A lot of vets are volunteering to be body guards for Trump.

Maybe a few of us need to do the same for clif

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trump doesnt need vets to volunteer to be bodyguards, BUT he will need tens of thousands of deportation specialists, if when he gets elected.

every kind of skill will be needed inc men with guns but also hackers to track sneaky ones down, men to do the paperwork, drivers, medics. pilots, drone ops, etc

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Why would Trump do anything he promises during his campaign? Why would he have to do anything the American people want?

My gut is telling me that Trump is gonna lose cause the Simpsons said he runs again in 2028 and we can't have a 3 term president, but maybe Trump will change that by decree if he gets put into office this year. I really want Trump to lose so Americans have no choice but to go on the warpath to revolution and kick these admiralty court pirates that are loyal to 'the crown' out of the nation for good.

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The 2024 elections could be suspended and Trump installed until the constitution is restored.

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I like to dream. I want to change back political time to before the North American Indians were forced off their ancestral lands by the illegitimate monarchical family of Britain.

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You mean. Eforevthey were flooded with immigrants from other countries?

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Change political time backward. As in, give the tribes political control over the territories they once had claim to before the 'crown' corporation made them sign treaties that were full of lies. We'd probably be much better off under American Indian control than under control of corporate pirates, but it may be wise not to throw out the baby (bill of rights) out with the bathwater. This constitutional republic system was based off of the Iroquois confederacy anyway. Why not give it a try?

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Unless that approved history that you learned in school is wrong. What about Tartaria? Maybe the Native Americans were NOT the first on this continent. They built nothing. Not the cliff dwellings and not the mounds. Free your mind from the dogma of the Smithsonian museum religion. I found a Clovis point in Oregon. The local Native tribe literally buried that little bit of uncomfortable Truth and I watched them do it.

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AGREED, the injuns did not OWN this land or build any infrastructure that they enjoy today for free on european technology and labor. The british were considered the FOUNDERS of much of USA because they FOUND EMPTY cities, FOUND built out infrastructure , they were basically all SQUATTERS on a disappeared peoples empty cities.

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The Old Wild West is a ENORMOUS PSYOP! The Injuns may have lived here before british settlers/founders came BUT there was an entire civilization of somekind already inhabitting all the large cities even many small cities with built out cities, that disappeared.

Fo rExample; You think the people who came to the saskatchewan prairies where i live, in late 1800s early 1900s, they lived in SODDIES, sod houses, cuz there was no trees on the prairies. THESE PEOPLE supposedly built the parliment buildings in Regina sask. Some of the most majestic architecture in saskatchewan to this day that we cannot replicate with modern diesel engines, cranes, computers , skilled labor.

you can pick any state capitol of any US state and its a similar story. We cant and dont build any building like those capitol building or the churches, cathedrals, highschools, , prisons etc etc

OR another example where i worked a couple yrs ago. SARNIA Ontario. An oil town today with 6 refineries.

SUPPOSEDLY around turn of the 20th century these oil workers , population back then about 5-8000, built 3 beautiful majestic CATHEDRAL LIKE CHURCHES WITHIN 3 BLOCKS OF EACH OTHER. they are almost identical architecture BUT wait theres more churches within a few blocks almost as majestic built around the same time. We CANT AND DONT build churches like this anymore.

The TRUNP TOWERS are some of the most expensive building we build and even they dont compare to the craftmanship of these state captiols that have stood now for 100 plus yrs on our watch plus what 250 yrs before we got here?

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restore the CONstitutION; which CONstitution should be restored; are there not at least {3} we are told of;

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We won't have an election, we have a military rule right now. News Flash the military just this week figured out that the American Government has been assassinated and Israel passport holding citizens have taken over and caused havoc. They killed the economy raised prices, exported American manufacturing, and poisoned the people.

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also; what about the Bill of Rights/Rites; who paid; did anyone ever take care of that Bill; payment due; who is the account holder and who is authoriZed to handle that Bill of Rites;

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Nope. We have a 3 WAY RACE. https://www.kennedy24.com/doyoubelieve

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Jul 20Edited

Presidents arent elected but chosen....

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Nice thumbnail, haha!

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Zionism is racism in the service of imperialism and Trump is 100% Zionist (Israel first).

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That's the sad truth. He simply will not say the name of Jesus.

On the lighter side of things, real Christians are finally ignoring the commands of their 'judeo-christian' false teachers are preaching to them and are witnessing to Jesus in Israel. I believe that is the only way that peace can come to the middle east.




How many years have Christians been misled and told that they should not proselytize to the 'jews?' And the 'jews' already have the Old Testament.

It must be very fertile ground for the Word.

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will they Christ the Jews; have you any idea what it means to be Christed; do you know of the Rites that come with the Ritual of Christing;

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Need to take into account one of his sons would be in line for President. It is going to take Donald , Don Jr and Barron Trump

To clean up

This mess these Luciferians have left across this planet !

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Reminds me of something I read from Etienne de la Boetie......

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Exactly! He broke promises the first time. Did he drain the swamp...no. Did he put Killary in jail...no and more. He did nothing for the Jan 6th people who supported him and are still in jail to this day. He was so very proud of his Operation Warpspeed, saying no one died. He's part of the DS swamp and will do the same if elected, maybe even get us into another big war as he and Vance are in complete support and control under Bibi. He'll do anything for $$$, is a narcissist with a big ego who only cares about himself. No longer voting in these elections. Very dangerous times we're living in.

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A President has to "go along". His own officials betrayed Trump (Rick Bright). He was in the billionaires club to begin with. No-one wants Israel annihilated. US chose not to secure Israel forever, and avoid endless war in Middle East, by helping to maintain UK bases in Aden (Yemen) and Suez, because US is not an "imperial" power.

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Right, they all have to go along. Anyone running for President are picked by the non-elected parasite elites before going to the polls. All wars are bankers wars. This keeps the DS Khazarian mafia in power. Our govt is criminal to the core. Many still need to wake up as they want to keep this criminal system going. This all needs to burn down and fast.

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Yes, the Senior Executive Service, seem to follow their own agenda, regardless of "here today gone tomorrow" politicians, and they all need to be sacked and/or made more accountable, they are a created elite. Trump was a bit out of the usual, in so far as being a Billionaire to begin with, and apart from campaign contributions, beholden to no one. Accurately counted elections would be good.

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Trump plans restore the republic. The civil war reconstruction still holds (war never ended). If it ends, all more recent "codes" (enforced by military occupation) will go away. That'll include presidency term.

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It's not illegal to have a 3 term president, it just isn't usually done.

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Obama is serving his 3rd term as we speak

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>>>> Executive Order 13848 will give some answers

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Executive Orders from the President of the U.S. Incorporated; Executive Orders from the President of Walmart; Executive Orders from the President of Palantir; are these not EOs from SOBs acting in their Titles and Positions;

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I don't know man, I simply don't see Trump separating the influence Israel has out of American politics

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American politics are run by Jews. You have Israel infiltrated into out government. Two kinds of Jews, research.

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Jeane Dixon told FDR he would die six months into his 4th term. She visited the white house 80 times and was close to Ronald Reagan and Nancy. It is speculated that Dixon told Pat and Richard about Trump becoming President; hence the letter from Nixon to Trump in which he writes that if Trump runs for president he will win. Look it up. I am not bullshitting you. Jean Dixon makes Dick Algire look like a stand in on the psychic hotline.

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I thought the Simpsons predict Ivanka will be President also. Maybe it’s her in 28

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Yep, that's the one I saw too. Simpsons said DJT 24, Ivanka 28.

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I never thought of that. You make a good point

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Interesting gut you've got there. Thinking outside the gut, I'd call that. I like that concept as a distinct possibility although either way, no matter who "wins" that election if there is one, those "admiralty court pirates" will have to be forcibly removed. I think we have a solid description of these pirates Clif has mentioned. I've heard them called "land pirates" but of course we are talking Khazarian Mafia. Trumps choice for VP is connected at the hip to that Mafia. Trump converting to Judaism isn't a good sign either. I hope you are right tho, that the people get out of their seats and make a cohesive organised move to purge the system. We the people is the only way it gets purged.

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Simpsons said Trump 2028 was a female, yes?

Simpsons also said DJT runs in 24.

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how would one unlodge a dry-docked ship off land jurisdiction; maybe the pirates ship is [H] ILLUSIONARY;

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Yep, just as real, ... as we strawmen in all caps..

Grand Illusion-Styx [Lyrics]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcGP0nXPQ70

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Sounds like you’re advocating for civil unrest

Imagine civil unity and Trump does such a great job

The people ask him to run for a third term.

But he’s a rule player, so he’ll probably have succession plans in place ….

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Lol, 'advocating civil unrest'.... from what I've been reading for the past 10 years we are going through the fourth turning and there will be some kind of crisis/'unrest' whether I advocate for it or not. Apparently 'we' will either go through an external conflict like world war two or a 'civil' war in which external 'players' will be brought in.

In my opinion, it would be preferable to go into a 'civil' war because Americans will be on their home turf. It's much better than sending 'our boys' to go fight in Europe and Asia. We haven't had a good-sized 'conflict' on the north American continent for what, almost 200 years? Let the left bring in the Chinese and the right bring in the Russians. Americans need to clean their house of the admiralty court pirates anyway; the 'father' of operation warp speed included.

'Civil unrest,' it sounds like some wordplay that 'his royal highness' Alex Lafayette would use lol

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I hope Bobby Kennedy wins. It's looking promising. https://www.kennedy24.com/doyoubelieve

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I felt that way last election, but after hearing all the dirt dug up on the guy from Dr. Shiva and reading all the stuff written about him https://vaccineimpact.com/2023/another-former-associate-with-jeffrey-epstein-files-to-run-for-u-s-president-in-2024/

My endorsement for president can only go to Dr. Shiva

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He won't take the high ground to defend the children of Gaza/Palestine. I'm not sure what that says completely.

Can he be so dense not to see the suffering? Has he got a suggestion for bringing peace he's going to 'surprise' us with? Is he a Zionist, or just afraid of Zionists?

Is he a hypocrite who raises money behind a title like "Children's Health Defense", but can turn his back on the children under threat of genocide? Could he possibly feel that some children are more worthy/better than others (racism)?

In other words -- Bobby Kennedy Jr. is now one of those household names we are supposed to feel familiar with -- but truly do NOT know.

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not a snowball's chance in hell

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A president can't change term limits by decree. The constitution has to be amended to change term limits. And changing the constitution is not easy or fast.

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Dude ain’t about to do shit, get used to your new neighbors. They ain’t going nowhere. Unless of course they themselves decide to leave. But Mexico don’t allow for illegal border crossing .

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ha ha ha; yeah; love it;

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dePORTation devices or specialists; regarding PORTs on land or Portals interdimensionally; based on which jurisdiction of which i.e., incorporated entity U.S. INC., or Citi-Zens of the CORPORATION or actual MASS forced march of men, women, and children; would you mind to clarify your LAN- Gu - Age;

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I don't know how they will do it, ... but my vote goes for deportation via giant catapult. lol

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Bakers dozen at a time - "You There, Group 35,683, In The Basket, CHK, CHK, NOW !!"

(Shitty 'bout the parachute shortage)

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wait until the [H] EL are/is here; then the MASS dePort[[E]als]ation will be seen and experienced;

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Look into Executive Order 14838 …

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Correction * EO 13848

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the drones are to target people like you- esp your background

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AND women

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Trump needs better makeup artists. How could they make his ear look like that without putting some ketchup on his right hand too? they may not have been secret service agents but they were still totally incompetent. Still, even if the secret service agents were actually amateur makeup personnel, Trump still doesn't need bodyguards.

The best defense is a good offense: " The plan to wait for ‘white hats’ in the government to save the nation was simply a trick to pacify the American warriors and convince them to stand on the sidelines to do nothing and be good for nothing. All battles are first won or lost in the mind. Wait for Trump to help you, and he’ll waste all his time on phony admiralty court cases to suck up patriot energy rooting for him to win. Then, while America’s distracted, the endless inflation of the money supply will drive the cost of living up like a rocket so Americans wind up in poverty, unable to put up any fighting resistance to save their lands from the predations of the cryptocracy. Why put trust in a ‘prince’ like Trump to help ‘save America’? He is merely a mortal and powerless to save anyone (Psalm 146 3). In fact, I would go as far to say that waiting for Trump to help save ‘us’ borders on sinning by omission. This game is not a spectator sport. Help yourself, and God will help you. Act, and God will act. Wait for Trump’s ‘help’ and you go to hell."


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Perhaps Trump used a squib. which burst open when he swatted his ear.

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Definitely another possibility.

The acting and special effects in the Trump 'assassination' left something to be desired, but that Iwo Jima fist pumping photo that was snapped with the flag behind him was a five star photo. At least they got that right.

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TOO perfect. So perfect as to be preplanned?

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It was pre planned. Of course looking at it that way, the gaffes become obvious, we can see that they left a lot to be desired in the makeup and acting department, and it becomes imperfect

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I agree; I saw that and thought "wow" -- what a great juxtaposition.

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If I see that photo one more time…

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Get off of the internet.. done..

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You know - I wonder if it isn’t so much the photo, although, I don’t know, something is just not right about it - well, not right about the entire incident - - or if it’s the juvenile fawning over it that cramps my stomach.

The early Beatles and other rock star fawning seems more appropriate….

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You've never been shot at. You don't know how it feels, let alone your reaction from the action.

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What does that have to do with whether or not a squib may have been used?

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Timing ..

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Yeah, I mentioned that idea of a squib on his ear, under his hat, to some friends this week, it’s a good possibility.

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his reaction was too authentic

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a nano squib;

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Your a Mindless, calcified pineal, dehydrated mitochondria moron.

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Copy 😂

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Lay off The Sauce.. done ..

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You first... 🥱

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I'm with you on that one...too many stupid people out there that need to be pounded down like the clowns they are...

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"Have gun will travel"

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heard; got my brass knuckles and paintball gun ready;

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Not real sure how effective those will be. lol

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Iron Eagles

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Make it happen. Understand also that the Israelis must ensure Clif's safety now as they have accepted that their guys cannot tweek or interpret the data. So now they listen in for free but would likely consider it appropriate to remove any distractions to Clif's work. Stalkers whether put in place with Israeli assistance or not will likely now be neutralized.

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heck yeah. Sign me up!

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Yeah Vets should take a look at Trump, he got a graze on his ear and the Doctor put a humongous facial wipe on there!!!..

A Vet would do a better job. Maybe a large animal Vet though!!

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Heck Ya!!

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Hi Cliff, so sorry to hear of attack mate, we are all behind ya, best wishes

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Oh, my god! Sorry to hear you've been assaulted!! Where are your body guards!! Thanks for you continuing communicating with us!! It's precious to us all.

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Oh shit Clif… how bad? Assaulted? For this to radically change the direction of your life sounds huge. The threats must have escalated. So sorry. Is your wife ok? Damn these fucking demons.

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Hey Clif!! I’m so sorry to hear what has transpired! You definitely don’t deserve to be attacked! I am sending you some protective energy and hopefully this surrounds you and gives you strength! Keep up the fight Sir. You are doing amazing and are so appreciated.🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️💐

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Heal up well. Horrible how unhinged people are. I can't believe someone would attack you.

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Dear Cliff---you definitely called it---with the attempted assassination this past week! You are amazing---actually brilliant!

On the other hand, I am so sorry to hear of your recent difficulties at the hands of people on the dark side. I respect that you may not share my faith, but as a Christian, I am praying to God in the name of Jesus Christ for your safety, healing, continued strength, and the peace that passes our human understanding. God bless you and your family always. You are loved by your audience!

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I would tend to disagree: Clif said that whatever was about to happen would have 13 times the release language (I think that is how he phrased it) of the events of 9/11. Not to dismiss or discount the significance of the event of the past week, but I think it pales in comparison to what happened on 9/11. Clif might still prove to be correct,—he said that his timing had a margin of error of a week or so—but so far nothing has happened that matches the magnitude of an event that he described. That aside, I am, of course, also sorry to hear of Clif's difficulties and hope that he is able to put them behind himself quickly.

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I think you misunderstood. The language was set for trump to have his brains blown out on live TV. That would have traumatized the nation. A visual that would be hard to unsee. As in 9-11 some would celebrate but most Americans would be upset and scared. I think world wide and lot of concern. World leaders worried about their own safety. Making us easier to control and manage and world leaders put back into submission to the new world order. Thing is there is free will, prayer, and the planets align … gods hand. I think America has been forgiven and this time we have to keep our word and clean up this mess we have let happen. A lot can happen still. Watch your back. Look what has happened to Clif. This country has a lot of work ahead. Teach each generation they have to work to keep this country. They will always be something or someone trying to take it. 🙏

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If that's your theory, then Clif High's prediction failed because that patently didn't happen--thereby disproving your argument.

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13. What a number. Almost seems like everything significant happens on the 13th

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T.H.E.Y. (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) make it happen on the 13th so that you beLIEve it is a bad number. Remember, it isn’t the number but the intent of what you are doing.

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Fantastic response

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Seriously? What about the world wide cyber attack? And who knows what next week holds. Let's see what your 401k looks like next week. It's always easy to see someone's IRS status is. You are a 1040.

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What about it? The world wide cyber attack wasn't many multiples more serious than what happened on 9/11. As for what happens next week, I already said that, "Clif might still prove to be correct,—he said that his timing had a margin of error of a week or so...," so I've accounted for whatever might come.

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Your opinion that it paled in comparison to 911 has no relevance to the release language levels . This is an ongoing event.

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Maybe it is, maybe it isn't; either way that's completely irrelevant because you are taking my comments out of context.

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It is you who have misinterpreted context. The context is a numerical comparison between two measured variables that coincide with two separate events. It's a comparative measurement,not an emotional opinion like the one you expressed.

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You certainly read with limited comprehension, don't you?

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I'm wondering if you can even read.

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Could it be that large language models were vastly different in 2001 to now? The data capture wound not even be similar to 2024.

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That is a possibility, but I'm giving Clif High the benefit of the doubt and assuming he would have some means of compensating for any temporal bias.

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Agreed. Americans look at everything from within their prism, but yet another American murder or attempted murder is going to have little emotional impact elsewhere in the world. With the IT collapse, I wondered, but then it has turned out to be expensive but trivial - and potentially a good warning to us. So nothing to shock the normies to their core. I wonder if Clif has set up his system to in some way only reflect American emotions.

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I don't think it is as much that as the fact that Trump survived with only a minor injury, and one that will likely heal completely. Three-thousand people died on 9/11, but I've heard reports that the actual number was over 7000. How can the wound on one person's ear be considered many times more significant than the death of thousands? People are making a big deal out of the attempted assassination because it just happened, while the collective memory of the events of 9/11 are rapidly fading. If, however, 9/11 also happened last weekend, I think it's pretty obvious which event would be of greater concern.

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I wonder. Would an obvious government assassination finally convince all the normies that 9/11 was also an inside job? And would they be as equally shocked or as 9/11 made them, ... or a few orders of magnitude more so? Or would they not be shocked at all at that point, but be 13 times more PISSED OFF ??

Yeah, it's pretty thin. lol

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I don't think an "obvious government assassination" would even convince all the normies that there had just been an obvious government assassination. After many years of trying to wake them from their respective comas, it seems that they all have to go through some kind of metamorphosis before doing so. Everybody does that on their own, bloody sweet time—unfortunately; so that might wake up a few, but for the majority it might just help the process along a bit. As for coming to a realization about 9/11 that would probably required a lot more cage rattling.

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That is likely the case. And as such we need to stop calling them "Normies" and just use the proper term, .... Zombies. lol

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So sorry to hear you were attacked. You make a difference. Take care and be safe.

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Thanks Cliff.

Take good care of yourself and be safe.

We love you....

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Hello Woo Crew. Keep your head on a Swivel, the chaos is only going to get worse. Love you all!

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Omgahd 😳You were Attacked?

Hey Universe.. what the heck!!

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He mentioned he fucked up his hands defending himself, so yeah, I'd say he was attacked.

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Rhetorical question!

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love it;

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So, how did a news reporter just happen to know in advance he would need to use a 1/8000 setting on his camera to capture the picture?

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I agree. Too many coincidences. Here's a strange one:

"In the UK, The Independent newspaper reported: “The man identified as the shooter who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump has been spotted in a television advertisement for BlackRock. In the ad filmed at Bethel Park School, Thomas Matthew Crooks can be seen in the middle of an economics class, watching the whiteboard.”"


Cui Bono? Who benefits? Donald Trump, a real-life Tom Sawyer pulling off a popularity stunt gimmick right in front of our faces. Too bad some people were sacrificed in the act. Guess it's not all fun and games

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Today’s deep thought; the V.P. Pick of J.D.Vance who was a hardcore Never Trumper was most likely brought to us by the CIA/5Eyes/Bohemian Grove Deep State. Check out the latest videos from “Really Graceful” and Whitney Webb for my original sources. He is the one who will usher in the Digital ID/1984 surveillance from Silicon Valley partnerships and he thinks that he is Lincoln from reincarnation. Therefore, he will shut down and imprison all alternative media outlets. This is really bad…just saying. Love you all!

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He was given $15M for his campaign by AI company PALENTIR, who makes spy surveillance that can use biometrics to ID, as they did with the shooter because he did not have ID on him (supposedly).

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Yeppers, and good old DOD/NASA/CIA poster boy Elon Musk just gave him $45 million dollars for his campaign…talk about money laundering.

“Trump says Elon Musk doesn’t even mention and hasn’t asked for anything in return for donating $45 million a month to his campaign; “other guys give you $2 and you have to take them to lunch.”

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Maybe they were not and are alive. I believe we have many crisis actors among us. J6 and other events have been caught using the same actors. They go as far a funerals and court trials to convict crisis actor cops etc. Little is as it appears in the world! They love fun and games. The Simpsons are one example of their fun! Sick SOBs.

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Donald Trump a real-life Tom Sawyer pulled off the stunt in collusion with the Deep State Secret Service, Jill Biden and team etc. All members of the same Club, answering to those behind the scenes. Theater for all the people, both factions.

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Hillary needed to see the brain vaporized in order ejaculate. The ejaculate was to be incorporated into a balsamic reduction which was to be served to King Charles on his deathbed. He needs this in order to descend to the next level of Hell where he collects bonus points.

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To catch a picture of the bullet.

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Very important that we find out the exact trajectory of the bullet in that photo. Was this really the bullet that grazed Trump or was it the bullet that hit the person on the stage behind Trump? Everybody is saying that a sharpshooter would have hit his mark, what if the mark wasn't Trump but somebody behind and to one side. The photo of the whizzing bullet and the photo of Trump with raised fist are both too good to be true if the photos were really and truly impromptu responses.

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🎯 🙌🏻

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Thank you for coming back and talking to us even after all the stalking ! I appreciate everything you do and hope you know that your talks have saved me from thinking I’m insane

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So sorry to hear you were assaulted, Clif. It’s always good to hear your information. Stay safe!

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In oz, I learned about it in the evening of the 14th & immediately thought of your forecast. Was waiting for the ufo 🛸 part, but the bullet perfectly explains it. Thanks uncle clif for all you do and the risks to self you take 🥰

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Thank you for your contribution to the freedom and future of humanity. May you and your family be protected and blessed beyond measure.

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