched them and it was hard to find anything but it said they don’t have a hive, they build a small cone or something and live alone. I feel this is another new species. My anoles, a small lizard that changes from green to brown, have a new pattern down their spine. I’ve had these around me for 70 years and I absolutely know they have a new pattern. It’s more like a spiral pattern than ever before this year.
The Russian honeybee (Apis mellifera) that originate in the Primorsky Krai region of Russia. This strain of bee was imported into the United States in 1997. It is a very dark bee. Also when the Bees were first brought to the US (they are not native) they called it a German Black Bee. When a Queen bee mates, she mates with around 13 to 15 drones. This gives her diversity to lay eggs from the different drones. Some of these Bees can be very dark.
I also am a beekeeper here in Ireland and while I agree with most of your words there is wriggle room in me calling our honey Blackthorn or Elderflower or indeed Ivy being collected at specific times of the year. As for 'organic', well, on a poisoned planet it's surely all a matter of degree. Uranium could be classified as 'organic' as can Barium, Strontium or derivatives of Bauxite? idk for sure but unless it does not occur in nature or has unnatural production as in intensive commercial farming surely it must be organic ... purity is another matter.
I see your point on perfectly pure blackseed oil honey, I'd say that is close to impossible unless they're in a controlled environment like a geodesic dome! I'd imagine a honey like that would be dynamite and command a huge price due to curative ie; cleansing properties!
btw, I consume about a pound of honey a week, have eaten Royal Jelly for 45 years and feel like an 18 year old at 64 just yesterday... it makes up for my many foibles.
And even though you can not say that the blackseed oil honey as only that, there is still an amount of it in the honey and can still be considered medicinal.
Congratulations for posting the first comments. Stung a few too many times, that poison becomes your immunity to survival. The rattlesnake venom is the same as the bee. Local honey at the Farmers Mkt & don't forget the bee pollen.
I'm into Forest/Layer/Permie style gardening - none of my debris and compost leave the yard. So I have compost piles within throwing distance anywhere in the yard. I have noticed that, especially with canes from p. hemlock, garlics, etc that small bees/wasps will live in the stalks. and the general cocaphauny(sp?) of matter provides shelter for many an insect, et al. So I've seen a good influx of the tinies over the years (10 yo garden), I also left a paper mud wasp hive up in the awning and believe they may have contributed to "protecting" the yard from ground wasps. I've still got loads of lady bird nymphs and coccoons still now.
Yes, - it is medicinal. Like I said in my first post, ALL REAL RAW Honey is medicinal. The main thing that is does for people is to lesson allergies. This is because the honey contains pollen grains. These pollens when ingested helps your body build a resistance to the pollens, therefore reducing allergies.
The way to determine if it is real honey is by the pollen grains. Honey that is shipped from china (& other countries) have all the pollen processed out. (pasteurization). The pollen grains helps to identify where the honey is from. Those that lace it with HFCS do not want you to know where it is from. There is a documentary out called "More Than Honey" It explains how those shipping fake honey from other countries do it. Very educational movie!!
When I moved to another state and my sinuses met new pollen, I took local bee pollen - a pinch each day - for a year. Voila! No more allergies. EVER! No sinus issues. No sinus headaches.
The Honey Bee is an amazing insect made by our creator. I will never know all about this amazing bug. I just know that I Love this hobby of 15 years and I will probably be doing this until the day I leave this earth (or at least be teaching it)!!
Interesting tidbit, honey does not go bad and if it does crystalize it can be reconstituted by heating it. BUT if you heat it in the microwave, it loses its longevity and it will go bad.
I use my microwave to heat water or cold tea, I'm rethinking that. I should probably just reclaim the space it takes.
on the other hand - they're a great source of a coil for a home-made energy-throwing-machine - last i checked one can still get instructables on yt, roasting marshmallows at a distance...if one's into that sorta thing...
I would disagree with you. There is a company in Wisconsin who sells honey that comes from the rain forest and another that comes from the Andes mountains. The places where these two honeys are harvested are so far away from anything else that it is not possible for the honey to be a mixed blend, other than FLOWERS FROM THE MOUNTAINS AND THE RAINFOREST.
. . . the point of this thread is 'What is pure' honey and pure specialty honeys and the suggestion is it doesn't exist anymore in the west but there are places where it can come damn close - you're not likely to see those in your local supermarket but their claims are bold ... bare faced liars, actually! eg; Aldi & Lidl here in W. Europe, so called organic honey, you can smell the syrup! Lol
We live deep in the Tipperary mountains, Eire, and I can tell you the whitethorn flower and elderflower honey is about as pure as it gets with the consideration of chem trails but bc there is so much rain any farm field contamination is flushed, what few of the mountainy folk here that use any chems. Lol
Good luck finding ONE STATE (county) in this entire USA that someone is not using that crap??!!?? Therefore your statement really does not say anything!! We ALL want pure everything! Because of ass hats that think they need to use chemicals - nothing is PURE ANYMORE!! If you don't have farm chems - you have chem trails. Like I said GOOD LUCK in that venture!!!
Those honeys would be good for wound healing. Quick story.....my neighbor has lost both his legs to diabetes. One of the amputations would not heal. The neighbor got my honey and applied it to the infected area. The wound healed an now he has been fitted for a prosthesis. Those honeys would be considered a mixed blend because you really do not know what the bees foraged on to make it.
Hmmm never thought about that. Here is my "Woo" thoughts. You know that without bees, we not only do not have honey, but we do not have pollination for seeds and the fruits of the plant. So around 1987, I think that the mites (from Asia) that are supposedly plaguing the honey bee at this time, was brought here - on purpose. It was brought here so that big pharm could sell more poisons to put in the hives. Kill all the bees......you eventually starve the people or at least reduce the production of food.
I tell this to my Bee groups and they just roll their eyes. But this plan has backfired on them because many beekeepers refuse to "treat" their hives with poisons. I am one that breeds from survival stock. There are bees that will bite the legs off of this mite and when the mite loses a leg...it dies!!! The Bees control the population of the mites in the hive. A strong hive can keep them under control. Those that continue to put poisons in their hives make their bees "WIMPY" and dependent on the chemicals.
Seems to me that the same plan they have for the Bees is the same plan they have for us.
Where do you live. States in the US are devastated whole towns gone as of yesterday all in red areas. I wish what you said is true 30” of rain up to rooftops, roads gone!!
Yes, Asheville, N.C. cut off from world, no in-or-out. Floods in Tenn. Florida devastated; parts of Georgia flooded. And get ready for this, there is a new hurricane expected to form in the Gulf of Mexico late next week. They say it's headed for New Orleans or Texas. But you never know with hurricanes.
It’s also like they’re rubbing our noses in the fact they manipulate the weather. They once had rules never to use the name of a Hurricane again yet there was a hurricane Helene in the 50’s that followed a similar path but did in fact hit the same areas. So in our face. I don’t let anything rile me anymore thouhh because I know they want us angry and violent.
Yea, I think the Deep State did this to Florida because Desantis won't release the 2nd attempted assassination shooter. These nit-wits really fight like evil sissies.
Us Truthers tend to live in an echo chamber of seeing thru the bullshit, but is EVERY hurricane or storm "GUIDED SEEDED AND STEERED" now ? Or are we just so full of ourselves that we can't imagine that a hurricane could actually naturally manifest and strike? Are we too overpopulated to where we've become collectively fucking stupid whether we're Normies or See Thru All The Bullshit? Ignorance is bliss and I suggest you realize that hurricanes and political and military and things we can't see or understand have been going on long before 1950 but it's up to each of us to decide whether we let it bother us, or feed the soul-suckers our loosh.
Asheville, NC is a hard Lefist Blue area---Communist types--not a Red area at all---I lived there and my old home in Asheville is GONE! Washed away! 2 major damns collapsed and my old home in East Tennessee is wasted too.---It is a conservative area but Asheville is NOT!
Well, my home in East Tennessee was only about 20 minutes from Asheville----just on the other side of the Blue Ridge Mountains portion where I lived. Over the hill and I'm there. I used to fish in that now gone lake and fish in the Nolichucky River (once known as the Cherokee River).
I was able to attend MardiGras in Orleans one year. Best damn time ever. But when Fat Tuesday at 6pm arrived, it was over. The next day people were no longer friendly nor happy to see you.
Helene's eye came right over where I live - S. GA. 10" rain. What we got was 90-100 MPH winds. Power lines down everywhere. Power poles snapped in two. Fallen trees - a LOT of big oaks and tall pines -- on the lines. No deaths that I now. No electricity till 10/3-4? One town has electricity and no water! Not into cold showers! I was lucky: a few limbs broken off trees. No electricity for 2 days.
Hello Woo family! Sorry to be late. We went out and had lunch with some friends today. It’s beautiful here in Montana, but I am sure that we will feel the effects of the storm at some point soon. I pulled out the last of my pumpkins and gave them away to my neighbors. All of my vines had gotten frost damage this last week. Beware of the Killer Karen’s, they don’t understand what is happening in their world right now! Love you all!
Hi Suzy. I'm getting tons of tomatoes! But my house is full of fruit flies. I hate them. I sit in the dark on my puter and they fly in front of the monitor. About an hour ago a squadron of three of them went by in formation.
Put some honey and vinegar in a glass and cover it with plastic then punch a few holes in the plastic. Small holes so they can’t get back out. I hate them too and this doesn’t get rid of all but most. Keep tomotoes in those plastic containers you buy tomato like things in which also helps. At least it helped us.
We signed up for FLFE this year and we’ve had an astronomical crop of everything. Also we had three trees uprooted and they were near the house. They all fell toward the creek in the zone the city is required to keep up. I give FLFE credit for that too because it’s an unlikely coincidence. Just my opinion
I built layered gardens, more experiments. I have one cherry tomato plant, if you can call it that, they're smaller, but it's like King Kong, it's massive. In building the gardens I put rotten logs in the bottom, had some nice compost, added ash, ground up leaves, charcoal, peat moss, zebra mussel dust, manure from a 10 year old pile, I think that's it, and now I have a mess because the plants are so huge I that I fear I planted them too close together. This is how we learn.
I sink zat is ze Germans meddling in the next one. The French are meddling with the one after that. Monkey Werks about 13 minutes in - unless you want to watch it all.
He's good. So many great people to watch - so little time to see everything! Unless the chems have made it ruddy wet and wild (wind buffeting the house at the momen) and we haven't even got a hurricane (really sorry to hear about the fatalities and such devastation)! You know you are in trouble when the darker clouds look lumpy bumpy and quilty - high turbulance. That was here yesterday! And still the chems. Had a rant at my husband today - but now I have an answer for everything he tries on me! Hah!
Hang in there everyone - we have a bumpy ride ahead!
Send out positive thoughts and love and compassion for all. Tell everyone what is going on even if they think you’re crazy. My entire family think I’m crazy but they still love me. I don’t continuously speak about issues they choose to ignore but I do occasionally remind them we don’t have a Great enough imagination to understand what earth/universe is all about. They hate that.
Don't want to cause any more upset, but with all the bad publicity Killy Billy Boy and crew have been gettin desperate.
I've noticed same type planes leaving less obvious trails that disperse quicker or they do it in smaller spurts. Trying not to leave as much of an obvious signature.
But toxicology tests will still show the shit.
Also think they were going so WHOLE HOG for awhile they were actually running out of toxins and had to wait for more.
Your narrative explores the perceived breakdown of control by the "deep state" over the past six to seven years, analyzing societal, linguistic, and psychological trends as signs of this collapse. Several major themes emerge, including:
### **1. Deep State Collapse and Narrative Breakdown:**
- **Summary:** You describe a scenario where the deep state has lost control of its narrative and operational "script." Over time, as certain key players have been "eaten up by the process," their ability to maintain order and control diminishes. This leads to increased chaos, confusion, and rapid disintegration of the established order.
- **Analysis:** This perspective reflects a belief in institutional fragility. You imply that the structures of control that have long guided social and political orders are failing, causing those within to panic as they’re "chased" by their own destabilizing processes. The analogy of a breaking wave or tornado captures the accelerating collapse of their narrative and power.
### **2. Linguistic Freedom Amidst Chaos:**
- **Summary:** As the deep state's control erodes, language itself becomes more fluid. While the state attempts to use language manipulation (e.g., promoting woke ideologies), you argue that this effort is self-defeating. With strict grammar and meanings abandoned, language becomes malleable and easier to redefine, outpacing their ability to keep up.
- **Analysis:** From a linguistic perspective, this suggests a breakdown of meaning as a method of control. You view this as an opportunity to manipulate language faster than those in power can manage. The idea that words can be rapidly redefined without challenge indicates a form of power through subversion.
### **3. Predictive Programming and Psychic Leaks:**
- **Summary:** Your background in data analysis and predictive linguistics reveals that as the deep state narrative unravels, it becomes easier to see "psychic leaks" (unintended information or events that slip out of predictive programming). These leaks highlight the fragility of their control.
- **Analysis:** Predictive linguistics, as used here, seems to reflect your method of extracting information from broader social and linguistic patterns. The notion of psychic leaks suggests that the deep state’s once-hidden intentions and manipulations are becoming more visible, allowing alternative narratives to flourish.
### **4. Biowarfare, Health, and Eugenics:**
- **Summary:** You trace the origins of biowarfare strategies to the U.S. military’s Cold War mindset, emphasizing that elites (e.g., WEF, Gates) are attempting to reduce the population using tools like COVID-19 and chemtrails. However, you argue that they are failing in their goals because true bioweapons capable of wiping out mass populations cannot be engineered effectively.
- **Analysis:** Your stance here is critical of official narratives around public health and vaccines, aligning with a belief that the real bioweapon was not the virus itself but the response to it (e.g., vaccines). You present a counter-narrative that questions mainstream medical science, particularly virology, and highlight alternatives like natural wellness, rejecting industrialized health care systems.
### **5. North America's Future as an Organic Powerhouse:**
- **Summary:** You predict that North America will transform into a global leader in organic farming and health, offering curative foods and medicines derived from indigenous and traditional methods. The focus will shift away from fast food and processed products toward natural, organic healing.
- **Analysis:** This vision aligns with a broader cultural movement toward sustainability, holistic health, and organic living. The contrast between today's polluted food system and the future pristine, organic North America echoes a larger societal shift toward reclaiming control over health and well-being from corporate and industrial powers.
### **6. Impending Technological and Societal Revolution:**
- **Summary:** You foresee a technological revolution, particularly through the advent of free energy (zero-point technology), which will upend existing societal structures. This shift will destabilize the economic order controlled by the deep state, empowering individuals and communities to pursue sustainable, decentralized living.
- **Analysis:** The prediction of free energy is a hallmark of futurist thinking, suggesting a utopian vision where energy abundance breaks the control of elites. This idea resonates with the long-standing notion of technological liberation, where access to resources can dismantle the old power structures tied to energy monopolies.
### **7. UFOs and Alien Influence:**
- **Summary:** You mention an increasing focus in your data on UFOs and extraterrestrial involvement, suggesting that these themes will become more prominent in future narratives. There are indications that UFO-related events, such as a slick on a lake associated with a UFO sighting, will play a key role in shifting the conversation.
- **Analysis:** The UFO theme introduces a cosmic element to the collapse of human systems, implying that there may be forces beyond our understanding influencing or accelerating this breakdown. The discussion points toward a growing fascination or expectation of disclosures related to extraterrestrial presence.
### **8. Psyops and Mass Manipulation:**
- **Summary:** You believe the deep state has relied heavily on psychological operations (psyops) to manipulate both the masses and their own minions (police, military). However, the psyops are beginning to fail, as the complexity of these manipulations creates contradictions and confusion, ultimately leading to their own collapse.
- **Analysis:** This argument builds on the idea that control through fear and deception has its limits. The reliance on mass psyops, such as the fear of pandemics, is unsustainable when the underlying reality doesn't match the narrative. As people start to see through the fear campaigns, the ability of the state to maintain control diminishes.
### **Concluding Analysis:**
Your overarching argument is that society is undergoing a profound and chaotic collapse, driven by the failures of the deep state to maintain control over its narrative, health systems, and technological innovations. The chaos presents opportunities for new systems based on natural health, free energy, and decentralized power structures to emerge. In this context, traditional institutions of power are flailing, and the future belongs to those who can adapt to the rapidly changing landscape.
In short, you paint a picture of imminent collapse followed by a potential renaissance rooted in organic health, decentralized technology, and a rejection of elite control. The coming years are expected to be turbulent, but with the potential for renewal if humanity can break free of its current constraints.
It doesn't take that long to reestablish a good soil food web. We started a organic flower and veg farm out of a standard industrial crop farmland, (corn, soybean, wheat cycles).
We used Biodynamic methods for large compost piles that use specific kinds of herbal plant materials and cattle manures for influencing biological processes in particular ways to promote better compost mass breakdown.
We had lots of tree leaves collected for us by the local town and they dumped many huge long piles of leaves that we would form up and then add the herb preps and we added water to the piles when needed.
So, anyway, the terrible soil quality we inherited, had hardly any microbiome nor worms other than some of those ugly dark yellow-green short worms.
But the soil was pretty dead looking.
So within two or three years the soil turned into a deep rich soil full of huge nighcrawlers and several other red worms and the soil was full of all kinds of microbes and tiny creatures.
We would turn lots of compost into the ground as we prepped for planting each 50*4 foot beds and then mulched with heavy compost over the top of soil around plants to help keep weeds down, but all the compost added tons of leaf mould and good bacteria mass into the farm soil.
Albeit, we did have an advantage of sandy loam to slightly clayish sandy loam, so we had a great structure to build upon. The sandy soil would take as much compost matter as you could pour into it and it just made it richer all the time.
The amount of animals like frogs, toads , beneficial insects took off within couple years, with all the plants that were stable planting areas of perennials, such as Peonies and other cut flower species, so having stable habitat for amphibians and mantises and birds, really was vital.
We also let a border area of wild plants grow on edges to promote more beneficial insect and bird cover as ladybugs and mantids need a stable place to overwinter and lay eggs. Also helped toads, frogs and snakes with a transition area moving around. It also helped the migration of large worms into the area from other places as id read books on worm research they did through some Ag studies Midwest universites, and they proved that nightcrawlers and other worms actually travel and migrate from other places to get to new habitat with richer healthier food sources.
PS: i forgot to mention that the indigenous bee populations were helped immensely. We had so many different varieties of small bees, large bumblebee species, had many honey bees coming in from escaped colonies and from local beekeepers. But we did have several naturalized honeybee colonies around the area also.
My boss also started raising bees himself out in hives in one of our fields.
For a smart guy you're pretty dumb. You believe covid is real,look into some old medical books on coronaviruses,they are variations of the common cold,so,you never had covid because that actual virus was never isolated in a lab ever. Stop saying you had covid it's a lie,plus how would you know you had it unless you took a covid test which from day 1 produced false positives. Is someone controlling and paying you now? Do they have long noses? Elongated skulls and attached earlobes?
Oh shut up. You people who can't read between the lines, or get his vernacular or humor just need to STFU until you do. NOT ONE of you whiny tit dopes knows more than him, so stop trying to prove you do. You don't, & you never will. Accept your limitations & work to expand them before you criticize people you will never excel over.
I agree with him, viruses do not exist, but I'm not sure what Clif actually said. He did say he got it but also that the science is bullshit, so I don't know what he said.
We've sort of applied the label "covid" to strange, weird symptoms that don't fit what we have experienced with other ailments. I had something a couple years back that was unlike anything I'd ever felt - thought I might be having a stroke! But how would one diagnose and label it if there isn't a slide, test tube or petri dish in the world (verified) with a control sample of the "dissease"? Or if there isn't even a reliable test, if you knew what you were looking at?
My immediate reaction was twofold: 1st off, in 2019-20, it was a toxic biological weapon of unknown provenance. We WERE attacked. Second, later, some weird reaction to (and this makes sense from a certain point of view - sorry, didn't mean to quote Obi One Kenobi) stress. Clif said it: he'd been attacked, was under duress because of it, his wife became very ill, and subsequent (psychic, mental, emotional) disturbance to his balance. Makes perfect sense. Weird physical reaction occurs. Even someone as grounded as Clif would react. We give up and say, "Okay, I had covid." Good thing he knows how to treat such invasions.
LOL! I suppose, but it is something of a gaslighting to give the nod to viruses, particularly someone like Clif who is very succinct in what he says. I learn the occasional new word from him.
It's the shedding of the bioweapon that gives everyone affected what is commonly referred to as Covid. Easier to just refer to that occurrence with a word for it.
Mullis exposed the impossibility of using the PCR test for Covid. I have always wondered why nobody ever talks about it. Seems odd to me.
Yes, John, but that is the preferred method of testing by the medical community. Just keep cranking up the cycles until it's winner winner chicken dinner.
i agree....using covid gives credence. Use the term bio weapon, shedding or could be just a flu. This does gives me critical thinking about validity of cliff.....keep mind and eyes open. Crypto is planned controlled narrative. It was designed by Thomas and Elon. View boyd and his confirmed back story...
I highly recommend the work of Dr. Sam & Mark Bailey if you want to see the extensive evidence that shows this to be true. Dr. Sam also contributed to the groundbreaking book VIRUS MANIA. It's about the terrain of one's physiology, not some contagious virus that makes people sick. Ex Pfizer doc, Michael Yeadon has also spoken out extensively about this. Here's a quote from Dr. Sam regarding VIRUS MANIA:
“Pasteur finally became aware of all of this, quoting Bernard’s dictum —“the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything”—on his deathbed. But Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), known as the father of chemotherapy, adhered to the interpretation that Robert Koch preached: i.e. that microbes were the actual causes of disease. For this reason, Ehrlich, who his competitors called “Dr. Fantasy,“ dreamed of “chemically aiming” at bacteria, and decisively contributed to helping the “magic bullets” doctrine become accepted, by treating very specific illnesses successfully with very specific chemo-pharmaceutical preparations. This doctrine was a gold rush for the rising pharmaceutical industry with their wonder-pill production. “But the promise of the magic bullet has never been fulfilled,” writes Allan Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard Medical School.[11]"
Fuck Dr Sam. She is just another sellout grifter from NZ. NZ biggest YT channel, if she wasn't a 2 faced witch her channel would have been deleted and she would have faced jail. She will push whatever gets her attention and makes her money. You know she was a TV presenter? You know she pushed mammograms right up until when the pandemic started?
That's not going to be a problem for me. I don't share your moral values, buddy. I'm a Marine. As a Marine, I understand that some people HAVE to die, so that the rest of us can live. The children can be saved... maybe.
And after you guys' regular daily circle jerk and elephant walk. I'm amazed he still had it in him! You must not be the stellar bottom bitch you used to be.
I don't think "murder" is a sufficient reaction. It lets them off the hook: they aren't around to feel the pain any more. I have this favorite fantasy involving scurging, stocks on the Washington Mall, and deportation (without their $$) to a 3rd world country with no plumbing.
I am sorry to hear about your hardships Clif, 🙏 Wish I was in the vicinity to help ya out. I have never had a mentor till now, you would have been a great school teacher and changed many lives for the better ! Thanks clif. I always look forward to your wisedom .
Virus means Toxic or venom or whatever....it's not some mysterious thing floating around in the air needing masks and social distancing nor is it something you can 'catch' because this 'virus(venom) attack the lungs, a cytokine storm and we think we have a flu or cold. Flu and cold is just DETOX and your body has to get rid of it fast....then it causes infections if the body can't get rid of it fast enough. Some of it's parasites, which is why the Ivermectin works so well.
When I worked for NBCUniversal in the IT department, London, we used DAT tapes to back up the company data as they didn't trust the cloud in those days (11 years ago)
There are several local (S. GA) manifestations of this style habitation - metal buildings that look like warehouses or peanut storage or whatever - but with more windows. One guy built his own runway for his Cesna.
I am trying to move there just as fast as I can sell my house...which in this falling mkt may take a miracle! I visited there many times, and I just love it. I am so tired of living next to inbreeds who tear up their land with no regard to beauty. That is Texas.
CONvid don't exist, it's poisoning of us thru food, air and water. They were putting it thru frequencies in the computers and phones...then also in food as synthetic venom peptides. Not to mention these people who got those jabs that turned their bodies into shedding spike protein factories (spike proteins are venom)....cure for it? Look into Dr. Ardis and nicotine patches.
Hey Clif, I am a beekeeper. As far as I am concerned all of my honey is curative. The honeybee goes to a flower and collects the nectar. You say that going to this Black Seed Oil ?? incorporates that item into the honey. You are correct in that, however, unless you have an entire field, 5 miles in circumference, that the bees are going to and that you harvest that honey immediately after the plant stops blooming, you cannot call that honey pure to the black seed oil. It will certainly have that nectar in the honey, but you cannot guarantee that the honey bee did not go to some other flower in the mean time. Bees forage from 3-5 miles. If your patch of flowers is not at least that size, you do not know where the bees have gone.
In Spring where I live, we have a Tulip Poplar Tree that blooms for quite an extended time. When I see the frames full of dark thick rich honey, I am of the assumption that it is Tulip Poplar honey, but I cannot advertise it that way because immediately after the Tulip Poplar is done blooming, clover it right there for the bees to forage on.
This is also why there is no such thing as organic honey!! You have no idea where that bee went in the 5 miles radius and with all the chem trailing and poisoning going on, the only one that can claim organic honey is that individual with an organic farm for at least a 5 mile radius!!! Even then you must factor in the chem trails.
All pure raw honey is medicinal. I eat a teaspoon every morning. Honey is also alkaline. Cancer does not do well in an alkaline environment.
I LOVE being a Beekeeper. It is the most fascinating work that I have ever done.
The bees this year worked my basil , rosemary , oregano , broccoli flowers , numerous flowering shrubs and plantings like never before - huge swarms - where I could hear them before seeing them - they like the no chemical used anywhere
Do you think the bees from neighboring areas might have gotten in on the harvest? In our area, even though we garden organically, we used to have wild honey bees and their close relations, trichogramma wasps and hornets. This year, despite living in a protected area and having a high percentage of neighbors who garden organically, we only saw bumblebees and hornets. I have siblings who are anaphylactic on bees, but I am the only gardener among us, and have never been stung by honeybees. I have a feeling working hives might be pushing my luck. I am going to increase my plantings of flowers and herbs next year, and hope for more bees.
There where so many bees all summer in the garden and the herb and flower planting areas that I'm thinking of getting a beehive started as I eat honey every day and the real stuff has gotten pretty pricey
We have plenty of murder hornets too. Actually they are cicada killers. We walk right into swarms of them and they never bother us.
Yeah I'll bet they worked your basil. Italian by any chance??
Gee, thanks for that info. We have some fab raw honey production in nz. So now I know I can have a teaspoon without guilt, lol.
I'm in NZ too, but I've got hardly any bees in my organic garden this year!! A few bumble bees, but few honey bees. I'm a'waitin' for them.
We had a serious increase in pollinators of all kinds when we planted various perennial companion flowers and herbs in the gardens and under the trees. We've also been using electroculture concepts, meaning copper wires wrapped garden stakes or copper pipes to stake trees and plants, and the results have been amazing. We also amend the soil with humic shale. We use no chemicals on the plants or soil.
This is good advice. I do have diverse flowers/pollinating type the bees usually love. But alas still not many. There gardens around me, no doubt us glyphosate sprays. Grrrr!!! I do use electro culture as well and have some sticks ready to place around the garden very soon. Thanks for your tips.
any recommended sources of the electroculture?
Just Youtube and Bitchute it. It is everywhere. This past year, Deep South Homestead experimented with it on their program. I use it. I have sandy loom, and nothing grows here, so I use it to defeat it. Also have a chem buster with lots of copper in the dirt. My Oak trees are far greener and fuller than those anywhere around me.
my neighbor has put some up the last two years...not heard them gushing about the results tho...maybe the Cu is protecting us all from the Cell tower behind our houses....
Ken Knows what hes speakin about , YAGI "directional" Antaennas work well and are cheap to make https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcn6_I5gkNk
I started with CultivateElevate.com and chased around information on orgone and cloud buster guy (whose name has escaped) and Information on making orgonites. Information on "sacred geometry" is helpful but a broad approach. I'm using the ratios of the fibonacci spiral to make a spiral Olathe the top of my copper wired garden stakes. The spiral needs to turn clockwise in the northern hemisphere toward the soil. The energy mores in the direction of clockwise, in the northern hemisphere. The geometry of the energy movement is simple, but I haven't seen it addressed many places. I've just figured it out by drawing diagrams and bending wire. These lots of information of you look. Apologies for my pathetic typing.
New Zealand.
Tasman Glacier my father crashed in plane and died 1983 age 52.
Respect. Anything in my back yard that isn't garden is clover, for the bees. We love the bees and they are having such a hard time.
You might enjoy the pdf Making a Perone Hive. I found it when researching using the golden mean to make bee hives. Perhaps you.might like to try building hives this way. It creates an environment gor healthier, more productive hives. I have also questioned using sugar water to over winter the hives. Corn syrup used to maKe the sugar water that contains Btx corn will kill the bees. Btw, I just searched bee hives and golden mean and found the Perone information.
These? : https://www.biobees.com/library/hive_perone/Making-a-Perone-Hive.pdf
I'll save that when I get home.
Yes, that.
Have you seen black bees, exacrly like a honey bee but black. I researched them and it was hard to find anything but it said they don’t have a hive, they build a small cone or something and live alone. I feel this is another new species. My anoles, a small lizard that changes from green to brown, have a new pattern down their spine. I’ve had these around me for 70 years and I absolutely know they have a new pattern. It’s more like a spiral pattern than ever before this year.
The Russian honeybee (Apis mellifera) that originate in the Primorsky Krai region of Russia. This strain of bee was imported into the United States in 1997. It is a very dark bee. Also when the Bees were first brought to the US (they are not native) they called it a German Black Bee. When a Queen bee mates, she mates with around 13 to 15 drones. This gives her diversity to lay eggs from the different drones. Some of these Bees can be very dark.
Thanks for this info
Those r mason bees they r great pollinators I have many texting boxes for them they like holes grab a 4 x 6
Non treated and drill 1/4th to 5/16th holes in it about 2 inches deep
Many holes they don't mind neighbors
After they hatch just run the drill n the holes 2 clear em out
I also am a beekeeper here in Ireland and while I agree with most of your words there is wriggle room in me calling our honey Blackthorn or Elderflower or indeed Ivy being collected at specific times of the year. As for 'organic', well, on a poisoned planet it's surely all a matter of degree. Uranium could be classified as 'organic' as can Barium, Strontium or derivatives of Bauxite? idk for sure but unless it does not occur in nature or has unnatural production as in intensive commercial farming surely it must be organic ... purity is another matter.
I see your point on perfectly pure blackseed oil honey, I'd say that is close to impossible unless they're in a controlled environment like a geodesic dome! I'd imagine a honey like that would be dynamite and command a huge price due to curative ie; cleansing properties!
btw, I consume about a pound of honey a week, have eaten Royal Jelly for 45 years and feel like an 18 year old at 64 just yesterday... it makes up for my many foibles.
Best regards
☘ Blessings
And even though you can not say that the blackseed oil honey as only that, there is still an amount of it in the honey and can still be considered medicinal.
Can we bee serious though?
I'm as busy as a bee and somehow the Bee conversation has blossomed
Gladys Hutson
Congratulations for posting the first comments. Stung a few too many times, that poison becomes your immunity to survival. The rattlesnake venom is the same as the bee. Local honey at the Farmers Mkt & don't forget the bee pollen.
I hardly had any bees this year. I only had one zucchini. Darn chemtrails! 😖
q-tips: good for pollinating...
Also beneficial wasps. Non-stinging. They like those little bamboo tube “houses.”
Very fascinating to watch. I put one of those out, and they just found it.
I'm into Forest/Layer/Permie style gardening - none of my debris and compost leave the yard. So I have compost piles within throwing distance anywhere in the yard. I have noticed that, especially with canes from p. hemlock, garlics, etc that small bees/wasps will live in the stalks. and the general cocaphauny(sp?) of matter provides shelter for many an insect, et al. So I've seen a good influx of the tinies over the years (10 yo garden), I also left a paper mud wasp hive up in the awning and believe they may have contributed to "protecting" the yard from ground wasps. I've still got loads of lady bird nymphs and coccoons still now.
*Pacific NW, couple hours off the coast...
I'm curious if Tupelo honey is curative as well. It's only harvested here in the FL panhandle & is the only honey that won't crystalize
Yes, - it is medicinal. Like I said in my first post, ALL REAL RAW Honey is medicinal. The main thing that is does for people is to lesson allergies. This is because the honey contains pollen grains. These pollens when ingested helps your body build a resistance to the pollens, therefore reducing allergies.
The way to determine if it is real honey is by the pollen grains. Honey that is shipped from china (& other countries) have all the pollen processed out. (pasteurization). The pollen grains helps to identify where the honey is from. Those that lace it with HFCS do not want you to know where it is from. There is a documentary out called "More Than Honey" It explains how those shipping fake honey from other countries do it. Very educational movie!!
When I moved to another state and my sinuses met new pollen, I took local bee pollen - a pinch each day - for a year. Voila! No more allergies. EVER! No sinus issues. No sinus headaches.
We should buy local for allergies anyway. Thanks I am going to watch that movie. It's insane that we cant even trust honey to be real
Enough bee hive chat.
We have bigger fish out there to pollinate
The Honey Bee is an amazing insect made by our creator. I will never know all about this amazing bug. I just know that I Love this hobby of 15 years and I will probably be doing this until the day I leave this earth (or at least be teaching it)!!
Local honey
Fireweed honey, also, do not crystalize
Interesting tidbit, honey does not go bad and if it does crystalize it can be reconstituted by heating it. BUT if you heat it in the microwave, it loses its longevity and it will go bad.
I use my microwave to heat water or cold tea, I'm rethinking that. I should probably just reclaim the space it takes.
are you familiar with Emoto's water experiments...:
I tried that, didn't work for me.
tried to take pictures of frozen water? or the link?
definitely ditch the microwave.
I use mine to store paper bags and silicon zip bags for food storage. It’s ina. Handy spot.
Good idea, it is a cabinet. I'll just unplug it.
on the other hand - they're a great source of a coil for a home-made energy-throwing-machine - last i checked one can still get instructables on yt, roasting marshmallows at a distance...if one's into that sorta thing...
They also donate parts for a perpetual motion generator. I go by appliance places once in a while looking for old microwaves.
i'm sitting on three with full good intention...
Wow! Thank you for sharing your knowledge its so appreciated 🙏
I would disagree with you. There is a company in Wisconsin who sells honey that comes from the rain forest and another that comes from the Andes mountains. The places where these two honeys are harvested are so far away from anything else that it is not possible for the honey to be a mixed blend, other than FLOWERS FROM THE MOUNTAINS AND THE RAINFOREST.
Think local honey for your ecosystem
. . . the point of this thread is 'What is pure' honey and pure specialty honeys and the suggestion is it doesn't exist anymore in the west but there are places where it can come damn close - you're not likely to see those in your local supermarket but their claims are bold ... bare faced liars, actually! eg; Aldi & Lidl here in W. Europe, so called organic honey, you can smell the syrup! Lol
We live deep in the Tipperary mountains, Eire, and I can tell you the whitethorn flower and elderflower honey is about as pure as it gets with the consideration of chem trails but bc there is so much rain any farm field contamination is flushed, what few of the mountainy folk here that use any chems. Lol
Utter bs
You know what, you have a valid point there
Good luck finding ONE STATE (county) in this entire USA that someone is not using that crap??!!?? Therefore your statement really does not say anything!! We ALL want pure everything! Because of ass hats that think they need to use chemicals - nothing is PURE ANYMORE!! If you don't have farm chems - you have chem trails. Like I said GOOD LUCK in that venture!!!
Those honeys would be good for wound healing. Quick story.....my neighbor has lost both his legs to diabetes. One of the amputations would not heal. The neighbor got my honey and applied it to the infected area. The wound healed an now he has been fitted for a prosthesis. Those honeys would be considered a mixed blend because you really do not know what the bees foraged on to make it.
For allergies, I would find local honey.
Hmmm never thought about that. Here is my "Woo" thoughts. You know that without bees, we not only do not have honey, but we do not have pollination for seeds and the fruits of the plant. So around 1987, I think that the mites (from Asia) that are supposedly plaguing the honey bee at this time, was brought here - on purpose. It was brought here so that big pharm could sell more poisons to put in the hives. Kill all the bees......you eventually starve the people or at least reduce the production of food.
I tell this to my Bee groups and they just roll their eyes. But this plan has backfired on them because many beekeepers refuse to "treat" their hives with poisons. I am one that breeds from survival stock. There are bees that will bite the legs off of this mite and when the mite loses a leg...it dies!!! The Bees control the population of the mites in the hive. A strong hive can keep them under control. Those that continue to put poisons in their hives make their bees "WIMPY" and dependent on the chemicals.
Seems to me that the same plan they have for the Bees is the same plan they have for us.
They can go SUCK EGGS!!!
Let zee beez eat zee bugz!!!
"You know it's a good day when you don't have chemtrails". So true. Also, no more hurricanes, floods, tornados, DEW Weapon attacks.
Where do you live. States in the US are devastated whole towns gone as of yesterday all in red areas. I wish what you said is true 30” of rain up to rooftops, roads gone!!
Yes, Asheville, N.C. cut off from world, no in-or-out. Floods in Tenn. Florida devastated; parts of Georgia flooded. And get ready for this, there is a new hurricane expected to form in the Gulf of Mexico late next week. They say it's headed for New Orleans or Texas. But you never know with hurricanes.
It’s also like they’re rubbing our noses in the fact they manipulate the weather. They once had rules never to use the name of a Hurricane again yet there was a hurricane Helene in the 50’s that followed a similar path but did in fact hit the same areas. So in our face. I don’t let anything rile me anymore thouhh because I know they want us angry and violent.
Yea, I think the Deep State did this to Florida because Desantis won't release the 2nd attempted assassination shooter. These nit-wits really fight like evil sissies.
I think you’re exactly right but there are other reasons. Distraction is why much is occurring in my opinion.
Us Truthers tend to live in an echo chamber of seeing thru the bullshit, but is EVERY hurricane or storm "GUIDED SEEDED AND STEERED" now ? Or are we just so full of ourselves that we can't imagine that a hurricane could actually naturally manifest and strike? Are we too overpopulated to where we've become collectively fucking stupid whether we're Normies or See Thru All The Bullshit? Ignorance is bliss and I suggest you realize that hurricanes and political and military and things we can't see or understand have been going on long before 1950 but it's up to each of us to decide whether we let it bother us, or feed the soul-suckers our loosh.
Asheville, NC is a hard Lefist Blue area---Communist types--not a Red area at all---I lived there and my old home in Asheville is GONE! Washed away! 2 major damns collapsed and my old home in East Tennessee is wasted too.---It is a conservative area but Asheville is NOT!
Maybe it just not that precise
Well, my home in East Tennessee was only about 20 minutes from Asheville----just on the other side of the Blue Ridge Mountains portion where I lived. Over the hill and I'm there. I used to fish in that now gone lake and fish in the Nolichucky River (once known as the Cherokee River).
I was able to attend MardiGras in Orleans one year. Best damn time ever. But when Fat Tuesday at 6pm arrived, it was over. The next day people were no longer friendly nor happy to see you.
Helene's eye came right over where I live - S. GA. 10" rain. What we got was 90-100 MPH winds. Power lines down everywhere. Power poles snapped in two. Fallen trees - a LOT of big oaks and tall pines -- on the lines. No deaths that I now. No electricity till 10/3-4? One town has electricity and no water! Not into cold showers! I was lucky: a few limbs broken off trees. No electricity for 2 days.
Hello Woo family! Sorry to be late. We went out and had lunch with some friends today. It’s beautiful here in Montana, but I am sure that we will feel the effects of the storm at some point soon. I pulled out the last of my pumpkins and gave them away to my neighbors. All of my vines had gotten frost damage this last week. Beware of the Killer Karen’s, they don’t understand what is happening in their world right now! Love you all!
Hi Suzy. I'm getting tons of tomatoes! But my house is full of fruit flies. I hate them. I sit in the dark on my puter and they fly in front of the monitor. About an hour ago a squadron of three of them went by in formation.
They are mocking me.
Put some honey and vinegar in a glass and cover it with plastic then punch a few holes in the plastic. Small holes so they can’t get back out. I hate them too and this doesn’t get rid of all but most. Keep tomotoes in those plastic containers you buy tomato like things in which also helps. At least it helped us.
We signed up for FLFE this year and we’ve had an astronomical crop of everything. Also we had three trees uprooted and they were near the house. They all fell toward the creek in the zone the city is required to keep up. I give FLFE credit for that too because it’s an unlikely coincidence. Just my opinion
I built layered gardens, more experiments. I have one cherry tomato plant, if you can call it that, they're smaller, but it's like King Kong, it's massive. In building the gardens I put rotten logs in the bottom, had some nice compost, added ash, ground up leaves, charcoal, peat moss, zebra mussel dust, manure from a 10 year old pile, I think that's it, and now I have a mess because the plants are so huge I that I fear I planted them too close together. This is how we learn.
Working on living soil.
Put out several small glasses of beer and or wine with a drop of dish soap in it. They will drown. I also put the clear fly strips on the windows.
I have sugar water out. sometimes I use honey water. Sometimes they work great, sometimes they don't. Maybe I need to be more scientific about it.
Ugh can’t take obvious torture. It has to be hidden.
Ur never too late
I sink zat is ze Germans meddling in the next one. The French are meddling with the one after that. Monkey Werks about 13 minutes in - unless you want to watch it all.
Europe is in big shit storm
I've been watching monkey too . 😲
He's good. So many great people to watch - so little time to see everything! Unless the chems have made it ruddy wet and wild (wind buffeting the house at the momen) and we haven't even got a hurricane (really sorry to hear about the fatalities and such devastation)! You know you are in trouble when the darker clouds look lumpy bumpy and quilty - high turbulance. That was here yesterday! And still the chems. Had a rant at my husband today - but now I have an answer for everything he tries on me! Hah!
Hang in there everyone - we have a bumpy ride ahead!
Fear not my bretheren
What can the folks in Arizona do to help those devastated by that “hurricane?”
Send out positive thoughts and love and compassion for all. Tell everyone what is going on even if they think you’re crazy. My entire family think I’m crazy but they still love me. I don’t continuously speak about issues they choose to ignore but I do occasionally remind them we don’t have a Great enough imagination to understand what earth/universe is all about. They hate that.
Keep sending out those positive waves and maybe they will feel it and come around.
South Carolina near the North Carolina border was also slammed.
Unless your the one pumping them up and steering them...
Calif is the chosen state
I feel sure the Elohim liked warm sunny areas.
Don't want to cause any more upset, but with all the bad publicity Killy Billy Boy and crew have been gettin desperate.
I've noticed same type planes leaving less obvious trails that disperse quicker or they do it in smaller spurts. Trying not to leave as much of an obvious signature.
But toxicology tests will still show the shit.
Also think they were going so WHOLE HOG for awhile they were actually running out of toxins and had to wait for more.
Now however, it's TOO LATE for "them".
Run Bill, run!
Starmonkey and Lightfoot.
Replacing Thunderbolt.
God love ya you red haired northern European full of life
Right and not so much. But it's in my blood...
No chems for last 4 months in Sacramento, CA area just the day before presidential debate. Had to numb us down
First things first- what were Clif's main themes starting around 2-3 yrs ago? Secrets Revealed and the Big Ugly.
We all need to say thank you man have you been spot on on all the big issues, sure some small variances to be sure, but the big plots - perfecto!!
Secrets revealed? Crom it's like a fire hose. Exactly as pre-told. NAILED IT
The Big Ugly? I'll say Ugly so far, and the Big Ugly begins in October. NAILED IT.
Hope to buy you a beer someday sir, someday.
So great to hear from you! Perfect Sunday now.
Here's the ChatGPT summary
### **Summary with Analysis:**
Your narrative explores the perceived breakdown of control by the "deep state" over the past six to seven years, analyzing societal, linguistic, and psychological trends as signs of this collapse. Several major themes emerge, including:
### **1. Deep State Collapse and Narrative Breakdown:**
- **Summary:** You describe a scenario where the deep state has lost control of its narrative and operational "script." Over time, as certain key players have been "eaten up by the process," their ability to maintain order and control diminishes. This leads to increased chaos, confusion, and rapid disintegration of the established order.
- **Analysis:** This perspective reflects a belief in institutional fragility. You imply that the structures of control that have long guided social and political orders are failing, causing those within to panic as they’re "chased" by their own destabilizing processes. The analogy of a breaking wave or tornado captures the accelerating collapse of their narrative and power.
### **2. Linguistic Freedom Amidst Chaos:**
- **Summary:** As the deep state's control erodes, language itself becomes more fluid. While the state attempts to use language manipulation (e.g., promoting woke ideologies), you argue that this effort is self-defeating. With strict grammar and meanings abandoned, language becomes malleable and easier to redefine, outpacing their ability to keep up.
- **Analysis:** From a linguistic perspective, this suggests a breakdown of meaning as a method of control. You view this as an opportunity to manipulate language faster than those in power can manage. The idea that words can be rapidly redefined without challenge indicates a form of power through subversion.
### **3. Predictive Programming and Psychic Leaks:**
- **Summary:** Your background in data analysis and predictive linguistics reveals that as the deep state narrative unravels, it becomes easier to see "psychic leaks" (unintended information or events that slip out of predictive programming). These leaks highlight the fragility of their control.
- **Analysis:** Predictive linguistics, as used here, seems to reflect your method of extracting information from broader social and linguistic patterns. The notion of psychic leaks suggests that the deep state’s once-hidden intentions and manipulations are becoming more visible, allowing alternative narratives to flourish.
### **4. Biowarfare, Health, and Eugenics:**
- **Summary:** You trace the origins of biowarfare strategies to the U.S. military’s Cold War mindset, emphasizing that elites (e.g., WEF, Gates) are attempting to reduce the population using tools like COVID-19 and chemtrails. However, you argue that they are failing in their goals because true bioweapons capable of wiping out mass populations cannot be engineered effectively.
- **Analysis:** Your stance here is critical of official narratives around public health and vaccines, aligning with a belief that the real bioweapon was not the virus itself but the response to it (e.g., vaccines). You present a counter-narrative that questions mainstream medical science, particularly virology, and highlight alternatives like natural wellness, rejecting industrialized health care systems.
### **5. North America's Future as an Organic Powerhouse:**
- **Summary:** You predict that North America will transform into a global leader in organic farming and health, offering curative foods and medicines derived from indigenous and traditional methods. The focus will shift away from fast food and processed products toward natural, organic healing.
- **Analysis:** This vision aligns with a broader cultural movement toward sustainability, holistic health, and organic living. The contrast between today's polluted food system and the future pristine, organic North America echoes a larger societal shift toward reclaiming control over health and well-being from corporate and industrial powers.
### **6. Impending Technological and Societal Revolution:**
- **Summary:** You foresee a technological revolution, particularly through the advent of free energy (zero-point technology), which will upend existing societal structures. This shift will destabilize the economic order controlled by the deep state, empowering individuals and communities to pursue sustainable, decentralized living.
- **Analysis:** The prediction of free energy is a hallmark of futurist thinking, suggesting a utopian vision where energy abundance breaks the control of elites. This idea resonates with the long-standing notion of technological liberation, where access to resources can dismantle the old power structures tied to energy monopolies.
### **7. UFOs and Alien Influence:**
- **Summary:** You mention an increasing focus in your data on UFOs and extraterrestrial involvement, suggesting that these themes will become more prominent in future narratives. There are indications that UFO-related events, such as a slick on a lake associated with a UFO sighting, will play a key role in shifting the conversation.
- **Analysis:** The UFO theme introduces a cosmic element to the collapse of human systems, implying that there may be forces beyond our understanding influencing or accelerating this breakdown. The discussion points toward a growing fascination or expectation of disclosures related to extraterrestrial presence.
### **8. Psyops and Mass Manipulation:**
- **Summary:** You believe the deep state has relied heavily on psychological operations (psyops) to manipulate both the masses and their own minions (police, military). However, the psyops are beginning to fail, as the complexity of these manipulations creates contradictions and confusion, ultimately leading to their own collapse.
- **Analysis:** This argument builds on the idea that control through fear and deception has its limits. The reliance on mass psyops, such as the fear of pandemics, is unsustainable when the underlying reality doesn't match the narrative. As people start to see through the fear campaigns, the ability of the state to maintain control diminishes.
### **Concluding Analysis:**
Your overarching argument is that society is undergoing a profound and chaotic collapse, driven by the failures of the deep state to maintain control over its narrative, health systems, and technological innovations. The chaos presents opportunities for new systems based on natural health, free energy, and decentralized power structures to emerge. In this context, traditional institutions of power are flailing, and the future belongs to those who can adapt to the rapidly changing landscape.
In short, you paint a picture of imminent collapse followed by a potential renaissance rooted in organic health, decentralized technology, and a rejection of elite control. The coming years are expected to be turbulent, but with the potential for renewal if humanity can break free of its current constraints.
Thank you so much for doing this summary and analysis as I don't have the bandwidth to watch videos.
Nothing to fear now!
Really feeling we've TURNED THE CORNER. So liberating.
"They" ain't leadin but two things right now, Jack and SHIT. And Jack left town.
Hi Clif thank you! For bringing the sanity ❤️
Thanks clif for your thoughtfulness and time!
I knew he'd come through on a Sunday.
'Organic Food Basket Of The World'.........
Mmmm........that would be......RUSSIA!!!!
It would take 100+ YEARS to Detox this country, IF we stopped ALL toxic shit, RIGHT NOW!
It doesn't take that long to reestablish a good soil food web. We started a organic flower and veg farm out of a standard industrial crop farmland, (corn, soybean, wheat cycles).
We used Biodynamic methods for large compost piles that use specific kinds of herbal plant materials and cattle manures for influencing biological processes in particular ways to promote better compost mass breakdown.
We had lots of tree leaves collected for us by the local town and they dumped many huge long piles of leaves that we would form up and then add the herb preps and we added water to the piles when needed.
So, anyway, the terrible soil quality we inherited, had hardly any microbiome nor worms other than some of those ugly dark yellow-green short worms.
But the soil was pretty dead looking.
So within two or three years the soil turned into a deep rich soil full of huge nighcrawlers and several other red worms and the soil was full of all kinds of microbes and tiny creatures.
We would turn lots of compost into the ground as we prepped for planting each 50*4 foot beds and then mulched with heavy compost over the top of soil around plants to help keep weeds down, but all the compost added tons of leaf mould and good bacteria mass into the farm soil.
Albeit, we did have an advantage of sandy loam to slightly clayish sandy loam, so we had a great structure to build upon. The sandy soil would take as much compost matter as you could pour into it and it just made it richer all the time.
The amount of animals like frogs, toads , beneficial insects took off within couple years, with all the plants that were stable planting areas of perennials, such as Peonies and other cut flower species, so having stable habitat for amphibians and mantises and birds, really was vital.
We also let a border area of wild plants grow on edges to promote more beneficial insect and bird cover as ladybugs and mantids need a stable place to overwinter and lay eggs. Also helped toads, frogs and snakes with a transition area moving around. It also helped the migration of large worms into the area from other places as id read books on worm research they did through some Ag studies Midwest universites, and they proved that nightcrawlers and other worms actually travel and migrate from other places to get to new habitat with richer healthier food sources.
PS: i forgot to mention that the indigenous bee populations were helped immensely. We had so many different varieties of small bees, large bumblebee species, had many honey bees coming in from escaped colonies and from local beekeepers. But we did have several naturalized honeybee colonies around the area also.
My boss also started raising bees himself out in hives in one of our fields.
For a smart guy you're pretty dumb. You believe covid is real,look into some old medical books on coronaviruses,they are variations of the common cold,so,you never had covid because that actual virus was never isolated in a lab ever. Stop saying you had covid it's a lie,plus how would you know you had it unless you took a covid test which from day 1 produced false positives. Is someone controlling and paying you now? Do they have long noses? Elongated skulls and attached earlobes?
Oh shut up. You people who can't read between the lines, or get his vernacular or humor just need to STFU until you do. NOT ONE of you whiny tit dopes knows more than him, so stop trying to prove you do. You don't, & you never will. Accept your limitations & work to expand them before you criticize people you will never excel over.
I agree with him, viruses do not exist, but I'm not sure what Clif actually said. He did say he got it but also that the science is bullshit, so I don't know what he said.
We've sort of applied the label "covid" to strange, weird symptoms that don't fit what we have experienced with other ailments. I had something a couple years back that was unlike anything I'd ever felt - thought I might be having a stroke! But how would one diagnose and label it if there isn't a slide, test tube or petri dish in the world (verified) with a control sample of the "dissease"? Or if there isn't even a reliable test, if you knew what you were looking at?
My immediate reaction was twofold: 1st off, in 2019-20, it was a toxic biological weapon of unknown provenance. We WERE attacked. Second, later, some weird reaction to (and this makes sense from a certain point of view - sorry, didn't mean to quote Obi One Kenobi) stress. Clif said it: he'd been attacked, was under duress because of it, his wife became very ill, and subsequent (psychic, mental, emotional) disturbance to his balance. Makes perfect sense. Weird physical reaction occurs. Even someone as grounded as Clif would react. We give up and say, "Okay, I had covid." Good thing he knows how to treat such invasions.
LOL! I suppose, but it is something of a gaslighting to give the nod to viruses, particularly someone like Clif who is very succinct in what he says. I learn the occasional new word from him.
Clif doesn't even know what the fuck he says, year to year OR day to day. LULZ
Wow such an exceller you are
It's the shedding of the bioweapon that gives everyone affected what is commonly referred to as Covid. Easier to just refer to that occurrence with a word for it.
Mullis exposed the impossibility of using the PCR test for Covid. I have always wondered why nobody ever talks about it. Seems odd to me.
What's to say? PCR is not a Covid test, the inventor said so and Covid doesn't exist anyway.
Yes, John, but that is the preferred method of testing by the medical community. Just keep cranking up the cycles until it's winner winner chicken dinner.
Heh, yup.
i agree....using covid gives credence. Use the term bio weapon, shedding or could be just a flu. This does gives me critical thinking about validity of cliff.....keep mind and eyes open. Crypto is planned controlled narrative. It was designed by Thomas and Elon. View boyd and his confirmed back story...
Shut up. You'll learn more if you do.
Hi Human, I don't think Clif is dumb but you are correct that the "covid virus" does not exist. I wrote about this in an article titled, How Nocebo Effects Fuel False Pandemics - https://supersonicuniversal.substack.com/p/how-nocebo-effects-fuel-false-pandemics.
I highly recommend the work of Dr. Sam & Mark Bailey if you want to see the extensive evidence that shows this to be true. Dr. Sam also contributed to the groundbreaking book VIRUS MANIA. It's about the terrain of one's physiology, not some contagious virus that makes people sick. Ex Pfizer doc, Michael Yeadon has also spoken out extensively about this. Here's a quote from Dr. Sam regarding VIRUS MANIA:
“Pasteur finally became aware of all of this, quoting Bernard’s dictum —“the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything”—on his deathbed. But Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), known as the father of chemotherapy, adhered to the interpretation that Robert Koch preached: i.e. that microbes were the actual causes of disease. For this reason, Ehrlich, who his competitors called “Dr. Fantasy,“ dreamed of “chemically aiming” at bacteria, and decisively contributed to helping the “magic bullets” doctrine become accepted, by treating very specific illnesses successfully with very specific chemo-pharmaceutical preparations. This doctrine was a gold rush for the rising pharmaceutical industry with their wonder-pill production. “But the promise of the magic bullet has never been fulfilled,” writes Allan Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard Medical School.[11]"
I believe the covid bio weapon exists. Come on you dumbasses
Fuck Dr Sam. She is just another sellout grifter from NZ. NZ biggest YT channel, if she wasn't a 2 faced witch her channel would have been deleted and she would have faced jail. She will push whatever gets her attention and makes her money. You know she was a TV presenter? You know she pushed mammograms right up until when the pandemic started?
Yes, I am aware of her TV presentation years and that she, along with many of us, used to believe the lies of Big Pharma. We've all done wrong things in the past and thankfully many have become more aware, it's how we learn. We can either stay resentful about this or we can recognize it as a natural aspect of human evolution. I love Dr. Sam, and am so grateful for her work. If you have a personal gripe with her, you can also contact her directly as she's on substack and just released this excellent interview with Christine Massey "Don't Trust Public Health": https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/christine-massey-dont-trust-public?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1105864&post_id=149527326&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=2uhyo4&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
Sage Hannah on Substack has done a good job shining some sanitizing uv rays on the Bailey's machinations and role reading dissidents into the script.
Oh say ye
I'm looking forward to when these suckers are dragged out of their mansions and offices to be brutally murdered in the streets.
Along with their families? Their children?
I guess maybe an age or awareness line. Like with Bill Gates' family all being complicit cause none of them are jabbed kinda thing.
Tell you what. YOU can cast the first stone or put the gun to their heads.
That's not going to be a problem for me. I don't share your moral values, buddy. I'm a Marine. As a Marine, I understand that some people HAVE to die, so that the rest of us can live. The children can be saved... maybe.
If not, then better luck next life. 🫡
Charge of the blight brigade!
Oh yeah, I forgot you guys go in first to fuck shit up and destabilize somebody else's homeland.
From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli! We will rape and fucking pillage, you, him, her, and me🎼
Did I get the TONE right, jockstrap?
Go for it. And you don't even have a FUCKING CLUE about my moral values, "buddy".
Fuckin MARINE? Was does that mean? Not all Marines are the same, just like every other motherfuckin label idiots want to throw around.
And... GUESS WHAT?! I never said I wouldn't kill, but there's a difference between that and MURDER.
Grease up and strap on, "buddy". There will be plenty of stupid prizes to go around.
You sound butthurt, freak. Did a Marine fuck your girlfriend in front of you, pussy?
And after you guys' regular daily circle jerk and elephant walk. I'm amazed he still had it in him! You must not be the stellar bottom bitch you used to be.
Semper Fi!
I don't think "murder" is a sufficient reaction. It lets them off the hook: they aren't around to feel the pain any more. I have this favorite fantasy involving scurging, stocks on the Washington Mall, and deportation (without their $$) to a 3rd world country with no plumbing.
Sounds like a solution to me.... :)
I am sorry to hear about your hardships Clif, 🙏 Wish I was in the vicinity to help ya out. I have never had a mentor till now, you would have been a great school teacher and changed many lives for the better ! Thanks clif. I always look forward to your wisedom .
Well said Terry
Virus means Toxic or venom or whatever....it's not some mysterious thing floating around in the air needing masks and social distancing nor is it something you can 'catch' because this 'virus(venom) attack the lungs, a cytokine storm and we think we have a flu or cold. Flu and cold is just DETOX and your body has to get rid of it fast....then it causes infections if the body can't get rid of it fast enough. Some of it's parasites, which is why the Ivermectin works so well.
When I worked for NBCUniversal in the IT department, London, we used DAT tapes to back up the company data as they didn't trust the cloud in those days (11 years ago)
Barn-dominiums have been a big thing here in Texas for decades...
Basically an apartment in your barn/shop...
I'm building one at my place in the Ozarks...
There are several local (S. GA) manifestations of this style habitation - metal buildings that look like warehouses or peanut storage or whatever - but with more windows. One guy built his own runway for his Cesna.
I'm jealous! Arkansas rocks!
I'm building my homestead and permaculture project there...
I am trying to move there just as fast as I can sell my house...which in this falling mkt may take a miracle! I visited there many times, and I just love it. I am so tired of living next to inbreeds who tear up their land with no regard to beauty. That is Texas.
CONvid don't exist, it's poisoning of us thru food, air and water. They were putting it thru frequencies in the computers and phones...then also in food as synthetic venom peptides. Not to mention these people who got those jabs that turned their bodies into shedding spike protein factories (spike proteins are venom)....cure for it? Look into Dr. Ardis and nicotine patches.