"Get it in your own possession." -- Bix Weir Do you have any junk dimes? We need more people with junk silver coins to get the constitutional money economy started. Also, having the smallest increment of silver, which is the 2g junk silver dime, gives a person a lot of leverage in a trade. If you have 4 or 5 dimes, you might get more out…
"Get it in your own possession." -- Bix Weir Do you have any junk dimes? We need more people with junk silver coins to get the constitutional money economy started. Also, having the smallest increment of silver, which is the 2g junk silver dime, gives a person a lot of leverage in a trade. If you have 4 or 5 dimes, you might get more out of them, than for a whole silver eagle (which weighs almost 16 dimes). It might be worth it to spend 2 ounces of silver to get 1 ounce of junk. That means somebody is going to be incentivized to make junk coinage (which is 10% copper for durability). Right now, you can buy government junk, but there isn't enough, really.
A few years ago when Venezuela was getting worked over by the usual crowd, I read a report from a Venezuelan who had returned to help his family. He commented that merchants including grocery stores in rural and urban areas were routinely transacting in gold dust which they weighed out on micro-gram scales. Unfortunately, we don't have any gold mines in our neighborhood. Nonetheless, my tool manic husband immediately bought a couple of college science class grade tenth gram triple beam scales on E-Bay. I thought they were for checking authenticity of coins, but he said they are not sensitive enough, He uses it for weighing out gunpowder and bread ingredients! He evaluates coins by their appearance, the year of issue, and in addition, the auditory signature
"Get it in your own possession." -- Bix Weir Do you have any junk dimes? We need more people with junk silver coins to get the constitutional money economy started. Also, having the smallest increment of silver, which is the 2g junk silver dime, gives a person a lot of leverage in a trade. If you have 4 or 5 dimes, you might get more out of them, than for a whole silver eagle (which weighs almost 16 dimes). It might be worth it to spend 2 ounces of silver to get 1 ounce of junk. That means somebody is going to be incentivized to make junk coinage (which is 10% copper for durability). Right now, you can buy government junk, but there isn't enough, really.
All the financial experts are saying to have physical gold and silver
A few years ago when Venezuela was getting worked over by the usual crowd, I read a report from a Venezuelan who had returned to help his family. He commented that merchants including grocery stores in rural and urban areas were routinely transacting in gold dust which they weighed out on micro-gram scales. Unfortunately, we don't have any gold mines in our neighborhood. Nonetheless, my tool manic husband immediately bought a couple of college science class grade tenth gram triple beam scales on E-Bay. I thought they were for checking authenticity of coins, but he said they are not sensitive enough, He uses it for weighing out gunpowder and bread ingredients! He evaluates coins by their appearance, the year of issue, and in addition, the auditory signature