Wait till word gets out on the paper gold and silver certificates that are nothing more than a criminal Ponzi scheme. Basically, the toilet paper is sold to 275 idiots per ounce. 275 people were sold 1 ounce certificates but there's only one physical ounce to cover paying it. Some say it's a derivative, truth says it's theft and the biggest ponzi scheme in the world. Once we eliminate this corruption all currencies can then go back to being physically backed by gold and silver which would need to be transparent and verifiable

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My rant this morning is about how the Soros foundation got away with 27 million dollars for prosecutors. I’m making some beer bets that it’s going to turn out to be a whole lot more money. I’m betting that he funded the pipeline protests and much more. Have a happy! Love you all!

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From what I’m hearing, WE funded via he, or HE via we.

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There could be a they/them somewhere in the chain of custody too, I suspect.

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Feb 10Edited
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Can you just stop posting the spam here. It has nothing to do with the subject of the podcast.

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and it's always a different named person, too. so annoying.

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wasn't it 270 million AND IF TRUE its much more because SOROS got funds from EU as well ... and who looks into the funding of 20 years 30 years ago?

finally it will be Billions

BECAUSE some actors simply join Open Society Foundation and cofund the Colour Revolution activities

ALL IN ALL its billions ....

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I listened to Joe Rogan and Bret Winestine and looked at the transcript, but I completely agree with you, it has to be a huge amount of money. There’s absolutely no reason for George Soros Foundation to get taxpayer money. Anyone who allows it needs to go to prison.

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My Dad said he finally took my advice and got into silver. His broker assures him that his (paper) silver is just as good, and more secure, than the eagles I have buried in the yard. SMH

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Sad, pathetic, tragic. I told my siblings 3 years ago it was time to hop on it. Only one bro listened.

I have a feeling they'll be forever pissed at me for "not trying harder" to tell them. Reminding me of what the 'jab' did to so many families.

smh, but mostly sigh. . . .

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Feb 11
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I have to give them credit on coming around (the hard way) on the Covid.

But yeah, it's been traumatic to say the least.

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"Get it in your own possession." -- Bix Weir Do you have any junk dimes? We need more people with junk silver coins to get the constitutional money economy started. Also, having the smallest increment of silver, which is the 2g junk silver dime, gives a person a lot of leverage in a trade. If you have 4 or 5 dimes, you might get more out of them, than for a whole silver eagle (which weighs almost 16 dimes). It might be worth it to spend 2 ounces of silver to get 1 ounce of junk. That means somebody is going to be incentivized to make junk coinage (which is 10% copper for durability). Right now, you can buy government junk, but there isn't enough, really.

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All the financial experts are saying to have physical gold and silver

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A few years ago when Venezuela was getting worked over by the usual crowd, I read a report from a Venezuelan who had returned to help his family. He commented that merchants including grocery stores in rural and urban areas were routinely transacting in gold dust which they weighed out on micro-gram scales. Unfortunately, we don't have any gold mines in our neighborhood. Nonetheless, my tool manic husband immediately bought a couple of college science class grade tenth gram triple beam scales on E-Bay. I thought they were for checking authenticity of coins, but he said they are not sensitive enough, He uses it for weighing out gunpowder and bread ingredients! He evaluates coins by their appearance, the year of issue, and in addition, the auditory signature

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Unless the SHTF

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Yes, we need both gold and silver as money per the constitution. We can't have constitutional government until we have constitutional money. But how are we going to value our fiat dollars? I'm going to value them very low, I can't speak for everyone else.

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If the fiat dollar becomes more worthless than toilet paper and lines the gutters of the city because they are worthless, I'll use my push broom to collect them all, ....... because my mortgage is payable in those worthless notes, ..... so they will HAVE TO take them and puke up my deed. lol

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Perhaps the plan is to price everyone out of home insurance (or make it completely unavailable), then foreclose on all the uninsured mortgages?

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Yes, I have thought that also. So devious of them, but probable. Makes the push broom even more valuable.

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Once the criminal Ponzi scheme of paper gold and silver certificates hits the fan watch the price of gold and silver go to where it should have been and really is in value

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I wonder how many different tools they have to suppress silver. Gold is at an amazing price already. To see silver actually float would be jaw-dropping. And I believe it would pull the Mexican Peso up with it.

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This is exactly my point because the silver and gold market is manipulated with the trade of paper certificates

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Similarly if you think you own stock but you don't have the certificate.

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Gold is hand is worth... gold in hand..

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I agree with you.

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Yes it would be a solid system, but do you really think that's going to happen ?

Wouldnt it be just as easy for the system to be carried right into digital money system ?

According to Katherine Austen Fitts, that system is already in place and ready to go, over 4 years ago.

" Say it isn't so " ...

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Catherine says CBDC will give the NWO complete control over us and is advocating to never let it happen

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Financial panopticonic technotronic enslavement & doom.

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Was that an AI response?

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i can't answer that right now - but here's something i found on the web (continues for 96pages in entry-level information-free goyslop ad nauseam..........

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Can you imagine what this cost?

1000s of locations.

Plus aircrafts

Plus gas

Plus chemicals.

How many years?

Plus plus.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's over trillions.

It was one of our biggest waists in life.

I am waiting for Doge to just mention it now.

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Chemtrails today for 1st time in a week.. Numbing us up for Super Bowl or false flag event. Entire sky is clouded over in Sacramento area yet there's not a real cloud to be seen. SOB's

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I noticed the government clouds today in Vallejo, and took a video of it.

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Yep. On steroids. My wife is the great, great granddaughter of Spaniard conquistador General Vallejo. He was the largest private landowner of Alta Baja/California til the Europeans/Sutter falesly imprisoned him and pillaged and stole his home and land.

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I'm on X asking that question several times a day! I'm sure it's billions and billions,...because it's not just here, someone is spewing that toxic crap all over the Planet! I think that RFK, if he finally get in will address them. Or at least I hope so. He has 2 gate keepers that work UNDER him,...but probably will control him. O'NEILL and FLICK. Wish him luck! It's going to be rough to get anything done with them there.

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Me too! Keep in in their feeds until they are required to address it somewhere somehow. Meanwhile still happening here in Oz too sadly.

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I agree and I want the Chem trails to end right now! Today! I am sick and tired of this garbage being sprayed on us.....on a lighter note....with no sunshine my solar generator does not work (smile) But I think that alot of the chem trail aircraft have to be drones. There are just too many of them. I know here in Asheville they criss cross the sky and Asheville is a nothing, small city! We are a nothing burger! And still this is happening. It has to be drones.

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Those thin long forever trails expand much better than they used to years ago.

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Yes have to be. Same here in Australia. Too many happening at once and too quickly

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My eyesight is good and I see the planes. They are perhaps 2-3 times as high in altitude to "normal" air traffic so hard to see but when you do you cannot unsee.

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That's a good observation and the reason they're so high is because your Zoom binoculars and telescopes can't quite get their plane ID for prosecution

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I think of them as the arseholes that be, culpable pilots no sympathy from me...

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Yeah and those f****** are spraying at night too I just noticed in the Moonlight

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Wrote my OK governor twice, got bs back. NO ACTION on his part. One of my friends say they are private planes, I don't really understand that, because they come out of a military base here. But, the CIA is a corporation with a Dunns number! Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News said we need to call it nano particulate trails instead of chem trails. I tried it both ways and got zero back from the governor. This stuff is killing everything including us. Trees are dying and suffering.... no trees no oxygen. Insect population has been damaged, everything. They just continue.

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They just won't stop here in Oklahoma. Last night the sun finally started peeking out...and all you could see was criss crosses all over the sky. Thanks for trying to contact the gov. They can all bug off!

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They blocked the sky, it was a full moon too. Wonder what they don't want us to see. Also, the probably doubled down on spraying beyond the clouds. If there is a dual purpose, ie. using nano for some military use. I have read that the aluminum blocks satellites from seeing what's down here. I'm not convinced. I think some really dark people have been doing a very large depopulation attempt. We have to weed out the evil ones.

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Yes, it's crazy. Ever since we had that fog for weeks...everyone is sick. Maybe they would've been sick anyways....but I feel it's manipulated. We did win the prize for the sickest state, or up in the top percentage, i heard from folks. I'm over it. Peace ✌️🤠🤠

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I'm observing them since the very early 90ies.

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I think Alcoa made a deal with the Devil to take their aluminum nanoparticle and spray it in the air versus the very very costly expense of burying it in the ground

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Hope everyone is staying warm! I’ve gone subzero for the first time in my life! I made it!🙌

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Coldest day of the year this morning in the Sacramento area at 30°. C Buuuuurrrrr! Where's my mama?

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That's nothing ..lol

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Indeed, nothing.

I remember a two week period of -40 to -60 with wind, snow, ice, all of that. Then one day the sun came out, not a cloud in the sky and I needed to fetch my scheduling binder from my work truck, so I ran out to get it and hopped through the show to the parking lot of my apartment wearing shorts, no shoes, no shirt, no gloves. It was nice and warm outside and it made me curious, so when I got back inside I turned on the Weather Channel to check the current temp, ..... 25 degrees. lol Yeah, nice warm day with everything going for it, .... except snow melt.

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Where is this -40° ?I thought you mentioned 30° being brr!. Recently where I live we had a week of -6 to- 10 every night. Tried to help a stray cat outside that no one could catch, and built a warm shelter for it ,insulated and with straw stuffed all up inside it . Feel bad for the animals in during these bad cold spells...

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This was in central Iowa about 30 years ago.

I ended up in Arizona about 20 years ago and become sissified to the cold where 30 degrees now feels chilly. But I can still take the cold far better than any locals.

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I understand that! My brothers in LA have become "sissified" after having grown up in the East and now living out their. 60° is jacket time for them lol

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Thank you Clif!!!

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ZOG - Zionist Occupied Governments - the scourg of once Democratic Christian Western Governments and ultimately the source of their demise.

Ukraine is a classic example but there have been many others in modern History. Until the World "wakes p" to the TALMUDIC WORLDVIEW powered by a sect controlled Funny Money Fed system the atrocities will continue for If one truly believes the Zionist/Jewish-dominated media, their fake news, and their constant barrage of “Holocaust” movies, one genuinely thinks that there’s only one group of people that everyone on earth hates: Jews. That’s how effective the brainwashing has been.

However, when one wakes up from the media’s induced stupor, one realizes that Zionist Jews are themselves the victimizers of the world who camouflage themselves as victims.

Bolshevik Revolution: The Jewish Bolsheviks, who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and bribed President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened. The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries. With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

World War On Terror: Zionist/Jewish neocons, in cahoots with their bought-and-paid-for politicians in the US government, perpetrated their act of terrorism on 9/11. Then they conveniently blamed it on Muslims so as to obtain a green light to destroy the Middle East using the armies of the US and NATO and the terrorist groups they finance, with the ultimate view to creating Greater Israel. So far, the death toll is over 3 million, including Christians.

World War 3: With Russia protecting Syria and Iran from Israel’s Machiavellian design, will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall?

Conclusion: It’s a shame that Jews who stand up to Zionism form a minority. The well-financed and extremely powerful Zionist movement, revved up by a foul and racist ideology, drowns out their voices.

Zionist Jews of all stripes – secular, religious, political – have no concept of God’s commandment to love thy neighbour. Instead, the anti-Christ spirit of hate thy neighbour permeates their souls with a sulfuric stench, while Israel remains the undiluted expression of said diseased spirit – a scourge, a cancer that needs to be dealt with.

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The Albert Pike Letter. Yup. All planned out before hand!

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Feb 10Edited

It appears that you've done your homework on this one. As far as I'm aware, you've pretty well nailed it.

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When I explain things in regard to Israel, my mind controlled Christian friends really get upset about not supporting Israel. They have mind controlled almost everyone with this repeated narrative of protecting Israel all of my life. We need the rest of the story explained to them, but they have to open their mind to actually hear it. So far, they don't want to hear it.

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Always refer to Israhell as The Pharisees.

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I sincerely hope murderous Netanyahu does not live to see Gaza ethnically cleansed. He should not have his long-held repulsive wish granted.

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Yes, I will start doing that. Thank you.

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Mary- The point of creating "Christianity" in the first place. Instead of an invasion of land, they went with an invasion of the mind.

Worked very, very well.

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You are absolutely right.

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I saw a comic drawing of one trying to swipe his holocaust card through the ATM. The machine screen said "Out of Holocaust Fucks"

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Thanks for this post. I have copied it for re reading later. Keep up the good work.

This the underlying problem Clif talks about. It would not be surprising if the space aliens are on the shekel payroll.

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I’m waiting to see congress in the hallways getting sick.

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Me too ! As per the remote viewer's session.

I really hope we get to see that happen.

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We will....

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I would also be gratified if that should come to fruition.

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You can have your son stand guard to make sure they don't flee the building!

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Hola humanos

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No need to apologize about doggies. ❤️

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Thank you Clif, super interesting and to be honest, for me, I can't wait to get all this out so we can rebuild...Be well!

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Loved the Dogs!

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Me too!

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Thank's Clif!🙏❤️🔥🇮🇱

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Slurp? No, woof!

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He was clearly heading into the Woof. 🤣

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The Federal Reserve is just another part of the machine that will be audited, though they planned ahead and cleaned up most of their dirty laundry during their own separate bankruptcy back in 2009. That action guarantees that the people of this country won't get to see all the skullduggery the FED pulled prior to that; it won't be addressed as part of this bankruptcy, because it was already addressed in the prior FED bankruptcy.

You never heard about that, either, did you? The fact is that there have been many such bankruptcies over the past 160 years and the Perpetrators always try to keep it secret from the American People, who are studiously kept in the dark by all these "Presidents" of foreign corporations merely named after our Union of sovereign nation-states and our Federation of States of the Union.

Auditing the FED will be comparatively disappointing, as they have already done their house cleaning after the Big Short on Wall Street in 2007. That doesn't mean the FED is clean; far from it. What it means is that the FED is smarter than the average rat and already cleaned their books and shredded their most damning records more than a decade ago.

Too bad for them that, as explained in our book, "Blood Money", they have been engaged in a system that is criminal by definition, and which depends upon both peonage and slavery.

Today, Americans and other people throughout the world have a choice. You can continue to trust your lives and wealth and welfare to these crooks, or you can come home and take the responsibility for running your own country. If listening to the endless reports of gross financial crimes is already making you sick to your stomach, you have a choice. You don't have to pay for it or put up with this anymore.

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The Federal Reserve Bank is a PRIVATE banking institute and is not subject to audits from the Federal Government....or any government. That is the whole problem. The only solution is to throw them out and we print our own money.....because they will not be audited.....no accountability.

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To States the crimes are actionable.

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Most ignoramouses think the Rothchilds Fed Reserve is ours? Silly rabbits

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Very refreshing to see someone has gotten it right after all. Thank you for your knowledge and Truth bombs

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Wasn't that BK when US changed to a British owned corporation? That BK was geared like a chapter 11 and our Fed taxes imposed upon us would pay the banksters bailout back? Nope, history books missed that little tidbit also.

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Hold on to yourself everyone keep in the zen zone we will get through this

Sending much love and gratitude for guidance from Cliff Many ❤️ blessings

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Best comment Veronica IMO of the day

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The mass culling of people in a planned World Genocide via toxic adulteration of water and food, weaponised microwave radiation, weaponised “Chemtrails,” Plannedemic PsyOps, release of weaponised man-made viruses, mandatory, toxic vaccination programmes, civil and race wars, culminating in the planned Third World War.Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a technologically sophisticated Global Bolshevik Zionist State: the Dark Synergy of Communitarianism and Technocracy. The World Technate and integrated "Smart City" infrastructure characterised by World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Digital Currency and a world micro-chipped population.In short, to kill 90% of the world's population via "The Great Reset," and to control all aspects of the human condition: to rule everyone, everywhere, and absolutely, from the cradle to the grave. The COVID-19 Plannedemic fundamentally changed the world, and the world you once knew no longer exists. The Great War for Human Freedom has begun, and the final battle of Good versus Evil is underway, We live in perilous times, and the Darkest Period in Human History is upon us.

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Bleak......very bleak. Little bit too much truth to chew on.......sure could do with some truly Benevolant Spacebrothers round about now, by which i mean yesterday.

Planet Hopium, probably.......

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I don't doubt for a second that 2025 is going to be no less absurd, insane, unjust, and bizarre as the proceeding years.

People will be people.

The vast majority of people will not lift their heads, but rather gaze bleary-eyed downcast wanting to be led, seeking comfort in their mind prison where they don't need to think or take responsibility, trading freedom for perceived safety, relinquishing in reality both.

They will blindly follow authority, whether the government or a celebrity. Anyone as long as it isn't them.

There will be a small organised cabal that will continue preying on humanity, especially the weak, profiting from their misery and despair. They will tell the rest of us that we aren’t smart enough to make decisions, that we need to buy their products to feel happiness, that we are a parasite on earth. They will tell you that we are flawed and imperfect.

But despite their wealth and power, they do not understand true love and happiness. They sacrificed heaven for their base selfish desires.

They may have won materially, but spiritually, they have lost.

There will be a growing number of us who are questioning why the world is the way that it is. Wondering why things don't make sense and why life is unnecessarily hard.

A niggle at the back of their head gnawing away at years of propaganda and indoctrination. In front of them lies a path to awakening and liberating their mind.

It is a path that is both exciting and scary. They may get lost in despair or find Enlightenment.

A small number of people realising the depth of lies and deception that they have been told since birth and having their worldview shattered will see nothing but darkness and be overwhelmed by helplessness and hopelessness. Do not give in to the darkness. An even smaller number will realise that this existence, our life on this planet is but a small part of our eternal soul's journey. That we are all on trial, that every hardship and difficulty is an opportunity. To learn and grow. This group is stoic without even knowing. Focusing on what they can change and control. Accepting and letting go of what they can’t change. Cultivating virtues like wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. This group, despite all the madness in the world, will be the most happiest. God is within us as is heaven. We are our own saviours and leaders. When most of humanity reaches this point, we will break free from this perpetual cycle of madness we have been locked in for millenai.

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Who will be the first to cast a stone at poor HuggyBear? Or better yet, give them a big bear hug?

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Where's Fulfords Hopeporn when we need it the most!!!!! I know he's nuts

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Yes, hail the great Fulford! Or, maybe not so much!

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He'll be glad to know I quit using our microwave. It will slowly kill you

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Returning to The Common Law would be, in my view, the best route back to something that ACTUALLY makes sense.

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We already have a return, in the Chevron deference case...Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, I think. We have ALL we need, except for ACTION.

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Our words and even thoughts help as they ride frequency waves through the collective aethers

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As an aside, I have seen some effort to use the UCC as a route.....generally, the UCC is an instrument for problem-solving, for avoiding litigation, as it were, in the normal course of business....I have read in a number of places that contract law is likely the best route back to common law....tending to agree. If it's all about clear consent of parties and actionable injury, then k law may be a doorway.....start with mortgages.

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Yeah, I refer to mtges as "deeds of Bounty" don't believe me? Just skip a few payments and you'll realize the bounty hunters are coming for you

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Hmmm, that's almost unkind. But I get it.

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Residential Mortgage originator for 40 years. A corrupt system.

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