Good luck finding ONE STATE (county) in this entire USA that someone is not using that crap??!!?? Therefore your statement really does not say anything!! We ALL want pure everything! Because of ass hats that think they need to use chemicals - nothing is PURE ANYMORE!! If you don't have farm chems - you have chem trails. Like I said GOOD LUCK in that venture!!!
Good luck finding ONE STATE (county) in this entire USA that someone is not using that crap??!!?? Therefore your statement really does not say anything!! We ALL want pure everything! Because of ass hats that think they need to use chemicals - nothing is PURE ANYMORE!! If you don't have farm chems - you have chem trails. Like I said GOOD LUCK in that venture!!!
Good luck finding ONE STATE (county) in this entire USA that someone is not using that crap??!!?? Therefore your statement really does not say anything!! We ALL want pure everything! Because of ass hats that think they need to use chemicals - nothing is PURE ANYMORE!! If you don't have farm chems - you have chem trails. Like I said GOOD LUCK in that venture!!!