Clif, thank you for reposting the articles. I sat here a long time trying to decide whether or not to post this strangeness. I have a male GSD dog. A big guy. I let him out usually at 1 am before bed. The other night I went to call him in and he was running around the yard acting like a Cowboys cutting horse working cattle. Running stopping short , spinning and pivoting tearing off in another direction and I could see nothing that he was chasing, but he was chasing several things. I used to only worry about the local skunk, now I have to worry about the space aliens " playing" with my dog. Really freaky here at the Jersey Shore
OMG Can’t believe I just read this. I’m in NW NJ woods and have four vizslas, They have been going CRAZY at night in sync with the drone sightings. To be sure, my dogs habitually sound the alarm at every squirrel, deer, or bird, but this behavior of late is quite different. And yes, at night. And in the direction toward where the drones have been recently spotted (Delaware River).
They’ll all be sleeping and then Seemingly out of nowhere one will make the Alert! All Paws On Deck! bark. And then all four dart to the door. I swear they’d jump thru the glass if I didn’t let them out. Then they bolt thru the yard to the woods barking barking barking toward the river but…every time… there’s nothing. Except maybe a faint odd light or two or three or a dozen twinkling in the near-yet-distant sky.
The older two return fairly quickly; the younger two are more persistent in chasing the phantoms.
But I laughed when I heard Pentagon officials say they can’t be detected. I’m like: FFS! MY BIRD DOGS CAN DETECT THEM!!! On one-zillionth of the budget!
When you start adding up the columns and you have the these all coming at the same time, it really makes you wonder................... There are 4 separate items here..............
Here's an obummer video very short
Obama’s 2010 Cryptic Speech Linking Predator Drones & War on Christmas #Obama #drones
Here is the sigil of Lucifer with 5 portals being opened on Christmas Eve
BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS VIDEO, PRAY!! This is what the Vaticans actually doing!!
And another:
A few verses from a Weird Al song - go look it up for yourself:
It's Christmas at ground zero
There's music in the air
The sleigh bells are ringing, and the carolers are singing
I’m in NY, Westchester County and my wife the other night spotted something, it was in the distance. I thought it was a star, but then it started moving. Then it started getting bigger. Then it just took off to the right at like triple speed. Did not look like a plane. I think this weekend I’m going to take out the telescope I got last year and really start looking.
Jesus, how much did you make? I was thinking of dumping 20 grand into it at 20,000. I wish I did. I eventually put in 10 at 40,000 and sold at 65000. I made a nice profit, literally almost doubled my money. It happened fast too. Too bad I didn’t jump on this last turn. Now that Trump is Pres, I feel like the market price will level out somewhere and it will stagnate there for a long time.
I was talking to a colleague the other day and mentioned that I thought this whole situation was deliberately building up towards an undeniable event like a landing or appearance at a packed sporting event such as a football stadium. Yesterday, we were told that the authorities have been talking to the NFL about the drone situation. How very interesting.
When you start adding up the columns and you have the these all coming at the same time, it really makes you wonder................... There are 4 separate items here..............
The simplest explanation is usually the right one so here we go. First lets set some pretext here NY, NJ, PA and CA are homes to some of the LARGEST military contractors in the US. Next, these ARENT space aliens in the sense of ET's. Yes they are in our space , and yes they are alien to us, but they are NOT ET's. 80% of what has been seen are indeed legit aircraft. People zooming in on these objects are purposely distorting them for ego clicks and likes...yeah 40x40 foot drone my ass. What happens when you zoom in on something? It photographically looks bigger- ask any porn star.
We have seen congressional monkey show after monkey show (I miss lancelot chimp) starting with the first congressional hearing over the first assassination attempt on trump (probably before that but this is a sufficient marker to make my point).
Fay Wray gets up in front of congress and says , but we need more funding to investigate this thoroughly. A year before, The FBI gets funding for a new headquarters. Where did this funding come from? Why the National Defense Authorization Act naturally.
Now comes the goofballs from the FBI again being asked about drones. This is so fuckin silly its obvious. What does the FBI know about drones? NOTHING. What is the role of the FBI? to be enforcers of the federal law. what do they actually do? They manage crime.
Now, moving on. What did Stinky Blinken come out and say publicly? "We vow to drain the US of every single dollar at our disposal in defense of Urkaine." What has Ukraine been doing with drones? They're really building some really fascinating shit over there.
Ukraine has become the test bed for heinous shit.
What all this leads back to is an Oliver Twist story with the kids running up with their tincups to say "Sir, may I have some more?" (Money to launder). Is it a stretch to say that one of the Military contractors in Jersey just happens to be making VTOL drones in conjunction with Darpa? Nope. Which BTW is where this horseshit came from about Irans mother ship. Yes Iran does have them, but what advantage is there to them being here so overtly? Why does satellite imagery show those 2 boats silently parked at shore in iran at the time of these sightings? Did they bend the laws of space and time and teleport here overnight? Is it a stretch for some shit bag in our government to make a phone call to one of these contractors and say "Hey Billy, wanna scare the shit out of the sheep for a 2.3 billion dollar contract next year?"
And FINALLY, if you've made it this far, what's up for a vote in congress soon? THE NDAA. So what is going on here is they are setting up the pretext to ask for MORE money for 3 letter (and 4 and 5 letter agencies 2 of which have everything to do with space). Go look at DARPA's ANCILLARY program. See how stupidly obvious this is? They think WE are stupid.
Just got through watching a few hours of live stream from a New Jersey beach cam. I saw some really crazy stuff on the live stream. Drones flew from different angles in to basically center screen all while flashing lights. Then as they got to center screen where there was a long band of clouds. A few of them lit up into a ball of light with what looked like sparklers around the edges of the ball. The flashing lights gone as the sparkling ball of light moved off screen. My guess.. the drones were viewed as a nuisance to the cloaked mothership. They were neutralized and sent on their way.
Here is the link to the Beach Cam. Tune in tomorrow around 6pm EST.
Update: I watched the live stream off and on again last night but did not see as much activity as I did the night before. I'm dropping this link from ' Beyond the Veil Unveiled' this guy has posted several videos of the beach cam live stream for the past couple of days. Go to 4:53:00/10.42:46 to see the drone light up and sparkle. Can anyone tell WTF happened here? This happened several times during the live stream.
Clif, thank you for reposting the articles. I sat here a long time trying to decide whether or not to post this strangeness. I have a male GSD dog. A big guy. I let him out usually at 1 am before bed. The other night I went to call him in and he was running around the yard acting like a Cowboys cutting horse working cattle. Running stopping short , spinning and pivoting tearing off in another direction and I could see nothing that he was chasing, but he was chasing several things. I used to only worry about the local skunk, now I have to worry about the space aliens " playing" with my dog. Really freaky here at the Jersey Shore
OMG Can’t believe I just read this. I’m in NW NJ woods and have four vizslas, They have been going CRAZY at night in sync with the drone sightings. To be sure, my dogs habitually sound the alarm at every squirrel, deer, or bird, but this behavior of late is quite different. And yes, at night. And in the direction toward where the drones have been recently spotted (Delaware River).
They’ll all be sleeping and then Seemingly out of nowhere one will make the Alert! All Paws On Deck! bark. And then all four dart to the door. I swear they’d jump thru the glass if I didn’t let them out. Then they bolt thru the yard to the woods barking barking barking toward the river but…every time… there’s nothing. Except maybe a faint odd light or two or three or a dozen twinkling in the near-yet-distant sky.
The older two return fairly quickly; the younger two are more persistent in chasing the phantoms.
But I laughed when I heard Pentagon officials say they can’t be detected. I’m like: FFS! MY BIRD DOGS CAN DETECT THEM!!! On one-zillionth of the budget!
When you start adding up the columns and you have the these all coming at the same time, it really makes you wonder................... There are 4 separate items here..............
Here's an obummer video very short
Obama’s 2010 Cryptic Speech Linking Predator Drones & War on Christmas #Obama #drones
Here is the sigil of Lucifer with 5 portals being opened on Christmas Eve
BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS VIDEO, PRAY!! This is what the Vaticans actually doing!!
And another:
A few verses from a Weird Al song - go look it up for yourself:
It's Christmas at ground zero
There's music in the air
The sleigh bells are ringing, and the carolers are singing
While the air-raid sirens blare
It's Christmas at ground zero
The button has been pressed
The radio just let us know
That this is not a test
Everywhere the atom bombs are dropping
It's the end of all humanity
No more time for last-minute shopping
It's time to face your final destiny
It's Christmas at ground zero
There's panic in the crowd
We can dodge debris while we trim the tree
Underneath the mushroom cloud
opps, links didn't work
Clif you were so right about everything! It’s getting nutty out there ! I’m here in Washington waiting to see something but it’s too cloudy ⛅️
Ty clif . Thinking of you an the Mrs . All these years awesome journey
I’m in NY, Westchester County and my wife the other night spotted something, it was in the distance. I thought it was a star, but then it started moving. Then it started getting bigger. Then it just took off to the right at like triple speed. Did not look like a plane. I think this weekend I’m going to take out the telescope I got last year and really start looking.
Finally first!
Congratulations Gerry for that coveted 1st comment award 🏆
You deserve it!
woo hoo;
It has been an amazing journey over these last 25+ years.
Thank you for waking me up to bitcoin VERY early.
Thank you for your fearless analysis through the years when everyone else thought we were crazy.
Thank you for giving your reports out for free with a simple email request when times were hard for me.
Thank you for your early guidance on Covid.
Thank you for making our current reality understandable.
Thanks most of all to "universe" for letting me participate in this journey. "Universe will provide"
Sci-Fi world here we come....either in this life or the you have always said....It is an amazing time to be alive.
Jesus, how much did you make? I was thinking of dumping 20 grand into it at 20,000. I wish I did. I eventually put in 10 at 40,000 and sold at 65000. I made a nice profit, literally almost doubled my money. It happened fast too. Too bad I didn’t jump on this last turn. Now that Trump is Pres, I feel like the market price will level out somewhere and it will stagnate there for a long time.
I was talking to a colleague the other day and mentioned that I thought this whole situation was deliberately building up towards an undeniable event like a landing or appearance at a packed sporting event such as a football stadium. Yesterday, we were told that the authorities have been talking to the NFL about the drone situation. How very interesting.
When you start adding up the columns and you have the these all coming at the same time, it really makes you wonder................... There are 4 separate items here..............
Here's an obummer video very short
Here is the sigil of Lucifer with 5 portals being opened on Christmas Eve
A few verses from a Weird Al song - go look it up for yourself:
It's Christmas at ground zero
There's music in the air
The sleigh bells are ringing, and the carolers are singing
While the air-raid sirens blare
It's Christmas at ground zero
The button has been pressed
The radio just let us know
That this is not a test
Everywhere the atom bombs are dropping
It's the end of all humanity
No more time for last-minute shopping
It's time to face your final destiny
It's Christmas at ground zero
There's panic in the crowd
We can dodge debris while we trim the tree
Underneath the mushroom cloud
The simplest explanation is usually the right one so here we go. First lets set some pretext here NY, NJ, PA and CA are homes to some of the LARGEST military contractors in the US. Next, these ARENT space aliens in the sense of ET's. Yes they are in our space , and yes they are alien to us, but they are NOT ET's. 80% of what has been seen are indeed legit aircraft. People zooming in on these objects are purposely distorting them for ego clicks and likes...yeah 40x40 foot drone my ass. What happens when you zoom in on something? It photographically looks bigger- ask any porn star.
We have seen congressional monkey show after monkey show (I miss lancelot chimp) starting with the first congressional hearing over the first assassination attempt on trump (probably before that but this is a sufficient marker to make my point).
Fay Wray gets up in front of congress and says , but we need more funding to investigate this thoroughly. A year before, The FBI gets funding for a new headquarters. Where did this funding come from? Why the National Defense Authorization Act naturally.
Now comes the goofballs from the FBI again being asked about drones. This is so fuckin silly its obvious. What does the FBI know about drones? NOTHING. What is the role of the FBI? to be enforcers of the federal law. what do they actually do? They manage crime.
Now, moving on. What did Stinky Blinken come out and say publicly? "We vow to drain the US of every single dollar at our disposal in defense of Urkaine." What has Ukraine been doing with drones? They're really building some really fascinating shit over there.
Ukraine has become the test bed for heinous shit.
What all this leads back to is an Oliver Twist story with the kids running up with their tincups to say "Sir, may I have some more?" (Money to launder). Is it a stretch to say that one of the Military contractors in Jersey just happens to be making VTOL drones in conjunction with Darpa? Nope. Which BTW is where this horseshit came from about Irans mother ship. Yes Iran does have them, but what advantage is there to them being here so overtly? Why does satellite imagery show those 2 boats silently parked at shore in iran at the time of these sightings? Did they bend the laws of space and time and teleport here overnight? Is it a stretch for some shit bag in our government to make a phone call to one of these contractors and say "Hey Billy, wanna scare the shit out of the sheep for a 2.3 billion dollar contract next year?"
And FINALLY, if you've made it this far, what's up for a vote in congress soon? THE NDAA. So what is going on here is they are setting up the pretext to ask for MORE money for 3 letter (and 4 and 5 letter agencies 2 of which have everything to do with space). Go look at DARPA's ANCILLARY program. See how stupidly obvious this is? They think WE are stupid.
Dang! We're missing all the fun out here in West Texas. Guess I'll just get out the night vision goggles and see what's going on with them.
This is so awesome to watch it playing out as predicted!
Hello, Yogi. Good call. There’s a potentially disconcerting amount of Woo happening so it’s good to keep at least one foot grounded. 🖖
There is going to be lots of manmade phenomenon out there, don’t let your eyes deceive you.
Yeah, .... if there are real UFO's out there right now, ..... they are fucking laughing at the drones. hahahaha.
Man made but stolen from ET
I follow my intuition first, then my reasoning follows. And I don’t digest MSM, the taste went stale a long time ago. 😉
Thanks CLIF!
strange days have fount us...
Thanks for the flashback.
Just got through watching a few hours of live stream from a New Jersey beach cam. I saw some really crazy stuff on the live stream. Drones flew from different angles in to basically center screen all while flashing lights. Then as they got to center screen where there was a long band of clouds. A few of them lit up into a ball of light with what looked like sparklers around the edges of the ball. The flashing lights gone as the sparkling ball of light moved off screen. My guess.. the drones were viewed as a nuisance to the cloaked mothership. They were neutralized and sent on their way.
Here is the link to the Beach Cam. Tune in tomorrow around 6pm EST.
Update: I watched the live stream off and on again last night but did not see as much activity as I did the night before. I'm dropping this link from ' Beyond the Veil Unveiled' this guy has posted several videos of the beach cam live stream for the past couple of days. Go to 4:53:00/10.42:46 to see the drone light up and sparkle. Can anyone tell WTF happened here? This happened several times during the live stream.
Description made me think of Pink Floyd laser light show at the observatory in LA.
Dude i like this form better ty!
Thank you < Senpai'