Clif, this is so incredibly helpful. It is the first time since I had my experiences in 2000 that I have read the aftermath effects I have lived with for all this time. It got better over time, but it lingers and certain things activate it more. Not all points resonated thank God, I consider myself blessed. What Clif is sharing is so very real. Thank you so much for bringing it forth.
Jennifer, it is quite helpful because I experienced an "episode" in March where I lost track of time for 6 hours and I have been experiencing some very weird symptoms since. This post makes perfect sense. I believe that as we shift in consciousness a large number of people will experience unusual occurrences in their realities in varying degrees and will wonder if they are going crazy.
it could be and i am starting to believe; the Ontological Abductors are out & about; i have heard Uncle Clif speak on abductions and implants; he speaks about the hybrids and how they walk and live among us; do you remember if these 'weird symptoms' were experienced when you were a child; have you had that time in your life where this was normal and before it was mind-controlled out of you while at GOVERNMENT indoctrination camps called school;
Actually, I was born with a rebel gene questioning many societal constructs by the time I was 6 years old. This did not bode well in the govt indoctrination camps aka schools. However, I have always held my ground and have chosen a path that is outside of the limitations of the conventional box. Although I have experienced some weird events for about 30 years, the recent situation is different, more intense. This started to occur right after a stay in Sedona near Belle Rock. The "blank out" occurred about 10 days later. Since that time period I have experienced jumping time lines on three occasions. Saturday I had an experience where I felt like I was in two realities at the same time, as if my body was being split in half. I am not attributing these events to implants or aliens, but rather my extreme sensitivity to energy and the opening of consciousness.
i experience the bi-location as well; also tri-location; i feel i almost bump into myself at times; and other times; oh; it really is like what you have just described; i definitely know about the implants; the tracking; any experience with remote viewing?; it is also huge part about the energy and consciousness; thank you for sharing that;
Pen, thanks for your response. I attempt to describe this to my best friend and I get the are you crazy feedback. We live in an amazing yet daunting time frame. I have spent a lot of time at ancient sites across the world and I believe the exposure to that energy changes one's level of consciousness, Reality is far from absolute and the masses are about to discover that.
All of them, except for me of course. Hey, my mother was a record player, and my father was a needle, but I'm all right...I'm all right. I'm all right!
I have a paranoid schizophrenic daughter. and these disorders, and the symptoms of them sound so familiar. I have to study these, so I can get a better understanding...
I recall reading a Seth book in which he describes we in physical manifestation blink in and out of reality many times a second. So we don’t notice it. We flicker. Also, he described the present moment as the point of power in which to. So, if there is a present moment awareness, maybe it can only be entered from beyond time/space. Ah well.
I read Seth, too, but I don't recall that statement. I wonder if other similar "rationales" have made the same statement - Michael, Ra, for instance. It would be a curious synchronicity.
When Big Pharma execs encounter this information, they’ll immediately start creating ICD codes for these disorders for future billing - another boondoggle bonanza looting spree.
This is off topic slightly, but I mentioned a one-line sentence in regard to religious disclosure to my sister, who is deeply invested, and about got my head taken off. The reaction to any deviation to the narrative is rejected with hostility. It takes a lot of guts to do this, and I am very grateful that Cliff has done as much disclosure as he has.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you feel asleep and if the wife get home 🏡 before the chores are done you better be in a different galaxy conscious or not . AHHHHHHH!
That does it, for sixty plus years I thought she was just a little Bat Shit Crazy! Reading this, I've now been Educated by Clif that she's not crazy but has been a Galactic Traveler! Problem is I stayed home while she was off galifanting amongst the stars.
So the question I have: Would techniques of concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana) such as those found in Shin-shin-toitsu-do enable the human consciousness as a manifest mind/body unity to mitigate these possible consequences? It seems to me that Yoga, as a physical practice, is ideally suited for maintaining human physical performance during long periods of confinement, such as during space travel. Practice such as Japanese Yoga, as a Meditative practice, may then be techniques to enable humans the mental and spiritual ability (?with the mind-machine interface?) to ‘Jump the Slice’ in increments of Time in a manner that is not deleterious to human health. In other words, is an Ai-ki body a requirement for this type of activity?
universe provides and guides; my eyes to see; my voice to say; my how wondrous is each day; in this forum are the 'contendors' ; they are walking contention; ready for action; to be rude and without manners; ready to deflect and stir the pot of drama; it is one thing to debate, discuss, argue rhetorically and with logic; this requires literacy, vocabulary, learned in Trivium; it is another to call others names and act like a 'karen with her head up her ass'; the 'contendors' are good practice for 'art of peace'; and practice of use of questions and their defining terms; will let you search by word; you will find the video there; and yes there is talk of space goat farts; that is also where the dust bunnies come from that Gritologist are alsways after;
This is so well said Cliff: "Dysfunction: This results in confusion, distrust of personal memories, and paranoia. In extreme cases, individuals might believe they are living in a simulation or that their life is an illusion, leading to psychosis or dissociative identity disorders." There are a variety of negative causal effects activated when one believes they are living in a "simulation". But a majority of the alternative media, along with the mainstream media, all report that "We live in a simulation" and they love to talk about it as if it's some sort of revelatory discovery.
Reading all the above symptoms i'm wondering now if Joe Biden has already been traveling to galaxies far, far away...?
Jill? Jill? What does this mean ... "Return to Sender?"
My thoughts exactly! He is a walking zombie and exhibits ALL of these symptoms. If this is true, it makes sense.
A new diagnosis of dementia? Or bipolar? Or schizophrenia? Not seriously, but one wonders.
Yes my thoughts too.
But maybe….?
Too funny! If so, he left a LONG time ago!
I thought the exact same thing!!
Clif, this is so incredibly helpful. It is the first time since I had my experiences in 2000 that I have read the aftermath effects I have lived with for all this time. It got better over time, but it lingers and certain things activate it more. Not all points resonated thank God, I consider myself blessed. What Clif is sharing is so very real. Thank you so much for bringing it forth.
Jennifer, it is quite helpful because I experienced an "episode" in March where I lost track of time for 6 hours and I have been experiencing some very weird symptoms since. This post makes perfect sense. I believe that as we shift in consciousness a large number of people will experience unusual occurrences in their realities in varying degrees and will wonder if they are going crazy.
it could be and i am starting to believe; the Ontological Abductors are out & about; i have heard Uncle Clif speak on abductions and implants; he speaks about the hybrids and how they walk and live among us; do you remember if these 'weird symptoms' were experienced when you were a child; have you had that time in your life where this was normal and before it was mind-controlled out of you while at GOVERNMENT indoctrination camps called school;
Actually, I was born with a rebel gene questioning many societal constructs by the time I was 6 years old. This did not bode well in the govt indoctrination camps aka schools. However, I have always held my ground and have chosen a path that is outside of the limitations of the conventional box. Although I have experienced some weird events for about 30 years, the recent situation is different, more intense. This started to occur right after a stay in Sedona near Belle Rock. The "blank out" occurred about 10 days later. Since that time period I have experienced jumping time lines on three occasions. Saturday I had an experience where I felt like I was in two realities at the same time, as if my body was being split in half. I am not attributing these events to implants or aliens, but rather my extreme sensitivity to energy and the opening of consciousness.
i experience the bi-location as well; also tri-location; i feel i almost bump into myself at times; and other times; oh; it really is like what you have just described; i definitely know about the implants; the tracking; any experience with remote viewing?; it is also huge part about the energy and consciousness; thank you for sharing that;
Pen, thanks for your response. I attempt to describe this to my best friend and I get the are you crazy feedback. We live in an amazing yet daunting time frame. I have spent a lot of time at ancient sites across the world and I believe the exposure to that energy changes one's level of consciousness, Reality is far from absolute and the masses are about to discover that.
beautiful and spot on; i am on board with that;
Can you share your story?
I'm with Waynos!
Do Tell...
I'll bet Clif wrote this article for a reason. You got to wonder about these 11 mental disorders. How many are attacking Clif and heaven forbid, us?
All of them, except for me of course. Hey, my mother was a record player, and my father was a needle, but I'm all right...I'm all right. I'm all right!
It's AI. Not "Clif".
I have a paranoid schizophrenic daughter. and these disorders, and the symptoms of them sound so familiar. I have to study these, so I can get a better understanding...
I recall reading a Seth book in which he describes we in physical manifestation blink in and out of reality many times a second. So we don’t notice it. We flicker. Also, he described the present moment as the point of power in which to. So, if there is a present moment awareness, maybe it can only be entered from beyond time/space. Ah well.
I read Seth, too, but I don't recall that statement. I wonder if other similar "rationales" have made the same statement - Michael, Ra, for instance. It would be a curious synchronicity.
When Big Pharma execs encounter this information, they’ll immediately start creating ICD codes for these disorders for future billing - another boondoggle bonanza looting spree.
Sounds like when something goes wrong with the Transporter on Star Trek.
This is off topic slightly, but I mentioned a one-line sentence in regard to religious disclosure to my sister, who is deeply invested, and about got my head taken off. The reaction to any deviation to the narrative is rejected with hostility. It takes a lot of guts to do this, and I am very grateful that Cliff has done as much disclosure as he has.
I'll work on it! ;-)
That's why the court jester could get away with almost anything in the royal court without losing his head.
Find a humorous way to let them know that all phenomena is illusion.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you feel asleep and if the wife get home 🏡 before the chores are done you better be in a different galaxy conscious or not . AHHHHHHH!
Ahhh, Johnny JJ Java Java mocha latte espresso aficionado with a little French roasted jo jo
It really do be like that
Please don't tell the Grammer police.
Clif got a bit dark on us
I wish there were Cliff Notes for Clif’s notes…
Beastie Boys - Intergalactic:
Luv the beasties
freakin hilarious music videos from MTv era on youtube;
its sabotage;
Fight For Your Right Revisited movie is AWESOME if you haven't seen.
A brief cameo by the REAL Beastie Boys at the end...
oooooooooooooooooo; time for organic butter popcorn;
It's only like 25 minutes long...
That does it, for sixty plus years I thought she was just a little Bat Shit Crazy! Reading this, I've now been Educated by Clif that she's not crazy but has been a Galactic Traveler! Problem is I stayed home while she was off galifanting amongst the stars.
So the question I have: Would techniques of concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana) such as those found in Shin-shin-toitsu-do enable the human consciousness as a manifest mind/body unity to mitigate these possible consequences? It seems to me that Yoga, as a physical practice, is ideally suited for maintaining human physical performance during long periods of confinement, such as during space travel. Practice such as Japanese Yoga, as a Meditative practice, may then be techniques to enable humans the mental and spiritual ability (?with the mind-machine interface?) to ‘Jump the Slice’ in increments of Time in a manner that is not deleterious to human health. In other words, is an Ai-ki body a requirement for this type of activity?
When I think of the techniques needed the phrase that pops in my head is - “we’re going to need a bigger boat”
Spaceship Earth.
Thank's Clif! 🙏❤️
universe provides and guides; my eyes to see; my voice to say; my how wondrous is each day; in this forum are the 'contendors' ; they are walking contention; ready for action; to be rude and without manners; ready to deflect and stir the pot of drama; it is one thing to debate, discuss, argue rhetorically and with logic; this requires literacy, vocabulary, learned in Trivium; it is another to call others names and act like a 'karen with her head up her ass'; the 'contendors' are good practice for 'art of peace'; and practice of use of questions and their defining terms;
I would like to see your post from 2012 when you did radio interview about the 1 billion dead...
Coast to coast radio interview...? Was in the space goats farts section of long term predictions.
Would that be Art Bell's radio show? will let you search by word; you will find the video there; and yes there is talk of space goat farts; that is also where the dust bunnies come from that Gritologist are alsways after;
Thank you so much for posting this link.
This is so well said Cliff: "Dysfunction: This results in confusion, distrust of personal memories, and paranoia. In extreme cases, individuals might believe they are living in a simulation or that their life is an illusion, leading to psychosis or dissociative identity disorders." There are a variety of negative causal effects activated when one believes they are living in a "simulation". But a majority of the alternative media, along with the mainstream media, all report that "We live in a simulation" and they love to talk about it as if it's some sort of revelatory discovery.
It's why I wrote this article: Is the Simulation Theory True and What's Really Behind it's Rising Popularity?